Aims: To evaluate role of ultrasonography in heel pain in Indian population and also to perform its demographic and clinical assessment Material And Method : The prospective study was conducted in 41 patients of all age group complaining of heel pain. Patients with major trauma and previous surgery were excluded. Informed consent, Demographic data and clinical complaints were obtained from the subjects. The ankle ultrasound was performed using a high-frequency probe (3-12 MHz) . Frequency distribution was performed from the data to prepare the tables. The outcomes are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD) and median. Result: Among 41 subjects majority were > 40 years (68.3%), with male : female ratio 24:17 Fieldwork/security/police accounted for 36.6 % of the participants. Most common ultrasound ndings is Planter fasciitis (34.1%) followed by heel pad atrophy (17.1 %) , Calcaneal spur (12.2%) and Achilles tendinopathy (7.3%). Other causes were Achilles tendon tear, Peroneal Tenosynovitis and tibial posterior Tenosynovitis. And in 9 subjects (21.95%) normal sonographic ndings noted. Conclusion: Heel pain is common complaint with plantar fasciitis noted in 10% of musculoskeletal pain of heel and ankle. Ultrasound is a problem-solving tool to evaluate heel pain. Demographic data, clinical examination and history also provide valuable clues to the diagnosis. By incorporating ≥ 2 ultrasound ndings in the evaluation of plantar fasciitis the condence of denitive diagnosis can be increased.
Background: Pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis is an aggressive closed-space infection, which affects the flexor tendon sheath of the hand with disabling sequelae. The purpose of this study is to describe the patient demographic characteristics and identify factors associated with amputation in pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis. Methods: In this retrospective single-center study, included all adult patients who presented to the emergency department from 2015 to 2021 with PFT of the hand. Descriptive summary statistics were reported on patient demographics, presenting symptoms and clinical examination features, culture results, treatment strategies, and early complications. The factors influencing amputation were identified and analyzed. Results: A total of 59 patients with PFT diagnosis were included. Most of the population was found to be immunosuppressed (34 patients). Moreover, the most common comorbidities were the combination of diabetes mellitus and systemic arterial hypertension. The third right finger was the most frequently affected region. Almost all patients were hospitalized, intravenous antibiotics, and at least one additional surgical intervention was required in 16 cases. Amputation of the infected finger occurred in 6 patients, associated with different factors: reintervention, age over forty, presence of diabetes mellitus and chronic arterial hypertension, penetrating trauma, and presence of Enterococcus faecalis in culture. Conclusions: Rapid and aggressive treatment is required to prevent devastating complications such as amputation. Adequate identification of the disease and risk factors is critical for a successful result. E. faecalis represents the most common pathogen in this study, unlike the reported literature. Thus, broad-spectrum antibiotics and surgical intervention are required.
Objective To study the safety and effectiveness of arc edge needle therapy for moderate to severe tenosynovitis of the flexor digitorum tendon in the thumb.Methods A total of 62 patients with moderate to severe stenosing tenosynovitis of the flexor digitorum thumb who met the inclusion criteria were collected.The patients were randomly assigned 1:1 to the arc edge needle group and the needle knife group using a random number table method.Among them,31 patients in the arc edge needle group were treated with arc edge needles,while 31 patients in the needle knife group were treated with traditional needle knife release surgery.Both groups were treated once.Record the number rating scale(NRS),range of motion(ROM),Quinell grade,and disease efficacy score(WDES)of patients before and after treatment at various stages(1 week,2 weeks,4 weeks),and at follow-up after 24 weeks to evaluate the treatment effect.Results During the 24 weeks follow-up of 62 patients after treatment,the Quinell grading comparison between the two groups showed that the arc edge needle group was better than the needle knife group(P<0.05);The total effective rate of disease efficacy score(WDES)was 96.77%in the arc edge needle group and 83.87%in the needle knife group.The clinical total effective rate of the arc edge needle group was better than that of the needle knife group(P<0.05);After treatment,both groups showed significant improvement in pain numerical score(NRS)and joint range of motion(ROM),and the degree of improvement increased over time(P<0.05);And the inter group comparison at 1 week,2 weeks,4 weeks and 24 weeks time points after treatment showed that the curved blade needle was superior to the needle knife group in improving pain and joint mobility(P<0.05).Conclusion Both the 45° tenosynovitis incision and release surgery with arc edge needle and traditional needle knife release surgery are effective in treating moderate to severe tenosynovitis of the thumb flexor digitorum tendon.However,the 45° tenosynovitis incision and release surgery with arc edge needle has significant advantages in improving pain,interphalangeal joint mobility,and safety.
