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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239926


Background: Patient satisfaction is a key indicator of healthcare service quality and has implications for the growth and success of healthcare organizations. However, there is often a gap between patients’ expectations and perceptions of service quality, which can vary depending on various sociodemographic factors. This study aimed to assess the expectations, perceptions and service quality gap in a tertiary care hospital using SERVQUAL model. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 120 adult inpatients using a semi-structured questionnaire based on the five dimensions of the SERVQUAL model. The quality gap was calculated as the difference between perception and expectation scores. Results: The study found a significant negative quality gap across all five dimensions, with the largest gaps observed in reliability and responsiveness. The study also revealed that gender, age, and education influenced patients’ perception of service quality, while type of specialty, residence, monthly income, and occupation did not have a significant effect. Conclusion: The study highlighted the need for improving the service quality in the tertiary care hospital, especially in terms of reliability and responsiveness. The study also suggested that healthcare managers and providers should consider the diverse expectations and needs of patients based on their sociodemographic characteristics.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 374-379, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012907


Objective sampling method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey on outpatients in two hospitals in Guangdong province in order to evaluate patients’ satisfaction with the quality of medical service. This paper explored the factors that affect patients’ evaluation of medical service quality, and found that patients’ age was negatively correlated with the evaluation of medical service quality. It is suggested that the establishment of friendly medical institutions should be carried out according to the national policy. At the same time, the management mechanism of hospital should be improved, the number of medical service centers for "efficient" should be increased, and the medical service personnel should be regularly trained; carry out medical knowledge education in community, improve the popularization of personal medical knowledge and close the cognitive gap between doctors and patients.

Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 83-86, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026595


Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital takes the reform of DRG payment method as an opportunity,based on the theory of incentive behavior,uses literature research,expert consultation,and key performance indicator methods to develop evaluation indicators,and applies PDCA management tools to establish a continuously improving medical insurance service quality evaluation system.It introduces the process of medical insurance service quality evaluation system construction and its application in medical insurance performance management,and analyzes the implementation effect:DRG operation is improving,disease group structure is optimized,medical quality and efficiency continue to improve,and medical service evaluation scores are improving.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 84-87, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022206


As the state vigorously promotes the high-quality development of hospitals and improves people's medical ex-perience,the patient-centered hospital should make full use of technological resources such as the Internet,5 G and artificial in-telligence,vigorously develop mobile medical services and artificial intelligence services,transform and optimize the diagnosis and treatment process,and streamline all links before,during and after diagnosis so as to provide better data services to the pa-tient to ensure that they can get things done with greater ease.The patients'medical experience and hospital management effi-ciency can be greatly improved.In this study,specific measures to create a new diagnosis and treatment model through the con-struction of smart hospital platform were expounded in order to provide references for related research and policy formulation of other Chinese medical institutions.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 203-207, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022238


Objective To develop and assess the reliability and validity of an outpatient satisfaction questionnaire tailor-ed for enterprise-run hospitals.Methods The initial questionnaire was formulated using interviewing and literature review,fol-lowed by a satisfaction survey administered to 380 outpatients at an enterprise-run hospital in Guangxi.Item analysis,exploratory factor analysis,and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted to finalize the evaluation questionnaire and evaluate its reliability and validity.Results The final questionnaire comprised 18 items with the item reliability of 0.438-0.856,composite reliabili-ty of 0.846-0.956,and convergence validity of 0.668-0.782.The correlation coefficients among the common factors were less than the square root of the convergent validity values.Conclusion The outpatient satisfaction evaluation questionnaire developed is characterized by robust reliability and validity.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220774


Being a democratic country India has brought in various acts and reforms to uphold citizen centricity. Right to service act has been one of such initiatives. As on 2023, the state of Karnataka has been able to provide highest number of services under this act. This study explores and investigates citizen's perspective of service quality & service satisfaction attained by availing the public services. A questionnaire survey was formulated and study found that the ve factors 'Reliability' 'Assurance', 'Empathy', 'Valence', and 'Waiting Time' are determinants of the quality of citizen/government services. The outcome indicate that overall service quality has signicantly positive impact on service satisfaction. This research is of greater value to scholars who are interested in the area of governance, administration, and service delivery.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 99-101, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025205


