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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1574809


Objetivo: Determinar las características de almacenamiento de los antibióticos de las familias en una población suburbana en México. Metodología: El enfoque del estudio es cuantitativo, observacional, de corte transversal y alcance descriptivo. La unidad de estudio fueron las familias que vivían en el área de estudio de una zona suburbana en México. Resultados: Se encuestaron un total de 235 familias, dentro de las cuales existen diversos grupos etarios, de los cuales predominaron las edades de entre 36 a 64 años en 153 familias. Se obtuvo que más del 70 % presentaban enfermedades y, respecto a la posibilidad de que tuviesen almacenados medicamentos antibióticos caducados o próximos a caducar, el 68.1 % mencionó que no era probable. Conclusiones: El importante número de población adulta, la amplia presencia de comorbilidades y diversos factores sociodemográficos impactan en las prácticas y actitudes en relación con las formas en que las familias obtienen, usan, almacenan y desechan los medicamentos dentro de sus hogares. Esta investigación busca contribuir a la concientización y creación de diversos programas para la adopción de medidas de seguridad para el almacenamiento de medicamentos dentro del hogar, así como servir de guía en la identificación de procedimientos óptimos, eficientes y eficaces para tratar este fenómeno.

Objetivo: Determinar as características do armazenamento de antibióticos das famílias em uma população suburbana no México. Metodologia: A abordagem do estudo é quantitativa, observacional, transversal e de escopo descritivo. A unidade de estudo foram as famílias que viviam na área de estudo de uma zona suburbana no México. Resultados: Foram pesquisadas 235 famílias, de diversas faixas etárias, das quais predominaram as idades de 36 a 64 anos em 153 famílias. Verificou-se que mais de 70% apresentavam enfermidades, e com relação à possibilidade de terem medicamentos antibióticos vencidos ou prestes a vencer armazenados, 68,1 % mencionaram que não era provável. Conclusões: O significativo número de população adulta, a ampla presença de comorbidades e vários fatores sociodemográficos impactam nas práticas e atitudes relativas às formas como as famílias obtêm, usam, armazenam e descartam medicamentos em suas residências. Esta pesquisa busca contribuir para a conscientização e a criação de vários programas para a adoção de medidas de segurança para o armazenamento de medicamentos em casa, bem como servir de guia na identificação de procedimentos ideais, eficientes e eficazes para lidar com esse fenômeno.

Objective: To determine the antibiotic storage characteristics of families in a suburban population in Mexico. Methodology: The study approach is quantitative, observational, cross-sectional and descriptive in scope. The unit of study was families living in the area under study in a suburban zone of Mexico. Results: A total of 235 families were surveyed, within which there are different age groups, with 153 families predominantly aged between 36 and 64 years old. It was obtained that more than 70 % presented illnesses and, regarding the possibility that they had stored expired or soon to expire antibiotic drugs, 68.1 % mentioned that it was not likely. Conclusions: The significant number of adult population, the wide presence of comorbidities and various sociodemographic factors impact practices and attitudes regarding the ways in which families obtain, use, store and dispose of medications within their homes. This research seeks to contribute to the awareness and creation of various programs for the adoption of safety measures for the storage of medicines within the home, as well as to serve as a guide in the identification of optimal, efficient and effective procedures to deal with this phenomenon.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(8): e20230531, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1573938


Resumo Fundamento: A síndrome do PRKAG2 tipicamente se manifesta na adolescência e início da idade adulta, cursando com hipertrofia ventricular esquerda, arritmias e risco de morte súbita. O achado de marcadores ecocardiográficos antes da manifestação clínica nos filhos de pais acometidos pela doença pode facilitar a estratégia de prevenção e planejamento terapêutico para esse grupo de pacientes. Objetivo: Identificar a existência de achados ecocardiográficos que se manifestem precocemente nos filhos de pais acometidos por síndrome do PRKAG2, enquanto ainda assintomáticos. Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal em que sete participantes, filhos de pais com diagnóstico estabelecido de síndrome do PRKAG2, com idades entre 9 meses e 12 anos e diagnóstico genético comprovado, foram submetidos à ecocardiografia convencional e por técnicas avançadas, tendo seus achados comparados aos de grupo controle composto por sete voluntários pareados por sexo e idade, hígidos do ponto de vista cardiovascular. Um valor de p < 0,05 foi considerado significante. Resultados: A ecocardiografia convencional mostrou valores aumentados com significância estatística no grupo caso para átrio esquerdo, septo interventricular, parede posterior do ventrículo esquerdo, massa ventricular indexada e espessura relativa da parede (p < 0,05). O strain sistólico longitudinal global obtido pelo ecocardiograma bidimensional não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos caso e controle. Nenhum dos parâmetros ao ecocardiograma tridimensional apresentou significância estatística entre os grupos. Conclusão: Crianças diagnosticadas com PRKAG2 demonstraram achados ecocardiográficos indicativos de tendência à hipertrofia cardíaca. A ecocardiografia pode ser uma ferramenta útil na avaliação e seguimento desse grupo de pacientes, antes do início de manifestações clínicas.

