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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 44-53, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561260


Objetivo: Correlacionar la variable principal sostén del hogar con las variables género, edad, horas de trabajo, horas de sueño y factores de riesgo cardiovascular (índice de masa corporal, hipertensión arterial, dislipemia y diabetes mellitus), en estudiantes de 3º, 4 y 5º año de la Licenciatura en Enfermería, Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, correlacional, transversal realizado en 214 estudiantes, durante el año 2022, utilizándose un cuestionario on-line autoadministrado, estructurado y medición de peso y talla. Resultados: el 76% fueron mujeres; 64%, principal fueron principal sostén del hogar, 57% refirió dormir menos de 6 horas al día, 15 % trabaja más de 41 horas semanales; 67% tuvo respuestas no saludables a la variable estrés, para la variable actividad física este valor ascendió a 71% y el 53,8% presentó exceso de peso. Se encontró asociación significativa entre ser el principal sostén del hogar con exceso de peso, trabajar 41 horas o más semanalmente, dormir menos de 6 horas al día y con la presencia de 3 o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Conclusiones: Las condiciones de vida que afrontan los estudiantes que de manera simultánea estudian, trabajan y son principal sostén del hogar pueden generar estrés, el cual es un factor de riesgo para las enfermedades cardiovasculares[AU]

Objetive: to correlate the main variable of primary income earner or primary breadwinner with gender, age, working hours, sleep hours, and cardiovascular disease risk factors (body mass index, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus) in 3rd, 4th, and 5th-year nursing students at the Nursing Program at the National University of Formosa. Methodology: The study was a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, conducted with 214 students during 2022 using a self-administered structured online questionnaire and measurement of weight and height. Results: 76% were women, 64% were the main breadwinner, 57% reported sleeping less than 6 hours a day, 15% working more than 41 hours per week; 67% had unhealthy responses to the stress variable, this value rose to 71% for the physical activity variable, and 53.8% were overweight. A significant association was found between the main variable of primary breadwinner and being overweight, working 41 or more hours weekly, and the presence of 3 or more cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusions: The living conditions faced by students who simultaneously study and work, and being the main breadwinner in the household can generate stress, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases[AU]

Objetivo:: correlacionar a variável principal de sustento econômico do lar com as variáveis gênero, idade, horas de trabalho, horas de sono e fatores de risco cardiovascular (índice de massa corporal,hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia e diabetes mellitus) em estudantes do 3º, 4º e 5º ano do curso de graduação em Enfermagem, Universidade Nacional de Formosa. Metodologia: O estudo foi descritivo, correlacional e transversal, realizado em 214 estudantes durante o ano de 2022. Foi utilizado um questionário online autoadministrado e estruturado, e a medição de peso e altura dos estudantes foi realizada. Resultados: 76% dos estudantes eram mulheres; 64% eram o principal sustento econômico do lar; 57% relataram dormir menos de 6 horas por dia, 15% responderam que trabalham mais de 41 horas por semana; em relação aos fatores de risco cardiovascular, 67% tiveram respostas não saudáveis para a variável estresse, para a variável atividade física esse valor aumentou para 71% e 53,8% apresentaram excesso de peso. Foi encontrada uma associação significativa entre a variável principal de sustento econômico do lar com as variáveis excesso de peso, trabalhar 41 horas ou mais por semana, dormir menos de 6 horas al día e a presença de 3 ou mais fatores de risco cardiovascular. Conclusões: As condições de vida enfrentadas pelos estudantes que simultaneamente estudam, trabalham e são o principal sustento do lar podem gerar estresse, que é um fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares[AU]

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Argentina
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 3-12, jul./dez. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554865


Objetivo: analisar o nível de estresse percebido e sofrimento psíquico em gestores de saúde na pandemia da Covid-19. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal com abordagem quantitativa. A coleta ocorreu de abril a setembro de 2021, com 40 gestores de serviço de saúde. Utilizou-se para a coleta de dados um instrumento para caracterização sociodemográfica e ocupacional e as escalas "Perceived Stress Scale-14" e "Self Reporting Questionnaire" para avaliação do estresse percebido e sofrimento psíquico. Os dados coletados foram analisados no Statistical Package for the Social Sciences versão 22.0. O presente estudo faz parte de um projeto intitulado "Trabalhadores dos Serviços de Saúde Frente à Pandemia de Covid-19", aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa sob CAAE número 35260620.9.0000.5231. Resultados: a maioria dos profissionais eram do sexo feminino (90%, N=36), casados (70%, N=28), com filhos (80%, N=32), com média de idade de 45 anos e com pós--graduação (47,5%, N=19). A média dos escores relacionados ao estresse percebido foi 31,13 pontos (DP=3,77) sendo o mínimo 24 e máximo de 42 pontos. Com relação ao sofrimento psíquico, (40%, N=16) os gestores apresentaram prováveis casos de transtornos. A prática de atividades físicas e de lazer (p<0,05) tem papel importante na diminuição do estresse percebido e do sofrimento psíquico. Conclusão: os gestores em saúde apresentaram, durante a pandemia, estresse e sofrimento psíquico, resultados esses que devem ser considerados para promoção de autocuidado aos gestores de saúde, enfatizando a necessidade da realização de atividades físicas e de lazer.

Objective: to analyze the level of perceived stress and psychological suffering in health managers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The collection took place from April to September 2021, with 40 health service managers. An instrument for socio-demographic and occupational characterization and the "Perceived Stress Scale-14" and "Self Reporting Questionnaire" scales were used for the assessment of perceived stress and psychic suffering. The collected data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 22.0. The present study is part of a project entitled "Health Service Workers in the Face of the Covid-19 Pandemic", approved by the Research Ethics Committee under CAAE number 35260620.9.0000.5231. Results: most professionals were female (90%, N=36), married (70%, N=28), with children (80%, N=32), with a mean age of 45 years and with a postgraduate degree. -graduation (47.5%, N=19). The average score related to perceived stress was 31.13 points (SD=3.77), with a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 42 points. With regard to psychic suffering, (40%, N=16) the managers presented probable cases of disorders. The practice of physical and leisure activities (p<0.05) plays an important role in reducing perceived stress and psychological distress. Conclusion: health managers presented, during the pandemic, stress and psychic suffering, results that should be considered for promoting self-care to health managers, emphasizing the need to carry out physical and leisure activities.Keywords: Health manager; Occupational stress; Covid-19; Coronavirus infections.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 113-120, jul./dez. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568648


