Abstract Objective To evaluate the spinopelvic alignment in patients with thoracolumbar burst fracture (TBF) without neurological deficit treated nonsurgically and surgically in a tertiary reference trauma hospital. Method Retrospective cross-sectional study of patients with single level, type A3 and A4 AOSpine TBF only of the thoracolumbar region. Analysis of clinical data, low back pain (visual analogue scale [VAS]), Denis Pain Scale, quality of life (SF-36), sagittal (TC, TLC, LL, SVA) and spinopelvic (IP, PV, SI, PI-LL) radiographic parameters of patients treated surgically and nonsurgically. Results A total of 50 individuals with an average age of 50 years old with a mean follow-up of 109 months (minimum of 19 and maximum of 306 months) were evaluated. There was a significant difference between treatments for the Denis Work Scale (p= 0.046) in favor of nonsurgical treatment. There was no significant difference between the treatments for lower back pain VAS and Denis Pain Scale (p= 0.468 and p= 0.623). There was no significant difference between treatments in any of the domains evaluated with the SF-36 (p> 0.05). Radiographic parameters were not different between the analyzed groups; however, all radiographic parameters showed significant difference between the population considered asymptomatic, except for pelvic incidence (p< 0.005). Conclusions The spinopelvic alignment was normal in patients with TBF without neurological deficit treated nonsurgically and surgically after a minimum follow-up of 19 months. However, they presented a higher mean pelvic version and discrepancy between lumbar lordosis and pelvic incidence when compared with the reference values of the Brazilian population.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o alinhamento espinopélvico em pacientes com fratura toracolombar do tipo explosão (FTE) sem déficit neurológico tratados de forma não operatória e operatória em um hospital terciário de referência em trauma. Método Estudo transversal retrospectivo de pacientes com FTE apenas da região toracolombar, de nível único, do tipo A3 e A4 AOSpine. Análise de dados clínicos, dor lombar (escala visual analógica [EVA]), Escala de Denis, qualidade de vida (SF-36), parâmetros radiográficos sagitais (cifose torácica [CT], cifose toracolombar [CTL], lordose lombar [LL] e eixo vertical sagital [EVS]) e espinopélvicos (incidência pélvica [IP], versão pélvica [VP], inclinação sacral [IS] e a discrepância entre incidência pélvica e lordose lombar [IP-LL]) de pacientes tratados de forma operatória e não operatória. Resultados O presente estudo avaliou um total de 50 indivíduos com uma média de 50 anos de idade com acompanhamento médio de 109 meses (mínimo de 19 e máximo de 306 meses). Houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos para Denis trabalho (p= 0,046) a favor do tratamento não operatório. Não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos para EVA dor lombar e Denis dor (p= 0,468 e p= 0,623). Não houve diferença significante entre os tratamentos em nenhum dos domínios avaliados do SF-36 (p> 0,05). Parâmetros radiográficos não se mostraram diferentes entre os grupos analisados; contudo, todos os parâmetros radiográficos mostraram diferença significante entre a população considerada assintomática, com exceção da incidência pélvica (p< 0,005). Conclusões O alinhamento espinopélvico foi normal em pacientes com FTE sem déficit neurológico tratados de forma não operatória e operatória, após acompanhamento mínimo de 19 meses. Entretanto, estes pacientes apresentaram maior média de versão pélvica e de discrepância entre lordose lombar e incidência pélvica quando comparados com os valores de referência da população brasileira.
Humans , Spinal Curvatures , Spinal Injuries , Tertiary Healthcare , Spinal FracturesABSTRACT
Objective@#To understand the prevalence and associated factors of spinal curvature in children and adolescents in the Yangtze River Delta Region and to provide reference and help for the prevention and intervention of spinal curvature in children and adolescents.@*Methods@#From September to November 2021, 8 246 middle school students in Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Zhejiang provinces in the Yangtze River Delta Region were selected by stratified cluster sampling for spinal curvature assessment and questionnaire survey.@*Results@#The detection rate of spinal curvature in middle school students in the Yangtze River Delta was 8.46 %. Girls (9.82%) were significantly higher than boys (7.20%)( χ 2=18.25, P <0.01), and students from urban area (10.77%) was significantly higher than that of suburban area (4.94%)( χ 2=86.75, P <0.01). Junior high school students (6.65%) were significantly lower than high school students (10.34%)( χ 2=36.26, P <0.01). Logistic regression analysis showed that urban area( OR= 2.58, 95%CI =1.72-3.86), time usage of electronic equipment ≥ 3 h/d( OR=1.61, 95%CI =1.14-2.29), break between near work for more than 1 h ( OR=1.42, 95%CI =1.01-1.97) and outdoor activity <2 h/d( OR=1.84, 95%CI =1.26-2.69) were positively correlated with the occurrence of spinal curvature( P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#The detection rate of spinal curvature in middle school students in the Yangtze River Delta is relatively high, which is related to time spent on screen, near work and outdoor activity. Education and guidance should be strengthened to reduce the detection rate of spinal curvature.
Objective@#To investigate the incidence and associated factors of spinal curvature disorders among primary and middle school students in Hohhot, so as to provide reference for relevant prevention strategies.@*Methods@#According to the monitoring and intervention work of students common diseases in Inner Mongolia Autonomous, 13 586 primary and middle school students in Hohhot were selected by random sampling method to carry out scoliosis examination in September 2021.@*Results@#A total of 538( 4.0% ) students were found to have spinal curvature disorder. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that monitoring site, phases of studying, and persistent back pain in the past 1 month were associated of spinal curvature disorder in primary and middle school students ( OR =0.33, 1.74, 1.28, 1.51, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Spinal curvature disorder is relatively common in primary and middle school students in Hohhot. Effective measures should be taken to reduce the burden of spinal curvature disorders in primary and middle school students.
