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Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1570427


Objetivo: Descrever os parâmetros validados por enfermeiros relacionando com a sua prática assistencial na monitorização de pacientes críticos sob ventilação mecânica. Métodos: Estudo descritivo-exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa, cujos dados foram discutidos à luz da Resolução Conselho Federal de Enfermagem n. 639/2020 e de parâmetros clínicos obtidos validados por enfermeiros intensivistas. Resultados: Os parâmetros validados foram discutidos em termos de sua aplicabilidade clínica para o alcance da competência monitorização respiratória, um dos itens presentes na referida resolução como privativa do enfermeiro. Criou-se um quadro com os parâmetros gerais para a monitorização respiratória/ventilatória por enfermeiros, com alvo clínico e local de obtenção do parâmetro no ventilador mecânica, para colaborar com a sua usabilidade. Conclusão: Apresentou-se a aplicabilidade de parâmetros validados por enfermeiros na assistência aos pacientes sob ventilação mecânica. Pondera-se sua contribuição para maior qualidade na assistência, melhores desfechos clínicos, assim como, evitar complicações associadas à ventilação mecânica. (AU)

Objective: To describe the respiratory/ventilatory parameters validated by nurses relating to their care practice in critical patients on mechanical ventilation. Methods: Descriptive-exploratory study with quantitative approach, whose data were discussed based on COFEN Resolution 639/2020 and clinical parameters obtained validated by critical care nurses. Results: The validated parameters were discussed in terms of clinical applicability for achieving the competence "respiratory monitoring", one of the items present in the aforementioned resolution as private nurse care. A framework was created with the general parameters for respiratory/ventilatory monitoring by nurses, with clinical target and location of obtaining the parameter on the mechanical ventilator, to collaborate with its usability. Conclusion: The applicability of parameters validated by nurses in care of mechanically ventilated patients was presented. Its contribution to better quality care and clinical outcomes, as well as avoiding complications associated with mechanical ventilation. (AU)

Objetivo: describir los parámetros respiratorios/ventilatorios validados por enfermeros relacionando con su práctica asistencial en pacientes críticos con ventilación mecánica. Métodos: investigación descriptiva-exploratoria con abordaje cuantitativo, cuyos datos fueron discutidos en la Resolución COFEN 639/2020 y de parámetros clínicos obtenidos y validados por enfermeros intensivistas. Resultados: los parámetros validados fueron discutidos en términos de su aplicabilidad clínica para el alcance de la competencia "monitoreo respiratorio", uno de los ítems presentes en la referida resolución como exclusiva del enfermero. Se creó un cuadro con los parámetros generales para el monitoreo respiratorio/ventilatorio por enfermeros, con objetivo clínico y lugar de obtención del parámetro en el ventilador mecánico, para colaborar con su usabilidad. Conclusión: se presentó la aplicabilidad de parámetros validados por enfermeros en la asistencia a pacientes con ventilación mecánica. Se pondera su contribución para una mayor calidad en la asistencia, mejores desenlaces clínicos y, también, para evitar complicaciones asociadas con la ventilación mecánica. (AU)

Respiration, Artificial , Respiratory Insufficiency , Coronavirus Infections , Critical Care Nursing
Med. UIS ; 37(1): 41-52, ene.-abr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582617


Resumen Introducción: El soporte ventilatorio es considerado primordial para la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda. Comprender la relación entre el uso del alto flujo y el resultado en pacientes con enfermedad por COVID-19 es relevante ya que ha surgido como alternativa a la intubación orotraqueal. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto de la cánula nasal de alto flujo en la estancia hospitalaria y la mortalidad de pacientes con infección por SARS-CoV-2 y falla respiratoria hipoxémica durante los años 2020 y 2021 en un hospital universitario nacional. Metodología: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo entre marzo 2020 y febrero 2021, de pacientes con neumonía grave por SARS-CoV-2 y falla ventilatoria. Se evaluó la cánula nasal de alto flujo comparado con ventilación mediante intubación orotraqueal utilizando un puntaje de propensión para estancia, mortalidad y desenlaces secundarios (Infección torrente sanguíneo, insuficiencia renal aguda, entre otros). Finalmente se evaluó mortalidad a 30 días y egreso con vida mediante modelo Poisson. Resultados: Se analizaron 160 pacientes (40 con cánula y 120 con intubación orotraqueal), siendo hombres 66,9 % y edad promedio 63,8 años. Fallecieron 81 pacientes (50,6 %) en los primeros 30 días de hospitalización. Después de ajuste, no se encontró asociación con mortalidad (RTIa 1,13, IC 95 %: 0,93-1,38), pero sí con menor estancia hospitalaria, frecuencia de intubación orotraqueal e insuficiencia renal aguda. Conclusión: El grupo de pacientes que recibió cánula nasal de alto flujo mostró una menor frecuencia de ventilación mecánica invasiva, estancia hospitalaria e insuficiencia renal aguda no descrita previamente, aunque no se encontró reducción en mortalidad.

Abstract Background: Ventilatory support is considered first line for the treatment of acute respiratory failure. Better understanding the relationship between the use of high flow and outcome in patients with COVID-19 is relevant as it has emerged as an alternative to orotracheal intubation. Objective: To determine the effect of high-flow nasal cannula on hospital stay and mortality of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection and hypoxemic respiratory failure during the years 2020 and 2021 in a national university hospital. Methods: Retrospective cohort study was carried out between March 2020 and February 2021, of patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia and ventilatory failure. The High Flow Nasal Cannula was evaluated compared to conventional mechanical ventilation. Propensity score was used for stay, mortality and secondary outcomes (bloodstream infection, acute renal failure, among others). Finally, 30-day mortality and live discharge were evaluated using the Poisson model. Results: 160 patients were analyzed (40 with Cannula and 120 with Orotracheal Intubation), 66,9 % being men and average age 63,8 years. 81 patients (50,6 %) died in the first 30 days of hospitalization. After adjustment, no association was found with mortality (RaIR 1,13, 95 % CI: 0,93-1,38), but with shorter stay, frequency of Orotracheal Intubation and acute kidney injury. Conclusion: The group of patients who received a high-flow nasal cannula showed a lower frequency of invasive mechanical ventilation, hospital stay and acute kidney injury not previously described, although no reduction in mortality was found.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(1): 186-190, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565146


RESUMEN La tuberculosis (TB) miliar es una presentación con un desenlace fatal de no ser diagnosticada ni tratada a tiempo; para desarrollar esta presentación se requieren de ciertas condicionantes. En este artículo, se estudia el caso de un varón de 48 años sin antecedentes patológicos, quien inició la enfermedad por un periodo de seis meses, con un cuadro gastrointestinal difuso inicial; un mes antes del ingreso presentó un cuadro respiratorio progresivo, por lo que fue ingresado a Emergencias, en donde se evidenció, en la tomografía computarizada de tórax, compromiso miliar difuso bilateral; se le administró oxígeno y medidas de soporte, se obtuvo prueba VIH, cuyo resultado fue negativo. Se obtuvieron resultados positivos en la baciloscopia de esputo. Su evolución fue estacionaria hasta la administración de la terapia antituberculosa y se observó leve mejoría clínica; así mismo, se le administraron dosis bajas de corticoide, luego de los cuales se evidenció una evolución favorable, por lo que se le dio de alta.

