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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(5): 811-822, sept. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579061


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of anisodamine on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and associated dizziness. 150 patients with dizziness induced by low rCBF were divided randomly into groups A (n = 60; anisodamine), P (n = 60; alprostadil), and C (n = 30; normal saline). rCBF and dizziness severity were evaluated. After treatment, rCBF values increased both in groups A and P. The subjective symptom of dizziness improved in 55 (91.7%) patients with the DHI score decreasing from 65.9 ± 5.4 to 23.1 ± 7.4 in group A, and the symptom improved in 37 (61.7%) patients with the DHI score decreasing from 66.8 ± 6.2 to 43.8 ± 8.6 in group P. The difference in DHI score and rCBF values in group A was more significant than that in group P. Anisodamine could increase rCBF and alleviate symptoms of dizziness more effectively than alprostadil.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la anisodamina en el flujo sanguíneo cerebral regional (rCBF) y los mareos asociados. 150 pacientes con mareos inducidos por un bajo rCBF fueron divididos aleatoriamente en los grupos A (n = 60; anisodamina), P (n = 60; alprostadil) y C (n = 30; solución salina normal). Se evaluaron el rCBF y la gravedad de los mareos. Después del tratamiento, los valores de rCBF aumentaron tanto en los grupos A como en P. El síntoma subjetivo de mareo mejoró en 55 (91.7%) pacientes con una disminución de la puntuación DHI de 65.9 ± 5.4 a 23.1 ± 7.4 en el grupo A, y el síntoma mejoró en 37 (61.7%)pacientes con una disminución de la puntuación DHI de 66.8 ± 6.2 a 43.8 ± 8.6 en el grupo P. La diferencia en la puntuación DHI y los valores de rCBF en el grupo A fue más significativa que en el grupo P. La anisodamina podría aumentar el rCBF y aliviar los síntomas de mareo de manera más efectiva que el alprostadil.

Cerebrovascular Circulation/drug effects , Solanaceae/chemistry , Dizziness/drug therapy , Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Dizziness/prevention & control
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234068


Background: Since Langenbuch's pioneering open cholecystectomy in 1882, surgical approaches to gall bladder diseases have seen continual evolution. Laparoscopic surgery has emerged as the preferred method for treating benign gall bladder conditions, offering benefits like decreased postoperative discomfort and enhanced cosmetic outcomes. Variations to the traditional four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy have been developed to further refine the procedure. Methods: A comparative randomized study was carried out at the Department of Surgery, Govt. Medical College and Hospital Jammu, spanning from November 1, 2018, to October 31, 2019. Thirty eligible patients were recruited, with 15 assigned to undergo single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC - Group A) and 15 assigned to undergo four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy (Group B). Results: The study comprised patients aged between 20 and 60 years, with mean ages of 41.9 years for Group A and 40.3 years for Group B. Substantial variances were noted between the two groups concerning surgery duration, conversion rates, postoperative pain scores, and hospital stay. Conclusions: Based on our findings, single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) cannot be deemed a standard operative procedure, mainly due to its cost implications and the necessity for specialized instruments. At present, SILC does not serve as a substitute for four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Continued research and advancements are warranted to solidify SILC as a feasible alternative.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227958


Background: Pulse diagnosis or nadipariksha, is a traditional diagnostic technique utilized in ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine, analyzing various pulse characteristics such as force, patterns, rate, and rhythm to discern underlying health conditions. This method integrates TCM's five-element energy levels and Ayurveda's Tridosha levels to accurately identify the root cause of diseases, enabling practitioners to tailor treatments accordingly. In today's fast-paced world, the need for efficient health monitoring is imperative. However, finding expert practitioners proficient in pulse diagnosis is becoming increasingly challenging, necessitating the development of systems capable of providing personalized health insights based on accurate root-cause analysis. Methods: In this study, we compared predicted symptoms derived from objective TCM organ pattern analysis using the Nadifit pulse diagnosis system with subjective clinical assessments of patients' symptoms. TCM organ patterns were determined based on the combination of five elements and their Yin/Yang energy levels. Pulse signals were collected from 105 individuals and compared with clinical evaluations of patients' symptoms. Results: The analysis revealed a high level of agreement between the clinical assessment of symptoms and the predicted organ patterns, with a Kappa coefficient of 0.82. This suggests that objective pulse analysis effectively identifies root causes, aligning with subjective assessments. Conclusions: The findings of this study underscore the validity and reliability of objective pulse analysis in diagnosing health conditions. By demonstrating significant agreement with subjective clinical assessments, this method provides a promising avenue for enhancing diagnostic accuracy and facilitating personalized treatment strategies based on individual health profiles.

