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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955556


Objective:To explore the effects of SOAP (subjective objective assessment plan) case recording method by reflective teaching combined with the framework of International Classification of Functioning-Children and Youth Version (ICF-CY) in rehabilitation therapy practice.Methods:Interns of rehabilitation therapywere randomly divided into ICF-CY record group taking the case recording method of reflective teaching combined with the framework of ICF-CY and traditional record group taking traditional SOAP case recording method for children with cerebral palsy. After the internship, examination based on the clinical analysis and assessment of cases records and questionnaire survey were conducted among the two groups of interns. SPSS 20.0 was used to conduct t test and chi-square test. Results:The scores based on the clinical analysis and assessment of the ICF-CY record group were higher than those of the traditional record group. The questionnaire showed that interns' satisfaction of the SOAP case recording method by reflective teaching combined with the framework of ICF-CY was superior to the traditional SOAP case recording method ( P<0.001). Conclusion:The SOAP case recording method by reflective teaching combined with the framework of ICF-CY can improve interns' abilities of clinical case analysis, stimulate their self-learning abilities, and help to cultivate their thinking of clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 25: e200635, 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250126


O presente estudo objetivou analisar a telenovela "O caminho do meio" como estratégia de educação alimentar nutricional e a sua relação com os processos de aprendizagem inventiva e com a produção de novos modos de subjetivação. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa, com 15 frequentadores de um restaurante popular, por meio de: (1) visualização da telenovela "O caminho do meio", com duração de 46 minutos; e (2) entrevista individual realizada com um roteiro previamente estruturado. Após gravação, transcrição e análise de conteúdo dos discursos emergiram três categorias: (1) a telenovela e as experiências de vida dos frequentadores do restaurante popular; (2) a telenovela: cenas, personagens e mensagem; (3) novas percepções e tendências relacionadas à alimentação e ao estilo de vida. A experimentação com a telenovela forneceu uma aprendizagem inventiva e a produção de novos modos de subjetivação. (AU)

This study analyzed the soap opera "O caminho do meio" (The Middle Way) as a food and nutritional education strategy and its relation with inventive learning and the production of new modes of subjectivation. We conducted a qualitative study with 15 people who eat at a "popular restaurant" involving the following: (1) Watching the soap opera "O caminho do meio", which lasts 46 minutes; and (2) Individual interviews administered using a previously prepared guide. Three thematic categories emerged after recording, transcribing and analyzing the content of the interviews: (1) "The soap opera and the life experiences of the respondents"; (2) "The soap opera: scenes, characters and message"; and (3) "New perceptions and trends related to eating and lifestyle. The experimentation with the soap opera stimulated inventive learning and the production of new modes of subjectivation. (AU)

El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la telenovela "O caminho do meio" como estrategia de educación alimentaria y nutricional y su relación con los procesos de aprendizaje inventivo y con la producción de nuevos modos de subjetivación. Se trata de un estudio con abordaje cualitativo, con 15 frecuentadores de un restaurante popular, por medio de: (1) Visionado de la telenovela "O caminho do meio", con duración de 46 minutos; y (2) Entrevista individual realizada a partir de un guion previamente estructurado. Después de la grabación, de la transcripción y del análisis de contenido de los discursos surgieron 3 categorías: (1) "La telenovela y las experiencias de vida de los frecuentadores del restaurante popular"; (2) "La telenovela: escenas, personajes y mensaje" (3) "Nuevas percepciones y tendencias relacionadas a la alimentación y al estilo de vida". La experimentación con la telenovela proporcionó un aprendizaje inventivo y la producción de nuevos modos de subjetivación. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Food and Nutrition Education , Feeding Behavior/ethnology , Mass Media , Restaurants/supply & distribution , Qualitative Research , Human Right to Adequate Food
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 41(spe3): e189811, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340457


Na história da televisão brasileira, a novela é um produto popular que adquiriu características próprias e incorporou uma série de personagens homossexuais. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as formações discursivas sobre homossexualidade e família homoparental em telenovelas brasileiras veiculadas em horário nobre. Foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa e estabelecidos critérios para composição do corpus a partir de cenas de três telenovelas da década de 2010, que performavam personagens homossexuais ao longo de toda a trama. As cenas selecionadas foram transladadas/transcritas. Os dados foram analisados conforme o referencial teórico dos estudos queer e dos estudos culturais. A análise demonstrou que a representação de personagens homossexuais nas novelas se apoia largamente em clichês. Se, por um lado, houve considerável incremento e diversificação dessas representações, o mesmo não ocorreu com a visibilidade em relação à família homoparental. Nota-se, assim, que a telenovela pode operar como potente instrumento de normalização e regulação das sexualidades e desejos.(AU)

The soap opera is a popular product within the history of Brazilian television, which acquired its own features and incorporated a series of homosexual characters. This article aims to analyze discursive formations on homosexuality and homoparenthood in prime time Brazilian soap operas. This qualitative research was conducted with scenes of three 2010s soap operas that include homosexual characters throughout their plot. Selected scenes were translated/transcribed and analyzed in the light of queer studies and cultural studies. The results indicate that these serial programs heavily rely on stereotypes for representing homosexual characters. Despite the considerable increase and diversification in the representation of gay characters, the same did not occur with the visibility of homoparenthood. Thus, soap operas can be a powerful instrument of normalization and regulation of sexualities and desires.(AU)

