Abstract Bioactive cements based on tricalcium silicate have been introducedto the market for use in dentistry, with a variety of clinical applications. These cements are in contact with vital tissues such as dental pulp or periodontium in cases of unintentional extrusion; thus, it is important to know the genotoxicity and cytoxicity of these materials. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of bioactive sealers, Bio-C® Sealer and MTA Repair HP®, in human fibroblasts. Discs of bioactive sealers Bio-C® Sealer, and MTA Repair HP®, were prepared and set for 24h under sterile conditions. The discs were placed in culture medium at 2.5mg/mL inside a SRT6D roller mixer (Stuart, UK) at 60rpm for 24h. The eluates obtained were incubated for 24h with previously activated and cultured ATCC cell line fibroblasts at 80% confluence. The cytotoxicity was evaluated by Alamar Blue® and LIVE/ DEAD assays, as well as the analysis of the Tunel and Mitotracker assays to evaluate genotoxicity using the confocal laser-scanning microscope. In the Alamar Blue® assay, the Bio-C® Sealer presented a cell proliferation of 87%, while the MTA Repair HP® Sealer was 72%. A statistically significant difference was found between the MTA Repair HP® Sealant and the negative control (p=<0.001). Regarding the genotoxicity tests, in the Tunel assay, both materials stain the nucleus of the fibroblast cells exposed to the eluates, while in the Mitotracker assay, the MTA Repair HP® Sealer showed greater mitochondrial function than the Bio-C® Sealer. Calcium silicate-based sealers, Bio-C® Sealer and MTA Repair HP®, are not cytotoxic and have low genotoxicity.
Resumen Los cementos bioactivos a base de silicato tricálcico se introdujeron en el mercado para uso en odontología, con una variedad de aplicaciones clínicas. Estos cementos pueden estar en contacto con tejidos como la pulpa dental o el periodonto, en caso de extrusión no intencionada. Por lo tanto, es importante conocer la genotoxicidad y la citoxicidad de estos materiales. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la citotoxicidad y genotoxicidad de los selladores bioactivos Bio-C® Sealer y MTA Repair HP® en fibroblastos humanos. Se prepararon discos de selladores bioactivos Bio-C® Sealer y MTA Repair HP® y se colocaron durante 24h en condiciones de esterilidad. Los discos se colocaron en medio de cultivo a 2,5mg/mL dentro de un mezclador de rodillos SRT6D (Stuart, Reino Unido) a 60rpm durante 24h. Los eluidos obtenidos se incubaron durante 24h con fibroblastos de la línea celular ATCC previamente activados y cultivados al 80% de confluencia. La citotoxicidad se evaluó mediante ensayos Alamar Blue® y LIVE/DEAD; así como el análisis de los ensayos Tunnel y Mitotracker para evaluar la genotoxicidad, utilizando el microscopio confocal láser de barrido. En el ensayo Alamar Blue®, el Sellador Bio-C® presentó una proliferación celular del 87%, mientras que el sellador MTA Repair HP® fue del 72%. Se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el sellador MTA Repair HP® con respecto al control negativo (p=<0.001). En cuanto a las pruebas de genotoxicidad, en el ensayo Tunel, ambos materiales tiñen el núcleo de las células fibroblásticas expuestas a los eluidos, mientras que el ensayo Mitotracker, el sellador MTA Repair HP®, mostró una mayor función mitocondrial que el Bio-C® Sealer. Los selladores a base de silicato de calcio, Bio-C® Sealer y MTA Repair HP® no son citotóxicos y tienen una baja genotoxicidad.
Introducción: Se han desarrollado materiales bioactivos para el recubrimiento pulpar directo con el objetivo de preservar la pulpa dentaria y mantener el diente por mayor tiempo en la cavidad oral. Objetivo: El objetivo de esta revisión fue evaluar la efectividad del uso de bioceramicos como material de recubrimiento directo pulpar para mantener la vitalidad pulpar en dientes primarios y permanentes con pulpitis reversible. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática con meta análisis. Se estudió el éxito en el tratamiento del mantenimiento de la vitalidad, el dolor postoperatorio y la decoloración. Se realizó una búsqueda Electrónica en las bases de datos: MEDLINE, EMBASE, COCHRANE, SCOPUS, LILACS, BBO. Se extrajeron los datos y se analizaron con Rev Man. Resultados: Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados en la cual se realizaron recubrimiento pulpar directo con silicatos tricalcicos comparado con otros materiales de recubrimiento. Comparando tres biocerámicos no se encontraron diferencias significativas en el mantenimiento de la vitalidad pulpar. En cuanto a la decoloración se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas a favor de Biodentine (p <0,001). Discusión: la relevancia clínica de estos hallazgos es discutible debido a su pequeña magnitud general y al alto riesgo de sesgo de los estudios incluidos.
