Experimentar ansiedad frente a exámenes desencadena una respuesta emocional acompañada de cambios fisiológicos que el estudiante siente ante una situación percibida como amenazante, específicamente ante una evaluación, examen escrito u oral; actualmente, se la cataloga dentro de las fobias específicas. El individuo que busca evitar o eludir dicho escenario cae en la conducta de procrastinación. Esto afecta su rendimiento académico y acarrea consecuencias graves de salud mental, el estudiante comienza a percibirse afectado en su autovalia, autoestima y en su ambiente social, que muchas veces lo lleva a contraer trastorno depresivo e ideación suicida. El presente artículo es un estudio de revisión bibliográfica y su objetivo fue describir la experiencia de la. ansiedad frente a exámenes como fobia específica situacional, las consecuencias de dicho padecimiento, su comorbilidad con otros trastornos psicológicos y los tratamientos disponibles. Fueron analizados y comparados unos 26 artículos científicos, basados en ensayos controlados de manera aleatoria, otros son estudios controlados de caso único, publicados en importantes revistas electrónicas de impacto. La búsqueda se realizó utilizando las palabras clave. Como conclusión, se destacó la importancia del conocimiento de esta patología, a fin de realizar un diagnóstico precoz y prevención en psicoterapia, evitando así un mayor deterioro en la salud mental de los estudiantes. No obstante, es necesaria la realización de más investigación controlada al respecto.
Experiencing test anxiety triggers an emotional response accompanied by physiological changes that the student feels in a situation perceived as threatening, specifically in the face of an evaluation, written or oral exam; Currently, it is classified as a specific phobia. The individual who seeks to avoid or avoid this scenario falls into procrastination behavior. This affects their academic performance and has serious mental health consequences. The student begins to feel affected in his or her self-worth, self-esteem, and social environment, which often leads him or her to contract a depressive disorder and suicidal ideation. This article is a bibliographic review study regarding experiencing test anxiety as a situational specific phobia, the consequences of said condition, its comorbidity with other psychological disorders and the available treatments. Some 26 scientific articles were analyzed and compared, based on randomized controlled trials, others are controlled single case studies, published in important impact electronic journals. The search was carried out using keywords. In conclusion, the importance of knowledge of this pathology was highlighted, in order to make an early diagnosis and prevention in psychotherapy, thus avoiding further deterioration in the mental health of students. However, more controlled research is needed in this regard.
Test Anxiety/psychology , StudentsABSTRACT
Resumen Antecedentes: Las conductas suicidas en adolescentes son un problema de salud pública que va en aumento. Conocer sus factores de riesgo es clave para reducirlas. Objetivo: Identificar la relación entre dos conductas suicidas (ideación e intento) y ocho problemas de salud mental (PSM) en adolescentes mexicanos. Material y métodos: Mediante una encuesta en línea a adolescentes escolarizados de 20 estados, se tamizó la siguiente información: sintomatología de seis PSM (problemas afectivos/depresión, problemas conductuales, problemas somáticos, problemas de inatención e hiperactividad, problemas oposicionistas desafianes y problemas de ansiedad) y conducta suicida (ideación e intentos de suicidio). Se analizaron frecuencias y porcentajes y se indagó asociación mediante regresión logística binaria. Resultados: Completaron la encuesta 6766 adolescentes entre 11 y 19 años (16.38 ± 1.33), 61.02 % del sexo femenino. El 10 % reportó conducta suicida y entre 3 y 5 %, PSM. Los factores predictivos (χ2(8) =387.13, p < 0.001) de la conducta suicida fueron problemas afectivos/depresión, problemas conductuales, problemas somáticos, problemas oposicionistas desafiantes y problemas de ansiedad. Conclusión: Cinco problemas de salud mental incrementaron el riesgo de reportar conductas suicidas.
Abstract Background: Suicidal behavior in adolescents is a growing public health problem. Knowing its risk factors is key for reducing it. Objective: To identify the relationship between two suicidal behaviors (ideation and attempt) and eight mental health problems (MHPs) in Mexican adolescents. Material and methods: Through an online survey of adolescent students from 20 states, the following information was screened: symptomatology of six MHPs (affective problems/depression, behavioral problems, somatic problems, inattention and hyperactivity problems, oppositional defiant problems and anxiety problems) and suicidal behavior (suicidal ideation and suicide attempts). MHP and suicidal behavior frequencies and percentages were analyzed, and associations were sought using binary logistic regression. Results: Six-thousand seven hundred sixty-six adolescents completed the survey, out of whom 61.02% were females, with ages ranging between 11 and 19 years (16.38 ± 1.33); 10% reported suicidal behavior, and between 3 and 5%, MHPs. The predictors (χ2(8) = 387.13, p < 0.001) of suicidal behavior were affective problems/depression, behavioral problems, somatic problems, oppositional defiant problems and anxiety problems. Conclusions: Five mental health problems increased the risk of reporting suicidal behaviors.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y factores asociados a la ideación suicida en la población adulta de la región Lambayeque, Perú, durante la pandemia por la COVID-19, 2021. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, realizado en una muestra de 365 personas adultas. Se utilizó el instrumento de Ideación Suicida de Beck y una ficha de recolección de datos sociodemográficos. Resultados: La muestra se caracterizó por una mediana de 26 años (RIC=23-32) y ligero predominio de sexo femenino (52,2%). La prevalencia de ideación suicida fue de 28,3%; y se asoció a la edad juvenil (p=0,047), al sexo femenino (p<0,001), estado civil viudo (p=0,002) y al consumo excesivo de alcohol (p<0,001), no profesar religión (p<0,001), al ingreso económico bajo (p=0,032) y al padecimiento (p<0,001) o presencia de familiares fallecidos por la COVID-19 (p<0,001). Conclusiones: Existe una alta prevalencia de ideación suicida relacionada con la pandemia de la COVID-19, por lo que se sugiere vigilar la salud mental de la población de estudio.