En la historia de la televisión brasileña, la telenovela es un producto popular, que adquirió características propias e incorporó una serie de personajes homosexuales. Este artículo pretende analizar las formaciones discursivas sobre homosexualidad y familia homoparental en telenovelas brasileñas, vehiculadas en la hora de mayor audiencia. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa y se estableció criterios para la composición del corpus a partir de escenas de tres telenovelas de la década de 2010 que tuvieran personajes gais en la trama. Las escenas seleccionadas fueron trasladadas/transcritas. Los datos se analizaron conforme el referencial teórico de los estudios queer y de estudios culturales. El análisis demostró que la representación de personajes homosexuales en las telenovelas se apoya ampliamente en clichés. Por un lado, hubo considerable aumento y diversificación de las representaciones de personajes gais, por otro, lo mismo no ocurrió con la visibilización de la familia homoparental. Se observa que la telenovela puede ser potente instrumento de normalización y regulación de las sexualidades y los deseos.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Homosexuality , Parenting , Cultural Characteristics , Video-Audio Media , Gender Performativity , Social Control, Formal , Television , Family , Famous Persons , Homophobia , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Popular Culture , Anthropology, Cultural
RECIIS (Online) ; 14(4): 892-911, out.-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145566


Este artigo se propõe a analisar cenas de parto exibidas em telenovelas brasileiras, criteriosamente selecionadas, com o objetivo de identificar as representações de diferentes formas de violência obstétrica, explícitas ou veladas. Para tanto, optamos por dois métodos complementares: a análise de conteúdo e a análise de imagens em movimento. Como resultado, identificamos três eixos que abarcam as diferentes expressões midiatizadas da violência contra a parturiente: violência pela situação, violência pelo abandono e violência direta. Na discussão, pontuamos consonâncias e dissonâncias entre ficção e realidade, além da falta de problematização acerca do tema, o que, de forma sintomática, contribui para a sua naturalização.

This article proposes to analyze scenes of childbirth broadcasted by Brazilian soap operas, carefully selected, aiming to identify the representation of different forms of obstetric violence, explicit or veiled. Therefore, we selected two complementary methods: the content analysis and the analysis of moving images. As a result, we have identified three axes that include the different expressions of the violence against the parturient by the media: violence by situation, violence by abandonment and direct violence. Through the discussion, we pointed consonances and dissonances between fiction and reality, as well as the lack of problematization regarding the theme, which, symptomatically, contributes to its naturalization.

Este artículo se propone a analizar escenas de parto exhibidas en telenovelas brasileñas, criteriosamente seleccionadas, con el objetivo de identificar las representaciones de diferentes formas de violencia obstétrica, explicitas o veladas. Para eso, optamos por dos métodos complementares: el análisis de contenido y el análisis de imágenes en movimiento. Como resultado, identificamos tres ejes que abarcan las diversas expresiones mediatizadas de la violencia contra la parturiente: violencia por la situación, violencia por abandono y violencia directa. En la discusión, puntuamos consonancias y disonancias entre ficción y realidad, además de la falta de problematización acerca del tema, lo que, de forma sintomática, contribuye para su naturalización.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Television , Parturition , Pregnant Women , Drama , Violence Against Women , Social Behavior , Women's Health , Communication , Narration , Fictional Works as Topic , Motion Pictures
Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;156(5): 426-431, sep.-oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249941


Resumen Introducción: El jabón para el aseo cutáneo es de empleo común entre la población, sin embargo, es posible que cause daño a las células de la piel y modifique la barrera cutánea. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto citotóxico de los jabones en queratinocitos cultivados in vitro y correlacionarlo con la irritación clínica. Método: Se realizó una encuesta para conocer los jabones comerciales más utilizados y su cantidad; posteriormente, se evaluó su citotoxicidad en cultivos de queratinocitos humanos mediante el método de resazurina. Los jabones con mayor y menor citotoxicidad se aplicaron en piel de voluntarios sanos para evaluar su efecto en la barrera cutánea mediante ensayos de colorimetría y pérdida transepidérmica de agua. Resultados: De los jabones analizados, 37 % demostró ser tóxico para los queratinocitos in vitro. El jabón con mayor toxicidad indujo el mayor índice de eritema y pérdida transepidérmica de agua, en comparación con el jabón menos tóxico y el vehículo empleado como solución control. Conclusión: Los jabones comercializados para el aseo cutáneo pueden incluir ingredientes químicos que dañan los queratinocitos humanos y causan irritación subclínica de la barrera cutánea. Su utilización puede agravar dermatosis preexistentes, generar dermatitis xerósica o de contacto irritativa y causar atrofia y dermatoporosis.

Abstract Introduction: The use of soap for skin cleansing is common among the population. However, it is possible that it causes damage to skin cells and disrupts the skin barrier. Objective: To determine the cytotoxic effect of soaps on in vitro-cultured keratinocytes and to correlate it with clinical irritation. Method: A survey was conducted to find out the most widely used commercial soaps and their number. Subsequently, their cytotoxicity was evaluated in human keratinocyte cultures using the resazurin assay. The soaps with the highest and lowest cytotoxicity were applied to the skin of healthy volunteers to assess their effect on the skin barrier using colorimetry and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) assays. Results: Of the analyzed soaps, 37 % were shown to be toxic to keratinocytes in vitro. The soap with the highest toxicity induced the highest rate of erythema and TEWL, in comparison with the least toxic soap and the vehicle used as the control solution. Conclusion: Soaps marketed for skin cleansing can contain chemical ingredients that damage human keratinocytes and cause skin barrier subclinical irritation. Their use can worsen preexisting dermatoses, generate xerotic or irritant contact dermatitis, and cause atrophy and dermatoporosis.

