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Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 75(2): 4187, Apr.-June 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583575


RESUMEN Objetivos: Presentar un caso de una lesión en mama de origen metastásico a partir de un adenocarcinoma gástrico de células en anillo de sello (AGCES), y hacer una revisión sistemática (RS) de la literatura sobre la epidemiología, el diagnóstico, tratamiento y pronóstico de las pacientes con este tipo de lesiones mamarias. Materiales y métodos: Se reporta el caso de una paciente que acudió a una institución de referencia y alta complejidad en Bogotá por un nódulo en mama derecha. La paciente tenía el antecedente de un AGCES tratado quirúrgicamente, con quimioterapia y radioterapia adyuvante, tres años atrás. Se identificaron adenopatías axilares bilaterales. La biopsia del nódulo reportó un adenocarcinoma con patrón de células en anillo de sello. Posteriormente, por medio de la tomografía por emisión de positrones, se identificaron metástasis en otras localizaciones. La paciente falleció a los 10 meses. Se realizó una RS de la literatura, incluyendo estudios de cohorte, reportes y series de casos de pacientes con AGCES metastásico a la mama, que presentaran información sobre la epidemiología, las características clínicas, radiológicas e histopatológicas, el tipo de tratamiento recibido y pronóstico de esta enfermedad. Resultados: Se identificaron 363 referencias, de las cuales 26 cumplieron los criterios de elegibilidad. El AGCES metastásico a la mama predominó en el continente asiático (75,9 %). La edad media de presentación fue de 42,5 años. En el 62 % de los casos esta condición se manifestó clínicamente como un nódulo mamario. Desde el punto de vista radiológico, la mayoría de las lesiones mamarias se presentaron como uno o varios nódulos de características sospechosas (55,2 %). En la biopsia de las lesiones mamarias, la positividad para citoqueratina 7 y citoqueratina 20 ocurrió en el 41,4 % y 37,9 % de los casos, respectivamente. Solo el 31 % de las pacientes fueron llevadas a algún tipo de cirugía de mama. Falta información sobre el tratamiento y pronóstico del AGCES metastásico a la mama. Conclusiones: Toda paciente con antecedente de cáncer que presente un nódulo o cambios clínicos en la mama debe ser llevada a una biopsia mamaria para descartar secundarismo. Es importante realizar más estudios prospectivos sobre este tipo de presentación del AGCES para definir los efectos del tratamiento y el pronóstico de este subgrupo de pacientes.

ABSTRACT Objectives: To determine the general state of scientific evidence published in the last 20 years on gastric signet ring cell (SRC) adenocarcinoma metastatic to the breast, and present a case. Materials and methods: The case of a patient who attended a high-complexity reference institution in Bogotá for a breast metastasis from a gastric SRC adenocarcinoma is reported. A Systematic Review of the literature was carried out, including cohort studies, reports and case series of patients with gastric SRC adenocarcinoma metastatic to the breast, which will present information on the epidemiology, clinical, radiological and histopathological characteristics, and the treatment and prognostic of this disease. Results: There were identified 363 references, twenty-six of which met the eligibility criteria. Gastric SRC adenocarcinoma metastatic to the breast predominated in the Asian continent (75.9%). The mean age at presentation was 42.5 years. In 62% (n=18) of cases this condition manifested clinically as a breast mass. From a radiological point of view, the majority of breast lesions presented as one or several nodules with suspicious characteristics (55.2%; n=16). In the biopsy of breast lesions, positivity for cytokeratin 7 and cytokeratin 20 occurred in 41.4% (n=12) and 37.9% (n=11) of cases, respectively. Only nine patients (31%) underwent any type of breast surgery. There is a lack of information on the treatment and prognosis of gastric SRC adenocarcinoma metastatic to the breast. Conclusions: The frequency of cases of gastric SRC adenocarcinoma metastatic to the breast published in the last 20 years is low. The general practitioner and the gynecologist could be the first medical professionals to face this rare condition, so knowing it and suspecting it is essential, especially if we take into account that the median overall survival of these patients is low.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 421-429, 2024-04-24. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554113


Introducción. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los desenlaces a corto plazo de la gastrectomía laparoscópica en adultos vs. adultos mayores con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado en una cohorte de un país occidental. Métodos. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo en pacientes sometidos a gastrectomía laparoscópica por cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado, en el Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz, de Cúcuta, Colombia, entre noviembre de 2014 y diciembre de 2018. Se realizó análisis descriptivo, de comparación de grupos y bivariado. Resultados. De un total de 116 pacientes, 51 pacientes (44 %) tenían 65 años o más y 63 pacientes (54 %) eran hombres. No se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa al comparar los pacientes menores de 65 años con los de 65 años o más. La mediana del tiempo operatorio fue de 240 minutos en ambos grupos (p>0,05), la mediana de los márgenes de resección macroscópica fue 6 cm vs. 5 cm (p>0,05), la mediana de los ganglios linfáticos disecados fue 25 vs. 19 (p>0,05), la mediana de ganglios linfáticos positivos fue 4 vs. 3 (p>0,05), la mediana de estancia fue de 7 días en ambos grupos (p>0,05). La tasa general de complicaciones posoperatorias no difirió significativamente entre adultos (7%) y adultos mayores (11 %) (p>0,05) y no se observaron diferencias significativas en las tasas de complicaciones menores (Clavien-Dindo grado II; 3-5 % vs. 6-12 %; p>0,05) y graves (Clavien-Dindo ≥ IIIa; 3-5 % vs. 4-8 %; p>0,05). Conclusiones. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los resultados a corto plazo entre los pacientes adultos y adultos mayores con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado tratados con gastrectomía laparoscópica. Esta técnica es segura en ancianos.