Objective@#To investigate the incidence of abnormal spinal curvature and related factors among middle school students in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, so as to provide evidence for abnormal spinal curvature prevention and treatment.@*Methods@#By using a random stratified cluster sampling method, 87 908 students of middle and high school students from all 12 counties(districts) were investigated via questionnaires for abnormal spinal curvature and health influencing factors in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Chi square test was used to perform demographic characteristics and univariate analysis, and binary multivariate Logistic regression model was used to screen the risk factors for spinal curvature abnormalities in middle school students.@*Results@#A total of 3 131(3.56%) students with spinal curvature abnormalities were detected, with boys (3.69%) higher than that of girls(3.44%), urban areas (6.15%) higher than that of the suburban counties (2.50%), and high school students ( 4.97 %) higher than that of junior high school(2.73%) students( χ 2=4.01, 702.19, 299.36, P <0.05). The detectable rate of spinal curvature abnormalities increased with grade ( χ 2 trend =309.29, P <0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that factors influencing abnormal spinal curvature included myopia, overweight, obesity, the frequency of classroom seating arrangements, time spent on homework/reading after school every day, time spent in daytime outdoor activities, self imposed requirements for posture of sitting and standing, phase of studying, gender, and area ( OR =0.53-2.55, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Abnormal spinal curvature is strongly correlated to nutritional status, myopia, sitting posture when reading and writing, sedentary time, and time spent in outdoor activities. The collaboration of multiple departments is required to establish anenvironment to protect the spine, early detection and early intervention.
Objective@#To investigate abnormal spinal curvature among primary and secondary school students in Sichuan Province, so as to provide evidence for scientific prevention.@*Methods@#Using a stratified cluster random sampling method, a total of 210 713 students of grade 4 to grade 12 from 21 cities (prefectures) in Sichuan Province were selected for spinal curvature screening and questionnaire survey from September to November 2022. Chi-square test and multivariate Logistic regression model were used to analyze the influencing factors of abnormal spinal curvature.@*Results@#The detection rate of abnormal spinal curvature was 3.42%, with urban areas (4.54%) higher than that in suburban areas(2.57%), girls (3.86%) higher than that in boys(2.98%), high school students (4.70%) higher than that in middle school students (3.80%) and elementary school students(2.21%), the differences were statistically significant ( χ 2=606.96, 123.81, 645.24, P <0.01). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that urban area, junior and senior high school, girl, carrying backpack on one shoulder, desks and chairs adjusted for student height less than ≤1 time every school year, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity less than 1 h per week, and indoors sedentary time more than 10 h/d were positively associated with abnormal spinal curvature ( OR=1.72, 1.75, 1.87, 1.26, 1.09, 1.07, 1.10, 1.25 , P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#The detection rate of abnormal spinal curvature of primary and secondary school students may be affected by the urbanicity, educational stage as well as gender in Sichuan Province. More attention should be paid to urban high school girls, and targeted strategies should be explored to reduce the incidence of abnormal spinal curvature.
ABSTRACT: Objective: Evaluate the inter and intra-observer reliability of Nash and Moe's grades, used to assess patients diagnosed with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). Methodology: Forty-seven representative x-rays of patients with AIS were randomly selected to evaluate the apical vertebral rotation (AVR) using Nash and Moe's grades. The evaluation of the AVR was made independently in two distinct moments by two observers. The inclusion criteria in the study were a patient diagnosed with AIS and an orthostasis radiography with a good-quality image. An agreement study between the evaluations and the inter and intraobserver's reliability was determined using Kappa's statistics with a confidence interval of 95%. Results: The interobservers' Kappa's value in the first evaluation was 0,44 (CI 95%; 0,22-0,66) and 0,37 (CI 95%; 0,17-0,56) in the second. In the intraobservers' evaluations, the Kappa's value for examiner 1 was 0,61 (CI 95%; 0,40-0,81) and 0,46 (CI 95%; 0,22-0,70) for examiner 2. Conclusion: This study's results demonstrated that Nash and Moe's grades are unreliable for evaluating vertebral rotation in patients with AIS. Level of Evidence III; A Cross-Sectional Study.
RESUMO: Objetivo: Avaliar a confiabilidade inter e intraobservador da classificação de Nash & Moe, usada em pacientes diagnosticados com escoliose idiopática do adolescente (EIA). Metodologia: Quarenta e sete radiografias representativas de pacientes com EIA foram selecionadas aleatoriamente para avaliação da rotação da vértebra apical (RVA), usando a classificação de Nash & Moe. A avaliação do RVA foi realizada de forma independente em dois momentos distintos, por dois examinadores. Os critérios de inclusão no estudo foram: paciente com diagnóstico de EIA e radiografia realizada em ortostase, com imagem de boa qualidade. Foi realizado um estudo de concordância entre as avaliações, e a confiabilidade inter e intraobservador foi calculada utilizando a estatística de Kappa com intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%. Resultados: O valor de Kappa interobservador na primeira avaliação foi de 0,44 (IC 95% de 0,22-0,66) e na segunda de 0,37 (IC 95% de 0,17 -0,56). Nas avaliações intraobservadores, o valor de Kappa para o examinador 1 foi de 0,61 (IC 95% de 0,40-0,81) e para o examinador 2 foi de 0,46 (IC 95% de 0,22-0,70). Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que a classificação de Nash & Moe apresenta baixa confiabilidade na avaliação do grau de rotação vertebral em pacientes com EIA. Nível de Evidência III; Estudo Transversal.
RESUMEN: Objetivo: Evaluar la confiabilidad inter e intraobservador para la clasificación de Nash & Moe, usada para estudiar pacientes diagnosticados con Escoliosis Idiopática del Adolescente (EIA). Metodología: Cuarenta y siete radiografías representativas de pacientes con EIA fueron seleccionadas aleatoriamente para evaluación de la rotación de la vértebra apical (RVA) usando la clasificación de Nash & Moe. La evaluación fue hecha de modo independiente en dos momentos distintos, por dos evaluadores. Los criterios de inclusión en el estudio fueron: paciente con diagnóstico de EIA y radiografía realizada en ortostasis, con buena calidad de imagen. Se realizó un estudio de concordancia entre las evaluaciones y se calculó la fiabilidad interobservador e intraobservador mediante la estadística de Kappa con un intervalo de confianza (IC) del 95%. Resultados: El valor Kappa interobservador en la primera evaluación fue de 0,44 (IC 95%: 0,22-0,66) y en la segunda de 0,37 (IC 95%: 0,17 -0,56). En las evaluaciones intraobservador, el valor Kappa para el examinador 1 fue de 0,61 (IC 95%: 0,40-0,81) y para el examinador 2 fue de 0,46 (IC 95%: 0,22-0,70). Conclusión: Los resultados de este estudio demostraron que la clasificación de Nash & Moe tiene una baja fiabilidad para evaluar el grado de rotación vertebral en pacientes con EIA. Nivel de Evidencia III; Estudio Transversal.
