Stuttering is a speech disorder as well as a developmental disorder. It is distinguished by its dual nature. Typically, one can speak fluently, yet occasionally, stuttering disrupts this fluency. With growth, learning to conceal the stuttering becomes part of adapting to school life. However, it is also important to understand one’s stuttering objectively. As a physician who stutters, it is vital to impart necessary information about facing one’s stuttering and to gain understanding from others.
【Objective】 To investigate the current situation of social anxiety in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to analyze the factors influencing social anxiety in ADHD children, in order to provide reference for improving the clinical management of ADHD children. 【Methods】 A total of 206 school-age children with ADHD were selected from the Children′s Psychology Clinic of Mianyang Central Hospital from January 2020 to January 2023. The relevant clinical data of the children were collected through the general data questionnaire. Children′s Social Anxiety Scale (SASC) was used to assess social anxiety, and the Social Response Scale (SRS) was used to assess social ability. The Chinese version of Swanson,Nolan and Pelham Rating Scale Ⅳ (SNAP-Ⅳ) was used to assess core symptoms. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was used to determine influencing factors of social anxiety in children with ADHD. 【Results】 There were 128(62.14%) cases detected with social anxiety among 206 children with ADHD. The score of SASC was 14.02±4.06. The proportions of girls (χ2=6.057), comorbid autism spectrum disorder(ASD) (χ2=4.929), and main caregivers with junior high school education or below (χ2=13.345), the total score of SRS(t=5.842) and SNAP-Ⅳ(t=7.848) and the scores of all dimensions were significantly higher than those in the non-anxious group (P<0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that higher SRS total score(OR=5.217, 95%CI: 2.309 - 11.791), higher SNAP-Ⅳ total score(OR=4.150, 95%CI: 1.974 - 8.722), girls(OR=2.268, 95%CI: 1.423 - 3.616), primary caregivers with junior high school education or below (OR=1.527, 95%CI: 1.162 - 2.005), and comorbid ASD (OR=1.551, 95%CI: 1.209 - 1.990) were risk factors for social anxiety in ADHD children (P<0.05). 【Conclusions】 Children with ADHD have a higher prevalence rate of social anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy and psychological intervention should be strengthened for high-risk children to improve social ability and reduce the risk of social anxiety.
RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o caso de uma acadêmica com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) inserida na metodologia Problem-Based Learning do curso de Medicina. Ela foi diagnosticada com TEA aos 20 anos de idade, manifesta déficit na interação social, comprometimento da linguagem, comportamento repetitivo, padrão motor peculiar, alterações na integração sensorial, alterações qualitativas em funções executivas e crises de ansiedade em situações de exposição social, principalmente no ambiente acadêmico. Ela recebeu alguns auxílios e adaptações fornecidos pela coordenação e docentes da faculdade de Medicina, porém ainda são insuficientes para sua total inclusão na realidade da graduação. As pessoas com TEA, ou outras neurodiversidades, possuem dificuldades peculiares; assim, cabe à instituição e ao pessoal envolvido com os processos de ensino-aprendizagem assegurar o acesso, a permanência e a necessidade de implementar medidas que proporcionem ao estudante todo o suporte educacional que faz parte do seu direito. É importante que haja adequação às condições desses estudantes, bem como a capacitação do corpo docente para que seja capaz de lidar com essas pessoas, visando a sua verdadeira inclusão no meio acadêmico e seu aperfeiçoamento para incluí-los no mercado de trabalho.
ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to report the case of an academic student with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) inserted in the Problem-Based Learning methodology of the Medical course. She was diagnosed with ASD at age 20, manifests a deficit in social interaction, language impairment, repetitive behavior, peculiar motor pattern, changes in sensory integration, qualitative changes in executive functions and anxiety attacks in situations of social exposure, mainly in the academic environment. She received some help and adaptations provided by the coordination and professors at the medical school, but they are still insufficient for her full inclusion in the reality of the undergraduate course. People with ASD, or other neurodiversities, have peculiar difficulties; thus, it is up to the institution and the personnel involved with the teaching-learning processes to ensure access, permanence, and the need to implement measures that provide the student with all the educational support that is part of their right. It is important that the conditions of these students are adapted, as well as the training of the faculty so that they can deal with these people, aiming at their true inclusion in the academic environment and their improvement to include them in the job market.