ABSTRACT Miliary Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially fatal condition if not diagnosed and treated promptly, although it requires certain circumstances to develop. This article studies the case of a 48-year-old man with no significant pathological history, who developed the disease over a period of six months, initially presenting with diffuse gastrointestinal symptoms. One month prior to admission, he developed progressive respiratory symptoms and was admitted to the emergency department where bilateral diffuse miliary involvement was evident on the chest computed tomography. He was administered oxygen and support measures and passed an HIV test, which was negative. Nevertheless, his sputum smear microscopy showed positive results. His clinical evolution remained stationary until the administration of antituberculosis therapy, observing slight clinical improvement. Low doses of corticosteroids were also administered, leading to a favorable evolution, and he was subsequently discharged.

Rev. am. med. respir ; 24(1): 50-56, ene. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569598


RESUMEN El control de la saturación de oxígeno durante el ingreso hospitalario es un desafío cotidiano para el médico tratante, ya sea en contexto de una exacerbación de EPOC o cualquier enfermedad aguda que curse con insuficiencia respiratoria. El ajuste de flujo del oxígeno administrado al paciente es en la mayoría de los casos manual, habitual mente sin una prescripción médica clara del rango de SpO2 deseado, lo que implica una sobrecarga del servicio de enfermería con el riesgo de realizar un aporte inade cuado de este, ya sea por sobreadministración o por aporte insuficiente. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir una experiencia preliminar con la administración automatizada del flujo de O2 mediante el uso del dispositivo O2matic. Se estudió un grupo de pacientes adultos con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda quienes se encontraban internados usando oxigenoterapia continua con flujímetros convencionales y controles manuales periódicos de enfermería, por lo que se indica, luego, iniciar oxigenoterapia en forma controlada usando el dispositivo O2matic durante 30 min. Se ha observado que el flujo de oxígeno alcanzado utilizando el dispositivo de control automático O2ma tic ha sido menor al flujo utilizado en el control manual, con diferencias significativas entre ambos valores hallados, con adecuada seguridad y tolerancia del paciente. Que la automatización de la oxigenoterapia durante el ingreso hospitalario pueda reducir la duración de la admisión, y posiblemente mejorar la supervivencia entre pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda queda aún por determinar, por lo que son necesarios futuros estudios aleatorizados con una muestra mayor de pacientes.

ABSTRACT The control of oxygen saturation during hospital admission is a daily challenge for the treating physician, whether in the context of a COPD exacerbation or any acute disease that occurs with respiratory failure. The adjustment of the oxygen flow administered to the patient is mostly manual, usually without a clear medical prescription for the desired SpO2 range, implying an overload of the nursing service with the risk of making an inad equate contribution, either over-administering it or providing it incorrectly. insufficient. The objective of this work is to describe a preliminary experience with the automated administration of the O2 flow through the use of the O2matic device. A group of adult patients with acute respiratory failure who were hospitalized using continuous oxygen therapy with conventional flowmeters and periodic nursing manual controls was studied, after which it was indicated to start oxygen therapy in a controlled manner using the O2matic device for 30 minutes. It was observed that the oxygen flow achieved using the O2matic automatic control device has been lower than the flow used in manual control, with significant differences between both values found, with adequate safety and patient tolerance. Whether the automation of oxygen therapy during hospital admission could reduce the length of admission, and possibly improve survival among patients with acute respiratory failure remains to be determined, requiring future randomized studies with a larger sample of patients.

São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo Med. J. (Online);142(1): e2022470, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450506


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Respiratory failure is the most common cause of death in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and morbidity is related to poor quality of life (QOL). Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) may be associated with prolonged survival and QOL in patients with ALS. OBJECTIVES: To assess whether NIV is effective and safe for patients with ALS in terms of survival and QOL, alerting the health system. DESIGN AND SETTING: Systematic review was conducted in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses reporting standards using population, intervention, comparison, and outcome strategies. METHODS: The Cochrane Library, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, LILACS, EMBASE, and CRD databases were searched based on the eligibility criteria for all types of studies on NIV use in patients with ALS published up to January 2022. Data were extracted from the included studies, and the findings were presented using a narrative synthesis. RESULTS: Of the 120 papers identified, only 14 were related to systematic reviews. After thorough reading, only one meta-analysis was considered eligible. In the second stage, 248 studies were included; however, only one systematic review was included. The results demonstrated that NIV provided relief from the symptoms of chronic hypoventilation, increased survival, and improved QOL compared to standard care. These results varied according to clinical phenotype. CONCLUSIONS: NIV in patients with ALS improves the outcome and can delay the indication for tracheostomy, reducing expenditure on hospitalization and occupancy of intensive care unit beds. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION: PROSPERO database: CRD42021279910 —

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023059


Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of non-invasive bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) ventilator combined with oxygen atomization in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) complicated with type Ⅱ respiratory failure.Methods:A total of 80 patients with COPD complicated with type Ⅱ respiratory failure admitted to Haiyan County People′s Hospital from June 2019 to July 2021 were selected, and they were divided into the observation group and the control group by the random number table method, with 40 cases in each group. Patients in both groups received conventional treatment, while patients in the control group were connected with BiPAP non-invasive ventilator and received non-invasive mechanical ventilation in S/T mode; the observation group was given aerosol inhalation drugs during ventilation, and both groups were treated for 7 d. Blood gas indicators and vital signs were collected before treatment and 7 d after treatment. Clinical symptoms were investigated by COPD patient Caring Assessment Tool (CAT) and Dyspnea Scale (DECAF). Serum levels of interleukin (IL)-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and CD 4+/CD 8+ were determined, and treatment outcomes and adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results:After treatment, the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO 2) and the oxygen saturation (SaO 2) in the observation group were higher than those in the control group: (73.41 ± 5.26) mmHg(1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa) vs. (65.11 ± 4.33) mmHg, 0.921 ± 0.052 vs. 0.884 ± 0.039; the arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO 2), heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) were lower than those in the control group: (45.20 ± 5.33) mmHg vs. (50.52 ± 5.96) mmHg, (90.12 ± 8.56) times/min vs. (98.52 ± 9.63) times/min, (17.41 ± 2.26) times/min vs. (22.10 ± 3.05) times/min, there were statistical differences ( P<0.05). After treatment, CAT scores and DECAF scores in the observation group were lower than those in the control group: (8.45 ± 1.63) scores vs. (12.77 ± 2.36) scores, (0.89 ± 0.15) scores vs. (1.15 ± 0.19) scores, there were statistical differences ( P<0.05). After treatment, the levels of IL-10 and CD 4+/CD 8+ in the observation group were higher than those in the control group: (15.28 ± 3.12) ng/L vs. (13.41 ± 2.96) ng/L, 1.71 ± 0.38 vs. 1.54 ± 0.30; while the level of TNF-α was lower than that in the control group: (215.27 ± 33.96) ng/L vs. (251.11 ± 50.95) ng/L, there were statistical differences ( P<0.05). The hospitalization time in the observation group was shorter than that in the control group: (13.52 ± 3.96) d vs. (15.22 ± 2.74) d, there was statistical difference ( P<0.05). The rates of tracheal intubation and the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups had no significant differences ( P>0.05). Conclusions:Non-invasive BiPAP ventilator combined with oxygen atomization can improve blood gas index, vital signs and clinical symptoms of COPD patients complicated with type Ⅱ respiratory failure and reduce inflammatory response.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);44(1): 108-112, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1574076