Humans , Adolescent , Spine , Spinal Curvatures , Radiography, PanoramicABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: This study aims to evaluate angular progression of patients with a diagnosis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), that await surgical treatment. Methods: This is an observational and descriptive study. Data were collected for age at initial surgical indication, initial date and Cobb angle, date and Cobb angle of the follow-up visit, time elapsed between the initial and follow-up visit, and type of curve. All recorded Cobb angles were reviewed by the authors. Results: 86.1% of the individuals were women, the mean age of indication for surgical treatment was 13.34 years. The most common type of curve was Lenke 3 and the one that progressed the most was Lenke 4. The general average of annual progression was 9.89 degrees for the primary curves and 12.32 for the secondary curves, and the follow-up was, on average, 35.77 months. Conclusion: The progression of the magnitude of the curve increases during the wait for the definitive treatment of AIS, no matter which group of the Lenke classification the curve belongs to. The secondary curves present a progression rate of 12.32º/year, higher than the main curve, which presents a rate of 9.89º/year. The waiting time has been increasing over the years, which is evident compared to older publications. Level of Evidence IV; Type of Study: Prognostic Study.
RESUMO: Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a progressão do valor angular de indivíduos com diagnóstico de Escoliose Idiopática do Adolescente (EIA) não tratada, aguardando procedimento cirúrgico. Métodos: Este é um estudo observacional e descritivo. Foram coletados os seguintes dados dos pacientes: idade da indicação cirúrgica inicial, data da avaliação inicial e ângulo de Cobb, data e ângulo de Cobb nas consultas de seguimento, tempo decorrido entre as consultas inicial e de seguimento, bem como os tipos de curva. Todos os ângulos de Cobb registrados foram revisados pelos autores. Resultados: 86,1% dos indivíduos eram mulheres, a idade média de indicação de tratamento cirúrgico foi de 13,34 anos. O tipo de curva mais comum foi a Lenke 3 e a que mais progrediu foi a Lenke 4. A média geral de progressão anual foi de 9,89 graus para as curvas primárias e 12,32 para as curvas secundárias e o acompanhamento foi em média de 35,77 meses. Conclusão: A progressão da magnitude da curva aumentou durante a espera pelo tratamento definitivo da EIA, não importando em qual grupo da classificação de Lenke a curva pertence. As curvas secundárias apresentaram taxa de progressão de 12,32º/ano que é maior se comparada com a curva principal que apresenta taxa de 9,89º/ano. O tempo de espera vem aumentando com o passar dos anos, sendo evidente quando comparado com as publicações mais antigas. Nível de Evidência IV; Tipo de Estudo: Estudo Prognostico.
RESUMEN: Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la progresión del valor angular de individuos no tratados diagnosticados con Escoliosis Idiopática del Adolescente (EIA), que están en espera de un procedimiento quirúrgico. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional y descriptivo. Se recogieron datos de edad de indicación quirúrgica inicial, fecha inicial y ángulo de Cobb, fecha y ángulo de Cobb de la visita de seguimiento, tiempo transcurrido entre la visita inicial y de seguimiento y tipo de curva. Todos los ángulos de Cobb registrados fueron revisados por los autores. Resultados: El 86,1% de los individuos eran mujeres, la edad media de indicación del tratamiento quirúrgico fue de 13,34 años. El tipo de curva más común fue Lenke 3 y el que más progresó fue Lenke 4. El promedio general de progresión anual fue de 9,89 grados para las curvas primarias y 12,32 para las curvas secundarias y el seguimiento fue en promedio de 35,77 meses. Conclusión: La progresión de la magnitud de la curva aumenta durante la espera del tratamiento definitivo de la EIA, independientemente del grupo de la clasificación de Lenke al que pertenezca la curva. Las curvas secundarias presentan una tasa de progresión de 12,32º/año, superior a la curva principal que presenta una tasa de 9,89º/año. El tiempo de espera ha ido aumentando a lo largo de los años, lo cual es evidente al compararlo con publicaciones más antiguas. Nivel de Evidencia IV; Tipo de Estudio: Estudio Pronostico.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Spinal Curvatures , Spinal Diseases , Orthopedics , SpineABSTRACT
Abstract Objective The present study aims to determine the intra- and inter-rater reliability and reproducibility of the Roussouly classification for lumbar lordosis types. Methods A database of 104 panoramic, lateral radiographs of the spine of male individuals aged between 18 and 40 years old was used. Six examiners with different expertise levels measured spinopelvic angles and classified lordosis types according to the Roussouly classification using the Surgimap software (Nemaris Inc., New York, NY, USA). After a 1-month interval, the measurements were repeated, and the intra- and inter-rater agreement were calculated using the Fleiss Kappa test. Results The study revealed positive evidence regarding the reproducibility of the Roussouly classification, with reasonable to virtually perfect (0.307-0.827) intra-rater agreement, and moderate (0.43) to reasonable (0.369) inter-rater agreement according to the Fleiss kappa test. The most experienced examiners showed greater inter-rater agreement, ranging from substantial (0.619) to moderate (0.439). Conclusion The Roussouly classification demonstrated good reliability and reproducibility, with intra- and inter-rater agreements at least reasonable, and reaching substantial to virtually perfect levels in some situations. Evaluators with highest expertise levels showed greater intra and inter-rater agreement.
