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Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(4)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515242


Objetivo: El carcinoma sebáceo (CS) es una neoplasia infrecuente, de la cual no existen reportes nacionales, ni guías de manejo en Chile. El Instituto Nacional del Cáncer (INC) es un centro de referencia nacional en el manejo de patologías oncológicas; el objetivo de este trabajo es describir la experiencia y tratamiento del carcinoma sebáceo en nuestro centro. Material y Método: Se realizó una revisión retrospectiva, descriptiva, de fichas clínicas entre marzo de 2016 y marzo de 2022 en el INC, en las cuales la biopsia definitiva fuese confirmatoria de CS. Resultados: Se reclutaron 10 pacientes, 6 hombres (60%) y 4 mujeres. Edad promedio fue de 62,9 años ± 18,7 DS. En el 80% de los casos el tumor se encontró en cabeza y cuello y solo 2 casos fueron CS ocular (20%). 4 pacientes tenían asociación al Síndrome de Muir-Torre (SMT) (40%), en el 100% de la muestra se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico con resección oncológica y control de márgenes intraoperatorio, utilizándose en solo 3 casos la técnica Cirugía Micrográfica de Mohs (MMS). En 4 pacientes (40%) se realizó biopsia de linfonodo centinela (BLNC), de los cuales ninguno resulto positivo para metástasis. Ningún paciente presento recidiva local, después de la cirugía y no hubo casos de mortalidad a causa de CS. Ningún paciente recibió radioterapia, quimioterapia o inmunoterapia adyuvante, solo 1 paciente recibió braquiterapia (BT) adyuvante. Conclusión: El CS es una patología compleja e infrecuente, que requiere un tratamiento multidisciplinario y cuyo pilar es la cirugía.

Objective: Sebaceous carcinoma (SC) is an infrequent neoplasm, without national reports nor management guidelines in Chile. National Cancer Institute (NCI) is a reference center for this kind of disease. The aim of this research is to describe the experience and treatment of the sebaceous carcinoma in our center. Methods: A retrospective, descriptive review of clinical records was performed, between March 2016 and March 2022 at the INC, in which the definitive biopsy was confirmatory of CS. Results: A total of 10 patients were enrolled; 6 male (60%) and 4 women. The mean age was 62.9 years ± 18.7 (SD). 80% of the cases were located at the head or the cervical area and only 2 cases were found in the ocular region (20%). Association with SMT (40%) was found in 4 patients. Surgical treatment with oncological resection and intraoperative assessment of margins was performed in 100% of the cases, using MMS technique. Sentinel lymph node biopsy (BLNC) was performed in 4 patients (40%), of which none had metastasis. No patient presented local recurrence after surgery and there were no cases of mortality due to CS. No patient received radiotherapy, chemotherapy or adjuvant immunotherapy. Just 1 received adjuvant brachytherapy. Conclusion: SC is a complex and infrequent disease, which requires multidisciplinary treatment mainly with surgery.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979227


ObjectiveTo reveal the differences of the related pathogenicity gene mutations between sebaceous adenocarcinoma (SC) of scalp and sebaceous adenoma (SA) of scalp on whole exome level. MethodsWhole exome sequencing was performed on a SC sample and a SA sample by Illumina Hiseq 2500 platform. Suspicious single nucleotide variation sites were selected for mutation conservation and functional analysis. SciClone was used to track subclone evolution and clonal map information was obtained for each tumor sample. The high-frequency significant gene mutations in the tumor sample were screened by MutSigCV software, and compared with the known driver genes. ResultsTwo driver genes TFDP1 and ACVR1B harboring mutations in scalp SC compared to SA were found. ConclusionsThe finding of mutation in driver genes TFDP1 and ACVR1B should be confirmed in a large cohort, which might reveal the mechanism of scalp SC development and find a therapeutic target for SC.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-874031


