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MHSalud ; 21(1): 82-103, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558387


Resumen Objetivo: El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática fue determinar los efectos del entrenamiento cluster sobre la hipertrofia muscular. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos electrónicas Pubmed, Scopus y Web of Science, utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: 'cluster training', 'rest Interval', 'rest pause', 'hypertrophy', 'resistance training' y 'cross sectional area'. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos que utilizaron el entrenamiento cluster como intervención en personas mayores de 18 años de ambos sexos. Resultados: La revisión sistemática obtenida durante la búsqueda de las bases de datos consultadas arrojó un total de 23 artículos, potencialmente elegibles, de los cuales se tomó una muestra de 9, con los que se podían obtener resultados que respondían al objetivo de esta revisión. La cantidad de participantes de los 9 artículos elegibles fue de 172 sujetos. Los entrenamientos cluster permiten aumentar el volumen de entrenamiento y la intensidad sin provocar elevados niveles de fatiga, favoreciendo así el desarrollo de la hipertrofia muscular. Conclusiones: Los resultados de esta revisión sistemática sugieren que los entrenamientos cluster pueden ser una herramienta eficaz para el desarrollo de la hipertrofia muscular.

Abstract Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to determine the effects of cluster training on muscle hypertrophy. Methodology: A literature search was performed in the electronic databases Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science, using the following keywords: 'cluster training', 'rest interval', 'rest pause', 'hypertrophy', 'resistance training' and 'cross sectional area'. We included clinical trials that used cluster training as an intervention in people over 18 years of age of both sexes. Results: The systematic review obtained during the search of the databases consulted yielded a total of 23 potentially eligible articles, of which a sample of 9 was taken from which results could be obtained that responded to the objective of this review. The number of participants from the 9 eligible articles was 172 subjects. Cluster workouts allow for increased training volume and intensity without causing high levels of fatigue, thus favoring the development of muscle hypertrophy. Conclusions: The results of this systematic review suggest that cluster training can be an effective tool for the development of muscle hypertrophy.

Resumo Objetivo: O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi determinar os efeitos do treinamento em cluster na hipertrofia muscular. Metodologia: Realizou-se uma busca na literatura nas bases de dados eletrônicas Pubmed, Scopus e Web of Science, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave: 'cluster training', 'rest interval', 'rest pause', 'hypertrophy', 'resistance training' e 'cross sectional area'. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos que utilizaram o treinamento em cluster como intervenção em pessoas com mais de 18 anos de ambos os sexos. Resultados: A revisão sistemática realizada durante a busca nas bases de dados consultadas resultou em um total de 23 artigos potencialmente elegíveis, dos quais uma amostra de 9 foi selecionada para obter resultados que respondessem ao objetivo desta revisão. O número de participantes nos 9 artigos elegíveis foi de 172 indivíduos. Os treinos em cluster permitem um aumento no volume e na intensidade do treinamento sem causar altos níveis de fadiga, favorecendo assim o desenvolvimento da hipertrofia muscular. Conclusões: Os resultados desta revisão sistemática sugerem que o treinamento em cluster pode ser uma ferramenta eficaz para o desenvolvimento da hipertrofia muscular.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564656


La preparación de la cavidad de acceso es el primer paso y un requisito esencial, para la instrumentación y obturación de los conductos radiculares durante el tratamiento endodóntico. El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar la resistencia a la fractura in vitro de premolares con cavidad de acceso tradicional (CAT), cavidad de acceso conservador (CAC) y cavidad de acceso ultraconservador (CAU). Esta fue una investigación transversal, prospectiva y experimental pura. Se realizó con 40 segundos premolares superiores, divididos en 4 grupos. Todas las muestras fueron desinfectadas y almacenadas en recipientes con suero fisiológico al 0,9 %. Al primer grupo se designó como el control, al segundo grupo CAT, al tercer grupo CAC y al cuarto grupo CAU. Se realizaron todos los accesos endodónticos con una pieza de mano de alta velocidad con refrigeración respetando el protocolo de cada uno de los diseños, posterior a ello se realizó el tratamiento endodóntico y restauración de los especímenes. Una vez preparadas todas las muestras, estas fueron sometidas a una prueba de fatiga en una máquina de ensayo universal y los resultados se registraron en Newtons. La prueba estadística usada fue ANOVA con un nivel de significancia de 5 %. Las CAT obtuvieron el menor valor de resistencia a la fractura en comparación con el grupo control. Sin embargo, no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos CAT, CAC Y CAU. Entre los grupos CAC y CAU, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en comparación con el grupo control.

The preparation of the access cavity is the first step and an essential requirement for the instrumentation and obturation of the root canals during endodontic treatment. The objective of the present study was to compare the in vitro fracture resistance of premolars with traditional access cavity (CAT), conservative access cavity (CAC) and ultraconservative access cavity (CAU). This was a cross-sectional, prospective and pure experimental research. It was carried out with 40 upper second premolars, divided into 4 groups. All samples were disinfected and stored in containers with 0.9 % physiological saline. The first group was designated as the control, the second group CAT, the third group CAC and the fourth group CAU. All endodontic accesses were carried out with a high-speed handpiece with refrigeration, respecting the protocol of each of the designs, after which the endodontic treatment and restoration of the specimens was carried out. Once all the samples were prepared, they were subjected to a fatigue test in a universal testing machine and the results were recorded in Newtons. The statistical test used was ANOVA with a significance level of 5 %. The CAT obtained the lowest fracture resistance value, presenting statistically significant differences with the control group. However, no statistically significant differences were observed between the CAT, CAC, and CAU groups. Furthermore, between the CAC and CAU groups, no statistically significant differences were found compared to the control group.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535345


Objectives: To present a simple form of vocal and breathing conditioning for voice professionals based on concepts from vocal science. The vocal conditioning program called Voice Athletes Conditioning uses the principles of exercise physiology to gradually improve vocal and respiratory overload to achieve endurance, power, and flexibility. Methods: Due to our personal experience with high voice users, we synthesized a vocal conditioning program (AVCP) that combines voice science, exercise physiology, sports science and physical therapy principles. This is an 8-week program of daily vocal and breathing exercises with overload enhancement each week using different types of breathing devices and semi-occluded vocal tract exercises, designed and developed according to the specific requirements and performance of the voice professional. Reflections: Professional voice users often experience episodes of vocal fatigue that can directly affect their performance and vocal health. As with physical training for athletes, voice exercises can also contribute to improving vocal conditioning, preventing voice disorders, as well as helping to obtain better performance, greater tolerance to fatigue and shorter recovery time. Conclusions: AVCP is an approach that considers the principles of muscle training aimed objectively at the respiratory and vocal muscles, carried out with a variety of breathing devices and specific vocal exercises in search of greater performance time, less physiological stress, and shorter recovery time in the professional use of the voice.