Humans , Soaps/adverse effects , Keratinocytes/drug effects , Skin Irritancy Tests , Irritants/adverse effects , Skin/drug effects , Soaps/chemistry , Body Water , Cells, Cultured , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Colorimetry , Erythema/chemically induced , Healthy Volunteers , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Bol. venez. infectol ; 31(1): 42-49, ene-jun 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1123361


Introducción: La higiene de manos es un paso fundamental para prevenir la transmisión y diseminación de infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud (IAAS), por esto, es de vital importancia su correcta ejecución según los 5 momentos sugeridos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Objetivo: Aislar bacterias y hongos posterior a la higiene de las manos en el personal de salud. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, experimental, transversal, con una muestra de 16 individuos que laboraban en el Servicio de Enfermedades Infecciosas del Adulto del Hospital Universitario de Caracas, divididos en dos grupos de 8 participantes, quienes realizaron la higiene de manos de acuerdo a las técnicas descritas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud con agua y jabón (grupo A) y con gel antibacterial a base de alcohol al 70 % (grupo B). Consecutivamente, se tomó muestra de las manos mediante aposición en placas de Petri, en Agar Endo (HiMedia™) y Agar Sabouraud (Oxoid™). Los crecimientos positivos fueron repicados a otros agares y se realizaron pruebas bioquímicas para su identificación. Resultados: En 56,25 % (9/16) de las muestras hubo crecimiento de levaduras, a partir de las cuales se identificaron C. parapsilosis (77,7 %), C. tropicalis (11,3 %) y C. kefyr (11,3 %). Por su parte, 50 % (8/16) tuvieron crecimiento positivo para bacilos Gram negativos fermentadores y no fermentadores. Conclusiones: En las manos de los trabajadores de salud se aislaron bacilos Gram negativos fermentadores y no fermentadores, así como especies de Candida. Se observó una mayor eficacia antimicrobiana con el uso de agua y jabón líquido con respecto a la eliminación de Candida spp.

Introduction: Hand washing is a key tool to prevent transmission and dissemination of hospital associated infections; thus it is a very important to elaborate the proper technique to achieve hand antisepsis, throughout several methods including the 5 times to hand washing proposed by World Health Organization (WHO). Aim: To isolate bacteria and fungi after handwashing in a group of healthcare personnel. Methods: This was an experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional study carried out with 16 healthcare personnel from the Adult Infectious Disease Department at the Hospital Universitario de Caracas, divided in 2 groups (A and B) of 8 participants who was asked and instructed to performed the handwashing technique stablished by the WHO. Group A used conventional soap and water, while group B used 70 % alcohol-based hand sanitizer. After hand sanitization with any of both substances, sample collection was performed throughout hand apposition in Petri dishes with Endo agar (HiMedia™) and Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol (Oxoid™) and incubated during 36h in an aerobic 37 °C atmosphere. Positive growth in each case was replied and biochemical tests were performed to each isolation to confirm its identification. Results: 56.25 % (9/16) of the growth was represented by Candida sp: C. parapsilosis (77.7 %), C. tropicalis (11.33 %) and C. kefyr (11.3 %). About bacteria, 50 % (8/16) of the samples collected had growth for gram negative fermenting and nonfermenting bacilli. Conclusions: There were presence of gram-negative bacilli and fungi after handwashing in the hands of the healthcare personnel studied. It was observed that water and soap had a better antimicrobial outcome in comparison with alcohol-based sanitizer to eliminate Candida sp.

São Paulo; s.n; 2020. 182 p
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1398659


Introdução. A pele do recém-nascido (RN) é mais fina, tem maior perda de água transepidérmica (TEWL), e menor hidratação do estrato córneo (SCH), comparada a dos adultos; seu pH varia entre 5,5 e 7,5. Tais características predispõem a ressecamento, infecções e doenças dermatológicas, como a dermatite atópica (DA). Sabonetes adequados previnem ou minimizam essas alterações e favorecem o amadurecimento da pele. Não há disponíveis estudos sobre o efeito dos sabonetes comumente usados no Brasil na pele de RN. Objetivos. 1 - Analisar as informações de rotulagem, características físicas e físico-químicas de sabonetes usados em RN; 2 - Comparar o efeito do sabonete líquido e em barra sobre o pH, TEWL, SCH, teor de sebo e integridade da pele de RN a termo saudáveis; 3 - Verificar a relação entre variáveis demográficas e clínicas sobre os parâmetros biométricos da pele de RN a termo no período neonatal. Métodos. Tese desenvolvida em três etapas: 1- Estudo quantitativo e descritivo, com 17 sabonetes comercializados em São Paulo - Brasil. Foram analisados: tipos de tensoativos e testes de segurança do rótulo; e coloração, intensidade da fragrância e pH no laboratório. 2 - Ensaio clínico randomizado, paralelo, unicego, conduzido no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo (HU/USP) com aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem da USP e do HU. 100 RN a termo saudáveis foram randomizados ao uso de sabonete líquido (grupo experimental) ou de sabonete em barra (grupo controle). O pH da pele, a TEWL, a SCH, o teor de sebo e a condição da pele foram avaliados antes e após o primeiro banho, às 48 horas, 14 e 28 dias após o nascimento, em cinco regiões corporais. Foi avaliada, também, a percepção das mães sobre o uso do sabonete. 3- Estudo longitudinal e prospectivo, quantitativo, secundário ao ensaio clínico randomizado, que analisou a associação entre variáveis demográficas e clínicas e parâmetros biométricos da pele. Resultados. Os resultados estão em três artigos. 1 - Verificou-se que os sabonetes comerciais tinham tensoativos com potencial de irritação baixo, ou moderado, e fragrância com intensidade variável. Quatro sabonetes líquidos e um em barra combinado apresentaram valores de pH próximos ao da pele do RN. 2 Observou-se valores de pH mais acidificados e maior hidratação na pele com o sabonete líquido. Não houve diferenças significativas na TEWL, teor de sebo, condição da pele e percepções das mães. 3 - Constataram-se associações: da TEWL com tipo de parto, raça/cor, idade gestacional, sexo e tempo; da SCH e histórico familiar de DA, raça/cor, idade gestacional e tempo; do teor de sebo com o histórico familiar de DA e o tempo. Conclusões. Há sabonetes disponíveis no mercado que não atendem critérios para a homeostase da pele do RN, apresentando potencial de irritação moderado, pH diferente do pH da pele e fragrância em intensidade variável. O sabonete líquido mostrou maiores benefícios que o sabonete em barra na pele do RN. Variáveis clínicas e demográficas influenciaram os parâmetros avaliados da pele, demandando estudos amplos sobre o tema.

