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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. Ciênc. Saúde-Manguinhos (Online);31: e2024022, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557919


Resumen El presente trabajo utiliza los historiales clínicos de seis mujeres internadas en el Manicomio Nacional de Leganés, Madrid (España), en los que, además de las anotaciones médicas, existen cartas y otros documentos personales. El control sobre estas cartas no enviadas nos permite escuchar las denuncias sobre la institución, así como recuperar las voces de las internas y sus resistencias a ser tratadas como locas. Este análisis nos lleva a explorar la doble marginación: ser "mujeres" y "enfermas mentales" y nos aproxima a construir una historia desde el punto de vista del paciente. El marco temporal es el franquismo, régimen dictatorial que implantó un modelo hegemónico femenino dictado por una moral nacional-católica.

Abstract This article uses the medical records of six women admitted to the Manicomio Nacional de Leganés, Madrid (Spain), in which, in addition to medical notes, there are letters and other personal documents. These unsent letters allow us to read about their complaints towards the institution, as well as to recover the voices of the inmates and their resistance to being treated like insane people. This analysis leads us to explore the double marginalization: being "women" and being "mentally ill"; it also brings us closer to building a story from the patient's point of view. The time frame is Franco's dictatorship, during which the implementation of a national-Catholic system undoubtedly reinforced the female hegemonic model of the regime.

Women , Mental Health Assistance , Hospitals, Psychiatric , Inpatients , Spain
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. Ciênc. Saúde-Manguinhos (Online);31: e2024009, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557931


Resumo O artigo analisa as reações dos católicos vinculados às associações leigas na cidade do Salvador, no período da gripe espanhola (1918) e da varíola (1919). Os jornais foram as principais fontes utilizadas para a identificação das festas e dos ritos, tanto dos praticados para pedir a intercessão dos santos quanto daqueles que foram suspensos em função da necessidade de isolamento social. Apesar de ambas as doenças serem transmissíveis e do curto espaço de tempo entre as duas epidemias, a análise das fontes evidenciou diferentes reações dos fiéis quanto às medidas de proteção e busca da cura.

Abstract This article analyzes the reactions of Catholics linked to lay associations in the city of Salvador, in the period of the Spanish flu (1918) and smallpox (1919). Newspapers were the main sources used to identify the festivals and rites, both those practiced to ask for the intercession of the saints, and those that were suspended due to the need for social isolation. In spite of both diseases being transmissible and the short interval between the two epidemics, the analysis of the sources showed different reactions from the faithful regarding the measures of protection and the search for a cure.

Smallpox/history , Catholicism , Faith Healing , Influenza, Human/history , Epidemics/history , Religion and Medicine , Brazil , History, 20th Century
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr;62(2)2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565428


Este artículo de revisión presenta el libro sobre Antropología Médica de los Profesores Fernando Martínez-Pintor y Alicia Martínez Camo, sobre la situación actual de la medicina basada en la antropología, En apretadas 650 páginas resumen una perspectiva teórico-práctica de ejercicio de la medicina que viene desde la antigüedad clásica, y que termina en nuestros días. Los autores no solo hacen una revisión histórica del desarrollo del Homo Sapiens sano y enfermo, sino que postulan a un modo de acercarse a los pacientes en forma profesional y humana, Desde el capítulo 0, con ilustraciones sobre la neuroanatomía y neuroquímica cerebral, hasta los finales, el texto recorre tanto el desarrollo de la psiquiatría, de la psicología y sus diversas perspectivas (psicosomáticas, científicas y empíricas). La evolución desde los simios superiores, posibilitada por los desplazamientos de los mares en el Plioceno, llevan a la aparición del Australopithecus, y desde allí el Homo Habilis para desembocar en el Sapiens. Con la aparición de la escritura, la evolución se hace autorreflexiva, y desde el siglo XIX, prospectiva, con Teilhard de Chardin. España entra en diálogo con el resto de Europa y el mundo anglosajón, y diversos autores hacen contrapunto a los desarrollos del resto del mundo. Laín Entralgo y Rof Carballo desarrollan la psicosomática en paralelo a Alexander y Gaskill.

This paper reviews a book about Medical Anthropology of professors Fernando Martínez-Pintor and Alicia Martínez Camo, about the current situation of medicine based in anthropology, In dense 650 pages they resume a theoric-practical perspective about the exercise of medicine that comes from classical authors until nowadays. The authors not only perform a historical review of the evolution of homo sapiens in health and infirmity but postulate a professional and humane approach to patients. Original is also chapter 0, with illustrations about brain neuroanatomy and neurochemistry. In the body of the book, the text centers on the development of psychiatry, of scientific psychology and their diverse perspectives (psychosomatics, scientific and empiric). The evolution from superior primates, was made possible by the displacement of oceans in the Pliocene, led to the appearance of Australopithecus first, then the Homo Habilis to arrive to the Sapiens. With the appearance of writing, evolution became self -reflective, and since the XIX century, prospective, with Teilhard de Chardin. Spain entered in dialog with the rest of Europe and the Anglo-Saxon world, and Hispanic authors paralleled the developments of the rest of the world. Lain Entralgo and Rof Carballo developed psychosomatics at the same time than Alexander and Gaskill.

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 30(6): 347-352, nov.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576211


Resumen Introducción: Evaluar la calidad de vida de los pacientes anticoagulados es importante; no existe en la actualidad una validación al español de la escala de satisfacción de anticoagulación de Duke (DASS). Objetivo: Realizar una validación lingüística y una estimación preliminar de las propiedades psicométricas en español colombiano de la escala de satisfacción DASS para evaluar la calidad de vida en pacientes anticoagulados con antagonistas de la vitamina K. Materiales y método: Estudio de validación de una escala cualitativa realizado en un hospital universitario de Bogotá, Colombia. La validación tuvo tres fases: traducción y adaptación cultural por un panel bilingüe; prueba piloto que incluye aplicación inicial, entrevista cognitiva con pacientes (n: 5) y revisión clínica por expertos (n: 10); valoración de la consistencia interna de la escala (n: 100). Conclusiones: Esta es la primera versión de la escala DASS publicada en español. El proceso de traducción y adaptación cultural resultó en una escala equivalente a su versión original. El análisis de consistencia interna mostró una escala altamente consistente, pero no redundante.

