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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030129


Medical social work, as a bridge between social welfare policies and healthcare services, is an important force in meeting the diverse and multi-level needs of the people in medical and health care. Due to the particularity of the pediatric population, pediatric medical social work is becoming one of the key areas in the development of medical social work. Beijing Children′s Hospital, Capital Medical University has established a service mode of " collaborative medical and social worker team". The medical social workers acted as supporters to assist healthcare professionals to meet the psychological and social service needs of patients and their families as much as possible, and empowered medical staff′s career development as supporters. At the same time, the medical social workers assisted in the construction of a " child friendly" medical environment, and built a social support network for patients and families. The appropriateness and future prospects of pediatric medical social work were explored, in order to provide reference for its development.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 342-349, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012901


Based on the service of stranded patients in D Hospital, this study aimed to explore the multiple needs of stranded patients and construct an intervention mode from the ecosystem perspective. Using the method of case study, taking the service of stranded patients in hospital D as an example, 49 case records and verbatim interviews with stakeholders were analyzed. The discharge and resettlement of stranded patients faces multiple obstacles from individuals, families, medical and social systems. This study constructed the social work intervention model from the ecosystem perspective: information collection and needs assessment, empowerment of individual system, reconstruction of family support system, coordination of medical system and linking social support system. The intervention process achieved efficient effects. Social work intervention of stranded patients should pay attention to patients’ psychosocial needs and improve awareness of system difficulties; mobilize the multi-system support network and deliver services in combination with case management method; conduct social advocacy for the breakthrough of law and policy.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 583-588, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012945


This paper summarized three developing conditions and five service modes of mental health social work in Shanghai by reading literature and investigating and interviewing the social work service of mental health medical institutions in Shanghai. Three challenges to mental health social work after COVID -19 were identified: firstly, the reduction of direct services led to a decrease in the number of service beneficiaries, and the effectiveness of services could not be guaranteed; secondly, the application of social work methods was forced to adjust, which challenges the service ability of social workers; thirdly, the expansion or increase of the scope of service objects and the insufficient number of social workers led to difficulties in service response. In view of the above challenges and problems, countermeasures are proposed: ensure the continuity of professional relationship and service effectiveness through flexible and diversified service methods; knit for social work online working ability training, increasing network service experience; the scope of service objects expanding gradually and multi-sectoral cooperation to prevent psychological problems in key groups; set up a volunteer team to serve mental health.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 438-443,448, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022300


With the transformation of the concept and model of mental health service in China,the participation of social work in multidisciplinary team cooperation in mental health has become an important development trend.In order to explore the mode and path of multidisciplinary treatment involving social work in mental health,this study selected two typical wards of Shanghai Mental Health Center as typical cases through the double-case study method,and conducted in-depth interviews and participatory observation of the medical teams in the wards.The results show that medical social workers can participate in multi-disciplinary comprehensive treatment through the path of"service embedding-relationship embedding-system embedding".In this process,the"resource-demand"response mode,power acquisition,daily interaction,discourse integration,and service mecha-nism reconstruction are important action strategies to achieve the service embeddedness of social workers.Different strategies de-termine the final different service modes.In the future,the participation of medical social work in multidisciplinary comprehen-sive treatment mode should not only strengthen micro-practice,but also form macro-institutional guarantee.

Serv. soc. soc ; 147(1): e, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560534


Resumo: Este trabalho é fruto da tese de doutoramento em Serviço Social, na busca de apreender o avanço do conservadorismo no Brasil e suas inflexões na "captura" da subjetividade profissional das assistentes sociais. A amostra da pesquisa se constituiu a partir de dados coletados nos anais do XVI CBAS, os quais apontam para o avanço do conservadorismo na sociedade brasileira, e o quanto ele aprofunda fissuras na legitimidade, interpretação, incorporação e materialidade do projeto ético-político.

Abstract: This work is the result of a doctoral thesis in Social Work, in the quest to understand the advance of conservatism in Brazil and its inflections in the "capture" of the professional subjectivity of Social Workers. The research sample was made up of data collected in the annals of the XVI CBAS, which point to the advancement of conservatism in Brazilian society, and how it deepens fissures in the legitimacy, interpretation, incorporation and materiality of the ethical-political project.

Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 32: e3605, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1534102


Resumo Introdução Desde 2005, as cidades brasileiras estão se adequando para organizar equipes e serviços do Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS) e, a partir de 2011, a terapia ocupacional passou a ser reconhecida como uma das profissões que compõem tais equipes e a gestão do SUAS. Este estudo aborda como a categoria tem participado dessa política no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Objetivo Mapear as terapeutas ocupacionais que atuam no SUAS nesse estado e delinear as características dessa inserção. Metodologia Estudo de mapeamento, descritivo e transversal, utilizando informações oficiais do Censo SUAS. Os dados foram analisados a partir de uma perspectiva descritiva, em diálogo com a Política Nacional de Assistência Social, a literatura do campo da terapia ocupacional na assistência social e sob o referencial da terapia ocupacional social. Resultados No estado do Rio de Janeiro, 142 terapeutas ocupacionais atuam no SUAS, o equivalente a 8,9% das profissionais desse estado. Como retrato, obtivemos imagem formada por mulheres (89,4%) entre 41-50 anos de idade (34,5%), contratadas por Organizações da Sociedade Civil (93%), celetistas (50%), com carga horária semanal de 11-20 horas (40,9%), inseridas majoritariamente nos Centros-dia (71%), atuando com pessoas com deficiências e idosas. Conclusão A inserção de terapeutas ocupacionais no SUAS fluminense acontece de forma precarizada, com baixa inserção nos equipamentos estatais. Sinaliza-se a necessidade de as entidades representativas da classe atuarem nessa política pública enquanto promotora de ampliação de vagas/concursos/emprego, bem como investirem em debates sobre as composições das equipes e o reconhecimento dos diferentes campos de saber.

Abstract Introduction Since 2005, Brazilian cities have been adapting to organize teams and services of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), and since 2011, occupational therapy has been recognized as one of the professions that compose these teams and the management of SUAS. This study addresses how the category has been involved in this policy in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Objective To map the occupational therapists working at SUAS in this state and outline the characteristics of this inclusion. Methodology A descriptive, cross-sectional mapping study, using official data from the SUAS Census. Data were analyzed from a descriptive perspective, in dialogue with the National Social Assistance/Welfare Policy, the literature in the field of occupational therapy in social assistance, and under the framework of social occupational therapy. Results In the State of Rio de Janeiro, 142 occupational therapists work at SUAS, which is equivalent to 8.9% of the professionals in this state. This workforce is composed of women (89.4%) aged 41-50 years (34.5%), hired by Civil Society Organizations (93%), under the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) regime (50%), with a weekly workload of 11-20 hours (40.9%), mainly inserted in Day Centers (71%), working with people with disabilities and older people. Conclusion The inclusion of occupational therapists in SUAS of Rio de Janeiro state occurs precariously, with low insertion in this state's devices. It highlights the need for representative entities of the class to act in this public policy as a promoter of expanding job opportunities/public contests/employment, as well as to invest in debates about team compositions and the recognition of different fields of knowledge.

Serv. soc. soc ; 147(1): e, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536878


Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre a ética na formação profissional, na particularidade da Unidade Curricular de Ética Profissional na graduação em Serviço Social da Unifesp. Realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e sistematização de experiências. Os resultados apontam para a importância do compartilhamento dos pressupostos teórico-filosóficos e das estratégias didático-pedagógicas no desenvolvimento das disciplinas específicas de ética, em coerência com as diretrizes curriculares da Abepss.

Abstract: The article aims to reflect on ethics in professional training, particularly, in the Professional Ethics Curricular Unit in the undergraduate course in Social Work at Unifesp. Bibliographical, documentary research and systematization of experiences were carried out. The results point to the importance of sharing theoretical-philosophical assumptions and didactic-pedagogical strategies in the development of specific ethics disciplines in coherence with Abepss curricular guidelines.