In-patient service is a crucial link in the whole medical chain,how to construct an economical and efficient inpatient service model,so as to let patients spend the least amount of money,get the best quality medical service,and effectively improve their sense of well-being and sense of acquisition is a social problem that needs to be solved urgently.From the perspective of economics and combined with practical experience,a new inpatient service model(pre-hospitalization and pre-discharge model)is constructed,which is an upgrading and transformation of the original model on the basis of the existing business system,simplifies the existing service process of hospitalization and discharge,effectively reduces the average hospitalization day and the subperiod average hospitalization cost,and significantly improves the evaluation indexes of inpatient service compared with the traditional inpatient service model.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020307


Objective:To understand the work experience and service quality of "Internet plus Nursing Service" led by tertiary hospitals to lay the foundation for building an "Internet plus Nursing Service" quality control index system suitable for China's national conditions.Methods:Using field research method, combining purposive sampling with open sampling, from September 2021 to February 2022, the 11 "Internet plus Nursing Service" visiting nurses from 10 residential areas in Shibei District, Shinan District, Laoshan District, Chengyang District and Jimo District of Qingdao were observed for 5 months.Results:The work experience of "Internet plus Nursing Service" visiting nurses: meeting the rigid needs of society and patients, and nurses′ professional value and satisfaction were multiplied; there were still shortcomings in the regulatory mechanism, and information technology construction needed to be continuously strengthened; there were still hidden dangers in patient safety and nurse professional safety issues. Six key factors influencing the quality of Internet plus nursing service were analyzed: non-standard preparation of articles before visiting, non-standard dress for door-to-door service, inadequate preparation for pre operation evaluation, lack of empathy during operation, weak awareness of infection prevention outside the hospital, and failure to carry out health education based on patients′ conditions after operation.Conclusions:The Internet plus nursing service model is dominated by the tertiary hospitals in Qingdao, which has realized two-way referral between the community and the superior hospitals, and has effectively improved the quality of extended care. The acceptance and satisfaction of patients and their families are high, and nurses′work enthusiasm and professional value have increased significantly. It is still necessary to establish and improve theInternet plus nursing service work standards to achieve the homogenization and diversification of nursing services, promote the comprehensive quality of community medical staff.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(2): 74-80, abr./jun. 2022. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399545


As doenças de notificação obrigatória em bovinos podem gerar impactos sociais e econômicos significativos na cadeia pecuária brasileira, além de consequências negativas no mercado internacional devido a embargos sanitários. Para auxiliar no entendimento de como um sistema de vigilância epidemiológica com mais recursos pode gerar mais credibilidade para o país, foram realizadas análises de correlação entre a notificação de doenças e a estrutura veterinária disponível nos Órgãos Executores de Sanidade Agropecuária (OESAs), a partir dos dados contidos no Sistema Nacional de Informação Zoossanitária (SIZ), entre os anos de 2017 e 2019. Com base nos dados do serviço veterinário, foram produzidos o Índice de Estrutura Física Oficial (IEFO) e o Índice de Recursos Humanos do Serviço Oficial (IRHSO). Foi realizada análise de correlação entre a notificação de doenças de bovinos com a capacidade de estrutura física e recursos humanos de vigilância epidemiológica disponíveis no Serviço Veterinário brasileiro. Os estados AP, RR e SC foram os que mais notificaram brucelose e tuberculose no período e estão entre os melhores índices de estrutura e recursos humanos do país. A análise dos índices mostrou que a raiva não possui correlação significativa com estrutura e recursos humanos do serviço, entretanto, brucelose e tuberculose possuem correlação positiva com estrutura veterinária oficial disponível para a vigilância em bovinos. Portanto, melhorias na estrutura podem refletir no incremento dos índices de notificação das doenças de bovinos, assim como na qualidade de suas informações.

Notifiable diseases in cattle can generate significant social and economic impacts on the Brazilian livestock chain, in addition to impacts on the international market due to sanitary embargoes. To help understand how an epidemiological surveillance system with more resources can generate more credibility for the country, correlation analyzes were carried out between the notification of diseases and the veterinary structure available in the Executing Bodies of Agricultural Health (OESAs), based on the data contained in the National System of Zoosanitary Information (SIZ), between the years 2017 to 2019. Based on public data from the veterinary service, the Official Physical Structure Index (IEFO) and the Official Service Human Resources Index (IRHSO) were produced. Correlation analysis was performed between the notification of bovine diseases with the capacity of physical structure and human resources for epidemiological surveillance available in the Brazilian Veterinary Service. AP, RR and SC were the states that most notified brucellosis and tuberculosis in the period and are among the best indices of structure and human resources in the country. The analysis of correlation indices showed that the rabies disease does not have a significant correlation with the structure and the human resources of the service, however, brucellosis and tuberculosis does have a positive correlation with the official veterinary structure available for surveillance in cattle. Therefore, Improvements in the structure can reflect in the increase of the notification rates, as well as in the quality of its information.

