Este trabalho, partindo do tema elaborado, levantou o seguinte problema: As propriedades e vantagens estudadas nas membranas de Hidrogel, se faz desse material eficaz no tratamento dos tecidos periodontais na doença periodontal. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento bibliográfico sobre as propriedades e vantagens do uso de membranas de Hidrogel na Regeneração Óssea Guiada nos casos da perda óssea e a recessão gengival associada à Doença Periodontal. O uso de membrana para Regeneração Óssea Guiada (ROG) é um componente essencial do tratamento de doenças periodontais e na regeneração óssea. Neste caso, discutiremos as propriedades dos hidrogéis e seus benefícios e limitações nessa área. Apesar dos desafios significativos existentes, a regeneração óssea baseada em hidrogel é uma grande promessa para o futuro tratamento de doenças e defeitos relacionados aos ossos. Com uma compreensão aprofundada os hidrogéis serão, sem dúvida, uma ferramenta poderosa para o tratamento clínico de defeitos ósseos no futuro.
This study, based on the topic elaborated, raised the following problem: The properties and advantages studied in Hydrogel membranes and if this material can be effective in the treatment of periodontal tissues in periodontal disease. The objective of this work was to perform a bibliographic survey on the properties and advantages of using Hydrogel membranes in Guided Bone Regeneration in cases of bone loss and gingival recession associated with Periodontal Disease. The use of Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) membrane is an essential component of the treatment of periodontal diseases and bone regeneration. In this case, we discussed the properties of hydrogels and their benefits and limitations in this area. Despite significant challenges, the hydrogel-based bone regeneration holds great promise for the future treatment of bone-related diseases and defects. With in-depth understanding, hydrogels will undoubtedly be a powerful tool for clinical treatment of bone defects in the future.
Periodontal Diseases , Bone Regeneration , Hydrogels , MembranesABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Evidence suggests that herbivores, such as peccaries, shape vegetation structure and diversity through predation, trampling, dispersal, and rooting behavior. Objective: To evaluate the impact of peccaries (Dycotiles tajacu) on the understory vegetation of the tropical rainforest in the Nogal-La Selva Local Biological Corridor, Costa Rica, comparing a site with the absence of peccaries to another with the presence of these animals. Methodology: From June to November 2021, 20 experimental exclusions and 20 free access plots, each measuring 2 m2 were used to quantify herbivory, the number of leaf blades, damaged leaves, healthy leaves, sapling height, and fallen biomass at both sites. Results: A higher sapling density was found in the Nogal Reserve, but a lower sapling diversity, while in La Selva there was a higher sapling diversity, but a lower density of seedlings. Herbivory and sapling height in La Selva exceeded those in Nogal. The exclusion of peccaries reduced seedling damage but did not affect the dynamics of fallen biomass. Conclusion: For the design, implementation, and evaluation of the effectiveness of biological corridors, it is crucial to consider plant-animal interactions to enhance the flow of ecological processes through functional and structural connectivity, analyzed from interactions such as those presented in this paper.
Resumen Introducción: Existe evidencia que herbívoros, como los saínos, dan forma a la estructura y diversidad de la vegetación a través del comportamiento de depredación, pisoteo, dispersión y enraizamiento. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de los saínos (Dycotiles tajacu) en la vegetación del sotobosque del bosque tropical húmedo en el Corredor Biológico Local Nogal-La Selva, Costa Rica, en un sitio con ausencia y en otro con presencia de saínos. Métodos: De junio a noviembre de 2021 se utilizaron 20 exclusiones experimentales y 20 parcelas de acceso libre de 2 m2, se cuantifico la herbivoría, número de láminas foliares, hojas dañadas, hojas sanas, altura de brinzales y biomasa caída en ambos sitios. Resultados: Se encontró una mayor densidad de brinzales en Reserva Nogal pero una menor diversidad, contrario en La Selva donde se encontró una mayor diversidad de brinzales, pero una menor densidad de plántulas. La herbivoría y la altura de brinzales en La Selva fue mayor que en Nogal. La exclusión de los saínos disminuyó el daño a las plántulas, pero no afectó la dinámica de la biomasa caída. Conclusión: Es necesario contemplar para el diseño, implementación y evaluación de la efectividad de corredores biológicos, las interacciones planta-animal, para potencializar el flujo de procesos ecológicos mediante la conectividad funcional y estructural, analizada a partir de interacciones como las presentadas en este trabajo.