Saúde Soc ; 33(2): e230126pt, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565822


Resumo Desde o final do século XX, a intervenção sobre a vida na rua é crescentemente medicalizada. Com base num trabalho de mais de 500 horas de observação direta, realizado numa cidade portuguesa de média dimensão entre 2010 e 2014, discuto como assistentes sociais, psicólogos, psiquiatras, entre outros atores da intervenção, compreendem a vida na rua como um problema de insuficiência ontológico-psiquiátrica de cada sujeito sem-abrigo. Nesse contexto medicalizado, o diagnóstico psiquiátrico é uma técnica de intervenção importante pois é através dela que o julgamento coletivo sobre a anormalidade de cada sujeito sem-abrigo é validado. Não sendo um momento de descoberta médico-científica dessa anormalidade, o diagnóstico oficial pronunciado por um psiquiatra é um instante em que a classificação ontológica negativa apriorística é racionalizada em termos médico-científicos. Através de procedimentos como o diagnóstico psiquiátrico, a medicalização invisibiliza as características estruturais da vida na rua, legitimando um modelo societal desigual e injusto que torna alguns sujeitos sem-abrigo.

Abstract Since the late 20th century, intervention on homelessness became increasingly medicalized. Using fieldwork that consisted of more than 500 hours of direct observation in a medium-sized Portuguese city from 2010 to 2014, I discuss how social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, among other actors, understand homelessness as the result of a ontological-psychiatric limitation of each homeless individual. In this medicalized context, psychiatric diagnosis is an important intervention technique since it validates the collective judgment on each homeless individual's abnormality. The official psychiatric diagnosis pronounced by a psychiatrist, rather than a moment of medical-scientific discovery of this abnormality, constitutes an instant in which a previous negative ontological classification is rationalized in medical-scientific terms. By procedures such as the psychiatric diagnosis, medicalization renders the structural features of homelessness invisible, thus operating to legitimize an unjust and unequal societal model that makes certain individuals homeless.

Psychiatry , Social Work , Ill-Housed Persons
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 23(1): 45842, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570513


Este artigo tem como objetivo pensar a relação entre os movimentos sociais LGBTI+ e a construção de políticas públicas para este segmento populacional em Porto Alegre a partir, especialmente, da trajetória de emergência e consolidação do Nuances - grupo pela livre expressão sexual. A partir disso, debatemos sobre o lugar da diversidade sexual e de gênero no Serviço Social brasileiro, constituindo uma interface entre rede de atendimento, políticas públicas, movimento social LGBTI+ e a intervenção de assistentes sociais

The aim of this article is to reflect on the relationship between LGBTI+ social movements and the construction of public policies for this segment of population in Porto Alegre, based especially on the emergence and consolidation of Nuances - a group for free sexual expression. From this, we debate the place of sexual and gender diversity in Brazilian Social Work, creating an interface between the social care network, public policies, the LGBTI+ social movement and the intervention of social workers

Este artículo tiene como objetivo pensar la relación entre los movimientos sociales LGBTI+ y la construcción de políticas públicas para este segmento poblacional en Porto Alegre, especialmente a partir del surgimiento y consolidación de Nuances - grupo de libre expresión sexual. A partir de esto, debatimos el lugar de la diversidad sexual y de género en los Trabajo Social brasileño, constituyendo una interfaz entre la red de servicios, las políticas públicas, el movimiento social LGBTI+ y la intervención de los trabajadores sociales

Public Policy , Social Support , Gender Diversity , Gender Identity
Medwave ; 23(4): e2586, 31-05-2023. ilus, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436225