Abstract Introduction: Assessing the quality of life of anticoagulated patients is important; there is currently no Spanish validation of the Duke Anticoagulation Satisfaction Scale (DASS). Objective: To conduct a linguistic validation and preliminary psychometric properties estimation in Colombian Spanish of the DASS for assessing quality of life in patients anticoagulated with vitamin K antagonists. Materials and method: A validation study of a qualitative scale conducted in a private university hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. This validation had three phases: translation and cultural adaption by a bilingual panel; pilot test including initial application, cognitive interview with patients (n: 5), and clinical review by experts (n:10) and internal consistency assessment of the scale (n: 100). Results: The study yielded a version of DASS in Colombian Spanish that was technically and conceptually equivalent to the English version. The domains of limitations in patient activity, discomfort produced by anticoagulation, and psychological impact had a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.9. According to expert opinion, most questions had the right relevance (Aiken V coefficient: 0.67-0.87). Conclusion: This is the first version of the DASS published in Spanish. The translation and cultural adaptation process resulted in a scale equivalent to its original version. The internal consistency analysis showed a highly consistent but not redundant scale.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;55: 253-262, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576483


Resumen Introducción/Objetivos: existen múltiples instrumentos para evaluar el Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo (burnout) en profesiones relacionadas con el servicio a otras personas. Sin embargo, hay limitaciones metodológicas para estudiar este fenómeno en poblaciones de trabajadores generales. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo ofrecer evidencia de la validez y fiabilidad del "Cuestionario para la Evaluación de Quemarse por el Trabajo", en su versión Desencanto Profesional (CESQT-DP), la cual puede ser aplicada a trabajadores de cualquier ocupación, empleando para ello una muestra colombiana. Método: se efectuó un estudio psicométrico con una muestra multiocupacional de 2991 trabajadores. Se realizaron análisis factoriales confirmatorios, análisis de invarianza por sexo, validez convergente y discriminante y de consistencia interna. Resultados: los resultados muestran la estructura factorial, replicando las cuatro dimensiones hipotetizadas; se evidencia invarianza del instrumento según el sexo, y muestras de la validez convergente, discriminante y fiabilidad. Discusión: el CESQT-DP cuenta con altas calidades psicométricas y puede emplearse para evaluar el burnout en empleados en cualquier ocupación en Colombia.

Abstract Introduction/objectives: Multiple instruments to assess burnout syndrome in employees working in service occupations exist. These instruments have methodological limitations for understanding the phenomenon of burnout in employees who are in professions not related to service to others. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish Burnout Inventory-Professional Disenchantment version (SBI-PD), in a Colombian sample, which can then be used in employees working in any sector of the economy. Methods: A psychometric validation study with 2,991 multi-occupational employees was developed. Analyses included CAF, sex invariance, convergent and discriminant validity, and internal consistency analyses. Results: The results provide evidence of the factorial structure of the instrument, sex invariance, convergent and discriminant validity, and reliability. Discussion: The SBI-PD version has excellent psychometric properties and can be used in Colombia with employees working in any occupation.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(2): 279-294, abr.-jun.,2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438004


No presente artigo, tecemos reflexões e apresentamos conceitos que têm orientado uma pesquisa nos registros de arquivos sobre a febre amarela e a gripe espanhola, nos acervos da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, da Biblioteca Nacional e do Arquivo Nacional. A pesquisa é centrada na busca dos rastros e das ruínas desses eventos epidêmicos, mediante o método da montagem e com a perspectiva do limiar. Buscamos, por meio dessas materialidades, criar intervalos, experimentar e tecer brechas que prefiguram outros possíveis. Defendemos que, ao manejar, por meio da fabulação crítica, as formas como uma epidemia se faz aparecer, habilitamos a elaboração de uma imaginação política capaz de conferir ao futuro outras possibilidades e outros agenciamentos que não sejam a catástrofe e a melancolia

In this article we reflect on the presented concepts that have guided research in the archival records of Yellow Fever and Spanish Flu in the collections of the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation), the Biblioteca Nacional (National Library), and the Arquivo Nacional (National Archive). The research is centered on the search for the traces and ruins of those epidemic events, through the method of montage and from the perspective of the threshold. We seek, by means of these materialities, to create intervals, to experiment, and to weave gaps that prefigure other possibilities. We argue that, by coping with, through critical fabulation, the ways in which an epidemic makes itself appear, we enable the elaboration of a political imagination capable of giving the future other possibilities and arrangements that are not the catastrophe and the melancholy

En el presente artículo hacemos reflexiones y presentamos conceptos que han guiado una investigación sobre los registros archivísticos de la fiebre amarilla y la gripe española en los acervos de la Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fundación Oswaldo Cruz), de la Biblioteca Nacional (Biblioteca Nacional y del Arquivo Nacional (Archivo Nacional). La investigación se centra en la búsqueda de los rastros y las ruinas de esos eventos epidémicos, mediante el método del montaje y la perspectiva del umbral. Buscamos, por medio de estas materialidades, crear intervalos, experimentar y tejer brechas que prefiguren otras posibilidades. Argumentamos que manejando, a través de la fabulación crítica, las formas en que se hace aparecer una epidemia, posibilitamos la elaboración de una imaginación política que dé al futuro otras posibilidades y disposiciones que no sean la catástrofe y la melancolía

Humans , Archives , Yellow Fever , Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1919 , Research , Documentation , Epidemics
Hist. enferm., Rev. eletronica ; 14: e11, 09 jul. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1577583


Em 1921, o Protetorado Espanhol em Marrocos foi atacado pelo cadi rifenho Abd el-Krim, causando a Guerra do Rife. O conflito teve participação de enfermeiras heroínas, que cuidaram dos feridos de forma altruísta sem esperar nada em troca, colocando suas vidas em perigo. Objetivo: estudar a vida de Carmen Angolotti y Mesa, enfermeira da Cruz Vermelha Espanhola, que sempre teve um compromisso social com a pessoa em sofrimento. Resultados/Discussão: a Duquesa de Vitória, dama da Rainha Vitória Eugénia de Battenberg, liderou a missão humanitária composta por enfermeiras profissionais enviada a Melilha pela Cruz Vermelha Espanhola para atender a tragédia sociossanitária causada pela Guerra do Rife. Em 1925, foi agraciada com a Medalha Florence Nightingale por seu trabalho na missão. Foi presa durante a Guerra Civil Espanhola, e finalmente libertada em 1937. Conclusão: A honestidade de Carmen Angolotti y Mesa, sua capacidade de gestão e de realizar o trabalho de enfermagem com profissionalismo devem servir de exemplo para as novas gerações de enfermeiros.

