It has been found that MatriDerm (Skin Substitute) can successfully cover the deperiosted exposed bone if breadth is less than 3cm irrespective of length as vascularization is attained from adjacent vascular bed and migration of newer vascular tissue is at the tune of 15mm from one edge as reported in one study. My case was exposed left tibial bone of about 6x4 cm devoid of periosteum in a diabetic 87 years old man who sustained scald burn with this complication. It was successfully covered with MatriDerm with thin split skin graft in single stage and thus avoided local flap or microsurgical free flap surgery. This proves that MatriDerm can vascularise over the small exposed bone even if it is devoid of periosteum. Another inference is MatriDerm is able to cover beyond 3cm wound breath inspite of loss of periosteum and is first time to be reported in literature with long followup. So no drilling of bone required to sprout granulation tissue from bone marrow to create granulation vascularised bed for second stage skin grafting. It thus avoids local flap or microsurgical free flap surgery for small exposed deperiosted bone.
Background: Burn injuries pose a significant public health concern, necessitating a detailed investigation to enhance injury prevention strategies. This study investigates the distribution and patterns of burn injuries in a tertiary care centre, focusing on gender, age, burn types, outcomes, and seasonal variations. Methods: Data from a multi-year retrospective analysis (2018-2022) were collected and analysed to determine the gender distribution of burn incidents. Additionally, age distributions were examined to understand the prevalence of burns across different age groups. Burn types were classified into flame, scald, electric, and chemical/miscellaneous, while outcomes were categorised as discharged, abscond/LAMA (left against medical advice), death, or transfer to other departments. The study also investigated the seasonal variations in scald and flame burn incidents. Results: The highest gender disparities were observed in 2018 and 2019, with 748 and 661 male cases, respectively, compared to 355 and 345 female cases. Children aged 1-10 constituted the largest burn cases, followed by individuals aged 25-40. Flame burns were the most common, accounting for the highest number of cases throughout the study period. Scald burns ranked second, followed by electric and chemical/miscellaneous burns. Most burn incidents resulted in discharge, followed by abscond/LAMA cases. Deaths and transfers to other departments were less frequent outcomes. The number of discharged cases increased gradually over the study period, indicating positive treatment outcomes. Conclusions: The conclusions emphasize the necessity for all-encompassing preventative initiatives, including public awareness campaigns, safety education, and interventions for vulnerable groups.
Introduction: Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia is a benigncondition characterized by hyperplasia of the epidermis andadnexal epithelium commonly occurring in reaction to severalconditions including chronic burn wound.Case Report: An 18 month old male patient presented withscald burns to the scalp and face with chronicity and infectionof the burn wound as consent for skin grafting was not givenby the parents. Initial histology of incision biopsy specimenrevealed a well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma ina chronic burn wound on the scalp. This did not correlatewith the clinical picture of the wound necessitating a secondhistologic review of the biopsy specimen, which this timewas confirmed as pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia.Patient further declined excision and grafting with the woundeventually healing with scarring after 10 months.Conclusion: A very high index of suspicion is required inmaking the diagnosis of PEH. Public enlightenment is neededto educate people on wounds and their management if optimalresults must be obtained.