Introduction. The skin of a newborn (NB) is thinner, has greater transepidermal water loss (TEWL), and less hydration of the stratum corneum (SCH) compared to adults skin, and its pH varies between 5.5 and 7.5. These characteristics predispose the skin to dryness, infections and dermatological diseases such as atopic dermatitis (AD). Suitable soaps prevent or minimize these changes and favor the maturation of the skin. To our knowledge, there are no studies regarding the effect of soaps commonly used in Brazil on the skin of newborns. Aims. 1 - Analyze the labeling information, physical and physical-chemical characteristics of soaps used on newborns; 2 - Compare the effect of liquid and bar soap on the skin pH, TEWL, SCH, sebum content and skin integrity of healthy newborns; 3 - Verify the relationship between the demographic and clinical variables on the biometric parameters of the skin of newborns in the neonatal period. Methods. This thesis was developed in three stages: 1- A quantitative and descriptive study analyzing 17 soaps sold in São Paulo - Brazil. The types of surfactants and label safety tests; and color, fragrance intensity, and pH were analyzed in the laboratory. 2 A randomized, parallel, single-blind clinical trial conducted at the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo (HU/USP) with approval from the Research Ethics Committee of the USP School of Nursing and the HU. 100 healthy full-term newborns were randomized to use liquid soap (experimental group) or bar soap (control group). Skin pH, TEWL, SCH, sebum content and skin condition were evaluated before and after the first bath, 48 hours, 14 and 28 days after birth, in five regions of the body. The mothers' perceptions of the use of soap were also evaluated. 3- A longitudinal and prospective, quantitative study, secondary to the randomized clinical trial, which analyzed the association between demographic and clinical variables and biometric parameters of the skin. Results. The results are described in three articles. 1 - It was found that commercial soaps had surfactants with low or moderate irritation potential and fragrances with varying intensities. Four liquid soaps and one combined bar showed pH values close to that of the newborn's skin. 2 - More acidified pH values and greater skin hydration were observed with liquid soap. There were no significant differences in TEWL, sebum content, skin condition and the mothers' perceptions. 3 - Associations were found: from TEWL with type of delivery, race/color, gestational age, sex and time; SCH and family history of AD, race/color, gestational age and time; tallow content with AD family history and time.|a The types of surfactants and label safety tests; and color, fragrance intensity, and pH were analyzed in the laboratory. 2 A randomized, parallel, single-blind clinical trial conducted at the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo (HU/USP) with approval from the Research Ethics Committee of the USP School of Nursing and the HU. 100 healthy full-term newborns were randomized to use liquid soap (experimental group) or bar soap (control group). Skin pH, TEWL, SCH, sebum content and skin condition were evaluated before and after the first bath, 48 hours, 14 and 28 days after birth, in five regions of the body. The mothers' perceptions of the use of soap were also evaluated. 3- A longitudinal and prospective, quantitative study, secondary to the randomized clinical trial, which analyzed the association between demographic and clinical variables and biometric parameters of the skin. Results. The results are described in three articles. 1 - It was found that commercial soaps had surfactants with low or moderate irritation potential and fragrances with varying intensities. Four liquid soaps and one combined bar showed pH values close to that of the newborn's skin. 2 - More acidified pH values and greater skin hydration were observed with liquid soap. There were no significant differences in TEWL, sebum content, skin condition and the mothers' perceptions. 3 - Associations were found: from TEWL with type of delivery, race/color, gestational age, sex and time; SCH and family history of AD, race/color, gestational age and time; tallow content with AD family history and time. Conclusions. There are soaps available on the market that do not meet the criteria for the homeostasis of newborn skin, presenting moderate irritation potential, pH different from skin pH and fragrance in varying intensity. Liquid soap showed greater benefits than bar soap on newborn skin. Clinical and demographic variables influenced the evaluated skin parameters, requiring extensive studies on the subject.

Neonatal Nursing , Skin Care , Infant, Newborn , Nursing , Enterostomal Therapy
Rev. Subj. (Impr.) ; 19(2): 1-14, maio-ago. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1092232


O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar de que modo aspectos cômicos presentes na performance de personagens homossexuais masculinos convencionam formações discursivas sobre homossexualidade em telenovelas brasileiras. O corpus do estudo contemplou personagens de novelas da faixa das 21h da Rede Globo, a saber, Félix (Amor à vida) e Téo Pereira (Império). A partir de depuração de 30 cenas previamente selecionadas de cada telenovela, foram eleitas e transcritas 15 de cada uma, totalizando 30 cenas. O corpus foi analisado segundo referenciais dos estudos culturais latino-americanos e dos estudos queer. Foram discutidos o arco de desenvolvimento de cada personagem e o papel da comicidade na construção de sua sexualidade, bem como de que modo as formações discursivas presentes nas telenovelas reiteram depreciações morais historicamente atribuídas aos homossexuais. Ainda que possam ser genericamente enquadrados no grupo dos personagens homossexuais constantemente defenestrados, Félix e Téo Pereira apresentam aspectos intersticiais entre a abjeção e a assimilação à lógica familista, recurso utilizado pela cultura da mídia a fim de pasteurizar as diferenças no âmbito das relações de gênero e da sexualidade.

This study aimed to analyze how comic aspects present in the performance of male homosexual characters convince discursive formations about homosexuality in Brazilian soap operas. The corpus of the study included characters from 9 p.m. soap operas from Rede Globo, namely, Felix (Amor à Vida) and Téo Pereira (Império). From the debugging of 30 previously selected scenes from each soap opera, 15 were chosen and transcribed, totaling 30 scenes. The corpus was analyzed according to Latin American cultural and queer studies. The arc of development of each character and the role of the comic in the construction of their sexuality were discussed, as well as how the discursive formations present in soap operas reiterate the moral depreciation historically attributed to homosexuals. Although they can be generically framed within the group of constantly defenestrated homosexual characters, Félix and Téo Pereira present interstitial aspects between abjection and assimilation to the familial logic, a resource used by media culture to pasteurize differences within gender and of sexuality.