En 1921, el protectorado español en Marruecos fue atacado por el cadí rifeño Abd el-Krim, originando la Guerra del Riff. El conflicto tuvo enfermeras heroínas que altruistamente cuidaron a los heridos, sin esperar nada a cambio y exponiendo su vida en peligro. Objetivo estudiar la vida de Carmen Angolotti y Mesa, enfermera de Cruz Roja Española que siempre mantuvo un compromiso social con el que sufre. Resultados/Discusión: La Duquesa de la Victoria, dama de la reina Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg, dirigió la misión humanitaria compuesta por enfermeras profesionales, que Cruz Roja Española envió a Melilla, para dar respuesta a la tragedia socio-sanitaria provocada por la Guerra del Riff. En 1925 obtuvo la Medalla Florence Nightingale por su trabajo en la misión. Durante la Guerra Civil Española fue encarcelada y finalmente liberada en 1937. Conclusión: Su honestidad, su capacidad gestión y su habilidad para desarrollar el trabajo enfermero con profesionalidad, deben servir de ejemplo para las nuevas generaciones de enfermeras y enfermeros.

In 1921, the Spanish protectorate in Morocco was attacked by the Riffian qadi Abd el-Krim, causing the Rif War. The conflict had heroine nurses who altruistically cared for the wounded without expecting anything in return and putting their lives at risk. Objective: to study the life of Carmen Angolotti y Mesa, a Spanish Red Cross nurse who always demonstrated social commitment with the person in suffering. Results/Discussion: The Duchess of Victoria, lady of the Queen Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, led the humanitarian mission composed of professional nurses that were sent to Melilla by the Spanish Red Cross to assist in the social and health tragedy caused by the Rif War. In 1925, she was awarded the Florence Nightingale Medal for her work on the mission. During the Spanish Civil War, she was imprisoned and finally released in 1937. Conclusion: her honesty, management skills and ability to carry out the nursing work with professionalism should serve as an example for new generations of nurses.

Humans , Female , History, 20th Century , Biographies as Topic , Nurse Practitioners/history , Red Cross/history , Spain , Historiography
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521990


En Cuba, el primer departamento de rayos X se inauguró en el año 1907 por Francisco Domínguez Roldán. Poco se divulga un contacto previo durante el siglo XIX, en la guerra hispano-norteamericana. Este artículo describe el uso de los rayos X en la guerra hispano-cubano-norteamericana y su importancia en la historia de la Radiología. Para esta contienda, la parte norteamericana preparó sus barcos hospitales. El ejército habilitó el Relief y el Missouri, mientras que la marina lo hizo con Solace. También se convirtieron en buques hospitales el Olivette y el Bay State. Todos contaban con equipos de rayos X. El capitán Borden publicó un libro en 1900 "El uso de los rayos Roentgen por el departamento médico de la armada estadounidense en la guerra con España (1898)" que marcó un antes y un después en el uso de los rayos X. Este fue un hecho trascendental para la historia de la Radiología y favoreció un avance considerable en la sanidad militar y civil.

In Cuba, the first X-ray department was set up in 1907 by Francisco Domínguez Roldán. Little is reported about a previous contact during the 19th century in the Spanish-Cuban-American war. This article describes the use of X-rays in the Spanish-Cuban-American war and its importance in the history of Radiology. For this war the American side prepared its hospital ships. The Army fitted out the Relief and the Missouri, while the Navy did it with the Solace. The Olivette and the Bay State also became hospital ships. All were equipped with X-ray equipment. Captain Borden published a book in 1900 "The Use of Roentgen Rays by the Medical Department of the U.S. Navy in the War with Spain (1898)" which marked a before and after in the use of X-rays. This was a transcendental fact for the history of Radiology and favored a considerable advance in military and civilian health.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. Ciênc. Saúde-Manguinhos (Online);30: e2023024, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448366


Resumo O artigo analisa a epidemia de gripe de 1918 em Diamantina, no interior de Minas Gerais. A partir de fontes bibliográficas e documentais, discute como o ramal ferroviário da Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas, inaugurado em 1914, contribuiu para a chegada da doença à cidade que, até então, era representada no discurso de suas elites como isolada e salubre. Aborda as imbricadas relações entre a expansão dos sistemas de transportes pelo interior do Brasil, o meio ambiente, o conhecimento científico e os processos saúde/doença.

Abstract The article analyzes the influenza epidemic in 1918 in Diamantina, a town in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. Bibliographic and documental sources are used to investigate the influence of the Vitória-Minas railroad (Estrada de Ferro Vitória a Minas), opened in 1914, on the arrival of the disease in the town, which had until then been represented in the discourse of its elites as insalubrious and isolated. The interrelations between the spread of transportation systems across Brazil, the environment, scientific knowledge, and health-disease processes are discussed.