Abstract Background: PRKAG2 syndrome typically manifests in adolescence and early adulthood, progressing with left ventricular hypertrophy, arrhythmias, and risk of sudden death. Findings of echocardiographic markers before clinical manifestation in children of patients affected by the disease can facilitate prevention strategies and therapeutic planning for this patient group. Objective: To identify the existence of echocardiographic findings that manifest early in children of parents affected by PRKAG2 syndrome, while they are still asymptomatic. Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study, 7 participants who were children of parents with established diagnosis of PRKAG2 syndrome, between the ages of 9 months and 12 years, with proven genetic diagnosis, underwent conventional and advanced echocardiography. Their findings were compared to those of a control group composed of 7 age- and sex-matched volunteers who were healthy from a cardiovascular point of view. P values < 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Conventional echocardiography showed statistically significantly higher values in the case group for left atrium, interventricular septum, left ventricular posterior wall, indexed ventricular mass, and relative wall thickness (p < 0.05). Global longitudinal systolic strain on 2-dimensional echocardiography did not show statistical significance between the case and control groups. None of the parameters on 3-dimensional echocardiography showed statistical significance between groups. Conclusion: Children diagnosed with PRKAG2 showed echocardiographic findings indicative of a tendency toward cardiac hypertrophy. Echocardiography can be a useful tool in the evaluation and follow-up of this patient group before the onset of clinical manifestations.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(4): 419-424, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552761


O alopurinol, de uso contínuo oral, é o tratamento de escolha para os distúrbios hereditários do glicogênio. Apesar de não ser comum, a reação de hipersensibilidade ao alopurinol se torna um problema quando esta é a única medicação disponível para o controle da doença de base. Nestes casos, a dessensibilização é uma alternativa viável. No presente relato, descrevemos o caso de um paciente com diagnóstico de doença de depósito de glicogênio tipo I, com exantema pruriginoso generalizado ao alopurinol, tratado com um protocolo de dessensibilização oral acelerado. Este tratamento permitiu o uso contínuo deste medicamento sem novas reações em longo prazo.

Continuous oral allopurinol use is the first-line treatment for hereditary glycogen disorders. While hypersensitivity reactions to allopurinol are uncommon, they can pose challenges when this medication is the only available option for the long-term treatment of the underlying disorder. In such cases, desensitization emerges as a viable alternative. We report the case of a patient with glycogen storage disease type I who developed a generalized pruritic rash due to allopurinol. Drug intolerance was successfully managed using a rapid oral desensitization protocol, which allowed an uneventful long-term use of allopurinol.

Humans , Male , Adult
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(supl.1): e59013, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559343


Abstract Introduction: Short-term gametes storage is an inexpensive and simple technique that allows the use of the same batch of eggs or sperm at different times, maximizing the application of research protocols and the use of gametes in production. Arbacia dufresnii is a sea urchin species with proven aquaculture potential and already used in the nutraceutical industry. Aging of its gametes is unknown and is a needed information to scale up the production. Objective: Determine the effect of male and female gamete aging on the fertilization success of Arbacia dufresnii. This will allow optimizing the use of gametes after collection decoupling spawning from fertilization. Methods: A. dufresnii individuals were induced to spawn and gametes were kept at 12 ± 1 °C throughout each bioassay. Sperm was separated into two treatments: activated sperm in seawater (AS), and dry sperm (DS). Two bioassays were made: Bioassay 1 evaluated the effect of time on fertility by performing fertilization tests at 0 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and 96 h after spawning. Bioassay 2 evaluated the contribution of each type of aged gamete on fertility, combining aged gametes (96 h) with fresh gametes (0 h). Results: Bioassay 1: the fertilization success obtained by combining eggs (E) with AS or DS presented important differences. While the fertilization success remained acceptable (greater than 50 %) for up to 72 h using ExDS, it only remained acceptable for up to 48 h using ExAS. Bioassay 2: acceptable fertilization success was found by combining aged E (96 h) with fresh sperm, or aged DS (96 h) with fresh E, but not using aged AS with fresh E. Conclusions: The findings of this work show that fertilization success in A. dufresnii gametes remains relatively unchanged for up to 48 h after spawning when combining ExAS, and for up to 72 h when combining ExDS. However, when combining aged E or aged DS with a fresh gamete, post-collection fertilization can be extended up to 96 h. In this work, the first steps have been taken to understand the conservation time of A. dufresnii gametes with minimum intervention.

