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Rev. APS (Online) ; 26(Único): e262340624, 22/11/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1566012


A escola é um ambiente que pode interferir diretamente na produção social da saúde, integrando bem-estar e educação, assim, o Programa de Saúde na Escola (PSE) visa a integração entre o ambiente escolar e saúde. Contudo, faltam ações que promovam, de forma específica, atividades em saúde mental. Objetivo: relatar a experiência de um grupo de estudantes de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR) na abordagem das emoções primitivas com crianças do primeiro ao quarto ano do Ensino Fundamental no ambiente escolar. Resultados: essa experiência demonstrou a importância de ações preventivas e as promoções de saúde mental, por meio do PSE. A abordagem interdisciplinar ressalta a necessidade de cuidar da saúde mental desde a infância, destacando a importância da educação e prevenção nesse contexto. Conclusão: realizar atividades de promoção da saúde mental com crianças em idade escolar exige uma integração multiprofissional e permitiu que houvesse a reflexão sobre a saúde mental infantil e suas complexidades.

The school is an environment that can directly interfere in the social production of health, integrating well-being and education, therefore, the Health at School Program (HSP) aims to integrate the school environment and health. However, there is a lack of actions that specifically promote mental health activities. Objective: to report the experience of a group of nurse school students from Federal University of Rondonia (UNIR) in addressing primitive emotions with children from first to fourth year, in the school environment. Results: This experience demonstrated the importance of preventive and mental health-promoting actions through the Health at School Program (HSP). The interdisciplinary approach highlights the need to take care of mental health from childhood, highlighting the importance of education and prevention in this context. Conclusion: Carrying out activities to promote mental health with school-age children requires multidisciplinary integration and allowed reflection on children's mental health and its complexities.

Child Development , Mental Health , Child
Interdisciplinaria ; 39(2): 73-88, ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385918


Abstract The Chilean Skill for Life (CSFL) is a school mental health program implemented by local agencies from the Education, Health, and Social Services public sectors. It represents an excellent opportunity to study inter-organizational collaboration and its advantages to public and state-subsidized schools. The propensity score matching technique was used to compare school performance in second grade (the most intensive treatment level) between schools participating in the program and those not participating and between schools with different types of sectoral collaboration to identify the best partner for the school. To select all Chilean schools' participant in CSFL and the comparative group of schools' non-participant, a sequential sampling was applied. The measures were obtained from government public data, considering annual school performance and other educational indicators. It was found that public schools that implement the CSFL obtain better school performance than those that do not implement it (ATT = .042; p < .05), for state-subsidized schools, the same was not found. It was also observed that when educational agencies implement the program, the gain is more significant (ATT = .046; p < .05). The importance of aligning program values and goals with local agencies and schools is discussed, analyzing the possibilities for better collaboration in school mental health.