Introduction. The objective of this study was to compare the short-term outcomes of laparoscopic gastrectomy in adults vs. older patients with locally advanced gastric cancer from a Western country cohort. Methods. Prospective cohort study in patients undergoing laparoscopic gastrectomy for locally advanced gastric cancer at the Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz, de Cúcuta, Colombia, between November 2014 and December 2018. Descriptive, group comparison and bivariate analysis was performed. Results. Of a total of 116 patients, 51 patients (44%) were 65 years or older and 63 patients (54%) were men. No statistically significant difference was found when comparing patients under 65 years of age with those 65 years of age or older. The median operating time was 240 minutes in both groups (p>0.05), the median macroscopic resection margins were 6 cm vs. 5 cm (p>0.05), the median number of lymph nodes dissected was 25 vs. 19 (p>0.05), the median number of positive lymph nodes was 4 vs. 3 (p>0.05), the median stay was 7 days in both groups (p>0.05). The overall rate of postoperative complications did not differ significantly between adults (7%) and older adults (11%) (p>0.05) and no significant differences were observed in the rates of minor (Clavien-Dindo grade II; 3-5% vs. 6-12%; p>0.05) and severe complications (Clavien-Dindo ≥ IIIa; 3-5% vs. 4-8%; p>0.05). Conclusions. No statistically differences were found in short-term outcomes between adult and older patients with locally advanced gastric cancer treated with laparoscopic gastrectomy. This technique is safe in the elderly.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms , Aged , Gastrectomy , Postoperative Complications , Laparoscopy , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 111-116, feb. 2024. ilus, tab, mapas
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528817


El cáncer gástrico (CG), es la primera causa de muerte por cáncer, en hombres, y la tercera en mujeres, en Chile. No obstante ello, el CG bifocal (CGB) es una situación poco frecuente. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue reportar un caso de CGB, con linfonodos negativos en un paciente con cirrosis hepática, que fue intervenido quirúrgicamente; y revisar la evidencia existente respecto de sus características morfológicas, terapéuticas y pronósticas. Caso clínico: Hombre de 74 años diabético, hipertenso, insuficiente cardíaco y cirrótico; portador de CGB (subcardial y antro-pilórico), diagnosticado por endoscopia y con confirmación histológica de ambas lesiones; operado en Clínica RedSalud Mayor Temuco en septiembre de 2023. En el intraoperatorio se verificó además la coexistencia de una lesión de aspecto metastásico en el segmento III del hígado, y adhesión de la región antro-pilórica a la vesícula biliar. Se realizó gastrectomía total, linfadenectomía D2, esófago-yeyuno anastomosis término-lateral, resección segmentaria hepática (segmento III) y colecistectomía. El paciente permaneció 6 días en la UCI debido a que desarrolló insuficiencia hepática (encefalopatía leve y ascitis). Se alimentó vía enteral por sonda naso-yeyunal. Posteriormente inició alimentación oral progresiva, la que fue bien tolerada. Completó 11 días de hospitalización en servicio médico-quirúrgico, donde mejoró actividad neurológica, hasta su alta domiciliaria. Actualmente, lleva dos meses desde su operación, se encuentra en buenas condiciones generales, y el Comité Oncológico decidió no dar quimioterapia adyuvante. Se presenta un caso inusual de CG de tipo bifocal, respecto de lo cual hay escasa información disponible. Se logró realizar cirugía con intención curativa en un paciente de alto riesgo, con un resultado exitoso.

SUMMARY: Gastric cancer (GC) is the first cause of death from cancer in men, and the third one in women, in Chile. However, a bifocal GC (BGC) is uncommon. The aim of this study was to report a case of CGB, with negative-lymph nodes in a patient with liver cirrhosis, who underwent surgery; and review the existing evidence regarding its morphological, therapeutic and prognostic characteristics. Clinical case: A 74-year-old male patient with a medical history of diabetes, hypertension, congestive heart failure, and cirrhosis underwent surgical intervention for GC located in subcardial and antro- pyloric regions. The diagnosis was established via endoscopy and confirmed histologically. Surgery was performed at the RedSalud Mayor Temuco Clinic in September 2023. During intraoperative assessment, the coexistence of a lesion with metastatic-like characteristics in segment III of the liver was also verified, along with adhesions between the antro-pyloric region and the gallbladder. Surgical approach encompassed total gastrectomy, D2 lymphadenectomy, esophago-jejunostomy, segmental hepatic resection, and cholecystectomy. Subsequently, the patient required a six-day stay in ICU due to the development of hepatic insufficiency, characterized by mild encephalopathy and ascites. Enteral nutrition was administered via a naso-jejunal tube, followed by a gradual transition to oral feeding, which was well-tolerated. The patient completed an 11-day hospitalization period in the medical-surgical ward, during which his neurological function improved significantly, resulting in his discharge. At present, 2 months post-surgery, the patient remains in satisfactory general health, and the Oncology Committee decided not to proceed with adjuvant chemotherapy. This case represents a rare instance of bifocal GC, for which there is limited available literature. Surgical intervention with curative intent was successfully carried out in a high-risk patient, yielding a positive outcome.