Background In contemporary society, with the accelerated pace of work and life, more and more people feel different degrees of stress. Long-term stress may not only lead to insomnia, but also to mental health problems (e.g., anxiety and depression), which has a significant impact on people's quality of life and mental health. Objective This study primarily investigates the mechanism through which stress affects sleep quality among college students. Methods We conducted research on 1653 Chinese college students using four scales with high reliability and validity: stress, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, social anxiety, and rumination. Results The study found: (1) Stress can significantly and positively predict sleep quality and rumination; (2) Rumination can positively predict social anxiety; (3) Social anxiety can positively predict sleep quality; (4) Stress can affect sleep quality through social anxiety and rumination separately, and stress can also affect sleep quality through the chained mediation of rumination and social anxiety. Conclusion This study reveals the relationship and mechanisms between stress and sleep quality. It not only deepens the research on the impact of stress on sleep quality but also provides theoretical support and new methods for mental health professionals to help clients improve their sleep quality. In practice, in addition to using some common psychological intervention methods to help individuals reduce stress, we should pay more attention to how to help clients reduce rumination and social anxiety, This is significant in improving the quality of an individual's sleep. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Anxiety , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Students/psychology , Rumination, Cognitive , Sleep Quality , Universities , ChinaABSTRACT
Este artigo apresenta as principais causas e o significado das manifestações maciças de junho de 2013 para discutir como a derrota de seu impulso contribuiu para que uma extrema direita formada posteriormente viesse a se apropriar do sentimento de insatisfação com o sistema político, manipulando-o em um sentido regressivo. Como suporte à sua reflexão, o autor recorre às categorias teóricas de alienação política e angústia social em Franz Neumann
This paper discusses the main causes of and meanings attributed to the mass demonstrations of June 2013 in Brazil, arguing that the defeat of the movement's momentum contributed to the later appropriation and regressive manipulation of the political dissatisfaction by the far right. Franz Neumann's theoretical categories of political alienation and social anxiety help to support the reflection
Cet article porte sur les principales causes et les sens apportées aux manifestations massifs du mois juin de 2013 au Brésil, en affirmant que la défaite de leur dynamisme a contribué pour qu'une extrême droite leur ait confisqué le sentiment d'insatisfaction à l'égard du système politique, en le manipulant dans un sens régressif. Pour soutenir sa réflexion, l'auteur recourt aux concepts d'aliénation politique et d'angoisse sociale chez Franz Neumann
Este artículo presenta las principales causas y el significado de las manifestaciones masivas de junio de 2013 en Brasil para discutir cómo la derrota de su impulso contribuyó para que una extrema derecha, que posteriormente se formará, se apropiara del sentimiento de descontento con el sistema político brasileño, manipulándolo en sentido regresivo. Se utiliza como aporte las categorías teóricas de alienación política y angustia social de Franz Neumann
Politics , Extremism , Mass Behavior , Anxiety , Social Alienation , Brazil , Social DefeatABSTRACT
Abstract Previous studies have found emotional behavioural styles among school children in Pakistan and their impact on academic achievement (Javed et al., 1992; Samad et al., 2005; Soomro & Clarbour 2012; Syed et al., 2007; Syed & Hussein, 2009). The main purpose of the study was to extend the investigation to the juvenile offenders to assess the emotional behavioural styles among violent and non-violent juvenile offenders located in the different prisons of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. T-test and Binary Logistic Regression were used to analyse the data. T-test revealed that there were significant differences among violent and non-violent juvenile offenders on three emotional style factors: malevolent aggression, social self-esteem, and social anxiety. Binary Logistic Regression analysis indicated that violent juvenile offenders exhibited higher levels of malevolent aggression and low levels of social self-esteem and social anxiety than non-violent juvenile offenders. Current study is comparative in nature and may provide empirical evidences for distinguishing between the violent and non-violent juvenile offenders on the basis of emotional behavioural styles and suggest intensive multimodal Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and anger management program to modify the behaviour of violent juvenile offenders.