Resumen Introducción: El almacenamiento de gametos a corto plazo es una técnica económica y sencilla que permite utilizar el mismo lote de óvulos o espermatozoides en diferentes momentos, maximizando la aplicación de protocolos de investigación y el uso de gametos en la producción. Arbacia dufresnii es una especie con probado potencial acuícola como fuente de gametos para la industria nutracéutica. Sin embargo, se desconoce el envejecimiento de sus gametos y es una información necesaria para escalar la producción. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del envejecimiento de los gametos masculinos y femeninos en el éxito de la fecundación de Arbacia dufresnii con el fin de optimizar el aprovechamiento de los gametos después de la recolecta desincronizando el desove de la fecundación. Métodos: Se indujo el desove de individuos de A. dufresnii y los gametos se mantuvieron a 12 ± 1 °C durante cada bioensayo. El esperma se separó en dos tratamientos: esperma activado en agua de mar (AS) y esperma seco (DS). Se realizaron dos bioensayos: El Bioensayo 1 evaluó el efecto del tiempo sobre la fertilidad realizando pruebas de fecundación a las 0 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h y 96 h después del desove. El bioensayo 2 evaluó la contribución de cada tipo de gameta envejecida (96 h) sobre la fertilidad, combinando gametos envejecidas (96 h) con gametos frescas (0 h). Resultados: Bioensayo 1: el éxito de fecundación obtenido combinando huevos (E) con AS o DS presentó diferencias importantes. Si bien el éxito de la fecundación se mantuvo aceptable (más del 50 %) durante un máximo de 72 h con ExDS, solo permaneció aceptable hasta 48 h con ExAS. Bioensayo 2: se encontró un éxito de fecundación aceptable combinando E envejecidos (96 h) con esperma fresco, o DS envejecido (96 h) con E fresco (0 h), pero no usando AS envejecido con E fresco (0 h). Conclusiones: Los hallazgos de este trabajo muestran que el éxito de la fecundación en los gametos de A. dufresnii permanece relativamente sin cambios hasta 48 h después del desove cuando se combina ExAS, y hasta 72 h cuando se combina ExDS. Sin embargo, cuando se combina E envejecido o DS envejecido con un gameto fresco, el tiempo entre la recolección y la fecundación puede extenderse hasta 96 h. En este trabajo se han dado los primeros pasos para entender el tiempo de conservación de los gametos de A. dufresnii con mínima intervención.

Animals , Reproduction , Sea Urchins/embryology , Biological Assay , Echinodermata/growth & development , Germ Cells/growth & development
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020027


Glycogen storage disease type Ⅱ (GSDⅡ) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder.Infant onset of GSDⅡ usually accompanies progressive cardiac hypertrophy and muscle weakness, and eventually dies of cardiopulmonary failure.GSDⅡ is mainly screened and diagnosed by enzymatic and genetic tests.Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) is the only currently approved treatment of GSDⅡ, which can effectively improve the function of the affected organs and the survival.Gene therapy and substrate reduction therapy for GSDⅡ are also undergoing basic or clinical research.This review summarizes the current research status of the diagnosis and treatment of GSDⅡ at home and abroad, focusing on the influencing factors for the efficacy of specific treatment (especially ERT), dosing regimen, and ways to improve the efficacy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039485


【Objective】 To observe and analyze the influence of the improved ultra-low temperature storage box on the quality of fresh frozen plasma (FFP). 【Methods】 A total of 80 qualified whole blood samples (400 mL, O type not included) collected from July to November in 2023 were selected, and were divided into 4 groups, with 20 samples in each group. Group A: quick-frozen in a traditional low temperature box for 1 hour and then stored in a -30℃ cold storage; Group B: quick-frozen in the flat freezer for 1 hour and then stored in a -30℃ cold storage; Group C: quick-frozen in a newly improved ultra-low temperature storage box for 1 hour and stored in a -30℃ cold storage; Group D: quick-frozen in a new improved ultra-low temperature storage box for 12 hours and stored in a -30℃ cold storage. The contents of FⅧ and fibrinogen (Fg) in four groups were detected. 【Results】 The contents of FⅧ in group B, C and D were significantly higher than those in group A, with statistical difference (P0.05), and no statistical difference in the contents of Fg was found among the four groups(P>0.05). 【Conclusion】 The improved ultra-low temperature storage box is superior to the traditional low temperature box in preparing FFP, and there is no obvious difference between the improved ultra-low temperature storage box and the flat-plate quick freezer. However, the improved ultra-low temperature storage box can make the process of preparing FFP more flexible and improve the efficiency of component preparation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039486


