Background:Thyroid eye disease can have a social and psychological well being, epidemiological evidence of thyroid eye disease is lacking in Gujarat.Material And Methods:The epidemiologicalprospective epidemiological study in 32 thyroid patients in Tertiary care hospital from year 2011 to 2013.Result:In our study female are more affected with diplopia and inferior rectus muscle restrictionConclusion:The prevalenceof Thyroid eye disease now a say increasing in state of Gujarat so the robust result of this study add valuable evidence on Thyroid eye disease in City.
Basilar artery trunk aneurysms (BTAs) are relatively rare, with poor natural prognosis, high disability and mortality rates. The treatment options for BTAs includes conservative treatment, craniotomy, and endovascular treatment. Due to the deep anatomical structure, rich perforating vessels, and complex pathological structure of the basilar artery, craniotomy is more difficult. There is currently no consensus on the treatment of BTAs. This article reviews the current treatment status of BTAs, aiming to provide reference for clinical work.
La celulitis facial odontogénica es comúnmente observada en las salas de emergencia hospitalarias en los pacientes pediátricos debido a la caries dental. Objetivo: Validar el instrumento de prevalencia de celulitis facial y su relación con la caries dental en pacientes de 5 a 9 años de edad en el Hospital General IESS Milagro. Materiales y métodos: Enfoque mixto cuantitativa y cualitativa, tipo de investigación de campo, corte transversal, descriptivo, no experimental, se realizó un plan piloto de 15 pacientes pediátricos, un instrumento cuantitativo (Ficha de recolección de datos) contó con 9 expertos para un juicio de expertos y en el instrumento cualitativo (Entrevista) contó con 6 expertos para la validación del instrumento en total son de 15 profesionales en salud, calificando Validez, Pertinencia y Coherencia. Resultados: El instrumento cuantitativo tiene una puntuación de 80,85 de confiablidad y el instrumento cualitativo tiene una puntuación de 87,11 de confiablidad. En el instrumento cuantitativo se determinó la prevalencia de celulitis facial de niños de 5 a 9 años de edad, género masculino (80%), rango de 7 a 8 años (53,3%), cita por primera vez (60%), antecedente referencial caries dental (93,3%), diagnóstico CIES10 fue el L032 celulitis de la cara (93,3%), región afectada en la zona submandibular (73,3%), prevalencia de caries dental, molares deciduos (93,3%), no registran antecedentes de buena salud (73,3%), tratamientos odontológicos de prevención al año ninguna (80%), causa frecuente en la aparición de celulitis facial, la necrosis pulpar K041. Conclusión: La validación del instrumento tuvo un grado de confiabilidad muy buena y su cifra de alfa de Cronbach alto, la misma que da seguridad y confianza, gracias a la calificación de los jueces que revisaron cada detalle(AU)
Odontogenic facial cellulite is commonly observed in hospital emergency rooms in pediatric patients due to the dental caries. Objective: to validate the facial cellulite prevalence instrument and its relationship with dental caries in patients from 5 to 9 years of age in the IESS Miracle General Hospital. Materials and methods: mixed approach quantitative and qualitative, type of field research, cross section, descriptive, non-experimental, a pilot plan of 15 patients was carried out ediatric patients, a quantitative instrument (data collection form) counted with 9 experts for an expert judgment and in the qualitative instrument (Interview) had 6 experts for the validation of the instrument in total they are of 15 health professionals, qualifying Validity, Relevance and Coherence. Results: the quantitative instrument has a score of 80.85 of reliability and the qualitative instrument has a score of 87.11 out of reliability. In the quantitative instrument, the prevalence of facial cellulite in children 5 to 9 years of age, male gender (80%), range 7 to 8 years old (53.3%), appointment for the first time (60%), referential history dental caries (93.3%), CIES10 diagnosis was L032 facial cellulite (93.3%), affected region in the submandibular area (73.3%), prevalence of dental caries, deciduous molars (93.3%), do not record a history of good health (73.3%), preventive dental treatments per year none (80%), frequent cause in the appearance of facial cellulitis, pulpal necrosis K041. Conclusion: the validation of the instrument had a very high degree of reliability. good and its high Cronbach's alpha figure, the same one that gives security and confidence, thanks to the rating of the judges who reviewed every detail(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Cellulitis , Dental Caries , Molar, Third/injuries , Dental Pulp DiseasesABSTRACT