Objective To explore the mechanism of hypertonic salt solution (HS) alleviates lung injury of rats at the early stage of severe scald.Methods Thirty-two female Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly assigned to sham group, lactated Ringer solution (LR) group, HS200 group (200 mmol/L HS group, 1 L 200 mmol/L HS contained 955 mL LR and 45 mL 10% NaCl) and HS400 group (400 mmol/L HS group, 1 L 400 mmol/L HS contained 846 mL LR and 154 mL 10% NaCl), with 8 rats in each group. A 30% total body surface area (TBSA)Ⅲ degree scalded model was reproduced by scalded on the back with 98℃ boiling water for 12 seconds, whereas those in the sham group were exposed to 37 ℃ water without liquid resuscitation. Rats in the three drug intervention groups were resuscitated with LR, 200 mmol/L HS and 400 mmol/L HS by caudal vein according to the Parkland formula, respectively. All rats were sacrificed at 8 hours after scald injury to harvest abdominal aorta blood and lung tissues. Interleukins (IL-6, IL-10 and IL-17) in serum were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Samples from the lung tissue were used to measure malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels by ultraviolet spectrophotometer. Expressions of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) and extracellular regulated protein kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) in the lung were determined by Western Blot. The lung tissue was stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE), and the pathological changes were observed with a light microscope.Results Compared with the sham group, the lung tissues in the LR group were damage obviously, which accompanied with more inflammatory cell infiltration, cell edema and pulmonary septum thickening, and the levels of IL-6, IL-10, IL-17 in serum and MDA content, the phosphorylation of p38MAPK and ERK1/2 in lung tissues were increased whereas the activity of SOD was decreased. Compared with the LR group, the lung injury was significantly alleviated, the levels of IL-6, IL-17 in serum and MDA content and the phosphorylation of p38MAPK and ERK1/2 were decreased, and the levels of IL-10 and SOD were increased in both HS groups with a dose-dependent manner. There were significant difference in above parameters between HS400 group and LR group [serum IL-6 (ng/L): 3.76±0.12 vs. 6.72±0.90, serum IL-10 (ng/L): 33.76±3.71 vs. 16.77±3.19, serum IL-17 (ng/L): 103.52±2.78 vs. 124.96±4.96, lung MDA (nmol/mg): 5.59±0.24 vs. 7.09±0.39, lung SOD (U/mg):226.7±3.9 vs. 172.7±3.4, lung phosphorylation of p38MAPK (p-p38MAPK)/p38MAPK: 0.15±0.09 vs. 0.35±0.19, lung phosphorylation of ERK1/2 (p-ERK1/2)/ERK1/2: 0.27±0.01 vs. 0.70±0.01, allP < 0.01].Conclusion HS protected against lung injury induced by severe burns in rats with a dose-dependent manner, and it was better than LR, and its possible mechanism was related with reducing the expression of p38MAPK and ERK1/2 pathway in lung tissue, increasing the level of anti-inflammatory cytokines and decreasing the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, thus inhibiting excessive inflammation and oxidative stress injury in lung.
Objective To study the effects of the evaluation form of scald risks in preventing the inpatients from being scalded. Methods About 278 patients hospitalized from Dec.2016 to May 2017 were included in the research and divided into the control group (even order)and the experimental group (odd order).The evaluation form of scald risks was used in the patients in the experimental group and specific nursing measures were taken in this group.Then both groups were compared in terms of scald rate and patients'satisfaction rate with nursing measures. Result The satisfaction rate in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05). Conclusion The application of the evaluation form in the inpatients in the department of rehabilitation and the nursing intervention can significantly decrease the scald rate and improve the inpatients'satisfaction rate with nursing.
To test the therapeutic effect of recombinant fusion polypeptide hEGF-AWRK6 (EK) on burn infection of model mice. EK6 was expressed and purified with Escherichia coli expression system, and the Ⅱ degree burns and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection model mouse were established. Experiment group was treated with EK (30 mg/L), and the control group was treated with PBS, gentamicin (30 mg/L), burn ointment (10 mg/L). The wound healing rate and colony count were calculated. Wound and surrounding skin were taken for HE staining and collagen western-blot analysis, and the wound pathological changes were observed after 10 days of drug delivery. The results showed that fusion peptide EK was successfully expressed and purified with significant antibacterial activities against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Compared to the control group, the colony count (CFU) of the wound surface in EK mouse had a remarkable decrease (P<0.01) and healing rate had a significant increase in group EK6 (P<0.01). Pathological analysis result showed that compared to the control group, wound dermal cells in group EK arranged regularly, had more hair growth and a faster epithelization. These results indicated that the fusion peptide EK would be a good candidate for the drug development for the treatment of burning wounds.