【Objective】 To investigate the feasibility of leucocyte-reduced pooled platelet concentrates from whole blood stored at 4℃, and provide theoretical basis for the components preparation. 【Methods】 The collected 400 mL ACD-B anticoagulant whole blood was randomly divided into two groups, stored at 4℃ and room temperature. The buffy coat was prepared within 6 hours and store at 22℃ until next day to prepare leucocyte-reduced pooled platelet concentrates. Platelet samples on day 1, 3, 5 and 7 were taken for the blood cell count and related parameter detection. The pH, glucose and lactic acid content were determined to reflect the metabolic status, and the thromboelastography, platelet aggregation rate and PAC-1 and CD62P expression were determined to reflect the function and activation of platelets. The difference in platelets between two groups were analyzed. 【Results】 With the extension of storage time, the count of leucocyte-reduced pooled platelet concentrates decreased gradually, but the platelets distribution width (PDW), mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet-larger cell ratio (P-LCR) increased gradually in two groups, with no statistical significance (P>0.05).The pH and glucose contents in two groups gradually decreased, but the lactic acid content gradually increased, with no significant difference (P>0.05). The thrombelastogram showed MA value that reflecting platelet function has no significant change during the storage, and there was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). The aggregation rates decreased while the expression of PAC-1 and CD62P increased gradually with the prolongation of preservation time, with no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). 【Conclusion】 There is no significant difference in platelet count, function and activation between whole blood stored at 4℃ and at room temperature within 6 hours. Whole blood stored at 4℃ within 6 hours can be considered as the raw material for leucocyte-reduced pooled platelet concentrates.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039502


【Objective】 To observe the effect of deglycerolized red blood cells suspended in MAP on preservation and explore the most effective preservation method. 【Methods】 Concentrated red blood cells were prepared by centrifuging 400 mL of whole blood on the third day after collection. 40% compound glycerol solution was added using the ACP 215 automatic blood cell analyzer, and the resulting mixture was stored in an ultra-low temperature refrigerator at -65℃ for 30 days. After thawing and washing, it was equally separated into two bags. The control group received 0.9% sodium chloride solution, while the experimental group received MAP. Both groups were stored at 2-6℃. Hematological parameters, hemolysis indexes and cell metabolism indexes were measured on day 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 after storage. The quality changes of both groups were observed during the 14-day storage period. 【Results】 The quality of red blood cells in both groups was assessed through a panel of quality tests, including volume, hemoglobin content, free hemoglobin content, white blood cell residue, glycerin residue and sterility. These results met the Quality Requirements outlined in the "Quality Requirements of Whole Blood and Component Blood" (GB18469-2012), Hematocrit, red blood cell count, Hb recovery rate after washing and MCV meet the detection limit outlined in the "Expert Consensus on Quality Evaluation Indicators for Frozen Red Blood Cells", and the residual amount of platelets exceeds the detection limit(≤1%). There were no significant differences in RBC, Hct, MCV and hemoglobin between the two groups during the 14 day storage period. The level of free hemoglobin, hemolysis rate and K+ value increased in both groups over time. Significant differences in free hemoglobin were found on day 3, 5, 7 and 14 between the two groups(P<0.05). Hemolysis rate was significantly different on days 3, 5, 7 and 14, while K+ value was significantly different only on day 14(P<0.05). On day 14, the osmotic fragility of red blood cells was higher in the control group than in the experimental group(P<0.05); The ATP and pH values of both groups decreased as storage time increased, and significant differences in ATP and pH value were found on day 3, 5, 7 and on day 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14, respectively(P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 Deglycerolized red blood cells suspended in MAP additive solution can extend the storage period of blood to 7 days. This study provides a reference for the formulation of relevant standards.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039537


