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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(1): e202202975, feb. 2024. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1524319


Introducción. La evaluación de la condición física (CF), junto con otros indicadores de salud, es una estrategia utilizada para conocer el estado actual de los escolares. El principal objetivo fue medir en escolares sanluiseños el estado de salud actual, los niveles de CF y construir tablas de referencias de CF. Población y métodos. Escolares entre 9 y 12 años de edad (ambos sexos) fueron evaluados con dos indicadores de salud: índice de masa corporal y presión arterial. La CF fue medida con la batería ALPHA-Fitness. El orden de las pruebas fue el siguiente: tensión arterial, masa corporal, estatura, longitud de pie y mano, salto en longitud, velocidad en 30 metros, agilidad 4 × 10 m y la prueba de ida y vuelta en 20 metros. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la maduración biológica. Resultados. Fueron evaluados 15548 escolares. Los valores promedios fueron presión arterial sistólica 101 ± 10 mmHg y diastólica 66 ± 7 mmHg; IMC 20,2 ± 4,3 kg/m2. Para la CF fueron las siguientes: componente cardiorrespiratorio VO2 máx. 39,87 ± 3,2 ml/kg/min y velocidad alcanzada en la prueba de ida y vuelta en 20 m 8,9 ± 0,6 km/h; componente neuromuscular; salto en longitud: 120,6 ± 23,9 cm, velocidad 30 m: 6,56 ± 0,85 s, agilidad 4 × 10 m: 15,17 ± 1,82 s. El rendimiento siempre fue superior en el grupo masculino (p <0,001). Conclusión. Los escolares mostraron niveles saludables de presión arterial. El 50 % de la muestra fue clasificada con sobrepeso u obesidad según el IMC. En ambos sexos, se observaron bajos niveles de CF. Por primera vez, se elaboraron tablas de referencia de CF en escolares sanluiseños

Introduction. The assessment of physical fitness (PF), is useful strategy to know the current status of schoolchildren. Our primary objective was to measure the current health status and PF levels of schoolchildren in San Luis and to develop PF reference tables. Population and methods. Schoolchildren aged 9 to 12 years (boys and girls) were assessed based on 2 health indicators: body mass index and blood pressure. PF was measured using the ALPHA-Fitness test battery. Blood pressure, body mass, height, foot and hand length, standing long jump, 30 m sprint, 4 × 10 m agility test, and 20 m shuttle run test were assessed. The body mass index (BMI) and biological maturation were estimated. Results. A total of 15 548 schoolchildren were assessed. Average systolic blood pressure was 101 ± 10 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure, 66 ± 7 mmHg; BMI: 20.2 ± 4.3 kg/m2. Average PF was, in the cardiorespiratory component, VO2 max.: 39.87 ± 3.2 mL/kg/min and speed reached during the 20 m shuttle run test: 8.9 ± 0.6 km/h; in the musculoskeletal component, standing long jump: 120.6 ± 23.9 cm, 30 m sprint: 6.56 ± 0.85 s, 4 × 10 m agility test: 15.17 ± 1.82 s. The performance was better in the boys group (p < 0.001). Conclusion. Blood pressure was normal. Fifty percent of the sample was overweight or obese as per their BMI. Both boys and girls showed low PF levels. PF reference tables for schoolchildren from San Luis were developed for the first time.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Physical Fitness/psychology , Exercise Test , Argentina , Exercise/psychology , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies
International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 145-152, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018105


Acute lateral ankle sprains are the most common musculoskeletal injury of the lower limbs. Without timely intervention, the condition may progress to chronic ankle instability, leading to a series of adverse consequences. Therefore, accurate diagnosis, classification, and active intervention are essential. Currently, there are numerous diagnostic methods, classification criteria, and treatment methods for acute lateral ankle sprains in clinical practice, with some aspects still subject to debate. This article will provide an overview of the progress and controversial issue in diagnosis, classification, and treatment methods for acute lateral ankle sprains.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232345