Summary Objective: To analyze morphological characteristics and organization of the collagen fibers of third degree burns from scalding compared to laser therapy and silver sulfadiazine, the latter considered as the gold standard. Method: Were selected 12 animals (Rattus norvegicus) also divided into three groups (control group [CG] - untreated burns; sulfadiazine group [SG] - burns were treated with silver sulfadiazine at 1%; laser group [LG] - burns were treated with photobiomodulation). The scald burns were carried out by using PVC mold, and the material collected on the 14th day after burn was prepared for morphological and optical retardation analysis for evaluation of inflammatory infiltrates and collagen organization, respectively. Results: On the 14th day, the laser and sulfadiazine groups had mild inflammatory response, while the control group showed an intense inflammatory process, with statistical significance between laser and control groups, but not between sulfadiazine and control groups. Laser and sulfadiazine groups no longer had granulation tissue, opposite to what was seen in the control group. The presence of hair follicles and ulcer did not significantly differ between groups. The optical retardation of collagen fibers was higher in sulfadiazine group, followed by laser and control groups. As for systemic effect, we were able to identify it by simply analyzing the presence or absence of granulation tissue. Conclusion: Morphologically, the laser or silver sulfadiazine treatments were similar and both provided better organization of collagen fibers in relation to the untreated group. However, the sulfadiazine group modulated the deposition of collagen fibers more efficiently than the laser group.
Resumo Objetivo: Analisar características morfológicas e organização das fibras colágenas de queimaduras de terceiro grau provocadas por escaldo em relação à terapia com laser e àquela considerada padrão-ouro, a sulfadiazina de prata. Método: Foram selecionados 12 animais (Rattus norvegicus), divididos igualmente em três grupos (grupo controle [GC] - queimaduras não tratadas; grupo sulfadiazina [GS] - queimaduras tratadas com sulfadiazina de prata 1%; grupo laser [GL] - queimaduras tratadas com fotobiomodulação). As queimaduras foram realizadas por escaldo com a utilização de molde de PVC, e o material coletado no 14º dia pós-queimadura foi preparado para análise morfológica e de retardo óptico, para avaliação do infiltrado inflamatório e da organização do colágeno, respectivamente. Resultados: No 14º dia, os grupos laser e sulfadiazina apresentaram resposta inflamatória leve, enquanto o grupo controle apresentou processo inflamatório intenso, havendo significância estatística entre os grupos laser e controle, mas não entre os grupos sulfadiazina e controle. Enquanto os grupos laser e sulfadiazina não apresentavam mais tecido de granulação, o grupo controle ainda apresentava. A presença de folículo piloso e de úlcera não diferiu significantemente entre os grupos. O retardo óptico das fibras colágenas foi maior no grupo sulfadiazina, seguido dos grupos laser e controle. Apenas a análise da presença ou ausência de tecido de granulação permitiu identificar o efeito sistêmico. Conclusão: Morfologicamente, os tratamentos com laser ou sulfadiazina de prata foram similares e ambos proporcionaram maior organização das fibras colágenas em relação ao grupo não tratado. Entretanto, o grupo sulfadiazina modulou a deposição das fibras colágenas mais eficientemente que o grupo laser.