Railroads , Health-Disease Process , Communicable Diseases/history , Epidemics , Influenza Pandemic, 1918-1919 , Brazil , History, 20th Century
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;54: 187-195, ene.-dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424064


Resumen Introducción: el compromiso académico hace referencia a la predisposición que los estudiantes tienen a participar de manera activa en la vida universitaria, asistiendo a las clases, entregando los trabajos a tiempo y siguiendo las instrucciones de los docentes. Existe evidencia que demuestra que el compromiso académico predice positivamente el éxito de los estudiantes. Por esta razón, es que su evaluación cobra gran relevancia para el ámbito educativo universitario a la hora de diseñar prácticas pedagógicas que estimulen el compromiso de los alumnos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue adaptar y validar la versión del University Student Engagement Inventory (USEI) al español, contemplando diferencias lingüísticas y culturales de tres países hispanohablantes. Método: participaron 921 estudiantes universitarios de España, Argentina y Uruguay. Se aplicó el USEI que consta de 15 afirmaciones agrupadas en tres dimensiones de compromiso: conductual, cognitivo, emocional. Resultados: después de que tres traductores realizaran la adaptación lingüística del instrumento, nueve jueces expertos analizaron el contenido de los ítems y conservaron como resultado la totalidad de los reactivos. Más adelante, se analizó y verificó la estructura interna del instrumento -análisis factorial confirmatorio, validación cruzada, invarianza factorial, consistencia interna-, y también se obtuvo adecuada evidencia de validez externa concurrente entre las dimensiones del USEI y los enfoques de aprendizaje. Conclusión: se obtuvo una versión en español del USEI con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas que puede ser empleado en el ámbito de aplicación con el propósito de identificar el compromiso académico de los estudiantes y proponer acciones orientadas a mejorar sus aprendizajes.

Abstract Introduction: Academic engagement refers to the predisposition that students must actively participate in university life, attending classes, turning in work on time, and following teachers' instructions. There is evidence that shows that academic engagement positively predicts student success. For this reason, its evaluation is of great relevance for university education when designing pedagogical practices that stimulate student engagement. The aim of this study was to adapt and validate the University Student Engagement Inventory (USEI) into Spanish, considering linguistic and cultural differences in three Spanish-speaking countries. Methods: 921 university students from Spain, Argentina and Uruguay participated in the study. The USEI, which consists of 15 statements grouped into three dimensions of engagement -behavioral, cognitive, emotional- was administered. Results: After three translators made the linguistic adaptation of the instrument, nine expert judges analyzed the content of the items, retaining as a result the totality of the items. Subsequently, the internal structure of the instrument was analyzed and verified -confirmatory factor analysis, cross-validation, factorial invariance, internal consistency-. Adequate evidence of concurrent external validity between USEI dimensions and learning approaches was also obtained. Conclusion: A Spanish version of the USEI was obtained with adequate psychometric properties that can be used in the field of application with the purpose of identifying students' academic engagement and proposing actions aimed at improving their learnings.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(3): 121-135, oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430572


Resumen La fluidez ha sido considerada como uno de los factores relevantes que interviene en la comprensión lectora. Actualmente se incluye en la fluidez, además de la velocidad y la precisión, la prosodia como uno de los componentes que actúa de forma preponderante en la construcción del significado de la lectura. El propósito de este estudio fue realizar una revisión sistemática y un metaanálisis para determinar, por un lado, la situación de la agenda investigativa en la materia y, por el otro, mensurar la magnitud de la relación entre prosodia y comprensión lectora en alumnos hablantes nativos del español. Se realizó para ello un rastreo bibliográfico en las bases de datos Dialnet, Redalyc, SciELO, ERIC, Scopus y PubMed, sin restricciones temporales. En la revisión sistemática se incluyeron 18 estudios. Con los estudios correlacionales (n = 12) se llevó a cabo un metaanálisis multinivel, en el que se examinaron 59 coeficientes de correlación. El análisis mostró una asociación significativa entre prosodia y comprensión lectora (t(58) = 9.77, p < .001) con un efecto moderado de .46 (Z de Fisher = .49 [95 % CI = .39, .59]). Ni el nivel escolar al que asisten los alumnos (primario o secundario), ni el nivel en el que se evaluó la comprensión (oración o texto) moderaron la relación entre las variables. En suma, los resultados sostienen que las habilidades prosódicas contribuyen al procesamiento semántico de las oraciones y textos en español, más allá del nivel educativo del que se trate.

Abstract Fluency has been considered one of the relevant factors involved in reading comprehension, by providing a bridge between decoding and comprehension. At present, fluency includes, alongside rate and accuracy, prosody as one the parts which plays a preponderant role in the construction of meaning during the reading process. Prosodic reading is the use of oral language features when reading a text, such as pausing, stress and intonation, in order that the text will be read aloud with the tonal and rhythmic characteristics of speech. Furthermore, prosodic reading makes it possible to organize word sequences into syntactically cohesive units of meaning. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis, firstly, in order to determine the situation of research articles which enquire into the relation between prosody and reading comprehension, and secondly, to measure the significance of that relation in students who are native speakers of Spanish. To that end, a bibliographic search was performed without time restrictions in the following databases: Dialnet, Redalyc, SciELO, ERIC, Scopus and PubMed. The systematic review included 18 studies. The qualitative synthesis showed four categories of articles: (1) validation studies of instruments to assess reading fluency; (2) intervention studies on different prosodic aspects and enquiries into their impact on reading comprehension; (3) comparisons of good and poor comprehenders; and (4) correlational studies. A multilevel meta-analysis was performed in the correlational studies (n = 12), examining 59 correlation coefficients. The analysis showed a significant association between reading comprehension and prosody (t(58) = 9.77, p < .001) with a moderate effect of .46 (z = .49 [95 % CI = .39, .59]). Once outlier values had been removed, no variation was found in the size of the estimated effect (r = .46). Two additional models were adjusted, including as moderating variables, respectively, the type of assessment performed on comprehension (sentence or text level) and the educational level (primary or secondary). The results obtained from these models suggest the association between comprehension and prosody is neither moderated by the type of assessment carried out (F(1, 57) = 1.51, ρ = .22), nor by the educational level (F(1, 57) = 0.10, ρ = .75). In summary, the meta-analysis showed a moderate relation between prosody and reading comprehension. These relations continued beyond the level at which the latter variable (sentence or text) was examined, and throughout the school trajectory. In other words, and in contrast to other aspects of fluency, such as accuracy and rate, prosody seems to maintain its contribution to comprehension. In sum, the findings support the claim that suprasegmental skills, both at lexical level (i. e. the skills related to the identification, stress and manipulation of stressed syllables in words) and at metrical level (the capabilities responsible for processing intonation, rhythm and pausing when reading), contribute to the semantic processing of sentences and texts in Spanish, regardless of the educational level under analysis. These results should be moderated given the limited number of studies found and the smaller amount of research carried out at secondary school level. In spite of these limitations, the relationships observed among the variables studied support the importance of prosodic reading to psychoeducational diagnosis and intervention in reading comprehension, and they provide significant background for future research.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(1): 195-210, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360488