Resumen Habilidades para la Vida (HPV) es un programa chileno de salud mental escolar multinivel que llega a millones de estudiantes en miles de territorios del país, y es considerado uno de los programas de salud mental escolar más grandes del mundo. Es implementado en el país por agencias locales de los sectores públicos de educación, salud y servicios sociales, lo que representa una excelente oportunidad para estudiar la colaboración interorganizacional y sus ventajas para las escuelas públicas y subvencionadas por el Estado. Este constructo ha recibido gran atención en los últimos años en el campo de la salud mental escolar, dado que destaca la importancia de generar procesos que permitan compartir una identidad colectiva, una agenda coordinada, tener una comunicación efectiva y una colaboración mutua entre los diversos dispositivos que buscan contribuir al logro de las metas de salud mental y a los objetivos educativos de las escuelas. A pesar de los grandes beneficios que traería la colaboración interorganizacional en la ejecución de programas de salud mental escolar, los estudios al respecto son más bien escasos y centrados en intervenciones que vinculan tan solo un tipo de agencia ejecutora con las escuelas. Por este motivo, el presente estudio pretende analizar el impacto de la colaboración interorganizacional en el rendimiento académico de aquellos estudiantes que reciben el programa HPV, teniendo dos hipótesis a la base: (1) que aquellos estudiantes que forman parte de las escuelas en las que se entrega el programa tendrán un mejor rendimiento académico que aquellos que no reciben la intervención; y (2) que el sector educación será el mejor partner o colaborador, puesto que comparte las metas educativas con la escuela, lo que impactaría en el rendimiento académico de aquellos estudiantes que reciben el programa. Para medir esto, se utilizó la técnica Propensity Matching Score, la cual sirvió para comparar el rendimiento escolar de los estudiantes en segundo grado (el nivel de tratamiento más intensivo) entre las escuelas participantes y no participantes del programa, y entre las escuelas con diferentes tipos de colaboración sectorial. Para seleccionar a los participantes de las escuelas chilenas en HPV y del grupo comparativo se aplicó un muestreo secuencial. Las medidas se obtuvieron de datos públicos del gobierno de Chile, y se consideró el rendimiento escolar anual, la vulnerabilidad social de las escuelas y otros indicadores educativos. Se encontró que las escuelas públicas que implementan el HPV obtienen un mejor rendimiento escolar que las que no lo implementan (ATT = .042; p < .05), resultados que no se repitieron en aquellas escuelas subsidiadas por el Estado. También se observó que cuando las agencias educativas implementan el programa, el aumento del rendimiento académico es mayor (ATT = .046; p < .05) respecto que aquellas que lo implementan mediante agencias locales de salud o de servicios sociales. Se discute la importancia de alinear los valores y las metas del programa con las agencias locales y las escuelas, analizando las posibilidades de una mejor colaboración en la salud mental escolar. Esto implica también considerar las metas educativas de cada centro en el cual se implementan estas intervenciones, ya que es posible encontrarse en ocasiones con modelos educacionales restrictivos y tradicionales, centrados por sobre todo en lo cognitivo. Por este motivo, experimentan dificultades al alinearse con programas de habilidades socioemocionales, lo que termina obstaculizando las posibilidades de colaboración interorganizacional con agencias interventoras de dispositivos orientados a esto. En este marco, se exponen una serie de consideraciones clave vinculadas a la importancia de preparar las condiciones y los recursos para el trabajo interorganizacional entre escuelas y entidades ejecutoras de programas de salud mental escolar.

Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400779


Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos das práticas de yoga na saúde mental de adolescentes. Métodos: Revisão integrativa realizada em janeiro de 2022 com a pergunta norteadora: Quais os efeitos de práticas e programas de yoga na melhoria de indicadores de saúde mental dos adolescentes? Busca realizada nas bases de dados OneFile, Scopus, MEDLINE/ PubMed, Science Citation Index Expanded, PubMed Central, Social Sciences Citation Index, e Sage Journals por meio dos descritores yoga ou ioga no título e adolescent ou teenager como termo ampliado. Este processo resultou em 183 artigos, 34 elegíveis para leiturado texto completo e 11 que atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Resultados: Todos os artigos apresentaram-se publicados em língua inglesa, desenvolvidos nos Estados Unidos da América ou na Índia, dentre os quais, três ensaios clínicos randomizados e três pesquisas quase-experimentais, publicados entre 2012 e 2021. Com o Hatha Yoga enquanto a principal modalidade aplicada, a síntese das evidências demonstrou que o yoga possa reduzir traços de ansiedade e atitudes de agressão dos adolescentes, atuar no controle da raiva e violência, favorecer estados emocionais e sentimentos, como felicidade, humor, autoestima, autocontrole, bem-estar, e dimensões da qualidade de vida. Conclusões: Os efeitos do yoga na saúde mentale emocional de adolescentes relacionaram-se à redução da ansiedade e de atitudes de agressão ou violência, melhorias no desenvolvimento das competências emocionais com sentimentos de felicidade, humor, autoestima, autocontrole, bem-estar, qualidade de vida, controle das emoções e dos comportamentos.