Animals , Female , Rats , Silver Sulfadiazine/administration & dosage , Burns/drug therapy , Burns/radiotherapy , Low-Level Light Therapy/methods , Time Factors , Wound Healing/physiology , Burns/pathology , Collagen/drug effects , Collagen/radiation effects , Disease Models, AnimalABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the effects of three different concentrations of hypertonic sodium salt (HS) resuscitation on liver injury of rats at the early stage of severe burned.Methods 104 female Sprage-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into five groups: sham group (n = 8), lactated Ringer solution (LR) group (n = 24), 600, 800, 1000 mmol/L HS groups (HS600, HS800, and HS1000 groups,n = 24). Rats in LR group and HS groups were subjected to full-thickness scald with 30% total body surface area (TBSA), and then given liquid resuscitation treatment with LR and the corresponding HS. These rats were sacrificed at 2, 8 and 24 hours post injury to collect blood and liver tissue. Rats in sham group were given simulation of burns without resuscitation, which were immediately sacrificed and the specimens were harvested. The levels of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were detected by automatic biochemical analyzer. The levels of liver tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were detected by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. The expression of liver tissue p38 mitogen-actirated protein kinase (p38MARK) was detected by Western Blot.Results Compared with sham group, the levels of ALT, AST, MDA and p38MAPK were increased, and the activities of SOD were decreased in LR group and different degrees in HS groups at each time point after injury. Compared with LR group, the levels of ALT, AST, MDA and p38MAPK were decreased and the activities of SOD were increased in different degrees with HS groups, among which HS600 group changed most significantly [ALT (U/L): 147±52 vs. 227±60 at 8 hours, 138±47 vs. 191±41 at 24 hours; AST (U/L):288±79 vs. 548±237 at 2 hours, 567±167 vs. 841±338 at 8 hours, 515±180 vs. 712±159 at 24 hours; MDA (nmol/mg): 0.287±0.036 vs. 0.395±0.041 at 2 hours, 0.298±0.030 vs. 0.392±0.018 at 8 hours, 0.278±0.033 vs. 0.422±0.036 at 24 hours; SOD (U/mg): 230±16 vs. 159±30 at 2 hours, 251±14 vs. 194±15 at 8 hours, 296±8 vs. 243±11 at 24 hours; p-p38MAPK/p38MAPK (A value): 0.778±0.040 vs. 1.065±0.066 at 2 hours, 0.791±0.046 vs. 0.967±0.041 at 8 hours, 0.733±0.027 vs. 1.020±0.043 at 24 hours; allP < 0.05]. The levels of ALT and AST in HS600 group were significantly lower than those in HS1000 group at 2 hours and in HS800 group at 8 hours. The levels of MDA and p38MAPK in HS600 group were significantly lower than those of HS800 group and HS1000 group, and the level of SOD in HS600 group was significantly higher than that in HS800 group and HS1000 group at each time point after injury. There were no significant differences in all test indicators between HS800 group and HS1000 group at each time point after injury.Conclusions High concentration of HS can reduce the early liver injury in severely scalded rats, of which the curative effect of HS 600 mmol/L is best.
Objective To explore the change regulations of inorganic elements in smooth muscle cells of sever scalded rats′gas‐trointestinal tracts and the effects of rhubarb on promoting bowel movement .Methods A total of 68 healthy male rats were select‐ed ,8 rats were enrolled in the healthy control group ,the other 60 rats were selected to establishing 30% scalded models .The trea‐ting scalded group(30 rats) were treated by tube‐feeding of extracting solution of rhubarb ,while the scalded control group(30 rats) were given commensurable distilled water .The concentrations of Cu2+ 、Zn2+ 、Ca2+ and Mg2+ in smooth muscle cells of gastrointes‐tinal tracts were determined 6 ,12 ,24 ,48 and 72 h after establishing scalded rats .Results The concentrations of Cu2+ ,Zn2+ and Ca2+ were decreased ,while the concentration of Mg2+ was initially increased and then decreased ,statistically significant differences were found when compared with the healthy control group (P< 0 .05) .12 h after scalding ,concentrations of these inorganic ele‐ments of rats in the treating scalded group were almost back to normal levels ,and there were statistically significant differences when compared with the scalded control group at any time points (P<0 .05) .Conclusion It is shown that concentrations of inor‐ganic elements in smooth muscle cells of rats′gastrointestinal tracts change obviously at the early stage of sever scald ,and early treatment with rhubarb could regulate levels of inorganic elements .