Resumen Estudios previos han encontrado estilos de comportamiento emocional en niños de edad escolar en Pakistán y su impacto en el rendimiento académico (Javed et al., 1992; Samad et al., 2005; Soomro & Clarbour 2012; Syed et al., 2007; Syed & Hussein, 2009). ). El objetivo principal del estudio fue ampliar la investigación a los delincuentes juveniles para evaluar los estilos de comportamiento emocional entre los delincuentes juveniles violentos y no violentos ubicados en las diferentes prisiones de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistán. Se utilizaron la prueba T y la regresión logística binaria para analizar los datos. La prueba T reveló que había diferencias significativas entre los delincuentes juveniles violentos y no violentos en tres factores de estilo emocional: agresión malévola, autoestima y ansiedad sociales. El análisis de regresión logística binaria indicó que los delincuentes juveniles violentos exhibieron niveles más altos de agresión malévola y niveles bajos de autoestima y ansiedad sociales que los delincuentes juveniles no violentos. El estudio actual es de naturaleza comparativa y puede proporcionar evidencias empíricas para distinguir entre los delincuentes juveniles violentos y no violentos sobre la base de los estilos de comportamiento emocional y sugerir una terapia cognitiva conductual (TCC) multimodal intensiva y un programa de manejo de la ira para modificar el comportamiento de los delincuentes juveniles violentos.
Background: Audiologist and Speech language pathologist (ASLPs) are a group of professionals specialized in communication disorders. Their work responsibilities require them to be interacting with people with different backgrounds, education and ages who seek assistance from these young professionals. It is important to know whether the professionals who are meant to deal with individuals with communication disorders are themselves going through social anxiety or not. Methods: A questionnaire was prepared and was used for assessing social anxiety among trainee undergraduate and postgraduate ASLP’s. Data was collected via Google form further was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Results: Total 124 students participated in the study (20 males and 104 females). Cronbach’s test was administered to check the internal consistency of questionnaire. The overall questionnaire had a global alpha of 0.926 and global alphas for different scenarios of the questionnaire were 0.865 and 0.894 respectively indicating high internal consistency. The test retest stability for the total score found to be high with r =0.773and p<0.01. Social anxiety score differs significantly with respect to ‘Traumatic life events’ and ‘Age’. Conclusions: The study was able to deliver the answers to the questions of the researcher, that is, first, the study was able to assert the use of the questionnaire in the target population. Second, study found a statistically significant difference on anxiety scores between different scenarios i.e, social and professional life.
Resumo. Objetivo. Explorar as relações entre ansiedade social (AS) e ansiedade de performance musical (APM) em uma amostra de cantores brasileiros. Método. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa analítica-descritiva, observacional, correlacional e quantitativa, com amostra de conveniência não-probabilística de 252 cantores (142 amadores e 110 profissionais). Foram aplicados um questionário sócio-demográfico, o Questionário de Ansiedade Social para Adultos e o Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory. Resultados. Foi encontrada uma correlação positiva moderada e significativa entre AS e APM. Evidências sugerem que a APM é significativamente maior nos cantores profissionais e em solistas. O aspecto "Preocupação e insegurança" é significativamente maior em cantores profissionais que em amadores, sendo cantores profissionais e solistas os mais afetados. A AS e a APM estão presentes em cantores representando um agravante na saúde mental. Cantores profissionais e solistas podem ser beneficiados com diagnósticos e tratamentos na área da performance musical.
Abstract. Objective. The goal of this study was to explore the relationship between social anxiety (SA) and musical performance anxiety (MPA) in a Brazilian sample of singers. Method. This study is descriptive, observational, correlational and quantitative, with a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 252 singers (142 amateurs and 110 professionals). Participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Adult Social Anxiety Questionnaire and the Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory. Results. A moderate and significant positive correlation was found between SA and MPA. Evidence suggests that APM is significantly higher in professional singers and soloists. The aspects of "Worry and Insecurity" are significantly higher in professional singers than in amateurs. In conclusion, SA and MPA are present in professional singers representing an aggravating factor in mental health. Professional singers and soloists can benefit from diagnostics and treatment in the area of music performance.