Animals , Artiodactyla , Forests , Animal Distribution , Tropical Ecosystem , Costa RicaABSTRACT
Compared to typical bandaging materials, fish skin bandages have shown great promise as a wound treatment option. Fish skin is abundant, biocompatible, and naturally antibacterial, which makes it an ideal material for wound dressings. Moreover, fish skin shares a structure with human skin, which promotes improved integration with the wound bed and helps injured tissue regenerate. Fish skin bandages have emerged as a possible option for wound healing due to their unique biological features. This study examines the efficacy of fish skin bandages in wound treatment. Methods: This article attempts to understand the efficacy and mechanisms of action of fish skin bandages in encouraging wound healing by analyzing existing research, describing the biological makeup of fish skin, and investigating current investigations. Results: The results show that fish skin bandages have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and tissue-regenerative capabilities, making them an appealing solution for a variety of wounds Conclusion: The use of fish skin in wound treatment improves environmental sustainability by recycling fish waste. However, further study is needed to improve the manufacture, standardization, and therapeutic use of fish skin bandages.
Introducción: El quiste nasopalatino es un quiste no odontogénico, ubicado dentro del conducto nasopalatino del maxilar, su diagnóstico en la mayoría de los casos es por hallazgo radiológico de rutina y en otros casos por la presencia de sintomatología; llegando a generar dolor, parestesia y signos visibles como deformaciones faciales. Descripción del caso: El objetivo de este artículo es la revisión de la literatura y presentación del caso de un paciente masculino de 38 años de edad, que acude a la consulta por presentar aumento de volumen en la maxila anterior, de dos años de evolución que presentó resultados favorables luego de la exéresis y colocación de injerto óseo. Consideraciones finales: El quiste nasopalatino representa menos del 5% de los quistes a nivel maxilar y su recurrencia es baja. Cuando se trata de un quiste de gran tamaño con destrucción del tejido óseo circundante, la mejor opción es la utilización de un injerto óseo dependiendo tanto de la biocompatibilidad, del sitio afectado y de los costos. Se considera como gold standard a la matriz ósea desmineralizada (DBX) debido a su capacidad de osteoinducción, osteoconducción y osteogénesis... (AU)
Introdução: O cisto nasopalatino é um cisto não odontogênico, localizado no interior do ducto nasopalatino da maxila, a lesao é descoberta na maior parte dos casos como um achado radiológico de rotina e em outros casos pela presença de sintomatologia; incluindo dor, parestesias e deformidades faciais. Descrição do caso: O objetivo deste artigo é revisar a literatura e apresentar o caso de um paciente masculino de 38 anos de idade que veio à clínica com um aumento volumétrico da região anterior da maxila, com uma evolução de dois anos, que apresentou resultados favoráveis após excisão e colocação de enxerto ósseo. Considerações finais: O cisto nasopalatino representa menos de 5% dos cistos maxilares e a recorrência é baixa. Quando se trata de uma grande lesão com destruição do tecido ósseo circundante, a melhor opção é a utilização de um enxerto ósseo dependendo da biocompatibilidade, do local afetado e dos custos. A matriz óssea desmineralizada (DBX) é considerado o material padrão para a reconstrução óssea da região afetada devido à sua capacidade de osteoindução, osteocondução e osteogénese... (AU)
Introduction: The nasopalatine cyst is a non-odontogenic cyst, located within the nasopalatine duct of the maxilla, its diagnosis in most cases is by routine radiological finding and in other cases by the presence of symptomatology; coming to generate pain, paresthesia and visible signs such as facial deformities. Case description: The objective of this article is to make a literature review and presentation of the case of a 38-year-old male patient, who comes to the consultation for presenting an increase in volume in the anterior maxilla, of two years of evolution that presented favorable results after excision and placement of bone graft. Final considerations: Nasopalatine cyst represents less than 5% of the cysts at maxillary level and its recurrence is low. When it is a large cyst with destruction of the surrounding bone tissue, the best option is the use of a bone graft depending on biocompatibility, the affected site and costs. Demineralized bone matrix (DBX) is considered the gold standard due to its capacity for osteoinduction, osteoconduction and osteogenesis... (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Bone Matrix , Nonodontogenic Cysts , Bone TransplantationABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Tissue engineering aims to fabricate a scaffold that exhibits a suitable surface topography for a desired cellular response. Therefore, a study analyzing the characteristics of bone grafts is important for future research directions. This work aims to analyze the physical-chemical characteristics of commercially available bone grafts of human and bovine origin for dental use, using morphological analysis of the surface and chemical composition by variable pressure scanning electron microscope (VP-SEM) and energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) spectrometry. In addition, pore diameter and surface area were analyzed by degassing method using a porosimeter, and particle size by laser diffraction. The analyzed allograft and xenograft particles differ in morphological characteristics and chemical composition. The allograft particles present a cuboidal and prismatic geometric morphology with angled edges and the absence of macropores. On the contrary, the xenograft particles present an irregular morphology with macropores in their structure. There is a statistically significant difference in C, P, and Ca between the xenograft and allografts (p < 0,05). The analyzed composition of allografts showed mainly the presence of C and O. In contrast, the composition of the xenograft was mainly Ca. These differences could influence the osteogenic properties of allografts and xenografts. This analysis provides basic information to understand the physicochemical properties of allografts and xenografts that facilitate cell-graft interaction.