Introduction: We report a case in which multidisciplinary treatment including palliative radiotherapy reduced the size, exudate production and symptoms of a sebaceous carcinoma that had been neglected and allowed to form into a large destructive lesion. Case: A 48-year-old unemployed man who lived alone, was estranged from his family and socially isolated presented with a cranial tumor which had been present for three years. He did seek medical attention on one occasion. But a definitive diagnosis was not made, and he neglected to seek further treatment. The tumor became very large, painful and began to ooze exudate, and the patient became unwell with difficulty mobilizing. He was transported to the hospital by ambulance. The tumor was centered on the vertex of the scalp and had a maximum diameter of 30 cm. It was diagnosed pathologically as a sebaceous carcinoma and was inoperable. The tumor was treated with palliative radiotherapy, a total dose of 27 Gy  /  9 Fr, causing it to shrink by approximately 30% and markedly reduced the rate of exudate production. His condition improved markedly and he was able to go out on leave. Discussion: This case highlights the management and clinical course of an uncommon and large cranial sebaceous carcinoma.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212325


Background: Skin adnexal tumors (SAT) encompass a wide spectrum of benign and malignant tumors that differentiate toward one or more adnexal structures found in normal skin. Overall incidence of SATs is low yet they can be challenging to diagnose. Our study aims at analysis of histopathological spectrum of various SATs according to age, sex and anatomic locations along with histopathological features.Methods: It was a retrospective cross-sectional study conducted over a period of 2 years from June 2017 to May 2019. All cases were retrieved from department registries and analyzed.Results: Out of the total 4013 biopsies, 25 cases were diagnosed as SATs comprising 44% of tumors with eccrine sweat gland differentiation followed by tumors showing hair follicle differentiation (32%), sebaceous differentiation (16%) and apocrine gland differentiation (8%). The age ranged from 4 years to 68 years and male: female ratio was 1:1.5. Most of the tumors were benign (84%) while only 16% were malignant. Pilomatricoma (19%) was the most common benign tumor while sebaceous carcinoma (75%) was the most common malignant tumor.Conclusions: Skin adnexal tumors are relatively rare neoplasm. Malignant cases are less common than benign ones. Histopathology is quite essential for diagnostic point of view.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211197


Sebaceous carcinoma is an aggressive tumor derived from adnexal epithelium of sebaceous gland and accounts for 1% of all cutaneous malignancy. Most commonly found at head and neck region. with sebaceous carcinoma in extrimity few than 100 cases have been formally documented. Since this lesion are uncommon, this lession tend to be misdiagnosed. Sebaceous carcinoma is a clinically innocuous appearing lesion with no pathognomonic features. Diagnosis is seldom made before operation and frequently misdiagnosed after operation We present our experienced with sebaceous carcinoma. female 45 years old, with history mass at her left hand grew rapidly during the past 4 months. At the beginning, there was a small wart over the little finger of her left hand that was not changing for the past 30 years. The patient then started scratching the wart until it fell off (1 year ago). The wound initially healed but then the same lesion grew back and became even larger. The patient repeated this habit and the lesion grew into its current size. The lesion itself started to bleed easily and became infected. During the past 4 months, patient also experienced the same lesion growing at her left index finger. Patient also complaint of pain which was localized to the lesion, non-radiating, and was felt increased when the patient scratched at the lesion. We performed resection of tumor and amputation at 4th and 5th fingers and also disarticulation at MCP joint 2nd finger and take a sample as histhopatological examination.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-202308


Introduction: The adenexa are part of skin andcomprised of sebaceous glands, sweat glands and hairfollicles. Skin adenexal tumors are rare in occurrenceand precise classification of these neoplasms is difficult.Benign tumors are more common than malignanttumors. Current study aimed to know the histopathologyof skin adenexal neoplasm and to correlate with age,gender, loacation and type of differentiation.Material and methods: A prospective study of 57histopathologically confirmed cases of skin adenexaltumors was carried out in Department of Pathology. Inthis study biopsies were received in 10% formalin andstained by routine haematoxylin and eosin stain. Nonneoplastic conditions were excluded from the study.Results: Out of the 57 cases of skin adenexal tumorsstudied 55 (96.5% ) were benign and 2 (3.5% ) weremalignant with a male: female ratio of 1:1.3. The mostfrequent group of tumors were of eccrine/apocrineorigin 28/57 (49.1%) followed by follicular origin(38.6%) 22/57 and sebaceous origin 7/57 (12.9%).Pilomatrixoma was the most common benign tumorand sebaceous carcinoma was the only malignant tumorencountered in the study. Most common age groupaffected range from 41-60 years and mean age observedwas 45 years. Head and neck (47.5%, 27/57) was themost common site involved in both males and femaleswith a predominance in the facial region.Conclusion: Skin adenexal tumors (SAT) are very rareand the classification of these tumours is complex. Thesetumors are usually missed clinically and histopathologyproves to be the gold standard for diagnosis of theseneoplasms.

Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 65(2): 225-230, abr.-jun: 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014516


Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare malignant tumor of the skin that usually appears in the head and neck region. Its clinical course is aggressive and local recurrences distant metastases are common. Some cases of sebaceous carcinoma of the female genital tract have been reported. Although sebaceous glands are prominent in the vulva, sebaceous carcinomas rarely occur in this location. Little is known about the behavior and prognosis of this type of cancer. We present a case of a 69-year-old patient with a history of a 3 x 2-centimeter tumor for 9 months in the left labium majus. She had no medical or family history of malignant neoplasms. Increases in size was observed during this period, but otherwise, she was asymptomatic. Lesion was completely excised. The tumor was composed of lobes of tumor cells with sebaceous differentiation. Histopathological report revealed vulvar sebaceous carcinoma. It must be differentiated from other vulvar carcinomas that are morphologically similar but biologically different.

El carcinoma sebáceo es un tumor maligno poco frecuente de la piel que generalmente aparece en la región de cabeza y cuello. Su curso clínico es agresivo y las recidivas locales / metástasis a distancia son habituales. Se han notificado algunos casos de carcinoma sebáceo del tracto genital femenino. Aunque las glándulas sebáceas son prominentes en la vulva, los carcinomas sebáceos rara vez ocurren en esta ubicación. Poco se conoce sobre el comportamiento y pronóstico de este tipo de cáncer. Se presenta un caso de paciente de 69 años con antecedentes de un tumor de 3 × 2 centímetros por 9 meses, en el labio mayor izquierdo. No tenía antecedentes médicos o familiares de neoplasias malignas. Se observó aumento de tamaño durante este período; por lo demás, estaba asintomático. La lesión fue extirpada totalmente. El tumor estaba compuesto por lóbulos de células tumorales con diferenciación sebácea. El informe histopatológico reveló carcinoma sebáceo de vulva. Debe diferenciarse de otros carcinomas vulvares morfológicamente similares, pero biológicamente distinto.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(1): 98-104, mar. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004389


RESUMEN El carcinoma sebáceo es una neoplasia anexial poco común que puede originarse en cualquier lugar del cuerpo donde existan glándulas sebáceas, siendo la principal ubicación la cabeza y el cuello, existiendo la presentación ocular y extraocular. Alcanza entre 0,2% a 4,6% de todas las neoplasias cutáneas malignas, con mayor incidencia en los adultos mayores caucásicos. La presentación clínica habitual corresponde a un nódulo duro o quístico subcutáneo eritematoso o amarillento, indoloro, de crecimiento acelerado. Sin embargo, puede manifestarse como una amplia gama de lesiones cutáneas, lo que, agregado a su baja incidencia, sea altamente subdiagnosticado. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 64 años con tumor exofítico malar izquierdo con ulceraciones y áreas de necrosis en la superficie, sin compromiso de párpado inferior, de agudeza visual ni motilidad ocular. Se realiza resección del tumor, cuya biopsia definitiva confirma diagnóstico de carcinoma sebáceo extraocular.

ABSTRACT Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare anexal neoplasm that can develop on any part of the body containing sebaceous glands, but nearly the 70% of sebaceous carcinoma occur on the head and neck, being two ways of presentation, ocular and extraocular. It represents 0.2-4.6 % of all malignant neoplastic cutaneous lesions, whit a peak incidence in the eighth decades of life, in caucasian people. Typical clinical presentation of sebaceous carcinoma is a painless, firm or cystic subcutaneous nodule described as pink to red-yellow, however clinical features can be quite varied, which added to its low incidence leads to the diagnosis is often delayed for months to years. We present the case of a 64 years old patient whit an exofitic malar tumor ulcerated and necrotic in the surface, without compromising the lower eyelid, vision or ocular mobility. The biopsy of the tumor resection shows an extraocular sebaceous carcinoma.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms/surgery , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Adenocarcinoma, Sebaceous/surgery , Adenocarcinoma, Sebaceous/pathology , Biopsy , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Necrosis
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2018 Sep; 66(9): 1295-1300
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-196866