ABSTRACT Background: Musculoskeletal inflammatory lesions in chronic Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection have not been thoroughly assessed using whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WBMRI). This study aimed to determine the prevalence of these lesions in such patients. Methods: From September 2018 to February 2019, patients with positive Chikungunya-specific serology (Immunoglobulin M/Immunoglobulin G anti-CHIKV), with a history of polyarthralgia for > 6 months prior to MRI with no pre-existing rheumatic disorders, underwent 3T WBMRI and localized MRI. The evaluation focused on musculoskeletal inflammatory lesions correlated with chronic CHIKV infection. Pain levels were assessed using a visual analogue scale on the same day as WBMRI. Results: The study included 86 patients of whom 26 met the inclusion criteria. All patients reported pain and most (92.3%) categorized it as moderate or severe. The most common finding across joints was effusion, particularly in the tibiotalar joint (57.7%) and bursitis, with the retrocalcaneal bursa most affected (48.0%). Tenosynovitis was prevalent in the flexor compartment of the hands (44.2%), while Kager fat pad and soleus edema were also observed. Bone marrow edema-like signals were frequently seen in the sacroiliac joints (19.2%). Most WBMRI findings were classified as mild. Conclusions: This study represents the first utilization of 3T WBMRI to assess musculoskeletal inflammatory disorders in chronic CHIKV infection. The aim was to identify the most affected joints and prevalent lesions, providing valuable insights for future research and clinical management of this condition regarding understanding disease pathophysiology, developing targeted treatment strategies, and using advanced imaging techniques in the assessment of musculoskeletal manifestations.
Subcutaneous cysticercosis is a rare manifestation of cysticercosis, caused by the larval stage of Taenia solium. It presents as a swelling or a palpable cystic mass. We describe a 43-year-old female who presented with subcutaneous swelling over her right hand, gradually increasing in size over ten days. Initially, tenosynovitis was suspected clinically. However, an ultrasound of the hand revealed a well-defined, cystic lesion with eccentric echogenic foci and peripheral oedema suggestive of cysticercosis. She was treated with oral albendazole, leading to significant improvement. This case report emphasizes the importance of considering parasitic infections as a potential cause of subcutaneous swelling. It also highlights the significance of utilizing diagnostic imaging for definitive diagnosis and timely treatment.
Ultrasound (USG) is being increasingly used for the detection of MSK pathologies. Moreover, USG is further utilized for guided interventions such as therapeutic injections, tenotomies, releases, and hydrodissections. Our study is aiming to determine the usefulness of such ultrasound-guided injection (UGI) techniques and comparison of UGI with landmark-guided intervention techniques.
Resumen Tenosinovitis es la inflamación o infección de un tendón y su vaina sinovial. Una de las causas puede ser bacteriana. Los gérmenes comunes son los más frecuentes, pero deben investigarse también las micobacterias. En la Argentina, la tuberculosis es un problema de salud pública. Mycobacterium bovis ocasiona zoonosis que afectan animales y humanos. La infección en el hombre se da por inhalación de aerosoles de ganado enfermo, por vía digestiva o cutánea. Las manifestaciones extrapulmonares pueden ser digestivas, ganglionares, cutáneas u osteoarticulares. La tenosinovitis tuberculosa de muñeca es infrecuente y, generalmente, es diagnosticada como tenosinovitis reumática o inespecífica. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 48 años, residente de zona rural, que presentaba hipertrofia y edema en dedos de la mano izquierda. Se le realizó cirugía del túnel carpiano y se observaron cuerpos como granos de arroz. Del tejido sinovial se aisló M. bovis. Comenzó tratamiento tuberculostático más claritromicina. Evolucionó favorablemente.