La ingeniería de tejidos tiene como objetivo fabricar un andamio que muestre una topografía de superficie adecuada para una respuesta celular deseada. Por tanto, un estudio que analice las características de los injertos óseos es importante para futuros enfoques de investigación. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las características físico-químicas de injertos óseos de origen humano y bovino disponibles comercialmente para uso odontológico, mediante análisis morfológico de la superficie y composición química mediante microscopio electrónico de barrido de presión variable (VP-SEM) y x-dispersivo de energía. espectrometría de rayos (EDX). Además, el diámetro de los poros y el área superficial se analizaron mediante el método de desgasificación utilizando un porosímetro y el tamaño de las partículas mediante difracción láser. Las partículas de aloinjerto y xenoinjerto analizadas difieren en características morfológicas y composición química. Las partículas del aloinjerto presentan una morfología geométrica cúbica y prismática con bordes angulados y ausencia de macroporos. Por el contrario, las partículas de xenoinjerto presentan una morfología irregular con macroporos en su estructura. Existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en C, P y Ca entre el xenoinjerto y los aloinjertos (p < 0,05). La composición analizada de los aloinjertos mostró principalmente la presencia de C y O. Por el contrario, la composición del xenoinjerto fue principalmente Ca. Estas diferencias podrían influir en las propiedades osteogénicas de los aloinjertos y xenoinjertos. Este análisis proporciona información básica para comprender las propiedades fisicoquímicas de aloinjertos y xenoinjertos que facilitan la interacción célula-injerto.
Humans , Animals , Cattle , Allografts/anatomy & histology , Allografts/chemistry , Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission , Bone Regeneration , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Porosity , Bone Transplantation , Heterografts/anatomy & histology , Heterografts/chemistryABSTRACT
El odontólogo realiza de forma rutinaria procedimientos que generan lesiones en los tejidos duros y blandos, por lo que resulta importante que el profesional conozca los procesos normales de cicatrización y reparación. La cicatrización es un fenómeno fisiológico que se presenta en cualquier tejido vivo que ha sido lesionado, que tiene importantes componentes vasculares y celulares que llevan una secuencia específica y que dependiendo de la magnitud de la lesión, el tejido podrá regenerar o cicatrizar según sea el caso. Asimismo, existen patologías sistémicas específicas y locales capaces de retrasar el proceso normal de cicatrización. El objetivo del presente artículo es explicar el proceso normal de reparación tisular de los tejidos orales y periorales (AU)
The dentist routinely performs procedures that generate injuries to hard and soft tissues, so it is important that the professional knows the normal healing and repair processes. Cicatrization is a physiological phenomenon that occurs in any living tissue that has been injured that has important vascular and cellular components that carry a specific sequence and that, depending on the magnitude of the lesion, the tissue may regenerate or heal as the case may be. Likewise, there are specific systemic and local pathologies capable of delaying the normal healing process. The aim of this article is to explain the normal tissue repair process of oral and perioral tissues (AU)
Humans , Wound Healing/physiology , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Bone Regeneration/physiology , Chronic Disease , Risk Factors , Granulation Tissue/physiopathologyABSTRACT
El tratamiento con implantes dentales hoy en día es un procedimiento clínico de rutina que permite rehabilitar a los pacientes con prótesis fijas. En este caso presentamos un tratamiento complejo de implantación inmediata del sector anterior con pérdida parcial de la cortical vestibular en el que se realizó una regeneración ósea guiada y provisionalización en un tiempo quirúrgico en un paciente con patología renal. Complementamos el estudio con una revisión de la efectividad de las técnicas utilizadas y las posibles respuestas celular asociadas a la patología renal.