Background: NST is simple, cheap, non-harmful, easily repeated, and cost effective with low maintenance profile. NST is a very effective method to investigating the intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), late pregnancy, premature birth, multiple pregnancy, Rh sensitivity, diabetes, liver disease, decreased bowel movements, oligohydramnios etc. Objectives were to evaluate the efficacy and role of antenatal NST in improving perinatal outcome in high-risk pregnancies.Methods: This prospective study was done among 100 pregnant women (group A: high risk pregnancy, n=50, group B: low risk pregnancy, n=50). Nonstress test was done for 20 minutes if the test was inconclusive or nonreactive. It was continued for another 20 minutes extended CTG. Fetal stimulation was also done. The NST done before onset of labour was used as reference. Interpretation if NST tracings was done according to ACOG guideline.Results: Around 58% participants of high-risk group and 82% of low-risk group had ‘reactive’ and NST tracings respectively. Almost 36% participants of high-risk group and 16% of low-risk group were delivered baby by LSCS method. Around 24% participants of high-risk group and 10% of low-risk group had meconium-stained amniotic fluid. Around 66% babies of participants of high-risk group and 24% of low-risk group were admitted in NICU. The mean birth weight of babies of high-risk group participants was 2.52 kg and of low-risk group participants was 2.85 kg.Conclusions: Present study reveals significant difference between reactive and nonreactive NST in terms of Apgar scores and NICU admissions in both the groups. Hence judicious use of NST will certainly help in timely identification of at-risk fetuses thereby avoiding unnecessary delay in intervention.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232234


Background: NST is simple, cheap, non-harmful, easily repeated, and cost effective with low maintenance profile. NST is a very effective method to investigating the intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), late pregnancy, premature birth, multiple pregnancy, Rh sensitivity, diabetes, liver disease, decreased bowel movements, oligohydramnios etc. Objectives were to evaluate the efficacy and role of antenatal NST in improving perinatal outcome in high-risk pregnancies.Methods: This prospective study was done among 100 pregnant women (group A: high risk pregnancy, n=50, group B: low risk pregnancy, n=50). Nonstress test was done for 20 minutes if the test was inconclusive or nonreactive. It was continued for another 20 minutes extended CTG. Fetal stimulation was also done. The NST done before onset of labour was used as reference. Interpretation if NST tracings was done according to ACOG guideline.Results: Around 58% participants of high-risk group and 82% of low-risk group had ‘reactive’ and NST tracings respectively. Almost 36% participants of high-risk group and 16% of low-risk group were delivered baby by LSCS method. Around 24% participants of high-risk group and 10% of low-risk group had meconium-stained amniotic fluid. Around 66% babies of participants of high-risk group and 24% of low-risk group were admitted in NICU. The mean birth weight of babies of high-risk group participants was 2.52 kg and of low-risk group participants was 2.85 kg.Conclusions: Present study reveals significant difference between reactive and nonreactive NST in terms of Apgar scores and NICU admissions in both the groups. Hence judicious use of NST will certainly help in timely identification of at-risk fetuses thereby avoiding unnecessary delay in intervention.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232040


Background: Aim of the present study was to evaluate the perinatal outcome in high-risk pregnancy with modified biophysical profile (MBPP).Methods: The study is observational study,65 high risk pregnant women fulfilling the inclusion criteria participated in the study. The study subjects were subjected to MBPP. Then perinatal outcomes were assessed in view of mode of delivery, maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.Results: Out of 65 cases, 78.5% had normal NST, 80% had normal AFI.3 neonates got admitted in NICU. 13 women underwent LSCS, 9 had instrumental delivery and rest delivered vaginally normal.Conclusions: The study showed that HRPs with MBPP abnormal or any of MBPP parameter abnormal have higher chances of perinatal morbidity and mortality.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231767


Background: To analyse the effects of antenatal dexamethasone on fetal heart rate variability (fHRV), when administered to mothers between 30-37 weeks of gestation, at risk of preterm delivery and corroborate presenting maternal symptoms with mode of delivery and perinatal outcomes.Method: Prospective observational study conducted for 1 Year among pregnant women with gestation between 30 completed weeks to 36 weeks 6 days, with symptoms suggesting risk of preterm delivery. The sample size calculated was 52. Dexamethasone phosphate, 24 mg in 4 divided doses, was administered as intramuscular injections 12 hours apart. NST tracings were taken at three points-before first dose, one hour after first dose and one hour after the fourth dose. Chi-square test and Paired t test was applied, p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Strong correlation was found between antenatal dexamethasone administration and fHRV (p<0.05) which increased after administration of the first dose of dexamethasone compared to its value prior to administration. There was a further increase after the fourth dose. Conclusions: Dexamethasone is associated with increase in fHRV evident on non-stress test recordings, without significant decrease in baseline fetal heart rate.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231892