ABSTRACT Objetive: Determine the prevalence and factors associated with suicidal ideation in the adult population of the Lambayeque region, Peru, during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021. Methods and methods: Observational, prospective and cross-analytical study; carried out in a sample of 365 adults. Data were collected through Beck's Suicidal Ideation instrument. and a sociodemographic data collection sheet. Results: The sample was characterized by a median age of 26 years (IQR=23-32) and a slight predominance of the female sex (52.2%). The prevalence of suicidal ideation was 28.3%; and was associated with young age (p=0.047), female sex (p<0.001), widowed marital status (p=0.002) and excessive alcohol consumption (p<0.001), and no religion (p <0.001), to the low income (p=0.032) and to the illness (p<0.001) or presence of relatives who died from COVID-19 (p<0.001). Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of suicidal ideation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is suggested to monitor the mental health of the study population.
Objective:To develop the Suicide Outcomes Scale for Undergraduates with Suicidal Ideation(SO-SUSI)and test its validity and reliability.Methods:Based on semi-structured interview,literature review and expert discussion,main aspects and indicator system were defined.The initial version of SOSUSI was formed,and items were either modified from existing scales targeting the relevant constructs,or compiled according to previous inter-view results.A total of 607 undergraduates with suicidal ideation were enrolled.The sample was randomly divided in half,one half(n=317)was used for item analysis and exploratory factor analysis,and another half(n=290)for confirmatory factor analysis.All data were used for reliability analysis.The Self-rating Depression Scale(SDS)and Suicidal Intent(SI)were used for criterion validity.Results:The SOSUSI included 39 items in 4 dimensions(nega-tive reinforcement of suicide,negative consequences of suicide,loss of suicide,and positive reinforcement of sui-cide)which explained 50.10%of the total variance.Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the four-factor struc-ture model fitted well(x2/df=3.27,CFI=0.92,TLI=0.91,IFI=0.92,SRMR=0.09).The scores of negative re-inforcement and positive reinforcement of suicide were positively correlated with the SDS and SI scores(ICC=0.15-0.33,Ps<0.05),while the scores of negative consequences and loss of suicide were negatively correlated with the SI scores(ICC=-0.42--0.56,Ps<0.05).The Cronbach's α coefficients of each dimension ranged from 0.79 to 0.91.Conclusion:The Suicide Outcomes Scale for Undergraduates with Suicidal Ideation(SOSUSI)has good validity and internal consistency reliability.
【Objective】 To investigate the suicidal attitude, ideation of adolescent patients with depression, and to analyze their relationships with family environment, in order to provide evidence for the clinical treatment of adolesent depression and to reduce the suicide rate. 【Methods】 Totally 376 adolescents diagnosed with depression in Lu′an area from March 2019 to October 2021 were selected as the case group, and 376 normal adolescents were selected as the control group.The suicide attitude questionnaire (QSA), Beck scale for suicide ideation (BSS) and family environment scale (FES-CV) were used to investigate the suicide attitude, suicidal ideation and family environment of adolescents in two groups. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the influencing factors of suicide attitude and ideation of adolescent depression patients.Pearson correlation test was used to analyze the correlations between suicidal attitude, ideation and family environment of adolescent patients with depression. 【Results】 The scores of QSA and BSS in the case group were significantly higher than those in the control group (t=43.352, 96.527, P<0.001).The scores of intimacy, emotional expression, knowledge and entertainment in FES-CV of the case group were lower than those of the control group (t=25.487, 14.573, 22.160, 18.906), the score of contradiction was higher than that of the control group (t=30.311), and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.001).Logistic regression analysis showed that age of 20 - 25 years old (OR=2.016,2.261), severe illness (OR=2.115, 2.192), dwelling in city (OR=2.442, 2.557) were all risk factors for suicidal attitude and ideation in adolescent depression patients (P<0.05).The scores of QSA and BSS in the case group were negatively correlated with the scores of intimacy, emotional expression, knowledge and entertainment in FES-CV (QSA: r=-0.891,-0.933,-0.788,-0.698, BSS: r=-0.901,-0.832,-0.725,-0.637, P<0.05), but they were positively correlated with the score of contradiction (r=0.848, 0.883, P<0.05). 【Conclusions】 The suicidal attitude, ideation of adolescents with depression are higher than those of normal adolescents. Age, illness and growth environment are all influencing factors for suicidal attitudes and ideation in adolescent depression patients, of which the suicide attitude, ideation of patients are closely related to family environment.
【Objective】 To explore the relationship between perceived stress and suicidal ideation as well as the mediating effect of resilience and depression. 【Methods】 A sample of 875 college students was recruited for the study to complete a set of self-report measures of Chinese Perceived Stress Scale (CPSS), the Resiliency Scale of University Students, Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire, and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). 【Results】 ①College students’ perceived stress and depression had significantly positive correlation with their suicidal ideation, while the students’ resilience had a significantly negative correlation with their perceived stress and depression. ②Perceived stress did not affect suicidal ideation of the college students directly, but indirectly affected their suicidal ideation through three significant mediating pathways: the separate mediating effects of (a) resilience and (b) depression, and the serial mediating effect of (c) resilience and depression. 【Conclusion】 Resilience and depression exert a chain mediating effect between perceived stress and suicidal ideation of college students.
Objective: To evaluate the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Brazilian version of the Suicide Crisis Inventory-2 (SCI-2) among Brazilian adults. Methods: The SCI-2 was cross-culturally adapted into Portuguese and administered to 2,265 Brazilian participants. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to assess factor structure, internal consistency, convergent validity, and criterion validity by using measures such as suicidal narratives, stressful life events, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. Results: The revised one-factor model of the SCI-2 demonstrated an adequate, although not optimal, model fit (χ2[1539] = 31,442.79, p < 0.001, comparative fit index [CFI] = 0.99, Tucker-Lewis index [TLI] = 0.99, root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] = 0.09, standardized root mean residual [SRMR] = 0.05). The revised five-factor model, on the other hand, demonstrated good fit (χ2[1529] = 14,174.86, p < 0.001, CFI = 1.00, TLI = 1.00, RMSEA = 0.06, SRMR = 0.04). Comparison of these two models indicated that the five-factor model had a better fit than the one-factor model. Both the total and subscale scores of the SCI-2 showed strong internal consistency and good convergent and criterion validity in relation to stressful life events, suicidal narratives (excluding the goal disengagement subscale), suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the Brazilian version of the SCI-2 is a valid tool for assessing symptoms of suicidal crisis syndrome.