Introducción: Las quemaduras son lesiones de los tejidos producidas por una agresión cutánea de energía térmica cuya clasificación varía de acuerdo a la gravedad. Representan un problema de salud pública especialmente en los niños por su elevada letalidad y los años de vida perdidos por discapacidad. Objetivo: Identificar las características relacionadas con la ocurrencia de escaldaduras en niños menores de 5 años, en un Hospital Pediátrico de la Ciudad de México, 2011. Material y Métodos: Se empleó un diseño de casos-autocontroles en 60 niños menores de 5 años que presentaron escaldadura. La evaluación de algunas variables se obtuvo mediante el diligenciamiento de un cuestionario estructurado por parte de los cuidadores. Se definieron dos periodos de estudio; el primero denominado "periodo de riesgo" que incluyó la evaluación de los eventos ocurridos 15 minutos previos a la escaldadura y el segundo, denominado "periodo de control" que evaluó las 24 horas previas a la ocurrencia del evento. Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por 60 menores, 70% (n=42) de los participantes fueron varones. El promedio de edad fue 2.2 años (ds=1.2). El 95% de las escaldaduras ocurrieron en el hogar, 61.4% se presentaron en la cocina y 15.8% en el baño. Cerca del 70% de los participantes tenía bajo nivel socioeconómico, 86.7% vivía en condiciones de hacinamiento. El rango horario en el cual se presentaron con mayor frecuencia fue entre las 12 a 18 horas. La única asociación encontrada se dio cuando el cuidador estaba cocinando (OR 6.8, IC95% 1.9-24.9) Conclusiones: Identificar las características relacionadas con las escaldaduras en menores de cinco años es fundamental para impulsar medidas preventivas que reduzcan el riesgo de vivir con secuelas derivados de estas lesiones. Los cuidadores deben mejorar la supervisión de los niños a su cargo, en especial al interior de las cocinas.
Introduction: Burns are injuries of tissues caused by skin aggression thermal energy. Their classification varies according to gravity. Such injuries are a public health problem especially in children because of its high fatality rate and years of life lost due to disability. Objective: Identify the characteristics associated with the occurrence of scalds in children under 5 years in a Pediatric Hospital in Mexico City, 2011 Methodology: We employed a case crossover design on a sample of 60 children under 5 years old with scalding, to whom we applied a structured questionnaire to their caregivers. We defined two study periods: risk period, 15 minutes pre-scald and control period 24 hours prior to the occurrence of the event. Results: Of the sample of 60 children, 70% (n:42) were male, mean age 2.2 years (sd:1.2); 95% of scalds occurred at home, 61.4% occurred in the kitchen and 15.8% in the bathroom. About 70% of them had low socioeconomic status, 86.7% were living in overcrowded conditions. The times of higher occurrence of events were between 12 to 18 hours. The only association found was when the caregiver was cooking (OR 6.8, CI 95% 1.9 - 24.9). Conclusions: To identify the risk factors and characterize the scald in children under than five years old are fundamentals aspects to promote promotion and preventive program to reduce risk of live with physical and psychological disability from these causes of injuries. The caregiver should to have more attention to the children they supervise, in special within kitchen.
Objective To study the main pharmacodynamics effect of compound lavender ointment on the scald, anti-inflammation and analgesia.Methods Sixty guinea pigs were divided into normal groups,model groups( superficialⅡ°scalding models) ,compound lavender ointment high,median,low dose groups,and jing wan hong ointment groups,then observation of the wounds and healing was made and recorded.Histopathological examination was made to examine the wounds,and ELISA to analyze serum TNF-α、IL-6、IL-8.Xylene ear swelling model and writhing test were used to observe the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the compound lavender ointment.Results Compound lavender ointment can relieve the wounds swelling and exudation,which may be related to the decrease of proinflammatory cytokines(P <0.01), and promote the wound healing significantly( P <0.01) ,that the side-effects were not observed.High dose of compound lavender ointment can inhibit ear swelling and have certain analgesia with the writhing tests.Conclusion Compound lavender ointment have the promoting wound healing,anti-infectious and antalgic effects on the scald.