Animals , Cattle , Structure of Services , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Disease Notification/statistics & numerical data , Epidemiological Monitoring/veterinary , Health Resources/statistics & numerical data , Rabies/epidemiology , Tuberculosis, Bovine/epidemiology , Brucellosis, Bovine/epidemiology
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218584


Healthcare is a service sector with unique characteristics. Across the world public and private healthcare institutions have been the matter of priority. There are so many studies done on the various factors of hospital like assessing competition in hospital care market, performance relationship, and environment uncertainty in hospital, patient loyalty in India and outside India. Healthcare Service quality is a broad concept. This paper examines the review of literature on Healthcare Service Quality. Review of healthcare service quality was done by analysing 25 articles. The study investigates the factor of quality affecting the value care and patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction is an important parameter to measure healthcare service quality level. This study is based on secondary data literature review and it explores the important factors on Healthcare Service Quality.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958775


Objective:To construct an evaluation index system of perceived service quality for Internet hospitals, and to provide references for scientific evaluation and effective management of such hospitals′ service quality.Methods:Thanks to literature review and expert interviews, an index system was initially built based on the Brady and Cronin model.From August to November 2021, Delphi expert consultation method was used in three rounds of correspondence questionnaire survey, and experts were consulted to assess the importance, familiarity and judgment basis of these indexes. The importance of the indexes was expressed by ± s, and the weight value of each index was calculated using analytic hierarchy process fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and SPSS Au software. Results:The evaluation index system of perceived service quality for such hospitals included 3 level-1 indexes, namely environmental quality, interaction quality and result quality; and 10 level-2 indexes, namely software platform, service support, social factors, attitude, behavior, professional quality, service effect, service efficiency, service cost, satisfaction; and 30 level-3 indexes. Among these indexes, result quality of level-1 indexes scored the highest weight value(0.337); Software platform, professional quality, service support and attitude of level-2 indexes scored a higher weight values, respectively 0.119, 0.119, 0.109 and 0.109. Of level-3 indexes, reputation of Internet hospitals, service attitude of their doctors and doctor-patient communication skills of doctors online scored a higher weight values, respectively 0.102, 0.057 and 0.055.Conclusions:The index system for Internet hospital perceived service quality evaluation built in this study proved scientific, contributing positively to guiding Internet hospitals to improve their quality and safety management.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 374-379, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031252


Objective sampling method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey on outpatients in two hospitals in Guangdong province in order to evaluate patients’ satisfaction with the quality of medical service. This paper explored the factors that affect patients’ evaluation of medical service quality, and found that patients’ age was negatively correlated with the evaluation of medical service quality. It is suggested that the establishment of friendly medical institutions should be carried out according to the national policy. At the same time, the management mechanism of hospital should be improved, the number of medical service centers for "efficient" should be increased, and the medical service personnel should be regularly trained; carry out medical knowledge education in community, improve the popularization of personal medical knowledge and close the cognitive gap between doctors and patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995975


Objective:To study the key factors that affect patients′ perception among the five dimensional factors of patients′ perceived service quality, and explore how to effectively rebuild patients′ confidence in the process of handling services with quality defects.Methods:A total of 388 12345 work orders from a Beijing stomatological hospital in 2021 were collected. The problems and solutions of patients′feedback were classified and standardized into tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Chi-square test and logistic regression were used to analyze the relationship between relevant factors and problem solving rate, patient satisfaction.Results:There were 513 feedback questions in 388 return visit work orders, with 1.32 items for each. There were 83, 112, 126, 111 and 81 questions in the five dimensions of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy; 273 work orders had single-dimension problems, accounting for 70.4%, 105 work orders had two dimensional problems, and 10 work orders had three dimensional problems. Among them, the assurance dimension problem accounts for 47% and 100% of the work orders of two-dimension and three-dimension problems respectively; The proportion of unsolved responsiveness dimension problems was the highest, accounting for 31.7%, and there was a negative correlation between responsiveness dimension problems and patient satisfaction rate( r=-0.709). Conclusions:In the process of medical service, the basic quality and skills of medical staff are the basis of building patient trust. In the process of handling medical services with quality defects, it is most important that quickly respond to patients′ queries, which could help to rebuild patients′ confidence in the quality of services.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996008