Objective:To investigate the effects of cone beam computed tomography measurement of maxillary anterior teeth on implant success and patient satisfaction of maxillary anterior teeth.Methods:120 patients who underwent maxillary anterior teeth implantation in Hangzhou Dental Hospital from October 2017 to October 2019 were included in this study. They were randomly assigned to receive either conventional maxillary anterior teeth implantation (control group, n = 60) or cone beam computed tomography measurement of maxillary anterior teeth and maxillary anterior teeth implantation (study group, n = 60). The implant success rate was compared between the two groups. Alveolar bone thickness and ISQ value immediately, 3 and 12 months after implantation as well as patient satisfaction were compared between the two groups. Results:Implant success rate in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group [96.67% (58/60) vs. 85.00% (51/60), χ2 = 4.904, P < 0.05]. In the observation group, alveolar bone thickness at 3 and 12 months after implantation was (1.53 ± 0.05) mm and (1.78 ± 0.12) mm, respectively, which was significantly higher than that in the control group [(1.46 ± 0.04) mm, (1.64 ± 0.10) mm, t = 9.839, 8.066, both P < 0.001]. In the observation group, ISQ value at 3 and 12 months after implantation was (76.83 ± 5.49) and (82.91 ± 4.85), respectively, which was significantly higher than that in the control group [(67.81 ± 4.61), (74.18 ± 5.21), t = 11.324, 11.038, both P < 0.001). Total satisfaction rate in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group [95.00% (57/60) vs. 81.67% (49/60), χ2 = 5.175, P < 0.05]. Conclusion:Cone beam computed tomography measurement of maxillary anterior teeth can help increase implant success rate and patient satisfaction.
Aims:The objective of this review has been to highlight the importance of non-specific and painful symptoms of depression since sometimes the person does not notice or is not able to talk about their emotional symptoms. This leads us to refine the search for symptoms that can mask depression and not be treated properly. This is important as it is predicted that by 2020 depression will be the leading cause of disability in the world. Method:We review some articles that relate depression to painful symptoms.Results:Patients with the major depressive disorder may present, as initial complaints, multiple somatic complaints, nonspecific and especially pain, which complicates their diagnosis and sometimes leads them to not receive treatment for depression, complicating its evolution and deteriorating the quality of life. Conclusion: Depression can have many forms of presentation, people can complain of multiple non-specific symptoms, which do not allow a diagnosis of medical disease so it will be necessary to lookfor affective symptoms, investigate factors that trigger their condition to achieve an adequate diagnosis, provide the indicated medication and allow them a better quality of life.
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine control measures for gastrointestinal nematodes in goats in the northeastern semiarid after analyzing the dynamics of gastrointestinal helminths during the drought, the evolution of the parasitic load after the first rains and the differences in susceptibility between goats of different categories and ages. Five farms were studied from March 2013 to January 2015. Feces were collected from all goats every month, for fecal egg counts (FECs). No treatment was required on any farm during the dry period. In 2013, with annual rainfall of 265-533 mm, treatments were not necessary during the rainy season. However, in 2014, with rainfall of 604-778 mm, treatments were necessary 60-90 days, after the first rains. On three farms, gastrointestinal nematodes showed multiple anthelmintic resistance. The FECs from lactating goats were significantly higher than from dry and young goats. In conclusion, in the Brazilian semi-arid region (Caatinga biome), it is generally unnecessary to treat grazing goats during the dry season. In the rainy season, the parasite load increases 2-3 months after the first rains. In both, the dry and the rainy season, farmers should monitor their herds by means of FEC or another criterion (anemia or submandibular edema), to determine the need to treat.