Introduction: Bioactive materials have been developed for direct pulp capping in order to preserve the dental pulp and keep the tooth longer in the oral cavity. Objective: The objective of this review was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of bioceramics as direct pulp capping material to maintain pulp vitality in primary and permanent teeth with reversible pulpitis. Methods: A systematic review with meta-analysis was performed. Success in treating vitality maintenance, postoperative pain, and discoloration was studied. An electronic search was carried out in the databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, COCHRANE, SCOPUS, LILACS, BBO. Data were extracted and analyzed with Rev Man. Results: Randomized clinical trials in which direct pulp capping with tricalcium silicates was performed compared with other capping materials were included. Comparing three bioceramics, no significant differences were found in the maintenance of pulp vitality. Regarding discoloration, statistically significant differences were observed in favor of Biodentine (p <0.001). Discussion: the clinical relevance of these findings is debatable due to their small overall magnitude and the high risk of bias of the included studies.
Abstract This study evaluated the effect of heating on the physicochemical properties and surface changes of tricalcium silicate sealers. Three tricalcium silicate root canal sealers (Bio-C Sealer, BioRoot-RCS, EndoSequence BC Sealer), and one epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus; control) were tested. The effect of heating on setting time (ST) and flowability were assessed according to ANSI/ADA 57 and ISO 6876 standards. Solubility and dimensional change (DC) of the set sealers were evaluated at 24 hours and after 30 days; the pH of the water used in the DC testing was also measured. Tests were repeated with heated sealers in an oven at 100 °C for 1 min. SEM and EDS analysis were performed. Data were analyzed using One-Way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc tests (α=5%). Heating decreased the ST for AH Plus and EndoSequence (p<0.05). Heating reduced flowability (p<0.05) and increased pH for AH Plus (p<0.05). The solubility of Bio-C (dried specimens) was not in accordance with the ANSI/ADA standard. The solubility of EndoSequence was significantly higher (p<0.05) when it was heated and dried after 30 days. DC of Bio-C (24 h and 30 days), BioRoot-RCS (30 days) and AH Plus (24 h and 30 days) were not in accordance with the standards. SEM and EDS analysis showed significant changes in sealer microstructure after heating. In conclusion, heating decreased the ST and increased the solubility of EndoSequence BC sealer. No significant changes in flowability, DC, and pH were identified for all three tricalcium silicate sealers after heat application. However, all sealers had significant surface changes.
Resumo Este estudo avaliou o efeito do aquecimento nas propriedades físico-químicas e nas alterações superficiais de cimentos de silicato tricálcico. Três cimentos endodônticos de silicato tricálcico (Bio-C Sealer, BioRoot-RCS, EndoSequence BC Sealer) e um cimento à base de resina epóxi (AH Plus) foram testados para avaliar o efeito do aquecimento no tempo de presa (TP) e escoamento de acordo com as normas ANSI/ADA 57 e ISO 6876. A solubilidade e alteração dimensional (AD) dos cimentos foram avaliadas após 24 horas e 30 dias. O pH da água usada no teste de AD também foi medido. Os testes foram repetidos com cimentos aquecidos em um forno a 100 °C por 1 min. Análises em MEV e EDS foram realizadas. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de ANOVA-1 via e post hoc de Tukey (α=5%). O aquecimento diminuiu o TP para AH Plus e EndoSequence (p<0,05). O aquecimento reduziu o escoamento (p<0,05) e aumentou o pH do AH Plus (p<0,05). A solubilidade do Bio-C (amostras desidratadas) não estava de acordo com o padrão ANSI/ADA. A solubilidade da EndoSequence foi significativamente maior (p<0,05) quando aquecida e desidratada após 30 dias. As AD de Bio-C (24 h e 30 dias), BioRoot-RCS (30 dias) e AH Plus (24 h e 30 dias) não estavam de acordo com as normas ADA e ISO. A análise em MEV e EDS mostrou alterações significativas na estrutura dos cimentos após aquecimento. Em conclusão, o aquecimento diminuiu o TP e aumentou a solubilidade do cimento EndoSequence BC. Não foram identificadas mudanças significativas no escoamento, AD e pH para os cimentos de silicato tricálcico após aquecimento. Porém, todos os cimentos tiveram alterações significativas na superfície.