Humans , Male , Aged , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary , Gastrectomy
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 94-99, 20240102. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526827


Introducción. La gastrectomía y disección ganglionar es el estándar de manejo para los pacientes con cáncer gástrico. Factores como la identificación de ganglios por el patólogo, pueden tener un impacto negativo en la estadificación y el tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el recuento ganglionar de un espécimen quirúrgico después de una gastrectomía completa (grupo A) y de un espécimen con un fraccionamiento por grupos ganglionares (grupo B). Métodos. Estudio de una base de datos retrospectiva de pacientes sometidos a gastrectomía D2 en el Servicio de Cirugía gastrointestinal de la Liga Contra el Cáncer seccional Risaralda, Pereira, Colombia. Se comparó el recuento ganglionar en especímenes quirúrgicos con y sin división ganglionar por regiones anatómicas previo a su envío a patología. Resultados. De los 94 pacientes intervenidos, 65 pertenecían al grupo A y 29 pacientes al grupo B. El promedio de ganglios fue de 24,4±8,6 y 32,4±14,4 respectivamente (p=0,004). El porcentaje de pacientes con más de 15 y de 25 ganglios fue menor en el grupo A que en el grupo B (27 vs 57, p=0,432 y 19 vs 24, p=0,014). El promedio de pacientes con una relación ganglionar menor 0,2 fue mayor en el grupo B (72,4 % vs 55,4 %, p=0,119). Conclusiones. Los resultados de nuestro estudio mostraron que una división por grupos ganglionares previo a la valoración del espécimen por el servicio de patología incrementa el recuento ganglionar y permite establecer de manera certera el pronóstico de los pacientes, teniendo un impacto positivo en su estadificación, para evitar el sobretratamiento

Introduction. A gastrectomy and lymph node dissection is the standard of management for patients with gastric cancer. Factors such as the identification of nodes by the pathologist can have a negative impact on staging and treatment. The objective of this study was to compare the lymph node count of a surgical specimen after a complete gastrectomy (group A) and of a specimen with lymph node by groups (group B). Methods. Study of a retrospective database of patients undergoing D2 gastrectomy in the Risaralda section of the Liga Contra el Cancer Gastrointestinal surgical service, Pereira, Colombia. The lymph node count was compared in surgical specimens with and without lymph node division by anatomical regions, prior to sending them to pathology. Results. Of the 94 patients who underwent surgery, 65 were from group A and 29 patients were from group B. The average number of nodes was 24.4±8.6 and 32.4±14.4, respectively (p=0.004). The percentage of patients with more than 15 and 25 nodes was lower in group A than in group B (27 vs 57, p=0.432 and 19 vs 24, p=0.014). The average number of patients with a nodal ratio less than 0.2 was higher in group B (72.4% vs 55.4%, p=0.119). Conclusions. The results of our study showed that a division by lymph node groups prior to the evaluation of the specimen by the pathology service increases the lymph node count and allows the prognosis of patients to be accurately established, having a positive impact on their staging, to avoid overtreatment.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms , Lymph Node Excision , Neoplasm Staging , Gastrectomy , Lymph Nodes , Lymphatic Metastasis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018082


Objective:To analyze the significance of systemic immune inflammatory index (SII) combined with neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer with PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors.Methods:The clinical data of 90 patients with stage Ⅳ gastric adenocarcinoma who received immunotherapy from January 2020 to January 2023 were retrospectively analyzed, including 70 males and 20 females, aged from 36 to 80 years, with an average age of (53.76±15.58) years. The clinicopathological features and follow-up data were collected. SPSS 26.0 software was used to conduct statistical analysis. The critical values of NLR, SII, PLR and MLR were calculated, and the overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS) of patients with different levels of markers were analyzed. The independent predictive factors of PFS and OS were determined, and the predictive value of risk factors for PFS and OS in patients with gastric cancer was evaluated.Results:The median follow-up time of all patients was 27.3 months, and the median PFS and OS were 10.0 months and 17.7 months, respectively. The area under the curve (AUC) of NLR and SII for predicting PFS and OS were>0.7, the critical values NLR were 4.75 and 3.85, and SII were 1154.67 and 887.90, respectively. PFS and OS in patients with high NLR, high MLR, high PLR and high SII were lower than those in patients with low levels. ECoG PS≥ 1, high NLR and high SII were independent influencing factors of disease progression or death. The AUC of the combination of NLR, ECoG PS and SII was 0.761, which was higher than that of any single factor. The fewer the number of risk factors, the longer the PFS and OS.Conclusions:NLR and SII are effective predictors of PFS and OS in patients with advanced gastric cancer receiving immunotherapy. Pre treatment detection of NLR and SII can provide reliable guidance for immunotherapy of advanced gastric cancer.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018083


Objectives:To explore the Clavien-Dindo (CD) classfication of short-term (within 30 days postoperative) complications of distal major gastrectomy (DG) and the associated risk factors affecting this classification.Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 230 patients with gastric cancer who underwent DG completed by the same operator at Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University from January 2016 to December 2021. There were 159 males (69.1%) and 71 females (30.9%), aged from 31 to 80 years, with an average age of (61.69±10.91) years, all patients average body mass index was (23.59±3.46) kg/m 2. Chi-square test or Fisher exact probability method was used to compare the count data between groups, and rank sum test was used to compare the rank data between groups. Multiple factors were analyzed by stepwise Logistic regression. Results:In this study, a total of 30 cases (13.0%) experienced CD grade Ⅱ or higher postoperative complications. Among them, 20 cases (66.7%) were grade Ⅱ, 8 cases (26.7%) were grade Ⅲ, and 2 cases (6.6%) were grade Ⅳ, Among the 30 patients with complications, there were 2 cases of simple anastomotic leakage, 2 cases of anastomotic bleeding, 3 cases of duodenal stump leakage, 2 cases of intra-abdominal infection, 6 cases of intestinal obstruction, 5 cases of pulmonary infection, 2 cases of incision infection, 2 cases of delayed gastric emptying, 3 cases of pulmonary infection combined with atelectasis, 2 cases of anastomotic leakage combined with intra-abdominal infection, and 1 case of pulmonary infection and intra-abdominal infection combined with intestinal obstruction. Pulmonary infection, intestinal obstruction, and anastomotic leakage were the main postoperative complications of DG. The surgical approach was an independent risk factor for postoperative complications ( P<0.05), and there was no statistically significant difference in the grade of postoperative complications of patients with different surgical methods( P>0.05). Conclusions:Pulmonary infection, intestinal obstruction, abdominal infection, and anastomotic leakage are the main postoperative complications of DG. The independent risk factor for complications is the surgical approach, but the surgical approach does not affect the CD grading of complications.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018086


