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Rev. bras. ortop ; 59(3): 364-371, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569757


Abstract Objective To investigate the epidemiology of injury types among jiu-jitsu practitioners, as well as the incidence regarding different skill and experience levels, through the question: "What are the characteristics and prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in Jiu-Jitsu practitioners?". Methods Since the beginning of the study, in August 2020, we conducted a search on the MEDLINE, LILACS, and SciELO electronic databases. We included cross-sectional studies published between 2018 and 2023 on the epidemiology of the types of injuries among jiu-jitsu practitioners that compared their incidence regarding different levels of ability and experience. Two independent researchers performed the data extraction and assessed the risk of bias. Results Seven studies were included. The common outcomes involved 2,847 jiu-jitsu practitioners. A high prevalence in the knee joint and chest and rib areas was reported. Considering the difference in experience level among the practitioners, we could observe that most of the individuals included were beginners. Among the age groups observed, male practitioners older than 30 years of age were the ones who presented the highest rate of musculoskeletal injury, especially during training sessions. Conclusion There is a high prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries among jiu-jitsu practitioners. The most affected anatomical segments are the knee joint, the chest, and the rib region, followed by the shoulder joint. The related factors change according to certain variables, being more common during training in male individuals over 30 years of age and beginners in the sport.

Resumo Objetivo Investigar a epidemiologia dos tipos de lesões entre praticantes de jiu-jitsu e sua incidência em diferentes níveis de habilidade e experiência por meio da questão: "Quais as características e a prevalência das lesões musculoesqueléticas em praticantes de jiu-jitsu?" Métodos Desde o início do estudo, em agosto de 2020, foram pesquisados os bancos de dados MEDLINE, LILACS e SciELO. Foram incluídos estudos transversais, publicados entre 2018 e 2023, que investigaram a epidemiologia dos tipos de lesões ocorridas entre praticantes de jiu-jitsu e compararam sua incidência em diferentes níveis de habilidade e experiência. Para tanto, dois pesquisadores independentes realizaram a extração dos dados e avaliaram o risco de viés. Resultados Sete estudos foram incluídos. Os resultados comuns envolveram 2.847 praticantes de jiu-jitsu. Houve uma alta prevalência de lesão na articulação do joelho e nas áreas do tórax e das costelas. Considerando a diferença de nível de experiência entre os praticantes, pôde-se observar que a maioria dos indivíduos incluídos eram iniciantes. Entre as faixas etárias observadas, homens acima de 30 anos de idade foram os que mais apresentaram lesões musculoesqueléticas, principalmente durante os treinos. Conclusão Houve uma alta prevalência de lesões musculoesqueléticas entre os praticantes de jiu-jitsu. Os segmentos anatômicos mais acometidos foram a articulação do joelho, o tórax e a região das costelas, seguidos da articulação do ombro. Os fatores relacionados mudaram de acordo com algumas variáveis, sendo mais comuns durante o treinamento em indivíduos do sexo masculino com mais de 30 anos e iniciantes na modalidade.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 59(3): 415-419, May-June 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569758


Abstract Objective To analyze the epidemiological data of orthopedic injuries in beach tennis players. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study, through a questionnaire, with 185 beach tennis players during tournaments and training sessions in two cities. The questionnaire comprised anthropometric data, as well as data on length of time practicing the sport and reported orthopedic injuries. Results We excluded 25 of the 185 interviewees. Of the 160 players studied, 51.9% were male and 48.1%, female. The average age was of 40.4 years, the average height was of 1.73 m, the average weight was of 75.6 kg, and the average body mass index (BMI) was of 25.2 kg/m2. Orthopedic injuries were reported by 48.8% of the participants, 30.0% in the lower limbs, 11.3% in the spine, and 25.0% in the upper limbs, with an incidence of 0.82 per one thousand hours of practice. Correlating the incidence of injuries with age, weight, height, and BMI, we only found relevance between the higher average age in patients with lower- and upper-limb injuries. Players who had no previous experience with other racket sports had fewer injuries. Other parameters, such as gender, use of the two-handed backhand, dominant side, participation in competitions, and practice of other sports did not show statistically significant differences. Conclusion Orthopedic injuries were found in almost half of the beach tennis players, primarily in the lower limbs. Age, experience with other racket sports, category, hours of training per week, and length of time playing the sport influenced the incidence of orthopedic injuries.

Resumo Objetivo Analisar os dados epidemiolügicos das lesões ortopédicas nos praticantes de beach tennis. Métodos Foi realizado um estudo transversal, por meio de questionário, em 185 praticantes de beach tennis, durante torneios e treinos, em duas cidades. O questionário consistiu na coleta de dados antropométricos, além de dados relativos ao tempo de prática do esporte e às lesões ortopédicas referidas. Resultados Excluímos 25 dos 185 entrevistados. Dos 160 praticantes estudados, 51,9% eram do sexo masculino, e 48,1%, do feminino. A média de idade foi de 40,4 anos, a média da estatura foi de 1,73 m, a média do peso, de 75,6 kg, e a média do índice de massa corporal (IMC), de 25,2 kg/m2. A presença de lesões ortopédicas foi relatada por 48,8% dos praticantes, sendo 30,0% nos membros inferiores (MMII), 11,3% na coluna, e 25,0% nos membros superiores (MMSS), com incidência de 0,82 a cada mil horas de prática. Correlacionando a incidência de lesões com idade, peso, altura e IMC, encontramos relevância apenas entre a média de idade maior nos pacientes com lesão nos MMII e MMSS. Os jogadores que não tinham experiência prévia com outros esportes com raquete tiveram menos lesões. Demais parâmetros, como sexo, uso do backhand com duas mãos, lado dominante, participação em competições e prática de outros esportes não obtiveram diferenças estatisticamente significantes. Conclusão Lesões ortopédicas foram encontradas em quase a metade dos praticantes de beach tennis, preferencialmente nos MMII. Idade, experiência com outros esportes de raquete, categoria, horas de treino por semana e tempo de prática do esporte influenciaram na incidência de lesões ortopédicas.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021758


