A autora reflete sobre a problemática edípica no plano pessoal e no plano arquetípico. Discute ser essa problemática bifásica, ou seja, não só a ser enfrentada na infância, mas também na vida adulta. Discorre sobre os papéis a serem desenvolvidos, no curso normal, pelo(a) filho(a), pai e mãe. Discute os desvios nesse desenvolvimento descrevendo aí a síndrome de retificação do triângulo. Aborda a problemática edípica como sendo uma vivência não restrita somente à família, mas que se estende para outras instituições e a família psicológica.
The author reflects on the Oedipal experience at both the personal and archetypal levels. She explores how this issue unfolds in two phases: not only during childhood, but also in adulthood. In examining the developmental roles of the child, father, and mother, she outlines their expected progression in a normal course. Additionally, she analyzes deviations from this normal development, detailing a condition she terms the triangle rectification syndrome. The author further expands the scope of the Oedipal experience, arguing that it transcends the family unit and influences other social institutions and the concept of the psychological family.
Jungian Theory , Anxiety, Castration , Oedipus ComplexABSTRACT
Objective:To describe the characteristics and analyze risk factors for surgical items count near-miss errors stemming from the self-incident reports of staff nurses from operating room, to reduce the risk of counting surgical items and prevent the occurrence of the relative adverse events.Methods:This was a retrospective study. Used the self-made checklist to retrospect the surgical items count errors, relative characteristics and reasons from the operating room nurses of Department of Anesthesiology, Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University reported from January 2017 to December 2021. Grey Relational Analysis was used to analyze and identify the risk elements.Results:A total of 98 surgical items count near-miss errors were reported by nurses.The unclear items were mainly classified into 6 categories, of which 52.04% (51/98) were disposable surgical items, 24.49% (24/98) were fine parts of surgical instruments, 14.28% (14/98) were implants, 5.10% (5/98) were electrosurgical instruments, 3.06% (3/98) were power systems, and 1.02% (1/98) were medical lasers; the disposable surgical items were the highest risk of surgical items count near-miss errors (non-standard behaviors of surgeons ξ 1=0.333); among the 9 risk factors, non-standard behaviors of surgeons ( r1 = 0.673), instrument nurses improper operation ( r4 = 0.691) and surgeons errors ( r2 = 0.693) were the most important influence factors. Conclusions:Analyzing the possible system risk factors resulting from the near-miss error could be a useful method for nurses to generate hierarchical risk-control strategies and improve surgical items count safety for patients. This com prerent the occurrence of adverse events.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the application of antibiotics in 18 community health service centers in Shanghai Chongming district, and to further strengthen rational use of antibiotics. METHODS: By retrospective analysis, statistical analysis was made on the monitoring data of antibiotic use and 21 600 prescriptions reported by 18 community health service centers in Chongming district of Shanghai from Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2018 in respect of antibiotics use, top 5 antibiotics in the list of DDDs, prescription analysis, etc. RESULTS: From 2016 to 2018, the average annual total income of medical treatment, drugs and antibiotics of 18 community health service centers in Chongming district of Shanghai were 490 499 000 yuan, 427 231 500 yuan and 41 602 900 yuan respectively. Annual average incomes of outpatient and inpatient antibiotics were 35 435 700 and 6 262 100 yuan. Annual consumption amount of antibiotics were 2 129 627.71 and 70 829.51 DDD. The proportion of antibiotics was 9.76%. Annual antibiotics use density (AUD) was 29.41 DDD. Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) was negative for antibiotics ratio (-3.27%), outpatient antibiotics consumption amount (-18.40%), antibiotics consumption amount for outpatient per time (-17.83%), inpatient antibiotics consumption amourt (-1.25%) and AUD (-0.98%). The dosage form of top 5 antibiotics in the list of DDDs within 3 years were oral preparation, among which cefuroxime, cefaclor, levofloxacin and cefpropene were all ranked in the top five in three years. In 21 600 prescriptions, average number of drug per prescriptions was 1.99, the average amount of prescription was 120 yuan, and the number of antibiotics types used accounted for 8.24% of total drug types; 15.43% of the prescriptions used antibiotics, the average amount of the prescriptions containing antibiotics was 114.46 yuan, and the total amount of antibiotics accounted for 8.24% of the total amount of the prescriptions. CONCLUSIONS: The rational use of antibiotics in Chongming community health service center has been continuously improved, and can provide reference for drug management of primary hospitals.