Objective:To explore the efficacy and safety of laparoscopic technology in the treatment of gastric cancer which using proximal subtotal gastrectomy and distal subtotal gastrectomy.Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 98 gastric cancer patients admitted to the Department of General Surgery, General Hospital of Huainan Eastern Hospital Group from January 2016 to January 2020, including 71 males and 27 females with an average age of (62.03±10.6) years old(ranged from 32 to 80 years). All cases were divided into proximal group ( n=28) and distal group ( n=70) according to different surgical methods. The proximal group was treated with laparoscopic proximal subtotal gastrectomy, while the distal group was treated with laparoscopic distal subtotal gastrectomy. SPSS 20.0 software was used to analyze the differences in surgical related clinical indicators, postoperative complications, nutritional status, quality of life, and survival rate between two groups. Kaplan-Merier was used to draw survival curves, and Log-rank test was used to compare the survival differences between the two groups. Results:The number of lymph node dissection in the proximal group was less than that in the distal group, and the difference was statistically significant ( t=2.02, P=0.045). The incidence rate of reflux esophagitis in the proximal group was higher than that in the distal group (57.14% vs 4.29%, χ2=35.75, P<0.001), the incidence rate of reflux gastritis was lower than that of the distal group, the difference was statistically significant(3.57% vs 22.86% P=0.035). The levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and albumin in the proximal group were lower than those in the distal group after surgery, and the differences were statistically significant ( t=2.62, P=0.010; t=2.12, P=0.036; t=3.54, P=0.001). One month after surgery, the Karnofsky functional status score in the proximal group was lower than that in the distal group, and the difference was statistically significant ( t=2.27, P=0.025). The postoperative 1, 3, and 5-year survival rates of the proximal group were 85.71%, 64.29%, and 46.43%, respectively, while the postoperative 1, 3, and 5-year survival rates of the distal group were 88.57%, 71.43%, and 57.14%, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the survival curves between the two groups ( P>0.05). Conclusions:The incidence rate of reflux esophagitis after laparoscopic proximal subtotal gastrectomy is higher than that of distal subtotal gastrectomy, and the number of lymph nodes cleared during operation is less than that of distal subtotal gastrectomy. Compared with laparoscopic distal subtotal gastrectomy, the nutritional status of patients after proximal subtotal gastrectomy is significantly worse, but there is no significant difference in long-term survival rate between the two groups.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018089


Traditional chemotherapy is the cornerstone of comprehensive treatment for gastric cancer, but its recurrence and metastasis rates are high, and the overall prognosis is not ideal. The rise of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) has brought new hope to gastric cancer patients and changed the current pattern of comprehensive treatment for gastric cancer. With the increasing use of ICI, immune related adverse reactions (irAEs) such as skin toxicity and gastrointestinal toxicity are becoming increasingly common. Scientific understanding, early diagnosis, and graded management are currently the main strategies for handling irAEs. This article aims to review the mechanisms, clinical manifestations, and prediction, treatment, and management of irAEs after ICI treatment of gastric cancer, in order to enhance the understanding of irAEs among clinical physicians, better manage immunotherapy related adverse reactions, and improve the prognosis and quality of life of patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018091


Gastric cancer is one of the major diseases threatening human health, with a high incidence and a low early diagnostic rate. There are many bottlenecks encountered during its treatment. Consequently, improving the early diagnostic rate and exploring new therapeutic targets are currently urgent challenges that need to be addressed. Telomerase is undetectable in normal tissues, but it exhibits high specificity and sensitivity in most cancers and has a definite correlation with prognosis. It may serve as a serum tumor marker and prognostic indicator. Human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene polymorphism can regulate the susceptibility of people to gastric cancer, and affect the occurrence, development, proliferation and apoptosis of gastric cancer through its target gene. Substances such as resistin, visfatin, G-quadruplex and methylenedioxyaniline can affect the occurrence and development of gastric cancer by regulating telomerase expression. The mechanism by which hTERT regulates tumor invasion and metastasis is currently unclear, so elucidating its mechanism is of great significance.This paper will review the research progress of this mechanism in recent years.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018190


