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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;71(1)dic. 2023.
Article in English | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1514966


Introduction: The litterfall production, foliar nutrient dynamics and decomposition are essential to maintain nutrient cycling, soil fertility, and carbon regulation in terrestrial ecosystems. With several studies addressing the variation of these processes, their dynamics in tropical dry forests (TDFs) remain unclear, due to its complex interaction of biotic and abiotic factors. Objective: To evaluate litterfall, nutrient potential return and use efficiency, and decomposition variation in a TDF successional gradient in Tolima, Colombia. Methods: We quantified litterfall from November 2017 to October 2019 in 12 plots distributed in four successional stages: initial, early, intermediate, and late forests. We identified key tree species in foliar litter production and characterized the foliar decomposition of these species. At the community level, we quantified the C, N and P potential return, the N and P use efficiency, and the C:N and N:P ratio. Subsequently, we analyze relationships between vegetation characteristics and some soil chemical properties with these ecological processes. Results: We found that total litterfall in late forests (8.46 Mg ha-1 y-1) was double that found in initial forests (4.45 Mg ha-1 y-1). Decomposition was higher in initial (k = 1.28) compared to intermediate (k = 0.97) and late forests (k = 0.87). The nutrient potential return didn't change along succession, but it did show differences between study sites. The structural development and species richness favored litterfall, while soil chemical conditions influenced nutrient returns and decomposition. Conclusions: TDFs could recover key ecosystem function related to litterfall and nutrient dynamics after disturbances cessation; however, the soil quality is fundamental in return and release of nutrients.

Introducción: La producción de hojarasca, la dinámica de nutrientes foliares y la descomposición son esenciales para mantener el ciclo de nutrientes, la fertilidad del suelo y la regulación del carbono en ecosistemas terrestres. Con diversos estudios que abordan estos procesos, su variación en los bosques secos tropicales (BSTs) permanece incierta, por su compleja interacción de factores bióticos y abióticos. Objetivo: Evaluar la caída de hojarasca, el retorno potencial de nutrientes y eficiencia de uso, y la variación en descomposición en un gradiente sucesional de un BST en Tolima, Colombia. Métodos: Cuantificamos la caída de hojarasca entre noviembre 2017 y octubre 2019 en 12 parcelas distribuidas en cuatro estados sucesionales: bosque inicial, temprano, intermedio y tardío. Identificamos las especies arbóreas clave en la producción de hojarasca y caracterizamos la descomposición foliar de estas especies. A nivel comunitario, cuantificamos el retorno potencial de C, N y P, la eficiencia de uso de N y P y la relación C:N y N:P. Posteriormente, analizamos las relaciones entre las características de la vegetación y algunas propiedades químicas del suelo con estos procesos ecológicos. Resultados: Encontramos que la caída total de hojarasca en los bosques tardíos (8.46 Mg ha-1 año-1) fue el doble de la hallada en bosques iniciales (4.45 Mg ha-1 año-1). La descomposición fue mayor en bosques iniciales (k = 1.28) en comparación con bosques intermedios (k = 0.97) y tardíos (k = 0.87). El retorno potencial de nutrientes no cambió con el avance de la sucesión vegetal, pero exhibió diferencias entre los sitios de estudio. El desarrollo estructural y la riqueza de especies favorecieron la caída de hojarasca, mientras que las condiciones químicas del suelo influyeron en el retorno de nutrientes y descomposición. Conclusiones: Los BSTs tienen la capacidad de recuperar la función ecosistémica de aporte de hojarasca fina, retorno y liberación de nutrientes después del cese de alteraciones antrópicas; sin embargo, la calidad del suelo es fundamental en el retorno y liberación de nutrientes.

Soil Analysis , Nutrients/analysis , Tropical Ecosystem , Leaf Litter , Forests , Colombia , Humic Substances/analysis
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217197


Fargesia nitida is a cold-resistant evergreen bamboo and is a pioneer plant in the secondary succession after the native trees were destroyed in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. However, little is known about the effects of this plant on soil conditions and about its microbiomes. Aiming at learning the interactions among the soil characteristics, the plants and the microbes in relation to the plant succession, a study on cultivated microbes associated with the rhizocompartments of F. nitida was performed in the present study to reveal the preference of this plant to the root associated microbes, in comparison with that associated with the successive spruce (Picea asperata Mast.) trees. The results demonstrated that growth of F. nitida could improve the soil nutrient contents, especially increasing total nitrogen, NH4+-N, total carbon, and microbial biomass carbon, and maintained more soil bacteria than the successive spruce trees. Based upon the study of F. nitida root-associated cultivated microbial community, the nutrient improvement in F. nitida growing soils might be from the root endophytic bacteria, which presented greater abundance (3.8, 1.7, and 12.6 folds) than that of bacteria in its rhizosphere, root zone soil, and spruce root zone soil, respectively. Pseudomonas members, especially species related to P. baetica and P. vancouverensis, were strongly selected by F. nitida as root endophytes.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;70(1)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1423030


Introducción: La minería de oro a cielo abierto ocasiona impactos drásticos sobre los bosques naturales en regiones tropicales de alta biodiversidad, y la eficiencia de "revegetación", un proceso de resembrar y reconstruir el suelo, continúa siendo poco estudiado. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto del tiempo sucesional y la distancia al bosque de referencia sobre la estructura biológica y composición de especies en minas de oro revegetadas. Métodos: Realizamos inventarios de vegetación en minas abandonadas en el bosque tropical lluvioso de Chocó, Colombia. Las minas contaban con 6, 10, 15, 19 y 24 años de sucesión natural. En cada escenario, establecimos cuatro parcelas de 2×50 m: a 50 m y 100 m de distancia desde el borde bosque-mina (ecotono). Resultados: Se identificaron 300 especies (193 géneros y 75 familias). La riqueza, diversidad y equitatividad cambian poco con el tiempo sucesional en las minas, pero alcanzan valores superiores en el bosque de referencia. La composición de especies es similar entre las minas con distinto tiempo sucesional, pero difiere ampliamente del bosque de referencia (solo 7 % de semejanza). La calidad del sustrato y las estrategias reproductivas de plantas herbáceas (principalmente Cyperaceae y Melastomataceae) y arbóreas (Cespedesia spathulata y Miconia reducens) que crecen espontáneamente en las minas, juegan un papel importante en la revegetación natural temprana. Conclusiones: 24 años de sucesión natural es poco tiempo para apreciar una recuperación sustancial de la vegetación en las minas si se compara con el bosque, y la distancia desde el ecotono parece no tener efecto significativo; sin embargo, la calidad de sustrato y estrategias reproductivas de plantas herbáceas son importantes en la etapa temprana de recuperación de las áreas impactadas por la minería de oro en Chocó.