Resumen El empoderamiento psicológico es un constructo de gran importancia en Psicología. Aunque existen diversos instrumentos de medida, el Psychological Empowerment Instrument de Spreitzer (PEI, 1995) ha sido tradicionalmente el más utilizado en el área de la Psicología Organizacional. Originalmente, este instrumento constaba de 16 ítems organizados en cuatro factores. Por ello, el objetivo del presente artículo fue la adaptación y validación al español del PEI, así como el análisis de su estructura factorial. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo dos estudios independientes. El objetivo del primero fue su traducción al español y su adaptación cultural en una muestra de 242 estudiantes universitarios para analizar la estructura factorial de los ítems y su fiabilidad. En el segundo estudio, se aplicó el nuevo instrumento traducido a una muestra de 317 trabajadores de una empresa de servicios con el fin de validarlo y comprobar la bondad del modelo, así como la validez concurrente con otras variables, tales como el empoderamiento estructural, el compromiso afectivo y la rotación, de la que se conoce su relación por estudios previos. El nuevo cuestionario resultante confirmó la estructura factorial original en cuatro dimensiones (competencia, significado, autonomía e impacto), aunque redujo el número de ítems (de los 16 originales a 13). El cuestionario adaptado al español obtenido tuvo, además, buenos parámetros psicométricos y de bondad de ajuste. El trabajo finaliza discutiendo sobre la relevancia del instrumento adaptado y sus posibles aplicaciones.

Abstract Psychological empowerment is a construct with a multifaceted character composed of four basic cognitions (impact, competence, meaning, and self-determination), which goes beyond a simple delegation of power. The impact of empowerment in different fields of Psychology has been important due to the proven relations maintained with other well-founded psychological variables in the scientific literature, and because of the positive consequences on the results and well-being of people. Although there are different instruments for the measurement of this construct, the Psychological Empowerment Instrument (PEI) by Spreitzer (1995) has been traditionally the one most employed to measure the psychological empowerment in the area of Organizational Psychology, counting with more than one thousand publications, and articles as well as translations and adaptations to different languages. The original questionnaire elaborated by Spreitzer consists of 16 items organised in four factors following the four basic cognitions that were described above. Therefore, the aim of this article is the adaptation to Spanish, validation of the PEI, and to analyse its factor structure. In order to do so, two independent studies were carried out. The specific objective of the first study was to translate into Spanish and to adapt culturally such questionnaire. In the second study, the objective was to validate the resulting questionnaire and to analyse the factor structure and its goodness and with other psychological and organisational variables as well as the external validity in a sample of workers. In order to do so, in the first study it was carried out an inverse translation and adaptation to Spanish with a sample of 242 university students to subsequently analyse the factorial structure of the items and its reliability. The resulting translated questionnaire confirmed the factor structure in four dimensions (Competence, Meaning, Self-determination, and Impact), although the number of items was reduced from the original 16 to 13, which would explain the 74.08 % of the sampling variance. To confirm the psychometric characteristics of this new questionnaire, we performed a second study with 317 workers of a Spanish service company in order to analyse through confirmative procedures the internal structure of this new instrument, verify its adequacy and goodness of fit of the resulting factors as well as assessing the relation and external validity in a sample of workers and concurrency with other variables (structural empowerment, affective commitment and intention to leave), which are known to have a relation with psychological empowerment from previous research. From the application of this new questionnaire translated to Spanish into this sample of workers, we confirmed again the structure of 13 items in four factors from the first study. Furthermore, we obtained good fit indexes (GFI, AGF, and NNFI), with values between .90 and .96. Additionally, through regression analysis we obtained positive and statistically significant results between psychological empowerment and other variables included in the study (structural empowerment, affective commitment, and intention to leave), testing the interrelations among them. Therefore, those people with a greater cognition on their empowerment developed a greater engagement and attachment towards the organisation, and consequently, their wish to leave was lower. Our study concludes with a discussion about the importance of the adapted instrument and its possible applications.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 50(2): e201, Jan.-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376817


Abstract Introduction: Burnout Syndrome is the term used to describe the psychological response to patient care-related chronic work stress. Studies have found that the prevalence of practitioner burnout in Colombia ranges between 17.6% and 45%. Given the importance of this phenomenon in our setting, we decided to carry out a validation and reliability study of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI). Objective: To assess the validity and reliability of the SBI in medical surgical specialists working in fourteen health care facilities in Antioquia (Colombia) in 2018. Methods: The study was conducted in 14 healthcare institutions among 8 surgical specialties. The tool consists of 20 items collected by means of face-to-face interviews under the supervision of a psychologist, and maintaining confidentiality. The psychometric assessment included content validity (CV), construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and reliability using Cronbach's Alpha. Results: The study sample consisted of 234 participants. CV of the tool was 0.82. The CFA showed acceptable model fit, with the results of goodness-of-fit being X2=384.578 (p<0.00i; df: 165), RMSEA = 0.075 [90% CI: 0.066 - 0.085], CFI = 0.953, TLI = 0.946 and WRMR=1.074. The SBI Cronbach's alpha was 0.79. Conclusions: The SBI showed acceptable CV levels for all the items and domains. The SBI is a valid tool with adequate reliability for use in medical surgical specialists of healthcare institutions in Antioquia-Colombia.

