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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 35240, 29 ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570362


Introdução:Esteartigo apresenta uma revisão integrativa da literatura em relação à compreensãodos profissionais sobre humanização na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Objetivo: Analisar os estudos científicos que abordem a percepção sobre humanização entre profissionais da saúde atuantes em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva.Metodologia:Revisão integrativa da literatura. Nas bases de dados e biblioteca virtual selecionadas, utilizou-se os descritores em ciências da saúde: percepção, humanização da assistência e unidades de terapia intensiva, combinados com o operador booleano "AND".As etapas de seleção dos artigos,compreenderam: identificação do tema e seleção da pergunta norteadora; estabelecimento dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão; identificação dos estudos selecionados e pré-selecionados; categorização dos estudos selecionados; análise e interpretação dos resultados; apresentação dos achados da revisão com a síntese do conhecimento.Os critérios de inclusão abrangeram:publicações dos últimos 10 anos (2013-2023), que atendessem ao objetivo do estudo, artigos disponíveis na íntegra nas bases de dados selecionadas, nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol. Foram excluídos estudos duplicados, trabalhos de conclusão de curso, teses, dissertações, editoriais, cartas, resumos de anais, livros, estudo de caso e relatos de experiência. Resultados:Foram incluídos 16 artigos, revelandotrês categorias temáticas: compreensão dos profissionais sobre a humanização, fatores facilitadores e dificultadores para consolidar a humanização e os benefícios da prática humanizada.Considerações finais:Verificou-se a dificuldade em definir um conceito de humanização pelos profissionais da saúde. Foram destacados os elementos facilitadores da prática humanizada, incluindo empatia, respeito, acolhimento e comunicação adequada. Além disso, foi possível observar os obstáculos, como a falta de materiais, dimensionamento inadequado, ambiente inadequado, sobrecarga de trabalho, rotatividade da equipe e estresse. Adicionalmente, foi possível observar a percepção dos profissionais quanto aos benefícios da prática humanizada na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (AU).

Introduction:This article presents an integrative literature revision of the understanding ofprofessionals about humanization in the Intensive Care Unit. Objective:Analyze scientific studies that address the perception of humanization among health professionals working in Intensive Care Units. Methodology:Literature integrative revision. In thedatabases and virtual library selected, we used the descriptors in health sciences: perception, humanization of assistance and intensive care units, combined with the Boolean operator "AND". The article selection steps included: identification of the topic and selection of the guiding question; establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria; identification of the selected and pre-selected studies; categorization of the selected studies; analysis and interpretation of the results; presentation of the results of the revision and the synthesis of knowledge. The inclusion criteria were: publications from the last 10 years (2013-2023), which met the study's objective, articles available in full in the selected databases, in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Duplicate studies, term papers, theses, dissertations, editorials, letters, abstracts from proceedings, books, case studies and experience reports were excluded. Results:Sixteen articles were included, disclosing three thematic categories: professionals' understanding of humanization, factors that facilitate and hinder the consolidation of humanization, and the benefits of humanized practice. Final considerations:Health professionals had difficulty defining a concept of humanization. The elements that facilitate humanized practice were highlighted, including empathy, respect, hospitality and proper communication. In addition, there were obstacles including a shortage of materials, inadequate dimensioning, an unsuitable environment, work overload, staff turnover and stress. In addition, it was possible to observe the professionals' perception of the benefits of humanized practice in the Intensive Care Unit (AU).

Introducción:Este artículo presenta una revisión integradora de la literatura en relación a la comprensión de los profesionales sobre humanización en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Objetivo:Analizar los estúdios científicos que aborden la percepciónsobre humanización entre profesionales de la salud actuantes en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos. Metodología:Revisión integrativa de la literatura. En las bases de datos y biblioteca virtual seleccionadas, se utilizó los descriptores en ciencias de la salud: percepción, humanizaciónde la asistencia y unidades de cuidados intensivos.Las etapasde selección de los artículos fueron las siguientes: identificación del tema y selección de la pregunta orientadora; establecimiento de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión;identificación de los estúdios seleccionados y preseleccionados; categorización de los estudios seleccionados; análisis e interpretación de los resultados; presentación de los hallazgos de la revisióncon la síntesis delconocimiento. Los criterios de inclusión abarcaron: publicaciones de los últimos diez años (2013-2023),que atendieran al objetivo del estudio, artículos disponibles íntegramente en las bases de datos seleccionadas, en los idiomas inglés, portugués y español. Se excluyeron estudios duplicados, trabajos de fin de grado, tesis, disertaciones, editoriales, cartas, resúmenes de anales, libros, estudio de caso y relatos de experiencia. Resultados:Fueron incluidos 16 artículos, revelando tres categorías temáticas: comprensión de los profesionales sobre la humanización, factores facilitadores y dificultadores para consolidar la humanización y los beneficios de la práctica humanizada. Consideraciones finales:Se verificó la dificultad para definir un concepto de humanización por los profesionales de la salud. Se destacaron los elementos facilitadores de la práctica humanizada, incluyendo empatía, respeto, acogimiento y comunicación adecuada. Además de eso, fue posible observar los obstáculos, como la falta de materiales, dimensionamiento inadecuado, ambiente inadecuado, sobrecarga de trabajo, rotación del equipo y estrés. Adicionalmente, fue posible observar la percepción de los profesionales en cuanto a los beneficios de la práctica humanizada en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Patient Care Team , Health Personnel , Humanization of Assistance , Intensive Care Units , Comprehension
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 266-271, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031333


