El síndrome metabólico (SM) se previene controlando sus factores de riesgo, el programa de reforma de vida (PRV) busca el control y regulación de estos. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto del PRV. Materiales y métodos: Investigación aplicativo, longitudinal, prospectivo, diseño longitudinal, inductivo y deductivo, en una población inicial de 104 trabajadores de una universidad del Perú, la población final fue 31 quienes completaron el programa, los factores de riesgo fueron evaluados por un laboratorista clínico, se utilizó fichas de recolección y se procesó con el programa SPSS V.26, prueba de Wilcoxon y T de Student según el criterio de normalidad. Resultados: el PRV disminuye los niveles de triglicéridos, promedio antes 235,6 mg/dl y después 196,1 mg/dl, no se evidencio efectos positivos en el resto de los factores de riesgo. En personas con algún factor de riesgo el PRV impacto positivamente; antes del PRV 2 personas tenían la glucosa >= a 100 mg/dl y después del PRV 1, en cuanto al perímetro abdominal ≥ 90cm M, ≥ 80cm F antes (30), después (19), presión arterial ≥130/85 mmHg antes (06), después (0), triglicéridos ≥ 150 mg/dl antes (30), después (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F antes (29), después (24). Con un p valor de 0,004 el PRV disminuye los niveles de triglicéridos. Conclusión: En la población en general el PRV disminuye el nivel de triglicéridos; en personas con algún factor de riesgo el PRV controla y regula todos los factores SM
Metabolic syndrome (MS) is prevented by controlling its risk factors; the lifestyle reform program (LRP) seeks to control and regulate them. Objective: to evaluate the impact of the LRP. Materials and methods: Applied, longitudinal, prospective, longitudinal, inductive and deductive design, in an initial population of 104 workers of a Peruvian university, the final population was 31 who completed the program, the risk factors were evaluated by a clinical laboratorist, collection cards were used and processed with the SPSS V.26 program, Wilcoxon and Student's t-test according to the normality criterion. Results: the PRV decreases triglyceride levels, average before 235,6 mg/dl and after 196,1 mg/dl; no positive effects were evidenced in the rest of the risk factors. In people with some risk factor the PRV had a positive impact; before the PRV 2 people had glucose >= 100mg/dl and after the PRV 1, regarding abdominal perimeter ≥ 90cm M, ≥ 80cm F before (30), after (19), blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mmHg before (06), after (0), triglycerides ≥ 150mg/dl before (30), after (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F before (29), after (24). With a p value of 0,004 the PRV decreases triglyceride levels. Conclusion: In the general population the PRV decreases the triglyceride level; in people with some risk factor the PRV controls and regulates all the SM factors
A síndrome metabólica (SM) é prevenida através do controlo dos seus factores de risco, o programa de reforma do estilo de vida (PRV) visa o seu controlo e regulação. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto do PRV. Materiais e métodos: Investigação aplicada, longitudinal, prospetiva, longitudinal, desenho indutivo e dedutivo, numa população inicial de 104 trabalhadores de uma universidade do Peru, a população final foi de 31 que completaram o programa, os factores de risco foram avaliados por um laboratorista clínico, foram utilizadas fichas de recolha e processadas com o programa SPSS V.26, teste de Wilcoxon e teste t de Student de acordo com o critério de normalidade. Resultados: O PRV reduz os níveis de triglicéridos, em média antes 235,6 mg/dl e depois 196,1 mg/dl, não se evidenciando efeitos positivos nos restantes factores de risco. Em pessoas com algum fator de risco o PRV teve um impacto positivo; antes do PRV 2 pessoas tinham glicose >= 100 mg/dl e depois do PRV 1, quanto ao perímetro abdominal ≥90cm M, ≥ 80 cm F antes (30), depois (19), pressão arterial ≥ 130/85 mmHg antes (06), depois (0), triglicéridos ≥ 150 mg/dl antes (30), depois (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F antes (29), depois (24). Com um p-value de 0,004 o PRV diminui os níveis de triglicéridos. Conclusão: Na população em geral, o PRV diminui os níveis de triglicéridos; em pessoas com alguns factores de risco, o PRV controla e regula todos os factores da SM