Abstract Tenosynovitis is an inflammation or infection of a tendon and its synovial sheath. One cause of this illness may be bacterial, being common organisms more frequent, but mycobacteria should be also investigated. In Argentina, tuberculosis is a public health problem. Mycobacterium bovis causes zoonoses that affect animals and humans. Infection in man occurs by inhalation of aerosols from sick cattle, by digestive or cutaneous routes. Extrapulmonary manifestations can be digestive, nodal, cutaneous or osteoarticular. Tuberculous wrist tenosynovitis is uncommon, usually diagnosed as rheumatic or nonspecific tenosynovitis. The case of a 48-year-old woman, a resident of rural areas, presenting hypertrophy, and edema in the fingers of the left hand was introduced. Carpal tunnel surgery was performed, while rice grain bodies were noticed. Synovial tissue material was taken for mycobacterial culture, where M. bovis was isolated. She began tuberculostatic treatment plus clarithromycin. She evolved favourably.
Resumo A tenossinovite é a inflamação ou infecção de um tendão e sua bainha sinovial. A causa pode ser bacteriana, sendo os germes comuns os mais frequentes, mas as micobactérias devem ser investigadas. Na Argentina, a tuberculose é um problema de saúde pública. Mycobacterium bovis causa zoonose que afeta animais e humanos. A infecção no homem ocorre por inalação de aerossóis de gado doente, por via digestiva ou cutânea. As manifestações extrapulmonares podem ser digestivas, ganglionares, cutâneas, osteoarticulares. A tenossinovite tuberculosa do pulso é pouco frequente, geralmente diagnosticada como tenossinovite reumática ou inespecífica. Apresenta-se o caso de uma mulher de 48 anos, moradora de zona rural, com hipertrofia e edema nos dedos da mão esquerda. Foi realizada cirurgia do túnel do carpo, observando-se corpos como grãos de arroz. Do tecido sinovial foi isolado M. bovis. Iniciou-se tratamento tuberculostático mais claritromicina. Evoluiu favoravelmente.
Introduction: De Quervain tenosynovitis is first described by Fritz de Quervain, in 1895. It involves tendon entrapment of the first dorsal compartment of the wrist and thickening of the tendon sheaths of first dorsal compartment the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis, where the tendons pass through the fibro-osseous tunnel located along the radial styloid at the distal wrist. Pain is exacerbated by thumb movement and radial or ulnar deviation of the wrist. The prevalence of de Quervain tenosynovitis is about 0.5% in men and 1.3% in women with peak prevalence in their fourth and fifth decades of life respectively. The present Materials and Methods: study was a prospective study. This Study was conducted from December 2021 to December 2022 at Department of Rampurhat Government Medical College and Hospital, West Bengal, India. In the total of 20 patients Result: were included, out of which 16 patients are female and 4 patients are male. Surgical release has excellent outcome; splinti Conclusion: ng and local steroid injection can be an alternative treatment option for DQ disease especially in patients with low grade disease.
Abstract Trigger finger is a frequent condition. Although tenosynovitis and the alteration of pulley A1 are identified as triggering factors, there is no consensus on the true cause in the literature, and its true etiology remains unknown. The diagnosis is purely clinical most of the time. It depends solely on the existence of finger locking during active bending movement. Trigger finger treatment usually begins with nonsurgical interventions that are instituted for at least 3 months. In patients with initial presentation with flexion deformity or inability to flex the finger, there may be earlier indication of surgical treatment due to pain intensity and functional disability. In the present review article, we will present the modalities and our algorithm for the treatment of trigger finger.
Resumo O dedo em gatilho é uma afecção frequente. Não obstante a tenossinovite e a alteração da polia A1 serem identificados como fatores desencadeantes, não há consenso sobre a verdadeira causa na literatura, sendo que a sua verdadeira etiologia permanece desconhecida. O diagnóstico é puramente clínico na maior parte das vezes. Ele depende unicamente da existência do travamento do dedo no decorrer da movimentação flexão ativa. O tratamento do dedo em gatilho geralmente se inicia com intervenções não cirúrgicas que são instituídas por pelo menos 3 meses. Nos pacientes em quem haja apresentação inicial com deformidade em flexão ou incapacidade de flexão do dedo, pode haver indicação mais precoce do tratamento cirúrgico em razão da intensidade do quadro álgico e da incapacidade funcional do paciente. No presente artigo de revisão, apresentaremos as modalidades e o nosso algoritmo para o tratamento do dedo em gatilho.