Introduction: Open pit gold mining causes drastic impacts on natural forests in tropical regions of high biodiversity, and the efficacy of "revegetation", a process of replanting and rebuilding the soil, is still poorly studied. Objective: To evaluate the effect of successional time, and distance to the reference forest, on the biological structure and species composition of revegetated gold mines. Methods: We inventoried the adjacent forest and abandoned gold mines in the tropical rain forest of Chocó, Colombia. The mines had 6, 10, 15, 19 and 24 years of natural succession. In each scenario, we set four 2 × 50 m plots: two 50 m and two 100 m from the forest-mine edge (ecotone). Results: We identified 300 plant species (193 genera, 75 families). The richness, diversity and evenness changed little with successional time in the mines but reached higher values in the forest. The species composition was similar between the mines with different successional times but differed widely from the forest (only 7 % similarity). The substrate quality and reproductive strategies of herbaceous plants (mainly Cyperaceae and Melastomataceae) and trees (Cespedesia spathulata and Miconia reducens) that grow spontaneously in the mines, play an important role on the early natural revegetation. Conclusions: The 24 years of natural succession have been insufficient to reach a community of a complexity similar to that of the forest, and distance from the ecotone has no significant effect; however, the substrate quality and reproductive strategies of herbaceous plants are important in the early stages of mine recovery in the Chocó.

Environmental Restoration and Remediation/statistics & numerical data , Mining , Colombia
Acta bioeth ; 28(1): 81-94, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383292


Resumen: El confinamiento por la pandemia del covid-19 afectó el otorgamiento de testamentos, siendo estos tan necesarios ante las crisis sanitarias cuando las personas precisan decidir el destino de sus bienes y otros actos individuales ante el riesgo de vida. La solemnidad del testamento impide el ejercicio de testar de los pacientes, incluso de las personas sanas. Facilitar el derecho de testar en tiempos de peste tiene contenido bioético, al estar de por medio la vida, salud, autodeterminación y el derecho de decidir el destino patrimonial. El testamento en épocas de pandemia, apoyado en las TIC, es una solución que debe viabilizarse con la ayuda de la digitalización y tecnología, con el fin de permitir el ejercicio de los derechos de última voluntad en aislamiento por contagio.

Abstract: The confinement due to the Covid pandemic affected the granting of wills, which are so necessary in the health crisis when people need to decide the fate of their property and other individual acts at the risk of life. The solemnity of the will impedes the exercise of testamentary rights of patients, even healthy people. Facilitating the right to testament in times of plague has a bioethical content since life, health, self-determination and the right to decide the destiny of property are at stake. The will in times of pandemic, supported by ICTs, is a solution that should be made feasible with the help of digitization and technology in order to allow the exercise of the rights of last will in isolation by contagion.

Resumo: O confinamento pela pandemia da covid-19 afetou a outorga de testamentos, sendo estes muito necessários durante as crises sanitárias, quando as pessoas precisam decidir o destino de seus bens e outros atos individuais diante do risco de vida. A solenidade do testamento impede o exercício de testar dos pacientes, inclusive das pessoas sadias. Facilitar o direito de testar em tempos de peste tem conteúdo bioético, al estar de por médio (no entendí el significado de esto) a vida, saúde, autodeterminação e o direito de decidir o destino patrimonial. O testamento em épocas de pandemia, apoiado nas TIC, é uma solução que deve viabilizar-se com a ajuda de digitalização e tecnologia, a fim de permitir o exercício dos direitos de última vontade no isolamento por contagio.

Humans , Wills/legislation & jurisprudence , Information Technology , Epidemics
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38073, Jan.-Dec. 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397075


The fluctuations in yield and consequently in production occurred due to climatic adversities in the main producing states of Brazil. Farming has changed over time, and past scenarios have shown high exploitation of natural resources focusing on soil tillage and conventional seeding methods. This study aimed to determine the yield performance of soybean grown under 10 consolidated crop succession systems. The experiment was conducted during the 2018/2019 crop season, before the research project entitled "Sustainable production systems with better use of biological and natural resources, with treatments arranged in a randomized block design and four replications". The treatments consisted of the following predecessor crops: Avena sativa, Avena strigosa, Triticum aestivum, Secale cereale, Brassica napus, Raphanus sativus, Avena strigosa + Raphanus sativus + Vicia sativa, Fallow, Avena strigosa + Lolium multiflorum, and Triticum aestivum ­ Fodder. Soybean was subsequently sown across winter crops. The succession that showed superior yield was Avena strigosa + Lolium multiflorum. This attribute was established by associating taller plants with the maximization of the number of grains per pod, hundred-grain mass, grain mass, and plant dry mass; in contrast, there was a lower emphasis on plant residue. The determining attributes for soybean yield were plant stand, plant height, the number of pods per plant, and total grain mass, with contrasts among groups composed of the succession of Avena sativa, Avena strigosa, Triticum aestivum, Secale cereale, and Brassica napus, distanced from Raphanus sativus, Avena strigosa + Raphanus sativus + Vicia sativa, Fallow, Avena strigosa + Lolium multiflorum, and Triticum aestivum - Fodder.

Glycine max/growth & development , Crop Production
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;69(2)jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387637