Resumen Introducción: El síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo es la respuesta psicológica al estrés laboral crónico relacionado con la atención de pacientes. La prevalencia del síndrome en médicos colombianos varía entre el 17 % y el 45 %, usando cuestionarios no validados. Objetivo: Evaluar la validez y fiabilidad del Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo (CESQT), en médicos especialistas quirúrgicos que laboraban en instituciones de salud de Antioquia, Colombia en 2018. Métodos: El estudio se realizó en 14 instituciones hospitalarias con 8 especialidades quirúrgicas, el instrumento consta de 20 ítems cuya recolección se hizo presencial, supervisado por una psicóloga, manteniendo la confidencialidad; la evaluación psicométrica incluyó validez de contenido (VC), validez de constructo mediante análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) y fiabilidad con alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: Se encuestaron 234 especialistas. La VC del instrumento fue de 0,82. Los índices de bondad de ajuste en el AFC fueron: X2=384,578 (p < 0,001; gl: 165), RMSEA = 0,075 [IC 90 %: 0,066-0,085], CFI = 0,953, TLI = 0,946 y WRMR = 1,074. El alfa de Cronbach fue 0,79. Conclusiones: El CESQT tiene niveles aceptables de VC para los ítems y sus dimensiones. El CESQT es un instrumento válido con adecuada fiabilidad para ser utilizado en médicos especialistas quirúrgicos de instituciones de salud de Antioquia, Colombia.

Pancreas Divisum
Entramado ; 18(1): e209, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384875


RESUMEN El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las representaciones de lengua materna, segunda o extranjera del español y el wayuunaiki en el discurso de indígenas wayuu que estudiaron en el área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga, Colombia, entre el 2011 yel 2020. Como instrumentos para la recolección de datos se aplicaron entrevistas en profundidad; estas fueron transcritas para posteriormente ser analizadas desde el enfoque semiótico del discurso y la teoria de normatividad de las sanciones. Los resultados concluyen que los estudiantes indígenas wayuu otorgan diferentes sentidos al español y al wayuunaiki; que sus representaciones de lengua se transforman generacionalmente según sus experiencias sociales, históricas y multiculturales. Así pues, para los estudiantes wayuu el español se configura como una lengua materna; para sus padres es una segunda lengua y para sus abuelos es lengua extranjera. Además, existen integrantes que conciben el español no como lengua, sino como dialecto. Lo anterior, incita a pensar si pedagógicamente y didácticamente es acorde implementar modelos de ensenanza-aprendizaje estandarizados. También, invita a cuestionarse si los procesos etnoeducativos responden adecuadamente a las necesidades e intereses reales de la población indígena estudiantil.

ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to analyze the mother tongue, second or foreign language representations of Spanish and Wayuunaiki in the discourse of Wayuu indigenous people who studied in the Metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Colombia, between 2011 and 2020. As instruments for the collection of data, in-depth interviews were applied; these were transcribed to later be analyzed from the semiotic approach of discourse and the theory of normativity of sanctions. The results conclude that Wayuu indigenous students give different meanings to Spanish and Wayuunaiki; that their representations of language are transformed generationally according to their social, historical and multicultural experiences. Thus, for Wayuu students, Spanish is configured as a mother tongue; for their parents it is a second language and for their grandparents it is a foreign language. In addition, there are members who conceive Spanish not as a language, but as a dialect. The foregoing prompts us to think whether, pedagogically and didactically, it is appropriate to implement standardized teaching-learning models. Also, it invites to question if the ethno-educational processes adequately respond to the real needs and interests of the indigenous student population.

RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as representações de língua materna, segunda ou língua estrangeira do espanhol e wayuunaiki no discurso dos indígenas wayuu que estudaram na região metropolitana de Bucaramanga, Colômbia, entre 2011 e 2020. Como instrumentos para a coleta de dados, foram aplicadas entrevistas em profundidade; Estas foram transcritas para posteriormente serem analisadas a partir da abordagem semiótica do discurso e da teoria da normatividade das sanções. Os resultados concluem que os estudantes indígenas Wayuu atribuem significados diferentes ao espanhol e ao Wayuunaiki; que suas representações da linguagem sejam transformadas geracionalmente de acordo com suas experiências sociais, históricas e multiculturais. Assim, para os alunos Wayuu, o espanhol configura-se como língua materna; para os pais é uma segunda língua e para os avós é uma língua estrangeira. Além disso, há membros que concebem o espanhol não como língua, mas como dialeto. O exposto nos leva a pensar se, pedagógica e didaticamente, é adequado implementar modelos padronizados de ensino-aprendizagem. Além disso, convida a questionar se os processos etnoeducativos respondem adequadamente às reais necessidades e interesses da população estudantil indígena.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);88(1): 4-8, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364576


Abstract Introduction The Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale has been widely used to assess the subjective sense of auditory ability, functional hearing loss and the resulting benefit of the hearing correction strategy. Objective To translate and culturally adapt the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale to the Colombian Spanish from Brazilian Portuguese by means of a final version that demonstrates an understanding percentage greater than 85%. Methods The study was divided into three phases: in the first one the translation was done, the retro translation and the modifications were defined by the evaluation team, and in the other two, two pilot tests were made to 50 participants: in the first one the understanding of each of the statements that made up the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale was examined in 25 people and adjustments were made, and in the second, the same procedure was carried out in 25 other individuals but the document was not changed. Results It was observed that during the pilot test 1, there was difficulty in questions number 2 of Part 1 (56% understanding), and in 8, 9, 10, 12, 16 and 17 of Part 3 (75%) of understanding), while in others, the degree of understanding was higher than 85%. However, in pilot test 2, understanding was above 85% in all questions. In addition, Cronbach's alpha (0.93) indicated that the items from which the test was constituted measured the same construct and were reliable. Conclusion The method used allowed obtaining the version of the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale in Colombian Spanish with an understanding percentage greater than 85%.

