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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028589


Objective:To analyze the clinical characteristics of elderly-onset gouty arthritis and risk factors of tophi.Methods:A total of 1 239 gout patients were retrospective selected in the outpatient department of the Gout Clinical Medical Center of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University from 2016 to 2022. According to age of onset, they were divided into the young and middle-aged group(aged<60) consisted of 826 cases, and the elderly group(aged≥60) consisted of 413 cases. Compare the clinical characteristics of elderly with Young and Middle-aged patients.Results:The systolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, creatinine, regular exercise, comorbidities, and tophi in the elderly group was higher than that in the middle-aged and young group. The proportion of diastolic blood pressure, serum triglycerides, eGFR, serum uric acid, alcohol consumption rate, and family history of gout was lower than that of young and middle-aged group( P<0.05); In the elderly-onset group, the initial site of arthritis was commonly observed in the first metatarsophalangeal joint. The proportion of the first attack with the upper limb joint was higher in old age group than in young and middle age group( P<0.05). Renal underexcretion type was the main subtype in the elderly group, and the proportion of overproduction type was higher than that of the young and middle-aged group( P<0.05). The logistic regression analysis showed that age, urea nitrogen, disease duration≥10 years and family history of gout were risk factors for tophi in elderly patients( P<0.05). Conclusion:The elderly-onset gout has unique clinical characteristics, characterized by a higher prevalence of tophi, a higher rate of complications. An initial site of arthritis commonly observed in the first metatarsophalangeal joint and the predominant type of uric acid excretion is renal excretion impairment. Early diagnosis and treatment, control of blood uric acid levels, smoking cessation and alcohol, regular exercise should be applied to prevent or delay the formation of tophi.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028590


Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristics and risk factors of multiple tophi among gout patients.Methods:Gout patients treated at Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University from September 2017 to September 2021 were included retrospectively. According to the number of tophi, the patients were divided into the multiple tophi group, the single tophi group and the non-tophi group. Clinical data were collected, biochemical indices and urine pH value were determined. One- way ANOVA or Chi-square test was used to compare groups, and multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the risk factors. Results:The age, disease course, blood pressure, serum uric acid, urea nitrogen, and the rate of family history, smoking, drinking, gout attacks≥2 twice per year, hypertension, cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, kidney stones in the multiple tophi group were significantly higher than those in the single tophi group and the non-tophi group. The glomerular filtration rate, urine pH value and the rate of regular exercise were significantly lower than those of single tophi group and non-tophi group. In the multiple tophi group, 245 cases(44.46%) were involved in the interphalangeal joint or metacarpophalangeal joint, 212 cases(38.47%) were involved in other joints of the upper limb, which was second only to the first metatarsophalangeal joint(349 cases, 63.33%). Logistic regression analysis showed that the course of disease, urea nitrogen, serum uric acid, positive family history, drinking, gout attacks ≥twice per year and hypertension were the risk factors for multiple tophi in gout patients. Conclusion:Patients with a long disease course, elevated uric acid, high urea nitrogen, positive family history, alcohol consumption, frequent gout flare and hypertension are more likely to develop multiple tophi.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003653


@#A 48-year-old, non-hypertensive, non diabetic man with uncontrolled gouty arthritis presented with a four-day swollen nasal mass. He was assessed to have a nasal abscess at the emergency room and was admitted for urgent management. Paranasal computed tomography (CT) scans showed a heterogeneously enhancing focus with areas of hypodensities in the nasal apex and dorsum extending into the right ala measuring 1.5 x 2.8 x 3.4 cm. with associated erosion of the cartilaginous part of the anterior nasal septum, soft tissue swelling and skin thickening in the nasal dorsum, nasal tip and right zygomatic region that was suspected to relate to an aggressive etiology. Tissue correlation was therefore recommended, and he underwent endoscopic-guided incision and drainage with biopsy and debridement of the nasal mass. The specimen submitted consisted of red to white, irregular, soft tissue fragments with an aggregate measurement of 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm. Microsections showed deposits of amorphous white to pink material with surrounding fibrosis and acute and chronic inflammatory cell infiltrates and foreign body giant cells. (Figures 1 and 2) Also seen in the background were fragments of sclerotic bone and bacterial colonies. These findings were consistent with gouty tophus with acute and chronic inflammation and bacterial colonization. The culture and sensitivity test of the nasal discharge showed growth of Enterobacter aerogenes (currently named Klebsiella aerogenes) which was identified by an automated mass spectrometry microbial identification system (VITEK® MS). Work-up also included uric acid levels which were within the reference interval at that time (6.57 mg/dL).

Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530163


La gota es una enfermedad reumática inflamatoria que se debe al depósito de cristales de urato monosódico en las articulaciones. En su evolución clínica se distingues dos formas: la fase aguda caracterizada por un proceso inflamatorio monoarticular agudo de gran sensibilidad, y la fase crónica o de mantenimiento, cuyo elemento fundamental es la acumulación de cristales de urato monosódico llamados tofos gotosos. Estos se presentan con mayor frecuencia en el dorso de los dedos, a nivel articular y en el pabellón auricular. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino, de 47 años, con diagnóstico de gota de 5 años de evolución y con tratamiento irregular. Este paciente presentó tofos gotosos en localizaciones infrecuentes que limitaron su capacidad funcional. Este caso demuestra la necesidad de un diagnóstico oportuno y una adecuada adherencia al tratamiento, por lo que se considera importante para la comunidad médica, especialmente los profesionales de la salud que atienden a pacientes con artropatía gotosa(AU)´

Gout is a rheumatic, inflammatory disease that is generated by the deposition of monosodium urate crystals at the joint level. Two forms can be distinguished in its clinical evolution: the acute phase characterized by an acute monoarticular inflammatory process of great sensitivity, and the chronic or maintenance phase where the fundamental element is the presence of accumulations of monosodium urate crystals called gouty tophi. These occur more frequently on the back of the fingers, at the joint level and in the auricle. This paper presents the case of a 47-year-old male patient, diagnosed with gout for 5 years and with irregular treatment, who presented gouty tophi in infrequent locations that limit the patient's functional capacity. The case is presented considering it important for the medical community; especially health professionals caring for patients with gouty arthropathy(AU)´

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994277


Objective:To analyze the influencing factors of gout patients and explore whether there is an interaction between serum uric acid and diastolic blood pressure affecting the onset of tophi.Methods:A total of 4 798 gout patients were retrospective selected in the outpatient Department of the Gout Clinical Medical Center of the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University from September 2016 to May 2020. It was divided into tophi group and non-tophi group to compare the differences in indicators. A logistic regression model was used to analyze the influencing factors of tophi, and an interaction model was constructed to analyze the interactions.Results:Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed significant associations between age, diastolic blood pressure, alcohol consumption history, gout family history, blood uric acid, urea nitrogen, and creatinine clearance and tophi formation. The results of blood uric acid-related interaction analysis showed a significant interaction between blood uric acid and diastolic blood pressure( Pinteraction=0.014), and the risk of developing tophi in low diastolic blood pressure and high diastolic blood pressure group increased by 34.4%( OR=1.344, 95% CI 1.105-1.635, P=0.003) and 95.4%( OR=1.954, 95% CI 1.558-2.450, P<0.001) in the high blood uric acid group compared with the low blood uric acid group. The results of diastolic blood pressure and blood uric acid subgroup analysis showed that there was no statistical difference in the risk of developing tophi in people with low uric acid levels( P=0.238), but in people with high uric acid levels, the risk of developing tophi was 67%( OR=1.670, 95% CI 1.379-2.022, P<0.001) higher than that in the low uric acid group. Conclusion:Age, diastolic blood pressure, combined alcohol consumption history and gout family history, blood uric acid, renal function are related to the occurrence of tophi. High uric acid and high diastolic blood pressure have interaction on the occurrence of tophi. Attention and proactive intervention shall be applied to this group of patients.

Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 23(2)ago. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409168


RESUMEN La artropatía gotosa es una enfermedad inflamatoria que afecta fundamentalmente a pacientes masculinos por encima de los 50 años de edad. Su principal expresión clínica desde el punto de vista articular es la presencia de un cuadro inflamatorio monoarticular de elevada sensibilidad. Cuando el diagnóstico es tardío, el tratamiento inadecuado o no existe adherencia terapéutica por parte de los pacientes, los cristales de urato monosódico se acumulan en forma de tofos gotosos que no solo afectan la función articulares, sino que generan gran discapacidad y afectación de la percepción de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Se presenta la imagen poco frecuente de gran acumulación de tofos gotosos en el dorso de ambas manos que limita considerablemente la movilidad articular, la capacidad funcional y la percepción de la calidad de vida secundaria a una no adherencia farmacológica del paciente.