Humans , Anxiety/psychology , Speech , Singing , MusicABSTRACT
Objetivo: descrever perante a literatura os instrumentos para diagnóstico e rastreamento do Transtorno de Ansiedade Social (TAS) que sejam adaptados à realidade brasileira. Método: revisão de literatura exploratória e descritiva, realizado através das bases de dados: PubMED, BVS e Scielo. No mês de agosto de 2022 com recorte temporal de 2017 a 2022. Sendo inclusos, documentos que versavam a respeito dos instrumentos para diagnóstico e rastreamento do TAS, adaptados à realidade brasileira. Resultado: ao revisar a literatura foram encontrados 14 documentos dentre as escalas de reconhecimento e rastreamento do TAS com validação e adaptação transcultural para realidade brasileira, foram encontrados quatro: Questionário de Ansiedade social para Adultos; Escala de Ansiedade em Interação Social Reduzida; Escala de Ansiedade Social Reduzida e a Escala de Ansiedade Social de Liebowitz versão auto aplicada. Conclusão:há uma minoria de estudos validados e adaptados aos brasileiros dificultando assim o diagnóstico, tratamento precoce e a avaliação multidisciplinar.(AU)
Objective: to describe in the literature the instruments for diagnosis and screening of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) that are adapted to the Brazilian reality. Method: exploratory and descriptive literature review, conducted through the databases: PubMED, BVS and Scielo. In August 2022, with a time frame of 2017 to 2022. Included were documents about the instruments for diagnosis and screening of SAD, adapted to the Brazilian reality. Result: After reviewing the literature, 14 documents were found among the SAD recognition and screening scales with validation and cross-cultural adaptation for the Brazilian reality, four were found: Adult Social Anxiety Questionnaire; Reduced Social Interaction Anxiety Scale; Reduced Social Anxiety Scale, and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, self-applied version. Conclusion: there is a minority of studies validated and adapted to Brazilians thus hindering diagnosis, early treatment and multidisciplinary assessment.(AU)
Objetivo:describir através de la literatura los instrumentos para el diagnóstico y rastreodelTrastorno de Ansiedad Social (TAS) que se adaptan a la realidade brasileña. Método:revisión bibliográfica exploratoria y descriptiva, realizada a través de las bases de datos: PubMED, BVS y Scielo. En agosto de 2022 conunplazo de 2017 a 2022. Se incluyeron documentos sobre los instrumentos de diagnóstico y cribadodelTAS, adaptados ala realidade brasileña. Resultados: al revisar la literatura se encontraron 14 documentos dentro de las escalas de reconocimiento y rastreo de laTASconvalidación y adaptación transcultural a la realidade brasileña, se encontraroncuatro: Questionário de Ansiedade social para Adultos; Escala de Ansiedade em Interação Social Reduzida; Escala de Ansiedade Social Reduzida y la Escala de Ansiedade Social de Liebowitzversión auto aplicada. Conclusión:hay una minoría de estudios validados y adaptados a losbrasileños, lo que dificulta el diagnóstico, el tratamento precoz y laevaluación multidisciplinar. (AU)
Anxiety , Phobic Disorders , Phobia, Social , Patient Health Questionnaire , Mental HealthABSTRACT
Objetivo: descrever perante a literatura os instrumentos para diagnóstico e rastreamento do Transtorno de Ansiedade Social (TAS) que sejam adaptados à realidade brasileira. Método: revisão de literatura exploratória e descritiva, realizado através das bases de dados: PubMED, BVS e Scielo. No mês de agosto de 2022 com recorte temporal de 2017 a 2022. Sendo inclusos, documentos que versavam a respeito dos instrumentos para diagnóstico e rastreamento do TAS, adaptados à realidade brasileira. Resultado: ao revisar a literatura foram encontrados 14 documentos dentre as escalas de reconhecimento e rastreamento do TAS com validação e adaptação transcultural para realidade brasileira, foram encontrados quatro: Questionário de Ansiedade social para Adultos; Escala de Ansiedade em Interação Social Reduzida; Escala de Ansiedade Social Reduzida e a Escala de Ansiedade Social de Liebowitz versão auto aplicada.Conclusão:há uma minoria de estudos validados e adaptados aos brasileiros dificultando assim o diagnóstico, tratamento precoce e a avaliação multidisciplinar.(AU)
Objective: to describe in the literature the instruments for diagnosis and screening of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) that are adapted to the Brazilian reality. Method: exploratory and descriptive literature review, conducted through the databases: PubMED, BVS and Scielo. In August 2022, with a time frame of 2017 to 2022. Included were documents about the instruments for diagnosis and screening of SAD, adapted to the Brazilian reality. Result: After reviewing the literature, 14 documents were found among the SAD recognition and screening scales with validation and cross-cultural adaptation for the Brazilian reality, four were found: Adult Social Anxiety Questionnaire; Reduced Social Interaction Anxiety Scale; Reduced Social Anxiety Scale, and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, self-applied version. Conclusion: there is a minority of studies validated and adapted to Brazilians thus hindering diagnosis, early treatment and multidisciplinary assessment.(AU)