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the physicochemical and biological properties of an experimental tricalcium silicate-based repair cement containing diclofenac sodium (CERD). For the physicochemical test, MTA, Biodentine and CERD were mixed and cement disc were prepared to evaluate the setting time and radiopacity. Root-end cavity were performed in acrylic teeth and filled with cements to analyze the solubility up to 7 days. Polyethylene tubes containing cements were prepared and calcium ions and pH were measured at 3h, 24h, 72h and 15 days. For the biological test, SAOS-2 were cultivated, exposed to cements extracts and cell proliferation were investigated by MTT assay at 6h, 24h and 48h. Polyethylene tubes containing cements were implanted into Wistar rats. After 7 and 30 days, the tubes were removed and processed for histological analyses. Parametric and nonparametric data were performed. No difference was identified in relation to setting time, radiopacity and solubility. Biodentine released more calcium ion than MTA and CERD; however, no difference between MTA and CERD were detected. Alkaline pH was observed for all cements and Biodentine exhibited highest pH. All cements promoted a raise on cell proliferation at 24h and 48h, except CERD at 48h. Biodentine stimulated cell metabolism in relation to MTA and CERD while CERD was more cytotoxic than MTA at 48h. Besides, no difference on both inflammatory response and mineralization ability for all cement were found. CERD demonstrated similar proprieties to others endodontic cements available.
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as propriedades físico-químicas e biológicas de um cimento reparador experimental à base de silicato de tricálcio contendo diclofenaco de sódio (CERD). Para o teste físico-químico, MTA, Biodentine e CERD foram manipulados e discos de cimentos foram preparados para avaliar o tempo de presa e a radiopacidade. Retrocavidades foram feitas em dentes de acrílico e preenchidas com cimentos para análise de solubilidade por 7 dias. Tubos de polietileno contendo cimentos foram preparados e os íons cálcio e o pH foram mensurados às 3h, 24h, 72h e 15 dias. Para o teste biológico, SAOS-2 foram cultivadas, expostas aos extratos de cimentos e a proliferação celular foi investigada pelo ensaio de MTT às 6h, 24h e 48h. Tubos de polietileno contendo cimentos foram implantados em ratos Wistar. Após 7 e 30 dias, os tubos foram removidos e processados para análises histológicas. Dados paramétricos e não paramétricos foram realizados. Nenhuma diferença foi identificada em relação ao tempo de presa, radiopacidade e solubilidade. Biodentine liberou mais íons de cálcio do que MTA e CERD; no entanto, nenhuma diferença entre MTA e CERD foi detectada. O pH alcalino foi observado para todos os cimentos e o Biodentine exibiu o pH mais alto. Todos os cimentos promoveram aumento na proliferação celular às 24h e 48h, exceto o CERD às 48h. Biodentine estimulou o metabolismo celular em relação ao MTA e CERD, enquanto CERD foi mais citotóxico do que MTA em 48h. Além disso, nenhuma diferença foi encontrada na resposta inflamatória e na capacidade de mineralização para todos os cimentos. CERD demonstrou propriedades semelhantes a outros cimentos endodônticos disponíveis.