Objective:To explore the predictive value of early serum tumor markers (STM) , neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) , platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) combination score on the efficacy of gastric cancer immunotherapy.Methods:A total of 76 patients with gastric cancer who received immunotherapy at Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022 were selected. Patients' leading STM, NLR, PLR were collected. Optimal cut-off value of NLR and PLR were determined by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The clinical efficacy and prognosis of different leading STM, NLR, PLR and combined scores in gastric cancer patients received immunotherapy were analyzed. ROC curve was used to evaluate the predictive efficiency of each index and the combined score. Cox regression model was used to analyze the factors affecting patients' survival.Results:The best truncation value for NLR was 2.75, and the best truncation value for PLR was 175.9. All patients completed at least 2 cycles of immunotherapy, the objective response rate (ORR) was 23.7% (18/76) , and the disease control rate (DCR) was 88.2% (67/76) . There were no significant differences in ORR [ (20.9% (9/43) vs. 27.3% (9/33) ], DCR [83.7% (36/43) vs. 93.9% (31/33) ] between the high NLR group ( n=43) and low NLR group ( n=33) ( χ2=0.42, P=0.519; χ2=1.02, P=0.313) . There were no significant differences in ORR [27.3% (12/44) vs. 18.8% (6/32) ], DCR [81.8% (36/44) vs. 96.9% (31/32) ] between the high PLR group ( n=44) and low PLR group ( n=32) ( χ2=0.75, P=0.388; χ2=2.71, P=0.555) . The ORR for the high combined score group ( n=39) and low combined score group ( n=37) was 17.9% (7/39) and 29.7% (11/37) , respectively, with no statistically significant difference ( χ2=1.46, P=0.230) ; the DCR was 79.5% (31/39) and 97.3% (36/37) , respectively, with a statistically significant difference ( χ2=4.19, P=0.041) . The median progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) of 76 patients were 8.0 and 12.0 months. The median PFS in the high NLR group and low NLR group was 7.0 and 10.0 months, respectively, with a statistically significant difference ( χ2=7.95, P=0.005) ; the median OS was 12.0 and 14.0 months, respectively, with no statistically significant difference ( χ2=1.04, P=0.307) . The median PFS in the high PLR group and low PLR group was 8.0 and 10.0 months, respectively, with a statistically significant difference ( χ2=3.90, P=0.048) ; the median OS was 13.0 and 13.0 months, respectively, with no significant difference ( χ2=0.02, P=0.896) . The median PFS in the high combined score group and low combined score group was 7.0 and 10.0 months, respectively, with a statistically significant difference ( χ2=13.52, P<0.001) ; the median OS was 12.0 and 14.0 months, respectively, with a statistically significant difference ( χ2=5.02, P=0.025) . ROC curve analysis showed that the area under curve (AUC) of leading STM, NLR, PLR and combined score to predict the efficacy of gastric cancer immunotherapy was 0.662, 0.697, 0.601 and 0.773. Univariate analysis showed that, surgery ( HR=0.59, 95% CI: 0.36-0.95, P=0.031) , leading STM ( HR=0.57, 95% CI: 0.34-0.93, P=0.026) , NLR ( HR=0.54, 95% CI: 0.34-0.87, P=0.011) , combined score ( HR=0.42, 95% CI: 0.26-0.68, P<0.001) were all influencing factors for PFS in gastric cancer patients received immunotherapy; tumor stage ( HR=0.30, 95% CI: 0.12-0.75, P=0.011) , leading STM ( HR=0.28, 95% CI: 0.15-0.50, P<0.001) , combined score ( HR=0.55, 95% CI: 0.31-0.96, P=0.036) were all influencing factors for OS in gastric cancer patients received immunotherapy. Multivariate analysis showed that, leading STM ( HR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.33-0.98, P=0.041) was an independent influencing factor for PFS in gastric cancer patients received immunotherapy; tumor stage ( HR=0.29, 95% CI: 0.11-0.76, P=0.012) , leading STM ( HR=0.32, 95% CI: 0.17-0.58, P<0.001) , combined score ( HR=0.46, 95% CI: 0.25-0.82, P=0.009) were all independent influencing factors for OS in gastric cancer patients received immunotherapy. Conclusion:The combined score of leading STM, NLR and PLR is an independent factor influencing OS in patients receiving immunotherapy for gastric cancer, and can predict the efficacy of immunotherapy for gastric cancer.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018193


The high intra- and inter-tumor heterogeneity of gastric cancer leads to a great difference in the immunotherapy efficacy and the prognosis among patients. Several biomarkers, including programmed death-ligand 1, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, the features of tumor microenvironment, the peripheral blood inflammatory markers and Claudin18.2 have predictive value in the immunotherapy efficacy and the prognosis of gastric cancer patients, which might help the clinicians find the potential patients who will benefit from immunotherapy, and achieve the goal of precision medicine.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020513


Objective:To investigate the nutritional risk, incidence of malnutrition, and intake of three major energy-supplying nutrients, analyze changes in their body composition and the possible influencing factors in patients with stomach neoplasms during perioperative period in order to provide a theoretical basis for the nutritional management of patients with stomach neoplasms during perioperative period.Methods:This was a cross-sectional study. A total of 105 patients who underwent gastric cancer radical surgery in the Gastrointestinal Department of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University from June 2021 to May 2023 were taken as the research subjects using fixed-point continuous sampling method. They were recruited for screening and assessment using Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002) and Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA). Nutrients intake during the perioperative period were investigated using the 24-h recall method and dietary diary method, etc. Body compositions were measured using the bioelectrical resistance method.Results:Among the 105 patients, there were 78 males and 27 females, with an average age of (61.5 ± 10.3) years. About 83.8% (88/105) gastric cancer patients were at nutritional risk and 82.9% (87/105) were malnourished. The preoperative and postoperative energy intake were (1 646.1 ± 321.5) and (1 317.2 ± 365.8) kcal (1 kcal=4.184 kJ), respectively, which were significantly lower than the target amount of (1 896.7 ± 262.9) kcal, the difference was statistically significant ( t=6.23, 8.29, both P<0.05).The preoperative body mass, muscle mass, skeletal muscle, fat mass, and skeletal muscle index were (51.5 ± 9.6), (40.8 ± 6.0), (23.6 ± 4.0), (8.3 ± 4.9) kg, and 6.7 ± 0.8 respectively, while the postoperative values were (50.0 ± 9.1), (39.8 ± 6.0), (22.8 ± 3.6), (7.8 ± 5.2) kg, and 6.5 ± 0.8 respectively, with statistically significant differences between the two groups ( t values were 2.89-10.61, all P<0.05). Logistic multivariate regression analysis showed that the operation time ( OR=3.984, 95% CI 1.433-11.080, P<0.05) and energy satisfaction ( OR=0.053, 95% CI 0.005-0.610, P<0.05) were independent influencing factors for the degree of skeletal muscle loss. Conclusions:During perioperative period, the gastric cancer patients had poor nutritional status with insufficient nutrient intake and accelerated loss of body muscle and fat. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct a comprehensive nutritional evaluation for patients with stomach neoplasms during perioperative period in time and take steps to promote recovery by providing individualized nutritional therapy.