ABSTRACT Gouty arthropathy is an inflammatory disease that mainly affects male patients over 50 years of age. Its main clinical expression from the joint point of view is the presence of a highly sensitive monoarticular inflammatory picture. When the diagnosis is late, the treatment is inadequate or there is no therapeutic adherence by the patients, the monosodium urate crystals accumulate in the form of gouty tophi that not only affect joint function, but also cause great disability and impairment of perception quality of life related to health. The rare image of a large accumulation of gouty tophi on the back of both hands is presented, which considerably limits joint mobility, functional capacity, and the perception of quality of life secondary to the patient's pharmacological non-adherence.

Humans , Male
Chinese Journal of Rheumatology ; (12): 590-596, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-910206


Objective:To analyze the clinical characteristics and risk factors associated with the formation of subcutaneous tophi among young gout patients.Methods:Gout patients treated at the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University from September 2016 to June 2020 were included. The clinical information was collected and relevant biochemical indices were detected. Fasting urine was collected to test urine pH value, urine uric acid and urine creatinine. Patients were divided into young tophi group and non-tophi group according to age. The measurement data of normal distribution was expressed as Mean±Standard deviation, and independent sample t test and one-way analysis of variance were used. The counting data was tested by Chi-square test. The risk factors were analyzed by logistic regression. Results:A total of 4 798 primary gout patients were collected. There were 915 patients with subcutaneous tophi, 2 308 young gout patients, 252 young gouty tophi patients among them. The average BMI, waist circumference, hip circumference, triglyceride level, serum uric acid level, glomerular filtration rate, alanineamino -transferase (ALT) and aspartate amino -transferase (AST) in the young tophi group were significantly higher than those in the middle-age tophi group ( F=46.074, 2.551, 9.203, 10.370, 15.118, 68.741, 35.023, 5.175, all P<0.05). Average age of disease onset, systolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, urine FEUA, Uua/Ucr and urea nitrogen level in young tophi group were significantly lower than those in middle-age tophi group ( F=474.876, 7.629, 6.441, 34.877, 3.633, 50.867, all P<0.05]. The age [(35±7) years old vs (33±7) years old], disease course [(7±4) years vs (4±3) years], blood pressure [(139±17) mmHg vs (135±16) mmHg], [(90±13) mmHg vs (86±12) mmHg], serum triglyceride [(2.6±2.1) mmol/L vs (2.4±2.0) mmol/L], total cholesterol [(4.9±1.4) mmol/L vs (4.6±1.4) mmol/L], serum uric acid [(547±171) μmol/L vs (490±160) μmol/L], urea nitrogen [(5.0±2.0) mmol/L vs (4.4±1.7) mmol/L], family history (27.0% vs 19.6%) and smoking rate(56.0% vs 48.9%) of tophi patients were significantly higher than those of non-tophi patients in young patients ( t=4.717, P<0.05; t=12.838, P<0.05; t=3.414, P<0.05; t=4.676, P<0.05; t=2.085, P<0.05; t=2.451, P<0.05; t=5.308, P<0.05; t=4.090, P<0.05; χ2=7.423, P<0.05; χ2=4.235, P<0.05) . The age of disease onset [(28±6) years vs (29±7) years] and glomerular filtration rate [(96±21) ml·min -1·1.73 m -2vs (103±21) ml·min -1·1.73 m -2] were statistically significantly lower than those of non-tophi patients ( t=-2.711, P<0.01; t=-4.907, P<0.01). Logistics regression analysis showed that age, course of disease, blood pressure, blood lipids level, serum uric acid level, family history of gout and smoking were risk factors for the formation of tophi in young people. After further adjusted for age, course of disease and family history of gout, it was found that serum uric acid, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and urea nitrogen remined risk factors for tophi, while glomerular filtration rate remained a protective factor in young patients. Conclusion:Young tophi patients are always obese and have lipid metabolism disorder. Young patients with high level of serum uric acid and blood pressure, decreased renal function are prone to complicate with subcutaneous tophi. More attention should be paid in clinical practice to prevent or delay the formation of tophi.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-933354