Objetivo: Describir el tratamiento de un paciente que pre- sentó un incisivo superior permanente con exposición pulpar y desarrollo radicular incompleto utilizando Biodentine como material para la protección pulpar directa. Caso clínico: Un paciente de 9 años fue derivado para la evaluación y el tratamiento del diente 11. El examen clínico y radiográfico reveló la presencia de una fractura amelodentinaria, con exposición pulpar y desarrollo radicular incompleto. Luego de lavar y desinfectar el área de la fractura, se protegió la pulpa expuesta con Biodentine y se restauró la cavidad. El paciente fue citado para control a los 18 y 25 meses. En los controles se comprobó que el diente se mantuvo asintomático y funcional. Luego de 25 meses, el examen clínico y radiográfico confirmó la presencia de pulpa vital y el completo desarrollo del remanente radicular. Los resultados obtenidos en el presente caso clínico sugieren que el empleo de Biodentine puede ser considerado como una valiosa alternativa para la protección de la pulpa ex- puesta en dientes con desarrollo radicular incompleto (AU)
Aim: To describe the treatment of a patient that presented a permanent maxillary central incisor with pulp exposure and incomplete root formation, using Biodoentine as the material for direct pulp protection. Clinical case A 9-year-old male patient was referred for evaluation and treatment of tooth 11. The clinical and radio-graphic examination revealed the presence of a dentinoe- namel fracture, with pulp exposure and incomplete root for- mation. After cleaning and disinfecting the area, the exposed pulp was protected with Biodentine and the cavity was re- stored. The patient was scheduled for control after 18 and 25 months. In these evaluations, it was confirmed that the tooth remained asymptomatic and functional. After 25 months, the clinical and radiographic examination showed the presence of vital pulp and a completed development of the root. The obtained results of this clinical case suggest that Biodentine can be considered a valuable alternative for pulp capping in teeth with incomplete root formation (AU)
Humans , Male , Child , Biocompatible Materials/therapeutic use , Dental Pulp Exposure/therapy , Dental Pulp Capping , Apexification , Tooth Fractures/therapy , Calcarea Silicata/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Paciente pediátrico de 9 años y género masculino, que acudió para valoración odontológica por presentar dolor dental tras ingerir alimentos fríos. El diagnóstico definitivo quedó establecido como pulpitis reversible del molar 3.6, decidiendo conducta terapéutica de recubrimiento pulpar directo con silicato tricálcico para lograr apexificación. La decisión clínica resultó exitosa, el seguimiento de la evolución permitió apreciar que el diente mantuvo su vitalidad, las raíces continuaron desarrollándose y no aparecieron signos o síntomas de lesiones periapicales.
9-year-old pediatric male patient, who came for dental evaluation because of dental pain after eating cold food. The definitive diagnosis was established as reversible pulpitis of the molar 3.6, deciding on the therapeutic behavior of the direct pulp coating with tricalcium silica to achieve apexification. The clinical decision was successful, the follow-up of the evolution identified the affected tooth as vital, the roots continued to develop, and no signs or symptoms of periapical lesions appeared.
Humans , Male , Child , Patients , Apexification , Molar , Pain , Cold Temperature , DiagnosisABSTRACT
Objetivo: comparar a capacidade de adesão do cimento biocerâmico EndoSequence BC e do cimento resinoso AH Plus através de uma revisão integrativa. Material e Métodos: os bancos de dados online Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science e BVS foram utilizados para a revisão da literatura. Os critérios de elegibilidade incluíram artigos disponíveis na íntegra nas bases de dados pesquisadas, em inglês, e o conteúdo referente à adesão do cimento Endosequence BC sealer em comparação ao AH Plus. Resultados: foram encontrados 45 artigos. Após a remoção duplicada, 22 artigos foram selecionados. Após a leitura dos resumos, textos completos e aplicação dos critérios de inclusão, foram incluídos no total oito artigos. Em relação à capacidade de adesão dos cimentos testados, o AH Plus apresentou melhor adesão do que o cimento BC sealer em três artigos e menor adesão em dois artigos. Força de adesão semelhante foi observada entre os grupos em três estudos. Conclusões: com base nos estudos incluídos, o AH Plus apresenta maior resistência de união quando comparado ao BC Sealer
Aim: To compare the adhesion capacity of the bioceramic EndoSequence BC sealer and the AH Plus sealer through an integrative review. Methodology: The Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and VHL online databases were used for the literature review. Eligibility criteria comprised articles available in full on the researched databases, in English, and content addressing Endosequence BC sealer adhesion compared to AH Plus sealer. Results: A total of 45 articles were found. After duplicate removal, 22 articles were selected. After reading the abstracts, full texts and applying the inclusion criteria, eight articles in total were included in the present study. Concerning the adhesion capacity of the tested cements, the AH Plus was reported as presenting better adhesion than the BC sealer in three articles, and less adhesion in two articles. Similar adherence strength was observed between groups in three studies. Conclusions: Based on the included studies, the AH Plus displays greater bond strength when compared to the BC Sealer.