Introduction. During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, many countries experienced decreased respiratory virus circulation, followed by an out-of-season outbreak. In a pediatric hospital in Colombia, we observed a surge in severe adenovirus infections, leading to concerns about the impact of eased public health restrictions and immune debt in children under five years old. Objective. To describe the clinical characteristics of patients with severe adenovirus infection in a pediatric hospital in Colombia. Materials and methods. We reviewed the data of 227 patients with severe adenovirus infection at the Fundación Hospital Pediátrico La Misericordia. Results. A total of 196 patients were included in this study. The median age was two years, and 62% were male. Adenoviruses were isolated from all patients' samples. Ninetyseven percent were admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit, 94% required respiratory support, and the in-hospital lethality rate was 11%. Conclusion. In 2022, there was an outbreak of severe adenovirus infections, affecting mainly children under five years of age, with higher-than-usual mortality.

Introducción. Durante la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, muchos países evidenciaron una disminución en la circulación de virus respiratorios, seguida por un brote fuera de la temporada esperada. En un hospital de Colombia, se observó un aumento en los casos de infección grave por adenovirus, lo cual generó preocupación sobre el impacto que tuvo la disminución de los cuidados establecidos durante pandemia y la posible deuda inmunológica en niños menores de cinco años. Objetivo. Describir las características clínicas de los pacientes con infección grave por adenovirus en un hospital pediátrico de Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se revisaron 227 pacientes con infección grave por adenovirus en la Fundación Hospital Pediátrico La Misericordia, desde el 1° de enero hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2022. Resultados. El estudio incluyó 196 casos. La edad media de los pacientes fue de dos años y el 62 % eran de sexo masculino. Los adenovirus se aislaron a partir de las muestras de todos los pacientes. El 97 % de los pacientes ingresó a la unidad de cuidados intensivos, el 94 % requirió soporte ventilatorio y la tasa de mortalidad fue del 11 %. Conclusiones. En el 2022 hubo un brote de adenovirus que afectó principalmente a los niños menores de cinco años, con una mortalidad mayor a lo reportado con anterioridad en Colombia.

Humans , Pediatrics , Adenoviridae Infections , Respiratory Insufficiency , Shock , Child , Intensive Care Units
Crit. Care Sci ; 36: e20240203en, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564419


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess whether the respiratory oxygenation index (ROX index) measured after the start of high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy can help identify the need for intubation in patients with acute respiratory failure due to coronavirus disease 2019. Methods: This retrospective, observational, multicenter study was conducted at the intensive care units of six Brazilian hospitals from March to December 2020. The primary outcome was the need for intubation up to 7 days after starting the high-flow nasal cannula. Results: A total of 444 patients were included in the study, and 261 (58.7%) were subjected to intubation. An analysis of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) showed that the ability to discriminate between successful and failed high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy within 7 days was greater for the ROX index measured at 24 hours (AUROC 0.80; 95%CI 0.76 - 0.84). The median interval between high-flow nasal cannula initiation and intubation was 24 hours (24 - 72), and the most accurate predictor of intubation obtained before 24 hours was the ROX index measured at 12 hours (AUROC 0.75; 95%CI 0.70 - 0.79). Kaplan-Meier curves revealed a greater probability of intubation within 7 days in patients with a ROX index ≤ 5.54 at 12 hours (hazard ratio 3.07; 95%CI 2.24 - 4.20) and ≤ 5.96 at 24 hours (hazard ratio 5.15; 95%CI 3.65 - 7.27). Conclusion: The ROX index can aid in the early identification of patients with acute respiratory failure due to COVID-19 who will progress to the failure of high-flow nasal cannula supportive therapy and the need for intubation.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar se o índice de oxigenação respiratória medido após o início da terapia de oxigênio com cânula nasal de alto fluxo pode ajudar a identificar a necessidade de intubação em pacientes com insuficiência respiratória aguda devido à COVID-19. Métodos: Este estudo retrospectivo, observacional e multicêntrico foi realizado nas unidades de terapia intensiva de seis hospitais brasileiros, de março a dezembro de 2020. O desfecho primário foi a necessidade de intubação até 7 dias após o início da cânula nasal de alto fluxo. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 444 pacientes; 261 (58,7%) foram submetidos à intubação. Uma análise da área sob a curva receiver operating characteristic (ASC ROC) mostrou que a capacidade de discriminar entre o sucesso e o fracasso da oxigenoterapia com cânula nasal de alto fluxo dentro de 7 dias foi maior para o índice de oxigenação respiratória medido em 24 horas (ASC ROC 0,80; IC95% 0,76 - 0,84). O intervalo médio entre o início da cânula nasal de alto fluxo e a intubação foi de 24 horas (24 - 72), e o preditor mais preciso de intubação obtido antes de 24 horas foi o índice de oxigenação respiratória medido em 12 horas (ASC ROC 0,75; IC95% 0,70 - 0,79). As curvas de Kaplan-Meier revelaram maior probabilidade de intubação em 7 dias em pacientes com índice de oxigenação respiratória ≤ 5,54 em 12 horas (razão de risco 3,07; IC95% 2,24 - 4,20) e ≤ 5,96 em 24 horas (razão de risco 5,15; IC95% 3,65 - 7,27). Conclusões: O índice de oxigenação respiratória pode ajudar na identificação precoce de pacientes com insuficiência respiratória aguda devido à COVID-19 que evoluirão para o fracasso da terapia de suporte com cânula nasal de alto fluxo e a necessidade de intubação.