INTRODUCCIÓN: Los hospitales de día ofrecen atención especializada a usuarios con patologías psiquiátricas graves. Las actividades grupales habituales del hospital de día han demostrado efectividad en población infanto-juvenil. Existen importantes limitaciones de acceso a estos servicios y una forma de ampliar la cobertura es a través de la atención telemática. Sin embargo, no existen estudios sobre atención telemática de hospital de día en Chile. El presente estudio es parte de la fase preparatoria de un futuro ensayo clínico aleatorizado para investigar la efectividad de la adaptación telemática de las intervenciones de un hospital de día. OBJETIVOS: Explorar la percepción y experiencia subjetiva de los participantes de la versión piloto de dicha intervención identificando temáticas centrales, y evaluar la satisfacción de los participantes con la intervención. MÉTODOS: De los 13 usuarios de las actividades grupales telemáticas, 10 participaron en este estudio. Se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas y encuestas de satisfacción entre agosto de 2020 y enero de 2021. Las entrevistas fueron evaluadas utilizando análisis de contenido y las encuestas se realizaron con estadísticas descriptivas. RESULTADOS: Se aprecia una especial valoración de los participantes por las interacciones sociales positivas (con pares y terapeutas). Aparece una percepción general de haber mejorado en habilidades socioemocionales y estado de ánimo. La implementación telemática resultó satisfactoria para la mayoría de los participantes, quienes proponen agregar actividades que promuevan interacciones más profundas con sus pares. CONCLUSIONES: Los elementos centrales de esta intervención serían la percepción de apoyo social (posible mecanismo terapéutico), junto con la sensación de mejorar las habilidades sociales y el estado de ánimo (posible resultado principal).

INTRODUCTION: Outpatient centers offer specialized care to users with severe psychiatric disorders. The usual group activities of outpatient centers have been shown to be effective in the child and adolescent population. There are significant access limitations to these services and one way to expand coverage is through digital care. However, there are no studies on digital outpatient care services in Chile. The present study is part of the preparatory phase of a future randomized clinical trial to investigate the effectiveness of digital adaptation of outpatient centers interventions. OBJECTIVES: To explore the experience and subjective perception of the pilot intervention participants by identifying central themes, and to evaluate the participant's satisfaction regarding the intervention. METHODS: Of the 13 users of the digital group activities, 10 participated in this study. Semi-structured interviews and satisfaction surveys were conducted between August 2020 and January 2021. The interviews were evaluated using content analysis and the surveys were conducted using descriptive statistics. CONCLUSIONS AND RESULTS: Participants were particularly appreciative of positive social interactions (with peers and therapists). There is a general perception of having improved socioemotional skills and mood. The digital implementation was satisfactory for most participants, who suggested adding activities that promote deeper interactions with their peers. The core elements of this intervention would be the perception of social support (a possible therapeutic mechanism), along with the feeling of improved social skills and mood (possible main outcome).

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Outpatients , Mental Disorders , Social Support , Surveys and Questionnaires , Hospitals
MedUNAB ; 26(2): 138-165, 20230108.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555225


Introduction. People deprived of liberty, due to their condition and characteristics, suffer greater changes in their health than the general population, particularly in personality disorders,consumption of psychoactive substances, and suicidal tendencies. The prison system is aware of these risks, and universally, multiple approaches to the subject have been developed, as evidenced by the abundant literature, for its early detection. Objective. Apply the screening instrument, the Brief Jail Mental Health Screening (BJMHS) test, to a sample of people deprived of Liberty upon admission to three Colombian prisons, to establish the prevalence of mental health in these institutions. Methodology. The type of study was cross-sectional in a population of incarcerated individuals in three institutions, two Colombian prisons for men, and one for women, between 2019 and 2020. The final validated sample was 417 people, 22.3% women and 77.7% men, for mental health screening, applied to the admission of the population deprived of liberty in prisons. Results. The global prevalence of mental health was 46.0% with a 95% Confidence interval (41.3% to 50.8%) for the Buen Pastor prison; 46.2% with a 95% Confidence Interval (35.9% to 56.6%), for the Modelo prison 51.5% with a 95% Confidence interval (43.0% to 60.0%); and for the Picota prison with 42.0% with a 95% Confidence interval (34.9% to 49.1%). A greater impact on mental health was found in people accused or convicted of crimes against sexual freedom, integrity and training. against public safety, and against the family. Discussion. Given the unique conditions of the prison population and the universality of mental disorders, early detection of their functional level and degree of impairment is indispensable. Conclusion. The prevalence of mental health found in Colombian prisons has a similar magnitude to the same populations in various parts of the world, showing greater reliability in men than in women. Keywords: Mental Health; Prisoners; Mass Screening; Mental Status and Dementia Tests; Public Health Surveillance; Social Work, Psychiatric