Treatment with dental implants nowadays is a routine clinical procedure that allows patient rehabilitation with fixed prostheses. In this case we present a complex treatment of immediate implantation of the anterior sector with partial loss of the vestibular cortex, in which guided bone regeneration and provisionalization was performed in surgical time in a patient with kidney pathology. The study was complemented with a review of the effectiveness of the techniques used and the possible cellular responses associated with kidney pathology.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Dental Implants , Dental Implants, Single-Tooth , Immediate Dental Implant Loading/methods , Bone Regeneration , Radiography, Dental , Treatment Outcome , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Esthetics, Dental , Hydronephrosis/pathology , Mouth RehabilitationABSTRACT
Background: Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a rare, but significant adverse event primarily associated with the intake of antiresorptive and antiangiogenic medications. Although antiresorptive and antiangiogenic the-rapies improve life expectancy, particularly in cancer patients, MRONJ may hamper the patient's quality of life due to pain, discomfort, anxiety, depression, speech impairment, difficulty in swallowing and eating, frequent medical and dental evaluations and treatments, and the possibility of treatment discontinuation. Leukocyte and Platelet-rich Fibrin (L-PRF) is an autologous platelet aggregate that promotes wound healing by stimulating re-epithelialization, angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix production. Aim: The present systematic review aimed to compare the results in the published literature on whether L-PRF is an effective and predictable adjuvant to surgical debridement of necrotic bone for improving the healing efficacy in patients with MRONJ. Materials and Methods: The PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane, Science Direct, LILACS, and Web of Science databases were searched using the predetermined MeSH terms and eligibility criteria, and the search yielded a total of five articles. Two studies were retrospective, and three studies were case series. Results: Seventeen participants received a combination of surgical debridement, L-PRF membrane, and antibiotics. Complete wound healing was observed in 70% of the participants, and most of them healed without any complications. Conclusions: L-PRF as an adjuvant to surgical debridement of necrosed bone appears to have a positive association with the healing outcome in patients with MRONJ.
Introducción: La osteonecrosis mandibular relacionada con medicamentos (ONMRM) es un evento adverso raro pero significativo asociado principalmente con la ingesta de medicamentos antirresortivos y antiangiogénicos. Aunque las terapias antirresortivas y antiangiogénicas mejoran la esperanza de vida, particularmente en pacientes con cáncer, la ONMRM puede obstaculizar la calidad de vida del paciente debido a dolor, incomodidad, ansiedad, depresión, discapacidad del habla, dificultad para tragar y comer, evaluaciones y tratamientos médicos y dentales frecuentes, y la posibilidad de interrupción del tratamiento. La fibrina rica en plaquetas y leucocitos (L-PRF) es un agregado de plaquetas autólogo que promueve la curación de heridas al estimular la reepitelización, la angiogénesis y la producción de la matriz extracelular. Objetivo: La presente revisión sistemática tuvo como objetivo comparar los resultados en la literatura publicada sobre si L-PRF es un adyuvante efectivo y predecible al desbridamiento quirúrgico del hueso necrótico para mejorar la eficacia curativa en pacientes con ONMRM. Materiales y Métodos: Las bases de datos de PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane, ScienceDirect, LILACS y Web of Science se registraron utilizando los términos DeCS/MeSH predeterminados y los criterios de elegibilidad, y la búsqueda arrojó un total de cinco artículos. Dos estudios fueron retrospectivos, y tres estudios fueron series de casos. Resultado: Diecisiete participantes recibieron una combinación de desbridamiento quirúrgico, membrana L-PRF y antibióticos. Se observó curación completa de heridas en el 70% de los participantes, y la mayoría de ellos se curaron sin ninguna complicación. Conclusión: L-PRF como adyuvante para el desbridamiento quirúrgico del hueso necrótico parece tener una asociación positiva con el resultado de curación en pacientes con ONMRM.
Humans , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Desde o incremento das pesquisas das células-tronco em 1961, por cientistas canadenses, os avanços em estudos, pesquisas e o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos com esse tipo de recurso se mostram promissores. O uso de células-tronco é uma grande aposta tanto para a medicina quanto para a odontologia regenerativa. Os tratamentos com essa terapia podem oferecer mais qualidade de vida para as pessoas. O potencial dessas células tão especiais se encontra em duas características peculiares: elas são capazes de se multiplicarem e de se diferenciarem em outros tipos de células, como de tecidos, cartilagens e neurônios. É dessa maneira que elas têm um papel fundamental para estudos e tratamentos relacionados à regeneração. O uso de células-tronco na Odontologia torna possível diferentes processos odontológicos que oferecem mais qualidade de vida ao paciente. Isso porque fatores como defeitos genéticos, hábitos nocivos, cáries dentárias e perdas precoces dos dentes contribuem com a perda de dentes ao longo da vida. No início do século XXI, por volta dos anos de 2005, 2006, pesquisadores começaram a publicar em revistas internacionais da área uma nova técnica baseada no uso de célulastronco existentes no osso de sustentação dos dentes e na articulação dento alveolar. Esta técnica, chamada de Revascularização, promove o aparecimento de um novo tecido pulpar sadio, devolvendo ao dente sua vitalidade e higidez(AU)