Objective:To investigate the relationship between tophi detected by ultrasound and smoking.Methods:A total of 863 male gout patients over 18 years old in Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Sixth People′s Hospital were selected. According to the results of ultrasound, patients were divided into two groups: non-tophi group ( n=527) and tophi group ( n=336). Independent sample t-test, Mann-Whitney U test or chi-square test were used for between-group comparison. Binary logistic regression was used to analyze independent influencing factors. Results:The proportion of smokers in non-tophi group and tophi group was 43.3% vs 65.5% respectively. There was significant difference between two groups ( P<0.01). With the increase of smoking index, the prevalence of tophi increases gradually ( P<0.05), so did the prevalence of multiple tophi as well as the number and size of gouty stone ( P<0.05). The proportion of tophi in other joints of foot in smokers was significantly higher than that in non-smokers ( P<0.05). The stratified analysis of smoking index showed that when 0<smoking index≤400 and smoking index>400, the risk of developing gout was increased by 1.195 and 1.779 times, respectively ( OR=2.195, 95% CI 1.507-3.197, P<0.01; OR=2.779, 95% CI 1.761-4.385, P<0.01). Conclusion:Smoking is a risk factor for the occurrence of gouty stone. Patients with gout who smoke should quit smoking as soon as possible to reduce the risk of tophi.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1014960


Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are an important part of the innate immunity. They are mainly involved in the occurrence of gout disease through NADPH oxidase 2-dependent pathways and it is related to the spontaneous remission of gouty arthritis and the formation of tophi. These pathological features can be analyzed by methods such as electron microscopy and immunohistochemical staining. In order to further explore the molecular mechanism of NETs and discover potential drug targets for gouty arthritis, this article summarizes its role in gouty diseases and related detection techniques.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-856378


Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of lesion clearance combined with Ilizarov technique for the treatment of tophi in first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint with bone defect. Methods: Between July 2016 and June 2018, 14 cases of tophi in the first MTP joint with bone defect were treated by lesion clearance combined with Ilizarov technique. There were 12 males and 2 females. The average age was 39.3 years (range, 22-60 years). The disease duration ranged from 5 to 15 years, with an average of 11.2 years. The tophi volume ranged from 2.5 cm×2.7 cm×2.2 cm to 5.2 cm×2.9 cm×2.4 cm. The X-ray films showed that the length of the bone defect ranged from 2.0 to 4.6 cm, with an average of 3.4 cm. Preoperative visual analogue scale (VAS) score was 7.6±0.9; American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score was 47.5±4.3; short-form 36 health survey scale (SF-36) score was 79.7±4.7. Results: The incision primarily healed in 13 patients after operation. The skin necrosis at the edge of the incision occurred in 1 patient and recovered after symptomatic treatment. All 14 patients were followed up 12-16 months, with an average of 13.6 months. X-ray films showed that the first metatarsal column defects were repaired. The time of bone extension ranged from 2 to 6 weeks, with an average of 3.6 weeks. The time of bone healing ranged from 9 to 16 weeks, with an average of 11.2 weeks. During follow-up, no complication such as nerve, blood vessel, or tendon injury, needle tract infection, or stress fracture occurred. At last follow-up, VAS score was 1.4±0.5, AOFAS score was 86.6±4.8, and SF-36 score was 89.1±3.3, all of which were superior to preoperative scores, with significant differences ( t=22.532, P=0.000; t=22.702, P=0.000; t=6.124, P=0.000). Conclusion: Lesion clearance combined with Ilizarov technique is a safe and effective method for the treatment of tophi in the first MTP joint with bone defect.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-816017