Resumen Introducción: Se han realizado múltiples estudios en bosques afectados por huracanes, pero la información obtenida para Costa Rica es escasa, o nula en el caso de impactos directos como lo fue Otto, por lo que es necesario ampliar el conocimiento que se tiene acerca de los efectos de estos fenómenos en bosques tropicales y los mecanismos de recuperación de estos biomas. Consecuentemente se vuelve necesario identificar la vulnerabilidad de los ecosistemas a largo plazo y cuantificar las pérdidas que se generan a diferentes escalas, producto de los intensos eventos pluviales y los fuertes vientos. Objetivo: Determinar el comportamiento y estado de la recuperación en un bosque secundario afectado directamente por el huracán Otto en Boca Tapada, Pital, San Carlos, Costa Rica. Métodos: Se establecieron 10 unidades de muestreo de 20 x 50 m distribuidas de forma sistemática dentro de un bosque secundario afectado por el huracán Otto en Boca Tapada de San Carlos. Se evaluó la condición actual del bosque, se identificaron las especies que más daño recibieron por consecuencia de los fuertes vientos, así como las que poseen capacidad de recuperarse a través de rebrotes. Se realizó un sobrevuelo con un vehículo no tripulado, y se construyó un ortomosaico que fue posteriormente digitalizado y clasificado de acuerdo con el estado de la cobertura forestal presente en tres tiempos evaluados, condición inicial, después del aprovechamiento forestal y la condición al momento de realizado el muestreo. Se comparó la densidad poblacional, diversidad y área basal con lo presentado para un bosque primario aledaño al sitio de estudio, que también fue afectado por el paso del huracán Otto. Resultados: Se obtuvo que un 69.5 % de los individuos con d ≥ 5 cm se encuentran en buen estado, un 20.3 % fue descopado y un 12.7 % inclinado sin exposición de raíces. La familia que más riqueza de especies aporta es Fabaceae, esta misma es la que más abundancia de individuos dañados posee y la que presentó mayor cantidad de especies con capacidad de rebrotar. La especie que más daños sufrió fue Couma macrocarpa (Euphorbiaceae). El área de cobertura boscosa inicial fue afectada en un 7,63 % por el aprovechamiento forestal, y en un 44.25 % por el paso del huracán Otto. Se determinó que existen diferencias significativas en la diversidad de especies (P = 0.0004; α = 0.05) y en la densidad de individuos (P = 0.0011; α = 0.05), el bosque secundario es quien posee la mayor media. No se presentaron diferencias significativas en los valores de área basal (P = 0.6951; α = 0.05). Conclusiones: Un 30,5 % de la masa forestal fue afectada por el paso del huracán Otto y la familia Fabaceae representa un papel importante en la recuperación del bosque. Además, el aprovechamiento forestal en un bosque puede aumentar el riesgo de afectación por el paso de huracanes y el bosque secundario posee mayor diversidad de especies y mayor densidad de individuos que el bosque primario.

Abstract Introduction: Multiple studies have been carried out in forests affected by hurricanes, but the information obtained for Costa Rica is scarce or null, in the case of direct impacts such as Otto, so it is necessary to expand the existing knowledge about the effects of these phenomena on tropical forests and the recovery mechanisms of these biomes. Consequently, it is necessary to identify the vulnerability of ecosystems in long term and quantify the losses that are generated at different scales, as a result of the intense events of rain and strong winds. Objective: Determining behavior and recovery status in a secondary forest directly affected by Hurricane Otto in Boca Tapada, Pital, San Carlos, Costa Rica. Methods: Ten 20 x 50 m sampling units were systematically distributed within a secondary forest affected by Hurricane Otto in Boca Tapada, San Carlos. The current condition of the forest was evaluated, the species that received the most damage due to high winds were identified, as well as those that have the capacity to recover through regrowths. An overflight was carried out with an unmanned aerial vehicle and an orthomosaic was constructed, subsequently digitized, and classified according to the state of the forest cover presented in three evaluated moments, initial condition, after logging and the condition at the time of sampling. Population density, diversity, and basal area, were compared to data obtained in an adjacent primary forest also affected by the passage of Hurricane Otto. Results: It was obtained that 69.5 % of individuals with d ≥ 5 cm are in good condition, 20.3 % were broken in the tree canopy and 12.7% inclined without exposure of the roots. The family that provided the greatest species richness is Fabaceae, which is the same with the greatest abundance of damaged individuals and the one with the highest number of species with the ability to resprouting. The species that suffered the most damage was Couma macrocarpa (Euphorbiaceae). The initial area of forest cover was reduced by 7.63 % due to logging and 44.25 % due to Hurricane Otto. It was determined that there are significant differences in species diversity (P = 0.0004; α = 0.05) and in the density of individuals (P = 0.0011; α = 0.05). The secondary forest has the highest average in both cases. There are no significant differences in the values of the basal area (P = 0.6951; α = 0.05). Conclusions: 30.5 % of the forest mass was affected by the passage of Hurricane Otto and the Fabaceae family plays an important role in forest recovery. In addition, forest harvesting in a forest can increase the risk of being affected by the passage of hurricanes and the secondary forest has a greater diversity of species and a higher density of individuals than the primary forest.

Regeneration , Forests , Costa Rica , Cyclonic Storms
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886191


Introduction: The aim of this study was to clarify the process by which family physicians succeed their parents in their family's clinic and issues that successors experience during this process.Methods: Subjects were certified family physicians in Japan who either succeeded their parents in their clinics or were working regularly at their family's clinic and were planning to succeed their parents. Participants were recruited through a certified family physician mailing list or privately contacted, and participated in a semi-structured individual interview. The text of the interviews was thematically analyzed.Results: Twelve participants were interviewed. All were male. Seven participants succeeded their parents. Family physicians succeeding their parents in their clinics felt implicit expectations towards succession from their family members and communities, which made them think that succession was the goal. They realized that they had no ability to decide on the timing of succession, clinics have customs and continuity, predecessors have different ideas about professionalism, and family businesses are complex. They felt conflict, especially about predecessors, in their emotions towards family members and ideas based on professionalism.Conclusion: We clarified the process of succession by family physicians in their family's clinic, and the issues and conflicts they face during this process.

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 736-744, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878901


In ancient times, there were two types of "Juhong" came from the tangerines(Citrus reticulata) and the pomelos(C. grandis and its cultivars), which corresponded to Juhong and Huajuhong recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia respectively. In different periods, Juhong basically came from the same species and the same medicinal parts, but there were also some differences. This article sorted out the ancient and modern literature, under the guidance of "Succession theory of Medicinal materials varieties" and "Change theory of Medicinal materials varieties"(XIE Zong-wan), and combined with field investigation, the evolution and reasons of the original plants and medicinal parts of Juhong were analyzed. In the Han Dynasty and before, the peel of tangerines and pomelos were both used as medicine. In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the way tangerine peel was used was dried and aged, and then "soaked in hot water and scraped off the mesocarp", which had the essence of only using exocarp as medicine of Juhong already, and its original plant was C. reticalata. In the Song Dynasty, the name of "Juhong" and its medicinal usage were recorded in book on materia medica, and the species and medicinal parts of tangerine were inherited from the previous dynasties. The way tangerine peel was used was only dried and aged without removing the mesocarp. The medicinal material obtained by the way was called Chenpi(dried and aged tangerine peel). The item "Juhong" listing as a separate medicinal material was first recorded in the Collected Discussions from Materia Medica(Bencao Huiyan) in the Ming Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the Dao-di habitat of Juhong was recorded as Guangdong province in most books on materia medica, and the original plants probably were C. reticalata and C. grandis 'Tomentosa'(Huazhou pomelo, a special cultivated species of C. grandis produced in Huazhou, Guangdong, which was recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia as "Huajuhong"), according to the records in the local chronicles. During the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the original plants of Juhong were C. reticalata and C. grandis 'Tomentosa'. Of the two, the latter one was considered as the better. As far the medicinal part, it was still the exocarp, while the whole young fruit of C. grandis 'Tomentosa' began to be used as medicine. After the founding of The People's Republic of China, the exocarps of Citrus reticalata, C. grandis and C. grandis 'Tomentosa' were listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia under "Juhong". From the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Republic of China, C. grandis exocarp was a fake of Juhong. Therefore, it was contradictory to historical records that C. grandis exocarp was listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia as Huajuhong. Juhong had been divided into two types as "Juhong" and "Huajuhong" since 1985. The medicinal part of Huajuhong was only the exocarp of immature and nearly mature fruits, but not the whole young fruit, the actual mainstream medicinal part of Huajuhong. The results are helpful to clarify the historical evolution of species and medicinal parts of Juhong and Huajuhong. It is suggested that in the next edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, only C. grandis 'Tomentosa' should be included as the original plant of Huajuhong, and C. grandis should be deleted, and the young fruit should be added in the medicinal parts besides the exocarp of immature and nearly mature fruit.