Resumo Introdução A Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale tem sido amplamente usada para avaliar subjetivamente a capacidade auditiva, a perda auditiva funcional e o benefício resultante da estratégia de correção auditiva. Objetivo Traduzir e adaptar culturalmente a Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale para o espanhol da Colômbia a partir do português do Brasil, através de uma versão final que demonstre um percentual de entendimento superior a 85%. Método Foi dividido em três fases: na primeira, foram feitas a tradução, retrotradução e as modificações que foram definidas pela equipe de avaliação; nas outras duas, foram feitos dois testes piloto para 50 participantes; no primeiro, a compreensão de cada uma das frases que compunham a Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale foi avaliada em 25 pessoas e foram feitos ajustes; na segunda, o mesmo procedimento foi feito em outras 25 pessoas, mas o documento não foi alterado. Resultados Observou-se que durante o teste-piloto 1 houve dificuldade de entendimento nas questões número 2 da Parte 1 (56% de entendimento) e nas questões 8, 9, 10, 12, 16 e 17 da Parte 3 (75%)), enquanto em outras o grau de entendimento foi superior a 85%; entretanto, no teste-piloto 2, o entendimento ficou acima de 85% em todas as perguntas. Além disso, o alfa de Cronbach (0,93) indicou que os itens que constituíam o teste mediam o mesmo construto e eram confiáveis. Conclusão O método usado permitiu obter a versão da Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale em espanhol da Colômbia com um percentual de entendimento superior a 85%.

Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 2022 Jan; 59(1): 7-13
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221475


Kidney stone, also known as calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis, is one of the most common diseases worldwide. Calculi usually forms when urine becomes supersaturated with particular calcium salts such as calcium oxalate. In the present study, we investigated the ameliorative potential of the root extract of the Common golden thistle, Scolymus hispanicus L. (SH) on rats with ethylene glycol (EG) induced kidney stone disease. Sprague-Dawley rats, each weighing 250-300 g, were divided into three groups (n=6 per group): (i) Control (C); (ii) EG; and (iii) EG+SH. To induce nephrolithiasis, the rats received 1% of EG with drinking water, while the C group received normal drinking water during the study. SH extract 2 g/kg was added to the treatment from the 4th week onwards in EG+SH group. At the end of each experiment, rats were decapacitated and serum levels of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were assessed in all groups at 0, 4, and 8 weeks. Oxalic acid and creatininelevels were measured in urine samples collected at 24 h in metabolic cages. Renal tissues were evaluated histopathologically at the end of the experiment. After 8 weeks, serum creatinine levels were found decreased in the SH group while increased in the EG group. Serum magnesium and AST levels were also found decreased in the EG group, however, SH treatment reversed these values. The SH treatment also increased urinary oxalic acid levels. When the kidney tissue of EG group was examined, there was a high level of crystal/stone, especially in the renal cortex. In kidney tissues of the SH group, only small amounts of crystal/stone were observed. Our experimental findings have demonstrated the ameliorative potential of the aqueous extracts of S. hispanicus roots and shells on EG-induced in the kidney stones in rats. Isolation of active compounds of SH would be desirable to understand the biochemical mechanism behind the process better.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;53: 56-63, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347631


Abstract Introduction: The Lambert's Outcomes Questionnaire (OQ-45) is a 45-item self-administered instrument used to measure clinical outcomes in psychotherapy. It measures functioning through three areas: symptoms distress, interpersonal relations and social role. The objective of this paper is to assess the reliability and the validity of its Spanish version. Method: A sample of 639 subjects, non-clinical and clinical, completed the instrument. Results: The psychometric evidences of the questionnaire showed an adequate internal consistency (.97 and .91) and acceptable convergent validity with the BDI, STAI, PSS and SF-12. The Confirmatory Factor Analyses suggested a bifactor structure. The cut-off points have been established for the subscales and total score (54.5), considering the clinical criterion, which means, prioritizing slightly the sensibility over the specificity. The RCI was 3.80 and Minimum Change Score 17.56. Conclusion: The OQ-45 showed acceptable psychometric properties, providing support for using this version of the questionnaire to assess Spanish's functionality. Given these findings, this tool could help clinicians evaluate treatment efficacy and establish psychotherapy goals.

Resumen Introducción: El instrumento Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) desarrollado por Lambert, se trata de una escala auto-administrada de 45-ítems que se utiliza para medir los resultados clínicos en psicoterapia. Esta herramienta evalúa el funcionamiento por medio de tres áreas: síntomas de malestar, relaciones interpersonales y rol social. El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar la fiabilidad y la validez de la versión española. Método: Una muestra de 639 personas, clínica y no clínica, cumplimentaron dicho instrumento. Resultados: Las evidencias psicométricas del cuestionario mostraron una consistencia interna adecuada (.97 y .91) y una validez convergente aceptable con las siguientes escalas: BDI, STAI, PSS y SF-12. Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios han sugerido una estructura bifactorial. Los puntos de corte se han establecido para las subescalas y la puntuación total (54.5), teniendo en cuenta el criterio clínico, lo que significa que se ha priorizado ligeramente la sensibilidad sobre la especificidad. El RCI ha sido de 3.80 y la puntuación mínima de cambio de 17.56. Conclusión: El OQ-45 ha mostrado propiedades psicométricas aceptables, que apoyan el uso de esta versión para valorar la funcionalidad de los españoles y, como consecuencia, podría ayudar a los clínicos a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento y establecer objetivos en psicoterapia.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; Rev. latinoam. psicol;53: 64-72, jul.-dic. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347632


Abstract Introduction and objective: Workers contend with many threats while performing their daily routine that could undermine their dignity, such as denigrating comments from supervisors or co-workers. Denying workers' dignity constitutes a direct threat towards their well-being. The aim of this paper is to adapt and validate the Spanish version of the Workplace Dignity Scale (WDS). Method: An instrumental design was executed in order to adapt the scale to Spanish with a Mexican population (N = 588). Following back-translation, three studies were conducted in which confirmatory factor analysis, correlations, regressions, and invariance analysis were applied. Results: The results showed that the Spanish adaptation conforms to the six-factor structure of the original scale and that organisational dehumanisation and workers' self-objectification predicted dignity at work; with workers' self-objectification being the variable that most strongly predicted workers' dignity. Finally, we also evaluated measurement invariance comparing our data with the results of the original scale. In general, results indicated that even when the Spanish version of the WDS presented an adequate factor structure, its measurement presented different factor loadings and slopes compared with the measurement of the original scale. Conclusions: In general, we have an instrument adapted to the Mexican context that allows us to evaluate workers' sense of dignity in the workplace.