OBJECTIVE: To explore related factors of changes in gouty patients by ultrasonography after initiation of uric acid lowering therapy. METHODS: There were 72 gout patients enrolled who admitted to First hospital of Peking University from December 2012 to June 2017. All the patients had clinical and ultrasound examination at both knees, ankles and feet joints at the baseline. Regular uric acid lowering therapy started for one year. The endpoint was the last time who repeat the ultrasound examination during the follow up.According with uric acid level and its measuring time, the area under the curve was calculated to reflect the uric acid burden. RESULTS: In the 216 jonts of 72 patients, double contour sign were detectable in 112/216(51.85%), tophi were detectable in71/216(32.87%).Among MTP Joints, DCS was detected in 32/144(22.22%), and tophi in 47/144(32.64%). Among Knees joints, DCS was detected in 33/144(22.92%), tophi in 4/144(2.78%). Among ankle joints, DCS was detected in 47/144(32.64%), tophi in 20/144(13.89%).DCS disappearance occurred in 38/55(69.09%) joints positive for DCS at baselineTime-to-disappearance was 148 days(985~133 days). Tophi disappeared completely in 18/45 joints(40%). Time-to-disappearance was 382.5 days(686~397.25 days). There was no significant difference in age, BMI, duration of disease and complications between DCS persisted group and DCS disappearance group.SUA in the DCS disappeared group at baseline, second, third, fourth and ninth months of follow-up. was significantly lower than that of the non-disappeared group. SUA load in the DCS group was significantly lower than the non-disappeared group. Post hoc tests showed that SUA levels fell significantly from baseline through fourth month of follow-up in DCS disappearance group, and SUA of the sixth months was the lowest. CONCLUSION: To screen for specific features of gout such as DCS or tophi by US at initiation of ULT and during follow-up is a useful, and effective way to detect the lowering and often disappearance of burden of urate load in gouty joints.

Hip & Pelvis ; : 238-241, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763979


A 48-year-old man visited the emergency room with right hip pain that started abruptly while walking out of the bathroom. Computed tomography showed an intraosseous mass in the femoral neck. The patient had a 15-year history of gout and had numerous bilateral tophi in his hands, feet, knees, and elbows. After operation, we diagnosed a pathological fracture due to intraosseous tophi. Patients with hip pain who have many subcutaneous tophi and long-standing gout should be diagnosed carefully. Peri-hip joint pain caused by gout is uncommon, however, if a patient complains of pain, a simple X-ray may be required. If intraosseous tophi are present, appropriate treatment (e.g., strict hyperuricemia control with or without prophylactic internal fixation), may be required before fracture occurs.

Humans , Middle Aged , Arthralgia , Elbow , Emergency Service, Hospital , Femoral Neck Fractures , Femur Neck , Foot , Fractures, Spontaneous , Gout , Hand , Hip , Hyperuricemia , Knee , Walking
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-761392


Tophaceous gout is an inflammatory arthropathy caused by hyperuricemia. Gout shows typically episodic acute and chronic pain with arthritis due to synovitis induced by deposition of monosodium urate crystals. Tophus which is deposits of crystals could be formed around mainly peripheral joints such as the first metatarsophalangeal joint but might be presented in any other joints. Even though gout of unilateral patella has been reported severally, tophaceous gout of bilateral patellae has been rarely seen. We present a case of gout of bilateral patellae with literature review.

Arthritis , Chronic Pain , Gout , Hyperuricemia , Joints , Metatarsophalangeal Joint , Patella , Synovitis , Uric Acid
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-770026


Tophi is one of the clinical manifestations of gout. On the other hand, it does not draw the patient's attention when it is asymptomatic, which leads to delayed management. The current case is a typical example of delayed diagnosis and management. The authors' preferred management of tophi was medical not surgical, even though the hitherto therapeutic issue has been conservative versus surgical. The authors chose conservative treatment in the osteolytic lesion resulting from huge tophi in the patella, and the report the results of 6 years follow-up.

Delayed Diagnosis , Febuxostat , Follow-Up Studies , Gout , Hand , Osteolysis , Patella
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187099


Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) is very valuable in diagnosis of a periarticular lesions and thereby confirming the nature of an associated arthritic process. Gout is a disorder of uric acid metabolism that causes deposition of monosodium urate crystals in the joint spaces. It often presents with painful joint effusion or swelling over toes. Radiological features may also be atypical and misleading. FNAC of gouty tophi is an easy alternative to synovial biopsy or fluid analysis since it is much less traumatic and simpler and thus should be encouraged in clinical practice. This case report of gouty tophi at the left knee is presented because of its rarity.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-841940