BACKGROUND:Conducting mental fatigue research in sports depends on appropriate mental fatigue induction tasks.However,the different types and time settings for the tasks in this field have interfered with the selection and determination of the appropriate task for mental fatigue research. OBJECTIVE:To compare the effects of three mental fatigue tasks and their commonly used time settings for mental fatigue induction. METHODS:In this randomized crossover study,16 male amateur soccer players performed four tasks of 60-minute duration with an interval≥48 hours in a randomized counter-balanced order:STROOP task(psychological cognition group),social media use in smartphone(electron exposure group),whole-body coordination task(exercise group)and emotionally neutral video watching as controls(control group).Before each task,the visual analogue scale(VAS)-motivation,VAS-mental fatigue,VAS-physical fatigue,and average heart rate were measured.Also,the VAS-mental fatigue,VAS-mental exertion,VAS-physical fatigue,and average heart rate were recorded every 15 minutes during the task.Repeated measures analysis of variance was mainly used for statistical analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The baseline level of VAS-mental fatigue in the four groups were similar(P=0.806).(2)The VAS-mental fatigue of the psychological cognition group at 30,45 and 60 minutes was significantly higher than that of the other three groups(all P<0.05).The VAS-mental fatigue of psychological cognition,electron exposure,and exercise groups at 45 minutes were similar with that at 60 minutes(all P>0.05),but significantly higher than that of pretest,15 minutes and 30 minutes(all P<0.05).To conclude,the psychological cognition task is superior to the electron exposure and exercise tasks for mental fatigue induction and 45 minutes is the appropriate length of time to effectively induce mental fatigue.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 30: e2022_0418, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449754


ABSTRACT Introduction: Female participation in sports has reached a milestone in 1972 when a constitutional amendment was implemented to ensure equal opportunities for men and women. Since then, the percentage of participants in competitive sports has grown. In this context became necessary to understand menstrual cycle, contraceptive use, and its individual responses. Objective: To investigate menstrual cycle characteristics, physical and mood symptoms related to vaginal bleeding, and contraceptives used by Brazilian Olympic athletes. Also, to assess if these athletes relate that vaginal bleeding influences sportive performance, how they manage it and what can be changed to improve their health care and sportive performance. Additionally, we propose specialized female care by a gynaecologist specialized in sports medicine. Methods: Descriptive observational study was conducted from July to August 2016 and included 118 Brazilian Olympic female athletes, in menacme. The athletes completed a self-administered online questionnaire, adapted from Pre-Participation Gynaecological Examination of female athletes. Results: Participants practiced 28 different sports, mean age 27 ± 4.7 years. For 66% it was their first participation in an Olympic Game. Most used contraceptives (54%), mainly oral (61%). Most (76%) believed that vaginal bleeding influenced sports performance, and 63% preferred to compete after bleeding cessation. Fifty-eight percent would compete at preferred time of their cycle. Anxiety symptoms, bloating, increased appetite, depression, and dysmenorrhea were indicated by 52%. Among these, 49% reported that these symptoms deteriorated their sportive performance. Conclusion: Most in their first Olympic participation, Brazilian athletes used hormone contraceptives, mainly oral ones to manage and adapt their vaginal bleeding to the competition calendar because most of them referred those physical and mood symptoms deteriorated their sportive performance. The presence of a Sportive Gynaecologist as part of the Olympic Medical Staff highlighted the female athletes issues and helped them to improve sportive performance. Level of Evidence IV; Cross-sectional observational study

RESUMEN Introducción: La participación femenina en deportes alcanzó un hito en 1972, cuando se implementó una reforma constitucional para garantizar igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres. Desde entonces, el porcentaje de participantes en deportes competitivos ha crecido. En este contexto, se hizo necesario comprender el ciclo menstrual, el uso de anticonceptivos y sus respuestas individuales. Objetivo: Investigar características del ciclo menstrual, síntomas físicos, estado de ánimo, quejas relacionadas con el sangrado vaginal y los métodos anticonceptivos utilizados por atletas olímpicas brasileñas. Evaluar si estas deportistas perciben influencia del sangrado vaginal en el rendimiento deportivo, cómo lo controlan y qué se puede cambiar para mejorar. Además, ofrecemos atención especializada por una ginecóloga especialista en medicina deportiva. Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, realizado de julio a agosto de 2016, que incluyó 118 atletas olímpicas brasileñas, en menacme. Las atletas respondieron un cuestionario en línea autoadministrado y adaptado titulado "Examen ginecológico previo a la participación". Resultados: Practicaban 28 deportes diferentes, con edad media = 27 ± 4,7 años. Para 66%, era su primera participación en un juego olímpico. Anticonceptivos usados r54%), principalmente orales (61%). La mayoría (76%) cree que el sangrado vaginal influye en el rendimiento deportivo y 63% prefirió competir después del. El 58% de los atletas competiría en su momento preferido de su ciclo. Los síntomas de ansiedad, hinchazón, aumento del apetito, depresión y dismenorrea fueron indicados por el 52%. Entre estas, 49% deterioró su rendimiento deportivo. Conclusión: En su primera participación olímpica, las atletas brasileñas utilizaron anticonceptivos hormonales, principalmente orales, para controlar y adaptar el sangrado vaginal al calendario de competición, ya que la mayoría relató que los síntomas físicos y anímicos perjudicaban su desempeño deportivo. La presencia de una Ginecóloga Deportiva como parte del Equipo Médico Olímpico destacó los problemas de las atletas y las ayudó a mejorar su rendimiento. Nivel de Evidencia IV; Estudio Observacional.

RESUMO Introdução: A participação feminina no esporte teve um marco importante em 1972, quando uma emenda constitucional foi implementada para garantir a igualdade de oportunidades para homens e mulheres. Desde então, o percentual de participantes em esportes competitivos tem crescido. Nesse contexto tornou-se necessário compreender sobre ciclo menstrual, uso de anticoncepcionais e suas respostas individuais. Objetivo: Investigar características do ciclo menstrual, sintomas físicos e de humor, queixas relacionadas ao sangramento vaginal e métodos contraceptivos usados por atletas olímpicas brasileiras. Avaliar se percebem influência do sangramento vaginal no desempenho esportivo, como elas o controlam e o que pode ser mudado para melhorar seus cuidados e desempenho esportivo. Além disso, propõe-se atendimento específico por ginecologista especializada em medicina esportiva. Métodos: Estudo observacional, descritivo, realizado de julho a agosto de 2016 que incluiu 118 atletas olímpicas brasileiras, na menacme. As atletas responderam a um questionário online autoaplicável e adaptado intitulado "Pre-Participation Gynaecological Examination". Resultados: As participantes praticavam 28 esportes diferentes, com média de idade = 27 ± 4,7 anos. Para 66%, foi a primeira participação em um evento olímpico. A maioria usava anticoncepcional (54%), principalmente oral (61%). A maioria (76%) acredita que o sangramento vaginal influencia o desempenho esportivo e 63% preferiam competir após o mesmo. 58% das atletas competiriam no momento preferido de seu ciclo. Sintomas de ansiedade, distensão abdominal, aumento do apetite, depressão e dismenorreia foram indicados por 52%. Entre esses, 49% deterioraram o desempenho esportivo. Conclusão: Em sua primeira participação olímpica, as atletas brasileiras utilizaram anticoncepcionais hormonais, principalmente orais, para controlar e adaptar o sangramento vaginal ao calendário de competição, pois a maioria referiu que os sintomas físicos e de humor prejudicaram o desempenho esportivo. A presença de uma Ginecologista Esportiva como parte da Equipe Médica Olímpica destacou os problemas das atletas femininas e as ajudou a melhorar o desempenho esportivo. Nível de Evidência IV; Estudo Observacional.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 30: e2022_0562, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515074