El presente trabajo tuvo el objetivo de analizar de qué modo aspectos cómicos presentes en el rendimiento de personajes homosexuales masculinos combinan formaciones discursivas sobre homosexualidad en telenovelas brasileñas. El corpus del trabajo consideró personajes de novelas transmitidas a las 21hs, de la Red Globo, a saber, Félix (Amor a la vida) y Teo Pereira (Imperio). A partir de la depuración de 30 escenas previamente seleccionadas de cada telenovela, fueron escogidas y transcriptas 15 de cada una, totalizando 30 escenas. El corpus fue analizado según referencias de trabajos latino-americanos y de los estudios queer. Fueron discutidos el arco de desarrollo de cada personaje y la función de la comicidad en la construcción de su sexualidad, también de qué modo las formaciones discursivas presentes en las telenovelas reiteran depreciaciones morales históricamente atribuidas a los homosexuales. Aunque puedan ser genéricamente encuadrados en el grupo de los personajes homosexuales constantemente marginados, Félix y Teo Pereira presentan aspectos intersticiales entre la degradación y la asimilación a la lógica familista, recurso utilizado por la cultura de los medios con el fin de pasteurizar las diferencias en el ámbito de las relaciones de género y de la sexualidad.

La présente étude a l'objectif à analyser comment les aspects comiques présents dans la performance de personnages homosexuels masculins construisent des conventions discursives sur l'homosexualité dans des feuilletons brésiliens. Le corpus de l'étude comprend des personnages des feuilletons de la soirée chez Rede Globo, à savoir Felix (Amor à Vida) et Téo Pereira (Império). Après l'épuration de 30 scènes sélectionnées préalablement de chaque feuilleton, on en a sélectionné et transcrit 15 de chacun. À la fin, on a eu 30 scènes. Le corpus a été analysé selon les études culturelles latino-américaines et les études queer. L'arc de développement de chaque personnage et le rôle de la comédie dans la construction de leur sexualité ont été discutés, ainsi que la manière comment les formations discursives présentes dans les feuilletons réitèrent la dépréciation morale historiquement attribuée aux homosexuels. Bien qu'ils puissent s'insérer de manière générique dans le groupe de personnages homosexuels constamment mis à l'écart, Félix et Téo Pereira présentent des aspects interstitiels entre l'abjection et l'assimilation à la logique familialiste, une ressource utilisée par la culture médiatique pour pasteuriser les différences dans le contexte des relations de genre et de la sexualité.

Homosexuality , Television , Wit and Humor as Topic , Gender Performativity
Int. j. morphol ; 37(1): 93-97, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-990011


SUMMARY: Manual skills form only a part of the capabilities required for a future dentist. Nevertheless, they are very important components that should be tested. The aim of this study is to investigate if a correlation exists between dental students' grades in the preclinical courses and their clinical performance. Preclinical/clinical grades were collected for first, fourth, and fifth year students who graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, in 2016, and 2017. Two courses (Dental Anatomy and Operative Dentistry) were selected. Corre-lations comparing the practical grades of Dental Anatomy course for first year students, and the practical grades of Operative Dentistry course for the same students in fourth and fifth years. Statistically significant positive correlation was found between the soap carving grades of first-year dental students and their practical grades in Operative Dentistry course during fourth and fifth years. Also, statistically significant strong positive correlation was found between the grades of fourth-year practical Operative Dentistry and the grades of fifth-year practical Operative Dentistry. The clinical performance of dental students in their practical courses in fourth and fifth years can be predicted from their soap carving grades at their first year in Dental School.

RESUMEN: Las habilidades manuales forman solo una parte de las capacidades requeridas para un futuro dentista. Sin embargo, son componentes muy importantes que deben ser probados. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar si existe una correlación entre las calificaciones de los estudiantes de odontología en los cursos preclínicos y su desempeño clínico. Los grados preclínicos / clínicos se obtuvieron para los estudiantes de primero, cuarto y quinto año, graduados de la Facultad de Odontología, de la Universidad de Jordania, Amman, Jordania, en 2016 y 2017. Se seleccionaron dos cursos (Anatomía Dental y Odontología Operativa). Correlaciones que comparan los grados prácticos del curso de Anatomía Dental para estudiantes de primer año y las notas de calificación prácticas del curso de Odontología Operativa para los mismos estudiantes en cuarto y quinto año. Se encontró una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa, entre las notas de tallado de jabón de los estudiantes de primer año de odontología y sus notas de calificación prácticas en el curso de Odontología Operativa durante el cuarto y quinto años. Además, se encontró una fuerte correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa entre las notas de calificación en Odontología Operativa práctica de cuarto año y los grados de Odontología Operativa práctica de quinto año. El rendimiento clínico de los estudiantes de odontología en sus cursos prácticos en cuarto y quinto año se puede predecir a partir de las calificaciones en tallado de jabón durante su primer año en la Escuela de Odontología.

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Dental/psychology , Dentistry, Operative/education , Academic Performance , Anatomy/education , Tooth/surgery
Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 35: e35515, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1098476


RESUMO Estudos de fenômenos culturais, a partir da Análise do Comportamento, contribuem para o planejamento cultural ao utilizar estratégias como o merchandising social. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar metacontingências, a partir de um tema social com forte impacto - tráfico de pessoas - em uma novela brasileira de grande audiência: Salve Jorge. As cenas relativas ao tema foram descritas em termos de contingências, classificadas em sete metacontingências, as quais foram apresentadas em alta frequência no transcorrer dos capítulos. O impacto da novela foi observado no aumento da frequência de notícias sobre tráfico de pessoas em seis jornais, além de denúncias registradas nos períodos anterior, simultâneo e posterior à exibição de Salve Jorge. As notícias são indicadores do efeito positivo da obra de ficção sobre o reconhecimento e definição de "tráfico de pessoas", o que contribuei para a frequência de denúncias em órgãos competentes e a implementação das intervenções.