Crit. Care Sci ; 36: e20240005en, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564427


ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the factors influencing carbon dioxide transfer in a system that integrates an oxygenation membrane in series with high-bicarbonate continuous veno-venous hemodialysis in hypercapnic animals. Methods In an experimental setting, we induced severe acute kidney injury and hypercapnia in five female Landrace pigs. Subsequently, we initiated high (40mEq/L) bicarbonate continuous veno-venous hemodialysis with an oxygenation membrane in series to maintain a pH above 7.25. At intervals of 1 hour, 6 hours, and 12 hours following the initiation of continuous veno-venous hemodialysis, we performed standardized sweep gas flow titration to quantify carbon dioxide transfer. We evaluated factors associated with carbon dioxide transfer through the membrane lung with a mixed linear model. Results A total of 20 sweep gas flow titration procedures were conducted, yielding 84 measurements of carbon dioxide transfer. Multivariate analysis revealed associations among the following (coefficients ± standard errors): core temperature (+7.8 ± 1.6 °C, p < 0.001), premembrane partial pressure of carbon dioxide (+0.2 ± 0.1/mmHg, p < 0.001), hemoglobin level (+3.5 ± 0.6/g/dL, p < 0.001), sweep gas flow (+6.2 ± 0.2/L/minute, p < 0.001), and arterial oxygen saturation (-0.5 ± 0.2%, p = 0.019). Among these variables, and within the physiological ranges evaluated, sweep gas flow was the primary modifiable factor influencing the efficacy of low-blood-flow carbon dioxide removal. Conclusion Sweep gas flow is the main carbon dioxide removal-related variable during continuous veno-venous hemodialysis with a high bicarbonate level coupled with an oxygenator. Other carbon dioxide transfer modulating variables included the hemoglobin level, arterial oxygen saturation, partial pressure of carbon dioxide and core temperature. These results should be interpreted as exploratory to inform other well-designed experimental or clinical studies.

RESUMO Objetivo Investigar os fatores que influenciam a transferência de dióxido de carbono em um sistema que integra uma membrana de oxigenação em série com terapia de substituição renal contínua com alto teor de bicarbonato em animais hipercápnicos. Métodos Em um ambiente experimental, induzimos lesão renal aguda grave e hipercapnia em cinco porcos Landrace fêmeas. Em seguida, iniciamos terapia de substituição renal contínua com alto teor de bicarbonato (40mEq/L) com uma membrana de oxigenação em série para manter o pH acima de 7,25. Em intervalos de 1 hora, 6 horas e 12 horas após o início da terapia de substituição renal contínua, realizamos uma titulação padronizada do fluxo de gás de varredura para quantificar a transferência de dióxido de carbono. Avaliamos os fatores associados à transferência de dióxido de carbono através da membrana pulmonar com um modelo linear misto. Resultados Realizamos 20 procedimentos de titulação do fluxo de gás de varredura, produzindo 84 medições de transferência de dióxido de carbono. A análise multivariada revelou associações entre os seguintes itens (coeficientes ± erros padrão): temperatura central (+7,8 ± 1,6 °C, p < 0,001), pressão parcial pré-membrana de dióxido de carbono (+0,2 ± 0,1mmHg, p < 0,001), nível de hemoglobina (+3,5 ± 0,6g/dL, p < 0,001), fluxo de gás de varredura (+6,2 ± 0,2L/minuto, p < 0,001) e saturação de oxigênio (-0,5% ± 0,2%, p = 0,019). Entre essas variáveis, e dentro das faixas fisiológicas avaliadas, o fluxo do gás de varredura foi o principal fator modificável que influenciou a eficácia da remoção de dióxido de carbono de baixo fluxo sanguíneo. Conclusão O fluxo do gás de varredura é a principal variável relacionada à remoção de dióxido de carbono durante a terapia de substituição renal contínua com um alto nível de bicarbonato acoplado a um oxigenador. Outras variáveis moduladoras da transferência de dióxido de carbono incluíram o nível de hemoglobina, a saturação de oxigênio, a pressão parcial de dióxido de carbono e a temperatura central. Esses resultados devem ser interpretados como exploratórios para informar outros estudos experimentais ou clínicos bem planejados.

Cambios rev. méd ; 22 (2), 2023;22(2): 930, 16 octubre 2023. ilus, tabs
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516863


La ventilación mecánica no invasiva (VMNI) se utiliza en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, para mejorar el in-tercambio de gases y reducir el trabajo respiratorio, sin la ne-cesidad de una vía aérea artificial1. Es una modalidad de asis-tencia ventilatoria que proporciona dos niveles de presión. Cabe destacar que la presión aumenta durante la fase inspiratoria de la respiración, aumentando el volumen corriente, mejorando así el intercambio de gases, aliviando los músculos respiratorios y esto regresa a una línea de base alta en la exhalación. El aumento de presión durante la fase inspiratoria IPAP (presión inspiratoria positiva en las vías respiratorias) es similar a la presión de so-porte de los ventiladores convencionales. Durante la espiración, el ajuste de la presión en los dispositivos diseñados principal-mente para VMNI se denomina presión espiratoria positiva en las vías respiratorias (EPAP). Se debe considerar que la EPAP es similar al PEEP en un ventilador convencional 2. El conoci-miento de su funcionalidad permite determinar en qué pacientes está indicado el uso de la ventilación no invasiva y establecer una estrategia de manejo inicial. Debe considerarse que, a mayor gravedad de la patología respiratoria, la ventilación no invasiva no redujo la necesidad de intubación ni la mortalidad 3,4. Estos resultados se relacionaron con estudios realizados en el con-texto de la pandemia de SARS COV 2 donde se encontró que, la ventilación no invasiva en pacientes con determinado grado de afectación respiratoria, redujo el uso de ventilación invasiva y la mortalidad 5-8.

Noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV) is used in patients with acute respiratory failure to improve gas exchange and reduce the work of breathing, without the need for an artificial airway1. It is a modality of ventilatory assistance that provides two levels of pressure. It should be noted that the pressure in-creases during the inspiratory phase of breathing, increasing the tidal volume, thus improving gas exchange, relieving the respi-ratory muscles and this returns to a high baseline on exhalation. The pressure rise during the IPAP (inspiratory positive airway pressure) inspiratory phase is similar to pressure support venti-lation of conventional ventilators. During expiration, the pres-sure setting in devices designed primarily for NIMV is called expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP). It should be consi-dered that EPAP is similar to PEEP on a conventional ventilator2. Knowledge of its functionality allows determining in which pa-tients the use of non-invasive ventilation is indicated and esta-blishing an initial management strategy. It should be considered that, with greater severity of the respiratory pathology, non-in-vasive ventilation did not reduce the need for intubation or mor-tality3,4. These results were related to studies carried out in the context of the SARS COV 2 pandemic where it was found that non-invasive ventilation in patients with a certain degree of res-piratory involvement reduced the use of invasive ventilation and mortality5-8.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Respiration, Artificial , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn , Respiratory Insufficiency , Oxygenation , Critical Care , Noninvasive Ventilation , Tertiary Healthcare , Work of Breathing , Positive-Pressure Respiration , Pulmonary Ventilation , Ecuador , Intensive Care Units
Crit. Care Sci ; 35(3): 302-310, July-Sept. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528470