Background: Hypertensive disorders and intrauterine growth restriction are common complications encountered during pregnancy. This study was conducted to observe the usefulness of systolic/ diastolic (S/D) ratio in umbilical artery as compared with non-stress test (NST) to predict perinatal outcome in pregnancies complicated with hypertensive disorders and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).Methods: It was a prospective observational which was conducted on patients undergoing antenatal visits at the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Army hospital research and referral, New Delhi from May 2017 to April 2019. NST was started at 32 weeks twice weekly in all patients. All patients were subjected to umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry waveform on weekly basis or every third day in cases of nonreactive NST.Results: Out of 140 patients, 53 patients (37.9%) had PIH and 44 (31.4%) had IUGR. 43 cases (30.7%) had both PIH and IUGR. Among the 140 patients, 40 patients (28.6%) had non-reactive NST and 60 patients (42.9%) of the patients had abnormal doppler. Abnormal doppler and non-reactive NST were associated with APGAR score of less than 7 at 5 minutes in the newborn. Abnormal perinatal outcome was more in abnormal doppler than normal doppler and the finding was statistically significant (p<0.05).Conclusions: Overall sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy of Doppler is better as compared to that of NST in terms of detecting adverse perinatal outcomes.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986398


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between smoking and cardiopulmonary function, and the effect of smoking habit on exercise tolerance after discharge from the hospital, focusing on CPX test data of patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction, and on CPX test data at 6 months after discharge. A total of 123 male patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction between April 2014 and December 2020 were included. Laboratory and CPX data were compared between smokers and non-smokers. CPX data of smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers were also compared in 24 patients who underwent CPX examination 6 months after discharge. HDL-C was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) and τON was significantly prolonged (p < 0.05) during hospitalization in smokers. τON was significantly shorter only in ex-smokers (p < 0.05) 6 months after discharge compared to during hospitalization. These results suggest that τON, which reflects the oxygen uptake kinetics of peripheral tissues, is shortened by smoking cessation.

Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 35(3): 304-315, May-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375639


Abstract Background Obesity and overweight in childhood can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease throughout live. Objectives This study provides an update of a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials (RCT) published in 2014, to assess the effects of physical activity interventions on preventing cardiovascular risk factors in childhood. Methods This update combines data from the previous search with new data obtained from June 2013 to June 2020. Searches were performed on PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane CENTRAL. The RCTs enrolled used interventions with physical activity longer than six months in school children aged 6-12 years, and evaluated body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. Data analysis was performed using a random-effects model and a P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results A total of 28,603 articles were retrieved, and 17 RCTs (11,952 subjects) were included. Physical activity interventions were associated with reduction in SBP [−2.11mmHg (95%CI −3.67, −0.54), I243%], DBP [−2.08mmHg (95%CI −3.68, −0,49), I265%] and TG [-0.08mmol/L (95% CI -0.13, -0.03), I20%], and increase in TC [0.17mmol/L (95%CI 0.04, 0.30), I20%]. However, the interventions were not associated with reductions in BMI [−0.03 kg/m2 (95%CI −0.17, 0.10), I20%]. Conclusion This update confirms and reinforces the beneficial effects of physical activity intervention in reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure and TG levels.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Exercise , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Sports , Students , Exercise Test , Pediatric Obesity , Physical Conditioning, Human
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;119(1): 97-106, abr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383724


Resumo Fundamento: Há dados limitados sobre o valor prognóstico da ressonância magnética cardíaca (RMC) em estresse em pacientes idosos. Objetivo: Determinar o valor prognóstico da RMC em estresse com adenosina em idosos com doença arterial coronariana (DAC) conhecida ou suspeita. Métodos: Entre 2010 e 2015, pacientes consecutivos com 65 anos ou mais encaminhados para RMC em estresse com adenosina foram acompanhados para a ocorrência de eventos cardíacos graves (morte cardíaca e infarto do miocárdio não-fatal) e eventos cardiovasculares adversos maiores (ECAM) que também incluíram hospitalização por insuficiência cardíaca e acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico. As análises univariadas e multivariadas foram realizadas para determinar o valor prognóstico da isquemia miocárdica, com valor de p <0,05 considerado estatisticamente significante. Resultados: Após um período médio de seguimento de 50,4 meses em 324 pacientes (48% do sexo masculino, 73±7 anos), ocorreram 21 eventos cardíacos graves e 52 ECAM. Pacientes com isquemia miocárdica (n=99) apresentaram taxas significantemente maiores de eventos cardíacos graves (HR 5,25 [IC 95% 2,11-13,04], p<0,001) e ECAM (HR 3,01 [IC 95% 1,75-5,20], p<0,001) do que aqueles sem isquemia. A análise multivariada determinou a isquemia como preditor independente de eventos cardíacos graves (HR 3,14 [IC 95% 1,22-8,07], p=0,02) e ECAM (HR 1,91 [IC 95% 1,02-3,59], p=0,04). A isquemia forneceu um valor prognóstico incremental sobre fatores clínicos e fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo para predizer eventos cardíacos graves e ECAM (p<0,01 para ambos). Nenhum evento adverso grave ocorreu durante ou imediatamente após os exames de RMC. Conclusão: A RMC em estresse com adenosina é segura e demonstra valor prognóstico em idosos com DAC conhecida ou suspeita.