ABSTRACT Introduction: The literature presents several scientifically validated and cross-culturally adapted questionnaires in the area of orthopedics and Sports Medicine scientifically validated and cross-culturally adapted. However, they are anatomically specific, and do not consider the specific needs of athletes. The "4-Domain PROM for Orthopedic and Sports Medicine" (4-Domain Sports PROM) is the first questionnaire, in the literature (International Journal of Sports Medicine - 2021), designed to assess athletes and highly active sports practitioners, and their specificities. physical and psychological. It comprises four domains: athlete without injury, after sports injury, expectation of treatment, athlete's assessment of the treatment received. Objectives: This work aims to carry out the translation and cross-cultural adaptation (TCA) to the Portuguese language. Methods: The questionnaire was self-administered by 50 participants, regular physical and sports activities practitioners. The translation and cultural adaptation process involved six steps: translation; synthesis; back translation; pre-test; review by the Expert Committee, clinical application and author approval of the original version. The Equivalence of translation and relevance of questionnaire items were evaluated. RESULTS: The Portuguese version of the 4-DOMAIN SPORTS PROM had a translation equivalence of 0.94, and item relevance was 0.98, while the percentage of agreement between patients for understanding was 0.98. Conclusion: The translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the 4 Domain Sports PROM into the Portuguese version proved to be understandable and reproducible in all questionnaire domains (agreement above 90% and content validity index of 100%) to assess the treatment of the population of athletes and regular sports practitioners. Level of Evidence II; A cross-sectional qualitative study.

RESUMEN Introducción: La literatura presenta varios cuestionarios científicamente validados y transculturalmente adaptados en el área de la ortopedia y Medicina del Deporte. Sin embargo, son anatómicamente específicos y no consideran las necesidades específicas de los atletas. El "4-Domain PROM for Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine" (4-Domain Sports PROM) es el primer cuestionario, en la literatura (International Journal of Sports Medicine - 2021), diseñado para evaluar atletas y practicantes de deportes altamente activos, y sus especificidades físicas y psicológicas. Comprende cuatro dominios: atleta sin lesión, después de una lesión deportiva, expectativa de tratamiento, evaluación del atleta sobre el tratamiento recibido. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar la traducción y adaptación transcultural (TCA) a la lengua portuguesa. Métodos: El cuestionario fue autoadministrado por 50 participantes, practicantes habituales de actividades físicas y deportivas. El proceso de traducción y adaptación cultural involucró seis pasos: traducción; síntesis; traducción inversa; prueba previa; revisión por el comité de expertos; aplicación clínica y aprobación del autor de la versión original. Se evaluaron la equivalencia de traducción y la relevancia de los ítems del cuestionario. Resultados: La versión portuguesa del 4-DOMAIN SPORTS PROM tuvo una equivalencia de traducción de 0,94 y la relevancia de los ítems fue de 0,98, mientras que el porcentaje de acuerdo entre los pacientes para la comprensión fue de 0,98. Conclusión: La traducción y adaptación transcultural del 4-DOMAIN SPORTS PROM al portugués amplía las posibilidades de evaluar los diferentes momentos que involucran el tratamiento de lesiones deportivas, ya que este cuestionario fue diseñado para capturar datos sobre la percepción de los pacientes antes de la lesión, después de la lesión, expectativa y evaluación del trato recibido en deportistas y practicantes habituales de actividad física. Nivel de Evidencia II; Estudio Cualitativo Transversal.

RESUMO Introdução: A literatura apresenta diversos questionários cientificamente validados e adaptados transculturalmente na área de na Ortopedia e Medicina Esportiva validados cientificamente e adaptados transculturalmente. Entretanto, eles são anatomicamente específicos, e não consideram as necessidades especificas dos atletas. O "4-Domain PROM for Orthopedic and Sports Medicine" (4-Domain Sports PROM) é o primeiro questionário, na literatura (International Journal of Sports Medicine - 2021), concebido para avaliar atletas e praticantes de esportes altamente ativos, e suas especificidades físicas e psicológicas. Ele compreende quatro domínios: atleta sem lesão, após lesão esportiva, expectativa do tratamento, avaliação do atleta sobre o tratamento recebido. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar a tradução e a adaptação transcultural (TCA) à língua portuguesa. Métodos: O questionário foi autoadministrado por 50 participantes, praticantes regulares de atividades físicas e esportivas. O processo de tradução e adaptação cultural envolveu seis etapas: tradução; síntese; retrotradução; pré-teste; revisão pelo comitê de experts; aplicação clínica e aprovação do autor da versão original. Foi avaliado a Equivalência da tradução e relevância de itens do questionário. Resultados: A versão em português do 4-DOMAIN SPORTS PROM apresentou equivalência da tradução de 0,94 e relevância dos itens foi de 0,98, enquanto a porcentagem de concordância entre os pacientes para compreensão foi de 0,98. Conclusão: A tradução e adequação cultural do 4-DOMAIN SPORTS PROM para língua portuguesa mostrou-se compreensível e reprodutibilidade adequada em todos os domínios do questionário (concordância acima de 90% e Índice de Validade de Conteúdo de 100%) para avaliar o tratamento de população de indivíduos atletas e praticantes regulares de esportes. Nível de Evidência II; Estudo Qualitativo Transversal.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(2): e20230524, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557001