RESUMO Objetivou-se analisar a Frente pela Vida (FpV), um ator da sociedade civil organizado no campo da saúde, que buscou incidir politicamente diante da crise sanitária da pandemia da covid-19 no contexto do governo Bolsonaro. As informações foram obtidas por meio de revisão documental de publicações da FpV, bem como pela observação participante de reuniões, manifestações, lives e eventos nos quais participou ou organizou, além de entrevistas com participantes do seu grupo operativo. A análise considerou as categorias origem, trajetória, atores, gestão, relação entre a FpV e movimento sanitário, sustentabilidade, desafios e perspectivas da FpV. Os resultados evidenciam que a FpV capitaneou uma grande rede de políticas formada por sujeitos individuais e coletivos, entidades científicas e organizações representativas de diversos segmentos da sociedade civil, conformando uma atualização do movimento sanitário com ampliação de sua base de sustentação social. Sua trajetória contemplou, principalmente, a ação técnico-científica e política em múltiplas arenas, tendo nos Poderes Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário, e na sociedade civil, espaços privilegiados de inserção. Conclui-se que a FpV se revelou importante ator social na conjuntura recente, tensionando o Estado na defesa da vida, do direito universal à saúde e da expansão e fortalecimento do Sistema Único de Saúde.
ABSTRACT This paper examined the Front for Life (Frente pela Vida, FpV), a movement of organised civil society in the health field, which sought to achieve political impact in response to the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the Bolsonaro administration. Information was obtained through a document review of FpV publications, participant observation in meetings, demonstrations, livestreams and events in which the front participated or organised, as well as interviews of participants in its operating group. The analytical categories used were origin, trajectory, movements, management, the relationship between the FpV and the health sector reform movement, sustainability, challenges and the FpV's prospects. The results showed that the FpV has led a large policy network of individual and collective subjects, scientific entities and organisations representing various segments of civil society to update the health sector movement and expand its social support base. Its trajectory has involved mainly technical, scientific and political action in multiple areas, working with the Executive, Judiciary and Legislative branches of government, as well as civil society. In conclusion, the FpV has proved to be an important social movement pressing the State to defend life and the universal right to health and to expand and strengthen Brazil's Unified Health System, the SUS.
INTRODUÇÃO: O suicídio ainda é marcado por diversos estigmas e preconceitos que dificultam a compreensão desse problema de saúde pública, impedindo assim a percepção de fatores que possam ser de risco ou de proteção em casos de tentativa de tirar a própria vida. Por isso, a busca de informações pode ser de grande valia no entendimento e permite a criação de estratégias de cuidado desse sujeito em sofrimento psíquico. OBJETIVO: Discutir os processos de cuidado e acolhimento de pessoas em sofrimento mental, devido a tentativa de suicídio, sob a perspectiva de uma estagiária de Psicologia de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSij). MÉTODO: Relato de experiência, de caráter qualitativo, sobre a prática interventiva da Psicologia de um CAPSij em Vitória (ES). RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: A literatura corrobora com os serviços prestados pelo CAPSij em situação de risco de suicídio, tendo em vista as rupturas de visões estigmatizadas que complementam a assistência em saúde, e se tornam um fator de proteção. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: O CAPSij prima pelo cuidado e assistência humanizada não limitante, contribuindo para o fortalecimento desse sujeito em crise suicida como um ser de direitos, trazendo um novo olhar de autonomia, singularidade e protagonismo.
