Background: The bony structures known as the "pterygoalar bar" develop when ligaments between the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the lateral pterygoid plate ossify along the outer base of the skull, close to the foramen ovale. Dentists, anaesthetists, and neurosurgeons must understand how common the pterygoalar bar is. In addition to investigating the presence of related anatomical characteristics such as the foramen crotaphitico-buccinatorius, this study aims to determine whether the pterygoalar bar is present in dry human skulls and sphenoid bones. Methods: In the present study, fifty fully ossified adult skulls from the North Indian population were used for a cross-sectional anatomy investigation. The skulls were taken from the Dept of Anatomy, Varun Arjun Medical College and Rohilkhand Hospital in Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh and Maharishi Markandeshwar College of Medical Science & Research in Ambala, Haryana. Results: Out of 50 skulls, 76% had no ossification of the pterygoalar ligament. In the remaining 24%, ossification was present. Specifically, 4% had bilateral complete bars, 12% had unilateral complete bars, and 8% had incomplete bars. Conclusion: For anaesthetists, surgeons, and dentists, understanding the full or partial ossification of ligaments in this area is essential. The mandibular nerve and its branches are susceptible to entrapment neuropathy due to these ossified structures, which are closely associated with the foramen ovale.
Abstract Introduction The vidian canal acts as landmark for the identification of the petrous carotid artery, especially during extended endoscopic endonasal approaches in cranial base surgeries. In order to localize the canal and to understand the relationship of pneumatization of pterygoid process to the type of vidian canal, this study was designed. Objectives The objective was to describe the anatomical relationship of pneumatization of the pterygoid process with types of vidian canal. The length of vidian canal, relationship to medial plate of pterygoid process and relationship to the petrous part of internal carotid artery were evaluated. Methods Head computer tomography scans of 52 individuals for suspected paranasal pathology were studied. The degree of sphenoid sinus pneumatization, pterygoid process pneumatization and types of vidian canal (type 1, 2 and 3) were noted. The length of vidian canal, distance from the plane of medial pterygoid plate and relation of vidian canal to the junction of petrous and Gasserian (ascending) part of internal carotid artery was noted. Results 46 (92%) sphenoid sinuses were of the sellar variety. Out of 104 sides that were studied, 57 sides demonstrated a pneumatised pterygoid process and 47 were not pneumatised. In 49 sides (47.1%) the vidian canal was on the same plane as that of the medial pterygoid plate in the coronal section. The vidian canal partially protruded into the sphenoid sinus (type 2) was the most common type (50.9%), found both on right and left sides. There is a statistically significant association between the pterygoid process pneumatization and occurrence of type 2 and type 3 vidian canal configuration. The average length of the vidian canal was 16.16 ± 1.8 mm. In 96 sides, the anterior end of vidian canal was inferolateral to petrous part of internal carotid artery in the coronal plane. Conclusion Pneumatization of the pterygoid process indicates either type 2 or type 3 vidian canal configuration.
Resumo Introdução O canal vidiano atua como ponto de referência para a identificação da artéria carótida petrosa, especialmente durante abordagens endoscópicas endonasais extensas em cirurgias de base do crânio. Este estudo foi projetado com o objetivo de localizar o canal vidiano e entender a relação da pneumatização do processo pterigoide sobre o tipo de canal. Objetivos Descrever a relação anatômica da pneumatização do processo pterigoide com os tipos de canal vidiano. Foram avaliados o comprimento do canal vidiano, a relação com a placa medial do processo pterigoide e com a porção petrosa da artéria carótida interna. Método Foram estudadas tomografias computadorizadas de 52 indivíduos submetidos a tomografia computadorizada de cabeça por suspeita de doença em seio paranasal. Foram observados o grau de pneumatização do seio esfenoidal, a pneumatização do processo pterigoide e os tipos de canal vidiano (Tipos 1, 2 e 3). Observou-se o comprimento do canal vidiano, a distância do plano da placa pterigoide medial e a relação do canal vidiano com a junção da porção petrosa e gasseriana (ascendente) da artéria carótida interna. Resultados Eram do tipo selar 46 (92%) seios esfenoidais. Dos 104 lados estudados, 57 eram do processo pterigoide pneumatizado e 47 não eram pneumatizados. Em 49 lados (47,1%), o canal vidiano estava no mesmo plano que o da placa pterigoide medial na seção coronal. O canal vidiano em protusão parcial no seio esfenoidal (tipo 2) foi o tipo mais comum (50,9%), encontrado nos lados direito e esquerdo. Houve uma associação estatisticamente significante entre a pneumatização do processo pterigoide e a ocorrência da configuração do canal vidiano tipo 2 e tipo 3. O comprimento médio do canal vidiano foi de 16,16 ± 1,8 mm. Em 96 lados, a extremidade anterior do canal vidiano era inferolateral à porção petrosa da artéria carótida interna no plano coronal. Conclusão A pneumatização do processo pterigoide indica a configuração do canal vidiano tipo 2 ou tipo 3.