Resumo Fundamento: As disparidades nos resultados de saúde entre grupos raciais merecem investigação, mesmo em atletas de elite. Portanto, compreender o impacto da raça na sobrevida pós-medalha em atletas olímpicos brasileiros torna-se essencial. Objetivo: Comparar a sobrevida pós-medalha entre medalhistas olímpicos brasileiros brancos e não brancos de 1920 a 1992. Métodos: Utilizamos dados disponíveis publicamente para um estudo de coorte retrospectivo de todos os medalhistas olímpicos brasileiros de 1920 a 1992 (somente homens). Os atletas foram classificados nos grupos brancos e não brancos usando determinação estruturada de etnia. As análises de Kaplan-Meier calcularam o tempo médio de sobrevida restrito (TMSR) para cada grupo étnico. Uma análise de riscos proporcionais de Cox avaliou as diferenças de sobrevida baseadas na etnia, ajustando para a idade da conquista da medalha e ano de nascimento (p<0,05). Resultados: Entre 123 atletas (73,9% brancos), a idade média da conquista de medalhas foi de 25,03 ± 4,8 anos. Durante o estudo, 18,7% dos atletas brancos e 37,5% dos atletas não brancos morreram (p=0,031). Os atletas brancos tiveram média de idade ao óbito de 75,10 ± 18,01 anos, enquanto os atletas não brancos tiveram idade média de 67,13 ± 14,90 anos (p=0,109). O TMSR para atletas brancos foi de 51,59 (IC 95%, 49,79 - 53,39) anos, e para atletas não brancos foi de 45,026 (IC 95%, 41,31 - 48,74) anos, resultando em um ΔTMSR de 6,56 (IC 95%, 2,43 - 10,70; p=0,0018). A análise multivariada mostrou que atletas não brancos apresentavam maior risco de mortalidade do que atletas brancos (RC 5,58; IC 95%, 2,18 - 14,31). Conclusão: Após a primeira medalha, os atletas olímpicos brasileiros brancos normalmente desfrutam de uma expectativa de vida seis anos mais longa do que seus colegas não brancos, ilustrando uma acentuada diferença de mortalidade e disparidades de saúde entre indivíduos saudáveis no Brasil.

Abstract Background: Disparities in health outcomes among racial groups warrant investigation, even among elite athletes. Therefore, understanding the impact of race upon post-medal survival in Brazilian Olympians becomes essential. Objective: To compare post-medal survival between white and non-white Brazilian Olympic medalists from 1920 to 1992. Methods: This study used publicly available data for a retrospective cohort study on all Brazilian Olympic medalists from 1920 to 1992 (males only). Athletes were classified into white and non-white groups using structured ethnicity determination. Kaplan-Meier analyses computed the restricted mean survival time (RMST) for each ethnic group. A Cox proportional hazards analysis assessed ethnicity-based survival differences, adjusting for medal-winning age and birth year (p<0.05) Results: Among 123 athletes (73.9% white), the mean age of medal achievement was 25.03±4.8 years. During the study, 18.7% of white and 37.5% of non-white athletes died (p=0.031). White athletes had a mean age at death of 75.10±18.01 years, while non-white athletes had an age of 67.13±14.90 years (p=0.109). The RMST for white athletes was 51.59 (95% CI 49.79-53.39) years, while for non-white athletes, it was 45.026 (95% CI 41.31-48.74) years, resulting in a ΔRMST of 6.56 (95% CI 2.43-10.70; p=0.0018). Multivariate analysis showed that non-white athletes had a higher mortality risk than did white athletes (HR 5.58; 95% CI, 2.18-14.31). Conclusion: Following their first medal, white Brazilian Olympians typically enjoy a six-year longer lifespan than their non-white counterparts, illustrating a marked mortality gap and health disparities among healthy individuals in Brazil.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534860


Los entrenadores desempeñan un rol fundamental en la prevención de afecciones bucodentales desde el contexto deportivo. El objetivo es identificar las necesidades educativas sobre prevención de afecciones bucodentales, en entrenadores de deportes de combate. Se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal durante el mes de marzo del 2022 en la EIDE Provincial «Lino Salabarría Pupo» de Sancti Spíritus. La población estuvo conformada por los 30 entrenadores de los deportes de combate; se seleccionó una muestra probabilística y aleatoria simple de 15 entrenadores. Se utilizó una encuesta diseñada por los autores y la estadística descriptiva. Se evidenció una insuficiente preparación de los entrenadores en la prevención de afecciones bucodentales y condiciones del área deportiva. Además, la mayoría percibe su preparación en relación con estos temas como, regular. Se demuestra así, la necesidad de la preparación de los entrenadores deportivos en la prevención de afecciones bucodentales a través de la superación profesional.

Coaches play a fundamental role in the prevention of oral conditions from the sports context. The objective is to identify educational needs on the prevention of oral conditions in combat sports coaches. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on March 2022 at "Lino Salabarría Pupo" Provincial EIDE in Sancti Spíritus. The population was made up of 30 combat sports coaches; a simple random and probabilistic sample of 15 coaches was selected. A survey designed by the authors and descriptive statistics were used. Insufficient preparation of the coaches in the prevention of oral conditions and conditions of the sports area was evidenced. In addition, most of them perceive as regular their preparation in relation to these issues. The preparation of sports coaches in the prevention of oral conditions through professional improvement is a necessity.

Sports Medicine , Oral Health , Education, Dental
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 37(4)dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559944


Introducción: La dificultad y la ejecución de los elementos desempeñan un papel importante en las competiciones de la gimnasia artística masculina. Sin embargo, resultan escasos los estudios que evalúen la técnica de los ejercicios en esta modalidad. Objetivo: Diseñar un instrumento para la evaluación de la calidad del desempeño en la técnica de los ejercicios de barras paralelas en gimnasia artística masculina. Método: Participaron 3 gimnastas juveniles masculinos de la Selección Norte de Gimnasia Artística Masculina (edad 15,67 ± 0,58; talla 1,65 ± 0,08 m; masa corporal 55,67 ± 3,40 kg; IMC 20,37 ± 0,69; grasa corporal 5,90 ± 0,61 por ciento; masa muscular 46,50 ± 2,85 por ciento; experiencia 9,75 ± 0,96 años; competiciones nacionales 7,00 ± 0,82; competiciones internacionales 5,50 ± 1,29). El diseño se estructuró a partir de cada elemento de la rutina en barras paralelas y se determinaron indicadores de calidad, dificultad, ejecución, entre otros. Se pronosticó la rutina a ejecutar y se comparó con los resultados en competición real. Resultados: El puntaje pronosticado resultó similar al de la competencia. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas con el valor obtenido en la competición (p> 0,05). Conclusiones: Este diseño constituye una herramienta viable para estructurar rutinas en barras paralelas. Como permite obtener resultados similares a los de competiciones, puede controlar el entrenamiento y las competencias de gimnastas masculinos juveniles(AU)