Objetivo:describir através de la literatura los instrumentos para el diagnóstico y rastreodelTrastorno de Ansiedad Social (TAS) que se adaptan a la realidade brasileña. Método:revisión bibliográfica exploratoria y descriptiva, realizada a través de las bases de datos: PubMED, BVS y Scielo. En agosto de 2022 conunplazo de 2017 a 2022. Se incluyeron documentos sobre los instrumentos de diagnóstico y cribadodelTAS, adaptados ala realidade brasileña. Resultados: al revisar la literatura se encontraron 14 documentos dentro de las escalas de reconocimiento y rastreo de laTASconvalidación y adaptación transcultural a la realidade brasileña, se encontraroncuatro: Questionário de Ansiedade social para Adultos; Escala de Ansiedade em Interação Social Reduzida; Escala de Ansiedade Social Reduzida y la Escala de Ansiedade Social de Liebowitzversión auto aplicada. Conclusión:hay una minoría de estudios validados y adaptados a losbrasileños, lo que dificulta el diagnóstico, el tratamento precoz y laevaluación multidisciplinar.(AU)
Anxiety , Phobic Disorders , Mental Health , Phobia, Social , Patient Health QuestionnaireABSTRACT
ObjectiveTo investigate the mediating role of loneliness and social anxiety in the relationship between basic psychological needs satisfaction and smartphone addiction among high school students, and to provide references for the intervention to smartphone addiction for high school students. MethodsIn April 2022, a total of 14 666 high school students from 5 middle schools in a county of Sichuan Province were included by random sampling method. Basic Psychological Needs Scales (BPNS), the UCLA Loneliness Scale-3 edition (UCLA-3), Interaction Anxiousness Scale (IAS) and the Mobile Phone Addiction Index (MPAI) were used for cross-sectional investigation. Bootstrap method was used to analyze the mediating role of loneliness and social anxiety in the relationship between the basic psychological needs satisfaction and smartphone addiction. Results① In this study, 14 036 valid questionnaires were returned, and 1 752 (12.48%, 95% CI: 0.114~0.136) high school students were found to be addicted to smartphone phone. The BPNS score was negatively correlated with UCLA-3, IAS and MPAI scores (r=-0.771, -0.486, -0.417, P<0.01). And MPAI score was positively correlated with IAS and UCLA-3 scores (r=0.403, 0.424, P<0.01). IAS score was positively correlated with UCLA-3 score (r=0.458, P<0.01). ②The degree of basic psychological needs satisfaction in high school students can directly negatively predict smartphone addiction (β=-0.383, P<0.05), and can also indirectly affect smartphone addiction through loneliness and social anxiety (β=-0.130, P<0.05). ③Loneliness (indirect effect value was -0.145) and social anxiety (indirect effect value was -0.074) partially mediate between the basic psychological needs satisfaction and smartphone addiction. Loneliness-social anxiety also has significant chain mediating effect (indirect effect value was -0.034), which accounted for 8.88%. ConclusionThe basic psychological needs satisfaction can not only directly affect the occurrence of smartphone addiction, but also indirectly affect the occurrence of smartphone addiction through the chain mediation of loneliness and social anxiety.
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the status of depression and social anxiety in children and adolescents, and to analyze the association between body fat distribution and depression, social anxiety in children and adolescents.@*METHODS@#A total of 1 412 children aged 7 to 18 years in Beijing were included by stratified cluster random sampling method. Body fat distribution, including total body fat percentage (total BF%), Android BF%, Gynoid BF% and Android-to-Gynoid fat ratio (AOI), were obtained by dual-energy X-ray absorption method. Depression and social anxiety were evaluated by Children Depression Inventory and Social Anxiety Scale for Children. Multivariate linear regression and restricted cubic spline analysis were used to estimate the linear and non-linear correlation between body fat distribution and depression and social anxiety.@*RESULTS@#13.1% and 31.1% of the children and adolescents had depressive symptoms and social anxiety symptoms respectively, and the detection rate of depression and social anxiety in the boys and young groups was significantly lower than those in the girls and old groups. There was no significant linear correlation between total BF%, Android BF%, Gynoid BF%, AOI and depression and social anxiety in the children and adolescents. However, total BF% and Gynoid BF% had significant nonlinear correlation with depression, showing an inverted U-shaped curve relationship with the tangent points of 26.8% and 30.9%, respectively. In terms of the nonlinear association of total BF%, Android BF%, Gynoid BF% and AOI with depression and social anxiety, the change trends of the boys and girls, low age group and high age group were consistent. The overall anxiety risk HR of body fat distribution in the boys was significantly higher than that in the girls, and the risk HR of depression and social anxiety were significantly higher in the high age group than those in the low age group.@*CONCLUSION@#There was no significant linear correlation between body fat distribution and depression and social anxiety in children and adolescents. Total BF% and depression showed an inverted U-shaped curve, mainly manifested in Gynoid BF%, and this trend was consistent in different genders and different age groups. Maintaining children and adolescents' body fat distribution at an appropriate level is the future direction of the prevention and control of depression and social anxiety in children and adolescents.