Abstract Background: There is limited data on the prognostic value of stress cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) in older adults. Objective: To determine the prognostic value of adenosine stress CMR in older individuals with known or suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods: Between 2010 and 2015, consecutive patients aged 65 years or older referred for adenosine stress CMR were followed for the occurrence of severe cardiac events (cardiac death and nonfatal myocardial infarction) and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) that also included hospitalization for heart failure and ischemic stroke. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine the prognostic value of myocardial ischemia, with p-value <0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: After a mean follow-up period of 50.4 months in 324 patients (48% male, 73±7 years), 21 severe cardiac events and 52 MACE occurred. Patients with myocardial ischemia (n=99) had significantly higher rates of severe cardiac events (HR 5.25 [95% CI 2.11-13.04], p<0.001) and MACE (HR 3.01 [95% CI 1.75-5.20], p<0.001) than those without ischemia. Multivariable analysis determined ischemia as an independent predictor of severe cardiac events (HR 3.14 [95% CI 1.22-8.07], p=0.02) and MACE (HR 1.91 [95%CI 1.02-3.59], p=0.04). Ischemia provided an incremental prognostic value over clinical factors and left ventricular ejection fraction for predicting severe cardiac events and MACE (p<0.01 for both). No severe adverse events occurred during or immediately after CMR examinations. Conclusion: Adenosine stress CMR is safe and has prognostic value in older adults with known or suspected CAD.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38003, Jan.-Dec. 2022. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361404


In assessing the quality of seed lots, the vigor tests are complementary to the germination test and they identify differences in the degree of deterioration of the lots. For safflower, there is little information regarding these tests. In this way, the intention of this study was to adapt the accelerated aging test methodology to assess the physiological potential of safflower seeds (Carthamus tinctorius). For this purpose, 12 seed lots were evaluated for thousand-seed weight, germination, first germination count, seedling emergence test (emergence percentage, emergence speed index, relative emergence frequency and the initial, final and mean times) and accelerated aging. For the accelerated aging test, the traditional and saline methods were used. For this, the samples were conditioned in periods of 0, 8, 16, 24, 32 and 48 hours at 42 °C. Afterwards, they were submitted to the germination test, with evaluation of normal seedlings on the 3rd day. The 12 lots were evaluated within each period, in independent experiments. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared using the Scott-Knott clustering method at 5% probability. In the traditional accelerated aging test the periods of 16, 24, 32 and 48 hours were more efficient in differentiating the lots in vigor levels, as they stratified the lots in three classes and the time of 8 hour classified the lots in two levels of vigor. In the accelerated saline aging method the time 32 hours were more efficient since it ranked seed lots at three levels of vigor and the periods of 8, 16 and 24 hour stratified the lots in two levels. In results obtained by the principal component analysis it was verified. The variables traditional accelerated aging for 24 and 32 hours correlated with emergence in the field. Therefore, the traditional accelerated aging test at 42 °C for 24 hours are promising for evaluating the physiological quality of safflower seeds.

Plant Physiological Phenomena , Carthamus tinctorius/physiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992668


Objective:To explore the characteristics and clinical values of preoperative imaging signs and intraoperative stress test in the surgery of the Weber type B fracture without medial malleolar fracture.Methods:The data of 52 patients were reviewed who had been treated at Orthopaedic Trauma Department, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital for Weber type B ankle fracture without medial malleolar fracture from January 2018 to December 2021.They were assigned into 2 groups depending on their results of intraoperative stress test. In the positive group of 21 cases showing a positive intraoperative stress test, there were 19 males and 2 females with an age of (34.4±10.2) years; in the negative group of 31 cases showing a negative intra operative stress test, there were 22 males and 9 females with an age of (39.5±14.8) years. The 2 groups were compared in terms of the medial clear space, tibiofibular clear space and vertical length of the fibular fracture on the preoperative X-ray film, as well as the relative size of the posterior malleolar fracture fragment on the preoperative CT. The imaging characteristics of intraoperative stress tests were also observed.Results:There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in the preoperative general data, showing comparability between groups ( P>0.05). The medial clear space (7.2±2.5) mm and the vertical length of the fibular fracture [49.2 (33.7, 58.7) mm] in the positive group were significantly larger than those in the negative group [(4.5±1.7) mm and 29.6 (24.7, 36.0) mm] ( P<0.05). There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in the lower tibiofibular space [(6.0±1.9) mm versus (5.2 ± 1.4) mm] or in the relative size of posterior malleolar fracture measured by CT [15.8% (6.9%, 19.1%) versus 12.7% (0%, 18.9%)] ( P>0.05). The intraoperative stress test imaging data of a total of 22 cases were collected from the 2 groups (11 cases from each of the 2 groups). During the stress test, only the medial clear space was widened with no widening of the inferior tibiofibular space was found in 7 cases (5 cases in the positive group and 2 cases in the negative group). Conclusions:A routine stress test is recommended for Weber B ankle fracture without medial malleolus fracture, because instability sometimes exists after fibular fixation. Patients with a wider medial clear space and a longer fibular fracture line on X-ray after injury are more likely to be afflicted by instability after fibular fixation. In the patients with a widened medial clear space but without a widened inferior tibiofibular clear space during an intraoperative stress test, it calls for further study whether it is necessary to fix the inferior tibiofibular joint.

Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 29(3): [1-11], jul.-set. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366723


To verify the glycemic safety of a maximal cardiorespiratory test (V̇ O2max) in T1DM patients and correlate the maximum cardiorespiratory values with metabolic control parameters such as glycemia, glycated hemoglobin, time of diagnosis (TD), and fat (body [GC] and visceral [GV]). The cross-sectional study evaluated ten T1DM patients (age 24.9 ± 7.5 years; time of diagnosis 11.5 ± 7.4; body mass index 22 ± 2 kg/m2 ). Metabolic glycemic control variables (before and after), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), time since diagnosis and total and visceral fat were collected. The CENESP maximum test protocol was used on the treadmill with direct maximal oxygen uptake (V̇ O2max). Normality test, paired t-test and correlations (p <0.05) were performed. In the results, blood glucose pre 189 ± 67 mg/dL vs. post 172 ± 66 mg/dL (p = 0.140). The V̇ O2max with a regular average score for men and women (37.4 ± 6.6 There was a negative and almost perfect correlation with TD, GC and GV (p = 0.028, p <0.000, and p <0.000). We conclude that is possible to perform a CENESP maximal with glycemic safe in T1DM. However, TD, GC, and GV negatively interfere with cardiorespiratory fitness and should be verified before the test. (AU)

Verificar a segurança glicêmica de um teste cardiorrespiratório máximo (V̇ O2max) em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) e correlacionar os valores com parâmetros de controle metabólico como glicemia, hemoglobina glicada, tempo de diagnóstico (DT) e gordura (corporal[GC] e visceral[GV]). O estudo transversal avaliou dez DM1 (idade 24,9 ± 7,5 anos; tempo de diagnóstico 11,5 ± 7,4; índice de massa corporal 22 ± 2 kg/m2). Foram coletadas variáveis de controle glicêmico metabólico (antes e depois), hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c), tempo de diagnóstico e gordura total e visceral. O protocolo de teste máximo do CENESP foi utilizado na esteira com consumo máximo direto de oxigênio (V̇ O2max). Teste de normalidade, teste t pareado e correlações (p<0,05) foram realizados. Nos resultados, glicemia pré 189 ± 67 mg/dL vs. pós 172 ± 66 mg/dL (p = 0,140). O V̇ O2max com pontuação média regular para homens e mulheres (37,4 ± 6,6 Houve correlação negativa e quase perfeita com DT, GC e GV (p = 0,028; p < 0,000 e p < 0,000). Concluímos que é possível realizar um CENESP máximo com segurança glicêmica no DM1. No entanto, DT, GC e GV interferem negativamente na aptidão cardiorrespiratória e devem ser verificados antes do teste.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Blood Glucose , Diabetes Mellitus , Exercise Test , Oxygen , Glycated Hemoglobin , Body Mass Index , Diagnosis , Fats , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Glycemic Control , Metabolic Diseases
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;26(5): 396-400, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137922


ABSTRACT Introduction: The two-dimensional (2D) methods of dynamic assessment of knee valgus are popular because of their low cost and the fact that they are easy to implement. It is believed that dynamic valgus of the knee is one of the main disorders responsible for non-contact lesions of the anterior cruciate ligament. There are two categories of reliability with regard to data collectors: inter-rater (reliability among multiple data collectors) and intra-rater (reliability of a single data collector). Objectives: To assess intra and inter-rater reliability during the step-down test in professional soccer athletes, using initial and final angles for each test repetition. Methods: The sample consisted of 29 professional soccer players. All study participants were considered by club physiotherapists to be free of any musculoskeletal injury and were performing daily training tasks. Two male evaluators participated in the study. Results: For each data group, mean and standard deviation were determined. The intra- and inter-rater reliability of all data was determined using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), with a confidence interval of 95% and alpha of p ≤ 0.05. Rater 1 was classified in the first intra-rater stage of the analysis for heel touch, with good to excellent reliability. For the inter-rater analysis, both for heel touch and for greater valgus angle, there was excellent reliability among the raters. Conclusion: It was concluded that there is high inter-rater and intra-rater reliability through two-dimensional analysis using the Step Down Test in professional soccer athletes. Level of evidence II; Development of diagnostic criteria in consecutive patients (with a "gold" reference standard applied).