Humans , Congenital Abnormalities , Tenosynovitis/therapy , Trigger Finger Disorder/surgery , Trigger Finger Disorder/diagnosis , Trigger Finger Disorder/therapyABSTRACT
La tenosinovitis es una manifestación frecuente de la artritis reumatoidea (AR), asociada a la presencia de rupturas tendinosas, discapacidad funcional y procesos erosivos de las articulaciones adyacentes. En los últimos años el manejo clínico de la AR ha sido respaldado por diferentes métodos de evaluación por imágenes, como la ultrasonografía (US) y la resonancia magnética (RM). Estas son herramientas de gran utilidad en la práctica clínica porque permiten la detección precoz de la actividad de la enfermedad y, por lo tanto, un tratamiento oportuno. Por medio de diferentes escalas de evaluación del daño articular y periarticular (como el tendinoso) es posible valorar el estado de la enfermedad y la respuesta al tratamiento. La presente revisión tiene como objetivo describir las escalas de evaluación de la RM y la US en la valoración de la tenosinovitis en pacientes con AR.
Tenosynovitis is a frequent manifestation of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), it is associated with tendon ruptures, functional disability, and erosive processes in the adjacent joints. In recent years, RA clinical management has been supported by different imaging methods such as ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance (MR). These methods are particularly useful tools in clinical practice because they allow the early detection of disease activity and, therefore, prompt treatment. Through different evaluation scales of joint and periarticular damage (such as tendon) they also make possible to assess the state of the disease and the treatment response. The present review aims to describe the scores described for MRI and US to evaluate tenosynovitis in RA patients.
Tenosynovitis , Arthritis, Rheumatoid , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , UltrasonographyABSTRACT
Introducción: Por más de 20 años la litotricia extracorpórea se ha aplicado con éxito en el mundo. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de la terapia por ondas de choque en el tratamiento a pacientes que presentan lesiones en los tendones y ligamentos del sistema osteomioarticular. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, con 107 pacientes diagnosticados con lesiones en los tendones y ligamentos del sistema osteomioarticular, los cuales fueron tratados con el equipo Well Wave (ondas de choque extracorpóreas) en el Complejo Científico Ortopédico Internacional Frank País, en el período comprendido entre marzo de 2019 y abril de 2020. Se realizó el análisis de las variables edad, sexo, dolor y discapacidad. Se obtuvieron frecuencias absolutas y relativas, y con ellas se confeccionaron las tablas que resumen la información estadística de la investigación. Resultados: Predominó el sexo femenino (71,9 por ciento), de 51 - 60 años (28 por ciento). El 40,2 por ciento de los pacientes fueron atendidos por presentar una tendinitis del supraespinoso. Todos los pacientes presentaban dolor antes de la aplicación de la terapia. Luego del tratamiento el 78,5 por ciento de los enfermos dejaron de sentirlo y el 71 por ciento presentó ausencia de discapacidad según escala de DASH. Según los criterios de evaluación de la respuesta al tratamiento los resultados fueron satisfactorios en el 56 por ciento de los pacientes. Conclusiones: La terapia con las ondas de choque posibilitó una rápida recuperación de los pacientes atendidos y su incorporación a las actividades diarias(AU)
ABSTRACT Introduction: Over more than 20 years, extracorporeal lithotripsy has been successfully used worldwide. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of shock wave therapy in the treatment of patients with injuries to the tendons and ligaments of the osteomioarticular system. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out with 107 patients diagnosed with injuries to the tendons and ligaments of the osteomioarticular system. These subjects were treated with the Well Wave equipment (extracorporeal shock waves) at Frank País International Orthopedic Scientific Center, from March 2019 to April 2020. The variables age, sex, pain and disability were analyzed. Absolute and relative frequencies were obtained, and the results of statistical information of the investigation was shown in summarizing tables. Results: The female sex prevailed (71.9percent), 51 - 60 years old (28 percent). 