INTRODUCTION: Suicide is still marked by several stigmas and prejudices that make it difficult to understand this public health problem, thus preventing the perception of factors that may be risky or protective in cases of an attempt to take one's own life. Therefore, the search for information can be of great value in understanding and allowing the creation of care strategies for this subject in psychological distress. OBJECTIVE: To discuss the processes of care and reception of people in mental suffering due to a suicide attempt, from the perspective of a Psychology intern at a Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil CAPSij (Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Center). METHOD: Qualitative experience report on the interventional practice of Psychology at a CAPSij in Vitória (ES). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The literature corroborates the services provided by CAPSij in situations of suicide risk, given the ruptures of stigmatized views that complement health care, and become a protective factor. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: CAPSij strives for non-limiting humanized care and assistance, contributing to the strengthening of this subject in a suicidal crisis as a being with rights, bringing a new perspective of autonomy, singularity and protagonism.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El suicidio aún está marcado por varios estigmas y prejuicios que dificultan la comprensión de este problema de salud pública, impidiendo así la percepción de factores que pueden ser de riesgo o protectores en casos de tentativa de suicidio. Por lo tanto, la búsqueda de información puede ser de gran valor en la comprensión y permitió la creación de estrategias de atención para este sujeto en sufrimiento psicológico. OBJETIVO: Discutir los procesos de atención y acogida de personas en sufrimiento psíquico por tentativa de suicidio, en la perspectiva de una interna de Psicología en un Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil CAPSij (Centro de Atención Psicosocial de Niños y Adolescentes). MÉTODO: Informe cualitativo de experiencia en la práctica intervencionista de Psicología en un CAPSij de Vitória (ES). RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: La literatura corrobora los servicios prestados por el CAPSij en situaciones de riesgo suicida, frente a las rupturas de visiones estigmatizadas que complementan la atención en salud, y se convierten en factor protector. CONSIDERACIONES FINALES: El CAPSij apuesta por la atención y asistencia humanizada y no limitativa, contribuyendo al fortalecimiento de este sujeto en crisis suicida como ser con derechos, aportando una nueva perspectiva de autonomía, singularidad y protagonismo.
Suicide , Mental Health , User EmbracementABSTRACT
Objective To reform the teaching content of acupuncture and moxibustion for undergraduate of Nursing College and to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching reform,so to provide constructive information for optimizing the curriculum.Methods To revise the teaching content of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)acu-puncture course based on the results of previous questionnaires,including reducing boring theoretical knowledge,increasing commonly used acupuncture techniques and clinical case analysis,organizing all undergraduates atten-ding the TCM teaching in the Nursing College of Peking Union Medical College to fill out the"Acupuncture Course Content Questionnaire"in 2023.The content covers four aspects:students'basic cognition of acupuncture and moxibustion before the course,students' learning feedback,students'learning effectiveness after the course and students' suggestions for further optimization of acupuncture and moxibustion course.Results Totally 149 students participated in the questionnaire survey and 73.15%of them were interested in the acupuncture course.There were 62.42%of the students thought that the most difficult part of the course was the"Acupuncture Points",and 71.81%of them complained the most constraining factor to the learning effectiveness was the diffi-culty of memorizing the meridians and acupoints.The most interesting part of the course was"Overview of Acu-puncture Treatment and Acupuncture Treatment of Common Diseases",which accounted for 44.3%of the students.Through the study,88.59%of the students were willing to recommend acupuncture treatment to pa-tients with indications.Students' suggestions for improvement of the acupuncture course was increase of classroom practice or learning by observation of operation videos.Conclusions The reformed acupuncture course highlights the practicability,improves the learning interest and subjective initiative,but the training of practice skill still needs to be strengthened.
Objective:To investigate how to integrate the ideological and political elements into the teaching of Nutrition and Food Hygiene under the background of new medical science.Methods:Through literature review and teaching discussion,suitable ideological and political elements and cases were selected to be integrated into the teaching of Nutrition and Food Hygiene,and feasible strategies were initially explored,which were implemented and evaluated in the grade 2018 students majoring in preventive medicine in Bengbu Medical College.Results:About 94.65% (124/131)of the students were satisfied with the ideological and political content design of the course,97.71% (128/131)of the students thought that it would be helpful to expand their professional knowledge,93.13% (122/131)thought that it would be helpful to establish morality and cultivate talents,and the overall feedback was good.The ideological and political teaching was generally recognized.Conclusions:It is feasible to integrate ideological and political elements into professional core courses,and to a certain extent.It can enrich the content of professional courses,improve students'interest,and make"foster virtue through education"truly implemented in the cultivation of professional quality.