China , Citrus , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Fruit , Materia Medica , Medicine, Chinese Traditional
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(2): 275-284, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1411829


La Entomología Forense (EF) es una rama de las ciencias médico-legales (Ortloff et al. 2012), que utiliza como herramienta clave a insectos y otros artrópodos que interactúan con un cuerpo en descomposición (Gennard, 2007). El presente estudio se basó en un diseño observacional descriptivo de tipo poblacional, en el que se evaluó la diversidad de dípteros de la familia Calliphoridae y Muscidae en la parroquia rural de Posorja, Guayaquil. En el proceso experimental en los biomodelos A y B, se obtuvo que las temperaturas mínimas diarias presentaron un promedio de 21 °C (entre 20 °C y 22 °C) en lo que respecta a las temperaturas máximas diarias presentaron un promedio de 29,50 °C (entre 26 y 31 °C). En ambos biomodelos experimentales A y B, la exposición directa a los rayos solares y el espacio de liberación abierto contribuyo con el desarrollo de los cambios post mortem de descomposición cadavérica, como son el cromatismo, hinchado, licuefacción y reducción. A la par, de la ocurrencia de la sucesión de dípteros de interés criminalisticos, pertenecientes a las familias Calliphoridae y Muscidae. La importancia de de este acercamiento a la fauna de interés forense dentro de la provincia de Posorja, se muestra en el abanico de oportunidades que abre, con miras a la futura incorporación de la entomología forense en investigaciones criminalísticas en casos de homicidios y negligencias. Sin embargo, todavía eisten numerosas dificultades dificultades para este tipo de estudio en el Ecuador, por lo que se propone divulgar la escala estacional y espacial de de estas investigaciones, a través de convenios que permitan replicarlos en diversas partes del país en distintos ecosistemas y bajo distintas condiciones climáticas(AU)

Forensic Entomology (PE) is a branch of the medico-legal sciences (Ortloff et al. 2012), which uses insects and other arthropods that interact with a decomposing body as a key tool (Gennard, 2007). The present study was based on a descriptive observational design of a population type, in which the diversity of diptera of the Calliphoridae and Muscidae families in the rural parish of Posorja, Guayaquil was evaluated. In the experimental process in biomodels A and B, it was obtained that the minimum daily temperatures presented an average of 21 ° C (between 20 ° C and 22 ° C) with regard to the maximum daily temperatures presented an average of 29, 50 ° C (between 26 and 31 ° C). In both experimental biomodels A and B, direct exposure to sunlight and the open release space contributed to the development of post-mortem changes in cadaveric decomposition, such as chromaticism, swelling, liquefaction and reduction. At the same time, the occurrence of the succession of diptera of criminalistic interest, belonging to the Calliphoridae and Muscidae families. The importance of this approach to the fauna of forensic interest within the province of Posorja is shown in the range of opportunities that it opens up, with a view to the future incorporation of forensic entomology in criminal investigations in cases of homicides and negligence. However, there are still numerous difficulties for this type of study in Ecuador, so it is proposed to disclose the seasonal and spatial scale of these investigations, through agreements that allow replication in different parts of the country in different ecosystems and under different weather conditions(AU)

Animals , Guinea Pigs , Forensic Entomology
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;50(3): 213-222, jul. - set. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118827


The ruderal babassu palm (Attalea speciosa) is expanding on large areas of degraded Amazon landscapes. Decomposition of leaves and roots is in the center of plant:soil interactions. We evaluated decomposition and nutrient concentrations of leaves and fine roots of babassu in comparison with two exotic reference species, Acacia mangium (slow degradability) and Leucaena leucocephala (fast degradability), in a 138-day litterbag assay carried out in secondary forest stands of different age and babassu abundance. We chose 4-mm over 2-mm mesh litterbags based on a pilot study. Babassu leaves degraded slower than leaves of A. mangium and L. leucocephala, and also had lower nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium concentrations in all stages of decomposition. By contrast, potassium concentrations in babassu leaves were higher than in both reference species at 0 and 50 days. Roots of all three species decomposed slower than leaves. Compared to the leaves, both biomass loss and nutrient concentrations differed less between babassu and reference-species roots, except for lower nitrogen concentration in babassu roots. Leaf-litter decomposition of all three species was significantly faster in old than in young secondary forest, suggesting an acceleration of decomposition along succession. Babassu leaves decomposed faster in old babassu-dominated than non-dominated secondary forest, pointing to the existence of specialized decomposer communities in babassu-dominated stands. (AU)

Soil , Nutrients , Amazonian Ecosystem , Acacia , Organic Matter
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 23(1): e1483, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127546


RESUMEN Los bosques de los Andes son grandes reservorios de biodiversidad y de endemismos y constituyen una ecorregión terrestre prioritaria, a nivel mundial; no obstante, la pérdida y degradación de hábitats, suscitada por los conflictos de uso, ha generado consecuencias irreparables para la calidad en el suministro de recursos y servicios de estos ecosistemas, siendo una de las principales amenazas para su conservación. Para contrarrestar esta situación, una eventual alternativa radica en estudiar la sucesión ecológica de bosques secundarios, con el fin de conocer la ecología y el ensamblaje de las comunidades vegetales y, con ello, favorecer la toma de decisiones en materia de restauración de estos ecosistemas. En este estudio, se analizó la composición y la estructura de la vegetación secundaria del Bosque Andino, ubicado en el municipio de Chipaque (Cundinamarca). Se establecieron dos parcelas de 0,1ha y una de 0,05ha, abordando fragmentos de vegetación homogéneos; se hallaron 523 individuos, distribuidos en 69 especies, 36 géneros y 25 familias; los índices de diversidad evidenciaron tres comunidades vegetales diferentes, con baja dominancia y alta diversidad. Las densidades de individuos para clases diamétricas y alturas presentaron una tendencia a la distribución asimétrica positiva, evidenciando una regeneración activa; el Índice de Valor de Importancia señaló a las especies Clusia multiflora y Centronia brachycera, con mayor representatividad ecológica. La heterogeneidad florística encontrada proporciona conocimiento científico estratégico, para explorar diferentes alternativas de propagación e introducción de especies nativas, que resulten propicias para integrar en procesos de restauración, en áreas degradas de la región.