40.2 percent of the patients were treated for supraspinatus tendinitis. All patients had pain before the use of therapy. After treatment, 78.5 percent of the patients stopped feeling pain and 71 percent showed no disability according to DASH scale. According to the treatment response evaluation criteria, the results were satisfactory in 56percent of the patients. Conclusions: This therapy enabled rapid recovery of the patients treated and their integration into daily activities(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Tendon Injuries , Tendons , Treatment Outcome , Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy/methods , Ligaments/injuries , Musculoskeletal System , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Objective:To investigate the efficacy of total ankle arthroscopy for resection of the talus os trigonum and debridement of the synovium of flexor hallucis longus (FHL) in the treatment of osteogenic posterior ankle impingement syndrome (PAIS) complicated with flexor hallucis longus tenosynovitis (FHLT).Methods:The 14 patients with osteogenic PAIS and FHLT were retrospectively analyzed who had been treated at Department of Hand-Foot-Ankle Microsurgery, Xuzhou Central Hospital from July 2017 to July 2019. They were 8 men and 6 women, aged from 29 to 53 years (mean, 42.4 years). The talus os trigonum and the giant posterolateral process of the talus were resected under total ankle arthroscopy in the prone position of the posterior ankle while the FHL was released and cleared. The efficacy was evaluated by comparing the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot score, Maryland functional score, and pain visual analog scale (VAS) between preoperation and one year postoperation.Results:All patients were followed up for 12 to 24 months (average, 15 months). For all patients, their plantar flexion and dorsal extension were improved significantly from preoperative 19.2°±4.0° and 14.2°±2.7° to postoperative 42.9°±2.7° and 24.5°±3.2°, their AOFAS score increased significantly from preoperative 42.1±4.2 to 91.6±2.7 at one year postoperation, their Maryland score increased significantly from preoperative 43.9±4.1 to 91.9±3.5 at one year postoperation, and their VAS score decreased significantly from preoperative 6 (6, 7) to 0 (0, 0) at one year postoperation (all P<0.05). Conclusion:In the treatment of osteogenic PAIS complicated with FHLT, total ankle arthroscopy for resection of the talus os trigonum and release of FHL can lead to fine efficacy and limited surgical invasion, resolving the FHL pathological inflammation and PAIS at the same time.
Abstract Objective The present paper aims to evaluate the therapeutic planning for trigger finger by Brazilian orthopedists. Methods This is a cross-sectional study with a population composed of participants from the 2018 Brazilian Congress on Orthopedics and Traumatology (CBOT-2018, in the Portuguese acronym), who answered a questionnaire about the conduct adopted for trigger finger diagnosis and treatment. Results A total of 243 participants were analyzed, with an average age of 37.46 years old; most participants were male (88%), with at least 1 year of experience (55.6%) and from Southeast Brazil (68.3%). Questionnaire analysis revealed a consensus on the following issues: diagnosis based on physical examination alone (73.3%), use of the Quinnell classification modified by Green (58.4%), initial nonsurgical treatment (91.4%), infiltration of steroids combined with an anesthetic agent (61.7%), nonsurgical treatment time ranging from 1 to 3 months (52.3%), surgical treatment using the open approach (84.4%), mainly the transverse open approach (51%), triggering recurrence as the main nonsurgical complication (58%), and open surgery success in > 90% of the cases (63%), with healing intercurrences (54%) as the main complication. There was no consensus on the remaining variables. Orthopedists with different practicing times disagree on treatment duration (p = 0.013) and on the complication rate of open surgery (p = 0.010). Conclusions Brazilian orthopedists prefer to diagnose trigger finger with physical examination alone, to classify it according to the Quinnell method modified by Green, to institute an initial nonsurgical treatment, to perform infiltrations with steroids and local anesthetic agents, to sustain the nonsurgical treatment for 1 to 3 months, and to perform the surgical treatment using a transverse open approach; in addition, they state that the main nonsurgical complication was triggering recurrence, and report open surgery success in > 90% of the cases, with healing intercurrences as the main complication.