Objetivos: Presentar una forma sencilla de acondicionamiento vocal y respiratorio para profesionales de la voz, basada en conceptos de la ciencia vocal. El programa de acondicionamiento vocal denominado Voice Athletes Conditioning utiliza los principios de la fisiología del ejercicio para mejorar gradualmente la sobrecarga vocal y respiratoria, con el fin de lograr resistencia, potencia y flexibilidad. Métodos: Debido a nuestra experiencia personal con usuarios de voz aguda, sintetizamos un programa de acondicionamiento vocal (AVCP) que combina principios de la ciencia de la voz, la fisiología del ejercicio, las ciencias del deporte y la fisioterapia. Se trata de un programa de 8 semanas de ejercicios vocales y respiratorios diarios con realce de sobrecarga cada semana utilizando diferentes tipos de dispositivos respiratorios y ejercicios semioclusivos del tracto vocal, diseñado y desarrollado de acuerdo con los requerimientos específicos y el rendimiento del profesional de la voz. Reflexiones: Los usuarios profesionales de la voz experimentan a menudo episodios de fatiga vocal que pueden afectar directamente su rendimiento y salud vocal. Al igual que ocurre con el entrenamiento físico de los deportistas, los ejercicios vocales también pueden contribuir a mejorar el acondicionamiento vocal, prevenir trastornos de la voz, además de ayudar a obtener un mejor rendimiento, una mayor tolerancia a la fatiga y un menor tiempo de recuperación. Conclusiones: El AVCP es un enfoque que considera los principios del entrenamiento muscular dirigido objetivamente a la musculatura respiratoria y vocal, realizado con diversos aparatos respiratorios y ejercicios vocales específicos en busca de un mayor tiempo de actuación, menor estrés fisiológico y menor tiempo de recuperación en el uso profesional de la voz.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 401-409, mayo 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538160


Bovine mastitis is a disease wi th far - reaching consequences for the dairy industry. Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogen that is especially resistant to antibiotics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils Lippia citriodora (Lam.), Thy mus vulgaris (L), and a mixture of the essential oils Lippia citriodora and Thymus vulgaris (50/50 v/v), against isolates of oxacillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus (n=15) of positive cases of bovine mastitis. For the statistical analysis, the IBM SPSS s tatistical package was used. The mixture of essential oils ( Lippia citriodora and Thymus vulgaris (50/50 v/v)) obtained the most significant antimicrobial activity in relation to pure essential oils. It is therefore concluded that the mixture of these oils boosts their antimicrobial activity ( p <0.05). The minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentration of this mixture for the total isolations was 12 µL/L and 25 µL/mL, respectively.

La mastitis bovina es una enfermedad de gran impacto para la industria lechera. El Staphylococcus aureus es uno de los principales patógenos, especialmente aquellos resistentes a los antibióticos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la actividad antimicrobiana de los aceites esenciales de Lippia citriodora (Lam.), Thymus vulgaris (L), y una mezcla de aceites esenciales de Lippia citriodora y Thymus vulgaris (50/50 v/v), frente a aislamientos clínicos de Staph ylococcus aureus oxacilino - resistentes (n=15) de mastitis bovina. Se utilizó p rograma estadístico IBM SPSS y se concluyó la diferencia significativa a un p <0.05. La mezcla de aceites esenciales ( Lippia citriodora y Thymus vulgaris (50/50 v/v)), obtuvo la m ayor actividad antimicrobiana en relación a los aceites esenciales puros, se concluye que la mezcla de estos aceites potencia su actividad antimicrobiana ( p <0.019). La concentración mínima inhibitoria y bactericida de esta mezcla fue del 12 µL/mL y 25 µL/m L, respectivamente, y puede ser una alternativa terapéutica.

Animals , Female , Cattle , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Lippia/chemistry , Thymus Plant , Mastitis, Bovine/microbiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Colombia , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 85-92, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560632


Introducción: la resistencia antibiótica en bacterias patógenas como Escherichia coli y Klebsiella spp. productoras de betalactamasas, han surgido como un problema global de salud pública. Su presencia, se asocia con infecciones intrahospitalarias y comunitarias, aumentando la morbilidad y la mortalidad de los pacientes. Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de E.coli y Klebsiella spp productoras de betalactamasas en cultivos procesados en un laboratorio clínico. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de diseño documental. La muestra estuvo constituida por un total de 1465 resultados de cultivos positivos para Escherichia coli o Klebsiella spp. en el periodo 2022. Para la recolección de la información, se tuvo acceso a la base de datos anonimizada del laboratorio en una hoja de Excel para su posterior análisis. Los datos fueron tabulados en SPSS versión 25. Resultados: el análisis de bacterias productoras de BLEE mostró una positividad del 22,3% en E. coli y 46,1% en Klebsiella spp. E. coli presentó mayor frecuencia de negativos (77,7%) en comparación con Klebsiella spp. La presencia de E. coli fue más común en muestras de orina (90,6%) y en otras muestras como esputo y heridas cutáneas (21,3%). Se evaluaron 8 antibióticos, y se destacó la alta sensibilidad para amikacina (AK) (99,6% y 98,0%) y elevada resistencia ampicilina (AM) (91,5% y 100%) en ambas especies. Ciprofloxacino (CIP) y Trimetropin/Sulfametoxazol (STX) mostraron relativa frecuencia mayor de resistencia. Conclusión: los resultados muestran una alta frecuencia de bacterias productoras de BLEE en E. coli y Klebsiella spp., con una mayor prevalencia en Klebsiella spp. Además, la resistencia a AM, CIP y STX destaca la importancia de una gestión adecuada de la resistencia antimicrobiana.