ABSTRACT The forests of the Andes are large reservoirs of biodiversity and endemism and constitute a priority land ecoregion worldwide. However, the loss and degradation of habitats caused by conflicts of use has generated irreparable consequences for the quality of the supply of resources and services of these ecosystems, being one of the main threats to their conservation. To counteract this situation, an eventual alternative lies in studying the ecological succession of secondary forests in order to know the ecology and assembly of plant communities, and thus, favor decision-making regarding the restoration of these ecosystems. In this study, the composition and structure of the secondary vegetation of the Andean Forest located in the municipality of Chipaque was analyzed. Two plots of 0.1ha and one of 0.05ha were established in homogeneous vegetation fragments; physiognomic variables were recorded for seedling, saplings and poles. There were 523 individuals distributed in 48 species, 36 genera and 25 families; the diversity indices showed three different plant communities with low dominance of species and high diversity of taxa. The densities of individuals for diameter classes and heights showed a tendency to positive asymmetric distribution, showing an active regeneration; the Value of Significance Index indicated the species Clusia multiflora and Centronia brachycera with greater ecological representativeness. The floristic heterogeneity found provides strategic scientific knowledge to explore different alternatives of propagation and introduction of native species in restoration processes in degraded areas of the region.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(2): 591-601, 01-03-2020. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146425


Understanding the influence of fragmentation on the behavior of forest essential elements in different vegetation formations is fundamental for the definition of conservation strategies. In this study, the aim was to evaluate the influence of the edge environment on the phytosociological structure of a fragment of Open Ombrophylous Forest, in Rio Largo, Alagoas. Five transects of 10.0 x 100.0 m were subdivided into ten 10.0 x 10.0 m plots to collect the data. All tree individuals with Chest Height Circumference ≥ 15 cm were sampled, measured and later identified in the herbarium of the Institute of the Environment of Alagoas. For the analysis, the phytosociological parameters Shannon-Wiener diversity (H'), Pielou equability (J') were calculated after defined the successional classes and dispersion syndromes of the species sampled. The edge effect was analyzed by comparing the richness, diversity, equability and number of individuals in the interior and at the edge of the fragment, using the Venn diagram technique. There were 581 arboreal individuals, of which 434 were identified as belonging to 20 families, 24 genera and 30 morphospecies. Among the raised species, there were higher occurrences of early secondary (46.67%) and late (23.33%), as well as those of zoocoric dispersion (53.33%). The diversity was 2.89 nats/ind., and the Pielou (J') equability was 0.8497. The edge environment did not influence the establishment of species. This may have occurred due to the environmental characteristics of the open ombrophylous forest.

Compreender a influência da fragmentação sobre o comportamento das essências florestais em diferentes formações vegetacionais é fundamental para que se possa definir estratégias de conservação. Neste trabalho,objetivou-se de avaliar a influência do ambiente de borda sobre estrutura fitossociológica de um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Aberta, em Rio Largo, Alagoas. Para a coleta dos dados foram alocados cinco transectos de 10,0 x 100,0 m, subdivididos em dez parcelas de 10,0 x 10,0 m. Foram amostrados todos osindivíduos arbóreos com Circunferência à Altura do Peito ≥ 15 cm, que foram mensurados e posteriormente identificados no herbário do Instituto do Meio Ambiente de Alagoas. Para a análise foram calculados osparâmetros fitossociológicos, a diversidade de Shannon-Wiener (H'), a equabilidade de Pielou (J'), definidas as classes sucessionais e síndromes de dispersão das espécies amostradas. O efeito de borda foi analisado por meio de comparação da riqueza, diversidade, equabilidade e número de indivíduos no interior e na borda do fragmento, empregando-se a técnica diagrama de Venn. Foram registrados 581 indivíduos arbóreos, dos quais 434 foram identificados como pertencentes a 20 famílias, 24 gêneros e 30 morfoespécies. Entre as espécies levantadas, houve maior ocorrência de secundárias iniciais (46,67%) e tardias (23,33%), assim como de dispersão zoocórica (53,33%). A diversidade foi de 2,89 nats/ind., e a equabilidade de Pielou (J') foi de 0,8497. O ambiente de borda não influenciou no estabelecimento de espécies. Isso pode ter ocorrido em virtude das características da floresta ombrófila aberta.

Brazil , Forests , Conservation of Natural Resources , Rainforest , Trees , Ecosystem , Biodiversity , Plant Development
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;42: e51183, fev. 2020. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460962


Seed biometrics is an excellent tool for understanding environmental filters, species potential and dispersal, successional stages of communities and the dynamics used by seeds to germinate, establish and develop, thus constituting a functional trait of the species. We aim to understand the relationship between aspects of seed biometrics and other phenological traits, in order to infer contributions about functional strategies in Caatinga. Between September 2017 and January 2019, 10 individuals of Cenostigma pyramidale(Tul.) LP Queiroz, Commiphora lepthophloeos(Mart.) JB Gillett, Jatropha mollissima(Pohl.) Baill., Monteverdia rigida(Mart.) Biral. Pseudobombax marginatum(A.ST.-Hil) A. Robyns, Zizyphus joazeiroMart. were monitored for the selection of three seed collection matrices. From each matrix 100 seeds were collected, which after screening resulted in 35 intact seeds that were used to measure length, width, thickness and volume. Caatinga seeds are generally small, as a result of the environmental stresses of the Brazilian semiarid. The analyzed variables separated three groups in the PCA. We noticed that these groups evidenced the successional stages in the Caatinga. One group included M. rigidaand P. marginatum,which are late secondary. C. pyramidaleand C. lepthophloeosformed another group coincident with intermediate successional stages. J. mollissimaand Z. joazeiroformed a group of pioneer species in anthropized environments. Another finding was that the area was in secondary succession. Thepioneer species presented the largest seeds and this characteristic is associated with the need for nutrient reserve that allows the embryo to germinate and last for a longer period without the need for exogenous nutrients, an essential condition for the Caatinga. With the advancement of ecological succession and the establishment of a more consolidated plant community, competition for resources, the frequent dispersion vector type and the nature of the environmental stresses present, the seeds may be smaller.