Resumo Objetivo Determinar a confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade intra- e interavaliadores da classificação dos tipos de lordose lombar de Roussouly. Métodos Foram utilizadas 104 radiografias panorâmicas da coluna vertebral em incidência de perfil, de banco de dados, de indivíduos do sexo masculino com idade entre 18 e 40 anos. Utilizando o software Surgimap (Nemaris Inc., Nova York, NY, EUA), seis examinadores com diferentes níveis de experiência aferiram os ângulos espinopélvicos e classificaram o tipo de lordose de acordo com a classificação de Roussouly. Após um intervalo de 1 mês, as mensurações foram realizadas novamente, sendo calculadas as concordâncias intra- e interavaliadores através do teste Kappa de Fleiss. Resultados O estudo demonstrou evidências positivas em relação à reprodutibilidade da classificação de Roussouly, com teste Kappa de Fleiss para concordância intraavaliador entre razoável à quase perfeita (0,307-0,827), e interavaliador entre moderada (0,43) e razoável (0,369). Os examinadores mais experientes apresentaram maior concordância interavaliador, variando entre substancial (0,619) e moderada (0,439). Conclusão A classificação de Roussouly, demonstrou boa confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade, tendo em vista que a concordância intra- e interavaliadores foi considerada no mínimo razoável, podendo atingir os níveis de substanciais à quase perfeitos em algumas situações. Os avaliadores com maior nível de experiência apresentaram maior concordância intra- e interavaliadores.
Humans , Spinal Curvatures/pathology , Reproducibility of Results , Postural Balance , Lordosis/classificationABSTRACT
Abstract@#In China, the prevalence of abnormal spinal curvature in children and adolescents is high, and the number of cases is increasing in recent years, which seriously threatens physical and mental health of children and adolescents. Prevention and control of abnormal spinal curvature in children and adolescents should be implemented in a systematic approach, requiring joint efforts of individuals, families, schools, medical institutions, as well as government agencies and society. In order to strengthen prevention and control against abnormal spinal curvature in children and adolescents, and to guide standardized and scientific implementation of comprehensive prevention and control measures, Technical Guide for Prevention and Control of Abnormal Spinal Curvature in Children and Adolescents (hereinafter referred to as the Guide) was compiled by the National Health Commission Disease Control Bureau of the PRC. The guide shows important guiding significance for carrying out national normative epidemiological investigation, screening and prevention and control of abnormal spinal curvature in children and adolescents. In order to improve the understanding of the Guide for public health professionals and those concerned about the prevention and control of spinal curvature abnormalities in children and adolescents, this paper illustrates background, significance and main contents of the Guide.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Degenerative intervertebral disc disease and its impact on quality of life when associated with sagittal misalignmentis a current topic in the literature. The technique known as OLIF derives from the need to use anterior cage stop romote stabilization of the affected segment, indirect decompression, restoration of segmental lordosis, and sagittal balance. Methods: Single-center, non-randomized, comparative, observational study. The following variables were measured using magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine in dorsal and lateral decubitus, establishing a comparison between the size of the OLIF corridor in the L3L4 and L4L5 segments, as well as a comparison of corridor size between the different positions. Results: There was no difference incorridor size in the comparison between decubitus. However, when the L3L4 and L4L5 levels were compared, there was a significant difference in the size of the corridor in both the lateral and dorsal positions. Conclusion: The present study did not show any difference between the size of the OLIF corridor in L3L4 and L4L5 in the different decubitus, suggesting that thee valuation of the corridor in convention al magnetic resonance images appearstobe safe andreflects the actual size when positio ned for performing the OLIF technique. Level of evidence III; Retrospective study.
RESUMO Introdução: A doença degenerativa do disco intervertebral e seu impacto sobre a qualidade de vida quando está associada a desalinhamento sagital é tema atual na literatura. A técnica conhecida como OLIF deriva da necessidade de uso de cages anteriores para promover estabilização do segmento afetado, descompressão indireta, restauração da lordose segmentar e equilíbrio sagital. Métodos: Estudo de centro único, não randomizado, comparativo, observacional. Foram medidas as seguintes variáveis por ressonância magnética de coluna lombar em decúbito dorsal e lateral, estabelecendo comparação entre o tamanho do corredor OLIF nos segmentos L3-L4 e L4-L5, assim como comparação entre o tamanho do corredor entre as diferentes posições. Resultados: Não houve diferença entre o tamanho do corredor na comparação entre os decúbitos. Entretanto, ao comparar os níveis L3-L4 e L4-L5 houve diferença significativa no tamanho do corredor, tanto na posição lateral quanto na posição dorsal. Conclusões: O presente estudo não demonstrou diferença detamanho do corredor OLIF em L3-L4 e L4-L5 em diferentes decúbitos, sugerindo que a avaliação do corredor em ressonância magnética convencional parece ser segura e reflete o tamanho real quando posicionado para execução da técnica OLIF. Nível de evidência III; Estudo retrospectivo.