Thirty six unselected autopsy cases of fatal scald burn received from Central Delhi were studied during the period from July 1998 to June 2010 at Department of Forensic Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College and associated Hospitals, Delhi. The data was analyzed with regard to age, sex, place of occurrence, pattern of injury, mode of infliction, survival period, cause and manner of death. The cases represented approximately 0.31% of all autopsy received during the same period. There were 24 males (66.7%) and 12 females (33.3%) with male to female ratio 2:1. The age range of the victims was 10 months to 70 yrs with mean age of 16.93 years and Standard deviation of 19.32. Domestic accidents were attributed to 72.2% of all deaths. All except one case were accidental in nature. Hot water splashing from the cooking utensils/ falling over to boiled water in kitchen (68.75%) was the most common mode of injury. Thorax (86.1%) was the most common body region involved. The average total body surface area (TBSA) burn was 50.83%.The mean survival period of all victims was 3.83 days. All the victims were hospitalized after the incident and in majority (75%) of them died due to septicemia.
Accidents, Home/complications , Accidents, Home/mortality , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Autopsy , Burns/complications , Burns/epidemiology , Burns/etiology , Burns/mortality , Cause of Death , Child , Child, Preschool , Fatal Outcome , Female , Humans , India , Infant , Male , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies , Sepsis/etiology , Sepsis/mortality , Young AdultABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the expression and effects of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in cerebral vessels of scalded rats. MethodHistological method was used to observe the alteration of histological structure of basilar artery in 8 scalded rats. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) was performed to examine expression of ET-1 mRNA;Western blotting to analyse expression of endothelin-1;radioimmunoassay to measure ET-1 levels;R3espectively, of cerebral basilar artery in 48 scalded rats. ResultVascular pathohistological changes were observed in cerebral basilar artery after rats were scalded;ET-1, ET-1 mRNA expression and ET-1 levels of basilar artery in scald 6 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours group were obviously higher than that of control group. Conclusion Scald may cause an increases of ET-1 expression in basilar artery, and elevated ET-1 expression may relate to the pathogenesis of cerebral vascular injury in scalded rats.
Objective To evaluate the effects of external substance P (SP) on scalding wound healing and neovascularization.Methods Eighty-four Wistar rats were induced into diabetic models by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ), and deep partial thickness scalding wound on the back with diameter of 2 cm was prepared. Rats were randomly divided into experiment group (n=42, local injection of SP) and control group (n=42, local injection of PBS). The process of wound healing was observed, and the percentages of wound closure were calculated on D0, D1, D3, D7, D10, D14, D21 post scald. The expression of CD31, surface marker of neovascular endothelial cells, was detected within the wound sites by immunohistochemical staining, and the microvessel density was calculated. Results The percentage of wound closure in experiment group was significantly higher than that in control group on D7 post scald [(42.69±3.26) % vs (30.24±1.17)%, P<0.01]. Immunohistochemical detection revealed that the expression of CD31 and the microvessel density in experiment group were significantly higher than those in control group from D7 post scald (P<0.01). ConclusionExternal SP may promote scalding wound healing in diabetic rats, the mechanism of which may be associated with upregulation of expression of CD31 and acceleration of neovascularization.
The burn autopsies form the major bulk of autopsies carried out at most of the hospitals in India. A medico–legal study of fatal burn cases was carried out at Nanded (India) during the period of 3 years. These constituted 18.2% of the total medico–legal autopsies carried out during the same period. The majority of burn deaths were observed in the age group of 11 – 40 yrs (83.11%), with peak incidence in 21 – 30 yrs (39.5%) of age group. Female preponderance was seen in all age groups with male to female ratio 1:2.5. Most of the cases were from rural area (76.3%). In 189 cases (41.4%), total body surface area involved was more than 80%. Majority of the subjects died as a result of flame burns (92.3%), followed by electric burns (5.3%) & scald (2.4%). In 406 cases (89%), Kerosene oil was involved leading to fatal burns. Accidental burns were most common (70.8%), followed by suicidal (18.2%) and homicidal burns (10.9%). The majority of deaths due to burns were observed within 1 week (66.2%).