Purpose: Comparison of outcomes of localized eyelid sebaceous carcinoma (American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) 8th edition categories T1, T2, T3) following initial management with posterior lamellar resection (PLR) versus (vs) lumpectomy (nonposterior lamellar resection, non-PLR). Methods: This was a retrospective, comparative, interventional case series. Of 54 patients, 26 were managed by PLR and 28 by nonPLR. The main outcome measures were vision loss, orbital exenteration, lymph node metastasis, and remote metastasis were the main outcome measures. Results: A comparison of PLR vs nonPLR revealed no difference in mean age at presentation (70 vs 72 years), race (Caucasian 100% vs nonCaucasian 93%), gender (female 54% vs male 71%), entering mean visual acuity (20/30 vs 20/50), or corneal involvement (23% vs 11%). There was significant difference in clinical features with PLR demonstrating greater mean basal diameter (21 mm vs 12 mm, P = 0.004), and positive margins were seen more frequently in PLR (69% vs 46%). There was significantly less number of surgical procedures in PLR to achieve complete tumor control (1.7 vs 2.5, P = 0.001). Outcomes at mean 55 months follow-up revealed significantly better control with PLR (vs nonPLR) with fewer orbital exenterations (15% vs 43%, P = 0.038), fewer lymph node, and systemic metastases (0% vs 39%, P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in final mean visual acuity (20/60 vs 20/200). Conclusion: For eyelid sebaceous carcinoma, the initial management is critical to the patient's outcome. PLR demonstrates superior outcomes with regard to preservation of visual acuity and avoidance of exenterations, lymph node metastases, and systemic metastases compared to patients managed with other techniques.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-714557


Sebaceous carcinoma of the salivary gland is an extremely unordinary malignancy occurring mainly in the parotid gland. Sebaceous carcinoma arising in the submandibular gland is exceptional and only three cases have been reported in the literature. We herein present a unique case of sebaceous carcinoma of the submandibular gland, the first to be reported in literature in South Korea. An 85-year-old man visited our hospital complaining of a progressively enlarging submandibular mass with tenderness and ipsilateral facial palsy. We performed a wide excision of the mass with superficial parotidectomy and modified neck dissection. Microscopic and immunohistochemical examinations demonstrated sebaceous carcinoma of low grade differentiation. Further adjuvant radiotherapy was rejected and the patient was followed up for five months. The optimal treatment of sebaceous carcinoma of the salivary gland is still not established due to the rarity of the disease. When more cases are reported, the clinicopathologic characteristics will be better understood.

Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Facial Paralysis , Korea , Neck Dissection , Parotid Gland , Radiotherapy, Adjuvant , Salivary Gland Neoplasms , Salivary Glands , Submandibular Gland Neoplasms , Submandibular Gland
Rev. medica electron ; 39(3): 584-591, may.-jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-902194


El Síndrome de Muir-Torre (SMT) descrito desde 1967, es una genodermatosis con herencia autosómica dominante y penetrancia variable, caracterizada por la presencia de neoplasias cutáneas de origen sebáceo manifestado en áreas seborreicas, como la cara y cuero cabelludo. Los adenomas son los tumores sebáceos más frecuentes. Se han descrito también hiperplasias, neoformaciones sebáceas quísticas, epiteliomas o carcinoma. Los mismos pueden presentarse de manera aislada o múltiple; en conjunto con al menos una neoplasia visceral maligna. Entre las descritas con frecuencia están las gastrointestinales. Se pueden asociar a otras neoplasias, como las renales, las de endometrio, útero y de laringe. El diagnóstico clínico está dado por la presencia y asociación de un tumor visceral primario y otro de origen sebáceo. El tratamiento de esta entidad se basa en la exéresis de los tumores y el seguimiento especializado según el sistema afectado. Se presentó el caso de un hombre de 62 años de edad, cuya afección cutánea demostró múltiples lesiones de origen sebáceo de siete años de evolución por lo que se le realizaron complementarios para identificar entidades asociadas (AU).