Since the increase in stem cell research in 1961 by Canadian scientists, advances in studies, research and the development of new treatments with this type of resource have shown promise. The use of stem cells is a big bet for both medicine and regenerative dentistry. Treatments with this therapy can offer more quality of life for people. The potential of these very special cells lies in two peculiar characteristics: they are able to multiply and differentiate into other types of cells, such as tissues, cartilage and neurons. It is in this way that they play a key role for studies and treatments related to regeneration. The use of stem cells in dentistry makes possible different dental processes that offer more quality of life to the patient. That's because factors such as genetic defects, harmful habits, tooth decay, and early tooth loss all contribute to lifelong tooth loss. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, around the years 2005, 2006, researchers began to publish in international journals of the area a new technique based on the use of existing stem cells in the supporting bone of the teeth and in the alveolar tooth joint. This technique, called Revascularization, promotes the appearance of a new healthy pulp tissue, returning to the tooth its vitality and hygiene(AU)
Dental Pulp , Dentistry , Tooth LossABSTRACT
Uno de los mejores biomateriales usados en odontología es la fibrina rica en plaquetas (PRF), es un concentrado plaquetario de segunda generación que se obtiene a partir de la centrifugación de sangre autóloga y no necesita aditivos. El presente documento busca determinar la eficacia del uso del PRF como parte de la regeneración de tejidos en procedimientos quirúrgicos odontológicos, tomando como base la literatura publicada en PubMed, Elsevier y Semantic Scholar entre 2018 y 2023, la búsqueda de artículos científicos fue ejecutada empleando las palabras clave platalet rich fibrin, regeneration, dentistry, blood buffy coat. La evidencia científica muestra que el PRF puede ser usado en su forma de membrana, gel, tapón, solo o combinado con otro biomaterial para conseguir propiedades biológicas exclusivas que promueven la regeneración y cicatrización mientras reduce los efectos adversos de los procedimientos quirúrgicos. Un ensayo clínico refirió la curación de alvéolos post exodoncia atraumática, y comprobó que la cicatrización con PRF muestra un índice de curación más alto en comparación con el grupo control. El sustento biológico de su eficacia radica en su capacidad para proliferar células que promueven la angiogénesis, osteogénesis y diferenciación celular, es decir, el reparo de tejidos lesionados. Todo esto nos permite llegar a la conclusión de que el PRF representa una alternativa viable y eficaz en procesos de regeneración de tejidos en procedimientos quirúrgicos odontológicos.
One of the best biomaterials used in dentistry is platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). It is a second-generation platelet concentrate obtained by centrifugation of autologous blood and requires no additives. The aim of this article is to determine the effectiveness of using PRF for tissue regeneration in dental surgery. The methodology used consists of a descriptive search of scientific articles that employ or study PRF as a biomaterial for tissue healing in the dental field and are available on PubMed, Elsevier, and Semantic Scholar. The literature shows that PRF can be used as a membrane, gel, cap form, alone or combined with other biomaterials to achieve unique biological properties that promote regeneration and healing while reducing the adverse effects of surgical procedures. For example, a clinical trial demonstrated healing of post-traumatic alveolar exodontia, proving that healing with PRF had a higher healing rate than in the control group. The biological basis of PRF's efficacy lies in its ability to proliferate cells that promote angiogenesis, osteogenesis, and cellular differentiation, and thus repair damaged tissue. All this leads us to conclude that PRF represents a viable and effective alternative in tissue regeneration processes in dental surgery procedures.
Los quistes de los maxilares son las lesiones óseas más comunes en la región maxilofacial. La enucleación de las lesiones y el cierre primario de los defectos, son en conjunto, el tratamiento óptimo hoy en día. En algunas ocasiones el defecto óseo resultante puede ser de un tamaño tan grande que afecta la estabilidad de dientes vecinos, comprometa la indemnidad del hueso o produce un retraso cicatrizal que incluso puede impedir una regeneración ósea completa. Se considera que esta falta de regeneración expone al paciente a riesgos de infección tardía, retraso de los tratamientos rehabilitadores en zonas de alta demanda estética y pérdida de vitalidad dentaria. Para disminuir el riesgo de alteraciones en la regeneración ósea completa de cavidades quísticas, se ha propuesto la posibilidad de que tras la enucleación del quiste se rellenen estos defectos con injertos óseos u otras técnicas de preservación alveolar para favorecer la cicatrización. Teóricamente el uso de estos injertos mejora la calidad y disminuye el tiempo de cicatrización ósea, permitiendo que el paciente recupere rápidamente las funciones habituales del componente dentoalveolar, acortando el periodo de cuidados postoperatorios que restringen la alimentación, los deportes o la rehabilitación oral. El actual trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión de la literatura respecto a los beneficios del uso de injertos óseos en el tratamiento quirúrgico de los quistes maxilares y presentar un caso clínico con los detalles quirúrgicos de esta técnica.