Introducción. Las personas privadas de la libertad, por su misma condición y características, padecen mayores alteraciones en su salud que la población general, en particular con relación a los trastornos de la personalidad, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, y tendencias suicidas. El sistema carcelario es conocedor de estos riesgos, y universalmente, se han desarrollado múltiples abordajes del tema como lo demuestra la abundante literatura, para su detección temprana. Objetivo. Establecer la prevalencia de salud mental y asociaciones de los factores de nivel educativo, edad, sexo, de la situación jurídica de las personas privadas de la libertad, a través del instrumento de tamizaje, Brief Jail Mental Health Screening (BJMHS) (Breve Evaluación de Salud Mental en la Cárcel), a una muestra de personas privadas de la libertad a su ingreso en tres centros carcelarios colombianos. Metodología. Estudio observacional de corte transversal en una población de tres cárceles de Colombia de los años 2019 y 2020, dos cárceles para varones, y una para mujeres. La muestra final validada, fue de 417 personas, 22.3% a mujeres y 77.7% a hombres, para el tamizaje en salud mental, aplicada al ingreso a los establecimientos carcelarios. Resultados. La prevalencia global de trastornos mentales fue de 46.0% con un Intervalo de Confianza de 95% (41.3% a 50.8%), para la cárcel Buen Pastor fue de 46.2% con un Intervalo de Confianza 95% (35.9% a 56.6%), para la cárcel Modelo 51.5% con un Intervalo de Confianza 95% (43.0% a 60.0%), y para la cárcel Picota con un 42.0% con un Intervalo de Confianza 95% (34.9% a 49.1%). Se encontró una mayor afectación en salud mental en personas sindicadas o condenadas por delitos contra la libertad, integridad y formación sexuales, contra la seguridad pública, y contra la familia. Discusión. Dadas las singulares condiciones de la población carcelaria y la universalidad de afectaciones mentales, es indispensable una detección temprana de su nivel funcional y grado de afectación. Conclusión. Se encontró una prevalencia de trastornos mentales en las cárceles de Colombia, de una magnitud consistente con similares poblaciones reportadas en la literatura universal, arrojando mayor relevancia en hombres que en mujeres. Palabras clave: Salud Mental; Tamizaje Masivo; Prisioneros; Pruebas de Estado Mental y Demencia; Vigilancia en Salud Pública; Asistencia Social en Psiquiatría

Introdução. Pessoas privadas de liberdade, pela mesma condição e características, sofrem maiores alterações em sua saúde do que a população em geral, principalmente em relação a transtornos de personalidade, consumo de substâncias psicoativas e tendências suicidas. O sistema penitenciário está ciente desses riscos e foram desenvolvidas, universalmente, múltiplas abordagens para a questão, como demonstrado pela abundante literatura, para detecção precoce. Objetivo. Estabelecer a prevalência da saúde mental e associações dos fatores escolaridade, faixa etária, sexo e situação jurídica de pessoas privadas de liberdade, através do instrumento de triagem Brief Jail Mental Health Screening (BJMHS) (Breve Triagem de Saúde Mental na Prisão), a uma amostra de pessoas privadas de liberdade ao serem admitidas em três presídios colombianos. Metodologia. Estúdio observacional de corte transversal em uma população de três prisões da Colômbia dos anos 2019 e 2020, dois prisões para varões, e um para mulheres. A amostra final validada, foi de 417 pessoas, 22.3% para mulheres e 77.7% para homens, para a triagem da saúde mental, aplicada ao ingresso nos estabelecimentos penitenciários. Resultados. A prevalencia global de transtornos mentais foi de 46.0% com um Intervalo de Confiança de 95% (41.3% a 50.8%); para o presídio Buen Pastor foi de 46.2% com um Intervalo de Confiança de 95% (35.9% a 56.6%); para o presídio Modelo 51.5% com um Intervalo de Confiança de 95% (43.0% a 60.0%); e para o presídio Picota 42.0% com um Intervalo de Confiança de 95% (34.9% a 49.1%). Foi encontrado um maior impacto na saúde mental em pessoas acusadas ou condenadas por crimes contra a liberdade, integridade e formação sexual, contra a segurança pública e contra a família. Discussão. Dadas as condições únicas da população prisional e a universalidade dos transtornos mentais, é essencial a detecção precoce do seu nível funcional e do seu grau de afetação. Conclusão. Foi encontrada uma prevalência de transtornos mentais nas prisões colombianas, de magnitude consistente com populações semelhantes relatadas na literatura universal, mostrando maior relevância em homens do que em mulheres. Palavras-chave: Saúde Mental; Prisioneiros; Programas de Rastreamento; Testes de Estado Mental e Demência; Vigilância em Saúde Pública; Serviço Social em Psiquiatria