Introduction: The difficulty and performance of the apparatuses play an important role in men's artistic gymnastics competitions. However, there are few studies evaluating the exercise technique in parallel bars. Objective: To design an instrument for evaluating the quality of performance in the technique of parallel bars exercises in men's artistic gymnastics. Method: Three male young gymnasts, from the North Men's Artistic Gymnastics Team, participated (age 15.67 ± 0.58; height 1.65 ± 0.08 m; body mass 55.67 ± 3.40 kg; BMI 20.37 ± 0.69; body fat 5.90 ± 0.61 percent; muscle mass 46.50 ± 2.85 percent; experience 9.75 ± 0.96 years; national competitions 7.00 ± 0.82; international competitions 5.50 ± 1.29). The design was structured based on each apparatus of the routine in parallel bars and indicators were determined in quality, difficulty, performance, among others. The routine to be performed was predicted and compared with the results in real competition. Results: The predicted score was similar to that of the competition. There were no statistically significant differences with the value obtained in the competition (p > 0.05). Conclusions: This design constitutes a viable tool to structure routines on parallel bars. In addition, it can control the training and competitions of young male gymnasts because it allows obtaining results similar to those of competitions(AU)

Humans , Adolescent , Exercise Therapy/methods , Athletic Performance , Gymnastics/education , Sports Medicine/education
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 43(2): 93-97, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1510690


La rotura traumática, simultánea y bilateral del tendón cuadricipital es una lesión infrecuente, generalmente asociada a otras enfermedades sistémicas tales como insuficiencia renal o trastornos endocrinos. Presentamos el caso de un varón sano y atleta de 38 años que sufrió esta lesión mientras realizaba una sentadilla en el gimnasio. (AU)

The traumatic bilateral and simultaneous quadriceps tendon rupture is a rare injury, usually associated with other systemic diseases such as renal insufficiency or endocrine disorders. We present the case of a 38-year-old healthy male athlete who sustained this injury while performing a squat at the gym. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Rupture/diagnostic imaging , Tendon Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Quadriceps Muscle/injuries , Quadriceps Muscle/diagnostic imaging , Rupture/surgery , Tendon Injuries/surgery , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Radiography , Ultrasonography , Quadriceps Muscle/surgery , Knee/surgery , Knee/diagnostic imaging
Pensar mov ; 21(1)jun. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1521282


Rojas-Valverde, D. (2023). Two decades of research in human movement science in Costa Rica: future growth and development. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 21(1), 1-20. This manuscript provides a thorough analysis of the two-decade study of human movement science in Costa Rica, emphasizing the noteworthy expansion and advancement of the field. To enhance athletic performance, avoid injuries, treat diseases, and encourage physical exercise, researchers in Costa Rica have developed in-depth analyses, from the basic mechanics of human movement to the development of novel methods and technologies to do so. This article also looks at the potential for Costa Rica to become a leader in the field of human movement science research in the region, as well as its future growth and development. To spur innovation and enhance the outcomes of this research, the author discusses the significance of collaboration with specialists from across the world as well as the requirement for ongoing investment in research and development. The future challenges section provides keys to maintaining the exponential growth of recent years to foster development in issues such as the participation of women in the area, the permanent renewal of study plans, and the incorporation of cross-cutting axes of systematization and research in academic and labour processes. Finally, this study offers a path for the development of human movement science research in Costa Rica, with the potential to significantly move forward in the worldwide endeavour to enhance human movement, performance, and health.

Rojas-Valverde, D. (2023). Dos décadas de investigación en ciencias del movimiento humano en Costa Rica: crecimiento y desarrollo futuro. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 21(1), 1-20. Este manuscrito proporciona un análisis completo del estudio de dos décadas de la ciencia del movimiento humano en Costa Rica, enfatizando la notable expansión y avance del campo. Con el fin de mejorar el rendimiento deportivo, evitar lesiones, tratar enfermedades y fomentar el ejercicio físico, investigadores en Costa Rica han desarrollado análisis profundos, desde la mecánica básica del movimiento humano hasta la creación de métodos y tecnología novedosos para hacerlo. El artículo también analiza el potencial de Costa Rica para convertirse en un líder en el campo de la investigación de la ciencia del movimiento humano en la región, así como su futuro crecimiento y desarrollo. Con el fin de estimular la innovación y mejorar los resultados de esta investigación, el autor analiza la importancia de la colaboración con especialistas de todo el mundo, así como el requisito de una inversión continua en investigación y desarrollo. La sección de retos futuros entrega claves para mantener el crecimiento exponencial de los últimos años y evolucionar en temas como la participación de la mujer en el área, la renovación permanente de los planes de estudio y la incorporación de ejes transversales de sistematización e investigación en los procesos universitarios y laborales. Al final, esta investigación ofrece un camino para el desarrollo de la ciencia del movimiento humano en Costa Rica, con el potencial de avanzar significativamente en el esfuerzo mundial para mejorar el movimiento, el rendimiento y la salud humanos.

Rojas-Valverde, D. (2023). Duas décadas de pesquisa em ciência do movimento humano na Costa Rica: crescimento e desenvolvimento futuros. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 21(1),1-20. Este manuscrito fornece uma análise abrangente do estudo de duas décadas da ciência do movimento humano na Costa Rica, enfatizando a notável expansão e o avanço do campo. Para melhorar o desempenho esportivo, prevenir lesões, tratar doenças e promover o exercício físico, os pesquisadores da Costa Rica desenvolveram análises aprofundadas, desde a mecânica básica do movimento humano até a criação de novos métodos e tecnologias para isso. O artigo também analisa o potencial da Costa Rica para se tornar líder no campo da pesquisa da ciência do movimento humano na região, bem como seu crescimento e desenvolvimento futuros. Com a finalidade de estimular a inovação e melhorar os resultados desta pesquisa, o autor discute a importância da colaboração com especialistas de todo o mundo, bem como a necessidade de investimento contínuo em pesquisa e desenvolvimento. A seção sobre desafios futuros fornece as chaves para manter o crescimento exponencial dos últimos anos e evoluir em áreas como a participação das mulheres no campo, a renovação permanente dos planos de estudo e a incorporação de temas transversais de sistematização e pesquisa nos processos universitários e de trabalho. Por fim, esta pesquisa oferece um caminho para o desenvolvimento da ciência do movimento humano na Costa Rica, com o potencial de avançar significativamente o esforço global para melhorar a saúde, o movimento e o desempenho humanos.