By introducing the unqualified cases of radiation emission test of medical laser equipment, this paper analyses the causes of the problems and the corrective measures adopted, and analyses the effectiveness of the corrective measures. It is proposed that the design rules and rules related to radiation emission should be mastered from the input stage of product design and development, and the radiation emission problem should be considered and solved as soon as possible.
Equipment Design , Laser Therapy , Lasers , LightABSTRACT
Resumen El presente artículo es resultado de la investigación "Pulsión de muerte y actos delictivos en un grupo de internos del INPEC - Pasto". El objetivo de la investigación fue comprender la pulsión de muerte en los actos violentos presentes en un grupo de internos de la Cárcel Judicial de Pasto, que permitiera el diseño de una propuesta de intervención con la población seleccionada. Se realizó la reflexión de tres categorías: acontecimientos, la repetición y la rectificación subjetiva; desde un paradigma cualitativo, con enfoque hermenéutico y método etnográfico acudiendo como instrumentos de recolección: entrevista semi-estructurada, historia de vida y grupo focal. El estudio permite afirmar que, a pesar que en la mayoría de internos, no se presentan niveles altos de conducta antisocial, los porcentajes de internos que si presentan estos niveles no deben ser despreciados, puesto que esto implica una tendencia a la comisión de estas conductas durante su ciclo vital.
Abstract This paper is the result of the research "Death drive and criminal acts in a group of inmates of INPEC - Pasto", completed in 2017, with the collaboration of the Mariana University and the inmates and officials of the National Penitentiary Institute and INPEC Prison - Pasto. The investigation was guided by the general objective of understanding the death drive in violent acts of a group of inmates of the Pasto Prison, which allowed for the design of an intervention proposal with the selected population. The specific objectives of the study were directed towards exhaustive reflection on three important categories: events, the unconscious mechanism of repetition and the process of subjective rectification; from a qualitative paradigm, with a hermeneutical approach and an ethnographic method as collecting instruments: the semi-structured interview, the life history, and the focus group. The study allows to affirm that, although in most inmates there are no high levels of antisocial behavior, the percentages of inmates who do present these levels should not be disregarded, since this implies a tendency to commit these behaviors during its life cycle.
Nanopore / nanochannel sensing technique drawing more attention in analytical chemistry due to its unique advantages and the fabricated electrochemical sensors and electrochemical responsive gates have been widely used for more target detection, including single molecule protein and DNA sequencing. Nanopore /nanochannel that used for fabricating electrochemical detection system is mainly divided into biological nanopore and solid state nanopore, and among them, solid state nanopore / nanochannel has a wide range of application due to its inherent properties, such as easy for modification, good mechanical property and stability. Resistive pulse sensing and current-voltage curves (ion current rectification) are two main methods of nanopore / nanochannel sensing technique used for target analysis, so in this review, we introduced the fundamentals and applications of nanopore sensing technique based on the above two methods. In addition, we concluded the application and development of single state nanopore / nanochannel in recent years, and also gave a brief look at the future challenges and prospects in the development of this field.
Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of kinetic rectification acupuncture in treating acute facial neuritis. Method Sixty patients with acute facial neuritis were randomized to observation and control groups. The observation group received kinetic rectification acupuncture and the control group, conventional acupuncture alone. Acupuncture was given five times a week, five times as one course. The therapeutic effects were evaluated after three courses of treatment. Result The total efficacy rate was 93.3% in the observation group and 73.3% in the control group; there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). The latencies and amplitudes of the frontal muscle, orbicularis oculi muscle and quadrate muscle of upper lip improved in the two groups after treatment and had statistically significant pre-/post-treatment differences (P < 0.01). There were statistically significant differences in the pre-/post-treatment difference values of the latencies and amplitudes of the frontal muscle and orbicularis oculi muscle (P<0.01) and no statistically significant difference in the pre-/post-treatment difference values of the latency and amplitude of the quadrate muscle of upper lip (P>0.05) between the two groups. Conclusion Kinetic rectification acupuncture has a marked therapeutic effect on acute facial neuritis. This study provides a particular therapeutic method for clinical practice.