Objective: To analyze the effects of yoga practices on the mental health of adolescents. Methods: An integrative review was carried out in January 2022 based on the research question: What are the effects of yoga practices and programs in improving adolescents' mental health indicators? Searches were carried out on OneFile, Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, Science Citation Index Expanded, PubMed Central, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Sage Journals databases using the descriptors yoga or ioga in the title and adolescent or teenager as an extended term. This process yielded 183 articles, with 34 of them being eligible for full text reading and 11 meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: All articles were published in English, conducted in the United States of America or India, including three randomized clinical trials and three quasi-experimental studies, and published between 2012 and 2021. Hatha Yoga was the main modality applied and the synthesis of evidence showed that yoga can reduce anxiety traits and attitudes of aggression in adolescents, act on the control of anger and violence, favor emotional states and feelings, such as happiness, humor, self-esteem, self-control, well-being, and dimensions of quality of life. Conclusions: The effects of yoga on the mental and emotional health of adolescents were related to the reduction of anxiety and attitudes of aggression or violence and improvements in the development of emotional competences with feelings of happiness, humor, selfesteem, self-control, well-being, quality of life, and control of emotions and behaviors.

Objetivo: Analizar los efectos de las prácticas de yoga en la salud mental de adolescentes. Métodos: Revisión integradora realizada en enero de 20022 con la pregunta orientadora: ¿Cuáles los efectos de prácticas y programas de yoga en la mejora de indicadores de salud mental de los adolescentes? Búsqueda realizada en la base de datos OneFile, Scopus, MEDLINE/ PubMed, Science Citation Index, y Sage Journals por medio de los descriptores yoga o ioga en el título y adolecent o teennager como término ampliado. Este proceso resultó en 183 artículos, 34 elegibles para lectura del texto completo y 11 que atendieron a los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: Todos los artículos se presentaron publicados en lengua inglesa, desarrollados en los Estados Unidos de América o en India, entre ellos, tres ensayos clínicos randomizados y tres investigaciones casiexperimentales,publicados entre 2012 y 2021. Con el Hatha Yoga como principal modalidad aplicada, la síntesis de las evidencias demostró que el yoga puede reducir rasgos de ansiedad y actitudes de agresión de los adolescentes, actuar en el control de la rabia y violencia, favorecer estados emocionales y sentimientos, como felicidad, humor, autoestima, autocontrol, bienestar, y dimensiones de la calidad de vida. Conclusiones: Los efectos del yoga en la salud mental y emocional de adolescentes se relacionan a la disminución de la ansiedad y de actitudes de agresión o violencia, mejoras en el desarrollo de competencias emocionales con sentimientos de felicidad, humor, autoestima, autocontrol, bienestar, calidad de vida, control de la emociones y de los comportamientos.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-164793


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the Students' Mental Health School-Community Cooperative Model on the school mental health awareness of the participants (school administrators, teachers, students). METHODS: Data were collected from 140 schools that participated in the project. The questionnaires were composed of items about the school mental health policy, climate and capacity. The data was analyzed through paired t-tests between pre and post, and a comparison was made between the 1st and 2nd phase regions. RESULTS: The total scores of the teacher and student groups increased significantly, whereas those of the school administrators did not. The awareness of the teachers showed more changes in the 1st phase regions, while those of the students changed more at the 2nd phase. CONCLUSION: Based on the results, the expansion of the Students' Mental Health School-Community Cooperative Model was proposed.

Humans , Administrative Personnel , Climate , Mental Health
Univ. psychol ; 14(4): 1285-1297, oct.-dic. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-830912


Se presenta la contribución del "Programa Habilidades para la Vida" a las prácticas de prevención de salud mental adolescente en escuelas de Chile. Se evalúa la intervención preventiva del programa, en particular observando si adolescentes que asistieron al taller preventivo (N = 212) muestran cambio en las variables desadaptación escolar (DE) y disfunción psicosocial (DP), según su asistencia y la de sus padres. El diseño fue expost facto, longitudinal prospectivo, con mediciones pre y post. El análisis consideró ANOVA de medidas repetidas y pruebas t para muestras relacionadas. Los resultados indican disminución en algunos factores de riesgo asociados a DE y la estabilidad de la DP de los adolescentes. Se discuten las implicancias de este estudio para la ciencia preventiva y las políticas públicas.