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of the persistent AKI risk index (PARI) in predicting acute kidney injury within 72 hours after admission to the intensive care unit, persistent acute kidney injury, renal replacement therapy, and death within 7 days in patients hospitalized due to acute respiratory failure. Methods: This study was done in a cohort of diagnoses of consecutive adult patients admitted to the intensive care unit of eight hospitals in Curitiba, Brazil, between March and September 2020 due to acute respiratory failure secondary to suspected COVID-19. The COVID-19 diagnosis was confirmed or refuted by RT-PCR for the detection of SARS-CoV-2. The ability of PARI to predict acute kidney injury at 72 hours, persistent acute kidney injury, renal replacement therapy, and death within 7 days was analyzed by ROC curves in comparison to delta creatinine, SOFA, and APACHE II. Results: Of the 1,001 patients in the cohort, 538 were included in the analysis. The mean age was 62 ± 17 years, 54.8% were men, and the median APACHE II score was 12. At admission, the median SOFA score was 3, and 83.3% had no renal dysfunction. After admission to the intensive care unit, 17.1% had acute kidney injury within 72 hours, and through 7 days, 19.5% had persistent acute kidney injury, 5% underwent renal replacement therapy, and 17.1% died. The PARI had an area under the ROC curve of 0.75 (0.696 - 0.807) for the prediction of acute kidney injury at 72 hours, 0.71 (0.613 - 0.807) for renal replacement therapy, and 0.64 (0.565 - 0.710) for death. Conclusion: The PARI has acceptable accuracy in predicting acute kidney injury within 72 hours and renal replacement therapy within 7 days of admission to the intensive care unit, but it is not significantly better than the other scores.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a acurácia do persistent AKI risk index (PARI) na predição de injúria renal aguda em 72 horas após a admissão em unidade de terapia intensiva, injúria renal aguda persistente, terapia de substituição renal e óbito, em até 7 dias em pacientes internados por insuficiência respiratória aguda. Métodos: Estudo de método-diagnóstico com base em coorte de inclusão consecutiva de pacientes adultos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva de oito hospitais de Curitiba (PR) entre março e setembro de 2020, por insuficiência respiratória aguda secundária à suspeita de COVID-19, com confirmação ou refutação diagnóstica dada pelo resultado de RT-PCR para detecção do SARS-CoV-2. O potencial preditor do PARI foi analisado por curva ROC em relação a delta creatinina, SOFA e APACHE II, para os desfechos injúria renal aguda em 72 horas; injúria renal aguda persistente; terapia de substituição renal e mortalidade em até 7 dias. Resultados: Dos 1.001 pacientes da coorte, 538 foram incluídos na análise. A média de idade foi de 62 ± 17 anos, 54,8% eram homens e o APACHE II mediano foi de 12. Na admissão, o SOFA mediano era 3, e 83,3% não apresentavam disfunção renal. Após admissão na unidade de terapia intensiva, 17,1% apresentaram injúria renal aguda em 72 horas e, até o sétimo dia, 19,5% apresentaram injúria renal aguda persistente, 5% realizaram terapia de substituição renal, e 17,1% foram a óbito. O PARI apresentou área sob a curva ROC de 0,75 (0,696 - 0,807) para predição de injúria renal aguda em 72 horas, 0,71 (0,613 - 0,807) para terapia de substituição renal e 0,64 (0,565 - 0,710) para mortalidade. Conclusão: O PARI tem acurácia aceitável na predição de injúria renal aguda em 72 horas e terapia de substituição renal em até 7 dias da admissão na unidade de terapia intensiva, porém sem diferença significativa dos demais escores.

Rev. méd. Urug ; 39(3): e202, sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1508730


Introducción: en marzo de 2020 se registraron los primeros casos de infección por SARS-CoV-2 en Uruguay y se decretó la emergencia sanitaria. Objetivo: describir las características clínicas demográficas de los menores de 15 años hospitalizados con infección por SARS-CoV-2 en el período 13 de marzo de 2020 al 30 de septiembre de 2021 en el Hospital Pediátrico del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell, centro de referencia público de Uruguay. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, en el que se describen edad, manifestaciones clínicas, comorbilidades, severidad, tratamiento y evolución. Resultados: se hospitalizaron 207 niños con una frecuencia de 1,6%. La mediana (rango intercuartil) de edad fue 1,5 años (3 meses - 8 años); <1 año 44%; 54% de sexo masculino. Presentaron comorbilidades, 59 niños. Fueron sintomáticos, 71%. De los sintomáticos, presentaron síntomas leves 48%. Las manifestaciones clínicas fueron respiratorias en 96 (65%) y no respiratorias en 51 (fiebre sin foco 15, digestivas 19, exantema viral 3, SIM-Ped S 10 y atípicas 3). Treinta niños ingresaron a unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) y tres requirieron ventilación invasiva. Estos pacientes presentaron comorbilidades, tuvieron más días de fiebre y necesitaron oxigenoterapia que los que no requirieron UCI. Un paciente de 2 años con comorbilidades falleció. Conclusión: la frecuencia de hospitalizaciones fue de 1,6%. La mayoría de los niños sintomáticos presentaron formas leves. En los sintomáticos las manifestaciones fueron respiratorias. Los hallazgos en esta serie aportan al conocimiento del comportamiento de la infección por SARS-CoV-2 en niños.

Introduction: in March 2020, the first cases of SARS CoV-2 infection were registered in Uruguay and a health emergency was decreed. Objective: To describe the clinical and demographic characteristics of children under 15 years of age hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 infection from March 13, 2020, to September 30, 2021, at Pereira Rossell Pediatric Hospital, a public reference center in Uruguay. Method: descriptive, retrospective study describing age, clinical manifestations, comorbidities, severity and treatment. Results: a total of 207 children were hospitalized, with a frequency of 1.6%. The median (interquartile range) age was 1.5 years (3 months - 8 years); <1 year accounted for 44%, and 54% were male. Comorbidities were present in 59 children. 71% of them were symptomatic, and among the symptomatic cases, 48% presented mild symptoms. Clinical manifestations were respiratory in 96 (65%) cases and non-respiratory in 51 (fever without a focus 15, gastrointestinal 19, viral exanthem 3, pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome 10, and atypical 3). Thirty patients were admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), and 3 required invasive ventilation. These patients had comorbidities, more days of fever, and required oxygen therapy compared to those who did not need ICU. One 2-year-old patient with comorbidities died. Conclusion: the hospitalization frequency was 1.6%. Most symptomatic children had mild forms of the disease. Among the symptomatic cases, respiratory manifestations were predominant. The findings from this series contribute to the understanding of the behavior of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children.