Resumen Introducción y objetivo: Los trabajadores pueden enfrentar muchas amenazas mientras realizan su rutina diaria que podrían socavar su dignidad, como comentarios denigrantes de supervisores o compañeros de trabajo. Negar la dignidad de los trabajadores constituye una amenaza directa para su bienestar. El objetivo de este artículo fue adaptar y validar la versión en español de la Workplace Dignity Scale (WDS). Método: Se realizó un diseño instrumental con el fin de adaptar la escala al español con población mexicana (N = 588). Después de realizar una traducción inversa, se realizaron tres estudios donde se aplicaron análisis factoriales confirmatorios, correlaciones, regresiones y un análisis de invarianza. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que la adaptación al español se ajusta a la estructura de seis factores de la escala original y que la deshumanización organizacional y la auto-objetivación de los trabajadores predecían la dignidad en el trabajo; siendo la auto-objetivación de los trabajadores la variable que predecía en mayor medida la dignidad de los trabajadores. Finalmente, también se evaluó la invariancia de medición comparando nuestros datos con los resultados de la escala original. En general, los resultados indicaron que aun cuando la versión en español de la WDS presentaba una estructura factorial adecuada, su medición presentaba cargas factoriales y pendientes diferentes en comparación con la medición de la escala original. Conclusiones: En general, contamos con un instrumento adaptado al contexto mexicano que nos permite evaluar el sentido de dignidad de los trabajadores en el lugar de trabajo.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. Ciênc. Saúde-Manguinhos (Online);28(3): 709-725, jul.-set. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339970


Resumen Entre 1935 y 1950 aconteció la introducción y desarrollo de la neurología en México. Esto se dio por medio de dos vías: el arribo de los neurocientíficos españoles a México tras su exilio provocado por la Guerra Civil; y la presencia de médicos mexicanos que salieron a especializarse en neurocirugía a EEUU. Se discuten algunas posiciones historiográficas que hablan de la importancia de los españoles exiliados en este acontecer, pero que no han expuesto el relevante papel de los nativos en el surgimiento de la neurología mexicana. Se afirma la existencia de un proceso de integración de ambas partes, donde los nativos buscaron satisfacer necesidades asistenciales mientras que los exiliados tuvieron que encontrar y crear espacios dónde insertarse.

Abstract Between 1935 and 1950 the neurology was presented and developed in Mexico. It happened by two ways: the arrival of Spanish neuroscience researchers in Mexico exiled due the Civil War; and the presence of Mexican doctors that had specialized in neurosurgery in the United States. The article discusses historiographic points of view that stress the importance of the Spanish exiled doctors, but neglect the important role of native doctors in the emergence of Mexican neurology. It states that there was an integration process by both parts, where Mexicans tried to satisfy care needs while the Spanish had to find or create working spaces to belong to.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Physicians/history , Neurology/history , Neurosurgery/history , Spain , Emigrants and Immigrants/history , Neurologists/history , Mexico
Acta ortop. mex ; 35(4): 354-358, jul.-ago. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374199


Resumen: Introducción: La evaluación SANE (Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation) es un tipo de desenlace reportado por el paciente, corto y fácil de administrar que se correlaciona con otras evaluaciones funcionales del hombro más extensas. Hasta la fecha no se encuentra validada en nuestra lengua. Objetivo: Traducir, validar y adaptar la evaluación SANE al idioma español. Material y métodos: Se realizó la traducción y contra-traducción por dos evaluadores expertos bilingües y un traductor oficial. Se determinó la validez de constructo con un grupo de expertos en cirugía de hombro, la validez de criterio con la escala de American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) previamente validada en español y la reproducibilidad de la prueba. Resultados: Se evaluaron 113 pacientes con un promedio de edad de 53.6 años, siendo 56% mujeres. El diagnóstico más frecuente fue síndrome de manguito rotador en un 78.6% seguido por artrosis glenohumeral y acromioclavicular, hombro congelado e inestabilidad del hombro. El índice de correlación de Pearson entre el SANE y el ASES fue de 0.699. La reproducibilidad de la prueba fue alta con un coeficiente de correlación intraclase de 0.86. Conclusiones: La evaluación SANE es una medida de desenlace centrada en el paciente fiable y válida, que tiene una buena correlación con puntajes funcionales previamente validados al español más extensos. Se presenta la versión traducida y adaptada al español, que puede ser utilizada como medida de desenlace para intervenciones quirúrgicas o no quirúrgicas en patologías de hombro.

Abstract: Introduction: The Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation (SANE) score is a brief method of evaluating patients' perception of the shoulder joint and has proven high correlation with other outcome measures that are more lengthy and time-consuming in daily practice. The SANE score to date has not been validated in Spanish. Objective: To translate, adapt, and validate the SANE score in Spanish. Material and methods: An initial translation and counter-translation was conducted by two bilingual evaluators and an official translator. Content validity was evaluated by a group of experts in shoulder surgery. The criteria validity was determined by determining correlation with the previously translated and validated ASES score. Reliability of the test was determined. Results: 113 patients were evaluated, with an average age of 53.6 being 56% female. The most frequent diagnosis was rotator cuff syndrome in 78.6% followed by frozen shoulder, glenohumeral and acromioclavicular osteoarthritis and shoulder instability and acromioclavicular dislocation. Correlation between the SANE and ASES results was 0.699. The test was highly reliable with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.86. Conclusion: The SANE score is a valid and reliable patient centered outcome measure that has a good correlation with other previously validated scores in Spanish that are less practical. We present a translated valid version of the SANE score in Spanish that can be used as a patient reported outcome measure for shoulder pathologies.