Introduction: Foramen ovale and spinosum are the importantforamina located in the base of skull on the greater wing ofsphenoid. Foramen ovale transmits the mandibular nerve,accessory meningeal artery, lesser petrosal nerve, emissaryvein and occasionally the anterior trunk of the middlemeningeal vein. Foramen spinosum gives passage to middlemeningeal vessels and nervous spinosus. Study of anatomicalvariations of these foramina provides important informationuseful in skull base injury and helpful for procedures liketransfacial fine needle aspiration technique, percutaneoustrigeminal rhizotomy for trigeminal neuralgia, etc.Materials and Methods: 60 dry human skulls were obtainedfrom the department of anatomy, SMS Medical College, Jaipur.The anteroposterior (APD), transverse diameter (TD) offoramen ovale and spinosum were measured by verniercalipers and shapes were observed. Mean and range werecalculated and tabulated.Observations and Results: The mean length of foramenovale was 7.98 mm and 4.24 mm on right side and 7.14 mmand 3.78 mm on left side. Most common shape observed wasoval (74%). The mean length and width of foramen spinosumwas 3.14 mm and 2.68 mm on the right side and 3.05 mm and2.58 mm on left side. The most common shape observed wasrounded (58.5%).Conclusion: No significant difference was found between theforamen spinosum of both sides whereas significant differencewas observed in the size of foramen ovale. The knowledge offoramina is helpful for the neurosurgeons and radiologists.
The Pterygospinous Ligament (PSL) extends from the Pterygospinous process of the lateral Pterygoid plate to the spine of the sphenoid bone. Sometimes, it may be ossified forming a bar of bone bounding the pterygospinous foramen to which mandibular nerve and its branches are variably related. Mandibular and chorda tympani nerves may get compressed depicting various clinical symptoms, which in turn depend upon dimensions of the foramen and grades of compression. Therefore, knowledge of the position and extent of ossification of PSL and its relation to the important structures in the deep infratemporal fossa is important for radiologists, neurologists, maxillofacial surgeons, dental surgeons and anesthesiologists during various anesthetic and surgical procedures.
El ligamento Pterigoespinoso (LP) se extiende desde el proceso Pterigoespinoso de la placa Pterigoideo lateral a la espina etmoidal del hueso esfenoides. A veces, se puede osificar formando un puente de hueso que une el foramen espinoso con el cual el nervio mandibular y sus ramas están relacionados de manera variable. Los nervios mandibulares y el cordón timpánico se pueden comprimir resultando en diversos síntomas clínicos, que a su vez dependen de las dimensiones del foramen y los grados de compresión. Por lo tanto, el conocimiento de la posición y el grado de osificación del ligamento pterigoespinoso y su relación con las estructuras importantes en la fosa infratemporal profunda es importante para radiólogos, neurólogos, cirujanos maxilofaciales, cirujanos dentales y anestesistas durante diversos procedimientos anestésicos y quirúrgicos.
Humans , Sphenoid Bone , Ligaments/anatomy & histology , Mandibular Nerve , Bridge , Foramen Ovale , Infratemporal FossaABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to identify sphenoid sinus dimensions; and distance between columella nasal and sphenoid sinus; and columella nasal and hypophysis in healthy adult subjects using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to evaluate differences between genders and age groups. The MRI results of 300 healthy subjects (192 females; 108 males) aged 18-68 years were studied. The midsagittal and axial images were used for shape of the sphenoid sinus, and the distance measurements of its related adjacent structures on MRI. The mean values of the distance between columella nasal; and columella nasal and hypophysis; and sinus sphenoidalis width were 65.73±5.22 mm, 87.05±4.79 mm and 37.67±8.40 mm in females respectively, whereas the same values were 71.79±5.06 mm, 94.52±6.07 mm and 41.95±9.32 mm in males, respectively. The means of all measurements were lower in healthy female subjects than in healthy males.Additionally, the classification of sphenoid sinus types were determined to be postsellar type (131), sellar type (46), presellar type (14) and conchal type (1) in females, respectively. The same measurement were determined as postsellar type (82), sellar type (23) and presellar type (3) in males, respectively. Differences between sexes and age related changes were observed in the variations of the size, location and shape of sphenoid sinus were observed The observations presented in this report have defined anatomic parameters that need to be taken into consideration for reference data to determine gender discrepancies, age related changes and helpful for radiologists and clinicians to plan safe surgical approach and avoid surgical risks.