Root Canal Filling Materials , Resin Cements , Dental Cements , Dental Pulp Cavity , Endodontics , Silicates/chemistryABSTRACT
@#Biodentine is a bioactive dentin replacement material whose main component is high-purity tricalcium silicate without dicalcium silicate. It has a shorter cure time; although it has a higher solubility, it hardly affects the volume of the material. It has a low X-ray barrier property, low porosity, high bulk density, and high compressive strength and is not affected by moisture or a dry environment. It has strong acid corrosion resistance, can increase dentin resistance, and has biocompatibility due to the lack of cytotoxicity. It has antibacterial activity against various bacteria, with strong antibacterial activity against Streptococcus sanguis. Since 2010, Biodentine has been widely used in clinical treatments such as dental restoration, pulp capping, pulpectomy, et al. In clinical applications, Biodentine is primarily used as a permanent dentin substitute or as a temporary enamel substitute within 6 months. As a new dentin substitute material with a short clinical application time, the long-term efficacy of Biodentine requires further follow-up observation studies.
This study evaluated the microleakage of three restorative materials and three tricalcium silicate-based pulp capping agents. The restorative materials were composite resin (CR), resin-reinforced glass ionomer cement (RMGI), and traditional glass ionomer cement (GIC) and the pulp capping agents were TheraCal LC® (TLC), Biodentine® (BD), and ProRoot® white MTA (WMTA). Additionally, shear bond strengths between the pulp-capping agents and dentine were compared.Class V cavities were made in bovine incisors and classified into nine groups according to the type of pulp-capping agent and final restoration. After immersion in 0.5% fuchsin solution, each specimen was observed with a stereoscopic microscope to score microleakage level. The crowns of the bovine incisors were implanted into acrylic resin, cut horizontally, and divided into three groups. TLC, BD and WMTA blocks were applied on dentine, and the shear bond strengths were measured using a universal testing machine.The microleakage was lowest in TLC + GIC, TLC + RMGI, TLC + CR, and BD + GIC groups and highest in WMTA + RMGI and WMTA + CR groups. The shear bond strength of BD group was the highest and that of WMTA group was significantly lower than the others.
Crowns , Dental Pulp Capping , Dentin , Glass Ionomer Cements , Immersion , Incisor , Pemetrexed , Pulp Capping and Pulpectomy Agents , Rosaniline DyesABSTRACT
The purpose of this study was to evaluate polymerization of TheraCal LC, one of the tricalcium silicate cements. To measure the Vickers hardness number (VHN), the specimens were cured at different light curing time and distance.As a result, the VHN of the upper surface was significantly higher than the lower surface's in all groups (p < 0.05). The VHN of the lower surface was increased significantly with the increase of the light curing time in all distance (p < 0.05). When the distance was more than 4.0 mm at all light curing time, the VHN of lower surface was significantly decreased (p < 0.05). When the specimen was light cured for 20 seconds, the VHN of the lower surface did not exceed 2, which corresponds to 10% of the upper surface's.These results suggested that the 20 second light curing time was not sufficient to polymerize the lower surface under specific conditions and that light-curing time should be increased.
Hardness , Polymerization , Polymers , SilicatesABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical properties and the apical dentin bond strength of the tricalcium silicate-based Biodentine in comparison to white MTA and zinc oxide eugenol-based cement (ZOE). Setting time and radiopacity were evaluated according to ISO 6876:2012 specification. Final setting time, compressive strength and pH were also assessed. Material’s bond strength to the apical root canal dentin was measured by the push-out assay. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey-Krammer post-hoc test. Biodentine presented the shortest initial (16.2±1.48 min) and final setting time (35.4±5.55 min). Radiopacity of Biodentine (2.79±0.27 mmAl) does not agree with ISO 6876:2012 specifications. On the other hand, Biodentine showed higher compressive strength after 21 days (37.22±5.27 MPa) and higher dentin bond strength (11.2±2.16 MPa) in comparison to white MTA (27.68±3.56 MPa for compressive strength and 2.98±0.64 MPa for bond strength) (p<0.05). Both MTA and Biodentine produced an alkaline environment (approximately pH 10) (p>0.05) compared to ZOE (pH 7). It may be concluded that Biodentine exhibited faster setting, higher long-term compressive strength and bond strength to the apical dentin than MTA and ZOE.
