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Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1553374


A popular belief states that if frog is submerged in a container and gradually heats it up, it will try to adapt until it dies; this is probably the situation faced by more and more human populations. As stated by thousands of scientists, academics, and researchers worldwide, the planet's warming is directly related to climate change.

Thermosensing , Climate Change , Caribbean Region , Infrared Rays
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-799240


Objective@#To observe the temperature changes of skin on patients with cold and dampness syndrome by using the non-contact infrared human body thermometer and infrared thermal imager to treat the patients with cold and dampness syndrome by Jin-Bohua national famous Chinese medicine practitioners using the "Mountain Burning Manipulation by Jin-Shi" method to clarify the clinical thermal effects of the "Heat-producing Needling" method.@*Methods@#This study included sixty patients with cold and dampness syndrome who met the enrollment conditionsfrom November 2015 to October 2017. In a room with fixed temperature, the patients were treated by "Heat-producing Needling" method. By using a non-contact infrared human body thermometer and infrared thermal imaging technology, this study observed the skin temperature changes in Quchi and Hegu, Zusanli and Chongyang before needling, immediately afterneedling, 15 minutes after needling, and 30 minutes after needling.@*Results@#After the "Mountain Burning Manipulation by Jin-Shi" treatment, the temperature of local skin surface at acupoints of upper and lower limbs increased with different degrees and the skin temperature reached the highest level when the needle was kept for 15 minutes. The upper limbs' result indicated that skin temperature increased with significant differences in acupuncture of Quchi point for immediately, 15 minutes and 30 minutes as compared with that before acupuncture. It was found that the skin temperature at Hegu point for 15 minutes have a significant increase than before and immediately after acupuncture. The skin temperature of Hegu point lasted 30 minutes, which was significantly higher than before and immediately after acupuncture. Compared with Hegu point, Quchi point has higher skin temperature immediately after acupuncture (t=3.793, P=0.034). The lower limbss' results indicated that skin temperature at Zusanli point increased with significant differences in Zusanli point for immediately needling, 15 minutes and 30 minutes as compared respectively with that beforeneedling. It was found that the skin temperature at Chongyang point for 15 minutes had a significant increase than before and immediately after acupuncture. The skin temperature at Chongyang point for 15 mins had a significant increase than before and immediately afterneedling. The skin temperature of Zusanli point was higher than that of Chongyang point (t=3.794, P=0.034) immediately afterneedling.@*Conclusions@#This study demonstrates that the "Mountain Burning Manipulation by Jin-Shi" method has a clear clinical thermal effect on both local and peripheral longitude of patients with cold dampness syndrome.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-490894


Objective:To observe the thermesthesia thresholds of the heat-sensitive acupoints in patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA), and to provide scientific evidence for acupoint selection based on acupoint sensitization. Methods:Forty-six patients with KOA of swelling type were recruited. By using the quantitative thermesthesia testing, the thermal sensation threshold, thermal pain threshold, and threshold of thermal pain tolerance at Xuehai (SP 10), Neixiyan (EX-LE 4) and Yinlingquan (SP 9) were detected. The subjects were then divided into heat-sensitive groups and non-heat-sensitive groups according to whether there was a phenomenon of heat-sensitive moxibustion sensation at each acupoint, to compare the thermesthesia thresholds between the two groups. Results: The thermal sensation threshold, thermal pain threshold, and threshold of thermal pain tolerance were respectively (38.21±2.03)℃ , (44.4,±1.8,)℃ and (48.,9±0.,4)℃ in the heat-sensitive group of Xuehai (SP 10), versus (3,.,,±1.93)℃ , (42.91±2.0,)℃ and (4,.9,±1.14)℃ in the non-heat-sensitive group of Xuehai (SP 10); the thermal sensation threshold, thermal pain threshold, and threshold of thermal pain tolerance were respectively (3,.4,±1.,,)℃ , (44.,,±1.,3) , and (4,.48±0.4,) in the heat℃℃-sensitive group of Neixiyan (EX-LE 4), versus (3,.92±1.,9)℃ , (42.,2±1.94)℃ and (4,.,3±0.41)℃ in the non-heat-sensitive group of Neixiyan (EX-LE 4); the thermal sensation threshold, thermal pain threshold, and threshold of thermal pain tolerance were respectively (3,.30±2.23)℃ , (44.39±1.92)℃ and (4,.,,±0.,8)℃ in the heat-sensitive group of Yinlingquan (SP 9), versus (3,.0,±1.8,)℃ , (42.,3±1.88)℃ and (4,.91±0.,2)℃ in the non-heat-sensitive group of Yinlingquan (SP 9). The statistical analyses showed that the thermal sensation threshold, thermal pain threshold, and threshold of thermal pain tolerance of each heat-sensitive group (all the three acupoints) were significantly higher than those of each corresponding non-heat-sensitive group (P<0.01). Conclusion:There were differences in the thermesthesia thresholds between heat-sensitized and non-heat-sensitized acupoints in patients with KOA of swelling type; and the thermal sensation threshold, thermal pain threshold, and threshold of thermal pain tolerance of the heat-sensitized points were significantly higher than those of the non-heat-sensitized ones.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-647855


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects on body temperature, shivering, and perceived thermal comfort of web-based evidence-based practice guideline for patients undergoing gastrectomy. METHODS: Eighty patients scheduled for gastrectomy were recruited and assigned to the control or experimental group by sequential order. Before collecting data from the experimental group, a systematic educational program on evidence-based guidelines was provided to the nurses as well anesthesiologists. Data were analyzed using t-test and repeated measured ANOVA. RESULTS: The experimental group showed higher body temperature from the induction of anesthesia until four hours after surgery compared to the control group. In addition, the levels of thermal comfort as well as satisfaction with thermal management were significantly higher in the experiment group. CONCLUSION: Use of evidence-based guidelines was effective in maintaining body temperature, lowering sensitivity to shivering, and promoting perceived thermal comfort. Therefore, adoption of evidence-based interventions in nursing practice is recommended.

Humans , Anesthesia , Body Temperature , Evidence-Based Nursing , Evidence-Based Practice , Gastrectomy , Nursing , Shivering , Thermosensing