Tianjin Medical Journal ; (12): 188-193, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020994


Objective To explore the effect of individualized positive end expiratory pressure guided by driving pressure on lung protection after laparoscopic radical gastrectomy for elderly patients.Methods A total of 64 patients underwent elective laparoscopic radical gastrectomy for gastric cancer in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University were selected.According to the random number table method,patients were divided into the driving the pressure guided individualized positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP)group(experimental group)and the fixed PEEP group(control group),32 cases in each group.In the control group,PEEP = 5 cmH2O.In the experimental group,PEEP titration was performed according to the increasing method,and the PEEP corresponding to the lowest driving pressure was selected until extubation.Peak airway pressure(Ppeak),plateau airway pressure(Pplat)and PEEP were recorded at 5 min after intubation(T1),immediately after PEEP titration(T2),1 h after operation(T3),2 h after operation(T4),and 10 min after pneumoperitoneum release(T5).Driving pressure(ΔP)and lung dynamic compliance(Cdyn)were calculated.Arterial blood was collected at T1-5 for blood gas analysis,arterial partial pressure of oxygen(PaO2)was recorded,and oxygenation index(OI)was calculated.The occurrence of pulmonary complications(PPCs)within 7 days after operation was recorded.Modified clinical pulmonary infection score(mCPIS)was recorded on the second day after operation.The pulmonary function was evaluated before operation,1 day,3 days and 5 days after operation.Results Compared with T1,Ppeak,Pplat and ΔP were increased and Cdyn was decreased at T2-5,while OI was decreased at T4 in control group(P<0.05).Compared with the control group,Ppeak,Pplat and Cdyn in the experimental group were increased at T2-5,ΔP was decreased,and OI was increased at T3-5(P<0.05).Compared with the preoperative results,FVC at 1,3 and 5 days after surgery was decreased,and FEV1 and maximum expiratory flow(PEF)were decreased 1 and 3 days after surgery in the experimental groups(P<0.05).Compared with the control group,FVC,FEV1 and PEF were higher 1 day after operation in the experimental group(P<0.05).Compared with the preoperative results,mCPIS scores of the two groups were higher on the second day after surgery(P<0.05).Compared with the control group,the mCPIS score was lower on day 2 after surgery in the experimental group(P<0.05).The incidence of PPCs within 7 days after surgery was lower in the experimental group than that in the control group(15.6%vs.40.6%).Conclusion Individualized PEEP guided by drive pressure can improve lung compliance,reduce drive pressure,improve oxygenation function and early postoperative lung function,reduce the incidence of postoperative lung complications,and has a certain lung protection effect.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022484


Advanced gastric cancer, characterized by high heterogeneity and poor prognosis, has traditionally been managed with a palliative care-centric comprehensive treatment. The concept of conversion therapy aims to reduce tumor staging and achieve complete tumor resection after comprehensive treatment of initially unresectable tumors, thereby improving patient prognosis. Recent large-scale clinical studies have demonstrated that immune checkpoint inhibitors combined with chemotherapy can significantly increase the objective remission rate and improve the survival of patients with advanced gastric cancer. Meanwhile, with the extensive development of multidisci-plinary teams and the advancement of surgical techniques, conversion therapy has shown great potential in improving the prognosis of advanced gastric cancer. However, due to the complexity of advanced gastric cancer in terms of local staging, metastatic sites, and molecular typing, there are still many controversies and unanswered questions in the field of conversion therapy. The authors systematically elaborate on the research progress of gastric cancer conversion therapy both domes-tically and internationally, and explore the current status and clinical issues of conversion therapy for advanced gastric cancer.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022492