Jaw cysts are the most common bone lesions in the maxillofacial region. Enucleation of the lesions along with the primary closure of the defects are the optimal treatment nowadays. On some occasions, the resulting bone defect can be so large that it affects the stability of neighboring teeth, compromises the integrity of the bone, or produces a delayed healing that can even prevent complete bone regeneration. It is considered that the lack of regeneration exposes the patient to risk of infection, delay of rehabilitation treatments in areas of high aesthetic demand and loss of dental vitality. To reduce the risk of alterations in complete bone regeneration of cystic cavities, the possibility of filling these defects with bone grafts or other alveolar preservation techniques to promote healing, has been proposed after cyst enucleation. Theoretically, the use of these grafts improves the quality and decreases the bone healing time, allowing the patient to quickly recover the usual functions of the dentoalveolar component, limiting the period of postoperative care that restricts eating, sports or oral rehabilitation. The present work aims to carry out a review of the literature regarding the benefits of the use of bone grafts in the surgical treatment of maxillary cysts and to present a clinical case with the surgical details of this technique.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bone Cysts/surgery , Mandibular Diseases/surgery , Bone Transplantation , Apicoectomy , Tissue Preservation , Bone and Bones/pathology , Bone Regeneration , Mandibular Diseases/pathology , Odontogenic Cysts/surgery , Radicular Cyst/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Platelet-Rich FibrinABSTRACT
El fibroma ameloblástico (FA) se describe como una neoplasia benigna de origen odontogénico mixto que suele presentarse entre la primera y segunda década de vida, frecuentemente en los molares permanentes inferiores. Por lo general es asintomático, pero las lesiones de gran tamaño suelen acompañarse con dolor e inflamación. Su tratamiento por lo regular es conservador. Se describe el caso de un fibroma ameloblástico en un paciente de 13 años de edad, que involucraba cuerpo y ángulo mandibular izquierdo, tratado de manera conservadora, se realiza extirpación del tumor, regeneración ósea guiada y rehabilitación con implante dental (AU)
Ameloblastic fibroma (AF) is described as a benign neoplasm of mixed odontogenic origin that usually presents between the first and second decade of life, frequently in lower permanent molars. It is usually asymptomatic, but large lesions are usually accompanied by pain and inflammation. His treatment is generally conservative. The clinical case of an ameloblastic fibroma in a 13-year-old patient is described, involving the left mandibular body and angle, treated conservatively, tumor removal, guided bone regeneration and rehabilitation with dental implants are performed (AU)
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Bone Regeneration , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/classification , Fibroma/surgery , Prognosis , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Diagnosis, Differential , Fibroma/rehabilitationABSTRACT
Abstract Bone regeneration is crucial for repairing bone tissue following various injuries. Research techniques that enable the study of metabolic changes in bone tissue under different conditions are important for understanding bone repair and remodeling. This study used bone scintigraphy to evaluate osteogenesis secondary to osteotomy in a preclinical model of New Zealand rabbits. For this purpose, we conducted a longitudinal, prospective, case-control study in which scintigraphic variables were measured in both the right forearm (case-operated) and the left forearm (control - non-operated). The study sample consisted of 10 rabbits subjected to osteotomy, followed by a 12-week postoperative evaluation period, divided into six imaging stages at 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 12 weeks. We observed that the operated forearm showed significantly higher external radiation than the control side, using the pinhole collimator, denoting an increase in the biodistribution and tropism of the radiopharmaceutical to the operated forearm. Among the three evaluated time points, osteoblastic activity was highest in the second week and presented a significant decline in the 8th and 12th weeks, denoting regeneration and resolution of the surgical injury; the control forearm was also influenced by the inactivity imposed by the operated forearm. This fact was notably evidenced by the reduction in the metabolic activity of osteoblasts in the left forearm. Our study suggested that bone scintigraphy was sensitive enough to semi-quantitatively differentiate the metabolic activity of osteoblasts in the operated forearm in the three temporal landmarks evaluated in the study.
Liver regeneration following injury aids the restoration of liver mass and the recovery of liver function. In the present study we investigated the contribution of megakaryocytic leukemia 1 (MKL1), a transcriptional modulator, to liver regeneration. We report that both MKL1 expression and its nuclear translocation correlated with hepatocyte proliferation in cell and animal models of liver regeneration and in liver failure patients. Mice with MKL1 deletion exhibited defective regenerative response in the liver. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that MKL1 interacted with E2F1 to program pro-regenerative transcription. MAPKAPK2 mediated phosphorylation primed MKL1 for its interaction with E2F1. Of interest, phospholipase d2 promoted MKL1 nuclear accumulation and liver regeneration by catalyzing production of phosphatidic acid (PA). PA administration stimulated hepatocyte proliferation and enhanced survival in a MKL1-dependent manner in a pre-clinical model of liver failure. Finally, PA levels was detected to be positively correlated with expression of pro-regenerative genes and inversely correlated with liver injury in liver failure patients. In conclusion, our data reveal a novel mechanism whereby MKL1 contributes to liver regeneration. Screening for small-molecule compounds boosting MKL1 activity may be considered as a reasonable approach to treat acute liver failure.