Introdução: Os primeiros casos de infecção por SARS CoV-2 no Uruguai foram registrados em março de 2020 quando foi decretada a emergência sanitária. Objetivo: descrever as características clínicas e demográficas das crianças menores de 15 anos internadas com infecção por SARS CoV-2 no período 13 de março de 2020 - 30 de setembro de 2021 no Hospital Pediátrico do Centro Hospitalar Pereira Rossell, centro público de referência no Uruguai. Metodologia: estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, incluindo idade, manifestações clínicas, comorbidades, gravidade, tratamento e evolução. Resultados: 207 crianças foram internadas com infecção por SARS CoV-2 correspondendo a frequência de 1,6% do total de crianças hospitalizadas no período estudado. A mediana (intervalo interquartil) de idade foi de 1,5 anos (3 meses - 8 anos) dos quais 44% eram <1 ano 44% e 54% do sexo masculino. 59 crianças apresentaram comorbidades. 71% eram sintomáticas sendo que 48% delas apresentaram sintomas leves. As manifestações clínicas foram respiratórias em 96 (65%) e não respiratórias em 51 (febre sem foco 15, digestiva 19, exantema viral 3, SIM-Ped S 10 e atípico 3). 30 crianças foram internadas na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e 3 precisaram de ventilação invasiva; esses pacientes apresentavam comorbidades, necessitaram de oxigenoterapia e tiveram mais dias de febre do que aqueles que não necessitaram de UTI. Uma paciente de 2 anos com comorbidades faleceu. Conclusão: a frequência de internações foi de 1,6%. A maioria das crianças sintomáticas apresentou formas leves. Nas sintomáticas as manifestações foram respiratórias. Os achados desta série contribuem para o conhecimento do comportamento da infecção por SARS CoV-2 em crianças.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Respiratory Insufficiency , Respiratory Tract Diseases , Respiratory Tract Infections , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies
Espaç. saúde (Online) ; 24: 1-9, 01 mar. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436995


O estudo objetivou avaliar o conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem do transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas acerca do manejo à Insuficiência Respiratória (IRpA), bem como realizar uma capacitação para tal. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, de caráter descritivo-exploratória, quantitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de julho e agosto de 2021 e contou com a participação de 20 colaboradores. Foram empregadas duas avaliações teóricas (início e fim) e uma simulação in loco. Os resultados demonstram que os profissionais de enfermagem do setor de transplante de células tronco-hematopoiéticas melhoraram a performance geral nas respostas às questões de urgência e emergência e também no conhecimento específico dos principais sinais e sintomas da IRpA e intervenções na ventilação após o treinamento. O estudo contribuiu para reforçar a necessidade da prática de enfermagem baseada em evidências científicas e a necessidade de educação permanente da equipe para a melhoria das práticas assistenciais.

The study aimed to evaluate the knowledge of the hematopoietic stem cell transplant nursing team about the management of Respiratory Failure , as well as to carry out training for this purpose. This is a field research of descriptive-exploratory, quantitative nature. Data collection was carried out between July and August 2021 and had the participation of 20 employees. Two theoretical evaluations (beginning and end) and an in loco simulation were used. The results show that after being trained nurses in the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation sector, improved their general performance when responding to urgent and emergency questions and in their specific knowledge of the main signs and symptoms of respiratory failure and ventilation interventions. The study contributed to reinforce the need for evidence-based nursing practice and the need for permanent education of the team to improve care practices.

El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el conocimiento del equipo de enfermería de trasplante de progenitores hematopoyéticos sobre el manejo de la Insuficiencia Respiratoria (RIpA), así como realizar capacitaciones para tal fin. Es una investigación de campo, descriptiva-exploratoria, cuantitativa. La recolección de datos se realizó entre julio y agosto de 2021 y tuvo la participación de 20 colaboradores. Se utilizaron dos evaluaciones teóricas (inicio y final) y una simulación in loco. Los resultados muestran que las enfermeras del sector del trasplante de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas, tras la formación, mejoraron su desempeño general en la respuesta a las consultas urgentes y de emergencia, así como su conocimiento específico de los principales signos y síntomas de la IRA y de las intervenciones en ventilación. El estudio contribuyó a reforzar la necesidad de una práctica de enfermería basada en evidencias científicas y la necesidad de educación permanente del equipo para mejorar las prácticas de cuidado.

Respiratory Insufficiency , Stem Cell Transplantation , Nursing, Team
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521982


Introducción: La ingestión de queroseno conduce a la aparición de diversas complicaciones. Dada su baja viscosidad, en el sistema respiratorio es capaz de llegar a las vías aéreas distales y provocar lesión pulmonar, lo cual requiere atención urgente. La ecografía pulmonar, en la emergencia médica es un pilar que ha aumentado la capacidad de diagnóstico, guía la toma de decisiones y permite estratificar el pronóstico del paciente. Objetivo: Presentar un paciente con neumonitis química por aspiración de queroseno, sus características clínicas y procedimiento ecográfico pulmonar empleado. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 68 años de edad con antecedentes de alcoholismo y epilepsia, que hace tratamiento irregular. Asistió al servicio de urgencias con dificultad respiratoria de varios días de evolución y el precedente de ingesta de queroseno, con broncoaspiración. Se le realizó ecografía pulmonar, según el protocolo Bedside Lung Ultrasound in Emergency; se observó síndrome intersticio alveolar grave, engrosamiento de la línea pleural, microconsolidaciones subpleurales y pérdida grave de la aireación pulmonar. Se le instauró tratamiento con ventilación mecánica invasiva y antibiótico terapia; mejoró el puntaje de aireación pulmonar y el paciente se recuperó. Conclusiones: La insuficiencia respiratoria aguda secundaria a neumonitis química por queroseno, es una entidad clínica compleja en su evaluación; el uso de la ecografía pulmonar constituye una herramienta vital que permite valorar en tiempo real el parénquima pulmonar y la pleura, para tomar decisiones terapéuticas oportunas y precisas.

Introduction: The ingestion of kerosene leads to the appearance of various complications. Given its low viscosity, in the respiratory system, it is capable of reaching the distal airways and causing lung injury, which requires urgent attention. Lung ultrasound, in medical emergencies, is a pillar that has increased diagnostic capacity, guides decision-making and allows stratifying the patient's prognosis. Objective: To present a patient with chemical pneumonitis due to aspiration of kerosene, its clinical characteristics and pulmonary ultrasound procedure used. Clinical case: 68-year-old male patient with a history of alcoholism and epilepsy, which undergoes irregular treatment. He attended Emergency with respiratory distress of several days of evolution and the precedent of ingestion of kerosene, with bronchial aspiration. Lung ultrasound was performed, according to the Bedside Lung Ultrasound in Emergency protocol; severe alveolar interstitial syndrome, thickening of the pleural line, subpleural micro-consolidations, and severe loss of pulmonary aeration were observed. Treatment with invasive mechanical ventilation and antibiotic therapy was established; the pulmonary aeration score improved, and the patient recovered. Conclusions: Acute respiratory failure secondary to chemical pneumonitis due to kerosene is a complex clinical entity in its evaluation; the use of lung ultrasound is a vital tool that allows the lung parenchyma and pleura to be assessed in real time, in order to make timely and precise therapeutic decisions.