Objective:To investigate the prognosis of patients with initially resectable gastric cancer liver metastasis (GCLM) who were treated by different modalities, and analyze the influencing factors for prognosis of patients.Methods:The retrospective cohort study was conducted. The clinicopathological data of 327 patients with initially resectable GCLM who were included in the database of a nationwide multicenter retrospective cohort study on GCLM based on real-world data from January 2010 to December 2019 were collected. There were 267 males and 60 females, aged 61(54,68)years. According to the specific situations of patients, treatment modalities included radical surgery combined with systemic treatment, palliative surgery combined with systemic treatment, and systemic treatment alone. Observation indicators: (1) clinical characteristics of patients who were treated by different modalities; (2) prognostic outcomes of patients who were treated by different modalities; (3) analysis of influencing factors for prognosis of patients with initially resectable GCLM; (4) screening of potential beneficiaries in patients who were treated by radical surgery plus systemic treatment and patients who were treated by palliative surgery plus systemic treatment. Measurement data with normal distribution were represented as Mean± SD, and comparison between groups was conducted using the independent sample t test. Measurement data with skewed distribution were represented as M( Q1, Q3), and comparison between groups was conducted using the rank sum test. Count data were described as absolute numbers or percentages, and comparison between groups was conducted using the chi-square test. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to calculate survival rate and draw survival curve, and Log-Rank test was used for survival analysis. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted using the COX proportional hazard regression model. The propensity score matching was employed by the 1:1 nearest neighbor matching method with a caliper value of 0.1. The forest plots were utilized to evaluate potential benefits of diverse surgical combined with systemic treatments within the population. Results:(1) Clinical characteristics of patients who were treated by different modalities. Of 327 patients, there were 118 cases undergoing radical surgery plus systemic treatment, 164 cases undergoing palliative surgery plus systemic treatment, and 45 cases undergoing systemic treatment alone. There were significant differences in smoking, drinking, site of primary gastric tumor, diameter of primary gastric tumor, site of liver metastasis, and metastatic interval among the three groups of patients ( P<0.05). (2) Prognostic outcomes of patients who were treated by different modalities. The median overall survival time of the 327 pati-ents was 19.9 months (95% confidence interval as 14.9-24.9 months), with 1-, 3-year overall survival rate of 61.3%, 32.7%, respectively. The 1-year overall survival rates of patients undergoing radical surgery plus systemic treatment, palliative surgery plus systemic treatment and systemic treatment alone were 68.3%, 63.1%, 30.6%, and the 3-year overall survival rates were 41.1%, 29.9%, 11.9%, showing a significant difference in overall survival rate among the three groups of patients ( χ2=19.46, P<0.05). Results of further analysis showed that there was a significant difference in overall survival rate between patients undergoing radical surgery plus systemic treatment and patients undergoing systemic treatment alone ( hazard ratio=0.40, 95% confidence interval as 0.26-0.61, P<0.05), between patients undergoing palliative surgery plus systemic treatment and patients under-going systemic treatment alone ( hazard ratio=0.47, 95% confidence interval as 0.32-0.71, P<0.05). (3) Analysis of influencing factors for prognosis of patients with initially resectable GCLM. Results of multivariate analysis showed that the larger primary gastric tumor, poorly differentiated tumor, larger liver metastasis, multiple hepatic metastases were independent risk factors for prognosis of patients with initially resectable GCLM ( hazard ratio=1.20, 1.70, 1.20, 2.06, 95% confidence interval as 1.14-1.27, 1.25-2.31, 1.04-1.42, 1.45-2.92, P<0.05) and immunotherapy or targeted therapy, the treatment modality of radical or palliative surgery plus systemic therapy were independent protective factors for prognosis of patients with initially resectable GCLM ( hazard ratio=0.60, 0.39, 0.46, 95% confidence interval as 0.42-0.87, 0.25-0.60, 0.30-0.70, P<0.05). (4) Screening of potentinal beneficiaries in patients who were treated by radical surgery plus systemic treatment and patients who were treated by palliative surgery plus systemic treatment. Results of forest plots analysis showed that for patients with high-moderate differentiated GCLM and patients with liver metastasis located in the left liver, the overall survival rate of patients undergoing radical surgery plus systemic treatment was better than patients undergoing palliative surgery plus systemic treatment ( hazard ratio=0.21, 0.42, 95% confidence interval as 0.09-0.48, 0.23-0.78, P<0.05). Conclusions:Compared to systemic therapy alone, both radical and palliative surgery plus systemic therapy can improve the pro-gnosis of patients with initially resectable GCLM. The larger primary gastric tumor, poorly differen-tiated tumor, larger liver metastasis, multiple hepatic metastases are independent risk factors for prognosis of patients with initial resectable GCLM and immunotherapy or targeted therapy, the treatment modality of radical or palliative surgery plus systemic therapy are independent protective factors for prognosis of patients with initially resectable GCLM.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022494


Objective:To investigate the application value of biological muscle flap in laparo-scopic radical proximal gastrectomy with esophagogastric anastomosis.Methods:The retrospec-tive and descriptive study was conducted. The clinicopathological data of 10 patients with adeno-carcinoma of esophagogastric junction who were admitted to The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi′an Jiaotong University from May 2023 to August 2023 were collected. All patients were males, aged (65±5)years. All patients underwent laparoscopic radical proximal gastrectomy and esophagogastric anastomosis with digestive tract reconstruction using the esophagogastric biological muscle flap. Observation indicators: (1) surgical situations and early complications; (2) follow-up and late com-plications. Measurement data with normal distribution were represented as Mean± SD, and measure-ment data with skewed distribution were represented as M(range). Count data were described as absolute numbers. Results:(1) Surgical situations and early complications. All 10 patients success-fully completed the surgery without conversion to open surgery, and the operation time was (166±18)minutes. Cases with digestive tract reconstruction as end-to-side anastomosis and Overlap anas-tomosis were 1 and 9, respectively. The time of digestive tract reconstruction, the number of lymph node dissected, volume of intraoperative blood loss, time to postoperative first anal exhaust, time to postoperative first intake of liquid food, duration of postoperative hospital stay were (40±12)minutes, 24±6, (41±9)mL, (3.4±0.5)days, (4.1±1.0)days, (8.3±0.7)days in the 10 patients. Of 4 cases with postoperative early complications, 1 case developed pulmonary infection (Clavien-Dindo grade Ⅱ) on the second day after surgery, with pulmonary infection absorbed after 5 days of antibiotic treat-ment. Two cases experienced chest distress and shortness of breath on the third day after surgery, with the diagnosis of a small to moderate amount of pleural effusion after chest B-ultrasound examination. After pleural puncture and active treatment, the symptoms of them were improved and the pleural effusion disappeared. There was 1 case with choking sensation when eating solid food, which was started from the third week after surgery. Upper gastrointestinal imaging revealed mild anastomotic stenosis of Clavien-Dindo grade Ⅰ in the patient, who was improved after conservative treatment. On the 7th day after surgery, all 10 patients underwent upper gastrointestinal angiography, and no anastomotic leakage or stenosis occurred. There was no sign of contrast agent reflux in the supine position and 30° head down position. (2) Follow-up and late complications. All 10 patients were followed up for 59.5(range, 31.0-127.0)days. The esophageal reflux scale score of 10 patients was 1.4±0.3. During the follow-up, 1 case underwent gastroscopy on 40 days after surgery, which showed reflux esophagitis with Los Angeles grade as B and the Clavien-Dindo grade as Ⅰ. There was no clinical symptom such as heartburn or acid reflux. Results of 24-hour pH monitoring showed that the patient experienced 24 instances of reflux in an upright position and 15 instances of reflux in a supine position, with no prolonged reflux. The total reflux time within 24 hours was 75 minutes. The DeMeester score was 38.3. Results of esophageal pressure measurement showed that the esophageal contraction morphology was normal, but the anastomotic opening was not well relaxed. The rest of 9 cases had no complication such as reflux esophagitis.Conclusion:Biological muscle flap applied in the laparoscopic radical proximal gastrectomy with esophagogastric anastomosis is safe and feasible, with satisfied short-term efficacy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023070