RESUMEN Introducción: La enfermedad degenerativa del disco intervertebral y su impacto en lacalidad de vida cuando se asocia a una desalineación sagital es un tema actualenla literatura. La técnica conocida como OLIF deriva de la necesidad de utilizar cages anteriores para favorecer la estabilización del segmento afectado, la descompresión indirecta, la restauración de la lordosis segmentaria y el equilibrio sagital. Métodos: Estudio observacional comparativo unicéntrico, no aleatorizado. Se midieron las siguientes variables mediante resonancia magnética de la columna lumbar endecúbito dorsal y lateral, estableciendo la comparación entre el tamaño del corredor OLIF en los segmentos L3L4 y L4L5, así como la comparación entre el tamaño del corredor entre las diferentes posiciones. Resultados: No hubo diferencia entre el tamaño del corredor en la comparación entre decúbitos. Sin embargo, al comparar los niveles L3-L4 y L4-L5, hubo una diferencia significativa en el tamaño del corredor tanto en posición lateral como dorsal. Conclusiones: El presente estudio no mostró diferencias en el tamaño del corredor OLIF en L3-L4 y L4-L5, en diferentes posiciones de decúbito, lo que sugiere que la evaluación del corredor en la resonancia magnética convenciona lparece ser segura y refleja el tamaño real cuando se posiciona para realizar la técnica OLIF. Nivel de evidencia III; Estudio retrospectivo
ABSTRACT Objectives: To compare the surgical treatment of neuromuscular scoliosis (NMS) with and without intraoperative skull-skeletal traction (ISST) in terms of the degree of curve correction, surgical time, hospitalization time, screw density, use of blood products,and complications. Methods: A comparative retrospective study, in which we analyzed the medical records and radiographs of 17 patients who underwent surgical treatment for neuromuscular scoliosis (NMS). They were divided into two groups, with 9 and 8 patients operated with and without ISST, respectively, at a referral hospital specialized in the treatment of spinal deformitiesfrom 2019 to 2021. The categorical variables were analyzed using the Chi-squared test. Results: Among the 17 patients included in the study, there was a higher prevalence of women in the group without ISST (6 and 2) and of men in group with ISST (5 and 3). The ages of the patients in the two groups ranged from 8-19 years and from 11-29 years, respectively. The screw density used in the traction group averaged 66.33%±8.49 and 82.63%±17.25 in the non-traction group, a statistically significant differencewith a P-value of 0.036. The average percent correction was 76.81%±15.61 in the traction group as compared to an average of 66.39%±12.99 in the non-traction group. In addition, there were complications in 1 patient in each of the groups. Conclusions: Surgical treatment for NMS with ISST allows surgery using fewer blood products to maintain the same hematimetric level in the postoperative period. ISST also allows the use of a lower screw density to correct more severe deformities. Level of evidence III; Comparative retrospective study.
RESUMO: Objetivo: Comparar o tratamento cirúrgico da escoliose neuromuscular (ENM) com e sem uso de tração crânio-esquelética intraoperatória (TCEI), com relação a grau de correção da curvatura, tempo de cirurgia, tempo de internação, densidade de parafusos, uso de hemoderivados e complicações. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo comparativo, no qual foram analisados prontuários e radiografias de 17 pacientes com ENM submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico, divididos em dois grupos, com nove e oito pacientes operados com e sem TCEI, respectivamente, em hospital de referência de tratamento de deformidades da coluna, entre os anos de 2019 e 2021. As variáveis categóricas foram analisadas através do teste de Qui-quadrado. Resultados: Dos 17 pacientes incluídos no estudo, houve maior prevalência de mulheres no grupo sem TCEI (seis e dois) e de homens no grupo TCEI (cinco e três), sendo a idade dos pacientes entre 8 e 19 anos e 11 e 29 anos, respectivamente. A densidade dos parafusos utilizados no grupo tração foi em média 66,33%±8,49%e82,63%±17,25% no grupo sem tração, diferença estatisticamente significante; o valor de P foi 0,036. A média percentual de correção foi 76,81%±15,61%, em comparação com a média de 66,39%±12,99% em não tracionados. Além disso, houve complicação em um paciente de cada um dos grupos. Conclusões: O tratamento cirúrgico para ENM com TCEI permite a cirurgia com menos usode hemoderivados para manter o mesmo nível hematimétrico no pós-operatório. A TCEI também permite o uso de parafusos com densidade menor para corrigir deformidades maiores. Nível de evidência III; Estudo retrospectivo comparativo.
RESUMEN: Objetivos: Comparar el tratamiento quirúrgico de la escoliosis neuromuscular (ENM) con y sin uso de tracción craneoesquelética intraoperatoria (TCEI), en cuanto al grado de corrección de la curvatura, tiempo quirúrgico, estancia hospitalaria, densidad de los tornillos, uso de hemoderivados y complicaciones. Métodos: Estudio comparativo retrospectivo, en el que se analizaron historias clínicas y radiografías de 17 pacientes con ENM sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico, divididos en dos grupos, con 09 y 8 pacientes operados con y sin TCEI, respectivamente, en un hospital de referencia para el tratamiento de deformidades de la columna vertebral, entre los años 2019 y 2021. Las variables categóricas se analizaron mediante la prueba de Chi-cuadrado. Resultados: De los 17pacientes incluidos en el estudio, hubo una mayor prevalencia de mujeres en el grupo sin TCEI (6 y 2) y de hombres en el grupo con TCEI (5 y 3), con pacientes entre 8 y 19 años y 11 y 29 años, respectivamente. La densidad media de los tornillos utilizados en el grupo de tracción fue del 66,33% ± 8,49%en el grupo con tracción y del 82,63% ± 17,25% en el grupo sin tracción, una diferencia estadísticamente significativa; el valor P fue de 0,036. El porcentaje de corrección promedio fue de 76,81%±15,61%, en comparación con el promedio de 66,39%±12,99% en no traccionados. Además, hubo complicaciones en 1 paciente en cada uno de los grupos. Conclusiones: El tratamiento quirúrgico de la ENM con TCEI permite una cirugía con menor uso de hemoderivados para mantener el mismo nivel hematimétrico en el postoperatorio. La TCEI también permite el uso de tornillos con menor densidad, para corregir deformidades más grandes. Nivel de evidencia III; Estudio retrospectivo comparativo.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Orthopedic Procedures , OrthopedicsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the intra- and interobserver reproducibility of radiographic cranial parameters. Method: A study of the reproducibility of the radiographic cranial parameters (cranial incidence, cranial tilt, cranial slope and spinocervical angle) of 40 patients by 4 observers with different levels of experience. Results: Cranial incidence (CI) showed poor intraobserver concordance; for the other cranial parameters, good to excellent concordance was observed. In the assessment of interobserver concordance, all the parameters analyzed showed statistical significance, with good CI concordance. Conclusion: Cranial parameters are easily reproducible by orthopedists with different levels of experience. CI showed good interobserver concordance, but only reasonable intraobserver concordance among more experienced observers. Level of evidence IV; Diagnostic Study.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade intra e interobservadores dos parâmetros radiográficos cranianos. Métodos: Estudo de mensuração da reprodutibilidade da avaliação radiográfica de parâmetros cranianos (incidência craniana, inclinação craniana, slope craniano e ângulo espinocervical) de 40 pacientes, por quatro observadores com diferentes níveis de experiência em duas ocasiões distintas. Resultados: Na concordância intraobservador, a incidência craniana (IC) mostrou concordância ruim; nos demais parâmetros cranianos, observou-se concordância boa a excelente. Na avaliação de concordância interobservadores, todos os parâmetros analisados apresentaram significância estatística, com boa concordância da IC. Conclusão: Os parâmetros cranianos são facilmente reprodutíveis por ortopedistas em diferentes estágios de formação. A IC tem boa concordância interobservador, porém concordância apenas razoável na análise de intraobservadores mais experientes. Nível de evidência IV; Estudo Diagnóstico.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar la reproducibilidad intra e interobservadores de los parámetros radiográficos craneales. Métodos: Estudio de medición de la reproducibilidad de la evaluación radiográfica de parámetros craneales (incidencia craneal, inclinación craneal, slope craneal y ángulo espinocervical) de 40 pacientes, por cuatro observadores con diferentes niveles de experiencia en dos ocasiones distintas. Resultados: En la concordancia intraobservador, la incidencia craneal (IC) mostró concordancia mala; en los demás parámetros craneales, se observó concordancia de buena a excelente. En la evaluación de concordancia interobservadores, todos los parámetros analizados presentaron significancia estadística, con buena concordancia de la IC. Conclusión: Los parámetros craneales son fácilmente reproducibles por los ortopedistas en diferentes etapas de formación. La IC tiene buena concordancia interobservador, aunque concordancia sólo razonable en el análisis de intraobservadores con más experiencia. Nivel de evidencia IV; Estudio Diagnóstico.