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the improvement and rectification effects about prescription checking and intervention skills of pharmacists. METHODS:By retrospective investigation,2417 outpatient prescriptions and 1698 outpatient prescriptions were respectively selected from some one hospital during Oct.-Dec. 2015 (before improvement and rectification) and Jan.-Mar. 2016 (after improvement and rectification). According to standards,guidelines and references as Prescription Administrative Poli-cy,Prescription Review Management Standard(trial)and drug instructions,irrational drug use and prescription checking and inter-vention skills of pharmacists were compared before and after the implementation of rectification measures as optimizing hospital in-formation system,improving comprehensive skills of pharmacists,strengthening pharmacists'concept,establishing feedback mech-anism. RESULTS:After the implementation of rectification measures,unsuitable indications,clinical diagnosis inconsistent with medication,antibiotics use without indications,unsuitable usage and dosage,unsuitable drug combination and irrational drug use were all decreased,but repeated drug use was increased,without statistical significance (P>0.05). The number of non-standard prescriptions and unsuitable prescriptions checked by pharmacists were decreased,without statistical significance(P>0.05). The in-cidence of checking missing,excessive checking and checking error were all increased from 2.40%,0.99%,3.39% before im-provement and rectification to 0.47%,0.29%,0.77%,with statistical significance(P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS:The improvement and rectification measures of the hospital can improve comprehensive prescription checking and intervention skills of pharmacists. Ir-rational drug use should be further standardized.
Objective To understand the distribution and change in drug resistance of common pathogens before and after the implementation of special rectification activity on antimicrobial use in 2011-2015,and provide guidance for clinical application of antimicrobial agents.Methods Antimicrobial use in hospitalized patients and pathogens isolated from patients in a hospital from 2011 to 2015 were collected,changing trend of resistance rates of major pathogens to commonly used antimicrobial agents was analyzed.Results From 2011 to 2015,antimicrobial utilization rate in hospitalized patients dropped from 75.84%to 37.35%,antimicrobial use density decreased from 59.53 per 100 patient days to 33.63 per 100 patient days,both showed a downward trend(both P<0.05).A total of 10 091 strains of pathogens were isolated,2 338(23.17%)of which were gram-positive bacteria,7 110(70.46%)were gram-negative bacteria,and 643(6.37%)were fungi.The top five pathogens were Escherichia coli(20.85%),Klebsiella pneumoniae(15.90%),Pseudomonas aeruginosa(11.70%),Staphylococcus aureus(7.35%),and Acinetobacter baumannii(6.82%).Resistance rates of major pathogens to commonly used antimicrobial agents decreased year by year(P<0.05),resistance rates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae to piperacillin/tazobactam,cefoxitin,and amikacin declined most obviously(all<4%in 2015);compared with Acinetobacter baumannii,Pseudomonas aeruginosa had higher sensitivity to commonly used antimicrobial agents,resistance rates to piperacillin/tazobactam,cefoperazone/sulbactam,ceftazidime,cefepime,amikacin,and ciprofloxacin decreased obviously,resistance rate to above antimicrobial agents was <20%,to carbapenems was higher than other commonly used antimicrobial agents.Resistance rates of Acinetobacter baumannii to amikacin,levofloxacin decreased most obviously,to meropenem and imipenem increased obviously,in 2015 were both above 50%.Resistance rate of Staphylococcus aureus to fluoroquinolones declined most obviously(<2%),vancomycin-resistant strains were not found.Conclusion After the implementation of special rectification activity,resistance rates of common pathogens decreased with the decline of antimicrobial use,rational use of antimicrobial agents may be related to delaying bacterial resistance.
OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for rational prophylactic application of antibiotics in perioperative period of per-manent cardiac pacemaker implantation. METHODS:600 cases performed permanent cardiac pacemaker implantation in 2010(be-fore rectification),2012(during rectification)and 2014(after rectification)were randomly sampled from our hospital,and divided into control group,intervention group one and intervention group two. The prophylactic application of antibiotics was investigated and analyzed in 3 groups. RESULTS:For control group,intervention group one and intervention group two,the rates of rational type selection of antibiotics for prophylactic use were 7.25%,31.00% and 91.96%,respectively. The rates of rational medication timing of antibiotics for prophylactic use were 0,100% and 100%;average duration of prophylactic use decreased from (3.6 ± 1.2)d before intervention to(1.1±0.5)d and(1.0±0.2)d. There was no statistical significance in the incidence of postoperative infection(P>0.05). Compared with control group,average drug cost,antibiotics cost and drug ratio decreased significantly in in-tervention group,with statistical significane (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS:Antibiotics special rectification is effective and improve the rational application of antibiotics in our hospital.