RESUMO: Este trabalho objetivou determinar medidas de controle de nematódeos gastrintestinais de caprinos no semiárido nordestino após análise da dinâmica das infecções helmínticas durante a seca, a evolução da carga parasitária após as primeiras chuvas e as diferenças de susceptibilidade entre caprinos de distintas categorias e idades. Em cinco propriedades, de março de 2013 a janeiro de 2015, foram coletadas, mensalmente, fezes de todos os caprinos para contagem de ovos. Em nenhuma propriedade foi necessário vermifugar durante os períodos de seca. Em 2013, com precipitações de 265-533 mm anuais, não foi necessário vermifugar durante o período de chuva. No entanto, em 2014, com precipitações de 604-778 mm, foi necessário vermifugar 60-90 dias após as primeiras chuvas em três propriedades. Nessas três propriedades foi encontrada multirresistência aos anti-helmínticos. Foi constatado que o OPG das cabras lactantes foi significativamente maior do que o OPG das cabras secas e dos cabritos. Em conclusão, na região semiárida, geralmente, não é necessário o tratamento das cabras pastejando na caatinga durante a estação seca. Na estação chuvosa, a carga parasitária aumenta 2-3 meses após as primeiras chuvas. Tanto na seca quanto nas chuvas, o produtor deve monitorar o rebanho mediante OPG ou por outros critérios (anemia, edema submandibular) para determinar a necessidade de vermifugação.
Objective To analyze the characteristics and treatment of aortic intramural hematoma ( IMH) in non-traumat-ic elderly patients, and to provide clinical reference for the diagnosis and treatment of this disease .Methods A retrospective analysis of clinical data of 36 elderly patients without trauma during the period from March 2013 to May 2017 in our hospital , to clarify the characteristics of pathogenesis and imaging feature , and to evaluate treatment options.Results 36 patients were followed up and the outcomes of them were satisfactory .Of which 17 asymptomatic patients were given conservative treatment . 19 cases of emergency patients, 7 patients received the emergency operation, 9 patients were given interventional treatment after initial conservative medical treatment, 3 patients received drug treatment, of which 1 patient was conservatively successful, and 2 patients progressed.During follow-up, the imaging data of most of the patients were obtained.The aortic enhanced CT indi-cated that the hematoma disappeared or decreased markedly, and the asymptomatic patients were in stable condition, and the dilatation of aorta was not obvious in patients who have access to imaging examination .Conclusion Elderly patients with IMH are more common in men, especially Stanford B type.IMH in asymptomatic elderly patients with multiple penetrating aortic ul-cer(PAU), but the range of hematoma is limited, no significant progress.And this type of patients can be considered only for conservative treatment.On the contrary, IMH of symptomatic elderly patients usually involve a wide range of aorta , and most of them were caused by single small ulcer.Although the patients have been treated with conservative medicine , the disease is still progress and endovascular treatment repair of aorta can be considered .
Objective: To observe the anti-inflammatory and anti-mycoplasma effects and safety of Xiyanping Injection on mycoplasma pneumonia in children, and to explore the mechanism of treatment of mycoplasma pneumonia, so as to provide a new basis for clinical treatment. Methods: A total of 72 children with mycoplasma pneumonia were randomly divided into treatment group and control group, 36 cases in treatment group and 36 cases in control group. The control group was treated with Azithromycin. The treatment group was treated with Xiyanping intravenous drip on the basis of the control group and observed for 7 to 11 d. The therapeutic effects of TCM syndromes, the disappearance time of fever and cough were compared between the two groups to detect serum levels of inflammatory factors. Results: After 7 to 11 d of treatment, the symptoms of the two groups were improved, and the marked efficiency of the treatment group was significantly better than that of the control group (P 0.05). There was no significant difference in serum IL-10, IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-γ between the two groups after treatment (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Xiyanping Injection combined with Azithromycin can significantly improve the clinical symptoms of mycoplasma pneumonia in children with wind-heat stagnation of lung syndrome and phlegm-heat obstruction of lung syndrome, and improve the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine syndromes,with better safety and no obvious adverse reactions.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPRD) is relatively common disease. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) has both mucolytic and antioxidant effect, also may be beneficial in inflammatory airway diseases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of inhaled NAC therapy in LPRD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 525 LPRD patients at 12 medical centers. Finally 401 patients subjected to inhaled NAC therapy for 2 months were enrolled in the study. We analyzed the change of Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) and Reflux Finding Score (RFS) after use of NAC for 4 weeks and 8 weeks in addition to the patient's compliance of the treatment. RESULTS: The RSI score significantly decreased from 19.87±6.34 to 12.78±6.93 after 4 weeks and to 10.65±7.47 after 8 weeks. The RFS score also significantly decreased from 9.29±3.4 to 7.17±3.41 after 4 weeks and to 6.1±3.73 after 8 weeks (p<0.05). During the treatment periods, 42 patients (10.4%) reported to have 80 episodes of discomfort. Throat discomfort (33%) and nausea (28%) were most common complaints, but the duration of discomfort was usually less than 4 weeks. CONCLUSION: Inhaled NAC treatment is highly effective for the reduction of both subjective and objective findings in LPRD patients. This study will provide the evidence of new treatment option for patients with LPRD. However, further studies will be needs to assess the real effect of inhaled NAC therapy as a standard treatment regimen of LPRD.