Odovtos (En línea) ; 26(1): 54-64, Jan.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558618


Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the color adaptation of single-shade resin composites applied to different tooth shades. A total of 108 class III preparations (n=6) were performed on the acrylic denture maxillary incisors (2mm depth and 2mm height). 5 single-shade resin composites (Vittra APS Unique, Omnichroma, ZenChroma, Clearfil Majesty ES-2 Universal, Charisma Topaz One) and 1 multishade resin composite (Estelite Asteria) were placed in the cavities and polished. I performed visual and instrumental color analyses. The CIEDE2000 formula was used to assess the shade differences (ΔE) between teeth and restorations. The obtained ΔE values were recorded and statistically analyzed. For the instrumental analysis, ZenChroma in A1 shade groups showed statistically significant higher differences (p<0.05). Among all tested materials, A3 shade groups showed lower ΔE values (p<0.05). For the visual analysis, there were no significant differences between materials and scores in A1 and A3 shade groups (p>0.05). There were statistically significant differences between the materials and the scores in A2 shade groups (p<0.05). As a result of this study, it was concluded that, making esthetic restorations with single-shade resin composites promises proper color adaptation, but their properties still need improvement. Single-shade resin composites can reduce chair-time and technical sensitivity with good color matching.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la adaptación del color de resinas compuestas omnicromáticas. Se realizaron un total de 108 preparaciones de clase III (n=6) en los incisivos superiores de prótesis acrílicas (2mm de profundidad y 2mm de altura). Se colocaron cinco resinas compuestas omnicromáticas (Vittra APS Unique, Omnichroma, ZenChroma, Clearfil Majesty ES-2 Universal, Charisma Topaz One), además de una resina multitono (Estelite Asteria) en las cavidades y se pulieron. Se realizó el análisis de color visual e instrumental. Se utilizó la fórmula CIEDE2000 para evaluar las diferencias de tono (ΔE) entre dientes y restauraciones. Los valores de ΔE obtenidos se registraron y analizaron estadísticamente. Para el análisis instrumental, ZenChroma en los grupos de color A1 mostró diferencias mayores estadísticamente significativas (p<0,05). Entre todos los materiales probados, los grupos de tonos A3 mostraron valores de ΔE más bajos (p<0.05). Para el análisis visual, no hubo diferencias significativas entre materiales y puntuaciones en los grupos de color A1 y A3 (p>0,05). Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los materiales y las puntuaciones en los grupos de color A2 (p<0,05). Como resultado de este estudio, se concluyó que la realización de restauraciones estéticas con resinas compuestas omnicromáticas promueve una adecuada adaptación del color, pero aún necesitan mejorar sus propiedades. Las resinas compuetas omnicromáticas pueden reducir el tiempo de atención clínica y la sensibilidad técnica con una adecuada combinación de colores.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 23(1): 151-158, Jan.-Apr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575013


Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia de una intervención familiar en duelo complicado por ruptura de pareja. Materiales y método: Investigación con enfoque mixto de intervención en tres etapas (diagnóstica-implementación-evaluación). En la primera se realizó estudio observacional, transversal, descriptivo, con muestra aleatoria simple con remplazo n=99. Se aplicó "Escala de Distrés por Ruptura Amorosa" de Field y APGAR familiar de Smilkstein, previo consentimiento informado. Se incluyeron cinco familias con duelo complicado y disfunción familiar. Se emplearon métodos y técnicas de trabajo con familia. En la tercera etapa se utilizó diseño cuasi experimental con pretest y postest de duelo complicado y APGAR familiar. Para la captura y análisis de datos se empleó el SPSS V25, con estadística descriptiva y analítica con prueba t de student. Resultados. Fueron mujeres 81.8%, con edad Ⱦ=34,19-29 37.4%, bachillerato 37.4%, separados 59.6%, divorciados 49.4%. Con duelo complicado 14%, disfunción familiar 13%. Las familias con duelo complicado fueron disfuncionales 53.8%. Los factores de riesgo: conflicto en subsistema paterno filial, adicciones, economía. Factores protectores: grupos religiosos, artísticos, educativos y médicos. Las acciones se centraron en intervención cognitivo-conductual-emocional. En evaluación pretest/postest, el duelo complicado presentó diferencia de medias de Ⱦ=8.500, ŝ± 8.925, e IC95%: Li: 3.347 Ls:13.653, con t de student=3.564 y gl=13 y valor de p=0.003, estadísticamente significativo, diferencia de medias para Apgar familiar de Ⱦ= 3.357 con ŝ±1.946, IC95%: Li:2.234, Ls:4.481 con t de student=6.456 y gl=13, valor de p=0.001, estadísticamente significativo. Conclusiones: El efecto de la intervención familiar modificó el duelo complicado y mejoró la dinámica y funcionalidad familiar.