Biometry , Seed Dispersal , Seeds
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;63(spe): e20190651, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142512


Abstract To accelerate the recovery of degraded environments, it is necessary to use ecological restoration techniques, which require validation according to the ecosystem conditions where are implemented. This work aimed to evaluate soil microbiological attributes under different ecological restoration technologies in a subtropical forest. The study was conducted at UTFPR-DV, southwest of Paraná, in an ecotone between Mixed Ombrophilous Forest and Semideciduous Seasonal Forest and on an Oxisol. In December 2010, a tillage area of at least 17 years old was isolated and the passive restoration, tree planting and nucleation treatments were installed in 40x54 m plots and four replications. In November 2018 the soil was sampled in these plots and in a native forest area as a reference. There were calculated soil organic carbon content (OCC) and microbiological attributes such as microbial biomass N and C (NMIC and CMIC), basal respiration, fungal spore content and the metabolic (qCO2) and microbial quotient (MICq). It can be concluded that nucleation technology can restore soil microbiological attributes but has not yet reached the conditions of a natural environment. Passive restoration is not a good technology for restoring soil microbiological attributes. The higher contents of CMIC, NMIC, OCC, MICq and fungal spores in the soil under native forest compared to ecological restoration technologies indicate that eight years of adoption of these techniques have not yet been enough to fully recover soil microbiological activity.

Soil Microbiology , Forests , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Spores, Fungal , Tropical Climate , Brazil , Carbazoles , Carbon/analysis , Nitrogen/analysis
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;67(4)sept. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507552


La creciente presión antropogénica sobre la Amazonia Oriental hace imperativo el diagnóstico de la degradación forestal y, particularmente, su efecto sobre las comunidades clave dentro de los ecosistemas ribereños, unos de los últimos bosques amazónicos remantes en el estado de Maranhão. La familia de hormigas Formicidae juega un papel fundamental en el suelo, refleja los cambios en el uso de la tierra y es un grupo abundante en los bosques estudiados. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto del gradiente sucesional en la riqueza, frecuencia y composición de esta familia. El muestreo fue realizado durante los periodos seco y lluvioso con el método TSBF. Los organismos recolectados se identificaron a nivel de morfoespecies y se crearon curvas de acumulación de especies. Fueron utilizados modelos lineales mixtos para evaluar los efectos del periodo de recolecta local y estado de sucesión en la riqueza y la frecuencia de las hormigas. Por otro lado, se utilizaron regresiones polinómicas para investigar la relación entre la riqueza y la frecuencia de los formícidos según la cobertura del dosel y la altura de la vegetación. La composición de especies fue representada a través del índice de similitud de Jaccard. En total, 1 940 individuos fueron separados en 86 morfoespecies. Se obtuvo más del 80 % de la riqueza de especies probables. La frecuencia y riqueza de hormigas aumentó significativamente siguiendo la sucesión con valores bajos en las áreas abiertas durante la estación seca. Asimismo, durante esta estación, la cobertura del dosel y la altura de la vegetación tuvieron un efecto parcial en la riqueza y frecuencia de Formicidae. Por su parte, las áreas de sucesión intermedia y avanzada presentaron una composición similar con 50 especies compartidas, seguidas de las áreas de sucesión temprana con 43 y el uso antrópico con 34. Concluimos que la eliminación de los bosques ribereños tiene un efecto considerable sobre la riqueza y frecuencia de Formicidae, con valores mínimos en áreas degradadas durante la estación seca. Por otro lado, las áreas de bosques transformadas en sistemas agrícolas sufrieron pérdidas de 41 y 56% en la riqueza y frecuencia respectivamente. Con la sucesión, se restauran la estructura y las funciones del bosque favoreciendo la recolonización de las especies de hormigas. Finalmente, estos himenópteros son un grupo clave en los programas de monitoreo para la conservación/restauración de los bosques ribereños locales.

The increasing anthropogenic pressure on Eastern Amazon makes imperative the diagnosis of forest degradation, particularly the effect on key communities within the riparian ecosystems, one of the last remaining Amazonian forests in Maranhão State. The ant family Formicidae is an abundant group in these types of forests plays a fundamental role on the soil and also reflects the land use changes. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the impact of riparian forest successional stages on the Formicidae richness, frequency, and composition. Sampling was performed during both dry and wet seasons using the TSBF method. Collected organisms were identified as morphospecies. Also, species-accumulation curves were created. Linear mixed models were used to evaluate the effects of seasonal, local, and successional stage on ant richness and frequency. Polynomial regression models were applied to investigate the relationship between ant richness and frequency with canopy cover and vegetation height. Lastly, the species composition was represented by the Jaccard similarity index. In total, we observed 1 940 individuals grouped into 86 morphospecies. We obtained more than 80 % of the probable species richness. Ant frequency and richness increased significantly, following the successional stage, with low values in the open areas, especially during the dry season. Canopy cover and vegetation height seemed to affect partially both Formicidae richness and frequency during the dry season. Intermediate and advanced successional areas presented similar composition (50) shared species, followed by the areas of early succession (43) and anthropic use (34). We concluded that the elimination of riparian forests produces a considerable effect on the richness and frequency of the Formicidae family, minimally affecting them in open areas during the dry season, but resulting in losses of 41 % in richness and 56 % in frequency in forest areas when they are transformed into agricultural systems. Nevertheless, succession restores forest structure and functions, thus favoring re-colonization of ant species. Formicidae reflects forest degradation and is a key group in monitoring programs for the conservation/restoration of local riparian forests.

Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;79(2): 233-242, Apr.-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-989454


Abstract The expression of chemical compounds by individual plants of the same species in different locations may be affected by abiotic factors resulting in differences in the production of allelopathic compounds. The objective of this study was to compare the phytochemical profiles of plant species from two different forest formations in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The forest formations were Seasonal Semideciduous Forest (SSF) and Lowland Ombrophilous Dense Forest (LODF), and the five study species were Jacaranda micrantha, Cecropia pachystachya, Mimosa bimucronata, Schinus terebinthifolius and Cedrela fissilis. Secondary metabolites were extracted by exhaustive extraction with methanol, and the crude extract was fractionated using column chromatography. The fractions were used to calculate the retention factor of the main compounds using thin layer chromatography and phytochemical tests. The classes of compounds identified were practically the same among the analyzed species, however, at different levels of concentration. The type of tannins found in S. terebinthifolius differed between the two forest formations.