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las dimensiones del seno esfenoidal y la distancia entre la columela nasal y el seno esfenoidal y, la glándula nasal y la hipófisis en sujetos adultos sanos con imágenes de resonancia magnética (RM), para evaluar las diferencias entre los sexos y los grupos de edad. Se estudiaron los resultados de RM de 300 sujetos sanos (192 mujeres, 108 hombres) de 18 a 68 años. Se usaron imágenes sagitales y axiales para la forma del seno esfenoidal y las mediciones de distancia de sus estructuras adyacentes relacionadas en la RM. Los valores medios de la distancia entre columela nasal; y columela nasal e hipófisis; y la anchura del seno esfenoidal fue de 65,73 ± 5,22 mm, 87,05 ± 4,79 mm y 37,67 ± 8,40 mm en mujeres, respectivamente, mientras que los mismos valores fueron de 71,79 ± 5,06 mm, 94, 52 ± 6,07 mm y 41,95 ± 9,32 mm en varones, respectivamente. Las medias de todas las mediciones fueron menores en mujeres sanas que en hombres sanos. Adicionalmente, se determinó que la clasificación del seno esfenoidal era de tipo postsellar (131), tipo selar (46), tipo presellar (14) y tipo conchal (1), en las mujeres, respectivamente. Las mismas medidas se determinaron como tipo postsellar (82), tipo sellar (23) y tipo presellar (3) en varones, respectivamente. Se observaron diferencias entre sexos y los cambios relacionados con la edad en las variaciones de tamaño, ubicación y forma del seno esfenoidal. Las observaciones presentadas en este informe establecen parámetros anatómicos que se deben considerar como referencia para determinar las diferencias de sexo, y edad. La información de estas diferencias será útil para los radiólogos y los médicos en la planificación de un abordaje quirúrgico seguro y para evitar riesgos quirúrgicos.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Sphenoid Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Sphenoid Sinus/anatomy & histology , Turkey , Age FactorsABSTRACT
Introduction: Foramen ovale is one of the important foramen found in the greater wing of the sphenoid bone. Thestructures passing through the foramen are mandibular nerve, accessory meningeal artery, lesser petrosal nerveand emissary vein.The shape of the foramen is oval in shape. An anatomical study of the foramen was done tonote the size and shape of the foramen ovale.Material and methods: The study was done 50 human dry skull of unknown sex and age. The anterior posteriordiameter and transverse diameter was measured by a divider and meter scale.Result: The maximum anterior posterior diameter was found to 9.8mm on right side and 9.6mm on left side. Themaximum transverse diameter was found to be 4.6mm on right side and 4.7mm on left side. The mean anteriorposterior diameter on right is 7.11±1.688 and on the left was 6.53±1.333. The mean transverse diameter of theforamen on right was 3.148±0.686 and on the left was 3.2±0.678. The foramen ovale was found to be symmetricin 14% of the skulls. The shape of the foramen was found to be oval in 70%, almond in 18%, rounded in 8% andtriangular in 4%.Conclusion: The variation of the foramen ovale has a great clinical and surgical significance to the neurosurgeons and physicians before exploring the middle cranial fossa. It will help in diagnosis and treatment ofvarious vascular tumors and aneurysms
The sphenoidal tubercle is a bone elevation located in the anterior edge of the infratemporal crest of the sphenoid greater wing, where the temporal and lateral pterygoid muscles have their origin. This bone accident presents varied morphology so its description and denomination are a topic of discussion. 60 dry skulls obtained from the morphology laboratory of the Biomedical Basic Sciences Department of the University of Talca were used for a morphological and morphometric analysis of the sphenoidal tubercle including its morphology, diameters (anteroposterior, transverse and vertical) and the distance to the grooves for the maxillary artery and maxillary nerve. Sphenoidal tubercle had a prevalence of 98.4 % of all dry skulls analyzed with a bilateral presentation in the 76.6 % of the cases. According to its different forms of presentation established by Cáceres et al., (2016) the pyramidal form was the most frequent with a 25.7 %. The average diameters were of 4.12 mm anteroposterior, 5.50 mm transverse and 3.89 mm vertical. The average distance to the grooves of the maxillary artery and maxillary nerve were 9.04 mm and 7.6 mm, respectively. Sphenoidal tubercle is a constant bone accident with a variated morphology and measures. Due to its anatomical relations with important neurovascular elements such as the maxillary artery and the maxillary nerve, it may be used as a reference point for surgical access to the infratemporal fossa. From this analysis we establish that the denomination of "infratemporal process" is more accurate, because the development of this bone accident is from muscular traction performed by the lateral pterygoid muscle and the deep portion of the temporal muscle causing great variations in its morphology, probably due to external and functional parameters or even influenced by the biotype.
El tubérculo esfenoidal es una elevación ósea ubicada en el extremo anterior de la cresta infratemporal del ala mayor del hueso esfenoides, donde presta inserción al músculo temporal y pterigoideo lateral. Presenta morfología variada, por lo que su descripción y denominación resultan motivo de discusión. 60 cráneos secos obtenidos del Laboratorio de Morfología del Departamento de Ciencias Básicas Biomédicas de la Universidad de Talca, fueron utilizados para realizar un análisis morfológico y morfométrico del tubérculo esfenoidal evaluando forma, diámetros (anteroposterior, laterolateral y vertical) y distancia con el surco de la arteria y nervio maxilar. El tubérculo esfenoidal tuvo una prevalencia del 98,4 % del total de cráneos analizados, presentándose bilateralmente en el 76,6 % de los casos. De acuerdo a las diferentes formas de presentación establecidas por Cáceres et al (2016) la forma piramidal fue la más frecuente con un 25,7 %. Los diámetros promedio fueron de 4,12 mm anteroposterior, 5,50 mm laterolateral y 3,89 mm vertical. Las distancias promedio con el surco de la arteria y nervio maxilar fueron de 9,04 mm y 7,6mm, respectivamente. El tubérculo esfenoidal es un accidente óseo constante de morfología y dimensiones variadas. Debido a sus relaciones con elementos vasculares de importancia, tales como la arteria y nervio maxilar, podría ser utilizado como elemento de referencia para el acceso quirúrgico a la fosa infratemporal. A partir de su análisis planteamos que su denominación como "proceso infratemporal" sería más apropiado, debido a que se desarrollaría a partir de la tracción muscular ejercida por el musculo pterigoideo lateral y la porción profunda del músculo temporal, ocasionando variaciones notables en su morfología, probablemente debido a factores externos y funcionales o incluso influenciada por el biotipo.