The Muir-Torre syndrome, described since 1967, is a genodermatosis with dominant autosomal inheritance and variable penetrance, characterized by the presence of sebaceous skin neoplasias manifested in seborrheic areas as the face and scalp. Adenomas are the most frequent sebaceous tumors. Hyperplasia, cystic sebaceous neoformations, epitheliomas or carcinomas have been also described. They could appear in an isolated or multiple way, in all with at least one malignant visceral neoplasia. The gastrointestinal ones are among those frequently described. They might be associated to other neoplasias, as the renal ones, or the ones of the endometrium, the uterus and the larynx. The clinical diagnosis is given by the presence and association of one primary visceral tumor and another of sebaceous origin. The treatment of this entity is based on the tumors resection and the specialized follow-up according to the affected system. The case of a man, aged 62 years, is presented; his cutaneous condition showed multiple sebaceous lesions of seven years of evolution. Complementary exams were carried out for identifying associated lesions (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Skin Neoplasms/epidemiology , Muir-Torre Syndrome/epidemiology , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms/congenital , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms/epidemiology , Skin Neoplasms/complications , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Adenoma/epidemiology , Muir-Torre Syndrome/complications , Muir-Torre Syndrome/diagnosis , Muir-Torre Syndrome/genetics , Muir-Torre Syndrome/therapy
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 30(1): 0-0, ene.-mar. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-901352


El carcinoma de glándulas sebáceas es un tumor infrecuente que puede desarrollarse a partir de cualquier glándula sebácea en la piel. El 75 por ciento de las veces es de origen ocular y afecta principalmente las glándulas de Zeiss, Meibomio y de la carúncula. Se caracteriza por un comportamiento agresivo, con alta probabilidad de invasión a piel, conjuntiva y córnea. Sin embargo, el compromiso de la conjuntiva como localización primaria es raro. Se presenta un caso con diagnóstico de carcinoma sebáceo de patrón nodular primario de la conjuntiva bulbar, atendido en el Hospital Universitario de Santander durante los años 2014-2016. El propósito del presente estudio es dar a conocer el caso de una patología infrecuente con pocos casos reportados en la literatura, enfatizar su importancia dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales de masas en la conjuntiva y del estudio histopatológico como método para obtener un diagnóstico definitivo y realizar un abordaje temprano(AU)

Sebaceous gland carcinoma is an uncommon tumor that may derive from any sebaceous gland of the skin. In 75 percent of cases is ocular and mainly affects the Zeiss, Melbonium and caruncle glands. It is characterized for its aggressiveness, high probability of passing into the skin, the conjunctiva and the cornea. However, the involvement of the conjunctiva as a primary location is rare. This is a case diagnosed with sebaceous carcinoma of primary nodullary pattern of the bulb conjunctiva, which was seen at the university hospital of Santander from 2014 to 2016. The objective of the study was to show the case of an infrequent pathology with very few cases reported up to now in literature, to make emphasis on its importance within the differential diagnoses of masses present in the conjunctiva and of the histopathological study as a method to obtain a final diagnosis and to make an early intervention(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Carcinoma/diagnosis , Conjunctival Neoplasms/diagnosis , Sebaceous Glands/pathology , Conjunctiva/injuries
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-165876