Adolescent , Adult , Autopsy/legislation & jurisprudence , Burns/complications , Burns/ethnology , Burns/etiology , Burns/legislation & jurisprudence , Burns/mortality , Burns/statistics & numerical data , Child , Fatal Outcome , Female , Humans , India , Rural Population , Suicide , Young AdultABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE:To study the therapic effect of soluble cluster of differentiation (sCD14) and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-P55(sTNFR-P55) on the inflammation,insulin resisitance and insulin secretion of serious scalded mice. METHODS: The lecels of mortality, peripheral white blood cell(WBC), Homeostasis Assessment-Insulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) and Homeostasis Assessmen-?(HOMA-?),fasting glucose, fasting lactic acid of the scalded mice treated individually by infusion with sCD14,sTNFR-P55,and both the sCD14 and sTNFR-P55, were examined compared with that of the control. RESULTS: The mortality of the scalded mice treated both by infusion with both of sCD14 and sTNFR-p55,were lower than that of the control(P
Objective To study the clinic features and the mechanism of skin damage induced by high-dose methotrexate(HD-MTX).Method Children treated with HD-MTX were enrolled in a retrospective study in which the incidence and presentations of skin damage were concluded.Mechanism of the damage was studied base on skin pathology of an animal model.Result Skin damage presented in 3~9(median 5) days after HD-MTX and usually followed by bullation and exfoliation.Twelve cases,more severe than the others,accompanied with fever and symptoms of other organs especially the respiratory tract and the intestine.Skin damage was reduced when large dose rehydration used before,during and after HD-MTX.Conclusion HD-MTX may cause scald-like skin damage directly by its prolonged toxic effect on epidermal cells.Besides extended tetrahydrofolic acid rescue and supportive treatments,anti infection is the most important in dealing this condition.
Objective:To study the healing effect of Chitin dressing on second-degree scalds in mice and rabbits respectively.Methods:The model of the second-degree scald was established in mice and rabbits respectively by vapour and hot water;the healing time was observed and the tissue specimens were obtained from the scalds for pathologic analysis.Results:Compared with the contrast group,the healing time in chitin dressing treated group was shorter(P
Objective To investigate the changes of the expression of HSP90? in the liver of severely scalded rats at the early stage of stress Methods The expression levels of HSP90? in the liver of rats at different time points after severe scald were detected by Western blotting and then the expression of HSP90? in the nucleuses was observed by immunohistochemistry Results The expression of HSP90? significantly increased in the liver of rats after severe scald, especially during 12~48 h Abnormal high expression of HSP90? in the nucleuses around was found at 48 h after scald Conclusion The abnormal high expression of HSP90? due to severe scald may be one of the important causes resulting in the disorder of glucocorticoid receptor at the early stage of stress after severe trauma.
Objective To investigate the effects of clonidine on the expression of myocardial ? subunit of inhibitory G protein (Gi?) in severely scalded rats and the mechanisms. Methods A scald model of 30% total body surface area Ⅲdegree burn on the back of rats was established. The basal and Gpp (NH) p, forsklin stimulated activity of adenylate cyclase (AC), and Gi? in cardiac myocytes were determined by indirect enzyme radiochemical assay and Western blotting, respectively. Results Clonidine at the dosage of 1-3 mg?kg -1 inhibited significantly the increase in the myocardial Gi? levels. Clonidine at the dosage of 0.3-3 mg?kg -1 partially reversed the decrease in the basal activity, and clonidine at the dosage of 1-3 mg?kg -1 showed the similar effect on the decrease in the Gpp (NH) p stimulated activity. Efaroxan, an I 1 imidazoline receptor antagonist, could partially reverse the inhibitory effect of clonidine on myocardial Gi? levels. Conclusion Clonidine can inhibit the elevation of myocardial Gi? levels, and the mechanisms of the inhibition may possibly be associated with the stimulatory effect of clonidine on I 1 imidazoline receptors.