Humans , Spinal Curvatures , Spine , Postural BalanceABSTRACT
Objective@#To monitor the incidence of spinal curvature abnormalities among primary and secondary school students in Tibet, and to analyze the factors influencing spinal curvature abnormalities among primary and secondary school students in Tibet.@*Methods@#This study was based on the surveillance and intervention of common diseases among students in Tibet in 2019, involving Lhasa, Shigatse, Nagqu, Chamdo, Shannan and Ali regions, using stratified random sampling, with one urban area and one county selected in each prefecture-level city, and a total of 19 023 primary and secondary school students were monitored. The spinal curvature of primary and secondary school students was statistically analyzed, and the influencing factors were analyzed by dichotomous Logistic regression.@*Results@#The number of detected spinal curvature abnormalities in primary and secondary school students was 223, with a detection rate of 1.17%. From the results of the χ 2 test, the differences in detection rates among students of different districts and gender varied significant ( χ 2=18.01, 8.07, both P <0.01). Multivariable Logistic regression showed that monitoring site, school section, gender, height, desk and chair allocation compliance rate, and average illumination of blackboard surface were associated with spinal curvature abnormalities in primary and secondary school students ( OR =5.44, 2.17, 2.46, 1.62, 1.02, 0.11, 1.00, all P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Multiple measures should be taken to reduce the occurrence of spinal curvature abnormalities in primary and secondary school students, starting from the influencing factors.
Abstract@#Vertebral column defects can have adverse effects on the physical and mental health of children and adolescents. Early screening and diagnosis is conducive to the correction of the disease, which can effectively slow down or stop the process of abnormal spinal curvature in children and adolescents. However, in terms of cost-effectiveness, there are different opinions around the world on the inclusion of school screening for abnormal spinal curvature into routine health services. This article reviews the concept and classification of vertebral column defects in children and adolescents, the epidemic situation, screening methods and significance by consulting the relevant literature at home and abroad, so as to provide reference for the prevention and treatment of the disease.
Objective@#To investigate the incidence of abnormal spinal curvature and related factors in primary and secondary school students in the Hongkou District of Shanghai, so as to provide evidence for abnormal spinal curvature prevention and treatment.@*Methods@#Using a stratified cluster random sampling method, 1 884 students of grade 4 to grade 12 from seven schools were investigated via questionnaires for abnormal spinal curvature in Hongkou District.@*Results@#The detectable rate of abnormal spinal curvature was 7.2%, The detectable rate of abnormal spinal curvature increased with increasing age(P<0.01): senior high school (15.7%) > vocational high school (8.1%) > junior high school (3.4%) > primary school(1.8%)(χ 2=91.24, P<0.01). The detectable rate of spinal curvature among female students was 8.6%, which was higher than that among male students(5.9%), and the difference was significant(χ 2=5.27, P<0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the factors influencing abnormal spinal curvature included phase of studying, nutritional status and time spent engaged in outdoor activities every day(P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#Abnormal spinal curvature is one of the common conditions that endangers the health of children and adolescents. The collaboration of the school, students and parents is required to strengthen screening and prevention.
Abstract Background: Trunk pelvic dissociation is fundamental to the compensatory mechanism for muscle weakness during body bending. We carried out an early investigation of gait changes in a sample of community-dwelling women ≥60 years without gait complaints. The primary objective was to correlate spine and pelvic angles with performance tests and accelerometry parameters. The secondary objective was to correlate performance tests with accelerometry. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 54 community-dwelling women ≥60years were subjected to Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I), performance tests (Berg Balance Scale, Timed Up and Go, and Gait analysis), and radiographic analysis of sagittal alignment (Thoracic and Lumbar Cobb, Pelvic Incidence, Sacral Slope, and Pelvic Tilt angles). Gait speed was assessed in a 10-m comfortable walk, and accelerometry parameters were obtained in a 30m walk distance. Results: The sample, aged 72 ±6 years, exhibited moderate correlation between Sacral Slope and Step Length (+ 0.615). Sacral Slope weakly correlated with FES-I (- 0.339), Berg Balance Scale (+0.367), and with further accelerometry data in the AP plane: RMS, (+ 0.439) and Stride Regularity (+ 0.475), p < 0.05, all. Lumbar Cobb weakly correlated with the following accelerometry data in the AP plane: Step Length (+0.405), RMS, (+0.392), and Stride Regularity (+ 0.345), p < 0.05, all. Additionally, Stride Regularity in AP moderately correlated with FES-I (0,561, p < 0.05), among other weak correlations between performance tests and accelerometry data in AP. Conclusions: Early alterations in Sacral Slope and gait abnormalities in the AP plane may provide understanding of the early gait changes in robust older women.