A instabilidade de microssatélites é um fenômeno genético caracterizado pela alteração na repetição de sequências de nucleotídeos conhecidas como microssatélites. Esta instabilidade pode ocorrer devido a defeitos nos genes reparadores de DNA, como os genes MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 e PMS2. A inflamação crônica tem sido associada ao desenvolvimento do câncer colorretal. Os genes da instabilidade de microssatélites estão envolvidos na regulação da resposta inflamatória, podendo influenciar a progressão tumoral. Estudos demonstraram que a presença de instabilidade de microssatélites em tumores colorretais está relacionada a uma maior infiltração de células imunes, como linfócitos T, macrófagos e neutrófilos, que podem modular a resposta inflamatória no microambiente tumoral. O estresse oxidativo é caracterizado pelo desequilíbrio entre a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio e a capacidade antioxidante do organismo e desempenha um papel importante na carcinogênese. Os genes da instabilidade de microssatélites podem influenciar a resposta ao estresse oxidativo, afetando a capacidade das células tumorais de lidar com o dano oxidativo e promovendo a sobrevivência celular. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na compreensão dos genes envolvidos na instabilidade de microssatélites no câncer colorretal e como eles contribuem para o desenvolvimento da doença, relacionando com processos inflamatórios e estresse oxidativo nas células tumorais. Justifica-se pela necessidade de compreensão das interconexões entre a instabilidade de microssatélites, inflamação e o estresse oxidativo em pacientes com câncer colorretal.

Microsatellite instability is a genetic phenomenon characterized by changes in the repetition of nucleotide sequences known as microsatellites. This instability may occur due to defects in DNA repair genes, such as the MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2 genes. Chronic inflammation has been linked to the development of colorectal cancer. Microsatellite instability genes are involved in regulating the inflammatory response and may influence tumor progression. Studies have shown that the presence of microsatellite instability in colorectal tumors is related to a greater infiltration of immune cells, such as T lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils, which can modulate the inflammatory response in the tumor microenvironment. Oxidative stress is characterized by the imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the body's antioxidant capacity and plays an important role in carcinogenesis. Microsatellite instability genes can influence the response to oxidative stress, affecting the ability of tumor cells to deal with oxidative damage and promoting cell survival. The objective of this work is to understand the genes involved in microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer and how they contribute to the development of the disease, relating it to inflammatory processes and oxidative stress in tumor cells. It is justified by the need to understand the interconnections between microsatellite instability, inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with colorectal cancer.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574645


Este estudo buscou avaliar as contribuições de um treinamento parental híbrido realizado com oito mães de crianças pré-escolares com transtorno do espectro do autismo baseado na ciência da análise do comportamento aplicada para a redução do estresse parental. Foi realizado a construção e implementação do treinamento parental híbrido. A amostra foi dividida em grupo tratamento e controle. Em termos de análise de dados, foram feitas comparações do nível de estresse no período pré/pós-intervenção, assim como a análise de uma prática direta com a criança de forma presencial com o grupo tratamento. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as mães do grupo tratamento reagiram positivamente com as vídeos e materiais apresentados. No entanto, não foi observado diferenças estatísticas significativas para sugerir a redução do nível de estresse entre os dois grupos. As limitações do estudo foram o tamanho reduzido da amostra e o fato das crianças de ambos os grupos continuarem recebendo o tratamento em terapia intensiva durante a aplicação do treinamento parental.

Este estudio buscó evaluar los aportes de un entrenamiento parental híbrido realizado con ocho madres de niños preescolares con trastorno del espectro autista basado en la ciencia del análisis aplicado de la conducta para la reducción del estrés parental. Se llevó a cabo la construcción e implementación de un entrenamiento parental híbrido. Se dividió la muestra en grupo de tratamiento y control, y se realizaron comparaciones del nivel de estrés en el período pre/postintervención, así como el análisis de la práctica directa con el niño en un cara a cara con el grupo de tratamiento. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que las madres del grupo de tratamiento reaccionaron positivamente a los videos y materiales presentados; sin embargo, no se observaron diferencias estadísticas significativas que sugieran una reducción en el nivel de estrés entre los dos grupos. Las limitaciones del estudio fueron el pequeño tamaño de la muestra y el hecho de que los niños de ambos grupos continuaron recibiendo tratamiento de terapia intensiva durante la implementación de la capacitación de los padres.

This study sought to evaluate the contributions of a hybrid parental training carried out with eight mothers of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder, based on the science of applied behavioral analysis for reducing parental stress. The hybrid parental training was constructed and implemented by the researchers. The sample was divided into two groups: a Treatment Group and a Control Group. In the data analysis, comparisons were made of the levels of stress pre- and post-intervention and for the treatment group, direct practice with the child in a face-to-face environment was also analyzed. The results showed that the mothers in the treatment group reacted positively to the video and materials presented; however, no significant statistical differences were found that would suggest a reduction in stress levels between the two groups as a result of the training given. The limitations of the study were its small sample size and the fact that the children in both groups continued to receive intensive therapy treatment during the application of the parental training.

Psicol. Caribe ; 41(3): 4-4, sep.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575440


Resumen Introducción: Los trabajadores de primera respuesta a emergencias se encuentra expuestos a factores psicosociales que pueden incrementar el riesgo de estrés, debido, entre otras variables, a las condiciones propias de las funciones ejercidas lo cual puede menoscabar el estado de salud de esta población. Objetivo: Determinar los síntomas reveladores de la presencia de reacciones de estrés en personal de primera respuesta a emergencias y su asociación con la edad y la antigüedad en la institución. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal que incluyó el personal de primera respuesta a emergencias de una institución de bomberos en Colombia, 215 participantes. Se realizó asociación entre el nivel de estrés y las variables edad y antigüedad. Resultados: Se encontró un nivel de estrés alto y muy alto del 50.3%. Los síntomas fisiológicos y de comportamiento social presentaron los niveles más altos. Los trabajadores con mayor edad presentaron mayor estrés. No se presentó asociación con la antigüedad en el cargo. Conclusión: Más de la mitad de la población tiene niveles de estrés alto y muy alto. Los trabajadores de primera respuesta a emergencias con mayor edad fueron los que presentaron niveles de riesgo más alto de estrés.