【Objective】 To study and compare the effects of different storage temperature and time on coagulation factor after cryoprecipitated antihemophilic factor(CAF) melting, and to provide reference for the establishment of industry standards. 【Methods】 From June 2021 to May 2023, a total of 96 bags of CAF were sampled in 4 bags per month, and timely detected in the same month. After the CAF was melted in a 37℃ water bath, the mild to moderate lipemic blood was labeled. Each bag of CAF and two 50 mL transfer bags were divided into two bags and two groups of 20 mL each using a sterile adapter. One group was placed in a 4℃ refrigerator and the other in a 22℃ water bath for 0 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h. Then 2 mL of aseptic sample was taken separately and put into the test tube, and 1mL of sample and 3 mL of buffer were added into the other test tube with the sampling gun and mixed on the machine for testing. The experimental data of 60 bags without mild to moderate lipemic blood cryoprecipitation and coagulation factor were randomly selected and statistically analyzed by SPSS21.0. 【Results】 After melting, CAF was stored for 0 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 h and 48 h to detect the average content and growth rate of coagulation factor in the two groups: 1) Storage at 4℃, factor Ⅷ content was 118.62, 111.57(-5.95%), 105.51(-11.05%), 103.30(-12.92%), 94.35(-20.46%) and 83.25(-29.82%) IU/ bag, respectively; Storage at 22℃, the factor Ⅷ content was 118.62, 112.69(-5.00%), 111.41(-6.08%), 109.01(-8.10%), 101.55(-14.39%) and 92.75(-21.81%) IU/ bag, and the storage results of the two groups were compared. At 24 h at 4℃ and 48 h at 22℃, the content of factor Ⅷ had significant statistical significance(P0.05). 【Conclusion】 After CAF melting, coagulation factor decreased with the extension of storage time, especially the decrease of factor Ⅷ, followed by factor V, while Fbg basically unchanged. Comparison between the two groups showed that, factor Ⅷ decay rate is slower, factor V decay rate is faster of storage at 22℃. CAF should be transfused as soon as possible after melting. If the delay is unavoidable, for the delay time less than 12 h, storage at 4℃ is recommended, fot the delay time more than 12 h and less than 24 h, storage at 22℃ is recommended.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 178-184, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012486


Inherited metabolic liver disease (IMLD) is a category of liver metabolic diseases caused by genetic disorders. The pathogenesis of IMLD is complex, which primarily comprises the accumulation of harmful metabolic substrates or products caused by specific enzyme defects and energy defects or abnormal deposition caused by abnormal metabolism of glucose, fat and other substances. In recent years, liver transplantation has played an increasingly critical role in the treatment of IMLD with the development of liver transplantation. At present, IMLD has become the second most important indication after biliary atresia in pediatric liver transplantation. Currently, IMLD patients receiving liver transplantation can be divided into two categories: the first category is IMLD complicated with liver disease; Category 2 patients have a normal liver structure but are deficient in related metabolic enzymes. It can not only replace the liver with abnormal structure and function, but also provide normal enzymes required for patients' metabolism, which may improve their quality of life and even save their lives. In this article, common feasible liver transplantation for IMLD, clinical prognosis and surgical procedures of liver transplantation for IMLD were reviewed, aiming to provide reference for liver transplantation for IMLD.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 758-761, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013115


OBJECTIVE To explore suitable storage and transportation conditions for “internet plus drug delivery” under high- temperature conditions. METHODS A survey on high-temperature conditions in summer in Beijing was conducted; a retrospective analysis was conducted on “internet plus drug delivery” orders in our hospital from July 2021 to June 2022, summarizing the proportion and delivery range of drugs under different storage and transportation conditions. Additionally, simulation and validation experiments were performed to investigate optimal drug storage and transportation devices for “internet plus drug delivery” in Beijing under high-temperature conditions in summer. RESULTS The monthly average temperature in Beijing from June to August consistently exceeded 25.0 ℃ between 1991 and 2022. From July 2021 to June 2022, a total of 104 drugs were required to be stored below 25.0 ℃, accounting for 31.23% of the 333 drugs listed in our hospital’s “internet plus drug delivery” catalog in Beijing. These drugs were delivered 1 058 times, accounting for 19.63% of the total deliveries. Simulation and validation experiments demonstrated that the average maximum temperature during the next-day delivery process of “carton + foam box + composite aluminum film pearl cotton + 500 g ice bag×2 + gas column bag” was 9.6 ℃, the average minimum temperature was 2.7 ℃, and all the temperatures remained below 15.0 ℃, which could effectively ensure the quality of drugs. CONCLUSIONS Under the high-temperature conditions in summer in Beijing, the storage and transportation device of “carton + foam box + composite aluminum film pearl cotton + 500 g ice bag×2 + gas column bag” can meet the temperature requirements specified in the drug storage instructions for Beijing intra-city drug delivery.