Sagittal balance describes the optimal alignment of the spine in the sagittal plane, resulting from the interaction between the spine and lower limbs, via the pelvis. Understanding sagittal balance has gained importance, especially in the last decade, because sagittal imbalance correlates directly with disability and pain. Diseases that alter that balance cause sagittal malalignment and may trigger compensatory mechanisms. Certain radiographic parameters have been shown to be clinically relevant and to correlate with clinical scores in the evaluation of spinopelvic alignment. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the literature on the spinopelvic parameters that are most relevant in clinical practice, as well as to describe compensatory mechanisms of the pelvis and lower limbs.
O equilíbrio sagital descreve o alinhamento ideal da coluna vertebral no plano sagital, sendo resultante da interação entre a coluna e os membros inferiores, por meio da bacia. O entendimento do equilíbrio sagital ganhou importância principalmente na última década, uma vez que o desequilíbrio sagital se correlaciona diretamente com incapacidade e dor. Doenças que alterem este equilíbrio podem causar mal alinhamento sagital e desencadear mecanismos compensatórios, os quais tentam restaurar a postura ereta. A literatura relata parâmetros radiográficos clinicamente relevantes, que possuem relação estabelecida com escores clínicos, para avaliar o alinhamento espinopélvico. Este artigo tem como objetivo fornecer uma ampla revisão da literatura sobre os parâmetros espinopélvicos mais relevantes na prática clínica, e descrever os mecanismos compensatórios da pelve e membros inferiores.
ABSTRACT Objective In 2003, Mazda et al. introduced a new device for surgical correction of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) called sublaminar bands (SB). The reduction principle that SBs use is posteromedial spinal translation, similar to Luque's wiring, but using polyester bands. Methods We performed a systematic review of the literature on this subject, evaluating the technique in terms of coronal correction, sagittal correction, bleeding, mean surgical time, loss of correction, infection, pseudoarthrosis, and neurological and other complications. The total search resulted in 14 articles published over the last 10 years. We found that the use of SBs in hybrid AIS correction instrumentations provides an average correction of 69% in the frontal plane, a 5° increase in thoracic kyphosis (average increase of 55%), overall complications of 4.5%, and no neurological complications were reported in any of the studies analyzed.. The mean blood loss was 682.5 mL and the mean surgical time was 228.6 minutes. Conclusions We conclude that the literature suggests that this instrumentation is safe, allows good correction in the frontal plane and great correction in the sagittal plane. As for complications, mean surgical time, and blood loss, their averages are lower than those of other constructions used for AIS. Level of evidence IIA; Systematic review.
RESUMO Objetivo Em 2003, Mazda et al. apresentaram um novo dispositivo para correção cirúrgica da Escoliose Idiopática do Adolescente (EIA) denominado Bandas Sublaminares (BS). O princípio de redução que as BS utilizam é a translação posteromedial da coluna vertebral, semelhante àquela dos fios de Luque, através do uso de bandas de poliéster. Métodos Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre o tema, avaliando a técnica em relação à correção coronal, correção sagital, sangramento, tempo operatório médio, perda de correção, infecção, pseudoartrose, complicações neurológicas e outras complicações. A busca resultou em 14 artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos. Resultados Observamos que o uso das BS em instrumentações híbridas para correção da EIA proporciona uma redução média de 69% no plano frontal e aumento da cifose torácica de 5º (aumento médio de 55%), 4,5% de complicações em geral e nenhuma complicação neurológica foram apresentadas em todos os estudos analisados. A média de sangramento foi 682,5 mL e o tempo cirúrgico médio de 228,6 minutos. Conclusões Conclui-se que a literatura sugere que essa instrumentação é segura, permite boa correção no plano frontal e grande correção no plano sagital. Em relação às complicações, tempo cirúrgico médio e sangramento, todas essas variáveis em média são inferiores se comparadas as das demais construções utilizadas para EIA. Nível de evidência IIA; Revisão sistemática.
RESUMEN Objetivo En 2003, Mazda et al. presentaron un nuevo dispositivo para corrección quirúrgica de la Escoliosis Idiopática del Adolescente (EIA) denominado Bandas Sublaminares (BS). El principio de reducción que las BS utilizan es la traslación posteromedial de la columna vertebral, similar a aquella de los hilos de Luque, a través del uso de bandas de poliéster. Métodos Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el tema evaluando la técnica con relación a la corrección coronal, corrección sagital, sangrado, tiempo operatorio promedio, pérdida de corrección, infección, pseudoartrosis, complicaciones neurológicas y otras complicaciones. La búsqueda resultó en 14 artículos publicados en los últimos 10 años. Resultados Observamos que el uso de las BS en instrumentaciones híbridas para la corrección de la EIA proporciona una reducción promedio de 69% en el plano frontal y aumento de la cifosis torácica del 5º (aumento promedio de 55%); 4,5% de complicaciones en general y ninguna complicación neurológica fueron presentadas en todos los estudios analizados. El promedio de sangrado fue 682,5 mL y el tiempo quirúrgico promedio de 228,6 minutos. Conclusiones Se concluye que la literatura sugiere que esta instrumentación es segura, permite buena corrección en el plano frontal y gran corrección en el plano sagital. Con relación a las complicaciones, tiempo quirúrgico promedio y sangrado, todas estas variables en promedio son inferiores si comparadas con las demás construcciones usadas para EIA. Nivel de evidencia IIA; Revisión sistemática.