This paper shows the contribution of "Skills for Life Program" to prevention practices adolescent mental health in schools in Chile. Study included a sample of adolescents (N = 212) who participated in the preventive intervention of the program. The goal was to examine changes in variables of school maladjustment (SM) and psychosocial dysfunction (PD) based on their attendance and their parents to the preventive intervention. Design was ex-post-facto, longitudinal prospective, pre and post measurements. Analysis considered repeated measures ANOVA and t tests for related samples. Results indicate a decrease in risk factors associated with SM and PD stability of adolescents. Study implications will be discussed for preventive science and public policy.

Adolescent , Mental Health , Chile
Rev. Soc. Psiquiatr. Neurol. Infanc. Adolesc ; 23(3): 157-162, dic. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-677252


La comuna San Pedro de Atacama (SPA) tiene alta población rural y étnica, grupos vulnerables, según la literatura, a problemas de salud mental. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la prevalencia de síntomas ansiosos en escolares e investigar sus diferencias respecto de variables étnicas, de edad y género. Para ello se utilizó la escala de auto reporte de ansiedad para niños y adolescentes (AANA). La muestra quedó constituida por 416 alumnos, de ellos se analizaron 335 escalas, cuya media de edad fue de 10 años. Un 60,3 por ciento obtuvo sobre el punto de corte para sospecha de trastorno de ansiedad. El género femenino tenía mayor sintomatología ansiosa, junto con el grupo etario de 7 a 11 años. No existió diferencias significativas para la variable étnica. Respecto a las subescalas, la distribución etaria de la fobia social fue diferente a lo reportado en la literatura, lo que podría derivar del contexto sociocultural, necesario de investigaren futuros trabajos.

The San Pedro de Atacama (SPA) district has an important number of rural and ethnic population, which according to the literature, is more vulnerable to mental health problems. The aim of this research is to determine the prevalence of anxiety symptoms in school age children and to study its differences in relation to ethnicity, age and gender. The AANA (self report anxiety scale for children and adolescents) was applied in a sample of 416 students, from which 335 questionnaires were analyzed (mean age: 10 years). A 60.3 percent of the students were above the cut point for suspicion of an anxiety disorder. Females had a higher number of symptoms of anxiety, as did the group with ages 7 to 11 years. There were no statistically significant differences for ethnicity. In the subscales, the age distribution for social phobia was found to be different from the one previously reported; this could be explained by the sociocultural context, which remains to be studied in future research.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Child Psychiatry , Anxiety Disorders/ethnology , Age and Sex Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies , Chile/ethnology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Ethnicity , Mental Health , Prevalence , Panic Disorder/ethnology , Phobic Disorders/ethnology , Anxiety Disorders/epidemiology
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-213365


OBJECTIVES: We developed the short form of the Mentalization Improvement Program for Adolescent-Community Model (MIPAdo-CM-S), based on the concept of the mentalization. METHODS: The MIPAdo-CM was composed of 6 sessions and was applied to 133 students in the 1st grade of a middle school for six weeks during their regular school hours. After 6 weeks, we compared the endpoint changes of Adolescent Mental Problem Questionnaire-Revised (AMPQ-R), Emotional Empathy Test, Peer Aggression Scale, Peer Bullying Scale, School Adjustment Scale, Test Anxiety Inventory and Visual Analogue Scale between the subject and the control group. RESULTS: On the Visual Analoge Scale, students in the trial classes reported an increased understanding and respect for others, as well as themselves. CONCLUSION: The efficacy of MIPAdo-CM was subjective improvement of understanding and respect for both others and themselves. To prove objective usefulness of this program, further studies should be administered in the form of long-term, regular and structured courses.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Aggression , Bullying , Empathy , Mental Health , Test Anxiety Scale
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-213366