Introduction: antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. producing beta-lactamases has emerged as a global public health problem. Their presence has been associated with both hospital-acquired and community-acquired infections, leading to increased morbidity and mortality in patients. Objective: to determine the frequency of betalactamase-producing E. coli and Klebsiella spp. in cultures processed in a clinical laboratory. Methods: a descriptive documentary design study was conducted. The sample consisted of a total of 1465 positive culture results for Escherichia coli or Klebsiella spp. in the year 2022. Data collection involved accessing the laboratory's anonymized database in an Excel sheet for subsequent analysis. The data were tabulated in SPSS version 25. Results: the analysis of ESBL-producing bacteria showed a positivity of 22.3% in E. coli and 46.1% in Klebsiella spp. E. coli showed a higher frequency of negatives (77.7%) compared to Klebsiella spp. The presence of E. coli was more common in urine samples (90.6%) and in other samples such as sputum and skin wounds (21.3%). Eight antibiotics were evaluated, with high sensitivity noted for amikacin (AK) (99.6% and 98.0%) and high resistance for ampicillin (AM) (91.5% and 100%) in both species. Ciprofloxacin (CIP) and Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (STX) showed a relatively higher frequency of resistance. Conclusion: the results show a high frequency of ESBL-producing bacteria in E. coli and Klebsiella spp., with a higher prevalence in Klebsiella spp. Furthermore, the resistance to AM, CIP, and STX highlights the importance of proper management of antimicrobial resistance.

Introdução: a resistência antibiótica em bactérias patogênicas como Escherichia coli e Klebsiella spp., produtoras de beta-lactamases, emergiu como um problema de saúde pública global. Sua presença tem sido associada a infecções hospitalares e comunitárias, aumentando a morbidade e a mortalidade dos pacientes. Objetivo: determinar a frequência de E. coli e Klebsiella spp. produtoras de betalactamase em culturas processadas em laboratório clínico. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo descritivo de design documental. A amostra consistiu em um total de 1465 resultados de cultura positiva para Escherichia coli ou Klebsiella spp. no ano de 2022. A coleta de dados envolveu o acesso ao banco de dados anonimizado do laboratório em uma planilha do Excel para análise subsequente. Os dados foram tabulados na versão 25 do SPSS. Resultados: a análise de bactérias produtoras de BLEE mostrou uma positividade de 22,3% em E. coli e 46,1% em Klebsiella spp. E. coli apresentou uma frequência maior de resultados negativos (77,7%) em comparação com Klebsiella spp. A presença de E. coli foi mais comum em amostras de urina (90,6%) e em outras amostras, como escarro e feridas na pele (21,3%). Foram avaliados oito antibióticos, com alta sensibilidade observada para amicacina (AK) (99,6% e 98,0%) e alta resistência para ampicilina (AM) (91,5% e 100%) em ambas as espécies. Ciprofloxacina (CIP) e Trimetoprima/Sulfametoxazol (STX) mostraram uma frequência relativamente maior de resistência. Conclusão: os resultados mostram uma alta frequência de bactérias produtoras de BLEE em E. coli e Klebsiella spp., com uma maior prevalência em Klebsiella spp. Além disso, a resistência a AM, CIP e STX destaca a importância da adequada gestão da resistência antimicrobiana.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 73-84, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560628


Las infecciones del tracto urinario son consideradas un problema de salud a nivel hospitalario y comunitario por el aumento de bacterias resistentes a los antibióticos. Objetivo: Analizar el patrón de susceptibilidad y resistencia antimicrobiana de Enterobacterias causante de infección del tracto urinario. Métodos: Se aplicó una investigación descriptiva de diseño documental. La población fue de 672 registros de urocultivos positivos, recopilados de la base de datos del Laboratorio San Pablo en el periodo 2021-2022. Para su tabulación y análisis los datos obtenidos fueron procesados en el Software SPSS versión 25.0. Resultados: Las ITU se presentan con mayor frecuencia en el género femenino 86,5%. El grupo etario con más afección es la edad adulta 50,4%. El agente etiológico con mayor incidencia fue Escherichia coli 75,74%, Citrobacter Freundii 8,93%, Klebsiella spp 6,10%. La producción de BLEE como mecanismo de resistencia predominaron en las cepas de E.coli y Klebsiella spp. Se encontró un mayor porcentaje de resistencia para Ampicilina y SXT. Los antibióticos con mejor sensibilidad destacaron nitrofurantoína, fosfomicina. Conclusión: La especie con mayor aislamiento, implicada en la etiología de infecciones urinarias sigue siendo E.coli con una sensibilidad alta para nitrofurantoína y fosfomicina.

Urinary tract infections are considered a health problem at hospital and community level due to the increase of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Objective: To analyze the pattern of susceptibility and antimicrobial resistance of Enterobacteriaceae causing urinary tract infection. Methods: A descriptive research of documentary design was applied. The population was 672 records of positive urine cultures, collected from the San Pablo Laboratory database in the period 2021-2022. For tabulation and analysis, the data obtained were processed in SPSS software version 25.0. Results: UTIs occur more frequently in females 86.5%. The age group with the highest incidence was adulthood 50.4%. The etiological agent with the highest incidence was Escherichia coli 75.74%, Citrobacter Freundii 8.93%, Klebsiella spp 6.10%. The production of BLEE as a mechanism of resistance predominated in the strains of E.coli and Klebsiella spp. A higher percentage of resistance was found for Ampicillin and SXT. The antibiotics with the best sensitivity were nitrofurantoin and fosfomycin. Conclusion: The species with the highest isolation, implicated in the etiology of urinary tract infections, continues to be E.coli with a high sensitivity to nitrofurantoin and fosfomycin.

As infecções do trato urinário são consideradas um problema de saúde a nível hospitalar e comunitário devido ao aumento de bactérias resistentes aos antibióticos. Objetivo: Analisar o padrão de suscetibilidade e resistência antimicrobiana das Enterobacteriaceae causadoras de infecções do trato urinário. Métodos: Foi aplicada uma metodologia de investigação documental descritiva. A população foi de 672 registros de culturas de urina positivas, coletados do banco de dados do Laboratório San Pablo no período de 2021-2022. Para tabulação e análise, os dados obtidos foram processados no software SPSS versão 25.0 Resultados: As ITUs ocorreram com maior frequência no sexo feminino 86,5%. A faixa etária com maior incidência foi a adulta 50,4%. O agente etiológico com maior incidência foi a Escherichia coli 75,74%, Citrobacter Freundii 8,93%, Klebsiella spp 6,10%. A produção de BLEE como mecanismo de resistência predominou em E. coli e Klebsiella spp. Foi encontrada uma maior percentagem de resistência para a ampicilina e o SXT. Os antibióticos com melhor sensibilidade foram a nitrofurantoína e a fosfomicina. Conclusão: A espécie com maior isolamento, implicada na etiologia das infecções do trato urinário, continua a ser a E. coli com uma elevada sensibilidade à nitrofurantoína e à fosfomicina.

Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 81-87, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567543


Background and Objectives: antimicrobial resistance is one of the main public health concerns worldwide. Intensive Care Units have a high prevalence of resistant microorganisms and infections, and the rational use of antibiotics is one of the main strategies for tackling this problem. This work aimed to describe patterns associated with antimicrobial drugs as well as the resistance profile of microorganisms. Methods: an observational study was carried out using data from patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit who used antimicrobial agents. Results: respiratory and cardiological causes were the most frequent reasons for admission, with cephalosporins (29.02%), with penicillin (25.84%) and macrolides (16.10%) being the most used classes of antibiotics. The predominant microorganisms were Klebsiella pneumoniae (13.98%), Staphylococcus aureus (13.44%) and Acinetobacter baumannii (11.83%). Urine cultures and tracheal aspirate were the culture tests with the highest growth of gram-negative microorganisms. Patients with bacteria isolated in tracheal aspirate had longer hospital stays; 20 patients had positive surveillance cultures; and the mortality rate found was 55.45%. Conclusion: the study combined the institution's epidemiological profile with patient characteristics, isolated microorganisms and outcomes.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: a resistência antimicrobiana é uma das principais preocupações de saúde pública em todo o mundo. As Unidades de Terapia Intensiva têm uma alta prevalência de microorganismos resistentes e infecções, e o uso racional de antibióticos é uma das principais estratégias para lidar com esse problema. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever padrões associados a medicamentos antimicrobianos, bem como o perfil de resistência dos microorganismos. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo observacional utilizando dados de pacientes hospitalizados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva que utilizaram agentes antimicrobianos. Resultados: causas respiratórias e cardiológicas foram os motivos mais frequentes de admissão, com cefalosporinas (29,02%), penicilina (25,84%) e macrolídeos (16,10%) sendo as classes de antibióticos mais utilizadas. Os microorganismos predominantes foram Klebsiella pneumoniae (13,98%), Staphylococcus aureus (13,44%) e Acinetobacter baumannii (11,83%). Culturas de urina e aspirado traqueal foram os testes de cultura com maior crescimento de microorganismos gram-negativos. Pacientes com bactérias isoladas no aspirado traqueal tiveram internações mais longas; 20 pacientes tiveram culturas de vigilância positivas; e a taxa de mortalidade encontrada foi de 55,45%. Conclusão: o estudo combinou o perfil epidemiológico da instituição com características dos pacientes, microorganismos isolados e resultados.(AU)

Antecedentes y Objetivos: la resistencia antimicrobiana es una de las principales preocupaciones de salud pública en todo el mundo. Las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos tienen una alta prevalencia de microorganismos resistentes e infecciones, y el uso racional de antibióticos es una de las principales estrategias para abordar este problema. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo describir patrones asociados con medicamentos antimicrobianos, así como el perfil de resistencia de los microorganismos. Métodos: se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional utilizando datos de pacientes hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos que utilizaron agentes antimicrobianos. Resultados: las causas respiratorias y cardiológicas fueron las razones más frecuentes de admisión, con cefalosporinas (29,02%), penicilina (25,84%) y macrólidos (16,10%) siendo las clases de antibióticos más utilizadas. Los microorganismos predominantes fueron Klebsiella pneumoniae (13,98%), Staphylococcus aureus (13,44%) y Acinetobacter baumannii (11,83%). Los cultivos de orina y el aspirado traqueal fueron las pruebas de cultivo con mayor crecimiento de microorganismos gramnegativos. Los pacientes con bacterias aisladas en el aspirado traqueal tuvieron estancias hospitalarias más largas; 20 pacientes tuvieron cultivos de vigilancia positivos; y la tasa de mortalidad encontrada fue del 55,45%. Conclusión: el estudio combinó el perfil epidemiológico de la institución con las características de los pacientes, los microorganismos aislados y los resultados.(AU)

Humans , Drug Prescriptions , Brazil , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Laboratory Test , Intensive Care Units , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Drug Utilization
An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 85(1): 85-91, ene.-mar. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556807


RESUMEN La Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos (RAM) es un problema de salud pública de alcance global. De no lograrse contener su propagación, para el año 2050 se convertiría en la primera causa de muerte a nivel mundial, con un serio impacto en la economía mundial. Esta situación ha determinado la aplicación del enfoque «Una Salud¼ para su contención. Este enfoque reconoce que la salud de las personas, los animales, las plantas y el medio ambiente están estrechamente relacionados y son interdependientes. Desde el año 2015, la Organización Mundial de la Salud, en coordinación con otras organizaciones aprobaron el Plan de Acción Mundial para enfrentar la RAM, esto determinó que los estados miembros elaboraran e implementaran sus planes nacionales. El Perú inició el abordaje para la contención de la RAM aplicando el enfoque «Una Salud¼ desde el año 2017. Se registran algunos avances en la implementación de Plan nacional pero también los retos y acciones pendientes de alcanzar.

ABSTRACT Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a public health problem of global scope, whose projections if its spread is not contained indicate that by the year 2050 it would become the leading cause of death worldwide with a serious impact on the world economy. This situation has determined the application of the "One Health" approach for its containment. The approach recognizes that the health of people, animals, plants and the environment are closely related and interdependent. Since 2015, the WHO, in coordination with other organizations, approved the Global Action Plan to face AMR, this determined that the Member States elaborate and implement their national plans. Peru began the approach to contain AMR applying the "One Health" approach since 2017. Some progress has been made in the implementation of the National Plan but also the challenges and actions pending to be achieved.

Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 31-37, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567545


Background and Objectives: bacterial resistance is an important public health problem worldwide and is related to the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials, limiting the available therapeutic options. The COVID-19 pandemic aggravated this scenario, since the lack of a standardized therapy led to a considerable increase in the prescription of these drugs. Therefore, we proposed to investigate the prevalence of bacterial infections and the profile of antimicrobial resistance in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 as well as to point out possible risk factors. Methods: a retrospective study based on the analysis of medical records of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 over the age of 18. Information such as age, gender, length of stay, hospitalization unit, bacterial species and resistance profile and previous use of antimicrobials by patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were collected and analyzed using Excel® 2016. Results: of the 268 patients with COVID-19, 162 had suspected bacterial infections, and 26 patients (9.7%) were confirmed from positive cultures. Furthermore, around 80% of these patients underwent empirical treatment with antimicrobials, the majority of whom were male and admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. A total of 32 bacterial isolates were recovered, of which 59.4% were resistant to at least one class of antimicrobials, with 21.8% being multidrug resistant. Conclusion: despite the low percentage found of patients with COVID-19 who had bacterial infections and of these 21.8% were by multidrug-resistant bacteria, the reinforcement in infection prevention policies and the adequate management in the release of antimicrobials is necessary to reduce the hospital dissemination rates of such bacteria.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: a resistência bacteriana é um importante problema de saúde pública mundial relacionado ao uso indiscriminado de antimicrobianos, limitando as opções terapêuticas disponíveis. A pandemia de COVID-19 agravou esse cenário, uma vez que a falta de uma terapia padronizada resultou no aumento considerável na prescrição desses fármacos. Diante disso, propôs-se investigar a prevalência de infecções bacterianas e o perfil de resistência aos antimicrobianos em pacientes diagnosticados com COVID-19, bem como apontar possíveis fatores de risco. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo baseado na análise de prontuários de pacientes internados com COVID-19 com idade superior a 18 anos. Informações como idade, gênero, tempo de internação, unidade de internação, espécie bacteriana e perfil de resistência e uso prévio de antimicrobianos pelos pacientes diagnosticados com COVID-19 foram coletadas e analisadas pelo software Excel® 2016. Resultados: dos 268 pacientes com COVID-19, 162 apresentaram suspeitas de infecções bacterianas, sendo 26 pacientes (9,7%) confirmados a partir de culturas positivas. Ainda, cerca de 80% desses pacientes realizaram tratamento empírico com antimicrobianos, sendo a maioria do sexo masculino e internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Foram recuperados um total de 32 isolados bacterianos, dos quais 59,4% apresentaram resistência a pelo menos uma classe de antimicrobianos, sendo 21,8% multidroga resistente. Conclusão: apesar do baixo percentual encontrado de pacientes com COVID-19 que apresentaram infecções bacterianas e, desses, 21,8% serem causados por bactérias multirresistentes, o reforço nas políticas de prevenção de infecções e o adequado gerenciamento na liberação de antimicrobianos se fazem necessários para a redução das taxas de disseminação hospitalar de tais bactérias.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivos: la resistencia bacteriana es un importante problema de salud pública en todo el mundo y está relacionada con el uso indiscriminado de antimicrobianos, lo que limita las opciones terapéuticas disponibles. La pandemia por COVID-19 agravó este escenario, ya que la falta de una terapia estandarizada llevó a un aumento considerable en la prescripción de estos fármacos. Por ello, nos propusimos investigar la prevalencia de infecciones bacterianas y el perfil de resistencia antimicrobiana en pacientes diagnosticados de COVID-19, así como señalar posibles factores de riesgo. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo basado en el análisis de historias clínicas de pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 mayores de 18 años. Información como edad, sexo, duración de la estadía, unidad de hospitalización, especies bacterianas y perfil de resistencia y uso previo de antimicrobianos por parte de pacientes diagnosticados con COVID-19 fueron recopiladas y analizadas mediante el software Excel® 2016. Resultados: de los 268 pacientes con COVID-19, 162 tenían sospecha de infección bacteriana, con 26 pacientes (9,7%) confirmada a partir de cultivos positivos. Además, alrededor del 80% de estos pacientes recibieron tratamiento empírico con antimicrobianos, la mayoría de los cuales eran hombres e ingresaron en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Se recuperaron un total de 32 aislados bacterianos, de los cuales el 59,4% eran resistentes a al menos una clase de antimicrobianos y el 21,8% eran resistentes a múltiples fármacos. Conclusión: a pesar del bajo porcentaje encontrado de pacientes con COVID-19 que presentaron infecciones bacterianas, y de éstas cerca del 21,8% fueron por bacterias multirresistentes, es necesario reforzar las políticas de prevención de infecciones y una gestión adecuada en la liberación de antimicrobianos para reducir las tasas de diseminación hospitalaria de dichas bacterias.(AU)

Humans , Bacterial Infections , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Cross Infection , COVID-19/complications , Inpatients
Kinesiologia ; 43(1)20240315.
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552600


Introducción. Las cardiopatías congénitas (CC) en Chile corresponden a la segunda causa de muerte en menores de 1 año, requiriendo cirugías paliativas y/o correctivas el 65% de estas. En el post operatorio frecuentemente se utiliza ventilación mecánica invasiva (VM) y succión endotraqueal (SET) para remover secreciones. Sin embargo, la kinesiología respiratoria (KTR) ha mostrado mejoras significativas en la distensibilidad toracopulmonar (Cest) y resistencia de vía aérea (Rva) en otros grupos de usuarios pediátricos y adultos en VM. Objetivo. Comparar los cambios en la Cest y Rva en usuarios pediátricos en VM post cirugía de cardiopatía congénita (CCC) sometidos a KTR versus SET exclusiva. Métodos. Revisión sistemática de estudios publicados en bases de datos PUBMED, PeDro, Scielo y Google Scholar que comparan el uso de KTR ó SET sobre los cambios en mecánica ventilatoria en usuarios pediátricos en VM post cirugía de cardiopatía congénita, limitados a inglés, español y portugués, excluyendo a sujetos con traqueostomía o con oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea. Se utilizó guía PRISMA para la selección de artículos. Se revisaron 397 artículos y se seleccionó 1 artículo extra de los artículos sugeridos. Se eliminó 1 artículo por duplicidad. Por títulos y resúmenes se seleccionaron 2 artículos, los cuales al leer el texto completo fueron retirados debido a que la población no correspondía a cardiópatas. Resultados. El final de artículos seleccionados fue de 0 artículos, debido a lo cual se removió el operador Booleano "NOT", y se removió la población de cardiopatías. De este modo quedaron 2 artículos seleccionados para la revisión cualitativa final donde se compara KTR versus SET, y KTR en kinesiólogos especialistas y no especialistas, mostrando ambos aumento en la Cest y disminución de la Rva a favor de la KTR, hasta los 30 minutos post intervención. Conclusiones. No se encontraron artículos que demuestren cambios en Cest y Rva con el uso de KTR + SET versus SET exclusiva, en usuarios pediátricos ventilados posterior a CCC. Con la remoción de filtros seleccionamos 2 artículos que demuestran aumento de Cest y disminución de Rva en sujetos pediátricos en VM, uno comparando con SET, y por grupos de especialistas y no especialistas en respiratorio. Se sugieren estudios primarios para evaluar los efectos de esta intervención en esta población.