Abstract Introduction: First responders in emergencies are exposed to psychosocial factors that can increase the risk of stress, due, among other variables, to the conditions of the functions performed, which can undermine the health status of this population. Objective: Determine the symptoms that reveal the presence of stress reactions in first responders to emergencies and their association with age and seniority in the institution. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out that included first responders to emergencies from a fire department in Colombia, 215 participants. An association was made between the level of stress and the variables age and seniority. Results: A high and very high stress level of 50.3% was found. Physiological and social behavior symptoms presented the highest levels. Older workers had greater stress. There was no association with length of service. Conclusion: More than half of the population has high and very high stress levels. The oldest emergency first responders were those with the highest risk levels of stress.

Rev. Investig. Innov. Cienc. Salud ; 6(2): 40-55, jul.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575796


Abstract Background: Role stress is linked to reduced work performance, diminished organizational commitment, increased intention to leave a job, and negative physical and mental health effects. Given the significant implications of role stress, researchers have sought to understand and quantify the concept. The Role Conflict and Ambiguity (RCA) scales are widely utilized in job stress research as the predominant measurement tools. They were originally conceptualized as consisting of two independent dimensions: role conflict and role ambiguity. Objective: This study advances the validation research of the RCA scales by exploring its dimensionality through Mokken Scale Analysis (MSA) and Classical Test Theory (CTT). Method: South African school teachers responded to the RCA scales, Maslach Burnout Inventory, and Teaching Satisfaction Scale. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and MSA were employed for data analysis. Results: The research determined that a second-order model provided the optimal fit, indicating that role ambiguity and role conflict are subordinate dimensions within the overarching construct of role stress. Conclusion: The findings from the CFA and supplementary bifactor indices reinforce the view that the instrument comprises 13 items, which assess a general dimension of role stress along with two sub-dimensions: role conflict and role ambiguity. Such specificity may lead to more effective strategies to mitigate role-related stress, thereby enhancing overall employee well-being, job satisfaction, and organizational productivity.

Resumen Antecedentes: El estrés de rol está relacionado con la reducción del rendimiento laboral, la disminución del compromiso organizativo, el aumento de la intención de abandonar el trabajo y los efectos negativos sobre la salud física y mental. Dadas las importantes implicaciones del estrés de rol, los investigadores han tratado de comprender y cuantificar este concepto. Las escalas de Conflicto y Ambigüedad de Roles (RCA) se utilizan ampliamente en la investigación del estrés laboral como herramientas de medición predominantes. Al principio, se conceptualizaron como dos dimensiones independientes: conflicto de rol y ambigüedad de rol. Objetivo: Este estudio avanza en la investigación de validación de las escalas RCA, explorando su dimensionalidad mediante el Análisis de Escalas de Mokken (MSA) y la Teoría Clásica de los Test (CTT). Método: Profesores sudafricanos respondieron a las escalas RCA, Maslach Burnout Inventory y Teaching Satisfaction Scale. Se emplearon el Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) y el MSA para el análisis de los datos. Resultados: La investigación determinó que un modelo de segundo orden proporcionaba el ajuste óptimo, indicando que la ambigüedad de rol y el conflicto de rol son dimensiones subordinadas dentro del constructo global del estrés de rol. Conclusiones: Los resultados del AFC y los índices bifactoriales suplementarios refuerzan la opinión de que el instrumento consta de 13 ítems, que evalúan una dimensión general de estrés de rol junto con dos subdimensiones: conflicto de rol y ambigüedad de rol. Esta especificidad puede conducir a estrategias más eficaces para mitigar el estrés relacionado con el rol, mejorando así el bienestar general de los empleados, la satisfacción en el trabajo y la productividad de la organización.

Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e78988, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563239


Objetivo: avaliar ansiedade, estresse e depressão antes e após o treinamento físico em acometidos pela Covid-19. Método: estudo quase-experimental realizado em Goiânia com pacientes que tiveram Covid-19 moderada a grave, após internação. Investigou-se ansiedade, estresse e depressão por meio da DASS-21. Os participantes realizaram dezoito sessões de treinamento físico, três vezes/semana composto por exercícios aeróbios, resistidos e de flexibilidade. Utilizou-se teste Shapiro Wilk para distribuição e os testes t pareado e Wilcoxon com nível de significância de p<0,05 para comparações. Resultado: participaram dezessete indivíduos com 55,59(±5,20) anos, predominantemente mulheres (64,7%), média de dezessete dias internados, maioria obesos (52,9%) com alguma doença prévia à Covid-19 (76,5%). Houve redução da ansiedade (mediana de 9,0 para 2,0 [p=0,001]), estresse de 10,0 para 2,0 (p=0,001) e depressão de 6,0 para 2,0 (p<0,001) após treinamento físico. Conclusão: o treinamento físico foi eficaz para melhora da ansiedade, estresse e depressão após dezoito sessões.

Objective: to assess anxiety, stress and depression before and after physical training in people affected by Covid-19. Method: a quasi-experimental study carried out in Goiania with patients who had moderate to severe Covid-19 after hospitalization. Anxiety, stress and depression were investigated using the DASS-21. The participants underwent eighteen physical training sessions, three times a week, consisting of aerobic, resistance and flexibility exercises. The Shapiro Wilk test was used for distribution and the paired t-test and Wilcoxon test with a significance level of p<0.05 were used for comparisons. Results: seventeen individuals took part, aged 55.59 (±5.20) years, predominantly women (64.7%), an average of seventeen days in hospital, the majority obese (52.9%) with some illness prior to Covid-19 (76.5%). There was a reduction in anxiety (median from 9.0 to 2.0 [p=0.001]), stress from 10.0 to 2.0 (p=0.001) and depression from 6.0 to 2.0 (p<0.001) after physical training. Conclusion: physical training was effective in improving anxiety, stress and depression after eighteen sessions.