Sebaceous carcinoma (SC) is a neoplasm derived from the adnexal epithelium of the sebaceous glands, and most studies on this neoplasm have been conducted in Caucasians. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 29 patients with SC (16 extraocular and 13 ocular lesions) who were diagnosed from 2001 to 2014 to analyze the clinical and histopathological features of SC in the Korean population. Sixteen of the patients were women and 13 were men. There was an equal sex distribution for extraocular lesions, and a female predilection (M:F = 1:1.6) for ocular lesions. The mean ages at presentation of extraocular and ocular lesions were 69.19 ± 37.19 (range, 32–87) and 67.46 ± 24.46 (range, 43–85) years, respectively. Most lesions occurred in the eyelid (13/29, 44.83%), and most extraocular lesions occurred in the head and neck area (13/16, 81.25%). There was no recurrence or death during the follow-up period. Most lesions were poorly differentiated (extraocular, 43.75%; ocular, 38.46%), had a lobular infiltrative growth pattern (extraocular, 68.75%; ocular, 76.92%), and were basaloid (extraocular, 56.25%; ocular, 61.54%). Only 5 cases (2 extraocular and 3 ocular lesions) showed pagetoid spread. Extraocular lesions were marginally more common than the ocular form. There were higher incidences in elderly patients, who also had the highest incidence of eyelid lesions. The proportion of cells with sebaceous differentiation and prominent growth patterns were variable. Our results show that SC may not be very aggressive in Koreans.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Epithelium , Eyelids , Follow-Up Studies , Head , Incidence , Korea , Neck , Pathology , Recurrence , Retrospective Studies , Sebaceous Glands , Sex Distribution , Tertiary Care Centers
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 97(1): 43-53, mar. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-843070


El Carcinoma Sebáceo (CS) es una neoplasia maligna, poco frecuente, formada por células que muestran una diferenciación hacia el epitelio sebáceo. Generalmente, se presenta en promedio a los 70 años de edad, es más frecuente en mujeres y principalmente en raza asiática. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino de 69 años, con antecedentes familiares de múltiples cánceres, cáncer de mama y la aparición de numerosos adenomas y carcinomas sebáceos, cuadro compatible con un Síndrome de Muir-Torre (SMT). El 75% de los CS se localizan en la región ocular y el 25% es de ubicación extra-ocular. El de ubicación ocular, se caracteriza por un comportamiento agresivo, con diseminación directa y alto potencial de metástasis regional y a distancia. Los tumores extraoculares generalmente son menos agresivos y se localizan principalmente en cabeza y cuello. La patogénesis es incierta, pero los procesos inflamatorios crónicos, la radiación ultravioleta y la radioterapia favorecerán su desarrollo. El CS es un tumor versátil, que se presenta con diferentes aspectos clínicos y distintos patrones histológicos de crecimiento, que retardan el diagnóstico definitivo. El CS es uno de los marcadores cutáneos diagnósticos del SMT, que es una enfermedad genética asociada a neoplasias viscerales. Por lo tanto, los pacientes con CS deben ser cuidadosamente valorados, realizándose una historia oncológica personal y familiar adecuada. El tratamiento de elección es la cirugía con márgenes amplios.

The Sebaceous Carcinoma (SC) is an uncommon malignant tumor formed by cells that show differentiation toward sebaceous epithelium. It usually occurs in women of average at 70 years of age. We report a case of a 69 years old female with a family history of multiples cancer, breast cancer and the emergence of multiple sebaceous adenomas and carcinomas, features consistent with Syndrome Muir Torre (SMT). The 75% of the SC are located in the ocular region and the 25% rest presents extraocular location. The eye location is characterized by aggressive behavior, with direct extension and high potential for regional and distant metastases. Extraocular are generally less aggressive tumors and are located mainly in the head and neck. The pathogenesis is unclear, but chronic inflammatory processes, ultraviolet radiation and radiation will favor its development. The SC is a versatile tumor that presents with different clinical and histological different growth patterns, which retard the definitive diagnosis. SC is one of the cutaneous diagnostic markers of SMT, which is a genetic disease associated with visceral neoplasms. They are carefully assessed, performing a proper personal and family cancer history. The treatment of choice is the surgery with wide margins.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186279


Introduction: Sebaceous carcinoma is a very rare malignant tumor primarily found in the area of the eyelid. We have reported here a case of sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid with neck node metastasis diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology with emphasis on the unique cytomorphology of this tumor.Case history: A 35 year old woman presented with complaints of swelling in left upper eyelid, proptosis, loss of vision and cervical node enlargement. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) from the mass showed scattered and loose clusters of pleomorphic cells with increased nucleocytoplasmic ratio, prominent nucleoli, and abundant dense as well as vacuolated cytoplasm in a lipid backgound. A diagnosis of sebaceous carcinoma with cervical metastasis was made and confirmed on histopathology.Conclusion: FNA is a simple, cost effective technique for diagnosis of eyelid tumors. Familiarity with the cytomorphological features of sebaceous carcinoma can lead to early diagnosis of this malignancy with minimum discomfort to the patient