Objective:To improve the teaching quality of Medical Microbiology by optimizing the teaching method,adjusting the teaching content and reforming the assessment model.Methods:The students of grade 2020 and 2021 of the same major were divided into the control group and the reform group.The control group received the traditional teaching method.The reform group received the"online + offline"blended teaching method,which integrates online learning resources and ideological and political education into the theoretical content of the curriculum.And the whole process assessment system was applied to the teaching method.The teaching quality was evaluated by the whole process examination results and questionnaire survey.Results:Compared with the control group,the score in the reform group was significantly improved(P<0.01).Results of the questionnaire survey showed that students'satisfaction with the mixed teaching method reached 97.5% .The integration of hot issues of microbiology and curriculum ideological and political education significantly improved students'learning interest,and more students wanted to engage in the work of microbiology related fields in the future.Conclusion:The practice results show that optimizing the teaching method,adjusting the teaching content and reforming the assessment mode can stimulate the students'learning interest,improve the students'independent learning ability and improve the teaching quality.
The National Health Commission's initiative of"Enhancing Medical Services and Patient Experience"neces-sitates a comprehensive enhancement of the precision,scientific rigor,and standardization of medical quality and safety manage-ment.It also calls for an optimized allocation of medical resources and service balance,and the promotion of new service models for admission management.This paper discusses the multiple aspects of hospital admission management.Through digital transfor-mation,we aimed to establish a centralized operation model encompassing multiple tasks,responsibilities,and uniform services across all sectors of a hospital,maintaining simplicity without compromising quality.Innovative service methods were employed to facilitate both online and offline admission procedures.Leveraging digital tools,we implemented the"beds for patients"model to directly address patient medical experience challenges.This enabled the application of information intelligence in the operation and management of large,multi-campus tertiary hospitals.The paper provided insights into the methods,specific tasks,and fu-ture value of implementing admission management and operation in large-scale comprehensive hospitals based on smart hospital models.These insights can serve as valuable references for admission management and operation in hospitals.
Objective:To investigate the application effect of high-altitude field-based teaching in acute mountain sickness.Methods:The medical students of the classes 2018 and 2019 majoring in clinical medicine were selected as subjects, and they were divided into conventional teaching group and field-based teaching group, with 20 students in each group. The students in the conventional teaching group received classroom teaching alone, and those in the field-based teaching group received high-altitude field-based teaching after theoretical lectures. The two groups were compared in terms of the theoretical knowledge of acute mountain sickness, the quality score of internship, and rescue operation score of acute mountain sickness, and questionnaire feedback and post-class discussion were performed among trainees and teachers to evaluate the high-altitude field-based teaching model. SPSS 19.0 was used for statistical analysis.Results:Compared with the conventional teaching group, the field-based teaching group had significantly higher scores of the theoretical knowledge of acute mountain sickness (91.72±4.34 vs. 86.10±5.15, P<0.001), the quality score of internship (89.64±5.21 vs. 83.51±2.38, P<0.001), and the rescue operation of acute mountain sickness [94.05 (89.54, 94.87) vs. 87.01 (84.33, 90.82), P<0.001]. Conclusions:High-altitude field-based teaching can improve the teaching effect of acute mountain sickness and cultivate the interest and learning enthusiasm of students, and therefore, it holds promise for wide application.