Objetivo: evaluar la ansiedad, el estrés y la depresión antes y después del entrenamiento físico en afectados por la Covid-19. Método: estudio cuasi-experimental realizado en Goiânia con pacientes que tuvieron Covid-19 moderada a grave, tras hospitalización. Se investigó la ansiedad, el estrés y la depresión mediante el DASS-21. Los participantes realizaron dieciocho sesiones de entrenamiento físico, tres veces por semana compuesto por ejercicios aeróbicos, de resistencia y de flexibilidad. Se utilizó la prueba Shapiro Wilk para distribución y las pruebas t pareada y Wilcoxon con nivel de significancia de p<0,05 para comparaciones. Resultado: participaron diecisiete individuos con 55,59 (±5,20) años, predominantemente mujeres (64,7%), media de diecisiete días hospitalizados, mayoría obesos (52,9%) con alguna enfermedad previa a la Covid-19 (76,5%). Hubo reducción de la ansiedad (mediana de 9,0 a 2,0 [p=0,001]), estrés de 10,0 a 2,0 (p=0,001) y depresión de 6,0 a 2,0 (p<0,001) tras el entrenamiento físico. Conclusión: el entrenamiento físico fue eficaz para mejorar la ansiedad, el estrés y la depresión después de dieciocho sesiones.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(6): 823-838, nov. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579067


The Lamiaceae family is rich in secondary metabolites, such as essential oils comprising flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and terpenoids. Micronutrients play a crucial role in plant metabolism and secondary metabolites production. This review summarizes and emphasizes the significance of foliar micronutrient nutrition in facilitating the accumulation of secondary metabolites in the Lamiaceae family, based on research literature from 2010 to 2023 using dependable databases like Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct. Spraying micronutrients notably enhanced the biosynthesis of various secondary metabolites in Lamiaceae species, especially for nutrients that do not move easily (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B, and Si). Using nano-micronutrients as foliar application on Lamiaceae medicinal plants was more effective than traditional soil treatment. This review highlighted the importance of additional investigation on Cerium, Titanium, and Boron. Genera such as Lavandula, Satureja, Origanum, Lippia, and Hyssopus require more research in the future.

La familia Lamiaceae es rica en metabolitos secundarios, como aceites esenciales que comprenden flavonoides, compuestos fenólicos y terpenoides. Los micronutrientes desempeñan un papel crucial en el metabolismo de las plantas y la producción de metabolitos secundarios. Esta revisión resume y enfatiza la importancia de la nutrición foliar de micronutrientes para facilitar la acumulación de metabolitos secundarios en la familia Lamiaceae, basándose en la literatura de investigación de 2010 a 2023 utilizando bases de datos confiables como Scopus, Google Scholar, PubMed y Science Direct. La pulverización de micronutrientes mejoró notablemente la biosíntesis de varios metabolitos secundarios en especies de Lamiaceae, especialmente para nutrientes que no se mueven fácilmente (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B y Si). El uso de nano-micronutrientes como aplicación foliar en plantas medicinales de Lamiaceae fue más efectivo que el tratamiento tradicional del suelo. Esta revisión resaltó la importancia de investigaciones adicionales sobre Cerio, Titanio y Boro. Géneros como Lavandula, Satureja, Origanum, Lippia y Hyssopus requieren más investigación en el futuro.

Lamiaceae/growth & development , Lamiaceae/metabolism , Flavonoids/metabolism , Lamiaceae/chemistry
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(5): 681-690, Septiembre 16, 2024. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571840


Introducción. El acoso laboral y sexual son problemas latentes durante la formación de los cirujanos, que conllevan repercusiones negativas a nivel individual, organizacional y del sistema sanitario. El objetivo del presente estudio fue explorar la prevalencia de estos tipos de acoso en residentes de cirugía colombianos. Métodos. Estudio nacional, de corte transversal, realizado en los veinte programas de residencia del país en septiembre de 2023. Los residentes autoevaluaron su exposición a ambas formas de acoso mediante cuestionarios validados. Se realizaron comparaciones entre víctimas y no víctimas de acoso, en función de las características demográficas de la población. Se evaluó la frecuencia de conductas de acoso laboral cometidas por diferentes perpetradores. Resultados. Se incluyeron 238 residentes (64,7 % del total de la población). Las tasas de acoso laboral y sexual fueron de 35,3 % y 18,1 %, respectivamente. Ambos tipos de acoso fueron significativamente mayores en los programas ubicados en el centro del país. El acoso sexual fue significativamente mayor entre las mujeres. Los profesores de cirugía y los residentes de niveles superiores fueron los principales perpetradores de conductas de acoso laboral. Conclusiones. El acoso laboral y sexual es altamente prevalente en la formación de los cirujanos colombianos. Estos hallazgos deben alertar a profesores, médicos residentes y otros grupos de interés, para fomentar ambientes y cultura educativa saludables, que permitan disminuir la prevalencia de estos comportamientos.

Introduction. Workplace and sexual harassment are latent problems during surgical training, which have negative repercussions at the individual, organizational and health system levels. The objective of the present study was to explore the prevalence of these types of harassment in all Colombian surgical residents. Methods. National cross-sectional study conducted in twenty residency programs in September 2023. Residents self-assessed their exposure to both forms of harassment using validated questionnaires. Comparisons were made between victims and non-victims of bullying, based on the demographic characteristics of the population. The frequency of workplace harassment behaviors committed by different perpetrators was evaluated. Results. A total of 238 residents were included (64.7% of population). Rates of workplace and sexual harassment were 35.3% and 18.1%, respectively. Both types of harassment were significantly higher in programs located in the central region of the country. Sexual harassment was significantly higher among women. Surgery professors and senior residents were the main perpetrators of workplace bullying behaviors. Conclusions. Workplace and sexual harassment is highly prevalent during surgical training of Colombian surgeons. These findings should alert professors, residents, and other interest groups to promote healthy educational environments and culture, which will reduce the prevalence of these behaviors.

Humans , Sexual Harassment , Bullying , General Surgery , Health Postgraduate Programs , Occupational Stress
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(5): 749-759, sept. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1578638


In this study, the protectivity of silymarin (SY) against the harmful effects of paclitaxel (PX) on the heart was investigated. PX was administered 2 mg/kg intraperitoneally to the PX group, 100 mg/kg SY wasadministered by gavage to the SY group, and both drugs were administered to the PX + SY group as other groups. Treatment with SY significantly decreased cardiac troponin I (cTn-I), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (CK-MB) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels. In the PX group; the decrease in glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels and the increase in malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were significantly normalized with SY administration. Histologically; heart injury was significantly reduced in the PX + SY group compared to the PX group. As a result, it was determined that SY, which has antioxidant, anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory effects, could protect the heart tissue from the toxic effects of PX.