Mental Health , Prisoners , Social Work, Psychiatric , Mass Screening , Public Health Surveillance , Mental Status and Dementia Tests
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996038


Objective:To investigate the current situation of medical social worker supervision in Shanghai, for reference to promote the high-quality development of medical social work.Methods:From June to July 2022, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the in-service medical social workers in all medical institutions with medical social work departments or posts in Shanghai. The questionnaire mainly included demographic information, current status of supervision implementation, and effectiveness of supervision. The data were analyzed descriptively with t test for comparison between groups and the Pearson test was for correlation analysis. Results:A total of 99 medical social workers were included in this study, 65 had received supervision, and medical institutions where 58 people located had established the supervision system. The average scores of actual and expected supervisory support received by medical social workers were 3.71 and 4.20 respectively, and the mean burnout level score was 32.91. The effect of establishing a supervision institutions on burnout was statistically significant ( P<0.05) and actual access to supervision support was negatively associated with burnout ( P<0.05). Conclusions:The overall situation of medical social work supervision in Shanghai was positive, but the demand for supervision was not fully satisfied; Supervision had a positive impact on reducing the burnout level. It is suggested that medical social work should further strengthen the cultivation of supervisory talents, promote the construction of supervisory systems, and improve the quality of supervision.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 78-82, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005485


Modern medical model advocates holistic medical treatment and holistic care, which transforms the concern about diseases in traditional medicine into the concern about people in modern medicine. Narrative medicine, as a tool for practicing holistic medical treatment and holistic care, runs through the whole process of patients’ entering medical procedures. It not only meets the needs of patients’ disease-related narratives, but also provides a new and more comprehensive way of communication for both doctors and patients, which is helpful to promote the comprehensive recovery of patients and the healthy development of doctor-patient relationship. At present, narrative medicine is facing some difficulties in the process of local practice in China. Social work, as one of the main bodies of multi-disciplinary and inter-professional cooperation in the medical field, can give full play to its professional advantages to help the new exploration of narrative medicine practice in China.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 349-354, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005557


Actively coping with population aging and promoting high-quality development of the aging business and industry are not only the inherent requirements for building a positive aging society with Chinese characteristics in the new era, but also an important driving force for comprehensively optimizing the supply of urban and rural elderly services. From the perspective of active aging, this paper analyzed the theory of medical social work intervention in elderly care services through three dimensions: micro, meso, and macro, and elaborated the practical path of medical social work intervention in elderly care services. It was considered that its own service failed to give play to its professional characteristics, limited social awareness and authority, vague responsibility subject among industries, and inconsistent institutional regulation. Based on this, it was suggested that the key to medical social work intervention in elderly care services lied in clarifying the goal of training medical talents, creating brand services to enhance the visibility of medical social workers, defining the responsible body, and exploring the standardized system construction.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1046-1050, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005632


This paper mainly explored the application of medical games in doctor-patient communication in pediatric otorhinolaryngology. Taking the "Little Warrior Break Through" medical game service of Shenzhen Longgang District Otolaryngology Hospital as an example, doctors, nurses and social workers formed a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary team. Focusing on the three major problems in pediatric otorhinolaryngology, namely, the tense doctor-patient relationship, the insufficient doctor-patient communication, and the difficulty of children to cooperate with treatment, the team carried out a series of themed medical games covering the three stages of admission preparation, preoperative counseling, and postoperative rehabilitation for pediatric otolaryngology patients and their families. This paper showed that medical games can effectively help children and their families to ease tension, promote doctor-patient communication, increase the symmetry of doctor-patient information, improve children’s adaptation and acceptance of diseases, and ease the tense doctor-patient relationship. It is hoped that the exploration of the medical game service of "Little Warrior Break Through" will inspire medical social work, and then build micro-operation methods in clinical practice to help construct a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 859-865, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005641