Rev. Soc. Colomb. Oftalmol ; 49(2): 127-134, 2016. ilus. graf.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-908700


Objetivo: Reportar el caso de una paciente con carcinoma sebáceo de párpado y revisar la literatura. Diseño del estudio: Reporte de caso. Métodos: Se reporta un caso de una paciente con diagnóstico de carcinoma sebáceo de párpado que fue remitida a la Clínica de Oftalmología San Diego Medellín-Colombia, a la consulta de Oncología ocular en el año 2015. Se realizó una revisión detallada de la historia clínica, se tomaron fotos a color previa firma de consentimiento informado por parte de la paciente y se realizó biopsia e inmunohistoquímica respectiva. Se cuenta con la aprobación el comité de ética médica de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Resultados: Reporte de carcinoma sebáceo de párpado. Mujer de 66 años a la que se le hizo diagnóstico de carcinoma sebáceo de párpado luego de resección y se confirmó con el estudio anatomopatológico y de inmunohistoquímica. Se realizaron estudios de extensión en busca de metástasis a distancia. Conclusión: El carcinoma sebáceo de párpado es una entidad poco frecuente en la práctica clínica oftalmológica siendo estas lesiones fácilmente confundidas con lesiones benignas como chalazión y blefaroconjuntivitis por la poca familiaridad del especialista con la enfermedad. Es necesario tener un alto índice de sospecha y saber que existe para tratar esta entidad de manera oportuna evitando intervenciones no indicadas en este tipo de lesión.

Objective: To report the case of a patient with sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid and literature review. Study Design: Case report. Methodology: A case of a patient diagnosed with sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid which was referred to the oncology service to Clinic of Ophthalmology San Diego Medellin-Colombia in 2015. A detailed review of the medical history and photography documentation was done. Results: Sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid was reported. A woman of 66 years old who has had diagnosis of eyelid sebaceous carcinoma after resection and confirmed with histopathologic and immunohistochemical study. Extension studies were conducted in order to rule out metastases. Conclusion: The sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelid is a rare entity in the ophthalmological setting and could be easily confused with benign lesions such as blepharitis and chalazion for those ophthalmologists unfamiliar with this condition. A high index of suspicion of this entity is recommended in a timely manner to avoid interventions that are not indicated in this type of lesion.

Eyelid Neoplasms , Adenocarcinoma, Sebaceous , Eye Injuries , Eye Neoplasms
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-193079


Nevus sebaceous appears at birth or within the first few months after birth. Secondarily to nevus sebaceous, benign or malignant tumors such as basal cell carcinoma, trichoblastoma, syringocystadenoma papilliferum, squamous cell carcinoma, sebaceoma, and sebaceous carcinoma might occur. Sebaceoma is a benign tumor composed of incompletely differentiated sebaceous cells of varying degrees of maturity. We experienced an uncommon case of malignant transformation of sebaceoma in a 47-year-old man who had a solitary, well-defined, 3.1x2.1 cm sized, round, erythematous nodule on the scalp. Histopathologic examination revealed the presence of irregular lobules of varying size with a well-defined margin from the adjacent interstitial tissue in the dermis. Focally there were atypical cells with a foamy cytoplasm and undifferentiated cells. To the best our knowledge, only one case, from another country, has been reported in the literature. Therefore, we report a very rare case of malignant transformation of sebaceoma that occurred in nevus sebaceous.

Humans , Middle Aged , Carcinoma, Basal Cell , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Cytoplasm , Dermis , Nevus , Parturition , Scalp
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 27(1): 139-147, ene.-mar. 2014. Ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-717243


El carcinoma de glándulas sebáceas es un tumor altamente maligno y potencialmente letal. Puede enmascarar enfermedades inflamatorias como blefaritis, blefaroconjuntivitis, meibomitis, tarsitis y chalazión recurrente. Por eso, ante la presencia de una lesión palpebral de presentación atípica o recidivante se impone una exéresis completa con margen oncológico para su estudio anatomopatológico. Esta afección cursa con un diagnóstico clínico difícil, y en ocasiones inadvertido, por lo que se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para profundizar en sus diferentes formas de presentación, pronóstico y tratamiento.