Objective:To analyze the complaint data of medical institutions in a district of Beijing in 2021, discuss the patients′ demands for medical services under the background of epidemic normalizaed prevention and control, for reference to improve the service quality and quality management level of medical institutions.Methods:The data was from all patient complaints received by the Beijing Hospital Management Center in 2021 from medical institutions in a district of Beijing, and the information of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Beijing in 2021 from Wind database. The time of complaint, the complained organization, the object of complaint, the content and reason, and the time distribution of epidemic related complaints and COVID-19 cases were analyzed. All data were analyzed by descriptive analysis.Results:A total of 2 408 valid complaints were included. The tertiary hospitals(1 175, 48.8%) and secondary hospitals(724, 30.1%) received more complaints; The complaints against to hospital managers were the most(1 470, 61.0%), followed by complaints against doctors(590, 24.5%); The number of complaints related to hospital management were the largest(776, 32.2%), followed by complaints related to diagnosis and treatment effects(623, 25.9%) and epidemic situation(431, 17.9%). The time distribution of epidemic related complaints was similar to the change trend of the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Beijing during the same period.Conclusions:Under the background of epidemic normalizaed prevention and control, the problems of hospital management in medical complaints were the most prominent, and epidemic related complaints accounted for a large proportion. Medical institutions should closely combine patients′ demands, optimize diagnosis and treatment procedures, unblock doctor-patient communication channels, promote hierarchical diagnosis and treatment, optimize resource allocation, and explore high-quality hospital operation and management mode.

South African Family Practice ; 64(1): 1-5, 21 September 2022. Figures, Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1396525


Service organisations should be aware of those elements that are perceived as excellent quality and incorporate these as part of their service offering. However, a not-for-profit (NPO) healthcare organisation consists of a diverse group of stakeholders who have different perspectives and interests. Service quality therefore requires a multidimensional definition that comprehends all their needs and expectations.Methods: Perceived service quality experienced by patients was measured by completion of the Service Performance (SERVPERF) questionnaire. A total of 111 patients completed the questionnaire across three mobile clinics supported by an NPO.Results: The research results suggested that service quality at the mobile clinics was of a very high standard, with no meaningful differences between clinics, age groups or gender. However, the responses had very little variance and could have been subjected to response bias or extreme bias. The absence of a comparator organisation could also have had an influence on responses given by respondents. Conclusion: Healthcare service organisations should strive towards maintaining high standards and engage in continuous measurement and improvement of their service quality as part of their quality management process. By measuring the current level of service experienced by patients, insights have been identified where adjustments might have a positive effect on perceived value. Future research recommendations include suggestions to increase the sample population, taking the service setting into account and further studies to confirm the validity and reliability of solicited service quality questionnaires in a NPO setting.

Quality Assurance, Health Care , Basic Health Services , Delivery of Health Care , Social Values , Hospitals, Voluntary
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 39(3): e343606, sep.-dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360782


Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la adaptabilidad del modelo Service Quality (servqual), con el fin de valorar la calidad del servicio en la atención de los donantes de un banco de sangre en la ciudad de Medellín. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo una evaluación psicométrica en 301 donantes de sangre, para determinar la calidad percibida. Se realizaron pruebas de consistencia interna con alpha de Cronbach e índice de discriminación, y se evaluó la validez de contenido de los dos cuestionarios y la estructura factorial, mediante análisis factorial exploratorio. Resultados: El alpha de Cronbach fue de 0,86; en las subescalas de expectativas, 0,87, y en percepciones, 0,77. Se observó una mayor consistencia interna en el cuestionario de expectativas que de percepciones. Aunque se obtuvo una baja consistencia interna en algunas dimensiones, no se afecta la escala de manera global. Conclusión: La escala servqual presenta un adecuado desempeño psicométrico y, por tanto, es útil para evaluar la calidad percibida en la atención en donantes de sangre, siempre y cuando sea abordada de forma unidimensional.