ABSTRACT Behavior-analytic studies of cultural phenomena can contribute to cultural planning by using strategies such as social merchandising. The goal of this research was to analyze metacontingencies based on a social theme of great impact - human trafficking - in a Brazilian soap opera (Salve Jorge) with a large audience. Scenes related to the theme were described in terms of contingencies, classified in seven metacontingencies, which were presented in high frequency throughout the chapters. The impact of the soap opera was observed in the increased frequency of news about human trafficking in six newspapers as well as complaints registered in the periods before, simultaneous and after the exhibition of Salve Jorge. The news is indicative of the positive effect of a work of fiction on the recognition and definition of "human trafficking", which also contributes to a higher frequency of complaints and interventions implemented by competent agencies.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-808308


Objective@#To investigate the inactivating effect of soap solution on rabies virus and to explore the concentration of soap solutions which could be effective in post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) of rabies virus infection.@*Methods@#The BSR and N2a cells were respectively infected by the mixture of different concentrations of soap solution and rabies virus CVS-11. Based on the direct immunofluorescent method (DFA) and reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), the inactivating effects of soap solutions on rabies viruse in BSR and N2a cells were detected, respectively.@*Results@#This experiment established the BSR or N2a cells model in 24 well cell culture plates, and we found that the upper limit of soap solution concentration which BSR or N2a cells could tolerate was 1%. The inhibitory effect test of different soap solution on rabies virus showed that the 0.5% concentration of soap solution could completely inhibit the survival of CVS-11 strain in both the BSR and N2a cells, but the 0.1% concentration of soap solution could not inhibit the rabies viruses completely.@*Conclusions@#The 0.5%-1% concentration of soap solutions could inhibit the survival of CVS-11 strain in three minutes in vivo experiment.

Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2016. 98 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-870143


Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a telenovela “O caminho do meio” como estratégia de educação alimentar nutricional e a sua relação com os processos de aprendizagem inventiva e com a produção de novos modos de subjetivação em frequentadores de um restaurante popular de Belo Horizonte. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido com 15 frequentadores, de ambos os sexos, adultos e idosos, de um restaurante popular, situado no Distrito Sanitário Barreiro, no município de Belo Horizonte - MG. A pesquisa incluiu duas etapas: (1) Visualização da telenovela “O caminho do meio”, com duração de 46 minutos, pelos participantes; e (2) Entrevista individual realizada pela pesquisadora a partir de um roteiro previamente estruturado, aplicado após a telenovela. Os depoimentos foram gravados, transcritos e posteriormente, analisados, por meio da técnica da análise de conteúdo temático - categorial, proposta por Bardin. A telenovela constitui um instrumento que proporciona uma narrativa dramatizada com personagens que fazem parte da realidade cotidiana. A telenovela foi escolhida como uma experiência estética, pois esta se caracteriza por marcar e afetar o sujeito pela intensidade das sensações e emoções que é capaz de produzir. Após a análise de conteúdo das entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas emergiram 3 categorias, quais sejam: (1) “A telenovela e as experiências de vida dos frequentadores do restaurante popular”; (2) “A telenovela: cenas, personagens e mensagem” (3) “Novas percepções e tendências relacionadas à alimentação e ao estilo de vida”. Pode-se afirmar que a experimentação com a telenovela foi capaz de engendrar (1) os processos de memória involuntária e sobreposição de sensações que possibilitaram a reconstrução e recriação de experiências passadas e de saberes instituídos; (2) os processos de identificação com os personagens e de percepção subtrativa voltada para a transformação das cenas que permitiram a afirmação...

This study aimed to analyze the soap opera "The middle way" as a strategy of dietary and nutritional education and its relationship with the learning process and producing of new modes of subjectivation in the frequenters of a community restaurant in Belo Horizonte. It is a descriptive study with qualitative approach. It was developed with 15 frequenters of a community restaurant located in the Barreiro Sanitary District, in Belo Horizonte - MG, the participants were of both gender, adults and elderly. The research included two steps: (1) watching the soap opera "The middle way" with duration of 46 minutes, by the participants, and (2) individual interview conducted by the researcher, utilizing an instrument previously structured, applied to the participants after the soap opera. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and afterwards, analyzed through the technique of Categorical Content Analysis proposed by Bardin. The soap opera is a tool that provides a dramatized narrative with characters that are part of the daily reality. The soap opera was chosen as an aesthetic experience, once it is characterized for influencing and affecting the subjects by the intensity of feelings and emotions that it is able to produce. After the analysis of the content of the semi-structured interviews, it emerged three categories: (1) "The soap opera and the life experiences from the frequenters of restaurant"; (2) "The soap opera: scenes, characters and message"; (3) "New perceptions and tendencies related to the feeding and lifestyle". It can be affirmed that the experimentation with the soap opera was able to engender (1) The processes of involuntary memory and superposition of sensations that allowed the reconstructing and recreating of previous experiences and the knowledge already instituted; (2) The processes of identification with the characters and the subtractive perception facing to the transformation of the scenes that allowed the affirmation of singular...