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o planejamento terapêutico para o dedo em gatilho por ortopedistas brasileiros. Métodos Estudo transversal, cuja população foi composta por participantes do Congresso Brasileiro de Ortopedia e Traumatologia 2018 (CBOT-2018). Foi aplicado um questionário sobre a conduta adotada no diagnóstico e tratamento do dedo em gatilho. Resultados Foram analisados 243 participantes com média de idade de 37.46 anos, na maioria homens (88%), tempo de experiência de pelo menos 1 ano (55,6%), e da região Sudeste (68.3%). A análise dos questionários evidenciou que há consenso nos seguintes quesitos: diagnóstico somente com exame físico (73,3%), classificação de Quinnell modificada por Green (58,4%), tratamento inicial não cirúrgico (91,4%), infiltração de corticoide com anestésico (61,7%) tempo de tratamento não cirúrgico de 1 a 3 meses (52,3%), tratamento cirúrgico pela via aberta (84,4%), principalmente via aberta transversa (51%), recidiva do engatilhamento como principal complicação não cirúrgica (58%), e o sucesso da cirurgia aberta em > 90% (63%), sendo a sua principal complicação as complicações cicatriciais (54%). Sem consenso nas demais variáveis. De acordo com a experiência, foram observadas diferenças referentes ao tempo de tratamento (p = 0.013) e a taxa de complicação da cirurgia aberta (p = 0.010). Conclusões O ortopedista brasileiro tem preferência pelo diagnóstico do dedo em gatilho apenas com exame físico, classifica segundo Quinnell modificado por Green, tratamento inicial não cirúrgico, infiltrações com corticoide e anestésico local, tempo de tratamento não cirúrgico de 1 a 3 meses, tratamento cirúrgico por via aberta transversa, principal complicação não cirúrgica a recidiva do engatilhamento, e considera o sucesso da cirurgia aberta em > 90% dos casos, tendo como principal complicação as complicações cicatriciais.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Physical Examination , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Tendon Entrapment , Trigger Finger Disorder/surgery , Trigger Finger Disorder/diagnosis , Trigger Finger Disorder/therapy , Orthopedic SurgeonsABSTRACT
Objective:To observe the effect of hyaluronidase injection into tendon sheath under muscle bone ultrasound guidance in the treatment of tenosynovitis of long head of biceps brachii.Methods:134 patients with tenosynovitis of the long head of biceps brachii treated in SSL Central Hospital of Dongguan from April 2019 to April 2020 were selected as the research objects. All patients were randomly divided into ordinary injection group and ultrasound-assisted injection group, 67 cases in each group. The general injection group was treated with intra-articular injection of hyaluronidase, and the ultrasound-assisted injection group was treated with intra-tendon sheath injection of hyaluronidase under the guidance of muscle and bone ultrasound. Visual Analog Scales (VAS) score, active flexion joint motion (AFROM), shoulder range of motion (ROM), functional score, flexion strength score, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and local tenosynovitis of the long head of biceps brachii (TLHBB)were measured to evaluate the clinical effect and postoperative complications after treatment.Results:There was no significant difference in gender, age, course of disease, periarthritis of shoulder and disuse atrophy of muscles around shoulder between ordinary injection group and ultrasound-assisted injection group ( P>0.05). After treatment, the AFROM, ROM, function score, forward flexion strength score, and middle wedge angle (MWA) of the two groups were significantly higher than those before treatment ( P<0.05), while the VAS score, humeral head diameter (HHD), biceps long head tendon diameter (BTD), and TLBBB were significantly lower than those before treatment ( P<0.05). The AFROM, ROM, function score, and forward flexion strength score, MWA of the ultrasound-assisted injection group were significantly higher than those of the ordinary injection group ( P<0.05), and the VAS score, HHD, BTD, and TLHBB were significantly lower than those of the ordinary injection group ( P<0.05). The total effective rate of the ultrasound-assisted injection group was higher than that of the ordinary injection group (97.01% vs 85.07%, P<0.05). Conclusions:Intra-tendon sheath hyaluronidase injection guided by ultrasound can effectively treat tenosynouitis of the long head of biceps brachii, relieve shoulder pain and improve shoulder motion.