Objective: To report on suicide plans and attempts among Brazilian physicians and to investigate the associated risk factors. Methods: From January 2018 to January 2019, a nationwide online survey was conducted among Brazilian physicians using the Tool for Assessment of Suicide Risk and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Multivariate exploratory associations of demographic, psychological, and work-related factors were performed on reports of suicide plans and attempts. Results: Of the 4,148 participants, 1,946 (53.5%) were male, 2,527 (60.9%) were 30 to 60 years old, 2,675 (64.5%) had two to four jobs, and 1,725 (41.6%) worked 40 to 60 hours a week. The overall prevalence of suicide plans was 8.8% (n=364), and suicide attempts were reported by 3.2% (n=133) of participants. Daily emotional exhaustion (ORadj = 7.857; 95%CI 2.282-27.051, p = 0.002), weekly emotional exhaustion (ORadj = 7.953; 95%CI 2.403-26.324, p = 0.001), daily frustration at work (ORadj = 3.093; 95%CI 1.711-5.588, p < 0.001), and bisexuality (ORadj = 5.083; 95%CI 2.544-10.158, p < 0.001) were significantly associated with higher odds of suicide. Extremely dissatisfied physicians reported suicide plans and attempts in 38.3% of cases, whereas extremely satisfied physicians reported suicide plans and attempts in only 2.8% of cases (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Brazilian physicians with a history of suicide plans and attempts express emotional exhaustion and frustration at work. There is an urgent need for actions to promote professional safeguards and resilience.
RESUMO Objetivo: verificar a existência de associação entre a ideação suicida, o suporte social e os sintomas ansiosos-depressivos entre os estudantes de Ciências da Saúde. Método: estudo quantitativo e transversal. A coleta de dados ocorreu de novembro de 2020 a julho de 2021, em Sergipe - Brasil, utilizando-se o Questionário Sociodemográfico, Questionário de Ideação Suicida, Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social e Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Estresse. Foram estimados coeficientes de regressão linear simples e múltipla e razões de chance. Resultados: dos 190 entrevistados, 57 (30%) apresentaram baixa satisfação com o suporte social, 66 (34,8%) relataram sintomas de depressão grave ou muito grave, 32 (16,8%) possuíam potencial risco de suicídio, podendo ser aumentada em 18% em pessoas com depressão. Conclusão: estresse, ansiedade e depressão, são os fatores de risco para a ideação suicida em estudantes da saúde. O suporte social torna-se um aliado no controle emocional, na diminuição do sofrimento psíquico e a precipitação de transtornos mentais de estudantes.
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the existence of an association between suicidal ideation, social support, and anxious-depressive symptoms among Health Sciences students. Method: Quantitative, cross-sectional study. Data collection took place from November 2020 to July 2021 in Sergipe - Brazil, using the Sociodemographic Questionnaire, Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire, Satisfaction with Social Support Scale, and Anxiety, Depression, and Stress Scale. Simple and multiple linear regression coefficients and odds ratios were estimated. Results: Of the 190 interviewees, 57 (30%) had low satisfaction with social support, 66 (34.8%) reported symptoms of severe or very severe depression, 32 (16.8%) had a potential risk of suicide, which can be increased by 18% in people with depression. Conclusion: Stress, anxiety, and depression are risk factors for suicidal ideation in health students. Social support becomes an ally in emotional control, in the reduction of psychological suffering, and in the precipitation of mental disorders in students.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Comprobar la existencia de una asociación entre la ideación suicida, el apoyo social y los síntomas ansioso-depresivos entre los estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud. Método: cuantitativo, estudio transversal. La recogida de datos tuvo lugar de noviembre de 2020 a julio de 2021, en Sergipe - Brasil, utilizando el Cuestionario Sociodemográfico, el Cuestionario de Ideación Suicida, la Escala de Satisfacción con el Apoyo Social y la Escala de Ansiedad, Depresión y Estrés. Se estimaron los coeficientes de regresión lineal simple y múltiple y las odds ratio. Resultados: de los 190 entrevistados, 57 (30%) estaban poco satisfechos con el apoyo social, 66 (34,8%) presentaban síntomas de depresión grave o muy grave, 32 (16,8%) tenían un riesgo potencial de suicidio, que puede aumentar en un 18% en las personas con depresión. Conclusión: El estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión son factores de riesgo de ideación suicida en los estudiantes de sanidad. El apoyo social se convierte en un aliado en el control emocional, en la reducción del sufrimiento psicológico y en la precipitación de los trastornos mentales en los estudiantes.
Abstract: Promoting socioemotional skills has been highlighted among the evidence to prevent suicidal behavior in childhood and adolescence. This review aimed to map and analyze national and international scientific papers on initiatives and programs for the prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescence based on the theoretical framework of socioemotional skills. It is a scoping review using the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Eleven academic bibliographic databases were analyzed, and searches were conducted on institutional websites related to suicide prevention and Google. Papers in Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English from 2010 to July 2022 were included in the review, which consisted of 97 studies, analyzed through data matrix and thematic grouping. The results show that most are international and focused on suicide, not on self-harm alone. In general, they have an informational and instructional bias for professionals, institutions, and governments, proposed laws, programs and action plans, studies on the role of socioemotional skills and intervention research. Few strategies have been clearly tested and validated. The key elements are the ability to perceive, recognize, understand, express, and regulate one's own emotions, get motivated, and build empathy in relationships. Schools are key players in this process and the health system should act as a collaborative network. National and local prevention plans are required, emphasizing the role of schools, the health sector, and intersectoral coordination to promote health and quality of life.
Resumen: El fomento de las habilidades socioemocionales se viene destacando entre las evidencias de prevención de la conducta suicida en la infancia y la adolescencia. Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar la producción científica nacional e internacional sobre iniciativas y programas de prevención de la conducta suicida en la adolescencia a partir del marco teórico de las habilidades socioemocionales. Se trata de una revisión de alcance que utiliza la metodología propuesta por el Instituto Joanna Briggs. Se realizaron búsquedas en 11 bases de datos académicas, en sitios web institucionales relacionados con la prevención del suicidio y en Google. Los textos incluidos estaban publicados en portugués, español, francés o inglés, en el período entre 2010 y julio de 2022. La muestra consistió en 97 publicaciones, y se utilizaron la matriz de datos y agrupación temática para analizarlas. Los resultados muestran que la mayoría de las iniciativas son internacionales y dirigidas al suicidio, sin privilegiar la autolesión. En general, tienen un sesgo informativo e instruccional dirigido a profesionales, instituciones y gobiernos, proyecto de ley, programas y planes de acción, estudios sobre el papel de las habilidades socioemocionales e investigación de intervención. Pocas estrategias habían sido probadas y validadas claramente. Los elementos clave fueron la capacidad de percibir, reconocer, comprender, expresarse y regular las propias emociones, motivarse y establecer relaciones de empatía. Las escuelas son las protagonistas, y el sector salud necesita actuar en una red de colaboración. Se necesitan planes de prevención nacionales y locales, que pongan énfasis en el papel de la escuela, del sector salud y de la articulación intersectorial para la promoción de la salud y la calidad de vida.