Introduction. Congenital heart diseases (CHD) are the second general cause for children death under 1 year. In Chile, approximately 65% CHD need surgery, could was palliative or corrective. In the postoperative period, invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) is frequently used as a life support method, but it is associated with complications. Tracheal suction (SET) is regularly used to remove secretions; however, respiratory chest physiotherapy (KTR) has shown significant improvements in thoraco-pulmonary compliance and airway resistance in other groups of pediatrics and adult's users in MV. Objetive. to compare changes in thoraco-pulmonary compliance and airway resistance in pediatric subjects under mechanical ventilation after congenital heart disease surgery comparing chest physiotherapy and exclusive tracheal suction. Methods. systematic review of studies published in PUBMED, PeDro, Scielo and Google Scholar databases who compares KTR or SET use on changes in ventilatory mechanics in pediatric users under MV after congenital heart disease surgery, limited to English, Spanish and Portuguese languages, excluding user with tracheostomy or extracorporeal membrane of oxygenation. It was use the PRISMA guide to articles selection. A search was carried out, with a total of 397 articles reviewed (English: PubMed = 3, PeDro = 8, Scholar = 383; Spanish: Scholar = 3, Scielo = 0; and Portuguese: Scielo = 0). One extra article was selected from the suggested articles, and 1 article was eliminated due to duplication. By titles and abstracts, 2 articles were selected, but the population did not correspond to heart disease. Results. the final selected articles were 0 articles. By this reason, it were removed: Boolean operator "NOT", and congenital heart disease population. Thus, 2 articles were selected for the final qualitative review where it was compares KTR versus SET, and KTR by specialist and non-specialist. Both articles shown improvement in compliance and resistance until 30 minutes post intervention. The CC population was in a 40 to 60% range in both studies. Conclusions. it was no found articles that demonstrate changes in compliance and resistance in the airway with the use of KTR + SET versus exclusive SET in pediatric users after CCC connected to MV. After filter remotion, we found 2 studies shown improves in increase compliance and reduce resistance in pediatric user in MV, ones comparing with SET, and the other one comparing between specialists in respiratory pediatric physiotherapy and not specialists. It suggests to made primary clinical studies about this intervention in CC population.

Rev. invest. clín ; 76(1): 29-36, Jan.-Feb. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560126


ABSTRACT Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) drug resistance is a major cause of treatment failure in children and adolescents infected with the virus. Objectives: The objectives of the study are to investigate HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) in patients who attended a referral care center in Argentina over a 15-year period and to compare mutational patterns between HIV-1 pol sequences characterized as B or BF recombinants. Methods: Individual resistance-associated mutations (RAMs) (to protease and reverse transcriptase inhibitors) were identified according to IAS-USA guidelines in 374 HIV-1-infected children and adolescents. HIV-1 subtype was characterized by phylogenetic and recombination analysis using MEGA5.1 and Simplot. Poisson linear regression was used to model the dynamics of the RAMs over time. Results: The prevalence of RAMs to protease inhibitors (R2 = 0.52, p = 0.0012) and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (R2 = 0.30, p = 0.0225) decreased over time. HIVDR to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors remained moderate to high, ranging between 33% and 76%. BF recombinants showed a higher frequency of thymidine analog mutation 1 RAMs profile and I54V mutation. Conclusion: In Argentina, HIVDR observed in children and adolescents has decreased over the past 15 years, regardless of the viral subtype.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13257, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564156


Rivaroxaban is a direct factor Xa inhibitor. Its interindividual variability is large and may be connected to the occurrence of adverse drug reactions or drug inefficacy. Pharmacogenetics studies concentrating on the reasons underlying rivaroxaban's inadequate response could help explain the differences in treatment results and medication safety profiles. Against this background, this study evaluated whether polymorphisms in the gene encoding the ABCG2 transporter modify the pharmacokinetic characteristics of rivaroxaban. A total of 117 healthy volunteers participated in two bioequivalence experiments with a single oral dose of 20 mg rivaroxaban, with one group fasting and the other being fed. Ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry was employed to determine the plasma concentrations of rivaroxaban, and the WinNonlin program was used to calculate the pharmacokinetics parameters. In the fasting group, the rivaroxaban pharmacokinetic parameters of Vd (508.27 vs 334.45 vs 275.59 L) and t1/2 (41.04 vs 16.43 vs 15.47 h) were significantly higher in ABCG2 421 A/A genotype carriers than in ABCG2 421 C/C and 421 C/A genotype carriers (P<0.05). The mean values of Cmax (145.81 vs 176.27 vs 190.19 ng/mL), AUC0-t (1193.81 vs 1374.69 vs 1570.77 ng/mL·h), and Cl (11.82 vs 14.50 vs 13.01 mL/h) for these groups were lower, but this difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). These findings suggested that the ABCG2 421 A/A genotype may impact rivaroxaban parameters after a single dose in healthy subjects. This finding must be validated before it is applied in clinical practice.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13357, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564167


The overexpression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp/ABCB1) is a leading cause of multidrug resistance (MDR). Hence, it is crucial to discover effective pharmaceuticals that counteract ABCB1-mediated multidrug resistance. FRAX486 is a p21-activated kinase (PAK) inhibitor. The objective of this study was to investigate whether FRAX486 can reverse ABCB1-mediated multidrug resistance, while also exploring its mechanism of action. The CCK8 assay demonstrated that FRAX486 significantly reversed ABCB1-mediated multidrug resistance. Furthermore, western blotting and immunofluorescence experiments revealed that FRAX486 had no impact on expression level and intracellular localization of ABCB1. Notably, FRAX486 was found to enhance intracellular drug accumulation and reduce efflux, resulting in the reversal of multidrug resistance. Docking analysis also indicated a strong affinity between FRAX486 and ABCB1. This study highlights the ability of FRAX486 to reverse ABCB1-mediated multidrug resistance and provides valuable insights for its clinical application.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(1): e202302992, feb. 2024. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1525290