Liver transplantation is the optimal treatment for end-stage liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma, which can significantly improve clinical prognosis and quality of life of patients. However, multiple challenges, such as rejection, immune tolerance, shortage of donor liver, preservation of donor liver, ischemia-reperfusion injury and postoperative complications, <i>etc.</i>, limit the efficacy of liver transplantation in clinical practice. Research teams in China have made significant contributions to the basic research related to liver transplantation by making continuous efforts and combining the development of emerging technologies, interdisciplinary integration and other emerging fields. In this article, the frontier progress in the basic research of liver transplantation in 2023 was reviewed, highlighting the progress made by Chinese research teams in the basic research of liver transplantation, aiming to provide reference for promoting the integration of Chinese characteristics into the research of liver transplantation, accelerate the integration of Chinese liver transplantation research with international community, and promote further advancement of liver transplantation in China.
Oral diseases concern almost every individual and are a serious health risk to the popula-tion.The restorative treatment of tooth and jaw defects is an important means to achieve oral function and support the appearance of the contour.Based on the principle of"learning from the nature",Deng Xu-liang's group of Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology has proposed a new concept of"microstructural biomimetic design and tissue adaptation of tooth/jaw materials"to address the worldwide problems of difficulty in treating dentine hypersensitivity,poor prognosis of restoration of tooth defects,and vertical bone augmentation of alveolar bone after tooth loss.The group has broken through the bottle-neck of multi-stage biomimetic technology from the design of microscopic features to the enhancement of macroscopic effects,and invented key technologies such as crystalline/amorphous multi-level assembly,ion-transportation blocking,and multi-physical properties of the micro-environment reconstruction,etc.The group also pioneered the cationic-hydrogel desensitizer,digital stump and core integrated restora-tions,and developed new crown and bridge restorative materials,gradient functionalisation guided tissue regeneration membrane,and electrically responsive alveolar bone augmentation restorative membranes,etc.These products have established new clinical strategies for tooth/jaw defect repair and achieved inno-vative results.In conclusion,the research results of our group have strongly supported the theoretical im-provement of stomatology,developed the technical system of oral hard tissue restoration,innovated the clinical treatment strategy,and led the progress of the stomatology industry.
Objective:To investigate the characteristics and risk factors of perioperative hypertension during dental implant surgeries with bone augmentation.Methods:A retrospective cohort study was con-ducted.Seven hundred and twenty-eight cases underwent dental implant placement and bone augmenta-tion in Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology from September 2021 to August 2022 were recruited in this study according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.They were divided into different groups according to the exposure factors which were gender,age,surgical time,and surgical approach.The correlation between perioperative hypertension and the exposure factors was analyzed.Results:The average systolic blood pressure variability was 9.93%±6.63%(maximum 50.41%),the average dias-tolic blood pressure variability was 12.45%±8.79%(maximum 68.75%),and the average mean arte-rial pressure variability was 10.02%±6.61%(maximum 49.48%).The incidence rate of perioperative hypertension was 26.77%.Male,age ≥ 60 years,and surgical time>60 minutes were risk factors for perioperative hypertension(P<0.05),and the relative risks(95%CI)were 1.74(1.21-2.50),2.35(1.54-3.58),and 1.65(1.15-2.38),respectively.There was no significant difference in the inci-dence of perioperative hypertension among the guided bone regeneration,sinus floor elevation with transal-veolar approach,and sinus floor elevation with lateral window approach(P>0.05).However,the risk factors varied according to bone augmentation approaches.For the patients underwent guided bone rege-neration,the risk factors for perioperative hypertension included male,age≥60 years,and surgical time>60 minutes(P<0.05).For the patients underwent maxillary sinus lift with transalveolar approach,the risk factor for perioperative hypertension was age ≥ 60 years(P<0.05).For the patients underwent maxillary sinus lift with lateral window approach,male,age ≥60 years,and surgical time>60 minutes were not risk factors for perioperative hypertension(P>0.05).Conclusion:There was a certain risk of periopera-tive hypertension in oral implantation with bone augmentation.The influence of male,age ≥60 years and sur-gical time>60 minutes on perioperative hypertension was related to the approach of bone augmentation.