OBJECTIVES: Understanding the emotions, thoughts, feelings and behaviors of others, as well as oneself, is part of the mentalizing function. We developed a new school-based community model for mental health, called the Mentalization Improvement Program for Adolescent-Community Model (MIPAdo-CM), based on the concept of mentalization. METHODS: The MIPAdo-CM was composed of 12 sessions and was applied to 403 students in the 2nd grade of a middle school. Every session was conducted after the regular school hours for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, we compared the endpoint changes of Adolescent Mental Problem Questionnaire-Revised (AMPQ-R), Emotional Empathy Test (EET), Peer Aggression Scale (PAS), Peer Bullying Scale (PBS), School Adjustment Scale (SAS), Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) and Visual Analogue Scale between the subject and the control group. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between two groups in AMPQ-R, EET, PAS, PBS, SAS, and TAI. On the Visual Analoge Scale, however, students in the trial classes reported more increase in understanding and respect for both others and themselves. CONCLUSION: The efficacy of MIPAdo-CM was subjective improvement of understanding and respect for both others and themselves, erence between two groups in AMPQ-R, Empathy test, To prove objective usefulness of this program, further studies with more structured design will be needed.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Aggression , Anxiety , Bullying , Empathy , Mental Health , Phenothiazines , Theory of Mind
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-139622


OBJECTIVES: The purposes of this study were to develop a mental health screening questionnaire and the practical intervention programs or guidelines which can be used in middle and high schools by students and teachers. METHODS: The Adolescent Mental health & Problem behavior Screening Questionnaire II (AMPQ-II) was developed and was tested for reliability and validity using nationwide data from 2,180 middle and high school students and 2,145 teachers. RESULTS: The AMPQ-II was measured by both students and teachers. The correlation coefficient of the test-retest test was 0.567 and internal consistency was high (Cronbach's alpha=0.878). Five factors such as worry and thought, mood and suicide, academic and Internet-related problems, peer problems, and rule violations were proposed. We also developed a practical guideline and manuals which can be easily used by secondary school teachers to screen for and manage mental health problems at school. CONCLUSION: The AMPQ-II can be a useful and reliable tool to screen for mental health problems in middle and high schools in South Korea.

Adolescent , Humans , Mass Screening , Mental Health , Reproducibility of Results , Republic of Korea , Suicide , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-139623


OBJECTIVES: The purposes of this study were to develop a mental health screening questionnaire and the practical intervention programs or guidelines which can be used in middle and high schools by students and teachers. METHODS: The Adolescent Mental health & Problem behavior Screening Questionnaire II (AMPQ-II) was developed and was tested for reliability and validity using nationwide data from 2,180 middle and high school students and 2,145 teachers. RESULTS: The AMPQ-II was measured by both students and teachers. The correlation coefficient of the test-retest test was 0.567 and internal consistency was high (Cronbach's alpha=0.878). Five factors such as worry and thought, mood and suicide, academic and Internet-related problems, peer problems, and rule violations were proposed. We also developed a practical guideline and manuals which can be easily used by secondary school teachers to screen for and manage mental health problems at school. CONCLUSION: The AMPQ-II can be a useful and reliable tool to screen for mental health problems in middle and high schools in South Korea.

Adolescent , Humans , Mass Screening , Mental Health , Reproducibility of Results , Republic of Korea , Suicide , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-53588