@#Introduction: Bowling is an immensely popular, but scarcely researched sport associated with overuse injuries in its participants. The purpose of this study was to investigate and report on the incidence of common upper extremity complaints in elite bowling athletes. Materials and methods: All Malaysian national level bowlers (n=39) were evaluated via questionnaire on their upper limb symptoms. A focused, relevant clinical examination was performed on each subject to exclude de Quervain’s tenosynovitis, tennis and golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger. The athletes were then allowed to resume bowling for two hours before completing another symptom-related questionnaire. Results: Pain was the predominantly observed symptom, with a predilection for the wrist, ring and middle fingers, and thumb. De Quervain’s tenosynovitis was found in 53.8% (n=21) of the subjects, with 52.4% and 42.9% of them experiencing pain during and after training, respectively. Other repetitive injury-related disorders were also considerably more common than in their non-playing limb and the general population. Conclusion: The incidence of de Quervain’s tenosynovitis was exceptionally high in this population. Further studies on sports kinematics are needed to prevent long term morbidities in these athletes.
Resumen Los hongos dematiáceos son un grupo heterogéneo de microorganismos capaces de sintetizar melanina. Las infecciones de este grupo que producen hifas en tejidos se denominan feohifomicosis y generalmente afectan la piel y tejidos vecinos. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 86 años con un tumor quístico blando progresivo en su mano y muñeca derecha, no asociado a dolor o signos inflamatorios. Se demostró una tenosinovitis de los flexores con pseudocapsula y sinovitis adherida a los tendones. El cultivo demostró un hongo dematiáceo compatible con Pleurostomophora richardsiae que se confirmó por secuenciación de la región ITS. La biopsia mostró una inflamación crónica granulomatosa e hifas. Después del drenaje quirúrgico, el paciente fue dado de alta sin terapia antifúngica, pero falleció por causas no relacionadas, tres meses después. Esta es la primera descripción de P. richardsiae como causa de feohifomicosis en Chile. Esta patología se puede sospechar cuando una lesión quística cutánea crónica involucra extremidades sin signos inflamatorios. Puede afectar a pacientes inmunocompetentes o inmunocomprometidos. El tratamiento contempla la escisión quirúrgica con o sin terapia antifúngica.
Abstract Dematiaceous fungi are a heterogeneous group of microorganisms able to synthesize melanin. Infections by this group that provoke tissular hyphae are called phaeohyphomycosis and usually involve skin and neighbor tissues. We present the case of a 86 years old men with a progressive soft cystic tumor in his right hand and wrist not associated to pain or inflammatory signs. A surgical intervention demonstrated flexor tenosynovitis with serous secretion, pseudocapsule and synovitis. Fungal culture demonstrated a dematiaceous fungi compatible with Pleurostomophora richardsiae that was confirmed by sequencing of the ITS region. Biopsy showed chronic inflammation with granuloma and hyphae. After surgical drainage, the patient was discharged without antifungal therapy but died of unrelated causes three month later. This is the first description of P. richardsiae as a cause of phaeohyphomycosis in Chile, a country with a template climate. Phaeohyphomycosis can be suspected when a chronic skin cystic lesion involves extremities without inflammatory signs, sometimes with an associated fistula. It may affect immunocompetent or immunosuppressed patients. Treatment involves surgical excision with or without antifungal therapy and prognosis is favorable.
Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Abscess , Phaeohyphomycosis/diagnosis , Phaeohyphomycosis/drug therapy , Ascomycota , Chile , Hand , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Radiographic manifestations of synovitis (e.g., erosions) can be observed only in the late stage of rheumatoid arthritis. Ultrasound is a noninvasive, cheap, and widely available technique that enables the evaluation of inflammatory changes in the peripheral joint. In the same way, dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enables qualitative and quantitative measurements. The objectives of the study were to compare the sensitivity and accuracy of ultrasound in detecting subclinical synovitis and tenosynovitis with those of contrast-enhanced MRI. METHODS: The ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced MRI findings of the wrist, metacarpophalangeal, and proximal interphalangeal joints (n=450) of 75 patients with a history of joint pain and morning stiffness between 6 weeks and 2 years were reviewed. The benefits score was evaluated for each modality. RESULTS: The ultrasonic findings showed inflammation in 346 (77%) joints, while contrast-enhanced MRI found signs of early rheumatoid arthritis in 372 (83%) joints. The sensitivities of ultrasound and contrast-enhanced MRI were 0.795 and 0.855, respectively, and the accuracies were 0.769 and 0.823, respectively. Contrast-enhanced MRI had a likelihood of 0-0.83 and ultrasound had a likelihood of 0-0.77 for detecting synovitis and tenosynovitis at one time. The two imaging modalities were equally competitive for detecting synovitis and tenosynovitis (p=0.055). CONCLUSION: Ultrasound could be as sensitive and specific as contrast-enhanced MRI for the diagnosis of subclinical synovitis and tenosynovitis.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Synovitis/diagnostic imaging , Tenosynovitis/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Ultrasonography/methods , Wrist JointABSTRACT
Presentamos el caso de un paciente con una tenosinovitis piógena del 5° dedo de la mano, tratado inicialmente con desbridamiento quirúrgico y antibioterapia empírica. La evolución fue desfavorable, pues el dedo presentaba un defecto de cobertura con signos infecciosos en la herida y las curas resultaban muy dolorosas. Al paciente se le ofertaron varias opciones quirúrgicas y, mientras se decidía por alguna, aceptó por escrito iniciar curas con sevoflurano líquido tópico (según protocolo vigente para uso de fármacos fuera de indicación). El efecto analgésico del sevoflurano apareció rápidamente, y la evolución posterior de la herida fue muy favorable, pues los signos infecciosos desaparecieron y el defecto de cobertura se había cerrado tras tres semanas de empleo de sevoflurano tópico, sin necesidad de nuevas cirugías. Este caso ejemplifica que el uso fuera de indicación de sevoflurano tópico para tratar heridas complejas puede evitar actuaciones quirúrgicas, mucho más agresivas para los pacientes.
The clinical case is presented on a patient suffering from pyogenic tenosynovitis affecting the 5th finger of the hand, which was initially treated with surgical debridement and empirical antibiotic treatment. The clinical outcome was unfavourable, since the finger presented with a coverage defect, and the wound seemed to be infected. Wound cleaning and dressings were very painful. The patient was asked to choose between several surgical therapeutic alternatives, but he gave written informed consent to be treated with topical sevoflurane, following an approved protocol for the off-label use of this drug. Pain was accurately controlled after sevoflurane application, and the wound exhibited a very good outcome with disappearance of the clinical signs of infection and complete closure of the defect coverage after three weeks of sevoflurane, with no new surgical procedures. The present clinical case illustrates how the off-label use of topical sevoflurane for the treatment of complicated wounds could be useful to avoid surgical procedures that are more aggressive for patients.
Humans , Sevoflurane , Tenosynovitis , Wound Infection , Analgesics, Short-Acting , Pain Management , Anti-Infective Agents, LocalABSTRACT
Flexor tendon tenosynovitis is an entrapment of the flexor tendons at its entrance to the pulley system. Because there is a high incidence of this pathology, it should be well known by physicians, rheumathologists and orthopaedic surgeons. On this paper we present a literature review, analyzing the anatomic facts, biomechanics, diagnosis, classification, therapeutic options and we propose some general recommendations for physicians.
Humans , Tenosynovitis/etiology , Tenosynovitis/epidemiology , Trigger Finger Disorder/diagnosis , Trigger Finger Disorder/therapy , Tenosynovitis/classification , Biomechanical Phenomena , Incidence , Neutrophil Infiltration , Trigger Finger Disorder/surgery , AnatomyABSTRACT
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) manifestations in leprosy are very common, but often undiagnosed. The present study discussesa challenging case having dilemma in concluding the diagnosis as lepromatous leprosy or RA with leprosy