Humans , Antioxidants , Compliance , Cysteine , Cystine , Inhalation , Laryngopharyngeal Reflux , Medical Records , Nausea , Pharynx , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
@#Tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC) is the most common oral cancer, with early lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis. Surgery is the primary treatment based on sequential therapy for TSCC. The treatment of TSCC has evolved gradually in the past few years and has exhibited a trend of standardization and personalization. Several aspects of TSCC treatment are discussed in this article, such as surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, biotherapy, functional rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitative treatment, prognosis and follow-up systems. This article comments on the types of treatments and research progress for TSCC in China and abroad with the aim of providing a better understanding and references for clinical treatment.
This paper summarized the literature about traditional Chinese medicine fumigation treatment for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lumbar disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, periarthritis of shoulder joint pain diseases. This paper aimed to provide reference for the study of Chinese medicine fumigation treatment of joint pain diseases.
Introduction: The penetrating neck injuries belong to the group of the most urgent conditions in medicine. Large blood vessels and nerves that connect the head with the body are situated in the neck as well as the important parts of respiratory and digestive system. The penetrating neck injuries inflicted by the sharp object cause damage to organs that are placed in the neck which directly treatens life of the injured person. Bleedings that occur in such conditions, as well as other complications, could be the immediate cause of death. Aim: The aim of our work is to present the case of a female patient with a penetrant and perforant neck injury and the state of the hemorrhagic shock, successfully treated in our institution. Case Report: Female patient, 37 years old, was injured by the two stabbs into the left side of the neck caused by kitchen knife. As the injury occurred 40 km from our center the first aid was administered at the regional center, so she arrived to our clinic already intubated, with heavy mouth bleeding despite tampooning of the mouth cavity, unconscious, with administered transfusion. Two sutured wounds were present on the left lateral side of the neck, each about 2 cm long, one along the front SCM edge, localized in its middle third and the other placed laterally to the neck line, at about 2 cm below the left ramus of the lower jaw. She immediately underwent general anesthesia and the team work was organized to explore the above mentioned wounds. Two large injuries were noticed as dominant there: penetration of the internal jugular vein in the length of 3 cm and penetration of the lateral wall of hypopharinx. Primary vein wall plastic and hypopharynx reconstruction provided satisfactory haemostasis. The success of the intervention was checked by directoscopy. The nasogastric tube was immediately placed. In the postoperative period, the patient was extubated the following day, the nasogastric tube was removed after 7 days and there were no complications detected. She was released home fully recovered on the tenth day. Discussion and Conclusion: The penetrant and perforant neck injuries belong to the group of the most urgent conditions in medicine since they directly threatens patient’s life. In taking care of these injuries, the most important thing is to secure breathing, by intubation or tracheotomy, to stop the bleeding, if not permanently, then at least temporarily, to provide for compensation of fluids by infusion or transfusion, as well as to organaize safe transport to the medical institution where patient can receive final treatment. The approach to such injuries requires team work, while being aware that the size of the entering wound does not implicate the size of the injury.
Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and treatment of external auditory canal chol‐esteatoma (EACC) .Methods The clinical data of 38 cases(39 ears)with external auditory canal cholesteatoma from August 2006 to December 2014 were retrospectively analyzed .Results All the cases of EACC in this study had the external ear canal full of impacted squamous material or granulation tissue .The Holt and CT imaging examinations disclosed that 10 ears were phase I ,lesions were confined to the external auditory with no bone destruction .There were 23 ears were phase II ,the lesions were located in external auditory meatus with destruction of bone ,but with no involvement of the middle ear .There were 6 ears were phase III ,showing the lesions with disrupt external audi‐tory meatus and involvement of the middle ear ( mastoid and/or tympanic sinus) .Hearing impairment and aural fullness were the most common symptoms .The phase I cases were treated by removing cholesteatomas from the ex‐ternal auditory canal .Canaloplasty and/or tympanoplasty were performed in phase II cases .The phase III cases were successfully managed by modified radical mastoidectomy and/or tympanoplasty .There were 30 ears of tympan‐ic membrane were perfect and invaginate .There were 4 ears of ossicular chain were disrupted with one ear of facial nerve exposed .All surgeries were performed at once .No recurrence except in one patient was found during the fol‐low -up period .Conclusion The clinical stages can help identify the primary lesions and determine the choice of the best surgical approach .
Peripheral cemento-ossifying fibroma is a non neoplastic growth of soft tissue which often arises from the interdental papilla and is mostly seen in teenagers and young adults. Here we discuss a case of peripheral cemento-ossifying fibroma in a 15 years old male which had been surgically excised previously and recurred after a period of 8 months in the same region. Keeping in mind the recurrence rate, meticulous surgical excision and aggressive curettage of the nearby tissues are to be done to prevent further recurrence.
INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer do colo do útero é uma doença que apresenta um alto potencial de cura quando diagnosticado e tratado precocemente. Entretanto, sua morbimortalidade em todo o mundo ainda é elevada, constituindo-se um grande problema de Saúde Pública. O diagnóstico tardio desta neoplasia e o atraso no início do tratamento são fatores que comprometem a sobrevivência das mulheres acometidas. Assim, os determinantes para o retardo no atendimento especializado e no início do tratamento precisam ser melhor compreendidos para a efetiva assistência a essas mulheres. OBJETIVO: Descrever as características demográficas, socioeconômicas, clínicas e relacionadas ao acesso a serviços de saúde de mulheres com câncer do colo do útero e investigar a associação destas características com o retardo para um atendimento especializado e para o início do tratamento. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de um estudo de coorte onde foram incluídas mulheres com câncer do colo do útero atendidas no Hospital Aristides Maltez, no período de 2011 a 2014...
INTRODUCTION: Cervical cancer is a disease that presents a high potential of cure when is diagnosed and treated early. However, their morbidity and mortality worldwide is still high, becoming a major public health problem. The late diagnosis of this tumor and the delay in the start of treatment are factors that compromise the survival of affected women. Thus, the decisive for the delay in specialized care and early treatment need to be better understood for effective assistance to these women. OBJECTIVE: To describe the demographic, socioeconomic , clinical and the access to health care characteristcs of women with cervical cancer and to investigate the association of these characteristics with the delay for specialized care and treatment initiation. METHODOLOGY: This is a cohort study where were included women with cervical cancer treated at Hospital Aristides Maltez, from 2011 to 2014...