Objective:To discuss the effect of ligustilide on the cardiac function and angiogenesis in the rats with heart failure,and to clarify its regulatory effect on protein kinase D1(PKD1)/hypoxia-inducible factor-1α(HIF-1α)/vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)pathway.Methods:The SD rats were randomly divided into sham operation group,model group,ligustilide group,PKD1/HIF-1α/VEGF signaling pathway inhibitor CID755673(CID)group,and ligustilide+CID group.The heart failure rat model was established by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery.The rats in ligustilide group were injected intravenously with 20 mg·kg-1 ligustilide,the rats in CID group were injected intraperitoneally with 50 mg·kg-1 CID,and the rats in ligustilide+CID group were injected intraperitoneally with 50 mg·kg-1 CID followed by intravenous injection of 20 mg·kg-1 ligustilide,once per day for 4 consecutive weeks.The cardiac function indexes of the rats in various groups were detected by echocardiography;the percentages of myocardial infarction areas of the rats in various groups were detected by 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride(TTC)staining;the pathomorphology of myocardium tissue of the rats in various groups was observed by HE staining;the expression levels of PKD1,HIF-1α,CD31,and VEGF mRNA and proteins in ischemic area of myocardium tissue of the rats in various groups were detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR(RT-qPCR)and Western blotting methods.Results:Compared with sham operation group,the rats in model group and CID group had altered myocardial cell morphology,increased intercellular gaps,disorganized arrangement,visible muscle fiber breaks and inflammatory cell infiltration;the rats in ligustilide group and ligustilide+CID group had relatively orderly myocardial fiber arrangement,fewer myocardial fiber breaks and decreased number of inflammatory cells.Compared with sham operation group,the left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF)and left ventricular fractional shortening(LVFS)of the rats in model group were decreased(P<0.05),the left ventricular end-systolic diameter(LVESD)and left ventricular end-diastolic diameter(LVEDD)were increased(P<0.05),and the expression levels of PKD1,HIF-1α,CD31,and VEGF mRNA and proteins in myocardium tissue were decreased(P<0.05).Compared with model group,the LVEF and LVFS of the rats in ligustilide group were increased(P<0.05),the LVESD and LVEDD were decreased(P<0.05),the percentage of myocardium infarction area was decreased(P<0.05),and the expression levels of PKD1,HIF-1α,CD31,and VEGF mRNA and proteins in myocardium tissue were increased(P<0.05);compared with model group,the LVEF and LVFS of the rats in CID group were decreased(P<0.05),the LVESD and LVEDD were increased(P<0.05),the percentage of myocardium infarction area was increased(P<0.05),and the expression levels of PKD1,HIF-1α,CD31,and VEGF mRNA and proteins in myocardium tissue were decreased(P<0.05);compared with ligustilide group,the LVEF and LVFS of the rats in ligustilide+CID group were decreased(P<0.05),the LVESD and LVEDD were increased(P<0.05),the percentage of myocardium infarction area was increased(P<0.05),and the expression levels of PKD1,HIF-1α,CD31,and VEGF mRNA and proteins in myocardium tissue were decreased(P<0.05);compared with CID group,the LVEF and LVFS of the rats in ligustilide+CID group were increased(P<0.05),the LVESD and LVEDD were decreased(P<0.05),the percentage of myocardium infarction area was decreased(P<0.05),and the expression levels of PKD1,HIF-1α,CD31,and VEGF mRNA and proteins in myocardium tissue were increased(P<0.05).Conclusion:Ligustilide can promote the angiogenesis,reduce the myocardium infarction area,and improve the cardiac function in the rats with heart failure;it works through activation of the PKD1/HIF-1α/VEGF pathway.
LINGO-1,a Nogo receptor-interacting protein-1 rich in leucine repeat sequences and immunoglobulin structural domains,which is specifically expressed in neurological diseases. In recent years,more and more evidences indicate that LINGO-1 plays an important role in glial scar formation,cell death and inflammatory reaction. LINGO-1 inhibits oligodendrocyte activation,and prevents axon and myelin formation and functional recovery,and is therefore considered to be a negative regulator of neuronal survival,neurite extension and axon myelination. The change of LINGO-1 level is related to the occurrence and development of many neurological diseases. This article reviews the physiological function of LINGO-1 and summarizes the latest research progress of LINGO-1 in multiple sclerosis,spinal cord injury,neonatal brain injury and epilepsy,so as to explore new strategies for the treatment of neurological diseases.
Alzheimer's disease(AD)is a multi-cause neurodegenerative disease characterized by memory impairment.There have been serious obstacles to the effective treatment of AD.Acupuncture,as a component of traditional Chinese medicine,plays an important role in the treatment of AD.Acupuncture has been shown to protect neurons from degeneration and promotes axonal regeneration in neurodegenerative diseases such as AD.According to existing studies,the mechanisms of acupuncture on AD include the following aspects:modulation of Aβ metabolism,tau phosphorylation,cholinergic neurotransmitters,neuroinflammation,synaptic and neuronal function,autophagy,brain glucose metabolism,intestinal flora,and inhibition of nerve cell apoptosis,which in turn improves cognition.