Humans , Orthopedic Fixation Devices , Prostheses and Implants , Spinal Curvatures , General SurgeryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To identify the incidence and possible risk factors associated with rod breakage in patients who underwent vertebral column resection (VCR) or pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO) to treat complex deformities of the spine. Methods Retrospective analysis of a series of 32 patients operated from 2014 to 2018 in a single center. The patients were analyzed for demographic (sex, age), biometric (BMI), radiographical (pre- and postoperative angular variations), and surgical (arthrodesed and osteotomized levels) characteristics. Descriptive analyses were performed for the numerical variables (mean, standard deviation, maximum, median, and minimum) and frequency analysis was performed for the categorical variables. Logistic regression analysis was performed for the dependent variable "rod breakage", using a stepwise technique to select the variables for the best model, assuming statistical significance of 0.05. Results Of the 32 patients selected, rod breakage occurred in 34.4%. Mean age was 36.6 years (± 19.8), ranging from 10 to 74 years, and the mean BMI was 25.1 (±6.0). Most patients were subjected to VCR (75.0%), were males (56.2%) and did not smoke (90.6%). Logistic regression analysis showed that "arthrodesed levels" were was positively associated with rod breakage (OR 1.72; CI95%: 1.13-3.10; p<0.05). The other factors were not associated with breakage. Conclusion Rod breakage is a frequent complication after three-column osteotomy, especially in long constructions. Level of evidence III; Retrospective Study.
RESUMO Objetivos Identificar a incidência e possíveis fatores de risco relacionados à quebra de hastes em pacientes submetidos à ressecção colunar vertebral (RCV) ou osteotomia de subtração pedicular (OSP) para o tratamento cirúrgico de doenças complexas da coluna vertebral. Métodos Análise retrospectiva de uma série de 32 pacientes operados de 2014 a 2018, em um único centro. Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto às características demográficas (sexo, idade), biométricas (IMC), radiológicas (variação angular antes e após a correção) e cirúrgicas (níveis artrodesados, níveis osteotomizados). As análises descritivas foram realizadas para as variáveis numéricas (média, desvio-padrão, máximo, mediana e mínimo) e, para as variáveis categóricas foi realizada a análise da frequência. Realizou-se análise de regressão logística para a variável dependente "quebra", utilizando a técnica stepwise para seleção das variáveis que compõem o melhor modelo, considerando o nível de significância de 0,05. Resultados Foram selecionados 32 pacientes; a proporção de quebra foi de 34,4%. Observou-se que a média de idade foi de 36,6 anos (± 19,8 anos), distribuindo-se entre 10 e 74 anos, e o IMC médio foi 25,1 (± 6,0). Verificou-se que a maior parte dos indivíduos foi submetida a técnica RCV (75,0%), era do sexo masculino (56,2%) e não fumava (90,6%). Na análise de regressão logística, "níveis artrodesados" associou-se positivamente à quebra (OR 1,72; IC95%; 1,13-3,10; p < 0,05). Os outros fatores não se associaram à quebra. Conclusão A quebra de hastes é uma complicação frequente das osteotomias das três colunas, principalmente, em construções longas. Nível de evidência III; Estudo Retrospectivo.
RESUMEN Objetivos Identificar la incidencia y los posibles factores de riesgo relacionados a la rotura de varillas en pacientes sometidos a resección de la columna vertebral (RCV) u osteotomía de sustracción pedicular (OSP) para el tratamiento quirúrgico de enfermedades complejas de la columna vertebral. Métodos Análisis retrospectivo de una serie de 32 pacientes operados desde 2014 hasta 2018, en un único centro. Los pacientes fueron evaluados cuanto a las características demográficas (sexo, edad), biométricas (IMC), radiológicas (variación angular antes y después de la corrección) y quirúrgicas (niveles artrodesados, niveles osteotomizados). Los análisis descriptivos fueron realizados para las variables numéricas (promedio, desviación estándar, máximo, mediana y mínimo) y, para las variables categóricas fue realizado el análisis de frecuencia. Se realizó análisis de regresión logística para la variable dependiente «rotura¼, utilizando la técnica stepwise para selección de las variables que componen el mejor modelo, considerando el nivel de significancia de 0.05. Resultados Fueron seleccionados 32 pacientes; la proporción de rotura fue de 34,4%. Se observó que el promedio de edad fue de 36,6 años (± 19,8 años), distribuyéndose entre 10 a 74 años, y el IMC promedio fue de 25,1 (± 6,0). Se verificó que la mayor parte de los individuos fue sometida a la técnica RCV (75,0%), era del sexo masculino (56,2%) y no fumaba (90,6%). En el análisis de regresión logística, los "niveles artrodesados" se asociaron positivamente a la rotura (OR 1,72; IC 95%; 1,13-3,10; p <0,05). Los otros factores no se asociaron a la rotura. Conclusión La rotura de varillas es una complicación frecuente de las osteotomías de tres columnas, principalmente en construcciones largas. Nivel de evidencia III; Estudio Retrospectivo.
Humans , Spinal Curvatures , Spinal Diseases , Failed Back Surgery SyndromeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the influence of total hip arthroplasty on the changes of spine pelvic parameters in patients with hip spine syndrome.@*METHODS@#From January 2013 to October 2014, 22 patients (26 hips) with hip spine syndrome accompanied by necrosis of femoral head, hip osteoarthritis and congenital dysplasia of hip were treated with total hip arthroplasty. There were 12 males and 10 females with an average age of 58.4 years (range, 45 to 76 years). The course of disease was 1.5 to 25 years with an average of 12.8 years. Before and after the operation, the anteroposterior, full length radiographs of both lower limbs, thoracolumbar spine and pelvis in standing position were routinely taken. The balance parameters of spine pelvis coronal plane and sagittal plane before and after the replacement were measured. Visual analogue scale (VAS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and Harris score were performed before and after the operation.@*RESULTS@#All cases were followed up for 21 to 52 (32±8) months. No infection, prosthesis subsidence, loosening, prosthesis dislocation were found in the last follow up. After total hip arthroplasty, sagittal vertical axis(SVA), thoracic kyphosis(TK), lumbar lordosis(LL), pelvic tilt (PT) were significantly reduced(@*CONCLUSION@#After total hip arthroplasty, the coronal and historical balance parameters of spine and pelvis are significantly improved, and the short term and medium-term effects are satisfactory.