Resumo: Promover habilidades socioemocionais tem sido destacado, entre as evidências, como prevenção do comportamento suicida na infância e na adolescência. Este artigo visa mapear e analisar a produção científica nacional e internacional sobre iniciativas e programas de prevenção do comportamento suicida na adolescência baseados no referencial teórico das habilidades socioemocionais. Caracteriza-se por uma revisão de escopo utilizando a metodologia proposta pelo Instituto Joanna Briggs. Foram consultadas 11 bases bibliográficas acadêmicas, além de busca em sites institucionais relacionados à prevenção de suicídio e no Google. Foram incluídas publicações em português, espanhol, francês e inglês entre os anos de 2010 a julho de 2022. O acervo foi composto por 97 publicações, analisadas por meio da matriz de dados e agrupamento temático. Os resultados mostram que a maioria das iniciativas é internacional e voltada para o suicídio, sem privilegiar a autolesão. De forma geral, apresentam viés informativo e instrucional voltado para profissionais, instituições e governos, projetos de lei, programas e planos de ação, estudos sobre o papel das competências socioemocionais e pesquisas de intervenção. Poucas estratégias são claramente testadas e validadas. Os elementos-chave são a capacidade para perceber, reconhecer, compreender, expressar e regular as próprias emoções, motivar-se e estabelecer relações de empatia. As escolas são protagonistas e a saúde precisa atuar em rede colaborativa. São necessários planos nacionais e locais de prevenção, enfatizando o papel da escola, do setor saúde e da articulação intersetorial para a promoção de saúde e qualidade de vida.
Abstract Objective The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal behavior are still the subject of studies. It is hypothesized that the pandemic may have contributed to the development of suicidal ideation by intensifying psychosocial risk factors. Our objective was to investigate such correlated factors in Brazil. Method The study used an online and cross-sectional survey encompassing 448 adult participants. Sociodemographic questionnaires and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire were used, and binary logistic regression was employed to identify predictors. Results The prevalence of suicidal ideation was 22.3%. The results indicate that people who self-identified as black and brown (OR = 2.42), who were part of the risk group for COVID-19 (OR = 2.41), and who reported more psychological symptoms (OR = 1.50) were more likely to have suicidal ideation. Conclusion Public policies to prevent suicidal behavior and promote mental health in the most vulnerable groups might be needed beyond the pandemic context, especially among the black population.
Resumo Objetivos Os efeitos da pandemia de COVID-19 no comportamento suicida continuam sendo tema de estudos. Hipotetiza-se que a pandemia pode ter contribuído para a ideação suicida ao intensificar fatores de risco psicossociais. Nosso objetivo foi investigar tais fatores correlatos no Brasil. Método Este estudo realizou uma coleta de dados online e transversal, englobando 448 participantes adultos. Utilizaram-se questionários sociodemográficos e o Self-Reporting Questionnaire, empregando-se regressão logística binária para identificação de preditores. Resultados A prevalência de ideação suicida foi de 22,3%. Os resultados apontam que pessoas autoidentificadas como negros e pardos (OR = 2,42), que faziam parte do grupo de risco para COVID-19 (OR = 2,41), e que reportaram mais sintomas psicológicos (OR = 1,50) tiveram maior chance de apresentar ideação suicida. Conclusão Políticas públicas de prevenção do comportamento suicida e promoção de saúde mental nos grupos mais vulneráveis podem ser necessárias para além do contexto pandêmico, sobretudo entre a população negra.
Resumen La cuestión del comportamiento suicida ha ganado relevancia en la actualidad debido a los efectos que tiene sobre los individuos y la sociedad. Aunque este tema ha sido ampliamente estudiado, la relación entre suicidio y deporte ha sido poco explorada en el contexto latinoamericano. Así, se ha hecho evidente que la mayor parte de la producción académica sobre la temática está dispersa en revistas norteamericanas y europeas. En este contexto, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar la asociación entre el comportamiento suicida y el deporte en la producción académica internacional entre 2000 y 2021. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, se realizó un mapeo de la literatura. Se evidenció la importancia del deporte en la prevención del comportamiento suicida y la necesidad de investigar variables contextuales en los procesos que contribuyen a la prevención o desarrollo de la ideación o intento suicida.
Resumo A questão do comportamento suicida ganhou relevância nos dias de hoje devido aos efeitos que tem sobre os indivíduos e a sociedade. Embora este tema tenha sido amplamente estudado, a relação entre suicídio e esporte tem sido pouco explorada no contexto latino-americano. Assim, tornou-se evidente que a maior parte da produção acadêmica sobre o assunto está dispersa em revistas norte-americanas e europeias. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar a associação entre o comportamento suicida e o esporte na produção acadêmica internacional entre 2000 e 2021. Para alcançar estes objetivos, foi realizado um mapeamento da literatura. Foi evidenciada a importância do esporte na prevenção do comportamento suicida e a necessidade de investigar variáveis contextuais nos processos que contribuem para a prevenção ou desenvolvimento da ideação ou tentativa suicida.
Abstract The issue of suicidal behavior has become especially relevant in recent years because of its effects on individuals and society. Although this topic has been studied extensively in North America and Europe, the relationship between suicide and sport is comparatively under-researched in the Latin-American context. This paper aims to contribute to this literature by supplementing existing research with an analysis of the association between suicidal behavior and sports in a more inclusive international context. This paper surveys academic productions between 2000 and 2021 using a systematic Mapping method to highlight the imbalance in research production on a global scale. The paper demonstrates the importance of participation in sports activity in the prevention of suicidal behavior, in addition to the importance of investigating mediational variables that contribute to the processes of prevention and development of both suicidal ideation and attempt.