En este estudio, se investigó la protección de la silimarina (SY) contra los efectos nocivos del paclitaxel (PX) en el corazón. Se administraron 2 mg/kg de PX por vía intraperitoneal al grupo de PX, se administraron 100 mg/kg de SY por sonda al grupo de SY y ambos fármacos se administraron al grupo de PX + SY como a otros grupos. El tratamiento con SY disminuyó significativamente los niveles de troponina I cardíaca (cTn-I), péptido natriurético cerebral (BNP), isoenzima MB de creatina quinasa (CK-MB) y lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH). En el grupo PX; la disminución de los niveles de glutatión (GSH), catalasa (CAT) y superóxido dismutasa (SOD) y el aumento de los niveles de malondialdehído (MDA) se normalizaron significativamente con la administración de SY. Histológicamente; la lesión cardíaca se redujo significativamente en el grupo PX + SY en comparación con el grupo PX. Como resultado, se determinó que SY, que tiene efectos antioxidantes, antiapoptóticos y antiinflamatorios, podría proteger el tejido cardíaco de los efectos tóxicos del PX.

Silymarin/administration & dosage , Silymarin/pharmacology , Paclitaxel/toxicity , Heart/drug effects , Silymarin/therapeutic use , Paclitaxel/adverse effects , Protective Agents/therapeutic use , Protective Agents/pharmacology
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(5): 783-792, sept. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1578657


This study investigated Yishentongluo Recipe (YSTLF) effects on renal oxidative stress and fibrosis in membranous nephropathy (MN) rats. MN was induced by cationized bovine serum albumin injection. Rats were divided into control, MN, YSTLF, and benazepril groups. After four weeks of treatment, urine protein levels (UTP), serum total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), total protein (TP), and albumin (ALB) were assessed. Kidney microstructure, IgG immune complex deposition, and protein expressions of superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), transforming growth factor ß1 (TGF-ß1), collagen I (Collagen-I), α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), nuclear factor E2-related factor (Nrf2), haem oxygenase 1 (HO-1), and NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4) were evaluated. YSTLF and BNPL treatments reduced UTP, TC, TG, increased TP and ALB levels, downregulated TGF-ß1, Collagen-I, and α-SMA, and upregulated Nrf2, HO-1, and NOX4. YSTLF partially reversed SOD reduction and MDA elevation, suggesting its efficacy in alleviating renal oxidative stress and fibrosis in MN rats via Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway activation.

Este estudio investigó los efectos de la receta Yishentongluo (YSTLF) sobre el estrés oxidativo renal y la fibrosis en ratas con nefropatía membranosa (MN). La MN se indujo mediante inyección de albúmina sérica bovina cationizada. Las ratas se dividieron en grupos de control, MN, YSTLF y benazepril. Después de cuatro semanas de tratamiento, se evaluaron los niveles de proteína en orina (UTP), colesterol total (CT), triglicéridos (TG), proteína total (TP) y albúmina (ALB) en suero. Se evaluaron la microestructura renal, el depósito de complejos inmunes IgG y expresiones proteicas de superóxido dismutasa (SOD), malondialdehído (MDA), factor de crecimiento transformante ß1 (TGF-ß1), colágeno I (Colágeno-I), α-actina del músculo liso (α-SMA), el factor nuclear E2 (Nrf2), la hemooxigenasa 1 (HO-1) y la NADPH oxidasa 4 (NOX4). Los tratamientos con YSTLF y BNPL redujeron UTP, TC, TG, aumentaron los niveles de TP y ALB, regularon negativamente TGF-ß1, Colágeno-I y α-SMA, y regularon positivamente Nrf2, HO-1 y NOX4. YSTLF revirtió parcialmente la reducción de SOD y la elevación de MDA, lo que sugiere su eficacia para aliviar el estrés oxidativo renal y la fibrosis en ratas MN mediante la activación de la vía de señalización Nrf2/HO-1.

Animals , Rats , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , Fibrosis/prevention & control , Oxidative Stress/drug effects , Medicine, Chinese Traditional
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226772


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide (WHO, 2017). In addition to the global and national morbidity and mortality burdens of the disease, it imposes a substantial economic burden on society. The American heart association predicts that by 2035, 45% of Americans will suffer from CVD with costs expected to reach $1.1 trillion annually. Clinical trials have demonstrated that a nut-containing diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, while high in poly and monounsaturated fatty acids has a beneficial effect on plasma lipids and lipoproteins when compared with either a low fat or average American diet. Other bioactive compounds present in walnuts, including micronutrients, fiber, and phytochemicals, may also contribute to their cardio protective effect by reducing inflammation, improving vascular reactivity, and lowering oxidative stress. It has been demonstrated that the consumption of walnuts resulted in significant reduction in body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat, increased lean body mass and an increased amount of water in the body. A large population cohort study also demonstrated a marked reduction in body weight and other anthropometric parameters in people on regular consumption of walnuts.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226762


Background: KaraCalm™ is a novel polyherbal formulation obtained from the combination of Valeriana officinalis extract, Passiflora incarnata extract, Ocimum sanctum extract, Ziziphus jujuba extract, Rosmarinus officinalis extract, and Nigella sativa extract. The objective of the present investigation was to assess the efficacy and safety of KaraCalm™ to manage stress and improve sleep in healthy subjects in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study. Methods: A total of 60 healthy volunteers were randomized into two groups, with 30 subjects in the KaraCalm™ group and 30 in the placebo group. Participants were asked to take KaraCalm™ 500 mg or placebo once daily for 56 days. As primary outcomes, sleep analysis was performed by using Actiwatch, while stress level was evaluated with the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) scores from baseline to the end of the study period. Serum cortisol, and hs-CRP from baseline to the end of the study period were assessed as secondary endpoints. Results: An increase in overall sleep quality was observed in the KaraCalm™ group compared to the placebo as measured by total sleep time, onset latency, wake after sleep onset minutes, and number of awakenings. There was also a reduction in PSS scores in the KaraCalm™ group from baseline to the end of the study, indicating reduced stress levels. A significant reduction in Serum cortisol and hs-C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in the KaraCalm™ group from baseline to the end of the study further supported the effectiveness of KaraCalm™ in reducing stress. There was no significant change in the safety analyses of the patients in the intervention group when assessed from the start of the study to the end. Conclusions: KaraCalm™ can be considered a safe and effective dietary herbal Supplement to reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234146


Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has a heavy disease burden and is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Oxidative stress leads to the generation of inflammatory mediators and reactive oxygen species, which results in an inflammatory state, which plays a key role in the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications. We aimed to correlate the levels of Glycated Haemoglobin with Oxidative Stress. Methods: This study included 200 subjects, 100 were type 2 diabetics and 100 healthy non-diabetic individuals. All the individuals were subjected to analysis of Fasting Plasma Glucose, Glycosylated Haemoglobin, Malondialdehyde, Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione, Catalase, Uric Acid and Ascorbic Acid. The data thus generated was analyzed Statistically using the student 憈� test. ANOVA for comparison of mean in more than two groups. Pearson抯 coefficient of correlation was used to calculate the correlation between different parameters. p <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The results showed that as the Glycated Hb increased, the levels of FBS, MDA, Uric acid increased and Serum SOD, Glutathione, Catalase, and Ascorbic acid levels decreased this change was statistically significant (p<0.05). A positive significant correlation between HbA1c, and fasting blood Glucose, MDA, Uric Acid. SOD, Catalase, Ascorbic Acid and Glutathione showed a negative correlation with glycosylated Haemoglobin. Conclusions: It is hereby concluded that when glycated Hb increases the natural antioxidants that are SOD, catalase, and glutathione decrease to combat the increased formation of ROS. Serum MDA, increased with increased glycated Hb and shows a positive correlation, indicating increasing lipid peroxidation.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232799


Background: Urinary incontinence has an estimated incidence of 25-50% in the adult female population. It has a profound physical and psychosocial impact, compromising women抯 quality-of-life (QoL). The suburethral sling is currently considered the surgical treatment of choice for stress urinary incontinence (SUI). The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of urinary incontinence on women抯 QoL before and after transobturator suburethral sling surgery, as well as the effectiveness of surgical treatment.Methods: A prospective longitudinal, observational and analytical study was performed between June and December 2021. The study population included 64 women with urinary incontinence, to whom the King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ) was applied, before and after surgery.Results: Of the 64 women included in the study, 59.4% (n=38) had SUI and 40.6% (n=26) had mixed urinary incontinence (MUI). There was an improvement in the global KHQ score in 96.9% (n=62) of subjects, with a statistically and clinically significant impact on QoL (p<0.001). Patients with MUI had higher preoperative KHQ global scores, reflecting a more substantial impact on their QoL. Surprisingly, postoperative improvement in QoL was equally significant, both clinically and statistically (p<0.001), with no differences when comparing to isolated sui patients (p>0.05).Conclusions: QoL assessment questionnaires help to quantify individual impact of urinary incontinence and identify which patients benefited most from treatment. This study not only enhances our understanding of the true impact of urinary incontinence on QoL, but also emphasizes the effectiveness and importance of this minimally invasive surgery in improving the QoL of patients with SUI as well as MUI.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 1039-1048, ago. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569261


SUMMARY: Resveratrol (RES) and quercetine (QRC), is a promising agent relevant for both cancer chemoprevention and treatment via several signaling pathways, involved in their anticancer activity related to its chemotherapeutic potential, associated with the induction of ROS generation in cancer cells, leading to apoptosis. In our study, we have summarized the mechanisms of action of RES and QRC, and their pharmacological implications and potential therapeutic applications in cancer therapy. After treatment of Hep 2 cells with QRC or RES, the death pathways such as the cytochrome c release, ERK1/2 and IRS-1 pathways were upregulated, while cell survival pathway, including PI3K/AKT were downregulated. The RES and QRC caused oncosis, cells hypertrophy, hypercondensatin of chromatin, rupture of the plasma membrane and nuclear membrane, and formation of apoptotic bodies. Morphometric measurements of some cellular and nuclear parameters showed that RES and QRC induced an increase in cells and nuclear size, the nucleocytoplasmic ratio remained below 1 (N-Cyt R < 1), sign of low nuclear activity. The RES and QRC induced apoptosis of Hep2 cells by increasing of oxidative stress markers, MDA, and by modulating detoxifying enzymes, CAT and SOD. Our study results prove antiproliferative and proapoptotic properties of quercetin and resveratrol with regard to larynx cancer.

Resveratrol (RES) y quercetina (QRC), es un agente prometedor y relevante tanto para la quimioprevención como para el tratamiento del cáncer a través de varias vías de señalización, involucrado en su actividad anticancerígena relacionada con su potencial quimioterapéutico, asociado con la inducción de la generación de especies reactivas del oxígeno (ROS) en células cancerosas, lo que lleva a apoptosis. En nuestro estudio, hemos resumido los mecanismos de acción de RES y QRC, y sus implicaciones farmacológicas y posibles aplicaciones terapéuticas en la terapia del cáncer. Después del tratamiento de las células Hep 2 con QRC o RES, las vías de muerte, tal como la liberación de citocromo c, las vías ERK1/2 e IRS-1, se regulaban positivamente, mientras que la vía de supervivencia celular, incluida PI3K/AKT, se regulaba negativamente. El RES y el QRC provocaron oncosis, hipertrofia celular, hipercondensación de la cromatina, rotura de la membrana plasmática y nuclear y formación de cuerpos apoptóticos. Las mediciones morfométricas de algunos parámetros celulares y nucleares mostraron que RES y QRC indujeron un aumento en las células y el tamaño nuclear, la proporción nucleocitoplasmática se mantuvo por debajo de 1 (N- Cyt R <1), signo de baja actividad nuclear. RES y QRC indujeron la apoptosis de las células Hep2 aumentando los marcadores de estrés oxidativo, MDA, y modulando las enzimas desintoxicantes, CAT y SOD. Los resultados de nuestro estudio demuestran las propiedades antiproliferativas y proapoptóticas de la quercetina y el resveratrol con respecto al cáncer de laringe.