China Journal of Endoscopy ; (12): 47-51, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024803


Objective To explore the influence of different storage methods on flexible endoscope.Methods 500 compliant soft endoscopes in the endoscopy center of our hospital from January 2019 to January 2020 were selected as research objects.The endoscopes of the observation group were placed horizontally in the storage cabinet,while those of the control group were placed vertically in the storage cabinet.The effects of the two storage methods on bacterial colony number,quality qualified rate and quality of soft endoscopes were compared.Results The study found that the number of bacterial colonies in the flexible endoscope in the 2 h storage of the observation group was(10.27±2.22)cfu/piece and the control group was(13.18±1.33)cfu/piece,and the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05);The number of bacterial colonies in the flexible endoscope in the 72 h of the observation group was(14.75±2.00)cfu/piece,and the control group was(223.28±17.07)cfu/piece,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The observed cost of consumables and labor were obliviously lower than those of the control group,there was statistical significance(P<0.05).Conclusion The flexible endoscope is placed horizontally in the designated storage cabinet,which can eliminate the daily morning pre-cleaning within 72 h,and will not increase the damage rate of endoscope.It is a clinically recommended storage method for endoscopes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024970


The recently officially approved and released health industry standard Standard for Blood Storage(WS 399-2023) by the National Health Commission is the latest revised version of Standard for Blood Storage(WS 399-2012), which mainly stipulates the storage requirements for whole blood, red blood cells, platelets, granulocytes, plasma and irradiated blood. It applies to blood collection and supply institutions and healthcare institutions, and is the guideline for the safe use of blood.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038513


Objective To assess the feasibility of employing chip resistors for retrospective dose reconstruction following nuclear accidents, to examine the effects of storage temperature and storage time on the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) characteristics of the chip resistors, and to explore measures to mitigate these effects. Methods Chip resistors were analyzed using automated instruments for measuring thermoluminescence and OSL manufactured by Risø in Denmark with various parameters to understand the impact of storage temperature and storage time on OSL signals. Results The OSL signals of chip resistors exhibited exponential attenuation within 10 min after irradiation, and then stabilized (count change < 10%) within 2-7 days of storage. The chip resistors exhibited linear dose responses within 1-3 days of storage after 0.1-2 Gy irradiation. OSL signals diminished as the storage temperature increased. However, preheating at 130 ℃ for 1 min effectively eliminated the differences caused by temperatures between 25 ℃ and 45 ℃. Conclusion The OSL signals of chip resistors are influenced by storage temperature and storage time. When preheated at 130 ℃ for 1 min, chip resistors stored for 1-7 days and at 25-45 ℃ exhibited OSL signal errors of 10% or less. This result emphasizes the importance of preheating for measurements in practical applications, thus providing a scientific approach and a solid foundation for the use of chip resistors in retrospective dose reconstruction.

South African Journal of Information Management ; 26(1): 1-8, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1554853


Background: South African pharmacies face challenges like cost reduction, inventory management, and employee efficiency. Balancing dispensing error rates and customer satisfaction, along with ensuring accurate medication dispensing, is also crucial. An effective solution to these challenges is adopting automatic robotic dispensing systems, which enhance stock inventory management, integrated systems, and accurate dispensing capabilities. Objectives: The study delved into IT and robotic automation in South African pharmaceutical dispensing, assessing current methods and advocating for integrated IT and Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems in retail and hospital pharmacies. Method: The research used a quantitative approach to gather data from public and private hospital pharmacy employees, aiming to understand their requirements and expectations. It assessed the potential improvements that could result from adopting a new system. Results: The study found that most government and private pharmacies in South Africa prefer automated dispensing systems to reduce errors, lower costs, improve customer service, and enhance inventory management. Benefits also included minimising medication errors, improving operational efficiency, and ensuring patient safety. Conclusion: The study holds importance as it underscores the necessity of integrating Information Technology (IT) and Robotic Automation in the pharmaceutical sector to address prevailing issues. It identifies factors contributing to medication dispensing errors and demonstrates the potential of automated robotic systems in mitigating these errors. Contribution: South Africa's pharmaceutical sector must enhance efficiency and competitiveness by adopting integrated IT and Robotic Automation Systems. The study identified key factors for future implementation and emphasized the need for clear pre-implementation policies outlining functions and benefits.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;71(1)dic. 2023.
Article in English | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1514963