Humans , Food and Nutrition Education , Audiovisual Aids , Restaurants , Brazil
Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 8(3): 461-467, set-dez 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-831973


Tagetes patula L. (Asteraceae), popularmente conhecida como cravo de defunto ou cravo francês, é utilizada na medicina popular como antisséptica, depurativa do sangue e repelente de insetos. O presente estudo avaliou a atividade antisséptica de sabonete líquido contendo extrato glicólico de T. patula 7,5% (p/v). O extrato glicólico foi obtido por turbo-extração utilizando propilenoglicol e etanol (7:3; v/v) a 10 % (p/v). A avaliação fitoquímica preliminar da droga vegetal indicou a presença de compostos fenólicos e teor de flavonoides de 5,73% ± 0,19 (CV = 3,33%). No teste para avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana houve a inibição do crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus na concentração de avaliada.

Tagetes patula L. (Asteraceae), or French marigold, known in Brazil as cravo-de-defunto, is used in folk medicine as antiseptic, blood thinner and insect repellent. Current study analyzes the antiseptic activity of the liquid soap with the glycolic extract of T.patula 7.5% (p/v). Glycolic extract was obtained by turbo-extraction with propylenoglycol and ethanol (7:3; v/v) 10 % (p/v). Preliminary photochemical evaluation of the vegetal drug showed phenolic compounds and flavonoid rates at 5.73% ± 0.19 (CV = 3.33%). When the pharmaceutical formulation was evaluated for antimicrobial activity, growth inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus occurred at the assessed concentration.

Flavonoids , Anti-Infective Agents, Local , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Phenolic Compounds , Phytochemicals
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 31(1): 118-126, jan./fev. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-963696


Tetranychus urticae Koch (1836) (Acari: Tetranychidae), conhecido como ácaro rajado, é uma praga que pode reduzir a produção de frutos do morangueiro em até 80%. O controle desta praga por meio de acaricidas sintéticos tem proporcionado à destruição de organismos benéficos e o desenvolvimento de populações resistentes. Como alternativa ao controle tradicional, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do extrato de Sapindus saponaria e de solução sabão sobre a oviposição e mortalidade de fêmeas de T. urticae. Os ácaros foram pulverizados, com auxílio da Torre de Potter, usando formulações do extrato/solução sabão a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5% (m/v) e avaliados em 24, 72 e 120h. Verificou-se que o extrato de S. saponaria apresentou maior eficiência (CL50, 1,18%) do que a solução sabão (CL50, 1,31%). Em relação à atividade ovicida, o maior efeito foi observado com a formulação a 5% (m/v) após 120h, tanto para o extrato de S. saponaria (60,9%) quanto para solução sabão (84%). Os resultados observados, em condições de laboratório, são favoráveis à utilização do extrato de S. saponaria e de solução sabão no controle de T. urticae em programas de manejo fitossanitário para a cultura do morango.

Tetranychus urticae Koch (1836) (Acari: Tetranychidae), known as spider mite is a pest that can reduce fruit production in strawberry up to 80%. The control of the pest by synthetic acaricides has provided the destruction of beneficial organisms and development of resistant populations. As an alternative to traditional control, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of the extract from Sapindus saponaria and soap solution on the oviposition and mortality of females of T. urticae. The mites were sprayed with the aid of a Potter Tower, using formulations of extract/soap solution at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5% (w / v) and assessed at 24, 72 and 120h. It was found that the extract efficiency (LC50, 1.18%) than the soap solution (LC50, 1.31%). Regarding the ovicidal activity, the greatest effect was observed with the formulation at 5% (w / v) after 120 hours for both the extract (60.9%) as for soap solution (84%). The results observed in laboratory conditions are favorable to the use of the extract and soap solution to control T. urticae in pest management programs for the strawberry crop.

Tetranychidae , Fragaria , Sapindus , Acaricides , Mites
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-41784


The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of different methods of hand washing by counting the number of bacteria on the hand surface. Eighteen clinicians were chosen and divided into three groups, consisting of six clinicians each. Culturing of the right raw palms of all individuals was performed. Individuals in the control group washed hands for 5 seconds with antimicrobial soap. Group 1 washed their hands for 10 seconds with antimicrobial soap. Group 2 washed with an instant alcohol-based hand sanitizer. After the respective washes, re-culturing of the right raw palm was done for each member of all groups. The colony-forming units (CFU) were calculated at each time point, and the reduction rate of CFU among the three groups were statistically evaluated using student t-test. All groups showed a significant decrease in CFU, according to the time applied (P<0.01). In addition, the reduction rate of CFU between the groups were statistically evaluated with ANOVA (P<0.01). It showed statistically difference between the control group and group 1, control group and group 2. The present study confirmed that the hand washing method with antimicrobial soap for 10 seconds and hand sanitizer, including alcohol, were excellent for decreasing the number of bacteria on the hand surface.

Humans , Bacteria , Bacterial Load , Hand Disinfection , Hand , Methods , Soaps , Stem Cells
China Pharmacist ; (12): 816-818, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-669774


Objective:To discuss the experience accumulation and thinking tralning of clinical pharmacist in the pharmaceutical consultation with SOAP model. Methods:Clinical pharmacist performed the condition evaluation for one patient with Acinetobacter bau-rnannii infection after esophagus cancer surgery and was invited to the consultation for three times. Clinical pharmacist also provided the references for the drug treatment and monitored the whole process. Clinical pharmacist actively followed and pald return visits for the prognosis of the patient for one month. Results: After identifying the pathogen, the experiential therapy was given and the condi-tions of the patient were improved. According to the changes of the conditions, the treatment was adjusted in time with the most suitable drugs for the conditions and infection degree. Finally, the infection was controlled effectively, and the patient was discharged after the 35-day postoperative treatment. Conclusion:During the consultation, clinical pharmacist should correctly judge the conditions of pa-tients, summarize and evaluate the earlier therapy results, and then choose suitable drugs according to the property of PK/PD. Clinical pharmacist also should track the therapy results to assess the conditions of patients and individualize the treatment.