The teaching of radiology in standardized residency training needs a large number of case data to strengthen the subjective understanding and awareness of residents. The database built by residency training bases can meet the needs of teaching to a certain extent, but the conditions of training bases vary across regions, which makes it difficult to achieve homogeneity in the teaching of radiology. This article discusses the application of Eurorad database in the teaching of radiology in standardized residency training. This database is free of charge, reliable, and comprehensive and provides a large number of free reliable cases and images for teaching, covering both common and rare diseases. Moreover, it can also be used to cultivate the English ability and comprehensive quality of residents and help to establish a hierarchical training system for radiology and non-radiology residents, thereby promoting the improvement in the quality of standardized residency training. This article shows the potential value of Eurorad database in the teaching of radiology in standardized residency training, and comparative studies are needed in the future to further prove its effectiveness.
Objective:To study the value of standardized patient simulation combined with objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in clinical undergraduate teaching.Methods:A total of 114 medical undergraduates who were interned in our hospital from January 2018 to January 2020 were selected as the research objects. All the students were randomly divided into observation group ( n=57) and control group ( n=57). Other undergraduate students were recruited as standardized patients and trained; students in the observation group were given standardized patient simulation teaching, while patients in the control group were given traditional teaching methods; experienced teachers prepared test questions and developed unified scoring standards, and OSCE model was adopted to assess the two groups. The scores of theory, medical history, humanistic communication, rehabilitation thinking, practical skills and total scores of the two groups were recorded. The evaluation of standardized patient simulation by 57 undergraduates and the evaluation of OSCE model by 114 undergraduates in the observation group were recorded. SPSS 22.0 statistical software was used for t test. Results:After teaching, the scores of medical history, humanistic communication, rehabilitation thinking and practical skills in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group ( P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in theoretical scores between the two groups ( P>0.05). Before teaching, there was no significant difference in the total scores between the two groups ( P>0.05); after teaching, the total scores of the two groups were both improved, with significant differences ( P<0.05); compared with the control group, the total score of the observation group was improved higher, with significant differences ( P<0.05). All the undergraduates in the observation group thought that the standardized patient simulation teaching improved themselves, and 89.47% of the undergraduates thought that the standardized patient simulation was worth promoting in the teaching of rehabilitation and therapy. Most of the undergraduates believed that OSCE model could reflect the students' comprehensive ability better than the traditional written examination, and could improve their communication ability and practical operation ability, cultivate their high-quality rehabilitation thinking, and change their tendency to lay stress on theoretical study. And 91.23% of the undergraduates thought that OSCE model was worth promoting in the courses of rehabilitation therapy. Conclusions:Standardized patient simulation combined with OSCE model is conducive to improving the comprehensive performance of undergraduates, improving their communication ability and practical operation ability, and cultivating their high-quality rehabilitation thinking, which can be promoted in clinical undergraduate teaching.
In the context of "New Era" and "New Medicine", the teaching team of laboratory diagnostics proposed a new teaching method of PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) cycle to innovate the instructional design and implementation of laboratory diagnosis on the base of traditional teaching model. Through optimizing the curriculum system, integrating superior resources, taking full advantage of information technology, mobilizing the virtual simulation laboratory, implementing moral education and multiple comprehensive evaluation results, the self-learning enthusiasm, innovation and development ability of students were improved significantly, accompanied with high humanistic care spirit. Moreover, the enthusiasm of participating in scientific research activities and professional competitions was enhanced obviously. Therefore, we believe that the PDCA cycle, with notable successes, deserves high promotion value and wide application.
Objective:To construct talent training objectives and courses for undergraduate education of tropical medicine.Methods:Two rounds of questionnaire consultation were conducted among 15 experts by Delphi method. SPSS 26.0 software was used for statistical analysis, and the recovery rate, expert authority coefficient, mean of importance score, full score ratio, coefficient of variation and Kendall coordination coefficient were calculated respectively. Kendall's rank correlation test was used to analyze the degree of expert coordination, and the "boundary value method" was used to screen the indicators.Results:The effective recovery rates of the two rounds of consultation were all 100.00% and the expert authority coefficient was 0.815. The coordination coefficient was 0.25, 0.32, and 0.27, 0.36 respectively, and the significance test showed P<0.001. Finally, 11 talent training objectives and 7 courses for undergraduate education of tropical medicine were formed. Conclusions:The talent training objectives and courses for undergraduate education of tropical medicine are reasonable and reliable, which can provide theoretical support for tropical medicine talent training and have certain guiding value.