Objective:Assisted traction technology is effective in increasing the rate of super minimally invasive surgery (SMIS) in patients with early gastric cancer (EGC), and shortening the operator′s learning curve. We adopt the variable angle traction technique of tissue clamp dental floss as a traction technique in this research.Methods:Patients with early gastric cancer who were treated with SMIS - non full layer resection of EGC were enrolled in the First Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital from January 2022 to June 2023. This research was carried out by experts at the same level. It was divided into two groups: traction and non-traction. Submucosal detachment time (SDT), submucosal detachment rate (SDS), lamina propria exposure, muscularis propria defect (MPD), bleeding during operation, block resection, surgical resection, hand operation expenses, and surgical instruments were recorded.Results:Nine patients adopted variable angle traction, and 9 patients did not. The overall resection rate and curative resection rate of both groups were 100%. The mean SDT time was 28.00 (21.00, 34.00) min in traction group and 56.00 (40.00, 85.00) min in non traction group. And it had statistical significance ( P = 0.005). The SDS was (0.58 ± 0.21) cm 2/min in traction group and (0.23 ± 0.10) cm 2/min in non-traction group. And it had statistical significance ( P<0.05). Exposure of intrinsic muscle layer (IML): 8 cases in the traction group and 6 cases in the non-traction group. Intraoperative IML injury: in the traction group, 8 cases were MPD-0 and 1 case was MPD-Ft; in the non-traction group, 4 cases were MPD-0, 1 case was MPD-Pt, and 4 cases were MPD-Ft. There was no statistical difference between the two groups in terms of intraoperative bleeding, hospitalization expenses, surgical expenses, and the total hospitalization time. There were no serious adverse reactions or outcomes. Conclusions:The variable angle traction method accelerates SDT and SDS for SMIS-non full layer resection of EGC. It has the advantages of the sufficient separation of IML and mucosal layer, the deeper dissection depth, the low injury of IML, low intraoperative bleeding, and no additional medical costs. Therefore, this method can become an auxiliary treatment technology for SMIS.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025405


Objective:To investigate the correlation between the expression of GLI1 and im-mune invasion and clinical prognosis in gastric cancer.To study the effect of GLI1 expression on drug resistance in gastric cancer.Methods:The expression difference of GLI1 in gastric cancer and normal tissues was analyzed by using TCGA database,and the effect of clinical features and GLI1 gene ex-pression level on prognosis of patients with gastric cancer was analyzed.The correlation between GLI1 gene expression and tumor immune cell infiltration in gastric cancer tissues was analyzed to explore its influence on drug resistance of chemotherapy drugs and targeted drugs.Clinical samples were collect-ed to analyze the difference of GLI1 expression in gastric cancer and paracancer tissues.Results:The expression of GLI1 in gastric cancer tissues was 1.7 times that in normal tissues,and the overall sur-vival and disease-free survival of patients with high expression are shorter than those with low ex-pression(P<0.05).The interstitial score,immune score and abundance of immunoinfiltrating cells were higher in the high expression of GLI1 in gastric cancer tissues.High expression of GLI1 reduces drug sensitivity and is positively correlated with the expression of immune checkpoint markers PDCD1(P<0.05).GLI1 expression was significantly increased in patients with subdifferentiated gastric cancer.Conclusions:GLI1 expression is associated with the prognosis and immune infiltration of patients with gastric cancer,and it may lead to poor prognosis of patients by regulating chemotherapy resis-tance,which may be a potential therapeutic target and molecular marker for gastric cancer.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025410


Objective:This article is to investigate NADPH oxidase 4(NOX4)expression,prog-nosis,signaling pathway and key immune cells infiltrating in tumor tissues in gastric cancer.Meth-ods:Data were downloaded from the Cancer Genome Atlas(TCGA)and the Integrated Gene Ex-pression Database(GEO).The expression of NOX4 in gastric cancer and normal tissues,the rela-tionship between NOX4 expression level and clinical characteristics of patients,gene enrichment analysis of signaling pathways and immune infiltration analysis have been analyzed.Results:In terms of NOX4 expression,tumor tissue is significantly higher than normal tissue,which has certain diagnostic value;NOX4 is an important prognostic factor with poor prognosis in patients with high NOX4 expression;NOX4 is associated with cell adhesion molecules(CAMs),transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β),and WNT signaling pathway.NOX4 high expression group was mainly related to M2 macrophages and plasma cell infiltration in tumor tissues.Conclusion:NOX4 plays an impor-tant role in the progression of gastric cancer(GC).

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026282


Objective To observe the value of clinical and CT radiomics features for predicting microsatellite instability-high(MSI-H)status of gastric cancer.Methods Totally 150 gastric cancer patients including 30 cases of MSI-H positive and 120 cases of MSI-H negative were enrolled and divided into training set(n=105)or validation set(n=45)at the ratio of 7∶3.Based on abdominal vein phase enhanced CT images,lesions radiomics features were extracted and screened,and radiomics scores(Radscore)was calculated.Clinical data and Radscores were compared between MSI-H positive and negative patients in training set and validation set.Based on clinical factors and Radscores being significant different between MSI-H positive and negative ones,clinical model,CT radiomics model and clinical-CT radiomics combination model were constructed,and their predictive value for MSI-H status of gastric cancer were observed.Results Significant differences of tumor location and Radscore were found between MSI-H positive and negative patients in both training and validation sets(all P<0.05).The area under the curve(AUC)of clinical model,CT radiomics model and combination model for evaluating MSI-H status of gastric cancer in training set was 0.760,0.799 and 0.864,respectively,of that in validation set was 0.735,0.812 and 0.849,respectively.AUC of clinical-CT radiomics combination model was greater than that of the other 2 single models(all P<0.05).Conclusion Clinical-CT radiomics combination model based on tumor location and Radscore could effectively predict MSI-H status of gastric cancer.