La resistencia a los antirretrovirales (ARV) es un problema de salud pública. Con el uso de inhibidores de la integrasa (INSTI) en pediatría, también comienzan a aparecer resistencias. El objetivo de esta comunicación es describir 3 casos con resistencia a los INSTI. Se describen 3 pacientes pediátricos con transmisión vertical del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Iniciaron ARV de lactantes y preescolares, con mala adherencia al tratamiento, cursaron con diferentes planes secundarios a comorbilidades asociadas y fallas virológicas por resistencia. Los 3 casos clínicos describen la rápida aparición de resistencia frente a la falla virológica y el compromiso de los INSTI. La adherencia debe ser supervisada para detectar precozmente el aumento de la viremia. La falla virológica en un paciente tratado con raltegravir obliga a un rápido cambio de esquema ARV, ya que continuar utilizándolo podría favorecer nuevas mutaciones y resistencia a los INSTI de segunda generación.

Antiretroviral (ARV) drug resistance is a public health issue. Resistance has also been observed in the case of integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) used in pediatrics. The objective of this article is to describe 3 cases of INSTI resistance. These are the cases of 3 children with vertically-transmitted human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). They were started on ARVs as infants and preschoolers, with poor treatment adherence, and had different management plans due to associated comorbidities and virological failure due to resistance. In the 3 cases, resistance developed rapidly as a result of virological failure and INSTI involvement. Treatment adherence should be monitored so that any increase in viremia can be detected early. Virological failure in a patient treated with raltegravir forces to a rapid change in ARV therapy because its continued use may favor new mutations and resistance to second-generation INSTIs.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , HIV Infections/drug therapy , HIV-1/genetics , HIV Integrase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , HIV Integrase Inhibitors/pharmacology , Anti-HIV Agents/therapeutic use , Uruguay , Raltegravir Potassium/therapeutic use , Raltegravir Potassium/pharmacology , Mutation
Rev. chil. nutr ; 51(1)feb. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550800


Neuregulins (NRGs) are a family of signaling proteins that bind to receptor tyrosine kinases of the ErbB family (ErbB2 to ErbB4), which can homo- or heterodimerize depending on their structural features and cell type. Many studies have proposed that decreased NRG levels are a common characteristic of obesity. In liver and adipose tissue, the increase in NRG expression has protective effects against obesity. However, it is still unknown whether ErbBs expression is altered in this pathology. We hypothesized that high fat diet-induced obesity downregulates ErbB receptors expression in obese mice compared to normal weight mice. Males C57BL/6 mice (n=6-7 for each group) were fed for 12 weeks and divided into: (i) control diet (CD; 10%-kcal fat, 20%-kcal protein, 70%-kcal carbohydrates), and (ii) high fat diet (HFD; 60%-kcal fat, 20%-kcal protein, 20%-kcal carbohydrates). General parameters and ErbBs expression (qPCR, immunohistochemistry and Western blot) were evaluated. We observed a significant increase in final body weight (47%), adipose tissue to body weight ratio (244%) and HOMA-IR (69%), among other parameters, in obese mice. In HFD group significantly decreased ErbB2 (48%) and ErbB3 (66%) mRNA levels in liver (no change in ErbB4), and ErbB2 (43%), ErbB3 (76%) and ErbB4 (35%) in adipose tissue, compared to CD. Furthermore, ErbB2 and ErbB3 protein levels decreased significantly in HFD group compared to the CD in liver. Therefore, our results suggest that HFD-induced obesity significantly decreases ErbBs expression in liver and adipose tissue in this murine model, that may be associated with alterations in the NRG pathway in obese mice.

Las neuregulinas (NRGs) son una familia de proteínas de señalización que se unen a receptores tirosina quinasas de la familia ErbB (ErbB2 a ErbB4), que pueden homo- o heterodimerizar dependiendo de sus características estructurales y del tipo celular. Estudios han propuesto que la disminución de los niveles de NRG es una característica común de la obesidad. En el hígado y el tejido adiposo (TA), el aumento de la expresión de NRG tiene efectos protectores contra la obesidad. Sin embargo, aún se desconoce si la expresión de ErbBs está alterada en esta patología. Nuestra hipótesis es que la obesidad inducida por una dieta alta en grasas (DAG) disminuye la expresión de los ErbB en ratones obesos. Ratones machos C57BL/6 (n=6-7 para c/grupo) fueron alimentados durante 12 semanas y divididos en: (i) dieta control (DC; 10%-kcal grasa, 20%-kcal proteína, 70%-kcal carbohidratos), y (ii) DAG (60%-kcal grasa, 20%-kcal proteína, 20%-kcal carbohidratos). Se evaluaron los parámetros generales y la expresión de ErbBs (qPCR, inmunohistoquímica y Western blot). Observamos un aumento significativo del peso corporal final (47%), de la relación tejido adiposo/peso corporal (244%) y del HOMA-IR (69%), entre otros parámetros, en ratones obesos. En este grupo disminuyó significativamente los niveles de ARNm de ErbB2 (48%) y ErbB3 (66%) en el hígado (sin cambios en ErbB4), y de ErbB2 (43%), ErbB3 (76%) y ErbB4 (35%) en el TA. Además, los niveles de proteína ErbB2 y ErbB3 disminuyeron significativamente, en comparación con el grupo DC en el hígado. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la obesidad inducida por DAG disminuye significativamente la expresión de ErbBs en el hígado y el TA, que puede estar asociado con alteraciones en la vía NRG en ratones obesos.

Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1553409


Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections pose a significant challenge, contributing to hospital morbidity and mortality. Objective: To describe the behavior of Healthcare Associated Infections before and during the pandemic reported to a high-complexity health institution in Colombia. Material and Methods: In our retrospective observational study on Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs), we analyzed data from all in-patients diagnosed with HAIs between 2018 and 2020. This included clinical, demographic, microbiological, and microbial susceptibility information collected from the Committee on Nosocomial Infections' prospective database. Data from 391 isolates were obtained using Whonet software for antimicrobial resistance surveillance. Results: We found 504 cases of HAIs (2018-2020) with an overall in-hospital infection rate of 2.55/1000 patient-days. The median age for pediatric patients was 5 years, and for adults, 56 years, with 57% male. The leading admission diagnoses were oncologic disease complications (31%). Bacteremia had a 30-day mortality rate of 13%, predominantly catheter-associated (37%). Gram-negative bacilli, notably Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, represented 58% cases of HAI. Discussion: The critical need for specific interventions and antimicrobial management to control HAIs, especially given the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, is highlighted. Conclusions: This is the first report on HAIs incidence at a tertiary hospital in Bucaramanga, Santander (Colombia). Bacteremia was predominant; 75% of HAIs patients had comorbidities. Gram-negative bacilli prevailed; a notable rise in ICU respiratory infections occurred during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Resistance to cephalosporins and carbapenems was prevalent.

Drug Resistance, Microbial , Cross Infection , COVID-19
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023136


Esophageal cancer is an upper gastrointestinal malignancy with a bleak prognosis.It is still being explored in depth due to its complex molecular mechanisms of occurrence and development.Lipids play a crucial role in cells by participating in energy supply,biofilm formation,and signal transduction pro-cesses,and lipid metabolic reprogramming also constitutes a significant characteristic of malignant tu-mors.More and more studies have found esophageal cancer has obvious lipid metabolism abnormalities throughout its beginning,progress,and treatment resistance.The inhibition of tumor growth and the enhancement of antitumor therapy efficacy can be achieved through the regulation of lipid metabolism.Therefore,we reviewed and analyzed the research results and latest findings for lipid metabolism and associated analysis techniques in esophageal cancer,and comprehensively proved the value of lipid metabolic reprogramming in the evolution and treatment resistance of esophageal cancer,as well as its significance in exploring potential therapeutic targets and biomarkers.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 13-19, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023672


Objective To investigate the effect of Cyclocarya paliurus(Batal.)lljinskaja polysaccharides on insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic rats by regulating glucose transporter 4(GLUT4)translocation in islet and liver.Methods High-fat diet combined with low-dose streptozotocin(35 mg·kg-1)to induce type 2 diabetes model,all the rats were randomly divided into model control group,Cyclocarya paliurus polysaccharides groups(5,10 g·kg-1)and metformin group(0.25 g·kg-1),and treated for eight weeks(n=9 in each group).Fasting glucose and lipid were determined.Histopathology of rat islet and liver were observed by hematoxylin and eosin staining.Protein expressions of phosphorylated phosphoinositide-3-kinase(p-PI3K),phosphorylated serine-threonine kinase 1(p-Akt1),and GLUT4 in islet were measured by immunohistochemistry staining.GLUT4 translocation in the islet and liver was detected by immunofluorescence.Results Compared with the model control group,the Cyclocarya paliurus polysaccharides group and metformin group had declined fasting glucose levels and increased high-density lipoprotein(P<0.05).The structure of the islets and liver was relatively complete.The content of p-PI3K,p-Akt1 and GLUT4 in the islet increased(P<0.05).GLUT4 translocation in the liver and islet enhanced(P<0.05).Conclusions Cyclocarya paliurus polysaccharides alleviate glucose and lipid metabolism disorders.The mechanism may lay in it activating protein expressions of p-PI3K,p-Akt1,and GLUT4 in islet cells.GLUT4 translocation to the islet and liver cell membrane are increased to regulate peripheral islet resistance.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 287-291, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023712


Objective To analyze the pathogenic bacteria and drug resistance of peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis(PDAP),and provide a clinical reference for the rational use of antibiotics.Methods The demographic data of PDAP patients admitted to the peritoneal dialysis(PD)Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from July 1,2015 to December 30,2021 were collected,and the pathogens,drug resistance and prognosis were retrospectively analyzed.Results A total of 150 episodes of PDAP occurred in 92 patients.The positive rate of PD fluid culture was 61.33%,including 65 cases(70.65%)of Gram-positive(G+)bacteria,mainly Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.Gram-negative(G-)bacteria were in 16 cases(17.39%),mainly Escherichia coli and Enterobacter cloacae.There were 11 cases(11.96%)of multiple infections,including 5 cases of combined fungal infection.From 2016 to 2021,the incidence of G+bacteria-related PDAP decreased from 14 to 8 cases.G+strains were resistant to methicillin(35.00%),and were sensitive to linezolid(100.00%),teicoplanin(100.00%)and rifampicin(100.00%).The sensitivity rate to vancomycin was 98.59%.G-strains were sensitive to ceftazidime(86.36%),ceftizoxime(88.89%)and amikacin(100.00%).The MIC of vancomycin against Staphylococcus showed an upward trend in 2019-2021.The overall cure rate of PDAP was 81.33%in patients who responded to antibiotic treatment,and the cure rate of G+bacteria was higher than that of multiple infections(89.23%vs.36.36%,P<0.01).The outcome of patients with multiple infections,especially those with concurrent fungal infection was poor.Conclusion The incidence of PDAP in the PD center has shown a decreasing trend in recent years.G+bacteria are still the main pathogenic bacteria causing PDAP,and they are highly resistant to methicillin,so vancomycin should be used as empirical therapy.For G-bacteria,cefotaxime and amikacin can be chosen as empirical therapy.There is a drift in the MIC values of vancomycin against Staphylococcus in the study period,so it is necessary to monitor the MIC of vancomycin against Staphylococcus and its changing trend.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 408-413, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023728


Ferroptosis is a unique iron-dependent cell death pattern,a novel death phenotype distinct from apoptosis,va-rious forms of necrosis,and autophagy.Numerous active ingredients extracted from traditional Chinese medicine have been found to exert anti-cancer effects by inducing ferroptosis in various cancers.An increasing number of studies have found that the regulation of ferroptosis can influence the sensitivity of tumor cells to drugs and even reverse drug resistance.When combined with chemo-therapy drugs such as cisplatin,5-FU and gemcitabine,some natural products enhance cancer cells'sensitivity to chemothera-peutic drugs by inducing ferroptosis.This paper mainly summarizes traditional Chinese medicine and its natural products that can exert anti-cancer effects by inducing ferroptosis,providing new insights for cancer treatment and drug resistance reversal.Addition-ally,it contributes to exploring the potential advantages of traditional Chinese medicine,thereby expanding its scope of applica-tion.