Humans , Research , Sports Medicine/education , Exercise , Costa Rica
Acta ortop. mex ; 37(2): 106-108, mar.-abr. 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556740


Abstract: Semilunate and perilunate dislocation is an injury that mostly occurs when the subject is exposed to a high-energy trauma. Considered severe, it compromises the stability and function of the wrist. The case presented is that of a 50-year-old male patient who after having a motorcycle accident arrived at the ER with neurovascular affectation, swelling, deformity and a considerable decrease of the wrist joint movement. He was also referring severe pain. A Henry (Volar) intervention was done with the help of external fixation of the lunate, followed by K-wire fixation, once a prior closed reduction was unsuccessfully attempted. The scaphoid was connected to the semilunate, and then the latter with the capitate. Ligament reconstruction followed, and stability was clinically confirmed with an X-ray. Although improvement of symptomatology was observed during the follow-up analysis, motion of the wrist remained limited. Even with the best treatment, in terms of functionality, this type of injury presents a poor prognosis.

Resumen: La luxación semilunar y perilunar es una lesión que se produce principalmente cuando el sujeto está expuesto a un traumatismo de alta energía. Considerada grave, compromete la estabilidad y la función de la muñeca. El caso presentado es el de un paciente varón de 50 años que tras sufrir un accidente de motocicleta llegó a urgencias con afectación neurovascular, tumefacción, deformidad y una considerable disminución del movimiento articular de la muñeca. También refería fuertes dolores. Se realizó una intervención de Henry (Volar) con la ayuda de fijación externa del lunar, seguida de fijación con agujas de Kirschner, una vez que se había intentado sin éxito una reducción cerrada previa. El escafoides se conectó con el semilunar y luego éste con el capitado. A continuación se reconstruyó el ligamento y se confirmó clínicamente la estabilidad con una radiografía. Aunque se observó una mejora de la sintomatología durante el análisis de seguimiento, el movimiento de la muñeca seguía siendo limitado. Incluso con el mejor tratamiento, en términos de funcionalidad, este tipo de lesión presenta un mal pronóstico.

Chinese Journal of Radiology ; (12): 1305-1311, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027280


Objective:To explore the distribution of perihip stress in male marathon runners and normal volunteers during the gait cycle using finite element analysis.Methods:In November 2022, the hip joint CT image data of a male marathon runner and a male healthy volunteer was collected. The gait cycle was divided into 7 phases, including the foot to the ground, the early, middle, and late period of one-foot support, the toe push and extension period, and the beginning and end of the swing. A three-dimensional finite element model was constructed based on the gray value of CT and according to the individualized material attribute assigning scheme. The dynamic change of hip joint contact force during the gait cycle was applied to the load, and the biomechanical qualitative analysis of the model was carried out through the equivalent stress results. Based on qualitative analysis, the same 10 nodes on the front, middle, and back of the model acetabulum, the front, and back of the femoral head, and the neck of the femur were extracted as equivalent stress reference points, and the biomechanical quantitative analysis of the model was carried out.Results:During the gait cycle, according to the hip equivalent stress distribution diagram, the contact on the articular surface of the two subjects mainly occurred in the posterior upper part of the acetabulum and the posterior part of the femoral head and gradually moved outward and backward with the joint force during walking. From the point of view of the stress distribution nodes around the hip joint, the stress changes of the nodes in each part of the two subjects showed bimodal characteristics with the load inside the hip joint at each phase. The internal stress value of the hip joint showed a gradual upward trend from the foot to the ground, reached the maximum stress in the middle period of one-foot support, then decreased, and slightly increased in the toe push and extension period. Then, the stress values at the beginning and end of the swing gradually decreased until entering the next gait cycle. The stress values in the posterior acetabulum and posterior femoral head of the marathon runner were smaller than those of the healthy volunteer.Conclusion:The stress around the hip joint was different between marathon runner and healthy volunteer, but the stress distribution and transmission path were the same.

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics ; (12): 1543-1546, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027665


Hip surgery has been a slow-growing specialty in orthopedics and sports medicine. The development of imaging and minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery techniques has brought opportunities for this branch. Compared with other minimally invasive joint techniques, hip arthroscopy develops more slowly due to high equipment requirements, difficult operation and long learning curve. However, with continuous breakthroughs in disease diagnosis and surgical techniques, hip arthroscopy technology has stayed in a fast track for the past 20 years, and has become the most rapidly developed field in sports medicine. Especially in the past decade, China's hip arthroscopy society has developed rapidly in both surgery volumes and types. With an increasing population of hip doctors, the technical level and related research gap between China and the outside world narrowed. In some research fields, China even surpassed them. In general, both domestic and overseas studies show that the effect of hip arthroscopy is positive with significant improvement of symptoms in most patients. However, some patients complained poor recovery and residual hip pain, which indicates that hip diseases are still not totally understood, and the development of hip arthroscopy technology is still in an early stage. Therefore, accurate diagnosis and indication selection, detailed assessment of patients' exercise needs and psychological status, perfect preoperative planning, skilled surgical operation, and strict functional rehabilitation are the keys to success, which should be kept in mind by every hip arthroscopy doctor. They are also the main research direction for hip arthroscopy doctors. Continuous efforts on clinical and basic research should be made for the development of hip arthroscopy to establish a more optimized and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment system.