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal behavior in adults. Method: Systematic review, conducted from June to October 2022, in the following databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, Virtual Health Library, Excerpta Medica database, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct and Google Scholar. The selection, data extraction and assessment of methodological quality were carried out using the Methodological Index for Non-randomized Studies tool. Considering that most of the studies evaluated had significant methodological differences, it was decided to carry out a qualitative synthesis of the data. Results: A total of 2112 articles were found, from which eight articles were selected that analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal behavior in adults. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the suicidal behavior in adults worldwide, especially when related to race, gender, age, religion, socioeconomic, family and legal issues, and pre-existing mental disorders, leading to a greater propensity for suicidal act.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia científica sobre el impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la conducta suicida en adultos. Método: Revisión sistemática, realizada de junio a octubre de 2022, en las siguientes bases de datos: MEDLINE/PubMed, Virtual Health Library, Excerpta Medica database, CumulativeIndex to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct y Google Scholar. Los datos fueron seleccionados, extraídos y la calidad metodológica evaluada utilizando la herramienta Methodological Index for Non-randomised Studies. Teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de los estudios evaluados presentaban diferencias metodológicas significativas, se decidió realizar una síntesis cualitativa de los datos. Resultados: Se encontraron 2112 artículos, de los cuales se seleccionaron 8 artículos que analizaban el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 sobre el comportamiento suicida en adultos. Conclusión: La pandemia del COVID-19 ha influido en el comportamiento suicida de adultos de todo el mundo, especialmente cuando se relaciona con la raza, el sexo, la edad, la religión, los problemas socioeconómicos, familiares y legales y los trastornos mentales preexistentes, lo que ha provocado una mayor propensión al suicidio.
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as evidências científicas sobre impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 no comportamento suicida de pessoas adultas. Método: Revisão sistemática, realizada de junho a outubro de 2022, nas bases de dados: MEDLINE/PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Excerpta Medica database, Cumulative Index to Nursingand Allied Health Literature, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct e Google Scholar. A seleção, a extração dos dados e a avaliação da qualidade metodológica, por meio da ferramenta Methodological Index for Non-randomized Studies, foram realizadas. Considerando que a maioria dos estudos avaliados apresentaram diferenças metodológicas significativas, optou-se por realizar síntese qualitativa dos dados. Resultados: Foram encontrados 2112 artigos, dos quais foram selecionados oito artigos que analisaram o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 no comportamento suicida de pessoas adultas. Conclusão: A pandemia da COVID-19 influenciou no comportamento suicida de pessoas adultas no mundo, em especial, quando relacionada a raça, gênero, idade, religião, problemas socioeconômicos, familiares, legais e a transtornos mentais pré-existentes, o que ocasionava maior propensão ao ato.
Introducción: La exposición a la violencia afecta la salud mental. Sin embargo, existen pocos estudios sobre este fenómeno en estudiantes universitarios. Objetivo: Establecer la asociación entre la exposición a la violencia e ideación suicida en universitarios de Santa Marta, Colombia. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo, analítico y transversal. Participaron 1647 estudiantes entre 16 y 24 años (M=20,58, DT=1,715), quienes completaron la Escala de Exposición a la Violencia (α = 0,87) y la Escala de Ideación Suicida de Roberts (α =0,74). Resultados: El modelo de regresión logística ajustado indicó que la exposición directa a la violencia en el colegio (OR=2,02; IC95 %=1,28-3,16) y casa (OR=1,53; IC95 %=1,02-2,29), e indirecta en colegio (OR=1,34; IC95 %= 11,06-1,70) y casa (OR=1,91; IC95 %=1,27-2,88), incrementan la ideación suicida. Conclusiones: La exposición a la violencia en el colegio y en la casa, de forma directa e indirecta, son factores de riesgo para la ideación suicida en estudiantes universitarios.
Introduction: Exposure to violence affects mental health; however, there are few studies on this phenomenon in university students. Objective: To establish the association between exposure to violence and suicidal ideation in university students from Santa Marta, Colombia. Methodology: A quantitative, analytical, and cross-sectional study was carried out involving 1,647 students between 16 and 24 years old (M=20.58, SD=1.715), who completed the violence exposure Scale (α =0.87) and the Roberts suicidal ideation scale (α =0.74). Results: The adjusted logistic regression model indicated that direct exposure to violence at school (OR=2.02; 95% CI=1.28-3.16) and home (OR=1.53; 95% CI=1.02 -2.29), and indirect exposure at school (OR=1.34; CI95%= 1.06-1.70) and home (OR=1.91; CI95%=1.27-2.88), increased suicidal ideation. Conclusion: Direct and indirect exposure to violence at school and at home are risk factors for suicidal ideation in university students.