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a family intervention in grief complicated by a couple breakup. Materials and method: Research with a mixed intervention approach in three stages (diagnosis-implementation-evaluation). In the first, an observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out, with a simple random sample with replacement n=99. Field's "Romantic Breakup Distress Scale" and Smilkstein's family APGAR were applied, with prior informed consent. Five families with complicated grief and family dysfunction were included. Methods and techniques of working with family were used. In the third stage, a quasi-experimental design was used with pretest and posttest of complicated grief and family APGAR. SPSS V25 was used to capture and analyze data, with descriptive and analytical statistics with Student's t test. Results: They were women 81.8%, with age Ⱦ=34.19-29 37.4%, high school 37.4%, separated 59.6%, divorced 49.4%. With complicated grief 14%, family dysfunction 13%. Families with complicated grief were dysfunctional 53.8%. Risk factors: conflict in paternalfilial subsystem, addictions, economy. Protective factors: religious, artistic, educational and medical groups. The actions focused on cognitive-behavioral-emotional intervention. In pretest/posttest evaluation, complicated grief presented a mean difference of Ⱦ=8.500, ŝ± 8.925, and 95% CI: Li: 3.347 Ls:13.653, with student's t=3.564 and df=13 and p value=0.003, statistically significant, mean difference for family Apgar of Ⱦ= 3.357 with ŝ±1.946, 95% CI: Li:2.234, Ls:4.481 with student's t=6.456 and df=13, p value=0.001, statistically significant. Conclusions: The effect of the family intervention modified complicated grief and improved family dynamics and functionality. Conclusions: The effect of the family intervention modified complicated grief and improved family dynamics and functionality.

Article in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566826


INTRODUÇÃO: O suicídio ainda é marcado por diversos estigmas e preconceitos que dificultam a compreensão desse problema de saúde pública, impedindo assim a percepção de fatores que possam ser de risco ou de proteção em casos de tentativa de tirar a própria vida. Por isso, a busca de informações pode ser de grande valia no entendimento e permite a criação de estratégias de cuidado desse sujeito em sofrimento psíquico. OBJETIVO: Discutir os processos de cuidado e acolhimento de pessoas em sofrimento mental, devido a tentativa de suicídio, sob a perspectiva de uma estagiária de Psicologia de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSij). MÉTODO: Relato de experiência, de caráter qualitativo, sobre a prática interventiva da Psicologia de um CAPSij em Vitória (ES). RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: A literatura corrobora com os serviços prestados pelo CAPSij em situação de risco de suicídio, tendo em vista as rupturas de visões estigmatizadas que complementam a assistência em saúde, e se tornam um fator de proteção. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: O CAPSij prima pelo cuidado e assistência humanizada não limitante, contribuindo para o fortalecimento desse sujeito em crise suicida como um ser de direitos, trazendo um novo olhar de autonomia, singularidade e protagonismo.