Abstract Objective: To assess the reproducibility and validity of the scale of perceived quality in donors from a blood bank in the city of Medellín. Methodology: Psychometric evaluation in 301 blood donors through internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha and discrimination index. Content validity of the polls and factorial structure were evaluated by means of exploratory factor analysis. Results: Cronbach's alpha was 0.86. For the expectations subscales, 0.87 and in perceptions 0.77. A greater internal consistency was observed in the poll of expectations rather than in that of perceptions. Although low internal consistency was obtained in some dimensions, this does not affect the scale globally. The use of the instrument should be approached in a unidimensional way. Conclusion: The servqual scale presents an adequate psychometric performance and, therefore, is useful to assess the perceived quality of care in blood donors in the Colombian context, as long as it is approached in a unidimensional way.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade e validade da escala de qualidade percebida em doadores de um banco de sangue da cidade de Medellín. Metodologia: Avaliação psicométrica em 301 doadores de sangue, por meio da consistência interna com Alfa de Cronbach e índice de discriminação. A validade do conteúdo dos questionários e a estrutura fatorial foram avaliadas por meio de análise fatorial exploratória. Resultados: O Alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,86, nas subescalas de expectativas 0,87 e nas percepções 0,77. Foi observada maior consistência interna no questionário de expectativas do que de percepções. Embora tenha sido obtida baixa consistência interna em algumas dimensões, isso não afeta a escala globalmente; a utilização do instrumento deve ser abordada de uma forma unidimensional. Conclusão: A escala servqual apresenta um desempenho psicométrico adequado e, portanto, é útil para avaliar a percepção da qualidade do cuidado em doadores de sangue no contexto colombiano, desde que seja abordada de uma forma unidimensional.

CienciaUAT ; 15(2): 85-101, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285894


Resumen La calidad en el servicio se considera una alternativa para que las empresas puedan obtener una ventaja competitiva y sostenible en un entorno económico globalizado. Las pequeñas y medianas empresas deben ofrecer una mayor calidad en el servicio que las empresas grandes, y así obtener la preferencia de los clientes. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar la relación entre la variable calidad en el servicio y las variables satisfacción del cliente y lealtad del cliente. Se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman y un método estadístico basado en análisis factorial exploratorio que apunta a extraer la varianza máxima del conjunto de datos dentro de cada factor. Los resultados permitieron observar una correlación altamente significativa, positiva y fuerte de la variable de calidad en el servicio con satisfacción del cliente (r = 0.820) y lealtad del cliente (r = 0.803). Un hallazgo importante también fue la asociación entre la dimensión aspectos tangibles con las variables satisfacción del cliente (r = 0.910) y lealtad del cliente (r = 0.919). Por otro lado, en el análisis factorial, a través de la varianza total explicada, se observó que el autovalor es superior a 1 en los cinco primeros casos, donde el porcentaje de la varianza alcanza un valor máximo de 54.886 % en su primer factor. Entonces, con cinco factores se consigue explicar un 73.713 % de la varianza de todos los datos originales. El estudio presentó la limitación de su aplicación en solo una empresa. Se confirmó que a través de una mejor atención y servicio al cliente, la calidad en el servicio constituye una excelente herramienta para la rentabilidad y sostenibilidad de la empresa.

Abstract Service quality is considered an alternative for companies to obtain a competitive and sustainable advantage in a globalized economic environment. Small and medium-sized enterprises must offer a higher quality of service than large companies, and thus obtain customer preference. The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between service quality variable and the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty variables. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used, and a statistical method based on exploratory factor analysis, aiming to extract the maximum variance of the data set within each factor. The results allowed observing a highly significant, positive, and strong correlation, with values of r = 0.820 and r = 0.803, between the variables of service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. An important finding was the association between the tangible aspects dimension with the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty variables, with values of r = 0.910 and r = 0.919, respectively. On the other hand, in the factor analysis, through the explained total variance, it was observed that the eigenvalue is greater than 1 in the first five cases, where the percentage of the variance reaches a maximum value of 54.886 % in its first factor. Then, with five factors, 73.713 % of the variance of all the original data is explained. The study presented the limitation of its application in only one company. It was confirmed that, through better customer care and service, service quality constitutes an excellent tool for the profitability and sustainability of the organization.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905322