Objective: To explore the key points of preoperative preparation, the experience of operation and attentions of postoperative treatment of surgical treatment in multiple tophi in the extremities. Methods: A total of 23 cases of multiple tophi in extremities were selected, all were male; aged from 31 to 65 years old, average 48.7 years old; the course of the disease ranged from 4 to 20 years, with an average of 9.13 years; the blood uric acid before operation ranged from 380 to 665 μmol · L-1, the level of uric acid was controlled by physicians before operation and the patients were not in the attack period. The patients underwent gout stone resection. Some of the patients underwent functional reconstruction and were treated with standardized gout medicine after operation. Results: Twenty-one cases of incision were grade A healing 2 weeks after operation, and 2 cases of incision still had uric acid salt exudation and healed after debridement suture. Among 23 cases, 18 patients were followed for 4 - 12 months, an average of 8 months; 5 patients were lost to follow-up. Compared with before operation, the joint function was improved, the degrees of joint activity were increased, and the discomfort was relieved in 16 patients after operation; there was no improvement in postoperative joint function in 2 patients, and the pain symptom in 1 patient with carpal tunnel syndrome was reduced. Conclusion: When properly indicated, the comprehensive therapy is the best treatment for the patients with multiple tophi in extremities. It is reliable and can improve the quality of life of the patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-691584


Objective:To explore the key points of preoperative preparation,the experience of operation and attentions of postoperative treatment of surgical treatment in multiple tophi in the extremities.Methods:A total of 23 cases of multiple tophi in extremities were selected,all were male;aged from 31 to 65 years old,average 48.7 years old;the course of the disease ranged from 4 to 20 years,with an average of 9.13 years;the blood uric acid before operation ranged from 380 to 665 μmol·L-1,the level of uric acid was controlled by physicians before operation and the patients were not in the attack period.The patients underwent gout stone resection.Some of the patients underwent functional reconstruction and were treated with standardized gout medicine after operation. Results:Twenty-one cases of incision were grade A healing 2 weeks after operation,and 2 cases of incision still had uric acid salt exudation and healed after debridement suture.Among 23 cases,18 patients were followed for 4-12 months,an average of 8 months;5 patients were lost to follow-up.Compared with before operation,the joint function was improved,the degrees of joint activity were increased,and the discomfort was relieved in 16 patients after operation;there was no improvement in postoperative joint function in 2 patients,and the pain symptom in 1 patient with carpal tunnel syndrome was reduced.Conclusion:When properly indicated,the comprehensive therapy is the best treatment for the patients with multiple tophi in extremities.It is reliable and can improve the quality of life of the patients.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-28093


Tarsal tunnel syndrome is an entrapment neuropathy of the posterior tibial nerve or its branches in the fibro-osseous tunnel beneath the flexor retinaculum. This pathology is associated with multiple etiologies, including trauma, space-occupying lesions, and impaired biomechanics. We report a case of tarsal tunnel syndrome associated with gout tophi in a patient with untreated gout along with a review of the relevant literature on tarsal tunnel syndrome.

Humans , Gout , Pathology , Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome , Tibial Nerve
Rev. argent. reumatol ; 27(1): 35-38, 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-831278


No existen datos exactos relativos a la prevalencia de tofos en pulpejos como manifestación inicial de la gota. El objetivo de este estudio es describir la población de pacientes con gota y evaluar la presencia de tofos en pulpejos de dedos de manos, pies y articulaciones interfalángicas distales, comparando los datos clínicos entre los pacientes con y sin tofos. Se reclutaron 161 pacientes con gota. Si bien los pacientes con tofos en pulpejos (12 pacientes) tenían mayor edad que aquellos sin tofos en esta localización, tenían mayor tiempo de evolución de la gota, mayor número de ellos tenían compromiso renal y menor porcentaje de enfermedades asociadas, ninguno de estos datos alcanzó significancia estadística.

There are no accurate data on the prevalence of tophi in finger padsas the initial manifestation of gout. The aim of this study is to describethe patients population with gout and evaluate the presence of tophiin pads of fingers, feet and distal interphalangeal joints comparingthe clinical data between patients with and without tophi.161 gout patients were recruited. While patients with tophi in pads(12 patients) were older than those without tophi at this location,had a longer history of gout, as many of them had renal involvementand lower percentage of associated diseases, none of these datareached statistical significance.

Gout , Rheumatology