Resumo: A ideação e comportamentos suicidas são considerados um problema de saúde pública. Mulheres privadas de liberdade podem apresentar maior vulnerabilidade para esses comportamentos, considerando as condições no ambiente prisional, a perda de vínculos familiares e os históricos de comorbidades mentais e físicas. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo transversal, com o objetivo geral de analisar a ideação e os comportamentos suicidas em mulheres privadas de liberdade em uma unidade prisional do Estado do Paraná. A amostra foi por conveniência e constituída de 30 mulheres privadas de liberdade. Os dados foram coletados de maio a agosto de 2022 com aplicação do instrumento Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale e de um instrumento elaborado pelos autores. Os resultados foram apresentados de maneira descritiva e inferencial. Da amostra de 30 mulheres, 15 (50,0%) eram da faixa etária de 30 a 49 anos; 15 (50,0%) declararam-se pardas; 18 (60,0%) eram solteiras; 17 (56,7%) estavam desempregadas antes da prisão; 14 (46,7%) apresentavam condição de saúde mental; 21 (70,0%) eram tabagistas; 22 (73,3%) faziam uso de álcool; e 17 (56,7%) fizeram uso de SPA. O motivo da privação de liberdade foi homicídio para 15 (50,0%) participantes. Da amostra, 20 (66,7%) foram vítimas de violência física alguma vez na vida; 17 (56,7%) de violência psicológica; e 14 (46,7%), de violência sexual. Quanto à ideação, 16 (53,3%) mulheres já haviam desejado estar mortas; 19 (63,3%) haviam tido pensamentos suicidas ativos não específicos; 15 (50,0%) haviam tido ideação suicida ativa com algum método (sem plano) sem intenção de agir; 15 (50%) haviam tido ideação suicida ativa com alguma intenção de agir; e 14 (46,7%) havia tido ideação suicida ativa com plano específico e intenção. Durante a privação de liberdade, 12 (40%) apresentaram pensamentos suicidas. Empreenderam comportamentos suicidas durante a vida 16 (53,3%) mulheres; 14 (46,7%) tiveram tentativa efetiva; 6 (20,0%), comportamento autolesivo sem intenção suicida; 8 (26,7%) tiveram tentativa interrompida; 7 (23,3%) tiveram tentativa abortada; 10 (33,3%) realizaram atos ou comportamentos preparatórios; 4 (13,3%) empreenderam tentativas de suicídio durante a privação de liberdade, das quais 3 (10,0%) empreenderam pela primeira vez durante a privação de liberdade. Na análise inferencial, as principais variáveis associadas à ideação e aos comportamentos suicidas foram: ideação suicida antes da privação de liberdade, ideação suicida durante a privação de liberdade, tratamento para condição de saúde mental, vítima de violência sexual, tentativa de suicídio e ideação suicida ativa com algum método (sem plano) sem intenção de agir. Considerando os resultados desta pesquisa e o que é previsto pela equipe de enfermagem no sistema prisional, conclui-se pela importância de avaliar a ideação e os comportamentos suicidas em mulheres privadas de liberdade desde a admissão, na permanência da privação, bem como nos aspectos relacionados à ocorrência de tais comportamentos visando à oferta de cuidados de enfermagem na prevenção, no evento e na reabilitação.
Abstract: Suicidal ideation and behaviors are considered a public health problem. Women deprived of their liberty may be more vulnerable to these behaviors, considering the conditions in the prison environment, the loss of family ties and histories of mental and physical comorbidities. This is a cross-sectional quantitative study with the general objective of analyzing suicidal ideation and behaviors in women deprived of their liberty in a prison unit located in the State of Paraná. A convenience sample was used, and it was made up of 30 women deprived of their liberty. Data were collected from May to August 2022 using the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale instrument and another instrument developed by the authors. The results were presented in a descriptive and inferential manner. Of the sample made up of 30 women, 15 (50.0%) were aged between 30 and 49; 15 (50.0%) self-declared as mixed race; 18 (60.0%) were single; 17 (56.7%) were unemployed before the arrest; 14 (46.7%) experienced mental health disorder; 21 (70.0%) were smokers; 22 (73.3%) were alcohol users; and 17 (56.7%) had used some PAS. The deprivation of liberty was caused by homicide for 15 (50.0%) participants. Of the sample, 20 (66.7%) were victims of physical violence at some point in their lives; 17 (56.7%) were victims of psychological violence; and 14 (46.7%) of sexual violence. As for suicidal ideation, 16 (53.3%) women had already wished they were dead; 19 (63.3%) had already had non-specific active suicidal thoughts; 15 (50.0%) had already had active suicidal ideation with a method (not plan) without intent to act; 15 (50%) had already had active suicidal ideation with some intent to act; and 14 (46.7%) had already had active suicidal ideation with a specific plan and intent. During their period of deprivation of liberty, 12 (40%) had suicidal thoughts. 16 (53.3%) women engaged in suicidal behavior during their lifetime; 14 (46.7%) made an actual attempt; 6 (20.0%) had self-injurious behavior without suicidal intent; 8 (26.7%) reported an interrupted attempt; 7 (23.3%) reported an aborted attempt; 10 (33.3%) had made preparations or showed suicidal behavior; 4 (13.3%) made suicide attempts during their period of deprivation of liberty, of which 3 (10.0%) attempted suicide for the first time during their period of deprivation of liberty. In the inferential analysis, the main variables associated with suicidal ideation and behaviors were the following: suicidal ideation before being deprived of their liberty, suicidal ideation during their period of deprivation of liberty, treatment for a mental health disorder, victim of sexual violence, attempted suicide, and active suicidal ideation with a method (not plan) without intent to act. Considering the results of this research and the expectations of the nursing team in the prison system, it can be concluded that it is important to evaluate suicidal ideation and behaviors among women deprived of liberty from the moment they are admitted, during the period in which they are deprived of their liberty as well as the aspects related to the occurrence of such behaviors, aiming to offer nursing care during the prevention process, the episode itself and the rehabilitation process.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Prisons , Suicide , Women , Mental Health , Depression , Suicidal IdeationABSTRACT
Objetivo: identificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la ideación suicida pasiva y activa a lo largo de la vida en estudiantes ingresantes de posgrado. Método: estudio analítico y de diseño transversal, con una muestra compuesta por 321 estudiantes ingresantes de posgrado. Se realizó análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial múltiple. Resultados: los análisis multivariados indican que la ideación suicida pasiva y activa tuvieron una prevalencia mayor y similar en los estudiantes de orientación sexual minoritaria, del sexo femenino, que realizaban actividad física diaria ≤ 30 minutos/día y sufrieron victimización por violencia psicológica en los últimos 12 meses. Los factores abuso de alcohol, las exigencias del posgrado stricto sensu no afectaron las relaciones familiares y baja autoestima se asociaron solo con la ideación suicida pasiva. A su vez, el consumo de marihuana en los últimos 30 días, no tener una buena relación interpersonal con sus pares académicos, ejercer la actividad profesional junto con las exigencias del posgrado se asociaron únicamente con ideación suicida activa. Conclusión: se identificó una alta prevalencia de ideación suicida pasiva y activa a lo largo de la vida en los estudiantes ingresantes de posgrado y se comprobó que hubo similitudes y diferencias entre algunos de los factores asociados a ambos resultados.
Objective: to identify the prevalence and factors associated with passive and active suicidal ideation throughout life among students entering graduate courses. Method: an analytical and cross-sectional study with a sample comprised of 321 students entering graduate courses. Multiple descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed. Results: the multivariate analyses indicated that passive and active suicidal ideation were similarly more prevalent among female students belonging to minority sexual orientations who engaged in daily physical activity ≤ 30 minutes/day and were victims of psychological violence in the past 12 months. Alcohol abuse, family relationships not impaired due to the demands imposed by stricto sensu graduate studies and low self-esteem were only associated with passive suicidal ideation. In turn, recent marijuana use in the last 30 days, poor interpersonal relationships with academic peers, and engagement in professional activities concomitantly with the demands imposed by graduate studies were only associated with active suicidal ideation. Conclusion: high prevalence of lifetime passive and active suicidal ideation was identified among graduate students, and similarities and differences were verified between some associated factors for both outcomes.