Humans , Female , Child , Male , Adolescent , Cross-Sectional Studies , X-Rays , Depression/epidemiology , Absorptiometry, Photon/methods , Body Mass Index , Body Fat Distribution , Anxiety/epidemiology , Adipose Tissue , Body CompositionABSTRACT
Objective:To explore the role of mindfulness and negative cognitive bias between behavioral inhibition system and social anxiety among college students.Methods:From October 12th to November 8th of 2012, a total of 747 college students from a university in Tianjin were sampled and assessed using the behavioral inhibition system scale (BIS), the mindful attention awareness scale (MAAS), the negative cognitive processing bias questionnaire (NCPBQ), and the social avoidance and distress scale (SAD). Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and tests for mediating effects were performed by SPSS 20.0 and Mplus 8.0.Results:The scores of behavioral inhibition system, social anxiety, mindfulness and negative cognitive bias were (15.3±2.4), (12.7±7.2), (3.4±0.8) and (45.6±11.5), respectively. The scores of BIS, NCPBQ, and SAD were positively correlated with each other ( r=0.27-0.49, all P<0.001). The scores of MAAS were negatively correlated with the scores of BIS, NCBPQ, and SAD ( r=-0.33--0.28, all P<0.001). The behavioral inhibition system exerted its influence on social anxiety through three pathways. The mediating effect size of mindfulness was 0.04, accounting for 16.0% of the total effect. The mediating effect size of negative cognitive bias was 0.17, accounting for 68.0% of the total effect. And the chain mediating effect size of mindfulness and negative cognitive bias was 0.04, accounting for 16.0% of the total effect. Conclusion:The effects of behavioral inhibition system on social anxiety in college students are individually mediated by mindfulness and negative cognitive biases, as well as their chain mediating effects.
O impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 está mudando drasticamente a vida das pessoas. O distanciamento social representa evitar o contato durante o surto de uma doença para minimizar a exposição. Essa condição também pode contribuir para o agravamento de determinados transtornos mentais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar em que medida características de personalidade e ansiedade social podem contribuir para uma maior dificuldade em lidar com o distanciamento social. Foram avaliados 1.120 indivíduos por meio da Escala de Ansiedade Social de Liebowitz (LSAS), marcadores da personalidade. A análise de regressão logística mostrou que neuroticismo, ansiedade social e as horas adicionais em casa revelaram-se preditores significativos de uma maior dificuldade. Conclui-se que o transtorno de ansiedade social apresenta especificidades em sua manifestação durante a pandemia. (AU)
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed people's lives. Social distancing means avoiding close contact with others during a contagious disease outbreak to minimize exposure. Such constraints may also contribute to the worsening of certain mental health disorders. The present study aimed to evaluate the extent to which personality features and social anxiety may contribute to greater difficulties in coping with social distancing practices. A total of 1120 individuals were assessed using the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS) and personality mini-markers to assess personality traits. Logistic regression analysis revealed that neuroticism, social anxiety, and the number of additional hours one spends at home represent significant predictors of greater difficulty. Thus, results showed that social anxiety disorder had specific presentations during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. (AU)
El impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 está cambiando drásticamente la vida de las personas. El distanciamiento social significa evitar el contacto cercano con otras personas durante el brote de una enfermedad contagiosa para minimizar la exposición. Esta condición también puede contribuir al empeoramiento de algunos trastornos mentales. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar en qué medida las características de personalidad y la ansiedad social pueden contribuir a una mayor dificultad para soportar el distanciamiento social. Se evaluó un total de 1120 individuos mediante la Escala de Ansiedad Social de Liebowitz (LSAS) y marcadores reducidos para evaluar la personalidad. El análisis de regresión logística mostró que el neuroticismo, la ansiedad social y el número de horas adicionales en el hogar fueron predictores significativos de mayor dificultad. Se concluye que el trastorno de ansiedad social presenta manifestaciones específicas durante la pandemia. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Anxiety , Personality , Adaptation, Psychological , Physical Distancing , COVID-19/psychology , Personality Tests , Students/psychology , Universities , Chi-Square Distribution , Surveys and Questionnaires , Regression Analysis , Sex Distribution , Phobia, Social , Educational Personnel/psychology , Neuroticism , Sociodemographic Factors , Mental Disorders/psychologyABSTRACT