Resumo A expressão de compostos químicos de uma mesma espécie pode ser afetada e diferenciada pelos fatores abióticos, resultando em respostas alelopáticas diferenciadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o perfil químico de espécies provenientes de duas Formações Florestais do Estado do Paraná. As formações foram a Floresta Estacional Semidecidual e Floresta Ombrófila Densa, sendo as espécies escolhidas: Jacaranda micrantha, Cecropia pachystachya, Mimosa bimucronata, Schinus terebinthifolius e Cedrela fissilis. Foi realizada extração exaustiva dos metabólitos secundários com metanol e o extrato bruto fracionado em coluna cromatográfica. As frações foram utilizadas para calcular o fator de retenção dos constituintes principais empregando cromatografia em camada delgada e para realizar testes fitoquímicos. As classes de compostos identificados foram praticamente as mesmas entre as espécies analisadas, porém, em diferentes níveis de concentração. O tipo de tanino encontrado em S. terebinthifolius foi diferente entre as duas formações florestais.

Plants/classification , Plants/chemistry , Plant Extracts/analysis , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Forests , Phytochemicals/analysis , Brazil
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;67(2)abr. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507500


Shade tolerance (the capacity to survive and grow over long periods under shade) is a key component of plant fitness and the foundation of current theories of forest succession in tropical rain forests. It serves as a paradigm to understand the optimal allocation of limited resources under dynamic light regimes. I analyze how tropical rain forest succession influences the expression of ecophysiological mechanisms leading to shade tolerance, and identify future areas that will increase our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary consequences of this phenomenon. Shade tolerance is a multivariate, continuous functional trait reflecting the growth-mortality trade-off of investing resources under limited light vs. exploiting high light conditions. I propose the life cycle successional trajectory model of Gómez-Pompa & Vázquez-Yanes as an integrative tool to understand tropical rain forest succession. This model shows how species distribute along the successional environmental gradient based on their degree of shade tolerance and represents a more integrative paradigm to understand the interface between different aspects of species diversity (ontogenetic variation and functional diversity) throughout succession. It proposes that different trait combinations determining shade tolerance are expressed at different stages of the life cycle, which affects how and when plants enter the successional trajectory. Models explaining the expression of shade tolerance (resource availability, carbon gain, CSR, resource competition) are based on whole-plant economics and are not mutually exclusive. The analysis of shade tolerance is biased towards tree seedlings in the understory of mature forests. Other life stages (juvenile and adult trees), life forms, and microhabitats throughout the forest profile are almost always excluded from these analyses. More integrative explanations based on the distribution of functional traits among species, ontogenetic stages, and the nature of the environmental gradient are being developed based on long-term data and chronosequence comparisons. In summary, shade-tolerance is a complex phenomenon, is determined by multiple characters that change ontogenetically over space and time and entails considerable plasticity. Current methods do not account for this plasticity. Understanding the nature of shade tolerance and its functional basis is critical to comprehending plant performance and improving the management, restoration and conservation of tropical rain forests given the combined threats of global warming and habitat loss.

La tolerancia a la sombra (la capacidad de sobrevivir y crecer durante largos períodos bajo sombra profunda) es un componente clave del valor adaptativo de la planta y la base de las teorías actuales de la sucesión forestal de la selva tropical. Sirve como un paradigma para entender la asignación óptima de recursos limitados bajo regímenes dinámicos de luz. En esta revisión analizo cómo la sucesión de los bosques tropicales lluviosos influye en la expresión de los mecanismos ecofisiológicos que conducen a la tolerancia a la sombra, e identifico áreas futuras que pueden aumentar nuestra comprensión de las consecuencias ecológicas y evolutivas de este fenómeno. La tolerancia a la sombra es un rasgo funcional continuo y multivariable que refleja el balance de invertir recursos bajo condiciones de luz limitada versus crecer más rápidamente en condiciones de luz intensa. Propongo el modelo de ciclo de vida a lo largo de la trayectoria de sucesión de Gómez-Pompa y Vázquez-Yanes como una herramienta integradora para entender la sucesión de la selva tropical. Este modelo muestra cómo las especies se distribuyen a lo largo del gradiente ambiental en función de su grado de tolerancia a la sombra, y representa un paradigma más integrador para comprender la interacción entre los diferentes componentes de la diversidad de especies (diversidad taxonómica y funcional y variación ontogenética) a lo largo de la sucesión. El modelo propone que las diferentes combinaciones de caracteres funcionales que determinan la tolerancia a la sombra se expresan en diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida, y afectan cómo y cuándo las plantas ingresan en el proceso de sucesión. Los modelos que explican la expresión de tolerancia a la sombra (disponibilidad de recursos, ganancia de carbono, CSR, competencia de recursos) se basan en la economía de toda la planta y no son mutuamente excluyentes. Se están desarrollando explicaciones más integradoras basadas en la distribución de caracteres funcionales entre especies, etapas ontogenéticas, y micrositios, mediante el uso de estudios de cronosecuencia y metadatos colectados a largo plazo. El análisis de la tolerancia a la sombra está sesgado hacia las plántulas de árboles y el sotobosque. Otras formas de vida y microhábitats dentro del perfil del bosque están casi excluidas de estos análisis. En resumen, la tolerancia a la sombra es un fenómeno complejo, está determinada por múltiples caracteres funcionales que cambian ontogenéticamente en el espacio y el tiempo, e implica una considerable plasticidad. Los métodos actuales no toman en cuenta esta plasticidad. Comprender la naturaleza de la tolerancia a la sombra y su base funcional es fundamental para entender el crecimiento de la planta y mejorar la gestión, restauración, y conservación de los bosques tropicales, los cuales enfrentan las amenazas combinadas del calentamiento global y la pérdida de hábitat.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;67(1): 266-277, Jan.-Mar. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041909