RESUMO Introdução: Os métodos bidimensionais (2D) de avaliação dinâmica de valgo de joelho são populares devido ao baixo custo e à grande facilidade de implementação. Acredita-se que o valgo dinâmico do joelho seja um dos principais responsáveis pelas lesões do ligamento cruzado anterior sem contato direto. Existem duas categorias de confiabilidade com relação aos coletores de dados: confiabilidade entre vários coletores, que é a confiabilidade interavaliador e a confiabilidade de um único coletor de dados, denominada confiabilidade intra-avaliador. Objetivos: Avaliar a confiabilidade intra e interavaliadores durante o Step Down Test em atletas profissionais de futebol, utilizando angulações iniciais e finais de cada repetição do teste. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 29 jogadores de futebol profissional. Todos os participantes do estudo foram considerados livres de qualquer lesão musculoesquelética por fisioterapeutas do clube e estavam realizando tarefas diárias de treinamento. Dois avaliadores do sexo masculino participaram do estudo. Resultados: Para cada grupo de dados, a média e o desvio padrão foram determinados. A confiabilidade intra e interavaliadores de todos os dados foi determinada pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC), com intervalo de confiança de 95% e alfa de p ≤ 0,05. O avaliador 1 foi classificado no primeiro passo intra-avaliador da análise para toque do calcanhar com boa a excelente confiabilidade. Para análise interavaliadores, tanto para o toque do calcanhar quanto para maior ângulo valgo, houve excelente confiabilidade entre os avaliadores. Conclusão: Existe alta confiabilidade interavaliador e intra-avaliador por meio da análise bidimensional utilizando o Teste Step Down em atletas profissionais de futebol. Nível de evidência II; Desenvolvimento de critérios diagnósticos em pacientes consecutivos (com padrão de referência "ouro" aplicado).

RESUMEN Introducción: Los métodos bidimensionales (2D) de evaluación dinámica de valgo de rodilla son populares debido al bajo costo y a la gran facilidad de implementación. Se cree que el valgo dinámico de rodilla sea uno de los principales responsables por las lesiones del ligamiento cruzado anterior sin contacto directo. Existen dos categorías de confiabilidad con relación a los colectores de datos: confiabilidad entre varios colectores, que es la confiablidad interevaluador y la confiabilidad de un único colector de datos, denominada confiabilidad intraevaluador. Objetivos: Evaluar la confiabilidad intra e interevaluadores durante el Step Down Test en atletas profesionales de fútbol, utilizando angulaciones iniciales y finales de cada repetición del test. Métodos: La amuestra fue compuesta por 29 jugadores de fútbol profesional. Todos los participantes del estudio fueron considerados libres de cualquier lesión musculoesquelética por fisioterapeutas del club y estaban realizando tareas diarias de entrenamiento. Dos evaluadores de sexo masculino participaron del estudio. Resultados: Para cada grupo de datos, fueron determinados el promedio y la derivación estándar. La confiabilidad intra e interevaluadores de todos los datos fue determinada por el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (ICC), con intervalo de confianza de 95% y alfa de p ≤ 0,05. El evaluador 1 fue clasificado en el primer paso interevaluador del análisis para toque del talón con buena a excelente confiabilidad. Para análisis interevaluadores tanto para o toque del talón como para mayor ángulo valgo, hubo excelente confiabilidad entre los evaluadores. Conclusión: Existe alta confiabilidad interevaluador e intraevaluador por medio del análisis bidimensional utilizando el Test Step Down en atletas profesionales de fútbol. Nivel de evidencia II; Desarrollo de criterios diagnósticos en pacientes consecutivos (con estándar de referencia "oro" aplicado).