Objetivo: identificar a prevalência e fatores associados à ideação suicida passiva e ativa ao longo da vida em estudantes ingressantes na pós-graduação. Método: estudo analítico e de delineamento transversal, amostra composta por 321 estudantes ingressantes da pós-graduação. Realizou-se análise estatística descritiva e inferencial múltipla. Resultados: análises multivariadas apontaram que ideação suicida passiva e ativa foram similarmente mais prevalentes entre estudantes de orientações sexuais minoritárias, do sexo feminino, que realizavam atividade física diária ≤ 30 minutos/dia e sofreram vitimização por violência psicológica nos últimos 12 meses. O abuso de álcool, o não prejuízo no relacionamento familiar por demandas da pós-graduação stricto sensu e a baixa autoestima foram associadas unicamente com ideação suicida passiva. Por sua vez, o consumo de maconha ocorrido nos últimos 30 dias, a falta de um relacionamento interpessoal satisfatório com seus pares acadêmicos e a prática da atividade profissional em concomitância com as demandas da pósgraduação foram associadas apenas com ideação suicida ativa. Conclusão: identificou-se alta prevalência de ideação suicida passiva e ativa ao longo da vida entre estudantes ingressantes na pós-graduação e verificou-se a ocorrência de similitudes e diferenças entre alguns fatores associados para ambos os desfechos.
Humans , Male , Female , Students , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Alcoholism , Suicidal IdeationABSTRACT
O objetivo foi investigar os fatores associados à depressão e/ou ansiedade em nutricionistas durante a pandemia por COVID-19. Estudo transversal com aplicação das escalas GAD-7 e PHQ-9. Dos 1.018 participantes 60,2% manifestaram rastreio positivo para depressão e/ou ansiedade, com maior força de associação para conflitos muito frequentes nas relações (OR = 11,11; IC95% 6,61;18,67), uso de medicação para dor (OR = 7,42; IC95% 4,67;11,79) e pensar sempre sobre a pandemia (OR = 6,5; IC95% 4,14;10,32). Não estar em tratamento psicoterápico (OR = 0,39; IC95% 0,27;0,560) e não estar em uso de medicamento psicotrópico (OR = 0,40; IC95% 0,26;0,60) foram associados a menores chances de rastreio positivo. O estudo resulta em conhecimento epidemiológico aplicável a ações de vigilância, prevenção e controle da ansiedade e depressão entre nutricionistas.
The objective was to investigate the factors associated with depression and/or anxiety and depression in nutritionists during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cross-sectional study with the application of the GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scales. 1,018 participated, of which 60.2% showed positive screening for depression and/or anxiety, with a greater strength of association for very frequent conflicts in relationships (OR = 11.11; 95%CI 6.61;18.67), use of pain medication (OR = 7.42; 95%CI 4.67;11.79) and always thinking about the pandemic (OR = 6.5; 95%CI 4.14;10.32). Not being under psychotherapeutic treatment (OR = 0.39; 95%CI 0.27;0.560) and not using psychotropic medication (OR = 0.40; 95%CI 0.26;0.60) were associated with lower odds of positive screening. This study results in epidemiological knowledge applicable to surveillance, prevention and control of anxiety and depression among nutritionists.
Risk behaviors are common in adolescence and demonstrates an association with depressive symptoms. Considering the psychological health implications of this phase in adult life, the aim of this study was to verify associations between depressive symptoms and consumption of alcohol and marijuana, self-injurious behavior, health self-perception, life satisfaction, anxiety symptoms and suicidal ideation in adolescents. A total of 298 adolescents, aged 12 to 14 years (61.1% girls), participated in the study. The measures were the translated Health Behavior in School-aged Children questionnaire (HBSC - BR) and the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI). The chi-square test, student's t test and binomial logistic regression (p<0.05) were used. Depressive symptoms were associated with anxiety symptoms and self-injury. Higher risk for alcohol use and consumption, self-injury, negative health self-perception, anxiety and depression related to females. The findings of this population suggest worrying health outcomes, especially for girl. (AU)
Comportamentos de risco são comuns na adolescência e demonstram associação com sintomas depressivos. Considerando as implicações da saúde psicológica dessa fase na vida adulta, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar associações entre sintomas depressivos e consumo de álcool e maconha, comportamento autolesivo, autopercepção de saúde, satisfação com a vida, sintomas ansiosos e ideação suicida em adolescentes. Participaram 298 adolescentes, de 12 a 14 anos (61,1% meninas). Os instrumentos utilizados foram o questionário traduzido Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC - BR) e o Inventário de Depressão Infantil (CDI). Utilizou-se os teste Qui-Quadrado, t de student e regressão logística binomial (p<0,05). Sintomas depressivos associaram-se com sintomas ansiosos e autolesão. Maior risco para uso e consumo de álcool, autolesão, autopercepção de saúde negativa, ansiedade e depressão em relação ao sexo feminino. Os achados desta população sugerem resultados preocupantes de saúde, sobretudo para o sexo feminino. (AU)
Las conductas de riesgo son comunes en la adolescencia y demuestran una asociación con síntomas depresivos. Considerando las implicaciones psicológicas para la salud de esta fase en la vida adulta, el objetivo de este estudio fue verificar asociaciones entre síntomas depresivos y consumo de alcohol y marihuana, autolesión, autopercepción de salud, satisfacción con la vida, ansiedad e ideación suicida en adolescentes. Participaron 298 adolescentes de 12 a 14 años (61,1% niñas). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el cuestionario traducido Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC - BR) y el Inventario de Depresión Infantil (CDI). Se utilizaron las pruebas de chi-cuadrado, t de Student y regresión logística binomial (p<0,05). Los síntomas depresivos se asociaron con síntomas de ansiedad y autolesiones. Mayor riesgo de uso y consumo de alcohol, autolesiones, autopercepción negativa de la salud, ansiedad y depresión en relación con el sexo femenino. Los hallazgos de esta población sugieren resultados de salud preocupantes, especialmente para las mujeres. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Anxiety/psychology , Cannabis , Mental Health , Depression/psychology , Alcoholism/psychology , Health Risk Behaviors , Personal Satisfaction , Chi-Square Distribution , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