Humans , Sphenoid Bone/anatomy & histology , Temporal Muscle/anatomy & histology , Maxillary Artery/anatomy & histology , Maxillary Nerve/anatomy & histology , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction The sphenoid sinus (SS) has a high variability; its anatomical relations and variationsmust be well understood prior to the expanded endoscopic surgery (EES) at the skull base via the endonasal transsphenoidal approach. A feared complication is injury to the internal carotid artery (ICA). Objective To evaluate the anatomic variations of the SS and its relationship to the ICA using computed tomography (CT). Methods Cross-sectional retrospective study. Analysis of 90 patients' CT scans on axial, coronal and sagittal planes with 1 mm slices, evaluating lateral and posterior extensions of pneumatization of the SS, deviation of the sphenoid septum, presence of septations and their relationship to the parasellar and paraclival segments of the internal carotid artery (psICA and pcICA, respectively). Results The association between the protrusions of the psICA and the pcICA was statistically significant (p < 0.001), as was the association between the lateral extension of pneumatization of the SS and the protrusion of the psICA (p = 0.014). The presence of the posterior extension of pneumatization of the SS and protrusion of the pcICA occurred in 46% of the cases. Deviation of the sphenoid septum in the direction of the pcICA was present in 14% and dehiscence of the pcICA was seen in 3.6% of the cases. Conclusion Using the CT scan to recognize the type of extensions of pneumatization of the SS, the deviation of the sphenoid septum, and the presence of septations is beneficial to identify accurately the ICA and to reduce the risk of injury to it.
Objective The objective of this study is to introduce and describe a surgical technique called Osteoplastic Orbitozygomatic-Mastoid-Transattical Craniotomy (Osteoplastic OZ-MT) and to show the possibility of accomplishing osteoplastic craniotomies for other classical lateral transcranial approaches. Technique The Osteoplastic OZ-MT combines many lateral transcranial approaches. The surgical approach involves structures of lateral and basal portions of the skull, from the frontal bone, superolateral-inferolateral-posterolateral walls of the orbit, zygoma, zygomatic process, sphenoid greater and lesser wings, temporal fossa, mandibular fossa, zygomatic process of the temporal bone, petrous pyramid, mastoid, up to the parietal and occipital regions. The temporal muscle is totally preserved and attached to the one-piece-only bone flap. Results We have developed and used routinely the technique, including its variants and combinations, for about twenty years in children and adults to treat and/or remove mainly mesial, basal, intra, and/or extra-cranium lesions, from the anterior fossa, passing through the middle fossa and going up to the regions of the clivus, basilar artery, and cerebellumpontine angle, with greater surgical degree of freedom and consequent reduction of morbidity and mortality. So far, we have not had any complications nor important sequels, and the aesthetic and functional results are quite favorable. Conclusion The Osteoplastic OZ-MT is a very systematic, anatomical, feasible, and safe craniotomy. The synthesis is easy to do and can be reopened quickly if necessary. Variants and combinations allow us to opt for a more appropriate approach according to each case.
Objetivo Apresentar e descrever uma técnica cirúrgica denominada de Craniotomia Orbitozigomática- Mastóideo-Transatical Osteoplástica (OZ-MT Osteoplástica) e mostrar a possibilidade de realizar craniotomias osteoplásticas para os outros acessos transcranianos laterais clássicos. Técnica A OZ-MT Osteoplástica combina vários acessos transcranianos laterais. O acesso cirúrgico envolve estruturas das porções lateral e basal do crânio, do osso frontal, paredes súperolateral-ínferolateral-pósterolateral da órbita, zigoma, processo zigomático, asas maior e menor do esfenoide, fossa temporal, fossa mandibular, processo zigomático do osso temporal, pirâmide petrosa, mastoide, até as regiões parietal e occipital. O músculo temporal é totalmente preservado e aderido ao retalho ósseo de uma-peça-só. Resultado Temos desenvolvido e usado de rotina a técnica, incluindo suas variantes e combinações, por cerca de vinte anos, em crianças e adultos, para tratar e/ou remover principalmente aquelas lesões mesial, basal, intra e/ou extracranianas, desde a fossa anterior, passando pela fossa média e indo até às regiões do clivus, artéria basilar e ângulo ponto-cerebelar, com maior grau de liberdade cirúrgica e consequente redução da morbidade e mortalidade. Até agora, não tivemos nenhuma complicação e nem sequelas importantes e os resultados estético e funcional são bastantes favoráveis. Conclusões A OZ-MT Osteoplástica é uma craniotomia bastante sistematizada, anatômica, factível e segura. A síntese é fácil de ser feita e que pode ser reaberta rapidamente se necessário. Variantes e combinações nos permitem optar por um acesso mais apropriado conforme cada caso.