OBJECTIVES: To examine the prevalence and psychosocial correlates of current suicidal ideation in middle-school students. METHODS: This school-based cross-sectional study enrolled 452 middle-school students in grade 7. Current suicidal ideation was defined as suicidal thoughts and a desire to be dead within two weeks. Sociodemographic variables, including environmental stressors, were collected to identify factors associated with current suicidal ideation. The students were asked to complete the Beck Depression Inventory, the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire, the Korean Version of the Children of Alcoholics Screening Test, the Problem-Oriented Screening Instrument for Teenagers, and various scales measuring anger level and ability to control anger. RESULTS: Current suicidal ideation was reported by 31.3% of the students. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, a previous suicide attempt, depression, parents with alcohol problems, family trouble, and anger level were independently associated with current suicidal ideation. The experiences of running away, domestic violence, being bullied, alcohol abuse, hyperactivity, and emotional problems were significantly more frequent in students with suicidal ideation, but they were not significantly associated with suicidal ideation in the multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that a previous suicide attempt is a risk factor for current suicidal ideation. Appropriate management of depression and anger in middle-school students and interventions for family troubles and parental alcohol problems are needed to reduce suicidal ideation in middle-school students.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Alcoholics , Alcoholism , Anger , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression , Domestic Violence , Logistic Models , Mass Screening , Parents , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Running , Suicidal Ideation , Suicide , Weights and Measures
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-23695


This research was aimed at developing a model for school mental health service. Subjects were students at two elementary schools located in an urban community. The goals of the study included, 1) early detection and intervation in children with mental health problems, 2) developing educational programs for parents and teachers ; 3) developing programs linking mental health resources in the community with the school system(school consultation, telephone counselling, and group activities for high risk-students). Subjects wars 1,732 students at 2 primary schools in a community of Seoul. Problem children were selected through screening with CBCL and were examined by psychiatrists. The results were as follows: 1) Of 1,732 students, nearly 8% had mental health problems. The parents of the students with mental health problems were urged to seek psychiatric care. However, only 8% of them had a positive response. On the other hand, telephone counselling was preferred and 40% of them said they had visited a psychiatric clinic. 2) Regarding the education of parents, they preferred telephone counselling and written information to direct counselling or participating in education programs. In most cases, they avoided talking about their children's problems. 3) Teachers showed a good sense for ducting children's mental health problems, but they suffered from a fueling of helplessness because of lack of knowledge and skills. 4) Special education programs were needed f)r students with serious behavior problems. Group activities, which were directed by college student volunteers, had been proved to be effective in helping children with high risks. 5) This suggests that the stigma for mental disorder is still an obstacle in mental health service and that fechers need on-going systemic education on children's mental health since college period. Based on these study results, the authors suggest a model of school mental health service linking the school system, family(parents) and professional mental health resources in the community.

Child , Humans , Education , Education, Special , Hand , Mass Screening , Mental Disorders , Mental Health Services , Mental Health , Parents , Psychiatry , Seoul , Telephone , Volunteers
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-23696


As an initial step for promoting a mental health service for elementary school children, a school-based epidemiologic study on children's mental problems and their social background was conducted. The subjects were 3,021 students from 20 elementary schools in a rural community in Korea. The epidemiologic study consisted of two stages, initial screening using the Child Behavior Check List(CBCL) and a structured psychiatric evaluation. After the study, we received feedback from teachers and parents. The results were as follows: 1) Initially, 251(8.3%) students with total CBCL score higher than 54 were selected as problem children. Among the 251 students, only 31 had completed a structured psychiatric evaluation, and 71%(22 students) of them met the DSM-III-R citeria of psychiatric disorders. 2) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was the most common problem in both sexes, followed by oppositional defiant disorder in males and depression and anxiety disorder in females. Other students also had borderline intellectual functioning, learning disorders, somatoform disorder, sleep disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder 3) The socio-environmental factors that were significantly related with mental health problems were poor economic status and little education in parents, no family religion, and children living with their maternal grandmother or with a single parent. Students who had mental problems also showed low levels of social competence. 4) The feedback from parents and teachers showed that the stigma of mental disorders, limitations of available time, and a poor understanding and lack of knowledge on the par of parents and teachers were the major obstacles in mental health service. Based on these results, the future direction of research and practice of school mental health was discussed.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Anxiety Disorders , Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Child Behavior , Depression , Education , Epidemiologic Studies , Korea , Learning Disabilities , Mass Screening , Mental Competency , Mental Disorders , Mental Health Services , Mental Health , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder , Parents , Rural Population , Single Parent , Somatoform Disorders