Humans , Quercetin/pharmacology , Cell Line, Tumor/drug effects , Resveratrol/pharmacology , Cell Survival , Cell Death , Apoptosis , Oxidative Stress , Cell Proliferation/drug effects
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20): 475-486, ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568525


Las redes sociales, al influir en las interacciones diarias y en la gestión de la información, emergen como un factor determinante en la estabilidad psíquica y afectiva de los individuos. Objetivo: Determinar la relación de la adicción a las redes sociales en la salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina humana en una universidad peruana. Material y métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, correlacional, transversal y analítico en el que colaboraron 172 educandos, 82 féminas y 90 varones. Se aplicó el cuestionario Adición a las Redes Sociales diseñado por Escurra y Salas el cual constó de 24 preguntas evaluadas mediante escala de Likert, el mismo fue validado con un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.94. Además, se utilizó el Cuestionario DASS-21 el cual consta de 21 ítems, subdividido en 3 subescalas: depresión, ansiedad y estrés y ha sido validado con un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.96. Resultados: 46.3% de los educandos presentó adicción en nivel medio y alto a las redes sociales. Se halló una correlación significativa entre la ansiedad, el estrés y la adicción a las redes sociales, aunque no se encontró una conexión relevante entre esta última y la depresión. Conclusión: La adicción a las redes sociales impacta negativamente en la salud mental de los educandos, generando niveles elevados de ansiedad y estrés

Social networks, by influencing daily interactions and information management, emerge as a determining factor in the psychic and affective stability of individuals. Objective: To determine the relationship of social media addiction in the mental health of human medicine students at a Peruvian university. Material and methods: Quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional and analytical study in which 172 students, 82 females and 90 males, collaborated. The questionnaire Addition to Social Networks designed by Escurra and Salas was applied which consisted of 24 questions evaluated by Likert scale, it was validated with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.94. In addition, the DASS-21 Questionnaire was used, which consists of 21 items, subdivided into 3 subscales: depression, anxiety and stress and has been validated with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.96. Results: 46.3% of the students presented addiction at medium and high level to social networks. A significant correlation was found between anxiety, stress and social media addiction, although no relevant connection was found between the latter and depression. Conclusion: Addiction to social networks negatively impacts on the mental health of students, generating high levels of anxiety and stress

As redes sociais, influenciando as interações diárias e a gestão da informação, emergem como um fator determinante na estabilidade psíquica e afetiva dos indivíduos. Objetivo: Determinar a relação do vício em redes sociais na saúde mental de estudantes de medicina humana em uma Universidade peruana. Material e métodos: estudo quantitativo, correlacional, transversal e analítico no qual colaboraram 172 educandos, 82 mulheres e 90 homens. Aplicou-se o questionário adenda às Redes sociais desenhado por escorra e Salas o qual consistiu de 24 perguntas avaliadas mediante escala de Likert, o mesmo foi validado com um Alfa de Cronbach de 0,94. Além disso, utilizou-se o questionário DASS-21 que consta de 21 itens, subdividido em 3 subescalas: depressão, ansiedade e estresse e foi validado com um Alfa de Cronbach de 0,96. Resultados: 46,3% dos educandos apresentaram dependência em nível médio e alto às redes sociais. Foi encontrada uma correlação significativa entre a ansiedade, o estresse e o vício em redes sociais, embora não tenha sido encontrada uma conexão relevante entre esta última e a depressão. Conclusão: o vício em redes sociais impacta negativamente na saúde mental dos educandos, gerando níveis elevados de ansiedade e estresse

Male , Female , Mental Health , Internet Addiction Disorder
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20): 540-553, ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568541


El trabajador en las diferentes áreas del poder judicial contribuye a agilizar dicho servicio, mejorando la atención al público, agilizando procesos que redundan en beneficio de los justiciables y a la sociedad en general, en la realización de este trabajo están sometidos a condiciones de estrés, su salud metal depende en gran medida de su inteligencia emocional y de la forma que sea capaz de manejarla. Esta investigación, de enfoque cualitativo, tuvo como objetivo reflexionar sobre la información científica orientada a brindar una visión general de Inteligencia emocional a nivel de Iberoamérica y sus efectos en la salud mental. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en español e inglés con las palabras clave inteligencia emocional, poder judicial, salud metal; arrojando un total de 64900 artículos. Seguidamente, se realizó la depuración a través de la revisión de títulos y resúmenes, quedando 21 artículos. Finalmente, se llevó a cabo el examen del total de los documentos siendo 16 investigaciones las que contaban con todos los criterios de inclusión y calidad, pasando a formar parte del estudio. Las bases de datos empleadas para esta revisión fueron: Scopus, Science Direct, EBSCO, Proquest, Scielo y Redalyc. Los resultados de esta investigación determinaron que, con el beneficio de esta práctica, hubo de reducción de los niveles de agresión de tipo verbal, en comparación, a los efectos alcanzados en agresión física, hostilidad e ira, hacia los usuarios que cuando no maneja la inteligencia emociona

The worker in the different areas of the judiciary contributes to streamline said service, improving customer service, streamlining judicial processes that benefit the defendants and society in general. This research, with a qualitative approach, aimed to compare the different scientific articles aimed at providing an overview of Emotional Intelligence at the Ibero-American level. For this, a systematic search was carried out in Spanish and English with the keywords emotional intelligence, judicial power; yielding a total of 64900 articles. Subsequently, the debugging was carried out through the review of titles and abstracts, leaving 21 articles. Finally, a total examination of the documents was carried out, 16 investigations being those that had all the inclusion and quality criteria, becoming part of the study. The databases used for this review were: Scopus, Science Direct, EBSCO, Proquest, Scielo and Redalyc. The results of this research determined that, The results obtained showed a similarity in the research designs, which were carried out in their entirety with the non-experimental design. There was a general reduction in the levels of verbal aggression, in comparison, to the effects achieved in physical aggression, hostility and anger, when emotional intelligence is handled

O trabalhador nas diferentes áreas do poder judiciário contribui para agilizar o referido serviço, melhorando o atendimento ao público, agilizando processos judiciais que beneficiam os réus e a sociedade em geral. Esta investigação, de abordagem qualitativa, teve como objetivo comparar os diferentes artigos científicos que visam fornecer uma visão geral da inteligência emocional a nível da Ibero-América. Para tanto, foi realizada uma busca sistemática em espanhol e inglês com as palavras-chave inteligência emocional, poder judicial; rendendo um total de 64.900 artigos. Em seguida, foi realizada a purificação por meio da revisão de títulos e resumos, restando 21 artigos. Por fim, foi realizado o exame total dos documentos, sendo 16 investigações que atenderam a todos os critérios de inclusão e qualidade, passando a fazer parte do estudo. As bases de dados utilizadas para esta revisão foram: Scopus, Science Direct, EBSCO, Proquest, Scielo e Redalyc. Os resultados desta pesquisa determinaram que, Os resultados obtidos mostraram semelhança nos desenhos de pesquisa, que foram realizados integralmente com o desenho não experimental. Houve uma redução geral nos níveis de agressão verbal, em comparação, aos efeitos alcançados na agressão física, hostilidade e raiva, quando a inteligência emocional é gerenciada