Introducción: Es importante considerar los daños que el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas produce al cerebro, para entender el pronóstico y la evolución del paciente, ya que puede causar deterioro cognitivo y llegar a la demencia. Objetivo: Determinar los factores pronósticos del deterioro cognitivo en pacientes adictos a sustancias psicoactivas. Método: Se desarrolló un estudio observacional, analítico y transversal. Se trabajó con los pacientes atendidos por consumos de sustancias, en un servicio de psicología, del año 2016 al 2019. Las variables estudiadas fueron: función ejecutiva, edad, ideación suicida, sexo, características clínicas del consumo, sustancia consumida, coeficiente intelectual, deterioro cognitivo, ansiedad, depresión y tiempo de consumo. Se utilizaron técnicas tanto de la estadística descriptiva, como de la estadística inferencial. Resultados: Se estudiaron 257 pacientes, con consumo fundamentalmente de alcohol y marihuana, edad promedio de 34 años, predominó el sexo masculino (89 por ciento) y una media de 17 años de consumo. El 47 por ciento de los pacientes presentó deterioro cognitivo leve y 9,34 por ciento deterioro cognitivo moderado. El deterioro cognitivo se asoció con tener tolerancia invertida (odd ratio - OR= 6,4), disfunción ejecutiva (OR= 4,2), depresión (OR= 4,1), ansiedad (OR= 2,4), consumir otras sustancias diferentes al alcohol (OR= 2,6), tener necesidad subjetiva de consumo (OR= 2,5), alterada capacidad de abstención (OR= 2,3) e ideación suicida (OR= 2,0). Conclusiones: Los factores pronósticos del deterioro cognitivo en los pacientes adictos son: tolerancia invertida, alteraciones ejecutivas, depresión, ansiedad, consumir otras drogas diferentes al alcohol, tener alterada la capacidad de abstención y presentar ideas suicidas(AU)
Introduction: It is important to consider the damage that the consumption of psychoactive substances produces to the brain, in order to understand the prognosis and evolution of the patient, since it can cause cognitive impairment and reach dementia. Objective: To determine the prognostic factors of cognitive impairment in patients addicted to psychoactive substances. Methods: An observational, analytical and cross-sectional study was developed. We worked with patients treated for substance use, in a psychology service, from 2016 to 2019. The variables studied were: executive function, age, suicidal ideation, sex, clinical characteristics of consumption, substance consumed, intelligence quotient, cognitive impairment, anxiety, depression and time of consumption. Both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used. Results: 257 patients were studied, with consumption mainly of alcohol and marijuana, average age of 34 years, predominantly male (89 percent) and an average of 17 years of consumption. 47 percent of the patients had mild cognitive impairment and 9.34 percent had moderate cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment was associated with having inverted tolerance (odd ratio OR= 6.4), executive dysfunction (OR= 4.2), depression (OR= 4.1), anxiety (OR= 2.4), consuming substances other than alcohol (OR= 2.6), having subjective need for consumption (OR= 2.5), altered abstinence capacity (OR= 2.3) and suicidal ideation (OR= 2.0). Conclusions: The prognostic factors of cognitive impairment in addicted patients are: inverted tolerance, executive alterations, depression, anxiety, consuming drugs other than alcohol, having altered abstinence capacity and presenting suicidal ideation(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Prognosis , Substance-Related Disorders/psychology , Cognitive Dysfunction , Cannabis/toxicity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Suicidal Ideation , Observational Study , Patient Care/psychologyABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Adolescents who practice sports have better mental health indicators. Objective To analyze the association between different types of physical activity (systematized exercise, individual, and collective sports), mental health, and suicidal ideation in adolescents. Method We conducted a cross-sectional study with 666 Brazilian adolescents (14-19 y.o.) attending high schools and selected using random cluster sampling. The mental health indicators analyzed were evaluated through the Self Reporting Questionnaire and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, including suicidal ideation. We also obtained physical activity information through questionnaires. Results There was a higher prevalence related to mental disorders (54.2% vs. 32.5%), difficulties related to mental health (79.6% vs. 48.4%), and suicidal thoughts (22.9% vs. 11.4%) in girls than in boys (p < .001 for all). The boys engaged in more team sports (41.0 vs. 23.8), whereas girls performed more exercise (45.1 vs. 26.5; p < .001). Discussion and conclusion The practice of team sports helps develop the collective spirit, stimulates social interaction, and develops reasoning and emotional intelligence. Boys who play team sports have fewer symptoms of common mental disorders, lower mental health problems, and less suicidal ideation than physically inactive boys.
Resumen Introducción Los adolescentes que practican deportes tienen mejores indicadores de salud mental. Objetivo Analizar la asociación entre los diferentes tipos de actividad física (ejercicio sistematizado, deportes individuales y colectivos), la salud mental y la ideación suicida en adolescentes. Método Se realizó un estudio transversal realizado con 666 adolescentes brasileños (14-19 años) que asisten a escuelas secundarias y fueron seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados. Los indicadores de salud mental analizados fueron evaluados a través del Cuestionario de Autoinforme y el Cuestionario de Fortalezas y Dificultades, incluyendo la ideación suicida. También obtuvimos información de la actividad física a través de cuestionarios. Resultados Hubo una mayor prevalencia relacionada con trastornos mentales (54.2% contra 32.5%), dificultades relacionadas con la salud mental (79.6% contra 48.4%) y pensamientos suicidas (22.9% contra 11.4%) en niñas que en niños (p < .001 para todos). Los chicos practicaban más deportes de equipo (41.0 contra 23.8), mientras que las chicas hacían más ejercicio (45.1 contra 26.5; p < .001). Discusión y conclusión La práctica de deportes de equipo ayuda en el desarrollo del espíritu colectivo, estimula la interacción social, desarrolla el razonamiento y la inteligencia emocional. Los niños que practican deportes de equipo tienen menos síntomas de trastornos mentales comunes, menos problemas de salud mental y menos ideación suicida en comparación con los niños físicamente inactivos.