INTRODUCTION: Suicide is still marked by several stigmas and prejudices that make it difficult to understand this public health problem, thus preventing the perception of factors that may be risky or protective in cases of an attempt to take one's own life. Therefore, the search for information can be of great value in understanding and allowing the creation of care strategies for this subject in psychological distress. OBJECTIVE: To discuss the processes of care and reception of people in mental suffering due to a suicide attempt, from the perspective of a Psychology intern at a Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil ­ CAPSij (Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Center). METHOD: Qualitative experience report on the interventional practice of Psychology at a CAPSij in Vitória (ES). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The literature corroborates the services provided by CAPSij in situations of suicide risk, given the ruptures of stigmatized views that complement health care, and become a protective factor. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: CAPSij strives for non-limiting humanized care and assistance, contributing to the strengthening of this subject in a suicidal crisis as a being with rights, bringing a new perspective of autonomy, singularity and protagonism.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El suicidio aún está marcado por varios estigmas y prejuicios que dificultan la comprensión de este problema de salud pública, impidiendo así la percepción de factores que pueden ser de riesgo o protectores en casos de tentativa de suicidio. Por lo tanto, la búsqueda de información puede ser de gran valor en la comprensión y permitió la creación de estrategias de atención para este sujeto en sufrimiento psicológico. OBJETIVO: Discutir los procesos de atención y acogida de personas en sufrimiento psíquico por tentativa de suicidio, en la perspectiva de una interna de Psicología en un Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil ­ CAPSij (Centro de Atención Psicosocial de Niños y Adolescentes). MÉTODO: Informe cualitativo de experiencia en la práctica intervencionista de Psicología en un CAPSij de Vitória (ES). RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: La literatura corrobora los servicios prestados por el CAPSij en situaciones de riesgo suicida, frente a las rupturas de visiones estigmatizadas que complementan la atención en salud, y se convierten en factor protector. CONSIDERACIONES FINALES: El CAPSij apuesta por la atención y asistencia humanizada y no limitativa, contribuyendo al fortalecimiento de este sujeto en crisis suicida como ser con derechos, aportando una nueva perspectiva de autonomía, singularidad y protagonismo.

Suicide , Mental Health , User Embracement
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci ; 2024 Feb; 16(2): 30-35
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231151


Objective: The objective of the work is to study the association between Resistin Gene polymorphisms and susceptibility of Oral Squamous Cell carcinoma.Methods: In the present study, we scrutinize the connection between four genetic polymorphisms present in RETN gene with the susceptibility, progression, and clinical outcome of OSCC among 200 OSCC patients and 200 healthy controls.Results: The results of the study reveal that among 260 smokers, the risk of developing OSCC is significantly more among the subjects having history of using betel quid in comparison to those who are not habitual users of betel quid.Conclusion: The study reveals that patients with OSCC exhibiting G/A heterozygous genotype of RETN rs3219175 polymorphism have lesser risk for developing high-grade tumor compared to the patients with G/G homozygotes in North Indian population.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 280-290, 20240220. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532624


Introducción. El tacrolimus es un medicamento inmunosupresor ampliamente usado en trasplante hepático, que presenta una gran variabilidad interindividual la cual se considera asociada a la frecuencia de polimorfismos de CYP3A5 y MDR-1. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la frecuencia de los polimorfismos rs776746, rs2032582 y rs1045642 y su asociación con rechazo clínico y toxicidad farmacológica. Métodos. Se incluyeron pacientes inmunosuprimidos con tacrolimus a quienes se les realizó trasplante hepático en el Hospital San Vicente Fundación Rionegro entre 2020 y 2022, con supervivencia mayor a un mes. Se evaluaron las variables clínicas, rechazo agudo y toxicidad farmacológica. Se secuenciaron los genes de estudio mediante PCR, comparando la expresión o no en cada uno de los pacientes. Resultados. Se identificaron 17 pacientes. El 43 % de los pacientes se clasificaron como CYP3A5*1/*1 y CYP3A5*1/*3, entre los cuales se encontró asociación con aumento en la tasa de rechazo agudo clínico, al comparar con los pacientes no expresivos (100 % vs. 44 %, p=0,05); no hubo diferencias en cuanto a la toxicidad farmacológica u otros desenlaces. Se encontró el polimorfismo rs2032582 en un 50 % y el rs1045642 en un 23,5 % de los pacientes, sin embargo, no se identificó asociación con rechazo u otros eventos clínicos. Conclusiones. Se encontró una asociación entre el genotipo CYP3A5*1/*1 y CYP3A5*1/*3 y la tasa de rechazo clínico. Sin embargo, se requiere una muestra más amplia para validar estos datos y plantear modelos de medicina personalizada.

Introduction. Tacrolimus is an immunosuppressive drug widely used in liver transplantation, which presents great interindividual variability which is considered associated with the frequency of CYP3A5 and MDR-1 polymorphisms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the frequency of the rs776746, rs2032582 and rs1045642 polymorphisms and their association with clinical rejection and drug toxicity. Methods. Immunosuppressed patients with tacrolimus who underwent a liver transplant at the Hospital San Vicente Fundación Rionegro between 2020 and 2022 were included, with survival of more than one month. Clinical variables, acute rejection and pharmacological toxicity were evaluated. The study genes were sequenced by PCR, comparing their expression or not in each of the patients. Results. Seventeen patients were identified. 43% of the patients were classified as CYP3A5*1/*1 and CYP3A5*1/*3, among which an association was found with increased rates of clinical acute rejection when compared with non-expressive patients (100% vs. 44%, p=0.05). There were no differences in drug toxicity or other outcomes. The rs2032582 polymorphism was found in 50% and rs1045642 in 23.5% of patients; however, no association with rejection or other clinical events was identified. Conclusions. An association was found between the CYP3A5*1/*1 and CYP3A5*1/*3 genotype and the clinical rejection rate. However, a larger sample is required to validate these data and propose models of personalized medicine.