Craniotomy , Craniotomy/methods , Petrous Bone , Sphenoid Bone , Skull Base , MastoidABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) is used to expand the maxilla and increase arch perimeter; yet, there are few reports on its effects on the sphenoid bone. With cone-beam computed topography (CBCT), it is possible to visualize sphenoid bone changes. The purpose of this study was to investigate sphenoid bone changes observed in conjunction with RME treatments, using CBCT. METHODS: Sixty patients (34 women and 26 men, aged 11–17 years) underwent RME as part of their orthodontic treatment. Patients were randomly assigned to one of three groups: a tooth-anchored group, a bone-anchored group, or a control group. Initial CBCT scans were performed preceding the RME treatment (T₁) and again directly after the completion of expansion (T₂). Statistical analysis included ANOVA, descriptive statistics, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). RESULTS: The reliability of the landmark location was at least 0.783, and the largest ICC mean measurement error was 2.32 mm. With regard to distances, the largest change was 0.78 mm, which was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Statistical significance was established in patient groups of the same sex and treatment type for the following distance measurements: right anterior lateral pterygoid plate to the right edge of the hypophyseal fossa (d₂), anterior distance between the medial pterygoid plates (d₄), and anterior distance between the left medial and lateral plates (d₈). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, there were no clinically significant changes in the sphenoid bone due to RME treatments regardless of sex or treatment type.
Female , Humans , Male , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Maxilla , Palatal Expansion Technique , Sphenoid BoneABSTRACT
The foramen spinosum (FS) and foramen venosum (of Vesalius) (FV) are alisphenoid apertures situated within the hub of the middle cranial fossa in close proximity to foramen ovale (FO). The FS and FV provide a passage to important neurovascular structures. An accurate knowledge of the morphometric details of the FS and FV including their shape, incidence, relation to other foramina and/or presence of any anomalies may represent a reliable anatomical landmark during surgical explorative maneuvers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the morphologic and morphometric features of the FS and FV. The study was conducted on 100 dry human skulls (n= 200) obtained from the osteological bank at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, to produce a database which may serve as a useful guideline to surgeons and anesthetists. Although single (95%), duplicate (2.5%) and triplicate (0.5%) FS were identified; only single (5%) and duplicate (0.5%) FV were found. Oval (FS: 43.5%; FV: 4.5%) and round (FS: 58%; FV: 0.5%) foramina were observed. In addition, the relationship of the FS and FV to FO was recorded: postero-lateral (FS: 93%; FV: 0%); posterior (FS: 1.9%; FV: 0%); postero-medial (FS: 0.5%; FV: 0%); anterior (FS: 0%; FV: 0.5%); antero-medial (FS: 0%; FV: 4.5%). The mean morphometric parameters of the FS and FV included the internal diameter (FS: 2.53±0.76 mm; FV: 1.93±0.46 mm), external diameter (FS: 2.50±0.74 mm; FV: 2.81±1.53 mm) and distance to the FO (FS: 3.45± 1.29 mm; FV: 2.63±1.24 mm). In light of the morphometric and morphological variations of skull-based foramina, the evaluation of the FS and FV in our study may provide a reliable osteometric reference in clinical practice which may be beneficial during interpretation of imaging and surgical intervention.
El foramen espinoso (FE) y foramen venoso (FV) son aberturas situadas en el centro de la fosa craneal media en las proximidades de un foramen oval permeable (FO). El FE y FV proporcionan el acceso a importantes estructuras neurovasculares. Un conocimiento preciso de los datos morfométricos del FE y FV, incluyendo su forma, incidencia, relación con otros forámenes o presencia de cualquier anomalía puede representar un punto de referencia anatómica fiable durante las maniobras exploratorias quirúrgicas. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar las características morfológicas y morfométricas del FE y FV. El estudio se realizó sobre 100 cráneos humanos secos (n= 200) obtenidos del banco osteológico de la Universidad de KwaZulu-Natal, para producir una base de datos que pueda servir como guía útil para los cirujanos y anestesistas. Se identificaron FE únicos (95%), dobles (2,5%) y triples (0,5%); junto a FV únicos (5%) y dobles (0,5%). Según forma, se encontraron forámenes de tipo oval (FE: 43,5%; FV: 4,5%) y circular (FE: 58%; FV: 0,5%). Además, se registró la relación entre FE, FV y FO: postero-lateral (FE: 93%; FV: 0%); posterior (FE: 1,9%; FV: 0%); postero-medial (FE: 0,5%; FV: 0%); anterior (FE: 0%; FV: 0,5%) y antero-medial (FE: 0%; FV: 4,5%). Los parámetros morfométricos medios de los FE y FV incluyeron el diámetro interno (FE: 2, 53±0,76 mm; FV: 1,93±0,46 mm), diámetro externo (FS: 2,50±0,74 mm; FV: 2,81±1,53 mm) y distancia al FO (FS: 3,45±1,29 mm; FV: 2,63±1,24 mm). Considerando la morfometría y las variaciones morfológicas de los forámenes en la base del cráneo, la evaluación del FE y FV puede proporcionar una referencia osteométrica fiable en la práctica clínica, que puede ser beneficiosa durante la interpretación imagenológica y la intervención quirúrgica.