Horiz. meÌud. (Impresa) ; 23(1)ene. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430480


El compromiso del parénquima pulmonar secundario a la inyección subcutánea de geles de silicona es un cuadro de presentación excepcional, que se presenta con mayor frecuencia en mujeres entre los 22 a 55 años. Aunque se han planteado distintas teorías sobre su etiología, esta se desconoce y puede presentar complicaciones locales, sistémicas e incluso tener un desenlace fatal. Son pocos los casos reportados en América del Sur, y en el Perú no existe reporte alguno de esta singular entidad. Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 28 años, transexual, previamente sano, quien tras la inyección subcutánea de geles de silicona en la región glútea, en forma ilegal y por una persona que no es profesional de la salud, manifestó, dentro de las primeras 24 horas, un cuadro clínico caracterizado por dificultad respiratoria progresiva y dolor torácico punzante de aproximadamente 7 de 10 en la escala del dolor. Al ingresar a emergencias se evidenció de manera objetiva insuficiencia respiratoria, ya que el paciente presentó una saturación de oxígeno del 72 % a Fio₂: 21 %, asimismo, el compromiso del parénquima pulmonar tanto en la tomografía y radiografía de tórax con signos muy sugerentes de esta patología. Mediante la prueba ARN para SARS-CoV-2 en la muestra respiratoria por RT-PCR en tiempo real se descartó la neumonía secundaria al virus SARS-CoV-2, igualmente se excluyó la patología por inmunosupresión y tromboembolismo pulmonar. Debido a que no existe un tratamiento estandarizado se le brindó las medidas de soporte pertinentes, tales como administración de oxígeno suplementario a bajo flujo por cánula binasal, corticoides sistémicos vía endovenosa, además de antibioticoterapia, y se logró una evolución favorable con resolución del cuadro clínico inicial. Después de 10 días de tratamiento intrahospitalario el paciente fue dado de alta.

Pulmonary parenchymal involvement secondary to the subcutaneous injection of silicone gels is an unusual condition which occurs more frequently in women aged between 22 and 55 years. Although different theories have been put forward about its etiology, it is unknown and the condition may cause local and systemic complications and even have a fatal outcome. Few cases have been reported in South America and there is no report of this unique entity in Peru. We present the case of a previously healthy 28-year-old male transgender patient who, after an illegal subcutaneous injection of silicone gels in the gluteal region given by a non-healthcare professional, showed progressive respiratory distress and stabbing chest pain of approximately 7 out of 10 on the pain scale within the first 24 hours. Upon admission to the emergency room, respiratory failure was objectively evidenced since the patient had an oxygen saturation of 72 % at a FiO₂ of 21 %, as well as pulmonary parenchymal involvement both in the CT scan and chest X-ray with signs highly suggestive of this pathology. Using a SARS-CoV-2 RNA real-time RT-PCR test performed on a respiratory specimen, COVID pneumonia, immunodeficiency disorders and pulmonary embolism were ruled out. Since there is no standard treatment, the patient was given relevant support measures such as the administration of supplemental oxygen at a low flow rate by binasal cannula, intravenous systemic corticosteroids and antibiotic therapy, thus achieving good progress with resolution of the initial clinical presentation. Then, after 10 days of intrahospital treatment, the patient was discharged.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991803


Objective:To investigate the effects of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage administered for oropharyngeal anesthesia on gag reflex in patients with chronic pharyngitis during gastroscopy.Methods:A total of 100 patients with chronic pharyngitis who met American Society of Anesthesiologists Classification I-II and received treatment in The First Affiliated Hospital of Ximen University from January to December 2020 were included in this study. Using the principle of voluntariness, these patients were divided into dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage (D) and control (C) groups, with 50 patients in each group. Ten minutes before anesthesia induction, patients in Group D took 10 mL of dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage in the mouth, but did not swallow it, and those in Group C were identically given equal volume of placebo. Ten minutes later, dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage or placebo was swallowed. For anesthesia induction, 20 μg Fentanyl and 2-4 mg/kg Propofol were intravenously administered. A gastroscopy examination was performed after the patient's consciousness disappeared. The patient's cough and body movement response scores during gastroscopy were recorded. Before anesthesia induction (T0), before endoscope insertion (T1), after endoscope insertion (T2), and after endoscope withdrawal (T3), mean arterial pressure and heart rate were recorded.Results:The incidence rate of cough and body movement in Group D were 20% (10/50) and 24% (12/50), which were significantly lower than 72% (36/50) and 68% (34/50) in Group C ( χ2 = 27.21, 19.49, both P < 0.001). At T1, mean arterial pressure in Group D and Group C was (62.21 ± 10.32) mmHg and (63.82 ± 10.51) mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa), respectively, which were significantly lower than (70.21 ± 13.13) mmHg and (70.91 ± 14.02) mmHg at T0 ( t = 3.15, 5.82, both P < 0.05). At T2, mean arterial pressure and heart rate in Group C were (80.13 ± 11.92) mmHg and (90.02 ± 15.63) beats/minute, respectively, which were significantly higher than (70.91 ± 14.02) mmHg and (78.75 ± 14.93) beats/minute at T0 in the same group ( t = 5.99, 4.03, both P < 0.05) and were also significantly higher than (66.21 ± 12.33) mmHg and (76.53 ± 10.31) beats/minute] at T2 in Group D ( t = 2.07, 2.67, both P < 0.05). Conclusion:Dyclonine hydrochloride mucilage administered for oropharyngeal anesthesia can effectively suppress gag reflex in patients with chronic pharyngitis and increase hemodynamic stability during gastroscopy.

Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 869-874, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992392


Objective:To observe the effect of theophylline intravenous drip combined with high flow respiratory humidifier on serum pro Calcitonin (PCT) and lactate clearance rate (LCR) in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) secondary to type II respiratory failure.Methods:We prospectively selected 120 elderly patients with COPD secondary to type II respiratory failure who were admitted to the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University from March 2020 to March 2022. They were randomly divided into the control group ( n=60) and the observation group ( n=60). The control group was treated with non-invasive positive pressure ventilation combined with theophylline intravenous drip, and the observation group was treated with high flow respiratory humidification therapy apparatus combined with theophylline intravenous drip. The sputum viscosity of the two groups was counted, and the pulmonary function [forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV 1), FEV 1/FVC], blood gas analysis, respiratory mechanics, oxygen metabolism, and serum index levels, as well as the difference between acute physiology and chronic health assessment Ⅱ (APACHE Ⅱ) scores after treatment were compared between the two groups. Results:The overall sputum viscosity of the observation group was better than that of the control group ( P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no statistically significant difference in lung function and blood gas analysis indicators between the two groups (all P>0.05); After treatment, the lung function indicators, arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO 2), and oxygenation index (PaO 2/FiO 2) of both groups were significantly increased compared to before treatment (all P<0.05), while arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO 2) was significantly decreased compared to before treatment (all P<0.05), and the values of each indicator in the observation group after increasing or decreasing were significantly better than those in the control group (all P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no statistically significant difference in respiratory mechanics and oxygen metabolism indicators between the two groups (all P>0.05); After treatment, the arterial blood oxygen content (CaO 2) in the two groups was significantly higher than that before treatment (all P<0.05), while the oxygen uptake rate (ERO 2) in the two groups and the VO 2 max (VO 2Max), airway peak value, and respiratory resistance in the observation group were significantly lower than those before treatment (all P<0.05), and the values of each index in the observation group after rising or falling were significantly better than those in the control group (all P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no statistically significant difference in serum indicators and APACHE Ⅱ scores between the two groups (all P>0.05); After treatment, LCR and C-reactive protein (CRP) in the observation group were significantly higher than those before treatment ( P<0.05), while the scores of PCT, Interleukin 6 (IL-6), CRP and APACHE Ⅱ were significantly lower than those before treatment (all P<0.05), and the values of each index in the observation group after increase or decrease were significantly better than those in the control group (all P<0.05). Conclusions:Theophylline intravenous drip combined with high flow respiratory humidifier can improve respiratory mechanics, oxygen metabolism, reduce inflammatory reaction, and reduce the impact of disease on life in elderly patients with COPD secondary to type II Respiratory failure.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009942


An 11-day-old female neonate was admitted for cough with mouth foaming and feeding difficulties. The laboratory results indicated hyperlactatemia, elevated markers of myocardial injury and inflammation, and high levels of acylcarnitine octanoylcarnitine and decanoylcarnitine in tandem mass spectrometry. Ultrasonography and MRI suggested cardiac insufficiency and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Whole exome sequencing showed that both the proband and her elderly sister had a compound heterozygous variant of c.1492dup (p.T498Nfs*13) and c.1376T>C (p.F459S) in the ATAD3A gene, inherited from their father and mother, respectively. The diagnosis of Harel-Yoon syndrome was confirmed. The proband and her sister were born with clinical manifestations of metabolic acidosis, hyperlactatemia, feeding difficulties, elevated markers of myocardial injury as well as cardiac insufficiency, and both died in early infancy.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Female , Aged , Mutation , Hyperlactatemia , ATPases Associated with Diverse Cellular Activities/chemistry , Membrane Proteins/genetics , Mitochondrial Proteins/genetics
Crit. Care Sci ; 35(2): 168-176, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448091


ABSTRACT Objective: We hypothesized that the use of mechanical insufflation-exsufflation can reduce the incidence of acute respiratory failure within the 48-hour post-extubation period in intensive care unit-acquired weakness patients. Methods: This was a prospective randomized controlled open-label trial. Patients diagnosed with intensive care unit-acquired weakness were consecutively enrolled based on a Medical Research Council score ≤ 48/60. The patients randomly received two daily sessions; in the control group, conventional chest physiotherapy was performed, while in the intervention group, chest physiotherapy was associated with mechanical insufflation-exsufflation. The incidence of acute respiratory failure within 48 hours of extubation was evaluated. Similarly, the reintubation rate, intensive care unit length of stay, mortality at 28 days, and survival probability at 90 days were assessed. The study was stopped after futility results in the interim analysis. Results: We included 122 consecutive patients (n = 61 per group). There was no significant difference in the incidence of acute respiratory failure between treatments (11.5% control group versus 16.4%, intervention group; p = 0.60), the need for reintubation (3.6% versus 10.7%; p = 0.27), mean length of stay (3 versus 4 days; p = 0.33), mortality at Day 28 (9.8% versus 15.0%; p = 0.42), or survival probability at Day 90 (21.3% versus 28.3%; p = 0.41). Conclusion: Mechanical insufflation-exsufflation combined with chest physiotherapy seems to have no impact in preventing postextubation acute respiratory failure in intensive care unit-acquired weakness patients. Similarly, mortality and survival probability were similar in both groups. Nevertheless, given the early termination of the trial, further clinical investigation is strongly recommended. Clinical Trials Register: NCT 01931228

RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar se o uso de insuflação-exsuflação mecânica pode reduzir a incidência da insuficiência respiratória aguda no período de 48 horas pós-extubação em pacientes com fraqueza adquirida em unidades de terapia intensiva. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo, randomizado, controlado e aberto. Os pacientes diagnosticados com fraqueza adquirida em unidade de terapia intensiva foram incluídos consecutivamente, com base em uma pontuação do Medical Research Council ≤ 48/60. Os pacientes receberam aleatoriamente duas sessões diárias; no grupo controle, realizou-se fisioterapia torácica convencional, enquanto no grupo intervenção, combinou-se fisioterapia torácica com insuflação-exsuflação mecânica. Avaliou-se a incidência de insuficiência respiratória aguda dentro de 48 horas após a extubação. Da mesma forma, avaliaram-se a taxa de reintubação, o tempo de permanência na unidade de terapia intensiva, a mortalidade aos 28 dias e a probabilidade de sobrevida aos 90 dias. O estudo foi interrompido após resultados de futilidade na análise intermediária. Resultados: Incluímos 122 pacientes consecutivos (n = 61 por grupo). Não houve diferença significativa na incidência de insuficiência respiratória aguda entre os tratamentos (11,5% no grupo controle versus 16,4% no grupo intervenção; p = 0,60), na necessidade de reintubação (3,6% versus 10,7%; p = 0,27), no tempo médio de internação (3 versus 4 dias; p = 0,33), na mortalidade aos 28 dias (9,8% versus 15,0%; p = 0,42) ou na probabilidade de sobrevida aos 90 dias (21,3% versus 28,3%; p = 0,41). Conclusão: A insuflação-exsuflação mecânica associada à fisioterapia torácica parece não ter impacto na prevenção da insuficiência respiratória aguda pós-extubação em pacientes com fraqueza adquirida na unidade de terapia intensiva. Da mesma forma, a mortalidade e a probabilidade de sobrevida foram semelhantes em ambos os grupos. No entanto, devido ao término precoce do estudo, recomenda-se enfaticamente uma investigação clínica mais aprofundada. Registro Clinical Trials: NCT 01931228