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207839


Background: The objective of this present study was to compare MBPP and umbilical artery Doppler flow in high-risk pregnant women in prediction of perinatal outcome.Methods: A cohort study was done on 150 high-risk pregnant women over 16 months. Antenatal women with singleton pregnancy who delivered within 48 hours of performing MBPP and Doppler USG, with presence of ≥1 high-risk factor like pre-eclampsia/gestational HTN, BOH, post-dated pregnancy, FGR, GDM, maternal heart disease, anaemia, hypothyroidism and IHCP were included in the study. MBPP (NST and AFI) and umbilical artery Doppler was performed. Perinatal outcome was measured in terms of stillbirth/IUD, LBW, Apgar <7 at 5 minutes, admission to NICU, neonatal death within 48 hours of delivery, MSL and neonatal seizures within 24-48 hours. Quantitative variables were compared using independent t-test/Mann Whitney test. Qualitative variables were correlated using Chi square test/Fisher exact test. Sensitivity, specificity, NPV, PPV were calculated and p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Data analysis was done using social sciences (SPSS) licensed version 21.0.Results: Majority belonged to the age group 21-25 years and were between 37-40 weeks of gestation. It was found that highest perinatal complications occurred in those with both abnormal MBPP and Doppler followed by those with only abnormal MBPP (p-value<0.0001).Conclusions: MBPP is a better predictor of perinatal outcome compared to umbilical artery Doppler USG in high-risk pregnant women. MBPP should be done in all high-risk pregnancies even if Doppler is normal. Both the tests must be performed in all high-risk pregnancies to improve perinatal outcome.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207785


Background: Oligohydramnios has got a noteworthy influence on perinatal outcome. Hence, early detection and its timely management will aid in curtailing of perinatal morbidity and mortality and leading to decreased operative interventions. Therefore, the present study is conducted to look for the effects of oligohydramnios.Methods: This comparative study was a prospective observational study conducted at study institution. The women were divided into study and control groups based on AFI (amniotic fluid index), 100 cases were selected in each group.Results: Out of the 200 women, included in the present study, 35% of the patients in the study group had non-reactive non-stress test (NST) while in the control group 7% had it. Caesarean section was performed in 58% of cases in the study group as compared to 30% in the control group. Amongst these, Fetal distress was the most common indication for LSCS (lower segment caesarean section). There were no perinatal deaths in this study.Conclusions: Based on this study it has been observed that, amniotic fluid index of ≤5 cm was commonly associated with increased LSCS rates, intrauterine growth restriction, non-reactive NST, and abnormal Doppler velocimetry studies. Therefore, every case of oligohydramnios requires to be assessed meticulously. Prompt detection; timely management and treating the underlying condition improve outcome.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-213077


Background: Non-stress test (NST) is a graphical recording of changes in fetal heart activity and uterine contraction along with fetal movement when uterus is quiescent. NST is primarily a test of fetal condition and it differs from contraction stress test which is a test of uteroplacental function. The present study aimed at evaluating the efficacy and diagnostic value of NST for antenatal surveillance in high-risk pregnancy and comparing the mode of delivery with test results.Methods: A clinical study of NST was done between November 2014 to October 2015. NST was used for their surveillance from 32 weeks of gestation and NST was recorded weekly, biweekly, on alternate days or even on daily basis depending on high risk factors and were followed up.Results: A total of 100 cases were enrolled in the study. The mean age of patients was 25.09±3.78 years. In all 14 cases (23.3%) with reactive NST underwent lower caesarean section (LSCS) whereas 36 cases (90%) with non-reactive NST underwent LSCS. The mean NST delivery interval with reactive NST was 9.8±7.1 hours and in cases with non-reactive NST it was 9.2±8.6 hours, the difference was statistically not significant (p=0.70).Conclusions: NST tells about acute fetal hypoxia and decision to delivery time can be made for those patients with fetal distress so that a major improvement in the outcome among parturient can be achieved with abnormal NST results. An abnormal NST should alert the clinician of fetal compromise and has to be followed up by other biophysical tests.

CorSalud ; 12(2): 162-170, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133606


RESUMEN Introducción: La obesidad es una enfermedad multisistémica que constituye un factor de riesgo coronario y se asocia frecuentemente a otros, como la hipertensión arterial, la diabetes y la dislipidemia, todo lo cual aumenta el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular. Objetivo: Determinar la respuesta cardiovascular de los pacientes con obesidad durante una prueba de esfuerzo. Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal con 67 participantes obesos (45 mujeres y 22 hombres), con promedio de edad de 35±12,6 años. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se obtuvieron variables antropométricas, signos vitales, escala de Borg, cuestionario para factores de riesgo cardiovascular, y se realizó una prueba de esfuerzo en tapiz rodante con protocolo de Bruce. Resultados: Los principales factores de riesgo cardiovascular encontrados fueron el sedentarismo (100%) y los antecedentes patológicos familiares (76%). Se obtuvo una frecuencia cardíaca máxima promedio de 172,82±18,81 latidos por minuto, que fue superior en las mujeres (173,9±17,5 vs. 168,9±22,1) y al asociarla con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular se encontró que fue mayor en los pacientes con menos de 4 factores de este tipo (179,4±17,7 vs. 167,1±18,6). Conclusiones: Se encontró una disminución de la respuesta cardiovascular en relación con el esfuerzo esperado para la prueba de esfuerzo. A mayor número de factores de riesgo cardiovascular presentes, menor fue la frecuencia cardíaca máxima alcanzada.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Obesity is a multisystemic disease and a coronary risk factor that is frequently associated with others, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and dyslipidemia. These all increase the risk of heart disease. Objective: We aimed to determine the cardiovascular response of obese patients during a stress test. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with 67 obese participants (45 women and 22 men) aged 35±12.6 years on average. To develop our research, we analyzed anthropometric variables and vital signs. The Borg scale, a cardiovascular risk factor interview and a Bruce treadmill stress test protocol were also applied. Results: The main cardiovascular risk factors found were sedentary lifestyle (100%) and family history of disease (76%). An average maximum heart rate of 172.82±18.81 beats per minute was obtained, which was higher in women (173.9±17.5 vs. 168.9±22.1). It was found to be higher in patients with less than four cardiovascular risk factors (179.4±17.7 vs. 167.1±18.6) when associated with cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusions: A decrease in cardiovascular response was found in relation to the expected test effort. The greater the number of cardiovascular risk factors, the lower the maximum heart rate achieved.