Humans , Cephalometry , Sphenoid Bone/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
The objectives of the present study were to find the prevalence of foramen of Vesalius and to discuss its morphology. The embryological basis of this foramen and its surgical highlights are emphasized. The study comprised 78 human adult dried skulls, which were obtained from the anatomy laboratory of our institution. The greater wing of the sphenoid bone was macroscopically observed for the presence of foramen of Vesalius. It was observed that the foramen was present in 29 skulls (37.2%). It was seen bilaterally in 13 (16.7%) skulls and unilaterally in 16 (20.5%) specimens.Anatomical literature has explained the variation of this foramen by the developmental considerations. We believe that the details of this foramen are known to have significant implications for the medical and surgical literature. The details are also enlightening to the clinical anatomists and other broad specialties of medicine.This sphenoidal emissary foramen contains a bridging vein, which connects the pterygoid venous plexus with the cavernous sinus. This communication is clinically important, since an extra cranial infection may sometimes reach the cavernous sinus through this foramen, which may lead to cavernous sinus thrombosis. Foramen of Vesalius can get injured during the trigeminal nerve block technique performed for the trigeminal neuralgia. In this procedure, the foramen can get hurt by a displaced instrument, which would end up in intracranial bleeding, which can spread the extracranal infection into the cavernous sinus. This may lead to serious disorders like Tolosa Hunt and Gradenigo syndromes. Keywords: Foramen ovale, middle cranial fossa, morphology, skull base, sphenoid bone
PURPOSE: This study was performed to evaluate the relationship between pterygoid plate asymmetry and temporomandibular joint disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of 60 patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) involving pain were analyzed and compared with images of 60 age- and gender-matched controls. Three observers performed linear measurements of the lateral pterygoid plates. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were found between measurements of the lateral pterygoid plates on the site that had pain and the contralateral site (p<0.05). The average length of the lateral pterygoid plates (LPPs) in patients with TMD was 17.01+/-3.64 mm on the right side and 16.21+/-3.51 mm on the left side, and in patients without TMD, it was 11.86+/-1.97 mm on the right side and 11.98+/-1.85 mm on the left side. Statistically significant differences in the LPP length, measured on CBCT, were found between patients with and without TMD (p<0.05). The inter-examiner reliability obtained in this study was very high for all the examiners (0.99, 95% confidence interval: 0.98-0.99). CONCLUSION: Within the limits of the present study, CBCT lateral pterygoid plate measurements at the side with TMD were found to be significantly different from those on the side without TMD. More research is needed to explore potential etiological correlations and implications for treatment.
Humans , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Facial Pain , Sphenoid Bone , Temporomandibular Joint DisordersABSTRACT
Plasmacytoma is a monoclonal neoplastic proliferation of plasma cells derived from bone marrow. Plasmacytoma of the skull base is very rare. Recently, the authors experienced a case of a 50-year-old woman with a tumor like lesion originating from the right sphenoid bone. The patient presented with a 3-month history of right facial pain and paresthesia. She had been diagnosed and treated with multiple myeloma for more than 5 years, although she was in complete remission until recently. Imaging studies including contrast CT scan and MRI, showed a huge, enhanced and irregular shaped lesion in the sphenoid bone along with skull base destruction and intracranial invasion. The patient underwent transnasal endoscopic biopsy under local anesthesia. The pathology was consistent with a plasma cell tumor and it was confirmed as a solitary plasmacytoma of the bone of the skull base. We report this rare case along with a literature review.
Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Anesthesia, Local , Biopsy , Bone Marrow , Cheek , Facial Pain , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Multiple Myeloma , Paresthesia , Pathology , Plasma Cells , Plasmacytoma , Skull Base , Sphenoid Bone , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
Introducción: La función muscular condiciona cambios dinámicos en la orientación de sus fibras y posteriormente en su longitud real; estos cambios tensionales producen una remodelación en la estructura ósea interna del hueso de inserción y luego de un per¡odo de tiempo pueden condicionar cambios significativos en la arquitectura del hueso donde actúan. Objetivo: comparar las dimensiones del ala externa de la apéfisis pterigoides através de tomograf¡a de haz cónico en pacientes con y sin disfunción temporomandibular. Materiales y métodos: se evaluaron 60 tomograf¡as de haz cónico de pacientes con disfunción temporomandibular y 60 tomograf¡as de pacientes sin la condición, entre los años 2010 y 2011. Resultados: se estableció que la longitud media del ala externa de la apófisis pterigoides, en pacientes con disfunción temporomandibular fue de 17,01 ñ 3,64mm en el lado derecho y de 16,21 ñ 3,51mm en el lado izquierdo; y en pacientes sin disfunción temporomandibular fue de 11,86 ñ 1,97mm en el lado derecho y 11,98 ñ 1,85mm en el lado is se encontró relación estad¡sticamente significativa entre el lado de mayor longitud del ala externa de la apófisis pterigoides y dolor ipsilateral (p<0,05). Conclusiones: existen diferencias altamente significativas en la longitud del ala externa de la apófisis pterigoides, medida en tomograf¡a de haz cónico, entre los pacientes con y sin disfunción temporomandibular (p<0,001).
Introduction: Muscular function determines the dynamic changes in orientation of its fibers and later in its length, these pressure changes occur in the structure remodeling bone marrow insertion internal and after a period of time may determine significant changes in the architecture bone where they act. Objectives: To compare lateral plateïs dimensions of pterygoid process (LPPP) by cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) in patients with and without temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Material and methods: 60 CBCT of patients with TMD and 60 CBCT patients without that condition, from 2010 to 2011. Results: Results showed patients with larger LPPP and with TMD were 17.01 ñ 3.64mm on right side and 16.21 ñ 3.51mm on left side; and in patients without TMD were 11.86 ñ 1.97mm on right side and 11.98 ñ 1.85mm on left side. We found statistically significant relation between the side of major length of LPPP and pain in the same side (p <0.05). Conclusions: There was highly significant differences in LPPP length, measured in CBCT, between patients with and without TMD (p <0.001).