Objective:To investigate the cognition and learning habits of different types of postgraduates and evaluate learning effect and its potential risk factors on clinical epidemiology in a medical college, so as to provide relevant data for improving the teaching method and learning effect of clinical research methods for postgraduates.Methods:A cross-sectional study design was conducted to enroll all the postgraduates of Grade 2020 in a military medical school. A self-filled questionnaire was adopted to collect data. The discrepancy of cognition and learning habits between different types of postgraduates was evaluated by univariate analysis. Discussion was conducted to clarify the potential risk factors of learning effect. t tests or Mann-Whitney U tests were conducted to test the differences between groups for continuous variables. Chi-squared tests or McNemar tests were applied to evaluate the difference between groups for categorical variables. Results:A total of 652 postgraduate students were enrolled for analysis, including 409 master students (62.7) and 243 doctoral students (37.3). The proportion of doctoral students who have heard of clinical epidemiology ( χ2=19.99, P<0.001), who have learned clinical epidemiology ( χ2=9.20, P=0.002), who are interested in ( χ2=11.41, P=0.001) and think the course is important ( χ2=10.71, P=0.001), who previewed before class( χ2=11.21, P=0.001), reviewed after class ( χ2=3.29, P=0.001) and actively discuss in class ( χ2=11.64, P=0.001) is significantly higher than that of master students, the difference was statistically significance. The average score of all the postgraduates was (5.50±1.62) points before teaching and (7.47±1.90) points after teaching, the difference was statistically significant ( t=-23.49, P<0.001). After teaching, the grades of full-time students improved more than that of part-time graduate students, there was statistical significance in the master group ( t=4.41, P<0.001), while not in the doctor group ( t=0.94, P=0.351). Conclusions:The mastery of key points on clinical epidemiology have significantly improved after teaching among the postgraduates of different types. Different teaching methods and processes should be adopted to the variety of postgraduates according to their knowledge foundations and shortcomings. Besides, standardizing their learning habits are of certain significance to improve the learning effect.
Objective:To explore the effects of the scaffolding-based flipped classroom approach in the teaching of Infectious Disease Nursing. Methods:We assigned 152 students of nursing and midwifery majors of grade 2018 (experimental group) to be taught using the scaffolding-based flipped classroom approach and 182 students of grade 2017 (control group) to be taught using the traditional lecture method. Teaching effects were evaluated through students' exam performance and a questionnaire survey. Numerical data were analyzed using the χ2 test and t test with the use of SPSS 18.0, and text data were processed using NVivo 11 for thematic analysis. Results:The experimental group and control group showed significant differences in the interim exam score (83.19±7.96 vs. 79.62±3.14, P<0.001) and final exam score (78.47±6.92 vs. 73.16±8.24, P<0.001). The students of grade 2018 had a high level of participation in online learning. The questionnaire results showed that the scaffolding-based flipped classroom was well recognized in terms of students' overall perception, perceived course quality, perceived value of learning, and satisfaction and the open-ended question, with low scores for learner complaints and loyalty. Conclusions:The scaffolding-based flipped classroom is feasible in the teaching of Infectious Disease Nursing, which can improve students' academic performance and overall competence.
Based on China's health-related policy documents,combining the development history of health concepts and quality management theories,the evolution of China's view of healthcare service quality is sorted out.Moreover,based on the objectives of payment reform and the possible impact on healthcare service quality,the focus of healthcare service quality evaluation in the context of health insurance payment reform is elaborated.It aims to explore the focus of medical service quality evaluation at the present stage,and to provide a reference for better utilization of the evaluation results to improve the quality of medical services.