Cardiology , Exercise , Risk Factors , Exercise Test , Heart Rate , Obesity
Investig. andin ; 22(40)jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550427


Introducción: Existen beneficios en salud al realizar ejercicio físico, sin embargo, son pocas las investigaciones que reportan el rendimiento anaeróbico y su correlación con indicadores cardiorrespiratorios. Por tal motivo, el propósito de esta investigación fue determinar valores de rendimiento cardiorrespiratorio y aptitud anaeróbica después de un programa de ejercicio aeróbico en el cual se determinó la correlación entre ellos. Métodos: 22 hombres (20±2 años) conformaron dos grupos, G1-(entrenamiento), 6 semanas/tres días por semana, intensidad horaria de 45 minutos/día, G2-(Control). Antes y después realizaron un test de Wingate y una prueba de esfuerzo de predominancia aeróbica. Resultados: Aumentos significativos entre el pre-pos en G1 en VO2máx y vatios que mejoraron 7,6 % y 15,9 % respectivamente, diferencia significativa en la PP y en PM/kg con una mejora del 18,8 % y 18,9 %, respectivamente. Conclusión: Un programa de ejercicio aeróbico submáximo en bicicleta estática aumenta el rendimiento cardiorrespiratorio y rendimiento anaeróbico sin que exista una relación de dependencia entre las diferentes variables.

Introduction: There are health benefits when performing physical exercise, however, there are few investigations that report anaerobic performance and its correlation with cardiorespiratory indicators, for this reason, the purpose of this research was to determine the values of cardiorespiratory performance and anaerobic fitness after an aerobic exercise program determining the correlation between them. Method: 22 men (20 ± 2 years), were divided into two groups, G1 (training), 6 weeks, three days a week with an hourly intensity of 45 minutes per day, G2 (control). Before and after exercise they performed a Wingate test and a predominantly aerobic stress test. Results: Significant increases between pre-post in G1 in VO2Max and watts improving 7.6% and 15.9% respectively, a significant difference in PP and PM/kg improving 18.8% and 18.9% respectively. Conclusion: A submaximal aerobic exercise program on a stationary bike increases cardiorespiratory performance and anaerobic performance without a dependency relationship between the different variables.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207697


Background: Continuous electronic fetal monitoring in labour has become a standard practice in developed countries; this may not be possible in low middle-income countries. So, this study was conducted to correlate admission non stress test (NST) and immediate post-partum umbilical cord arterial (UCA) pH with neonatal outcome.Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at tertiary care centre in North India. After informed and written consent, 100 pregnant women with singleton live pregnancy of gestational age ≥32 weeks admitted in labour, were subjected to admission NST and immediately after delivery sample for UCA pH was taken. Clinically relevant neonatal outcome was correlated with admission NST and UCA pH. Appropriate statistical tests were used and p-value <0.05 taken as significant.Results: Admission NST was normal, suspicious, pathological in 67%, 27%, 6% subjects, respectively. Study found statistically significant correlation between admission NST and UCA pH with neonatal outcomes (i.e. fetal distress, need of advanced resuscitation, delayed oral feeding). Fetal distress was seen in 9 newborns, in these 8 delivered by CS and 1 required ventous application. Admission NST had high sensitivity (88.89%) and NPV (98.5%) for detection of fetal distress. The optimal cut off for pH and lactate was 7.25 and 2.55 mmol/L, respectively to predict fetal distress.Conclusions: Admission NST can be considered as a screening modality to detect fetus in distress and it showed good correlation with umbilical cord arterial pH for predicting short term neonatal outcome.