Background: Social anxiety impacts our self-worth and ability to deal with crises. Resilience may serve as a tool to mitigate social anxiety. The study examines the relationship between social anxiety, self-esteem, and resilience among young adult females. Further, it illustrates the role of sexual orientation, education, and employment status on the three variables. Methodology: A purposive sample of 270 participants (233 heterosexual females and 37 LGBTQIA+ females) was obtained using the snowball sampling method. Females were chosen as the prevalence rate of social anxiety is more pronounced among females than males. Statistical analysis was done using R Studio. Results: Findings suggest moderate negative correlations between social anxiety and self-esteem (r = - 0.462, p<0.05), social anxiety and resilience (r=-0.348, p<0.05), and a moderate positive correlation between resilience and self-esteem (r=0.464, p<0.05). LGBTQIA+ females scored high on social anxiety and low on resilience and self-esteem than heterosexual females. Employment status has a significant impact on the three variables however educational qualifications did not produce any difference. Thus, the hypotheses of the study were validated. Conclusion: The findings act as a catalyst in developing psychological interventions to improve the well- being of the youth. Future research can focus on the cultural aspects of social anxiety and its influence on self-esteem and resilience.
Background: Social anxiety disorder is a common mental health disorder characterized by persistent fear of being embarrassed, humiliated, rejected and looked down by others. It can cause impairment in education and in professional achievement, quality of life and social relationships. The objective of this study was to measure the prevalence and study associated factors of social anxiety disorder among students of a tertiary medical college and hospital. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 403 medical students of a medical college and Hospital. The questionnaire used in the study had questions related to socio-demographic details and had the social phobia inventory (SPIN) questionnaire which was used to assess social anxiety disorder. Results: Out of 403 medical students, 61.53% (n=248) students were not having any type of social anxiety disorder. Among 38.46% (n=155) of students who were having SAD, 21.33%(n=86) were having mild SAD and 17.11% (n=69) were having signi?cant SAD. Mild social anxiety is considered as normal. Factors such as age, year of study, self- perception of facial appearance, history of chronic illness, academic performance satisfaction and language barrier were found to be statistically associated with SAD. Conclusion: Social anxiety disorder was signi?cantly associated with age, year of study, self perception of facial appearance, history of chronic illness, academic performance satisfaction and language barrier.
Social anxiety disorder is a common anxiety disorder in which a key feature is interpersonal avoidance accompanied by generalized problems with emotion identification and emotion regulation. In response to the gap in these therapeutic priorities in other therapies, emotion-focused therapy has emerged to fill the part of the treatment of emotions with an emphasis on the relational process. The paper reviews the recent studies related with the treatment of social anxiety disorder with emotion-focused therapy. The results suggest that the main points of social anxiety onset in an emotion-focused perspective are traumatic emotional experiences and self-criticism, and that the therapeutic focus of emotion-focused therapy is on dealing with the traumatic emotional scenario behind the anxiety and exposing it to adaptive emotions to be transformed. It also works better in combination with other more mainstream therapies. This suggests that emotion-focused therapy is a promising approach for the clinical treatment of social anxiety disorder and looks forward to the development of a more integrated treatment approach in the clinic.