Lithium is an effective mood stabilizer but its use is associated with many side effects. Electrophysiological recordings of miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) mediated by glutamate receptor AMPA-subtype (AMPARs) in hippocampal pyramidal neurons revealed that CLi (therapeutic concentration of 1 mM lithium, from days in vitro 4–10) decreased the mean amplitude and mean rectification index (RI) of AMPAR mEPSCs. Lowered mean RI indicate that contribution of Ca2+-permeable AMPARs in synaptic events is higher in CLi neurons (supported by experiments sensitive to Ca2+-permeable AMPAR modulation). Co-inhibiting PKA, GSK-3β and glutamate reuptake was necessary to bring about changes in AMPAR mEPSCs similar to that seen in CLi neurons. FM1-43 experiments revealed that recycling pool size was affected in CLi cultures. Results from minimum loading, chlorpromazine treatment and hyperosmotic treatment experiments indicate that endocytosis in CLi is affected while not much difference is seen in modes of exocytosis. CLi cultures did not show the high KCl associated presynaptic potentiation observed in control cultures. This study, by calling attention to long-term lithium-exposure-induced synaptic changes, might have implications in understanding the side effects such as CNS complications occurring in perinatally exposed babies and cognitive dulling seen in patients on lithium treatment.
Voltage is an important parameter that regulates the conductance of both intercellular and plasma membrane channels (undocked hemichannels) formed by the 21 members of the mammalian connexin gene family. Connexin channels display two forms of voltage-dependence, rectification of ionic currents and voltage-dependent gating. Ionic rectification results either from asymmetries in the distribution of fixed charges due to heterotypic pairing of different hemichannels, or by channel block, arising from differences in the concentrations of divalent cations on opposite sides of the junctional plaque. This rectification likely underpins the electrical rectification observed in some electrical synapses. Both intercellular and undocked hemichannels also display two distinct forms of voltage-dependent gating, termed Vj (fast)-gating and loop (slow)-gating. This review summarizes our current understanding of the molecular determinants and mechanisms underlying these conformational changes derived from experimental, molecular-genetic, structural, and computational approaches.
Animals , Humans , Connexins/chemistry , Ion Channel Gating , Ion Channels/chemistry , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Protein ConformationABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for rational use of antibacterials. METHODS:Taking 69 hospitals of Beijing, Tianjin,Shanghai,Hangzhou,Guangzhou,Chengdu as samples,the data about the purchase and application of antibacterials in outpatient department were collected during 2009 to 2013,and analyzed in terms of the proportion of the amount of antibacterials in all chemical drugs,the number of antibacterials among top 80% chemical drugs in the list of consumption sum and their variet-ies number,the utilization rate of antibacterials in outpatient prescription,the percentage of two and more antibiotics combination in outpatient antibiotics prescriptions,the proportion of antibiotics use,etc. RESULTS:The proportion of average purchase amount of antibacterials in chemical drugs decreased from 20.97 % in 2009 to 14.17 % in 2013;the number of antibacterials among top 80% chemical drugs in the list of consumption sum decreased from 43 in 2009 to 34 in 2013;the average utilization rate of outpa-tient antibacterials decreased from 23.22 % in 2009 to 16.11 % in 2013;there was statistical significance(P<0.05). The varieties of antibacterials decreased from 78 kinds in 2009 decreased to 54 kinds in 2012(P<0.05),but rise to 66 kinds in 2013;the per-centage of two and more antibacterials combination in outpatient antibacterials prescriptions decreased fron 9.02% in 2009 to 7.35% in 2012 (P<0.05),rise to 12.89% in 2013. The utilization ratio of antibacterials injection in outpatient antibacterials pre-scriptions had no significant change. The utilization of antibacterials in tertiary hospitals from 6 districts was analyzed;cephalospo-rin had ranked the first place,and almost occupied half part of antibacterials but declined;the utilization rate of antibacterials for special use was on the rise. CONCLUSIONS:After 3 years of antibacterials special rectification,and the utilization of antibacteri-als in 6 districts as Beijing have been improved significantly;however,several index have little improvements,and some rebound-ed in 2013,so this activities needs to establish long-term mechanism of continuous supervision.