Humans , Prospective Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Studies as TopicABSTRACT
Determinadas situações de alteração da normalidade envolvem a simetria óssea dos processos pterigoides como a hemi-hiperplasia que é uma anomalia de desenvolvimento caracterizada pelo crescimento assimétrico de uma ou mais partes do corpo. A relação entre o volume de músculos da mastigação e estruturas ósseas pode ser estudada em doentes com e sem assimetria facial. A importância do conhecimento da anatomia radiográfica para a interpretação de afecções ósseas foi embasada no conhecimento anatômico do padrão de normalidade, principalmente no tocante a estruturas que servem de inserção aos músculos da mastigação. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo determinar da angulação das lâminas medial e lateral do processo pterigoide do osso esfenoide, por meio da tomografia computadorizada helicoidal. Neste trabalho, em uma amostra que contou com 52 exames de tomografias computadorizadas, foi mensurado o ângulo entre as lâminas medial e lateral do processo pterigoide do osso esfenoide. Foram obtidos ângulos com média de 41,33° do lado D e 41,66° do lado E
The aim in this research is to determine the angle formed by the medial and lateral blades of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone through helical CT. Certain situations involve alteration of normal bone symmetry of the pterygoid processes as hemihyperplasia which is a developmental anomaly characterized by asymmetric growth of one or more body parts. The relationship between the volume of masticatoty muscles and bony structures may be studied in patients with and without facial asymmetry. The knowledge of radiographic anatomy for the interpretation of bone infections is based on knowledge of the normal anatomical structures especially regarding those that serve as suport to the masticatoty muscles. In this study, in 52 helical CT exames, the angle between the blades of the medial and lateral pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone were measured. The mean angles found were 41.33° to the right side and 41.66° to the left side
Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Anatomy , Pterygoid Muscles , Sphenoid BoneABSTRACT
Humans , Anatomic Variation , Arteries , Korea , Maxilla , Osteotomy , Sphenoid Bone , SpineABSTRACT
El foramen venoso es una estructura inconstante que se encuentra posterior al foramen redondo y medial al foramen oval, y da paso a una vena que anastomosa al plexo venoso pterigoideo con el seno cavernoso. La existencia de éste foramen puede ser motivo de complicaciones clínicas, entre ellas que es una potencial vía de acceso al seno cavernoso de trombos infectados y constituye una posible falsa vía durante la rizotomía percutánea del trigémino pudiendo puncionar la vena y ocasionar hematomas subdurales. Se utilizó la colección de cráneos del Departamento de Anatomía de la Facultad de Medicina UANL. Se observó la frecuencia y se midieron los siguientes parámetros del foramen: Ancho y largo; en la cara interna de la base del cráneo se midieron las distancias a: foramen redondo, foramen oval, plano sagital mediano y entre forámenes venosos; en la cara externa de la base del cráneo se midieron las distancias con: foramen oval, plano sagital medio y entre los forámenes venosos. Las medidas fueron llevadas a cabo por tres observadores distintos a través de medición directa con vernier y con microfotografías con escalas milimétricas. Se encontró una frecuencia del 20 por ciento con medidas medias de 1,66mm de largo, 1,06mm de ancho; en la cara interna de la base del cráneo: 11,31mm de distancia al foramen redondo, 4,13mm al foramen oval, 17,75mm al plano sagital medio y 31,91mm entre los forámenes; en la cara externa de la base: 2,50mm al foramen oval, 19,54mm al plano sagital medio y 36,05mm entre forámenes venoso. La distancia al foramen oval varía en la cara interna y la cara externa de la base del cráneo debido a un trayecto oblicuo del foramen que tiende a aproximarse al foramen oval y por tanto a separarse del plano sagital medio. Los forámenes derechos fueron generalmente más grandes.
Foramen venosum (foramen Vesalius) is an inconstant structure which is located posterior to the foramen rotundum and medial to the foramen ovale, and it gives pace to an emissary vein that communicates the plexus pterigoideus and the sinus cavernosus. The existence of this anatomical structure can be of interest in certain procedures like percutaneous trigeminal rhizotomy where this foramen can be the cause of a false pathway and be punctured causing a subdural hematoma. It also can be an access to the sinus cavernosus for infected thrombus coming from dental and facial infections. For this study the skull collection of the Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine UANL, was used. We observed the frequency and measured the following parameters: Length and width; in the basis cranii we measured: Distances to the foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, planum medianum and between two foramina venosum (one on each side). In basis cranii externa we measured: distances to foramen ovale, planum medianum, and between two foramina venosum. Three independent observers blinded among them, measured the parameters using a Vernier and microphotographs with milimetrical scales. A 20 percent frequency was found and the following median measures: Length 1.66mm, width 1.06mm; basis cranii: distance to foramen rotundum 11.31mm, distance to foramen ovale 4.13mm, distance to planum medianum 17.75mm and 31.91mm between both foramina venosum. Basis cranii externa: distance to foramen ovale 2.49mm, distance to planum medianum 19.54mm and distance between foramenina venosum 36.05. The distance to the foramen ovale varies between basis cranii and basis cranii externa because the foramen has an oblique trajectory and it approximates to the foramen ovale (from superior to inferior) and separates from the planum medianum. It was found bilaterally only in one skull. There are differences between the left and right foramens, the latter being generally larger.