Abstract Aim: To investigate the validity evidence of the adapted Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale in physical activity and sports settings - BFNE-PAS. Methods: Participants included 721 children and adolescents (376 girls and 345 boys), 10 to -14-year-olds (total sample Mage = 12.1, SD = 1.3) from Brazil. Results: Exploratory factorial analysis confirmed the unidimensionality of the scale. Confirmatory factorial analysis showed adequate indexes (RMSEA = 0.05, [90% C.I. = 0.04 to 0.06], CFI = 0.98 TLI = 0.98). Network analyses indicate the highest influence of the item: "afraid to expose failures when practicing physical exercises" and/or participating in games and play in physical education classes" upon all others. The polychoric alpha showed adequate internal consistency (total scale: α = 0.86; items: α values > 0.84). The intraclass coefficient correlation showed strong reliability test-retest (ICC > 0.90). Conclusion: BFNE-PAS showed adequate validity evidence in Brazilian children.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Anxiety , Sports , Exercise , Psychology, Sports , Brazil , Reproducibility of ResultsABSTRACT
Introdução: As transformações no ensino podem ocasionar prejuízos à saúde mental do professor. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a presença do transtorno de ansiedade social e comorbidades em professores de ensino superior. Método: Estudo quantitativo, transversal e correlacional. Participaram 50 professores, sendo 58% mulheres com idade média de 35 anos. Foram utilizados os instrumentos: Questionário de Ansiedade Social para Adultos (CASO) e a Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Resultados: Foi identificado repertório deficitário nos fatores Expressão Assertiva de Incômodo, Desagrado ou Tédio (16%), Interação com Pessoas Desconhecidas (2%), Estar em Evidência e Fazer Papel de Ridículo (2%). Evidenciaram-se sintomas moderados, severos e extremamente severos de depressão, ansiedade e estresse. Discussão: Foram identificadas variáveis prejudiciais ao desempenho dos professores e à interação com os alunos. Conclusões: Estudar a saúde mental dos professores pode contribuir para o seu bem-estar e qualidade do processo ensino-aprendizagem.
Introduction: Changes in teaching can harm the teacher's mental health. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of social anxiety disorder and comorbidities in higher education teachers. Method: Quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational study. Fifty teachers participated, being 58% women with an average age of 35 years. The instruments used were: Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults (CASO) and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Results: A deficient repertoire was identified in the factors Assertive Expression of Discomfort, Displeasure or Boredom (16%), Interaction with Strangers (2%), Being in Evidence and Playing Ridiculous (2%). Moderate, severe and extremely severe symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress were found. Discussion: Variables detrimental to teacher performance and student interaction were identified. Conclusions: Studying teachers mental health can contribute to their well-being and the quality of the teaching-learning process.
Introducción: Los cambios en la enseñanza pueden dañar la salud mental del maestro. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la presencia de trastorno de ansiedad social y comorbilidades en los docentes de educación superior. Método: Estudio cuantitativo, transversal y correlacional. Participaron cincuenta docentes, siendo 58% mujeres con una edad promedio de 35 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: Cuestionario de Ansiedad Social para Adultos (CASO) y Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Resultados: Se identificó un repertorio deficiente en los factores Expresión Asertiva de Incomodidad, Disgusto o Aburrimiento (16%), Interacción con Extraños (2%), Estar en Evidencia y Hacer el Ridículo (2%). Se encontraron síntomas moderados, severos y extremadamente severos de depresión, ansiedad y estrés. Discusión: Se identificaron variables perjudiciales para el desempeño del maestro y la interacción del alumno. Conclusiones: Estudiar la salud mental de los docentes puede contribuir a su bienestar y a la calidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Abstract Introduction Current therapies for social anxiety disorder emphasize taking behavioral action; active engagement of a behavior despite any present fear or anxiety that is associated with the behavior, through use of exposures. However, less is known about the mechanisms of behavioral action. The present study aimed to examine personal value, self-efficacy, and the perceived social acceptability of a social behavior as correlates of behavioral action in a high social anxiety sample. Method The present study utilized vignettes and self-report measures to examine self-efficacy, personal value, and the social acceptability of a social behavior as correlates of behavioral action in a high social anxiety sample (N = 92). Results The findings indicated that self-efficacy, but not personal value or social acceptability, was significantly associated with social anxiety. Additionally, with all variables included in the multiple regression model, social anxiety was significantly associated with behavioral action, while personal value and self-efficacy were associated with behavioral action over and above social anxiety. Discussion The results highlight the potential for self-efficacy and personal value as target mechanisms for increasing engagement with exposures and behavioral experiments in treatments for social anxiety.