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics ; (12): 1621-1630, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027675


Femoral acetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition characterized by abnormal anatomical structures of the femoral head and/or acetabulum, leading to impingement between the proximal femur and the rim of the acetabulum during hip movement. This impingement causes damage to the acetabular cartilage, labrum, chronic hip pain, and limited range of motion. The diagnosis of this condition requires evaluation based on symptoms, physical signs, and imaging examinations. Among these, imaging plays a crucial role in assessing the pathology of FAI. In recent years, imaging techniques have contributed to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying FAI and the development of hip-preserving surgeries. The purpose of this paper is to provide a reference for the imaging-related diagnosis and measurement of FAI. X-ray films include pelvic anteroposterior view, false-profile view and 45°Dunn view. Doctors can understand the anatomical morphology of the femur and acetabulum by measuring relevant indicators in the X-ray films. For example, the α Angle of the femur >50°-60 ° in the pelvic anteroposterior view can indicate CAM-type FAI. However, the crisscross sign, posterior wall sign and LCE Angle >40° suggest Pincer type FAI. The ACE Angle, which reflects the anterior coverage of the acetabulum, was mainly measured on the false-profile view. The ACE Angle <20° is considered as insufficient anterior acetabular coverage, and acetabular dysplasia may be present.If it >40° is the anterior acetabular overcoverage, suggesting pincer-type FAI. The 45°Dunn view is mainly used to show the femoral head and neck deformity at 3 o'clock, where the femoroacetabular impingement is obvious. This position has a good indication effect for CAM-type FAI. CT can show the shape of the hip joint more intuitively by three-dimensional reconstruction of the patient's hip joint, which is convenient for surgical planning and postoperative evaluation. In addition, CT can also be used for the differential diagnosis of external hip impingement, such as ischiofemoral impingement, anterior inferior iliac spine impingement and greatertrochanteric impingement. MR Has excellent soft tissue imaging ability and can show other lesions that are difficult to be found by X-ray and CT, such as acetabular labrum and cartilage injury. It is essential for preoperative evaluation. Appropriate imaging examination plays a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of FAI.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030051


The popularization and promotion of exercise prescription plays a crucial role in the effective prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. In order to promote the development of sports-medicine integration and the clinical application of exercise prescription, the authors analyzed the basic connotation of exercise prescription, screened out 135 medical service items related to exercise prescription, including 114 exercise practice-type items, 13 experimental inspection-type items and 8 monitoring and evaluation-type items through searching the information query database of the National Medical Insurance Service Platform (data updated to June 2023), and explored the current situation of medical insurance payment for exercise prescription. Then the authors sorted out the existing problems of medical insurance payment for exercise prescription in China, and put forward such suggestions, as strengthening the standardized management of medical service items for exercise prescription, enhancing the enthusiasm of hospitals to apply exercise prescription, guaranteeing the seamless transition of the implementation of exercise prescription both inside and outside the hospitals, perfecting the evaluation system of the effect of exercise prescription medical service as well as advancing the medical insurance payment for exercise prescription.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982260


OBJECTIVE@#To summarize the product registration declaration ideas and registration technical review of the all-inside meniscal suture system, and to systematically think about of the technical review concerns of the all-inside meniscal suture system products to provide technical guidance for improving the quality of registration and application and regulatory efficiency.@*METHODS@#Consult the public information of such products at home and abroad, and summarize the experience of registration review of such products.@*RESULTS@#The technical review of the all-inside meniscus suture system registration mainly focuses on product basic information, pre-clinical research, clinical evaluation and product technical requirements.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The difficulty of product registration and declaration of the all-inside meniscus suture system lies in the provision of pre-clinical research data of the product, and the applicant needs to strengthen the basic research ability, formulate scientific technical indicators and test methods to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the product, and also provide sufficient supporting data for the registration declaration.

Humans , Menisci, Tibial/surgery , Suture Techniques , Tibial Meniscus Injuries/surgery , Sutures , Arthroscopy/methods
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 29: e194805, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423309


ABSTRACT Analyses of scientific production have attracted the interest of researchers, as they help to control the quality of what is published, identify relevant themes, and, thus enable scientific advances. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the scientific production of the Brazilian Journal of Sports Medicine on the Web of Science database through a bibliometric analysis. The data were analyzed in relation to the publications, the authors, and the RBME. During the period of indexation on the Web of Science, which corresponds to the last decade, the RBME published 896 documents, most of which were original articles (801, 89.3%). The most cited keywords were exercise (117 studies), resistance training (37), and physical activity (34). Brazilian institutions had the highest number of publications, followed by Portugal and Spain, and there were also articles published in the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom. USP and UNESP were the institutions with the greatest number of publications in the RBME over the last decade. Ten different collaboration clusters were identified, with researcher Edilson Serpeloni Cyrino standing out with the largest collaboration network. The ten years of indexation on the Web of Science reveal the consolidation of the RBME on the international scene, which has resulted in increasing views of and citations from the studies published, as well as attracting researchers from institutions of other countries to publish their work. Level of evidence II; Review.

RESUMEN Los análisis sobre la producción científica han despertado el interés de investigadores, pues auxilian en el control de la calidad de aquello que es publicado, identificando temas relevantes y auxiliando así los avances científicos. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del estudio fue analizar la producción científica de la Revista Brasileña de Medicina del Deporte (RMBE) en la Web of Science (WoS) a través de un análisis bibliométrico. Se analizaron los datos relativos a las publicaciones, a los autores y a RMBE. En el período de indexación en la WoS, correspondiente a la última década, la RBME publicó 896 documentos, siendo la mayoría artículos originales (801, 89,3%). Las palabras clave más citadas fueron exercise (117 estudios), resistance training (37) y physical activity (34). Las instituciones de Brasil fueron las que más publicaciones presentaron, seguidas de Portugal y España, con publicaciones también en Estados Unidos, Canadá y Reino Unido, entre otros. La USP y UNESP fueron las instituciones con mayor número de publicaciones en RMBE en la última década. Se identificaron diez grupos de colaboración diferentes, destacándose el investigador "Edilson Serpeloni Cyrino", con la mayor red de colaboración. Los 10 años de indexación de la RBME en la Web of Science revelan la consolidación de la revista en el escenario internacional, repercutiendo en el aumento de visualizaciones y citas de los estudios publicados, además de atraer a investigadores de instituciones de otros países para publicar sus trabajos. Nivel de evidencia II; Revisión.