There are some issues in the process of patient treatment in the medical field, such as knowledge inequality, difficulties in doctor-patient trust and interdisciplinary cooperation, disciplinary barriers, excessive diagnosis and treatment, and structural imbalance of medical resources. In response to these issues, combined with the advantages of conceptual integration, professional integration, and resource integration of medical social work, this paper proposed a practical path for integrating medical social work services in the medical field. The main paths include micro path that systematization, comprehensiveness, and personalization of patient’s diagnosis and treatment process, the integration of intermediary path that integration of disciplinary and professional perspectives, concepts, and practices, and macro path that collaboration and coordination among society, community, and healthcare systems.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 866-872, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005642


The positive role of hospice social work in responding to the needs of terminal cancer patients and their families has been highlighted, and has also triggered discussions on localized ethical issues. Taking the casework of terminal cancer patients as an example, this paper analyzed the specific manifestations and causes of ethical dilemmas in the practice of hospice social work, and then provided ideas for coping with them. It was found that hospice care casework workers face four ethical dilemmas, including quality of life dilemmas, emotional boundaries dilemmas, power relationship dilemmas, and cultural respect dilemmas. Service managers can enhance the ethical issue response ability of front-line workers by improving the collaborative service mechanism between medical and social institutions, constructing a whole-process professional supervision system, conducting skills training for caring social workers, and expanding patient and family life education services. The ethical dilemmas in hospice social work service are localized, and will affect the service effect. The response to these issues requires the joint participation of the government, society, universities, hospitals, and front-line social workers.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 880-883, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005644


The development of human organ transplantation technology has brought the hope of rebirth to countless patients with organ failure. Human organ donation and transplantation need the joint efforts of various levels of Red Cross societies, human organ procurement organizations, medical institutions, etc. Medical social workers, as new forces, are gradually playing their own role. By summarizing the professional advantages of medical social work in organ donation after citizen’s death, this paper proposed that medical social workers can provide professional services for donors and their families through practical work, such as clarifying their willingness to donate and providing crisis intervention services to their families, assisting them in completing donation matters and holding farewell ceremonies, and following up and carrying out grief counseling activities. Regarding the problems encountered in practice process, suggestions were proposed to expand the scale of medical social workers and improve their management, increase social awareness of medical social work, and provide all-round support for the implementation of later service.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 884-889, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005645


By reviewing the development context of medical social work in Shanghai, this paper summarized the practical experience in the development process of medical social work in Shanghai, and provided summary and suggestions for the long-term healthy development of medical social work from four aspects that basic path, key guarantee, important boost, and social image. It is suggested to carry out interdisciplinary cooperation and deepen patient service to build harmonious doctor-patient relationships, pay attention to talent training and improve institutional mechanisms to promote the stability of talent team, develop continuing education and meet different needs to upgrade modern service levels, emphasize brand building and carry out cooperation and co-construction to continuously expand social influence.

Serv. soc. soc ; 146(3): e6628319, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450496


Resumo: Na passagem do quadragésimo aniversário do livro Relações sociais e Serviço Social no Brasil, este artigo tem por objetivo socializar uma estratégia de articulação acadêmica. Por meio do Programa de Pós-graduação em Serviço Social e Desenvolvimento Regional e do curso de graduação da UFF, houve uma mobilização de assistentes sociais e da comunidade universitária com o objetivo de celebrar o livro, homenagear Marilda Iamamoto e demonstrar a atualidade de sua obra na formação em Serviço Social.

Abstract: On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the book Social relations and Social Work in Brazil, this article aims to socialize a strategy of academic articulation. Through the Postgraduate Program in Social Work and Regional Development and the UFF Undergraduate Course, social workers and the university community mobilized to celebrate the book, honor Marilda Iamamoto and demonstrate the relevance of her work in training in Social Work.