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades físico-químicas e a resistência de união à dentina apical do cimento Biodentine em comparação ao MTA branco e cimento à base de óxido de zinco e eugenol (OZE). O tempo de presa e a radiopacidade foram avaliados de acordo com as especificações ISO 6876:2012. O tempo de presa final, a resistência à compressão e o pH também foram avaliados. A resistência de união dos materiais à dentina apical do canal radicular foi avaliada por meio do ensaio push-out. Dados foram analisados por ANOVA e teste complementar de Tukey-Krammer. Biodentine apresentou o menor tempo de presa inicial (16,2±1,48 min) e final (35,4±5,55 min). Os valores de radiopacidade do Biodentine (2,79±0,27 mmAl) não estão de acordo com as especificações ISO 6876:2012. Por outro lado, este material apresentou maior resistência à compressão após 21 dias (37,22±5,27 MPa) e maiores valores de adesão à dentina (11,2±2,16 MPa) em comparação ao MTA branco (27,68±3,56 MPa de resistência à compressão e 2,98±0,64 MPa de resistência de união) (p>0.05). Ambos os materiais produziram ambiente alcalino (aproximadamente 10) (p>0.05) em comparação ao OZE (pH 7). Pode-se concluir que o Biodentine demonstrou endurecimento mais rápido e apresentou maior resistência à compressão e resistência de união à dentina apical do que MTA e OZE.
Humans , Calcium Compounds/chemistry , Dentin/chemistry , Silicates/chemistry , Materials Testing , Root Canal Filling MaterialsABSTRACT
The restorative management of deep carious lesions and the preservation of pulp vitality of immature teeth present real challenges for dental practitioners. New tricalcium silicate cements are of interest in the treatment of such cases. This case describes the immediate management and the follow-up of an extensive carious lesion on an immature second right mandibular premolar. Following anesthesia and rubber dam isolation, the carious lesion was removed and a partial pulpotomy was performed. After obtaining hemostasis, the exposed pulp was covered with a tricalcium silicate cement (Biodentine, Septodont) and a glass ionomer cement (Fuji IX extra, GC Corp.) restoration was placed over the tricalcium silicate cement. A review appointment was arranged after seven days, where the tooth was asymptomatic with the patient reporting no pain during the intervening period. At both 3 and 6 mon follow up, it was noted that the tooth was vital, with normal responses to thermal tests. Radiographic examination of the tooth indicated dentin-bridge formation in the pulp chamber and the continuous root formation. This case report demonstrates a fast tissue response both at the pulpal and root dentin level. The use of tricalcium silicate cement should be considered as a conservative intervention in the treatment of symptomatic immature teeth.
Humans , Acrylic Resins , Anesthesia , Bicuspid , Calcium Compounds , Dental Pulp Cavity , Dentin , Follow-Up Studies , Glass Ionomer Cements , Hemostasis , Pulpitis , Pulpotomy , Rubber Dams , Silicate Cement , Silicates , Silicon Dioxide , ToothABSTRACT
Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) was developed in early 1990s and has been successfully used for root perforation repair, root end filling, and one-visit apexification. MTA is composed mainly of tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate. When MTA is hydrated, calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) and calcium hydroxide is formed. Formed calcium hydroxide interacts with the phosphate ion in body fluid and form amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) which finally transforms into calcium deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA). These mineral precipitate were reported to form the MTA-dentin interfacial layer which enhances the sealing ability of MTA. Clinically, the use of zinc oxide euginol (ZOE) based materials may retard the setting of MTA. Also, the use of acids or contact with excessive blood should be avoided before complete set of MTA, because these conditions could adversely affect the hydration reaction of MTA. Further studies on the chemical nature of MTA hydration reaction are needed.