Rev. cuba. farm ; 48(4)oct.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-748770


INTRODUCCIÓN: las manos poseen un papel importante en la transmisión de infecciones en instituciones de salud, entornos industriales como la industria alimentaria y en toda la comunidad, por lo que su higiene no puede pasar desapercibida. Los jabones líquidos son actualmente una herramienta fundamental para la limpieza de las manos y así también evitar la transmisión de agentes patógenos. OBJETIVO: evaluar la efectividad del sulfato de cobre como agente antiséptico en un jabón líquido y caracterizar el producto mediante controles de calidad. MÉTODOS: se evaluó la capacidad antiséptica del jabón líquido mediante el método de dilución en agar y la disminución del crecimiento bacteriano a través de una variación del recuento por microgota, a tiempos 1, 5 y 10 min. Posteriormente se realizaron controles fisicoquímicos, microbiológicos, prueba de parche y estudios de estabilidad en estantería y acelerada durante 6 meses. RESULTADOS: las cepas Staphylococcus aureus, Staphyloccus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomona aeruginosay Klebsiella pneumoniae fueron sensibles a una concentración de 0,5 por ciento de sulfato de cobre. El crecimiento bacteriano en las cepas S. aureus y S. epidermidis mostró una reducción considerable en los tiempos 5 y 10 min a concentraciones de 0,3 y 0,5 por ciento de sulfato de cobre. El producto elaborado cumplió con los criterios de calidad establecidos, el cual mantuvo su estabilidad durante el tiempo de estudio. CONCLUSIONES: es posible elaborar un jabón líquido en base a sulfato de cobre como agente antiséptico, al ser eficaz frente a las cepas estudiadas(AU)

INTRODUCTION: the hands play a significant role in the transmission of infections at health institutions, industrial environments such as the food industry and at the community; therefore, hand hygiene cannot be ignored. Liquid soaps are now a fundamental tool for hand cleaning and prevention of pathogen transmission. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the effectiveness of copper sulfate as an antiseptic agent in a liquid soap and to characterize the product by using quality controls. METHODS: aliquid soap was developed, in which its antiseptic capacity was evaluated through the agar dilution method and the reduction of bacterial growth by using a variant of microdrop counting at 1, 5 and 10 minutes. Then physicochemical and microbiological controls were performed, as well as patch test and shelf life and accelerated stability studies for six months. RESULTS: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphyloccus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomona aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae were susceptible to 0.5 percent copper sulfate concentration. Bacterial growth showed considerable reduction in S. aureus and S. epidermidis strains at 5 and 10 minutes at copper sulphate concentrations of 0.3 and 0.5 percent. The finished product met the quality criteria for this type of product, maintaining its stability during the study period. CONCLUSIONS: it is possible to produce a copper sulfate-based liquid soap as an antiseptic since it was effective to control the studied strains(AU)

Humans , Quality Control , Soaps , Copper Sulfate , Anti-Infective Agents, Local/therapeutic use
Br J Med Med Res ; 2014 Mar; 4(8): 1663-1671
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175064


Background & Objectives: Preoperative hand preparation with a brush-less method is almost a common practice. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of brushless preoperative hand preparation using alcohol to antiseptic soap, and non-medicated soap in eliminating germs by standard proper pre-operative hand preparation. Methods: Twenty volunteers tried three different ways of surgical hand preparation with antiseptic soap, alcohol, and non-medicated soap-based preoperative hand preparation. Results: There was no positive bacterial growth sample in the alcohol-based scrubbing group while it was 2% with positive bacterial growth in the antimicrobial soap and 55% with positive bacterial growth in the non-medicated soap group. Conclusion: The alcohol-based pre-operative hand preparation was significantly more efficient than both the antimicrobial soap and the non-medicated soap.

Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl ; Rev. ciênc. farm. básica apl;34(4)dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-705082


A pele e as mucosas constituem defesa natural do corpo frente à invasão de microrganismos, que podem estar presentes na superfície cutânea constituindo a biota normal de defesa ou contaminante. Para remoção desses últimos, se faz necessário o uso de substâncias antissépticas, que combinadas com a lavagem simples, conferem descontaminação eficiente da pele. As farmácias de manipulação já estão aptas para desenvolver veículos de bom sensorial, e a eles incorporar os mais diversos ativos. Com a realização desse trabalho objetivou-se desenvolver um de sabonete líquido, com um ativo já comprovadamente eficaz na assepsia das mãos, a clorexidina. Foram elaboradas duas fórmulas levando-se em consideração as incompatibilidades usuais da clorexidina com produtos de características aniônicas. Optou-se, então, por tensoativos com características não iônicas e pelo gel de hidroxietilcelulose. Posteriormente, as formulações foram submetidas a estudos de estabilidade físico-químicos: densidade, viscosidade, pH, características organolépticas (aspecto, cor e odor). Em seguida as amostras foram mantidas em geladeira (-5ºC±2ºC), estufa (45ºC±2ºC) e em temperatura ambiente (25°C±2ºC). As formulações apresentaram alterações somente quando submetidas à temperatura elevada.

The skin and mucous membranes form a natural barrier against the invasion of harmful microorganisms. The elimination of these microorganisms from the skin surface requires the use of antiseptic substances, which combined with simple washing, provide efficient decontamination of the skin. Current compounding pharmacies are capable of developing vehicles with attractive sensorial properties and the incorporation of different active ingredients. The aim of the present study was to develop a liquid soap containing chlorhexidine, which has proven antiseptic effectiveness. Considering the usual incompatibility of chlorhexidine with products displaying anionic characteristics, two formulas were developed – one containing surfactants with non-ionic characteristics and one containing hydroxyethyl cellulose gel. The formulations were submitted to physicochemical studies of density, viscosity, pH and organoleptic characteristics (appearance, color and odor). Samples were then stored under different temperature conditions: refrigerator (-5 ± 2 ºC), greenhouse (45 ± 2 ºC) and room temperature (25 ± 2 ºC). The formulations only exhibited changes when submitted to high temperature.

Chlorhexidine , Soaps