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Zhongcaoyao ; Zhongcaoyao;(24): 4493-4496, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-852426


Objective To study the effect of Semen Euphorbiae and Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun on the microflora in rats gastrointestinal from the aspect of the intestinal microecology, so as to provide reference for further revealing mechanism of the attenuation after processing of Semen Euphorbiae. Methods Rats were fed with high, medium and low dose of Semen Euphorbiae and Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun, and the plate-counter method was used to examine the four types of intestinal flora in the feces of rats which are Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Escherichia coli, and Enterococcus. Results After intragastric administration, the rat had the alteration of intestinal flora, and the degree of alteration of intestinal flora in the Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun group was lower than the group of Semen Euphorbiae. In the low doses of group, the number of Enterococci and Escherichia coli was decreased. Conclusion Semen Euphorbiae and Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun could affect the intestinal microbial diversity and the balance of intestinal flora. The effect of Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun on four kinds of intestinal flora was weakened, and the degree of intestinal flora disturbance was reduced, which was consistent with the results of alleviation of the effect of Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun. It was suggested that the intervention effect of Semen Euphorbiae on intestinal microflora could be clarified from the perspective of intestinal microecology, which could reveal possible correlation between Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun and the changes of intestinal flora.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-433331


AIM:To determine the contents of euphorbiasteroid and lathyrol diadetate benzozte in Semen Euphorbiae and Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun from different habitats.METHODS:A kromasil C_(18) column(150 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)was used with methanol-water(68:32)as the mobile phase and UV detection was at 280 nm.RESULTS:The linear ranges of euphorbiasteroid and lathyrol diadetate benzozte were from 0.200 μg to 1.200 μg and 0.206 μg to 1.651 μg(r = 0.999 7,r = 0.999 9).The contents of euphorbiasteroid and lathyrol diadetate benzozte in Semen Euphorbiae from different habitats ranged from 0.450 8% to 0.625 1 % and 0.692 3% to 0.752 9%.The contents of two kinds of compositions in Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun ranged from 0.156 8% to 0.221 1% and 0.232 2% to 0.283 0%.CONCLUSION:The method for quantitating euphorbiasteroid and lathyrol diadetate benzozte in Semen Euphorbiae is accurate and reliable,and can be used to control the quality of toxicity Semen Euphorbiae and Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-580703


AIM:To determine the contents of euphorbiasteroid and lathyrol diadetate benzozte in Semen Euphorbiae and Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun from different habitats.METHODS:A kromasil C18 column(150 mm?4.6 mm,5 ?m) was used with methanol-water(68 :32) as the mobile phase and UV detection was at 280 nm.RESULTS:The linear ranges of euphorbiasteroid and lathyrol diadetate benzozte were from 0.200 ?g to 1.200 ?g and 0.206 ?g to 1.651 ?g(r=0.999 7,r=0.9999).The contents of euphorbiasteroid and lathyrol diadetate benzozte in Semen Euphorbiae from different habitats ranged from 0.450 8% to 0.625 1% and 0.692 3% to 0.752 9%.The contents of two kinds of compositions in Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun ranged from 0.156 8% to 0.221 1% and 0.232 2% to 0.283 0%.CONCLUSION:The method for quantitating euphorbiasteroid and lathyrol diadetate benzozte in Semen Euphorbiae is accurate and reliable,and can be used to control the quality of toxicity Semen Euphorbiae and Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratun.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-581229


AIM: To optimize the best technique of making Semen Euphorbiae into frost-like powder. METHODS: Machine was developed equipped with temperature and pressure control. Pretreatment of Semen Euphorbiae, heating temperature and time were selected as factors,fat oil content,euphorbiasteroid and lathyrol diadetate benzozte as main levels,to evaluate the processing. RESULTS: The experiment showed that seeds of Semen Euphorbia were directly broken into powder and heated at 55 ?C for 30 min. The oil productivity ranged from 51% to 53% . CONCLUSION: The heating temperature has an influence on fat oil and laxative constitutents' content, whereas pretreatment of seed and heating time lack the relationship to.