Abstract Global increase in land cover change and deforestation bring about fragmentation of a high proportion of native vegetation areas. Microclimate is among the first modified factors after vegetation loss, effects of such disturbances are critical for species performance. However, both secondary succession and seasonality provoke further modifications in abiotic environment after disturbances. Although microclimate patterns during succession are well studied for several ecosystems, they are practically unknown for low thorn forests. In Northern Mexico, this is an endangered ecosystem characterized by harboring a high percentage of endemics. Measurement of microclimatic factors is crucial for understanding possible consequences of post-disturbance time on species inhabiting this ecosystem. This work aimed to assess seasonal variation of microclimatic patterns in a succession gradient of four categories (conserved areas, 31, 17 and four years of succession). The study area was delimited using Landsat satellite images (1973, 1986, 2000, 2005, and 2013) in a fragment of low thorn forest in Northeastern Mexico. For microclimate characterization we studied wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, heat index, dew point, and evapotranspiration. Variables were measured monthly on eight plots, in each of the four successional categories, during two different seasons: wet (May through October 2016) and dry season (November 2016 through April 2017). A multivariate discriminant function analysis showed that microclimate differs among successional stages. In the wet season, early succession areas were characterized by higher values of heat index and wind speed, contrary to conserved areas. In the dry season, successional differences were attributed to wind speed and relative humidity. Moreover, microclimate differences between categories and importance of variables measured were both higher only during the dry season. Our results show that seasonality influences greatly microclimatic patterns during secondary succession. In addition, each one of the successional categories exhibited unique microclimatic conditions. Remarkably, four, 17, and even 31 years succession categories differed from conserved areas. This work provides evidence on the great relevance of seasonality and microclimate for studying secondary succession. It is suggested to take both factors into consideration when implementing conservation programs concerning endangered habitats such as low thorn forests. As an ecosystem poorly studied, microclimate characterization provided herein, shall help to a better understanding and management of these areas.(AU)

Resumen El aumento global en el cambio de cobertura vegetal y la deforestación han fragmentado una elevada proporción de áreas de vegetación nativa. El microclima es un factor que se modifica después de la pérdida de vegetación, y los efectos de tales perturbaciones son trascendentales para las especies. Sin embargo, tanto la sucesión secundaria como la estacionalidad implican modificaciones adicionales en el medio abiótico después del disturbio. Aunque los patrones microclimáticos durante la sucesión son conocidos en varios ecosistemas, no se han evaluado en áreas de selva baja espinosa, que constituye un ecosistema amenazado en el norte de México. La medición de tales factores microclimáticos es crucial para comprender las consecuencias de la recuperación post-disturbio en las especies. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la variación estacional del microclima en un gradiente de sucesión de cuatro categorías (áreas conservadas, 31, 17 y cuatro años de sucesión), delimitadas mediante imágenes de satélite LANDSAT (1973, 1986, 2000, 2005 y 2013) en un fragmento de selva baja espinosa en el noreste de México. Para caracterizar el microclima se consideraron la velocidad del viento, temperatura, humedad relativa, índice de calor, punto de rocío y evapotranspiración. Las variables se midieron de forma mensual, durante un año, en ocho sitios de muestreo en cada una de las cuatro categorías sucesionales, durante dos estaciones diferentes: húmeda (mayo a octubre 2016) y seca (noviembre 2016 hasta abril 2017). A través de un análisis multivariado de funciones discriminantes, se determinó que las categorías sucesionales en la selva baja espinosa son diferentes dependiendo del microclima. En la estación húmeda, las áreas con poco tiempo de sucesión se caracterizaron por valores más altos de índice de calor y velocidad del viento, al contrario de las áreas conservadas. En la estación seca, las diferencias sucesionales se atribuyeron a la velocidad del viento y la humedad relativa. Además, tanto la discriminación entre categorías como la importancia de las variables fueron mayores solo durante la estación seca. Por lo tanto, la estacionalidad determina los patrones microclimáticos durante la sucesión secundaria. Además, cada categoría sucesional representa condiciones microclimáticas únicas, pero difieren de las áreas conservadas incluso después de 31 años de sucesión. De acuerdo con nuestros resultados, la estacionalidad y el microclima son de gran relevancia para el estudio de la sucesión secundaria. Se sugiere considerar ambos factores cuando se implementan programas de conservación de ecosistemas en riesgo, como la selva baja espinosa en el noreste de México. Al ser este un ecosistema poco estudiado, la caracterización microclimática que aquí se proporciona, ayudará a un mejor entendimiento y manejo forestal de dichas áreas.(AU)

Seasons , Abiotic Factors , Geographic Information Systems/organization & administration , Mexico
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;67(1): 164-181, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041901


Resumen Los estudios detallados para comprender como los bosques neotropicales se reestablecen en el tiempo, a través de la sucesión secundaria aún resultan necesarios. Entre los mecanismos de regeneración que actúan en los bosques tropicales, el rebrote de árboles predomina en especies leñosas, con la ventaja de reiniciar el crecimiento de raíces establecidas, que permiten restituir el dosel forestal. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar y cuantificar las especies arbóreas con capacidad de rebrote en distintas etapas de la sucesión secundaria (barbecho) después del sistema agrícola tradicional de milpa, comparadas con las comunidades del bosque tropical predominante en la Reserva de la Biósfera de Calakmul, y cómo influyen estas especies en la recuperación de la composición de este ecosistema. Se calculó el porcentaje de especies con y sin rebrote para cada etapa sucesional. Se registraron 13 972 individuos (32 % con rebrote y 68 % sin rebrote) y 168 especies (79 % con rebrote y 21 % sin rebrote), el porcentaje de individuos con rebrote va disminuyendo conforme avanza la edad de la sucesión. El número de individuos con rebrote y la composición de especies fueron significativamente diferentes entre etapas. Se puede concluir que la mayoría de especies arbóreas del bosque en Calakmul, presentan la capacidad de rebrotar, lo cual tiene influencia en el rápido proceso sucesional del bosque después de la roza-tumba y quema, restituyendo la cobertura y estructura forestal, así como la composición de las especies originales.(AU)

Abstract Detailed studies to understand recovering of Neotropical forests over time, through secondary succession, are still necessaries. Between acting mechanisms of regeneration in the tropical forests, the arboreal resprout predominates in woody species, with the advantage of restart the growth from still rooting plants, allowing the restoring of forest canopy. The study aim was to identify and quantify the tree species with resprouting capacity in different stages of secondary succession (tree-fallow) after the traditional milpa agricultural system, compared with tropical forest communities in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve and, enlightening how these species influences the recovery of the composition of this ecosystem. Was calculated the proportions of species with or without resprouting by successional stage. There were 13 972 individuals (32 % resprouting and 68 % not resprouting) and 168 species (79 % resprouting and 21 % not resprouting), the percentage of individuals regrowing decreases as the successional stage progresses. The number of individuals resprouting and species composition were significantly different between successional stages. In conclusion, mostly arboreal species in the region of Calakmul, can regrow, which influences the successional development of the forest after slash-and-burn, helping to restore the coverage, structure, as well as species composition original.(AU)

Trees , Crop Production , Tropical Ecosystem , Mexico
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-756593


This paper reviewed the present nursing manager succession planning at home and abroad, covering the succession standard of nursing managers, the content and form of pre-job training, and the evaluation tool of management ability. These efforts aim to provide references for the construction of nursing management talents teams in China.