Objective:To investigate the quality of rehabilitation medical service in tertiary general hospitals in Gansu Province. Methods:Stratified sampling was used to sample tertiary general hospitals in Gansu Province for on-site surveys in 2017. A quality evaluation index system was established in the view of medical service providers, including 17 indicators, based on Donabedian model and experts' opinions. Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Rank-sum Ratio were applied to make a comprehensive evaluation on the overall service quality of the hospital rehabilitation medical service. Results:A total of 27 tertiary general hospitals were sampled, in 13 cities/prefectures of Gansu Province. For the structure quality, the compliance rate of the business operation area and the number of beds in the rehabilitation medicine department were 77.78% and 51.85% respectively; while the compliance rates of the physicians, therapists and nurses were all less than 50%. For the process and results quality, the compliance rates were all more than 85%. For the overall quality of rehabilitation medical service, five hospitals were classified as Good, located in Lanzhou, Tianshui and Jiayuguan; 18 hospitals were classified as Medium, located in Longnan, Longdong, Lanzhou and surround, Linxia and Hexi regions; four hospitals classified as Poor, located in Lanzhou and Tianshui. Conclusion:The overall quality of rehabilitation services in the tertiary general hospitals of Gansu Province needs to be improved, and the development of rehabilitation services is uneven in various regions. Comprehensive evaluation provides an important reference to promote the rational distribution of rehabilitation medical resources and improve the quality of rehabilitation medical services.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908139


Objective:To compile the evaluation scale of the quality of education in the clinical practice base of full-time Master of Specialist Nursing (MNS) based on student participation and the SERVQUAL model, evaluate the quality of clinical practice base, and provide reference for the evaluation of clinical practice base.Methods:Based on the theory of student participation and the SERVQUAL model, the evaluation scale of the educational quality of clinical practice base of MNS was constructed. By facilitating sampling methods, 176 MNS students from 11 universities in 6 provinces were selected, and a questionnaire of self-compiled general information and a survey of the evaluation scale of education quality of MNS clinical practice base were distributed.Results:The evaluation scale of education quality of clinical practice base of MNS contained 28 entries in five dimensions: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, guarantee and empathy. The total Cronbach alpha coefficient of the scale was from 0.983 to 0.987, item level content validity index was from 0.92 to 0.96, scale level content validity index was 1 and the correlated coefficient of the structural validity Pearson was from 0.785 to 0.966. To explore factor analysis, the dimension value of the scale KMO value was greater than 0.7, and the expected part and the actual feel part KMO value were 0.956 and 0.963 respectively. The number of common factors was 2 and 3 respectively, and the cumulative interpretation variation was 79.1% and 78.4% respectively.The actual perception of the quality of education in the clinical practice base of MNS was lower than expected, and the differences in entries were statistically significant ( P<0.05). The analysis of multiple linear regression showed that the teaching time and level of clinical practice base undertaken by clinical practice base were the main factors affecting the expectation and actual feeling value ( P<0.05). The importance performance analysis analysis found that 11 entries were in the advantage zone, 3 entries were in the maintenance area, 12 entries were in the minor improvement area and 2 entries were in the priority improvement area. Conclusions:The evaluation scale of the quality of education of the clinical practice base of MNS have good confidence and validity. The actual degree of educational quality of the clinical practice base of MNS is lower than expected. The teaching time and level of clinical practice base undertaken by clinical practice base are the main factors that affect expectation and actual feeling. It is urgent to improve the theoretical knowledge and practice level of tutors and deal with occupational exposure experienced by MNS students.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912748


Objective:To investigate the gap between the expectation and actual feeling of inpatients in general hospital, so as to provide reference for improving inpatient service quality.Methods:From October to November 2019, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the inpatient service quality with the revised SERVQUAL scale. The questionnaire included 20 items in 6 dimensions of reliability, assurance, responsiveness, economy, caring and tangibility. According to the gap between the expected service quality and the actual experience, improvement strategies were formulated.Results:Among the 211 inpatients investigated, the expected service quality was consistent with the actual experience in all dimensions. The quality value was ranked from the highest to the lowest as assurance, caring, reliability, responsiveness, tangible and economy. The gap between the expected value and actual value of economy was the largest and the gap between assurance was the smallest. The actual value was lower than the expected value of 20 items, among which the gap in the rationality of hospital diet, drugs and examination fees was the largest.Conclusions:There is a big gap between the expected service quality and the actual feeling of patients in tertiary general hospitals, and corresponding improvement measures should be taken, including moving forward the management port and improving the service quality.