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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-387850


Objective To improve the operation method of rupture of Achilles tendon for decreasing complication. Methods Total 39cases with closed rupture of Achilles tendon were selected in this study. Short incision was made at achilles tendon wall, reveal and anneal the broken ends, using Kirschner wire and steel-wire to make rectangle frame ,intradermic fixation of fracture away from the broken ends, then sutured ends with rarities and smoothing,functional exercise after 6weeks ankle rest position fixation. Results According to the Arner Lindholm evaluation system,the treatment outcome were excellent in 34 cases ,and good in 5cases. No complication including re-rupture skin ,tendon necrosis and infection were found after operation. Conclusion Repaired closed rupture of Achilles tendon with short incision and rectangle frame, assisted with ankle rest position fixation after operation wasa worthy way for treating closed rupture of a chilles tendon.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-536522


Objective To investigate a expander placement technique for fast tissue expansion. Methods Port-free thin wall expanders with long tube were specially made and tested on 45 cases of patients with skin scar. All expanders were placed subcutanuously through intralesional perpendicular short incisions with injection tube laid out. A large amount of saline was injected to expanders intraoperatively. Three sorts of fast expansion were carried out. Results Under the local tumescent anaesthesia, subcutaneous pockets were all dissected successfully. The amount of bleeding was less and no patient received blood infusion. All of forty five cases completed fast expansion satisfactorily without incision infection and dehiscence. Conclusion The technique of intralesional perpendicular short incisions has the advantages of less invasion and better safety, and suitable for fast tissue expansion.