The payment methods,such as Diagnosis Related Group(DRG)for hospitalization and capitation for outpatient treat-ment,have achieved positive results in protecting the rights and interests of insured persons and improving the efficiency of the use of medical insurance funds.However,for patients with chronic diseases and rehabilitation nursing,the hospitalization period is long and the conditions complicated,and the payment method of DRGs is not reasonable.It analyzes the experiences of paying for long-term hospital cases in the US.and Germany from the aspect of reform process,payment method and regulatory measures.In order to pro-vide references for the reform of per-diem payment in rehabilitation nursing and other long-term hospitalized cases,it puts forward suggestions from aspects of realizing value care,reflecting individual differences,exploring complex payment methods,improving data quality and establishing constraint mechanism.
Based on the relevant policy documents of deepening medical service price reform in the pilot cities,combined with research and interviews,it analyzes the practical progress of measuring the total amount of medical service price adjustments in the pilot cities and the overall distribution of the total amount,the classification of items for pricing and dynamic adjustment,and the monitoring and assessment.It is suggested to explore the construction of a concise indicator system and a practical measurement method,consider the sustainability of the total price adjustment of medical services,and continue to optimize and improve the price adjustment mechanism of medical service price items.
Taking the aging population of Nanjing as an example,through the method of constructing actuarial models,this paper predicts and analyzes the impact of the reform of outpatient mutual aid security mechanism on the income and expenditure of the overall planning funds of workers'medical insurance in Nanjing during 2021-2035,and simulates the impact of policies such as delaying retirement,expanding financing and reforming payment methods on improving the sustainability of medical insurance funds.Based on this,it proposes policy suggestions.The study finds that under the current outpatient mutual aid security plan,by 2032,the overall planning funds of workers'medical insurance in Nanjing will face the risk of running out;compared with the current policy,implementing the same retirement age for men and women will delay the time point of accumulated deficits by one year;implementing the policy of expanding financing,after both employed and retired workers pay contributions to the overall planning funds,the overall planning funds will eliminate the risk of deficits in the medium term;implementing the policy of reforming payment methods can also make the overall planning funds sustainable in the medium term.Therefore,it is concluded that the reform of outpatient mutual aid security implemented in the context of aging population may lead to payment pressure on the overall planning funds.In the long run,a combination of various supporting policies is needed to achieve sustainable development of the overall planning funds.
The reform of medical insurance payment method,as an important measure in the health system re-form,should handle with the connection with the comprehensive management policies of medical services,such as medical services price adjustment,public hospitals salary performance reform,cost accounting optimization,health information construction and medical service quality supervision,etc.so as to give full play to the synergy and form the joint force of policies,so as to give full play to the role of the reform of payment mechanism.
Objective By studying the changes in the institutional distribution of curative care expenditure(CCE)of the elderly population before and after the comprehensive reform medical-pharmaceutical separation and linkage of medical consumption,it provided data reference for the next step of accurately optimizing the elderly patients flow.Methods A multi-stage stratified whole-group sampling survey was used to select the sample.A System of Health Accounts 2011 was used to calculate the CCE of elderly patients in medical institutions.Results The CCE of medical institutions for the elderly population in Beijing increased from 60.457 billion yuan to 797.54 billion yuan,with an average annual growth rate of 6.83%,the fastest growth rate of 24.04%for community-based health treat-ment center.The percentage of CCE in the community increased from 11.31%to 17.71%,while the percentage of CCE in tertiary hospitals decreased by 4.39 percentage points.The flow of CCE for outpatient patients was obviously opti-mized.Younger elderly outpatient patients are more willing to seek treatment in the community,but the flow di-rection of outpatient treatment for elderly patients is more optimized.The CCE fpr elderly outpatient patients with chronic diseases such as endocrine,nutritional and metabolic diseases and nervous system diseases have been substantially transferred to the community-based health center.Conclusion The reform has different impacts on the treatment of elderly patients with different genders,ages and diseases.It is necessary to strengthen the service capacity building of primary medical institutions,highlight the development characteristics of secondary hospitals,and accurately improve the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system for elderly patients.