Odovtos (En línea) ; 26(2): 101-112, May.-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575329


Abstract The aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of 4 different surface treatments, on the crystallographic characteristics of Ultra-Translucent Zirconia. Fully sintered zirconia specimens of highly translucent yttria partially stabilized zirconia (Y-PSZ) (KATANA UTML) were divided into four experimental groups and a control group (n=10). Each group received one of the following surface treatments: sandblasting with 50µm alumina particles sandblasting with 110µm alumina particles, and grinding with a rotary high-speed turbine with and without water irrigation. For each sample, x-ray diffraction was carried out to analyze peak intensity, calculate the crystallite size, and detect the presence of compressive and tensile stress. Surface roughness was measured on all specimens using a standard scanning profilometer. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to qualitatively analyze the surfaces of the specimens. Statistical analysis included repeated measures analysis of variance and post hoc Tukey test (p≤0.05). The control group exhibited the highest crystallite size (323nm). All surface treatments led to a reduction in the crystallite size, with the most significant reduction observed in the groups subjected to sandblasting with 110µm alumina particles and high- speed grinding with irrigation. Sandblasting with 50µm alumina particles resulted in less transformation of the crystallite size. A general tendency of the diffraction peaks to shift to a lower angle can be observed in the experimental groups, indicating the presence of compressive stress on the samples. Profilometry revealed higher roughness in the ground samples (6,14µm and 6,57µm) compared to the sandblasted groups (2,93µm and 2,02µm). The crystal domain size showed a tendency to decrease after the surface treatments. Sandblasted samples, as well as ground samples without irrigation, exhibited compressive stress. Sandblasted samples had lower surface roughness compared to the ground samples. Sandblasting with 50µm alumina particles caused the least decrease in crystallite size.

Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los efectos de 4 tratamientos de superficie en las características cristalográficas de la zirconia ultratranslúcida. Especímenes de zirconia totalmente sinterizados, altamente translúcidos de zirconia parcialmente estabilizada con itrio (Y-PSZ) (KATANA UTML) se dividieron en cuatro grupos experimentales y un grupo de control (n=10). Cada grupo recibió uno de los siguientes tratamientos de superficie: arenado con partículas de alúmina de 50µm (Al2O3), arenado con partículas de alúmina de 110µm y desgaste con una turbina rotativa de alta velocidad con y sin irrigación. Para cada muestra, se llevó a cabo una difracción de rayos X para analizar la intensidad del pico, calcular el tamaño del cristalito y detectar la presencia de tensiones compresivas y tensiles. La rugosidad superficial se midió en todos los especímenes utilizando un perfilómetro estándar. Además, se realizó microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) para analizar cualitativamente las superficies de los especímenes. El análisis estadístico incluyó un análisis de varianza de medidas repetidas y una prueba de Tukey post hoc (p≤0,05). El grupo de control mostró el tamaño de cristalito más alto (323nm). Todos los tratamientos de superficie llevaron a una reducción en el tamaño del cristalito, con la reducción más significativa observada en los grupos sometidos a arenado con partículas de alúmina de 110µm y desgaste de alta velocidad con irrigación. El arenado con partículas de alúmina de 50µm resultó en una menor transformación del tamaño del cristalito. Se puede observar una tendencia general de los picos de difracción a desplazarse a un ángulo más bajo en los grupos experimentales, lo que indica la presencia de estrés compresivo en las muestras. La perfilometría reveló una mayor rugosidad en las muestras con desgaste con instrumento rotatorio (en comparación con los grupos arenados. El tamaño del cristalito mostró una tendencia a disminuir después de los tratamientos de superficie. Las muestras arenadas, así como las muestras desgastadas sin irrigación, mostraron estrés compresivo. Las muestras arenadas tuvieron una menor rugosidad superficial en comparación con las muestras desgastadas con rotatorio. El arenado con partículas de alúmina de 50µm provocó la menor disminución en el tamaño del cristalito.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 67(4): 7-20, jul.-ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575776


Resumen La contaminación ambiental es uno de los factores que favorece el estrés oxidante, ya que expone al organismo a materiales diversos que generan radicales libres y afectan al sistema respiratorio, cardiovascular, inmunológico y nervioso de las personas más vulnerables como los niños, adultos mayores y personas con enfermedades crónicas. Para prevenir o reducir el estrés oxidante, el cual es un desequilibrio entre la producción de radicales libres y la capacidad del organismo de neutralizarlo, se recomienda consumir una dieta equilibrada y rica en antioxidantes naturales los cuales se encuentran diversos alimentos, especialmente en frutas y verduras con colores intensos, en las semillas y las especias. En las últimas décadas se ha demostrado la eficacia del consumo de antioxidantes naturales como: el resveratrol vino, el café, la curcumina, el ajo, la vitamina C, la vitamina E y el té verde que presentan efectos benéficos como: proteger membranas celulares, regular la expresión de genes relacionados con la inflamación, prevenir o reducir el daño endotelial, disminuir la frecuencia o severidad de enfermedades neurodegenerativas, hepáticas y pulmonares, así como estimular al sistema inmunológico.

Abstract Environmental pollution can promote oxidative stress by exposing the body to various elements and substances that generate free radicals, such as lead and vanadium. These free radicals can negatively impact the respiratory, cardiovascular, immune, and neurological systems of vulnerable populations, including children, the elderly, and those with chronic diseases. To prevent or reduce oxidative stress, it is recommended to consume a balanced diet rich in natural antioxidants. These antioxidants can be found in various foods, especially in fruits and vegetables with intense colors, seeds, and spices. In recent decades, the effectiveness of consuming natural antioxidants such as resveratrol found in wine, coffee, curcumin, garlic, vitamin C, vitamin E, and green tea has been demonstrated. These antioxidants have beneficial effects on the body, including the protection of cell membranes, regulation of gene expression associated with inflammation, prevention or reduction of endothelial damage, and the decrease or diminished severity of neurodegeneration, liver, and pulmonary disorders. Additionally, they stimulate the immune response.