RESUMO Análises sobre a produção científica têm despertado o interesse de pesquisadores, pois auxiliam no controle da qualidade do que é publicado, identificando temas relevantes, e assim, auxiliando avanços científicos. Diante disso, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar a produção científica da Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte na Web of Science (WoS) por meio de uma análise bibliométrica. Os dados foram analisados com relação às publicações, aos autores e à RBME. No período de indexação na WoS, correspondente a última década, a RBME publicou 896 documentos, sendo a maioria artigos originais (801, 89,3%). Os descritores mais citados foram exercise (117 estudos), resistance training (37) e physical activity (34). Instituições do Brasil foram as que mais apresentaram publicações, seguidas de Portugal e Espanha, tendo ainda publicações nos EUA, Canadá e Reino Unido, entre outros. A USP e a UNESP foram as instituições com maior número de publicações na última década na RBME. Dez diferentes grupos de colaboração foram identificados, destacando-se o pesquisador "Edilson Serpeloni Cyrino", com a maior rede de colaboração. Os 10 anos de indexação da RBME na Web of Science revelam a consolidação do periódico no cenário internacional, repercutindo no aumento de visualizações e citações dos estudos publicados, além de atrair pesquisadores de instituições de outros países para publicarem seus trabalhos. Nível de evidência II; Revisão.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 422023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508230


Introducción: El CrossFit representa un paradigma interesante del fitness para los profesionales del ejercicio y la medicina deportiva. No obstante, aún se desconoce si el ritmo de repetición influye en las respuestas cardiovasculares y la percepción del esfuerzo en este tipo de entrenamiento físico. Objetivo: Relacionar el ritmo de repetición del CrossFit WOD Karen con la frecuencia cardíaca y el esfuerzo percibido en sujetos físicamente activos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo-correlacional de enfoque cuantitativo a una muestra no probabilística de 20 sujetos. Durante la aplicación de la prueba WOD Karen y el test Course-Navette, la frecuencia cardíaca se monitoreó a través de pulsómetros Polar H7; el esfuerzo percibido se valoró con la escala de Borg CR-10 y el ritmo de repetición se calculó mediante una ecuación matemática. Los datos se analizaron con el paquete estadístico PSPP y se empleó el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. Resultados: La intensidad relativa del entrenamiento (r = -0,67) y la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo (r = -0,68) se relacionan negativamente en las mujeres. En ambos sexos no existió significación (p < 0,05). Conclusión: Las mujeres con un ritmo de repetición más rápido presentaron una frecuencia cardíaca y un esfuerzo percibido más bajo(AU)

Introduction: CrossFit represents an interesting fitness paradigm for exercise and sports medicine professionals. However, it is still unknown whether the repetition rate of this type of physical training influences cardiovascular responses and perceived exertion. Objective: To find the relation between the repetition rate of the CrossFit WOD Karen to heart rate and the perceived exertion in physically active subjects. Methods: A descriptive-correlational study with a quantitative approach was performed with a non-probabilistic sample of 20 subjects. During the application of the WOD Karen test and the Course-Navette test, heart rate was monitored with pulsometers; perceived exertion was assessed through the Borg CR-10 scale and repetition rate was calculated using a mathematical equation. Data were analyzed with the PSPP statistical package and the Spearman's correlation coefficient was used. Results: Relative training intensity (r = -0.67) and subjective perception of effort (r = -0.68) were negatively related in women. In both genders there was no significance (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Women with a faster repetition rate had a lower heart rate and lower perceived exertion(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Heart Rate , Sports Medicine/education , Public Health/education , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 28(6): 757-759, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376757


ABSTRACT Introduction Current research in sports medicine on muscles adjacent to joints in patients with joint instability focuses on functional instability. However, few studies on muscle strength in the muscles adjacent to the joints in typical patients. Objective This study tests the changes in isokinetic muscle strength in flexion-extension muscle groups in common subjects' knees and elbows. Methods Randomly selected ordinary citizens to perform isokinetic muscle strength testing with grip strength, explosive pedaling force, and elbow and knee joint movement speeds of 60°/s. Results The single work of the normal knee flexors and extensors decreases with test speed at different movement speeds. Conclusion The grip strength test and isokinetic pedaling test can be used as simple muscle strength tests for fitness monitoring. Evidence Level II; Therapeutic Studies - Investigating the result.

RESUMO Introdução Pesquisas atuais na medicina esportiva sobre os músculos adjacentes às articulações em pacientes com instabilidade articular concentram-se na instabilidade funcional. Entretanto há poucos estudos sobre a força muscular nos músculos ao redor das articulações em pacientes comuns. Objetivo Este estudo testa as alterações na força muscular isocinética nos grupos musculares de flexo-extensão em joelhos e cotovelos de indivíduos comuns. Métodos Selecionamos aleatoriamente cidadãos comuns para realizar testes isocinéticos de força muscular com força de aderência, força explosiva de pedalar e velocidades de movimento da articulação do cotovelo e joelho de 60°/s. Resultados O trabalho único dos flexores e extensores normais do joelho diminui com a velocidade de teste em diferentes velocidades de movimento. Conclusão O teste de força de aderência e teste isocinético de pedalar podem ser usados como testes de força muscular simples para o monitoramento do condicionamento físico. Nível de evidência II; Estudos Terapêuticos - Investigação de Resultados.

RESUMEN Introducción La investigación actual en medicina deportiva sobre los músculos adyacentes a las articulaciones en pacientes con inestabilidad articular se centra en la inestabilidad funcional. Sin embargo, hay pocos estudios sobre la fuerza muscular en los músculos que rodean las articulaciones en pacientes comunes. Objetivo Este estudio comprueba los cambios en la fuerza muscular isocinética en grupos musculares de flexión-extensión en rodillas y codos de sujetos comunes. Métodos Seleccionamos al azar a ciudadanos normales para realizar pruebas isocinéticas de fuerza muscular con fuerza de agarre, fuerza explosiva de pedaleo y velocidades de movimiento de la articulación del codo y la rodilla de 60°/s. Resultados El trabajo individual de los flexores y extensores normales de la rodilla disminuye con la velocidad de la prueba a diferentes velocidades de movimiento. Conclusión La prueba de fuerza de agarre y la prueba de pedaleo isocinético pueden utilizarse como pruebas sencillas de fuerza muscular para el control de la condición física. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudios terapéuticos - Investigación de resultados.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218930


A muscle strain develops when a muscle lengthens or is torn. This would be frequently caused by muscle exhaustion, abuse, or misuse. Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage (EIMD) is defined based on indicators appearing soon after initiating an exercise session and continues for up to 14 days after the end of the session. Muscle damage from trauma, inherited genetic illnesses, pathology or complete circumstances are highly common and cause significant socio-economic consequences. Athletes care about EIMD-related loss of muscle strength and discomfort since they can affect their performance significantly. This current review is intended to highlight the updated findings and its present preventive and management strategies. The review also discussed the pathophysiology behind EIMD in detail to highlight the understanding points regarding EIMD. The frequency of EIMD following exercise must are linked with strength training, and muscle strain as measured by an increased level of serum kinase (CK). the percentage of tissue micro-injuries. EIMD is quite frequent among athletes and also among the general population. This review has discussed the available diet and nutrition to prevent such EIMD and tackle, it if EIMD sets in. Finally, this current review has covered EIMD from all the phases and recommendations have been made for further study, especially in clinical trials.