Humans , Pharmacogenetics , Liver Transplantation , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide , Organ Transplantation , Tacrolimus , Graft Rejection
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13961, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564160


Glioblastomas are known for their poor clinical prognosis, with recurrent tumors often exhibiting greater invasiveness and faster growth rates compared to primary tumors. To understand the intratumoral changes driving this phenomenon, we employed single-cell sequencing to analyze the differences between two pairs of primary and recurrent glioblastomas. Our findings revealed an upregulation of ferroptosis in endothelial cells within recurrent tumors, identified by the significant overexpression of the NOX4 gene. Further analysis indicated that knocking down NOX4 in endothelial cells reduced the activity of the ferroptosis pathway. Utilizing conditioned media from endothelial cells with lower ferroptosis activity, we observed a decrease in the growth rate of glioblastoma cells. These results highlighted the complex role of ferroptosis within tumors and suggested that targeting ferroptosis in the treatment of glioblastomas requires careful consideration of its effects on endothelial cells, as it may otherwise produce counterproductive outcomes.

Medwave ; 24(1): e2754, 29-02-2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532753


BACKGROUND: Two new SNPs have been recently associated to Alzheimer's disease in African American populations: FCGRIIB rs1050501 C/T, and PILRA rs1859788 A/G. The risk of Alzheimer's disease in FCGRIIB C and PILRA A allele carriers is three times higher than in non-carriers. However, the association between these and other single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) has not been assessed. METHODS: Linkage disequilibrium analysis, with r= 0.8 as a threshold value, was used to impute new candidate SNPs, on genomic data from both genes in 26 populations worldwide (n= 2504) from the 1000Genomes database. RESULTS: Four SNPs (rs13376485, rs3767640, rs3767639 and rs3767641) were linked to rs1050501 and one (rs2405442) to rs1859788 in the whole sample. CONCLUSIONS: Five novel SNPs could be associated with Alzheimer's disease susceptibility and play a causal role, even if none of them are exon variants since their potential roles in the regulation of gene expression.

ANTECEDENTES: Recientemente se han asociado dos nuevos polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido (SNP) a la enfermedad de Alzheimer en poblaciones afroamericanas: FCGRIIB rs1050501 C/T, y PILRA rs1859788 A/G. El riesgo de enfermedad de Alzheimer en los portadores de los alelos FCGRIIB C y PILRA A es tres veces mayor que en los no portadores. Sin embargo, no se ha evaluado la asociación entre estos y otros SNP. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó el análisis de desequilibrio de ligamiento, con r2= 0,8 como valor umbral, para imputar nuevos SNPs candidatos, sobre datos genómicos de ambos genes en 26 poblaciones de todo el mundo (n= 2504) de la base de datos 1000Genomes. RESULTADOS: Cuatro SNPs (rs13376485, rs3767640, rs3767639 y rs3767641) se vincularon al rs1050501 y uno (rs2405442) al rs1859788 en toda la muestra. CONCLUSIONES: Cinco nuevos SNP podrían estar asociados con la susceptibilidad a la enfermedad de Alzheimer y desempeñar un papel causal, aunque ninguno de ellos sea una variante de exón, dado su papel potencial en la regulación de la expresión génica.

Humans , Alzheimer Disease/genetics , Membrane Glycoproteins/genetics , Receptors, Immunologic/genetics , Linkage Disequilibrium , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 36: e24361423, 15 fev. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571016


Introduction: Mycoplasma genitalium is a bacterium associated with sexually transmitted infections that can cause urethritis in men and complications in women, including preterm birth. Increasing macrolide resistance in M. genitalium poses challenges to treatment efficacy. Objective: To present a case of treatment failure of urethritis caused by macrolide-resistant M. genitalium. Case report: This case report describes a 20-year-old man with persistent urethral symptoms despite azithromycin treatment, wherein M. genitalium harbored the A2058G mutation in the 23S rRNA. Subsequent treatment with moxifloxacin resolved symptoms and cleared M. genitalium. Conclusion: The study highlights the importance of resistance testing to guide antimicrobial therapy and emphasizes the need for updated treatment guidelines in Brazil. (AU)