Introduction: The lack of knowledge on seed germination and seedling establishment is a main constraint for the restoration of degraded areas, including the tropical dry forest known as Caatinga. Objective: To assess reserve and secondary metabolite mobilization during seed germination and seedling establishment in Erythina velutina. Methods: We scarified, disinfected, imbibed, sown between towel paper, and incubated seeds under controlled conditions. We hydroponically cultivated seedlings in a greenhouse. We harvested cotyledons at seed imbibition, radicle protrusion, hypocotyl emergence, apical hook formation and expansion of cordiform leaves, first trifoliate leaf, and second trifoliate leaf. Results: Seeds contained approximately 20 % starch, 14.5 % storage proteins, 11.6 % neutral lipids, and 5.7 % non-reducing sugars on a dry weight basis. Soluble sugars were mainly consumed from hypocotyl emergence to apical hook formation, while major reserves were mobilized from apical hook formation to expansion of first trifoliate leaf. Enzymatic activity increased from mid to late seedling establishment, causing the mobilization of starch, oils, and proteins. Terpenoid-derivatives, flavonoids, phenolic acids, and alkaloids were detected. Flavonoids and phenolic acids were present at almost all stages and terpenoid-derivatives disappeared at expansion of cordiform leaves. Conclusion: Soluble sugars support early seedling growth, while starch, oils and proteins are simultaneously mobilized from mid to late establishment by amylases, lipases, and acid proteases. The cotyledons contain secondary metabolites, which may act in seedling defense. High content of reserves and presence of secondary metabolites in the cotyledons could enable E. velutina seedlings endure stress, validating their use in the restoration of degraded areas.

Introducción: La falta de conocimiento sobre la germinación de semillas y el establecimiento de plántulas es una de las principales limitaciones para la restauración de áreas degradadas, incluido el bosque seco tropical conocido como Caatinga. Objetivo: Evaluar la movilización de reservas y metabolitos secundarios durante estas etapas de desarrollo en Erythina velutina. Métodos: Las semillas fueron escarificadas, desinfectadas, embebidas, sembradas entre toallas de papel e incubadas bajo condiciones controladas. Cultivamos las plántulas hidropónicamente en un invernadero. Recolectamos los cotiledones en la imbibición de la semilla, la protrusión de la radícula, la emergencia del hipocótilo, la formación del gancho apical y la expansión de las hojas cordiformes, la primera y segunda hoja trifoliada. Resultados: Las semillas contenían 20 % de almidón, 14.5 % de proteínas de almacenamiento, 11.6 % de lípidos neutros y 5.7 % de azúcares no reductores en peso seco. Los azúcares solubles se consumieron desde la emergencia del hipocótilo hasta la formación del gancho apical. Las principales reservas se movilizaron desde la formación del gancho apical hasta la expansión de la primera hoja trifoliada. La actividad enzimática aumentó desde la mitad hasta el final del establecimiento de las plántulas, movilizando almidón, aceites y proteínas. Se detectaron derivados de terpenoides, flavonoides, ácidos fenólicos y alcaloides. Los flavonoides y los ácidos fenólicos estuvieron en casi todas las etapas y los derivados terpenoides desaparecieron en la expansión de las hojas cordiformes. Conclusión: Los azúcares solubles apoyan el crecimiento temprano de las plántulas; el almidón, los aceites y las proteínas se movilizan simultáneamente desde el establecimiento medio hasta el final por amilasas, lipasas y proteasas ácidas. Los cotiledones contienen metabolitos secundarios, que pueden actuar en la defensa de las plántulas. El alto contenido de reservas y los metabolitos secundarios en los cotiledones podría permitir que las plántulas de E. velutina toleren estrés, validando su uso en la restauración de áreas degradadas.

Germination , Erythrina , Environmental Restoration and Remediation/methods , Fabaceae , Brazil
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam;57(4): 3-3, dic. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556641


Resumen Conocer la estabilidad de las muestras biológicas es esencial para obtener resultados confiables en el laboratorio de análisis clínicos. La Norma IRAM-ISO 15189:2023 establece que cada laboratorio debe estandarizar las condiciones de almacenamiento de las muestras. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el tiempo y la temperatura óptimos para conservar muestras sanguíneas para la determinación de parámetros hematológicos en un analizador Sysmex XN 1000. Se procesaron muestras de sangre entera conservadas hasta 48 horas a temperatura ambiente y hasta 72 horas en heladera. De acuerdo a los resultados, para la determinación del hemograma, las muestras almacenadas a temperatura ambiente deben procesarse dentro de las 6-8 horas posextracción; los parámetros limitantes son aquellos influenciados por cambios en el volumen eritrocitario. En las muestras conservadas en heladera el análisis puede retrasarse hasta 48 horas y el recuento de plaquetas es el parámetro menos estable.

Abstract Knowing sample stability is essential to obtain reliable results in the clinical laboratory. The IRAM-ISO 15189:2023 Standard establishes that each laboratory must standardise the storage conditions of biological samples. This study was conducted to investigate the stability of haematological parameters using a Sysmex XN 1000 in samples stored for up to 48-72 hours at different temperatures. According to these results, the hematologic analytes should be processed in this laboratory within 6-8 hours after extraction if they are stored at room temperature. The limiting parameters are those influenced by changes in the erythrocyte volume. If storage is in a refrigerator, the analysis can be delayed up to 48 hours, being platelet count the limiting parameter.