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the effect of special rectification on the rational use of antibiotics and relieving bacterial resistance. METHODS:It was divided into groups based on the before and after 3 years of special rectification. The data of related index and bacterial resistance of antibiotics in the clinical use in 2 groups were compared. RESULTS:After special rectification, the use rate of antibiotics in inpatients was decreased from 77%to 55%,use intensity was decreased from 86 DDDs/(100 person· d) to 39 DDDs/(100 person·d),the prophylactic use rate of antibiotics for typeⅠincision surgery was decreased from 98% to 27%,the antibiotics prescriptions of patients in outpatient and emergency departments were respectively decreased from 36% to 12% and 49% to 23%. The submission rate of microbiological testing specimens was increased from 20.2% to 38.8%,submission rate of sterile site specimens was increased from 29.8% to 37.6%. The detection rate of fungus was decreased from 14.4% to 11.2%. The detection rates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae producing extended-spectrum β- lactamases (ESBLs) strains were respectively decreased from 57.3% to 51.3% and 43.2% to 36.1%. The total detection rate of top 5 multi-drug resis-tant bacteria was decreased from 48.4% to 29.3%,however,the detection rate of Acinetobacter baumannii was increased to 80.7%,and the resistance rates of Acinetobacter baumannii to imipenem and meropenem were respectively 66.9% and 69.1%. There was an increasing trend for Klebsiella pneumoniae to 1,2 and 3-generation cephalosporins,piperacillin amoxicillin/tazobac-tam,imipenem,meropenem. CONCLUSIONS:Special rectification of antibiotics has obvious effect on the rational use of antibiot-ics and relieving bacterial resistance in the clinic,and it improves the management of clinical use of antibiotics in hospital. Howev-er,bacterial resistance situation is still grim,it needs to establish a long-term management mechanism of clinical use of antibiotics, strengthen the monitoring pathologic examination and monitoring of bacterial resistance,and strictly perform hand hygiene and dis-infection and isolation system.
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the effect of clinical antibiotics use special rectification in our hospital. METHODS:100 discharged medical records of typeⅠincision surgery were randomly sampled from our hospital during May in 2010 to Apr. in 2011,May in 2011 to Apr. in 2012,May in 2012 to Apr. in 2013,May in 2013 to Apr. in 2014,totaling 400 records. And then evaluation indicators were analyzed statistically,such as antibiotics use intensity,perioperative DDDs of antibiotics in typeⅠinci-sion surgery,DUI,types of antibiotics during perioperative period,medication time,etc. RESULTS:Since the implementation of clinical antibiotics use special rectification in May 2011,the utilization ratio of antibiotics in typeⅠincision surgery of our hospital decreased from 96% to 33%;DUI decreased from 1.44 to 0.79;while reasonable rate of drug selection increased from 19.8% to 100%,and that of medication time increased from 43.8% to 100%. CONCLUSIONS:Rational medication evaluation indicators in typeⅠincision surgery of our hospital have been improved after the implementation of clinical antibiotics use special rectification.
OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for the rational application of antimicrobial drugs. METHODS:Medical records of all acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(AECOPD)hospitalized patients were collected from respiration department of our hospital during Sept. 2013 to Apr. 2014 and May 2014 to Dec. 2014,73 and 88 cases respectively. The applica-tion of antimicrobial drug was analyzed comparatively,and the rationality of drug use in AECOPD patients was evaluated. RE-SULTS:After the special rectification activities,the antimicrobial use intensity dropped from 217.74 to 91.58;drug combination rate dropped from 67.12% to 6.82%;no reason to change the antimicrobials conditions dropped from 15.07% to 0;hospital stay shortened from(10.21±3.44)d to(7.13±3.14)d;the total cost of medical treatment dropped from(6 117.73±1 164.52)yuan to (4 574.82±997.28)yuan;percentage of medicine expenses and antimicrobial drug expenses dropped from(61.83±11.49)% and (28.84±9.55)% to(43.52±9.97)% and(20.07±6.43)%,respectively;there was statistical significance(P<0.05),and the clinical treatment effect were uninfluenced. CONCLUSIONS:The special rectification activities of antimicrobial drugs could effec-tively improve the rational application of antimicrobial drugs and enhance the efficacy of antimicrobial drugs and decrease the cost of drug use.