Introdução:Mycoplasma genitalium é uma bactéria associada a infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, que pode causar uretrite em homens e complicações em mulheres, incluindo nascimento prematuro. O aumento da resistência aos macrolídeos em M. genitalium coloca desafios à eficácia do tratamento. Objetivo: Apresentar um caso de falha terapêutica de uretrite causada por M. genitalium resistente aos macrolídeos. Relato de caso: Este relato de caso descreve um homem de 20 anos com sintomas uretrais persistentes, apesar do tratamento com azitromicina, em que M. genitalium possuía a mutação A2058G no rRNA 23S. O tratamento subsequente com moxifloxacino resolveu os sintomas e eliminou M. genitalium. Conclusão: O estudo destacou a importância dos testes de resistência para orientar a terapia antimicrobiana e enfatizou a necessidade de atualizar as diretrizes de tratamento no Brasil. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Urethritis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Mycoplasma genitalium , Quinolones , Sentinel Surveillance , Macrolides , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 31(1): e24889, Jan.-Mar. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565768


Abstract This study aims to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within KRTAP genes in alpacas (Vicugna pacos), which play a fundamental role in defining their physico-mechanical properties and potentially the quality of alpaca fiber, the primary product of their breeding. Thirty-four KRTAP genes, as annotated in the reference genome VicPac3.1, were investigated. Utilizing the reference genome, along with nine additional genomes and reads from 300 reduced representation DNA libraries of alpacas, SNPs were identified. Minor allele frequency (MAF) and genotyping rates were computed using PLINK software, while Illumina Scores were determined for each SNP using Illumina Design Studio software. Markers meeting the criteria of MAF ≥ 0.05, genotyping rate > 45%, and Illumina Score ≥ 0.6 per SNP were selected. A total of 67 SNPs were identified within intronic, exonic, and untranslated regions of KRTAP genes. Among these, 35 SNPs were incorporated into the 76K Alpaca SNP microarray, with 32 SNPs subsequently validated in a population of 936 alpacas. In conclusion, our findings delineate SNPs within KRTAPs that hold potential utility in genome-wide association studies, thereby facilitating the integration of modern breeding technologies into alpaca breeding programs.

Resumen Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar polimorfismos de nucleótido simple (PNSs) dentro de los genes KRTAP en alpacas (Vicugna pacos), que juegan un papel fundamental en la definición de sus propiedades físico-mecánicas y la calidad de la fibra de alpaca, producto principal de su crianza. Se investigaron treinta y cuatro genes KRTAP, tal como están anotados en el genoma de referencia VicPac3.1. Utilizando el genoma de referencia, junto con nueve genomas adicionales y lecturas de 300 bibliotecas de representación reducida de ADN de alpacas, se identificaron los PNSs. La frecuencia de los alelos menores (MAF) y las tasas de genotipificación se calcularon utilizando el software PLINK, mientras que los Illumina Score se determinaron para cada PNS utilizando el software Illumina Design Studio. Se seleccionaron marcadores que cumplían con los criterios de MAF ≥ 0.05, tasa de genotipado > 45% e Illumina Score ≥ 0.6 por PNS. Se identificaron un total de 67 PNSs dentro de regiones intrónicas, exónicas y/o no traducidas de genes KRTAP. Entre estos, se incorporaron 35 PNSs al microarray 76K Alpaca SNP, y posteriormente se validaron 32 PNSs en una población de 936 alpacas. En conclusión, nuestros hallazgos identificaron los PNSs dentro de los KRTAP que tienen una utilidad potencial en estudios de asociación de todo el genoma, facilitando así la integración de tecnologías de reproducción modernas en los programas de reproducción de alpacas.

Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 122-130, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025501


Objective:To examine the dose-response relationship between acute exercise and executive func-tion in children and adolescents.Methods:The experimental studies on the effect of acute exercise on the executive function of children and adolescents in CNKI,Weipu,PubMed,Scopus,Web of Science and EBSCO databases were searched,and meta-analysis was performed by using Review Manager 5.4 software.Results:A total of 14 articles containing 691 participants were included.Single exercise had a significant effect on improving the response of in-hibitory function[SMD=-0.78(-1.35,-0.25),P<0.01]and accuracy[SMD=0.91(0.27,1.55),P<0.01],and also had a significant effect on improving the refresh function response[SMD=-1.04(-2.01,-0.07),P<0.05]and the accuracy[SMD=1.16(0.39,1.93),P<0.01].The effect of static exercise,30 min and moderate intensity on improving the response of inhibition function in children and adolescents(-5.86,-1.41,-0.76),the effect of inhibition function accuracy(2.98,5.64,1.62)and the effect of refresh function accuracy(6.27,7.39,2.57)was the largest(Ps<0.05).Conclusion:Single exercise could improve inhibition and refresh function in the executive function in children and adolescents.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 220-226, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025938


Objective To establish HPLC fingerprints of soaking Euodiae fructus with water decoction of Radix glycyrrhizae by Zhangbang method(hereinafter referred to as"soaking Euodiae fructus"),and to determine the content of evodiamine,rutaecarpine and evocarpine,so as to provide the basis for the quality control and standard improvement of soaking Euodiae fructus.Methods The fingerprint of soaking Euodiae fructus was established based on wavelength switching technology,and the similarity evaluation was conducted.Taking the rutaecarpine as the internal reference,the relative correction factors of evodiamine and evocarpine were calculated by slope correction method,and the differences in measurement results between quantitative analysis of multi-components by single-marker(QAMS)method and external standard method were compared.Results The established fingerprint of soaking Euodiae fructus had a total of 20 common peaks,the similarity between it and the control fingerprint spectrum was 0.970 to 0.998,and 7 common peaks of them were identified.The contents of evodiamine and evocarpine determined by QAMS method were 1.754-7.542 mg/g and 1.281-2.455 mg/g in 10 batches of samples,and the results obtained by QAMS method and external standard method were similar.Conclusion The established HPLC method is simple,reliable,with good separation and repeatability,and can be used for quality evaluation of processed Euodiae fructus.

Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 191-195, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026076


Objective:To investigate the relationship between adiponectin (ADIPOQ) gene polymorphism and postpartum type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).Methods:A retrospective study was conducted on 236 GDM postpartum women admitted to the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical College from June 2020 to June 2021 as observation subjects. They were divided into a T2DM group and a non T2DM group based on the occurrence of T2DM after delivery. The clinical data of the two groups were compared. The double deoxygenation end termination method was used to detect the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the ADIPOQ gene, and the four loci rs17366568, rs822395, rs1501299, and rs2241766 were classified. The relationship between ADIPOQ genotype polymorphism and postpartum T2DM was analyzed using a logistic regression model.Results:The G allele carrying the rs2241766 locus in ADIPOQ gene was negatively correlated with the occurrence of T2DM ( OR=0.71, 0.68, P<0.05). Compared with T2DM patients with TT genotype, the GT+ GG genotype at the rs2241766 locus had a lower risk of occurrence for gestational age ≥2 and HbA 1c>85%. Similarly, T2DM patients with pre pregnancy body mass index (BMI)>25 kg/m 2 were more likely to be carriers of the rs2241766 TT genotype ( P=0.026). The (GT+ TT) genotype carrying the T allele at the rs1501299 locus was a protective factor for gestational age and HbA 1c in T2DM patients. Conclusions:The rs2241766 and rs1501299 polymorphisms of the ADIPOQ gene are associated with susceptibility to postpartum T2DM in GDM women. Individuals with rs2241766 and rs1501299 mutant genotypes belong to the high-risk population for T2DM.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 51-54, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026444


Objective:To investigate the application value of digital X-ray radiotherapy and single photon emission computed tomography(SPECT)radionuclide bone imaging in the diagnosis of intertrochanteric fracture of femur.Methods:A total of 70 patients who were diagnosed as intertrochanteric fracture of femur in Shijiazhuang People's hospital from January 2017 to December 2020 were selected,and they were divided into study group and control group according to random number method,with 35 cases in each group.Digital X-ray radiography combined with SPECT radionuclide bone imaging was used in the study group,and digital X-ray radiography was used in the control group.And then,the accuracy of the diagnostic results between the two groups were compared.Results:The radiographic examination indicated that 31 cases(88.6%)of 35 cases in the study group were confirmed,and 24 cases(68.6%)of 35 cases in the control group were confirmed.The diagnostic accuracy rate of the study group was significantly higher than that of the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(x2=4.158,P<0.05).The preoperative imaging diagnosis indicated that diagnosed number of fracture blocks in the study group was(3.57±0.50),which was significantly higher than that(2.67±0.40)in the control group,and the difference of that between two groups was statistically significant(t=8.315,P<0.05).In the actual intraoperative examining for bone continuity,5 cases were continuity and 30 cases were non-continuity.In the bone stability,13 cases were stability and 22 cases were non-stability.The study group was closer to intraoperative bone continuity and bone stability,and the differences of them between two groups were statistically significant(x2=12.857,4.644,P<0.05),respectively.Conclusion:The combination of digital X-ray radiography and SPECT radionuclide bone imaging has higher diagnostic value for intertrochanteric fracture of femur,which can provide important reference for clinical diagnosis.

Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 63-66, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026612


Objective To describe and analyze the current situation of the four same type of departments in an hospital in order to provide a reference for the construction of"the most cost-effective medical care".Methods The CN-DRG were used to automatically group and compare the medical capacity and inpatient service efficiency of the hospital department groups,and in the refined analysis,one DRG disease group of in situ cancer and non-malignant disease loss uterine surgery and single species uterine fibroid was included,and the Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to further compare the differences in length of stay and various costs.Results It included a total of 22630 patients,whose weights varied from a maximum of 3948.62 in diagnostic group 1 to a minimum of 133.55 in diagnostic group 11.The cost consumption indexes ranged from a minimum of 0.89 in diagnostic group 5 to a maximum of 1.04 in diagnostic group 2,while the time consumption indexes ranged from a minimum of 0.48 in diagnostic group 11 to a maximum of 0.81 in diagnostic group 5.When comparing the diagnostic groups,there were statistically significant differences(P<0.05)in hospitalization days,total cost,diagnostic cost,therapeutic cost,and cost of supplies.Specifically,when comparing the diagnostic and treatment groups within departments,the differences in hospitalization days and all costs were statistically significant(P<0.05)in departments 1 and 2,the differences in diagnostic cost,therapeutic cost,and cost of supplies were statistically significant(P<0.05)in department 3.Conclusion There exists a notable disparity in the extent to which each diagnostic and treatment group contributes to the hospital's service capacity and cost variability.Consequently,it is necessary to reasonably evaluate the length of hospital stay and medical cost of patients to achieve the highest cost-effective medical treatment.

China Modern Doctor ; (36): 20-24, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038194


@#Objective To investigate the role of ubiquitin binding enzyme EZT(UBE2T)in lung adenocarcinoma by integrating single-cell sequencing data with the TCGA database,in order to provide insights into the specific molecular mechanisms of UBE2T in lung adenocarcinoma.Methods Single-cell sequencing data was downloaded from the GEO database(GSE117570),and R language was used for quality control and analysis of the data.Additionally,online tools were employed to analyze lung adenocarcinoma-related data from the TCGA database.The potential target genes associated with UBE2T were identified by integrating TCGA and single-cell sequencing data.Results Differential analysis using the TCGA database successfully demonstrated that UBE2T could serve as an independent prognostic factor in lung adenocarcinoma,and it was correlated with poor patient outcomes.Integration of single-cell sequencing data revealed that UBE2T-associated genes were mainly distributed in mononuclear cells and T cells.Furthermore,analysis using the CancerSEA database suggested a close association between UBE2T and cell cycle regulation.Conclusion UBE2T may play a role in promoting the occurrence and development of lung adenocarcinoma through the regulation of the cell cycle.

International Eye Science ; (12): 1266-1269, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038542


Diabetic retinopathy(DR)is one of the most common retinal complications of diabetes could cause irreversible loss of central vision in the working-age population. Current studies showed that systemic risk factors, inflammatory response, and oxidative stress played a central role in the development of DR. Although traditional sequencing methods have provided valuable insights into the pathogenesis of DR, offering crucial guidance for clinical diagnosis and treatment, they still possess certain limitations. In recent years, the emerging single-cell RNA sequencing technology(scRNA-seq)has enabled precise analysis of mRNA transcriptomes at the single-cell level. This technique accurately identifies novel cell subtypes in retinal diseases, detects rare cells, and reveals intercellular heterogeneity. It contributes to elucidating the pathogenesis and development of retinal diseases, and facilitates exploration of gene regulatory relationships associated with these disorders to provide valuable insights for future precision medicine. This article reviews the technology of single-cell sequencing and its application in DR research. It also explores the mechanisms of different types of cells associated with DR, aiming to enhance the utilization of scRNA-seq in DR research and identify potential therapeutic targets to improve clinical diagnosis and treatment of DR.