Resumo Conhecer a estabilidade das amostras biológicas é essencial para obter resultados confiáveis no laboratório de exames clínicas. A Norma IRAM-ISO 15189:2023 estabelece que cada laboratório deve padronizar as condições de armazenamento das amostras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tempo e a temperatura ideais para preservar amostras de sangue para a determinação de parâmetros hematológicos em um analisador em um Sysmex XN 1000. Para isso, foram processadas amostras de sangue total armazenadas por até 48 horas em temperatura ambiente e por até 72 horas em geladeira. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, para a determinação do hemograma, as amostras armazenadas em temperatura ambiente devem ser processadas dentro de 6-8 horas após a extração, sendo os parâmetros limitantes aqueles influenciados por alterações no volume eritrocitário. Nas amostras armazenadas em geladeira, a análise pode demorar até 48 horas, sendo a contagem de plaquetas o parâmetro menos estável.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230616


Horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) is a robust, drought-resistant crop that is valued for its high protein content and is a significant food source in many parts of the world. Horsegram seeds must be stored properly to preserve their freshness, nutritional value, and viability for future planting. In this article an investigation was carried out to evaluate the suitable seed treatment and packaging materials for maintaining the shelf life of horsegram seeds during storage. The laboratory experiment was carried out at Department of Seed Science and Technology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, India. The graded seeds of horsegram were treated with different botanicals (Neem seed kernel powder @ 5g/kg & Pungam leaf powder @ 5g/kg), herbal oil (Neem oil @ 5ml/kg) and chemical (Malathion @ 5g/kg) and packed in cloth and super grain bags which was kept under ambient condition. The physical, physiological and biochemical parameters were assessed from the stored seed samples. Horsegram seeds dusted with malathion at 5 g/kg and then packed in a super grain bag have better germination (94%), root length (18.33 cm), shoot length (9.10 cm), DMP (0.165 g seedlings-10), vigour index I and II (2551 and 16.2), and also biochemical parameters like the lowest electrical conductivity (0.121 dSm-1), highest enzyme activity like dehydrogenase (0.521) and catalase (0.213 units g-1) and protein level (19.21%) was also high in malathion (5 g/kg) treated seeds packed in a super grain bag after storage for 8 months.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230598


Joha is a fine grain aromatic rice of Assam, well known in the world market. This rice is protected and tagged as a geographical indication. This study evaluated priming effects on naturally aged seeds of two varieties, Kon Joha and Keteki Joha, after 0, 3, 6 and nine months of storage under ambient conditions. Seeds were hydro-primed, osmo-primed with 5% and 10% PEG, halo primed with 1% and 2% KCl and primed with 5 ppm and 10 ppm GA3 for 12 and 24 hours. Seed moisture percentage, germination percentage, germination index, mean germination time, seedling length and dry weight, seed vigour index, field emergence, seed reserve utilization rate, seed reserve use efficiency, seed reserve depletion percentage, and biochemical parameters like electrical conductivity, lipid peroxidation and ?-amylase were observed. Seed quality was gradually deteriorating due to ageing over the storage period. The rate of deterioration was faster for seedling vigour traits than germination parameters. There was a varietal difference in the rate of deterioration; it was slower in Kon Joha, an indigenous variety which also showed dormancy. The priming treatments were able to ameliorate the effect of seed ageing on seed germination, seedling growth and biochemical parameters in Kon Joha. Treatments with 1% KCl, 10 ppm GA3 and 5% PEG enhanced the germination parameters and vigour indicators. KCl (1%) priming was the best priming agent; 24 hours of priming for all agents was better than 12 hours.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230385


Fruits are classified as perishable agricultural commodities. When fruits are harvested prematurely or when they are overripe, their storage life is shortened and their quality deteriorates. Therefore, it is important to harvest fruits at the appropriate stage of maturity in order to ensure good quality and better storage. Nevertheless, the inadequate implementation of proper handling techniques for agricultural produce has led to a significant occurrence of post-harvest losses, resulting in the wastage of valuable resources such as time and financial investments. The lack of appropriate handling procedures and chemical treatment methods are leading to significant losses in commodities. Therefore, it can be deduced that producers are currently experiencing significant economic detriment as a result of inadequate handling techniques, insufficient understanding of the underlying factors contributing to postharvest loss, and a dearth of effective preservation methodologies. However, the mitigation of loss can be achieved through the implementation of appropriate management and handling procedures. This review focuses on various aspects of post-harvest handling methods for preservation of fruits for longer time for processing and value addition.