Objective: To stuey the the chemical constituents from the residue left over the rectification of star anise oil (essential oil from Anisi Stellati Fructus). Methods: Two compounds were isolated from the residue left over the rectification of star anise oil by various chromatographic techniques, such as silica gel, and Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography. Results: Their structures were elucidated on the basis of chemical and spectral data. A new compound was identified to be 4-hydroxy-3-(3-methylbut-3-en-2-yl) benzaldehyde (2), along with a known compound (E)-1,4-bis (4-methoxyphenyl) but-3-en-2-one (1). Conclusion: NMR data of compound 1 are first reported and compound 2 is new one.
Objective:To analyze and evaluate the usage and tendency of quinolones before and after the special rectification of antibacterial in one grade III level A hospital in üanjing to provide evidence for the special rectification of antibacterial and manage-ment. Methods:The usage records of quinolones in 2010( before the special rectification)and in 2011-2013( after the special rectifi-cation)were collected,and the sales revenue,DDDs,defined daily cost( DDC),drug resistance and adverse drug reactions( ADR) were analyzed retrospectively. Results:Both the amount and ratio of the sales revenue of quinolones were declined dramatically after the rectification(2011-2013). Among all kinds of quinolones,the sales revenue and DDDs of lomefloxacin aspartate injections was the highest before the rectification while moxifloxacin injections and levofloxacine hydrochloride injections ranked the first and the second respectively in sales revenue after the rectification(2012-2013). As for the DDDs,levofloxacin hydrochloride tablets and levofloxacine hydrochloride injections were the highest after the rectification. Besides,moxifloxacin injections had the highest DDC after the rectifica-tion. Moreover,the drug resistance of the main drug-resistant bacteria( namely staphylococcus,enterobacteriaceae and non fermenta-tion bacteria)to levofloxacin,norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin was declined after the rectification. The adverse drug reactions of levofloxa-cin,lomefloxacin,enoxacin and moxifloxacin were declined year by year after the rectification,and the ADR ratio of quinolones in all anti-bacterial agents was also declined. Conclusion:After the special rectification of antibacterials,the hospital exhibits obvious im-provement in all the application indices of antibacterials,reflecting a good result of the special rectification. However,the hospital still needs to strengthen the inspection over the clinical application of the fourth generation of quinolones.
Objective The article was to promote the rational use of antibiotics by comparative analysis on antimicrobial us -age before and after the special rectification on clinical application of antibacterial drugs in our hospital . Methods Medical record data of 132 inpatients before the rectification and 167 inpatients after the rectification were randomly collected for the rational compara-tive analysis on microorganism submission rate for treatment , usage of antibiotics and medication for typeⅠandⅡincisions . Results The microorganism submission rate was much higher , especially the special grade antibiotics (81.5 %vs 32.1%).There was also a remarkable decrease in the percentage of antibiotics use , the strength of utilization and the average drug cost .The amount of antibiotic prophylaxis without indication and the length of medication for typeⅠincisions showed a remarkable decrease (P<0.05).Remarkable decrease was also observed in the irrational usage rate of antibiotic prophylaxis , dosage, medication time and drug replacement for typeⅠand Ⅱincisions (P<0.05). Conclusion The special rectification measures are effective and practical , which can promote the rational use of antibiotics .
Objective:To investigate the improvement in antibiotics use in our hospital by comparing the prophylactic application of antibiotics in type I incision before and after antimicrobial drug special rectification. Methods:The medical records of 100 hospital-ized patients undergoing I incision respectively from May to December in 2011 (before the rectification), from May to December in 2012 ( during the rectification) and from May to December in 2013 ( after the rectification) were withdrawn randomly. The prophylactic application of antibiotics was statistically and comparatively analyzed. Results: After the antimicrobial drug special rectification, the prophylactic application rate of antibiotics was reduced from 100% to 28%, and in 7 kinds of operations stressed by the National Health and Family Planning Commission ( inguinal hernia repair, thyroid disease, breast disease, arthroscopy, carotid endarterectomy, skull tumor resection and endovascular interventional diagnosis) , the prophylactic use rate of antimicrobial drugs was reduced to 11%. The variety choice of antibiotics in type I incision was more reasonable. The irrationality rate of medication time and course was de-creased obviously, and the accuracy of dosage and usage was improved significantly. The combination of antibiotics was also notably decreased. Conclusion:The antimicrobial drug special rectification is effective, which can significantly improve the prophylactic appli-cation rationality of antibiotics for type I incision in our hospital.