Humans , Male , Female , Skull/anatomy & histology , Skull/blood supply , Foramen Ovale/anatomy & histology , Foramen Ovale/pathology , Cranial Fossa, Middle/anatomy & histology , Cranial Fossa, Middle/growth & development , Cranial Fossa, Middle/pathology , Sphenoid Bone/anatomy & histology , Sphenoid Bone/pathology , Mexico/ethnologyABSTRACT
Objective To muhi-directionally visualize and measure the normal anatomy of palatovaginal canal and its communications with high-resolution multi-slice spiral CT and its post-processing technologies.Methods One hundred and sixty-seven subjects with normal PPF and its communications were examined by 16-MSCT using high-resolution technique.The MPR and CPR images of palatovaginal canal were obtained on postproeessing workstation.The length and diameter of the palatovaginal canal and its communications was measured and analyzed with one way ANOVA analysis and independent samples t test.Results In this study, the detection rate of palatovaginal canal on 167 subjects was 98.8% (330/334).The mean length of left and right palatovaginal canal was (1.18 ± 0.22) cm and (1.07 ± 0.29) cm, respectively.The mean diameter of anterior opening (0.19±0.06)cm was significantly larger than median (0.10 ± 0.04) cm and posterior opening (0.16 ± 0.07)cm in left palatovaginal canal (F = 211.109, P < 0.01).Similarly,The mean diameters of anterior, median and posterior opening in right palatovaginal canal were (0.19±0.06)cm, (0.10±0.03)cm and(0.16±0.06) cm, respectively (F = 139.350,P <0.01).No significant difference on length measurements was revealed between the men [left: (1.18±0.22) cm; right: (1.12 ± 0.31)cm] and women [left: (1.07±0.25)cm; fight: (1.02±0.25)cm] (left: t = 0.919, P > 0.05 ;right:t = 1.117,P > 0.05).Between the men [left: (0.19±0.06) cm, (0.10 +0.04) cm and (0.16±0.07) cm; right: (0.19±0.06) cm,(0.10±0.04) cm,(0.16±0.06) cm] and women [left: (0.20±0.08) cm, (0.10±0.04) cm and (0.15±0.05) cm; right: (0.20±0.06) cm, (0.09± 0.04) cm and (0.15±0.05) cm], no significant difference on diameter measurements was revealed (left: t =- 1.183,0.190 and 1.660 ; fight: t = - 1.420,1.210 and 0.802 ; all P > 0.05).Conclusion On the basis of high-resolution MDCT scan, MPR and CPR images could visualize clearly the morphologic features of the palatovaginal canal, which may be helpful for making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions because more imaging information could be obtained.
Introdução: Condroblastoma é uma rara neoplasia benigna cartilaginosa, altamente destrutiva, que caracteristicamente surge na epífise de ossos longos em pacientes jovens. Sua ocorrência é extremamente rara na base do crânio, normalmente ocorrendo no osso temporal. Objetivo: Descrever um raro caso de um paciente apresentando um condroblastoma de osso esfenóide que invadia a fossa média, submetido a ressecção cirúrgica com sucesso, sem recorrência após 2 anos. Relato do Caso: W.J.S., 37 anos, masculino, encaminhado ao ambulatório de otorrinolaringologia com otalgia persistente e de forte intensidade há 3 meses. Apresentava otoscopia normal e sem tumorações visíveis. Tomografia computadorizada evidenciou massa tumoral em fossa infra-temporal à esquerda, invadindo fossa cerebral média. Biópsia sugeria tumor de células gigantes. Realizada ressecção ampla por abordagem anterior via osteotomia orbito-zigomática. Durante a cirurgia, confirmando achados tomográficos, não foi encontrado envolvimento do osso temporal. Exame histopatológico evidenciou condroblastoma. Após 18 meses da cirurgia, não apresenta queixas, sem déficits motores, sensitivos ou de nervos cranianos e sem sinais tomográficos de recorrência. Conclusão: Destaca-se a importância do diagnóstico diferencial do condroblastoma nas lesões da base do crânio e sua abordagem terapêutica, cujo objetivo sempre deve ser a maior ressecção possível com a máxima preservação de função.
Introduction: Chondroblastoma is an uncommon cartilaginous benign neoplasm, highly destructive, which specifically appears in the epiphysis of long bones in young patients. Its occurrence is extremely rare in the cranial base, normally occurring in the temporal bone. Objective: To describe a rare case in a patient presenting with a sphenoid bone chondroblastoma that invaded the middle cranial cavity, submitted to a successful surgical resection, without recurrence after 2 years. Case Report: W.J.S, 37 years old, male, forwarded to the otorhinolaryngology service with persistent and strong otalgia for 3 months. He had normal otoscopy and without visible tumorations. The computerized tomography confirmed tumor mass in the left infra-temporal cavity, invading the middle cranial cavity. The biopsy suggested giant cells tumor. After wide resection by frontal approach via orbitozygomatic osteotomy. During the surgery, we confirmed tomographic statements and didn't find temporal bone involvement. The histopathological exam confirmed chondroblastoma. After 18 months after the surgery, he doesn't present with complaints, without motor, sensitive deficits or of cranial nerves and without recurrence tomographic signals. Conclusion: The importance of differential diagnosis of chondroblastoma is remarkable in the cranial base lesions and its therapeutic approach, whose objective must always be the major possible resection with the maximum function conservation.