Humans , Cervix Uteri/anatomy & histology , Cervix Uteri/surgery , Cervix Uteri/cytology , Cervix Uteri/injuries , Cervix Uteri/pathology , Neoplasms/diagnosis , Neoplasms/immunology , Neoplasms/pathology , Neoplasms/radiotherapyABSTRACT
El síndrome de Mobius se caracteriza por la parálisis congénita y no progresiva de los nervios craneanos facial y abducentes cuyas manifestaciones clínicas principales son la apariencia facial estática y poco expresiva, el estrabismo bilateral convergente y la hipoplasia de miembros, entre otras. En la cavidad bucal puede observarse micrognacia, implantación heterotrófica de la lengua, anquiloglosia, úvula bífida, fisura palatina y anomalías dentales. La etiología del síndrome de Mobius es poco conocida y algunos relatos de la literatura señalan, como la hipótesis más probable, una isquemia fetal transitoria, durante el período de formación de los núcleos craneanos. Los posibles factores causales de esta isquemia serian los de orden ambiental, los disturbios fisiopatológicos y genéticos, o el uso ilícito de drogas como el Misoprostol, durante la gestación. El presente trabajo relata el tratamiento odontológico realizado en una paciente portadora de este síndrome enfatizando las particularidades observadas durante la atención, en función de las características propias de esa entidad clínica
Mobius syndrome is characterized by congenital and non-progressive paralysis of the facial and abducent cranial nerves. The principal manifestations of this syndrome are lack of facial expression, convergent bilateral strabismus and hypoplastic members. The oral findings include micrognatia, heterotrophic implantation of the tongue, ankyloglossia, bifid uvula, cleft palate and dental anomalies. The etiology of Mobius syndrome is unknown and some reports relate, as a main cause, the transitory fetal ischemia during the formation of cranial nucleus. The factors that lead to this ischemia are from ambient, physiopathological or genetic disturbs and use of drugs like Misoprostol during the pregnancy. This paper reports the dental treatment of a female patient with Mobius syndrome, emphasizing the peculiarities observed due to the characteristics of this clinical entity
Child , Dental Enamel Hypoplasia/pathology , Maxillofacial Abnormalities , Facial Paralysis/congenital , Facial Paralysis/pathology , Mobius Syndrome/diagnosis , Tooth Abnormalities , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
En dos artículos publicados durante 2003 en EVIDENCIA hicimos hincapié en lo que en aquellos años comenzaba a perfilarse como el nuevo paradigma para la toma de decisiones en prevención cardiovascular (CV) primaria y secundaria; ofrecimos a los lectores una adaptación en castellano de tres herramientas derivadas de sendas cohortes para estimar riesgo futuro de que un paciente individual desarrolle enfermedad CV; y resumimos las metas de tratamiento recomendadas por los principales consensos para las diferentes poblaciones según su riesgo CV. En este artículo resumimos y discutimos las recomendaciones de la nueva guía de la Organización Mundial de la Salud publicada en 2007, que teniendo en cuenta la finitud de los recursos en salud, propone a similares niveles de riesgo CV, metas menos estrictas y por lo tanto intervenciones menos intensivas que las recomendadas por los principales comités de expertos para el manejo de la hipertensión arterial, la dislipidemia y la diabetes.
In two papers published in EVIDENCIA in 2003 we highlighted what in that time was surging as a decision-making paradigm forprimary and secondary cardiovascular (CV) disease prevention; and we offered our readers a Spanish language adaptation ofthree tools derived from cohort studies that estimated the future risk of having CV disease; and we also summarized treatmentgoals recommended by the main guidelines for populations with different CV risk. In this article we synthesize and discuss thenew recommendations from the W.H.O guideline published in 2007, that takes into consideration the scarcity ofresources, proposes less intensive goals for similar CV risks as well as less intensive interventions than those recommended bythe main high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes guidelines.
Humans , Male , Female , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Cardiovascular Diseases/therapy , Risk Assessment , Risk , Practice Guidelines as TopicABSTRACT
Objective To study the method and therapeutic results of intra-arterial interventional treatment (selective intra-arterial fibrinolysis) in acute cerebral infarction(ACl).Methods A total of 106 patients with ACI are divided into two groups:selective intra-arterial fibrinolytic therapy group(SIAF),intra-venously thrombolysis group(IVF);SIAF is selective entered into the obliterative artery with improved Seldinger's technich,pumped urokinase(UK) in a dose of 500 000 i.u.in NS.60ml within 40 minutes;arteriography is done all the time to know if the obliterative artery is unobstruct- ed,if it remains obstructe,then pumps 300 000 i.u.of UK,as long as it unobstructed,the treatment is finished at once; IVF is injected 1000 000 i.u.of UK in NS.150 mL by intravenous drip within 40 minutes,others like SIAF.Results The artery is disobliteration after thrombolysis,48 patients in SIAF,30 patients in IVF,P
0.05).Conclusions:Metronidazole and chlorhexidine were ideal root canal ultrasonic irrigations and they could kill bacteria of root canal and prevent the incidence of postoperative pain,so it can increase success of root canal therapy.