The sebaceous gland carcinoma is a highly malignant tumor and potentially lethal; it may masquerade inflammatory diseases such as blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, meibomitis, tarsitis and recurrent chalazion. Hence, the presence of palpebral injury of recurrent or atypical presentation imposes a complete resection with oncological margin for pathological examination. This condition presents with difficult clinical diagnosis and sometimes unnoticed, so we conducted a literature review to delve into its various forms of presentation, prognosis and treatment.

Humans , Blepharitis/diagnosis , Blepharitis/therapy , Chalazion/diagnosis , Chalazion/therapy , Eyelid Neoplasms/diagnosis , Eyelid Neoplasms/therapy , Meibomian Glands
Annals of Dermatology ; : 395-398, 2014.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-208744


Sebaceous carcinoma is a very rare and potentially aggressive carcinoma originating from the epithelial lining of the sebaceous gland. More than 70% of all cases are in the head and neck region, especially the periorbita; therefore, they are classified into ocular and extraocular sebaceous carcinoma. The reported risk factors are advanced age, male sex, previous irradiation, and genetic predisposition for Muir-Torre syndrome. The current case is of sebaceous carcinoma found in the suprapubic area of a 67-year-old male patient who had received liver transplantation 6 years before, and had been receiving oral tacrolimus. Examination of the gastrointestinal system did not reveal any other malignancies. Although nonmelanoma skin cancers may occur as a complication after liver transplantation, there have been no previous reports of sebaceous carcinoma after liver transplantation. Furthermore, the sebaceous carcinoma in this case occurred in an uncommon location. We report this case along with a review of the literature.

Aged , Humans , Male , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Head , Liver Transplantation , Liver , Muir-Torre Syndrome , Neck , Risk Factors , Sebaceous Glands , Skin Neoplasms , Tacrolimus , Transplantation
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 30(3): 289-294, 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-835963


El cuerno cutáneo es un concepto semiológico. Se define como una lesión tumoral hiperqueratósica de aspecto cónico y tamaño variable, que puede tener como base una lesión de origen benigno, premaligno o maligno. El tratamiento consiste en la resección completa de la lesión, seguido de un estudio histopatológico para precisar el diagnóstico. El carcinoma sebáceo, neoplasia maligna derivada del epitelioanexial de las glándulas sebáceas, se ha descrito como una etiología poco frecuente de cuerno cutáneo. Su diagnóstico es difícil, ya que carece de elementos clínicos característicos y su histología puede ser similar al carcinoma espinocelular o basocelular, pero importante ya que constituye una neoplasia agresiva, con riesgo de recurrencia local y metástasis. A continuación, presentamos el caso de un hombre de 68 años con diagnóstico clínico de cuerno cutáneo palpebral y diagnóstico histopatológico de carcinoma sebáceo.

The cutaneous horn is a semiological concept. It is defined as an hyperkeratotic tumor of conical appearance and variable size, which may be based on benign, premalignant or malignant lesion. The treatment is the complete resection followed by an histopathology study to clarify the diagnosis. Sebaceous carcinoma, malignant neoplasm derived from adnexal epithelium of sebaceous glands, has been described as a rare etiology of cutaneous horn. Diagnosis is difficult because it doesn’t have characteristic clinical features and histology may be similar to squamous or basal cell carcinoma, but it is important because is an aggressive neoplasm with risk of local recurrence and metastasis. We present a case of a 68-year-old man, with a clinical diagnosis of eyelid cutaneous horn and histopathological diagnosis of sebaceous carcinoma.

Humans , Male , Aged , Adenocarcinoma, Sebaceous/pathology , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms/pathology , Eyelid Neoplasms/pathology , Adenocarcinoma, Sebaceous/surgery , Adenocarcinoma, Sebaceous/diagnosis , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms/surgery , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms/diagnosis , Eyelid Neoplasms/surgery , Eyelid Neoplasms/diagnosis , Prognosis