The uncertainty of prognosis for chronic diseases is a persistent problem in the medical community.Mechanical attribution such as questioning disease (stubbornness), equipment (medical and nursing level), and patients (low compliance), it is believed that there is a bias in analyzing the deep causes of low compliance on prognosis after breakthrough progress in the treatment of this type of diseases.Taking hepatitis B patients from the perspective of hermeneutics as an example, this paper clarified the reasons for the non-identity of doctor-patient cognition on the problem of doctor-patient communication in health education.Meanwhile, it was found that there is a pre-structure of heterogeneous experience in the ontology of understanding between doctors and patients, which presents inherent limitations, openness, generativity, and external micro power penetration in their history of dialogue logic.Finally, epistemologically, this paper clarified the essence such as the history of identity effect was pointed by the reconstruction of heterogeneous “meaning ideals” of doctors and patients, the understanding of certainty and elimination of subjectivity was guided by meaning ideals under the fusion of horizons, as well as good personalized prognostic behavioral literacy was led by cultivations of embodied practice.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 30: e0043, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559420


RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a compreensão das pessoas com deficiência intelectual sobre o ambiente de trabalho. A pesquisa foi realizada na perspectiva da psicologia histórico-cultural, em uma metodologia qualitativa, com participação de quatro pessoas com deficiência intelectual, maiores de 18 anos, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas de perspectiva narrativa. Os resultados indicaram que o conceito complexo Inclusão no Mercado de Trabalho foi formado por sete temas iniciais (sentido do trabalho; relações interpessoais; facilidades no trabalho; dificuldades no trabalho; autopercepção - significado da deficiência intelectual; percepção do outro em relação à pessoa com deficiência intelectual; e perspectivas laborais), que, por sua vez, foram organizados em cinco temas complexos (sentido do trabalho, relações interpessoais, políticas públicas, barreiras atitudinais e perspectivas laborais). A análise da formação conceitual indica que as narrativas apresentaram diversas conotações sobre a inclusão no ambiente de trabalho, sendo um importante espaço de desenvolvimento humano. Concluiu-se que a implementação de estudos com vistas à compreensão da inclusão no mercado de trabalho torna-se relevante para a compreensão do desenvolvimento humano e para a implementação e o planejamento de políticas públicas de inclusão.

ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to identify the understanding of people with intellectual disability about the work environment. The research was carried out from the perspective of the historical-cultural psychology, in a qualitative methodology, with the participation of four adults with intellectual disabilities, over 18 years old, through semi-structured interviews with a narrative perspective. The results indicated that the complex concept Inclusion in the Labor Market was formed by seven initial themes (meaning of work; interpersonal relationships; facilities at work; difficulties at work; self-perception - meaning of intellectual disability; perception of the other in relation to the person with intellectual disabilities; and labor perspectives), which in turn were organized into five complex themes (meaning of work, interpersonal relationships, public policies, attitudinal barriers and labor perspectives). The analysis of the conceptual formation indicates that the narratives had several connotations about inclusion in the work environment, which is an important space for human development. It was concluded that the implementation of studies with a view to understanding inclusion in the labor market becomes relevant for the understanding of human development and for the implementation and planning of inclusion public policies.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 36(67): 1-17, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532975


Este texto apresenta reflexões e duas sugestões de aulas sobre o minivoleibol com a utilização do Teaching Games for Understanding, juntamente com as lentes da Pedagogia do Esporte. Consideramos que, por via das mudanças curriculares e que vão em direção ao ensino técnico dos esportes, este trabalho traz ideias de utilização do TGfU para os professores de Educação Física no âmbito escolar, na direção de ampliar os conhecimentos pedagógicos. Observamos que, em cenários que o TGfU foi operado, houve mudança significativa e positiva à aprendizagem dos estudantes. Por fim, as estratégias quanto ao uso do minivoleibol e sua operacionalização devem ser repensados em todos os contextos que estão inclusos pois é evidenciado a melhora no desempenho tático e cognitivo dos participantes.

This text presents reflections and two lesson suggestions about mini volleyball using Teaching Games for Understanding, through the lens of Sport Pedagogy. We consider through curricular changes that move towards technical sports education, this work brings ideas and the use of TGfU to Physical Education teachers in school, in the direction of expanding pedagogical knowledge. We observed that, in scenarios where TGfU was operated, there was a significant and positive change in student learning. Finally, the strategies for the mini volleyball and this operationalization should be reconsidered in all the contexts included, because it is evidence of the tactical and cognitive development.

Este texto presenta reflexiones y dos sugerencias de lecciones sobre mini voleibol utilizando Juegos de Enseñanza para la Comprensión, a través del lente de la Pedagogía Deportiva. Consideramos que, mediante cambios curriculares que avancen hacia la educación técnico deportiva, este trabajo aporta ideas y el uso de TGfU a los profesores de Educación Física en la escuela, en la dirección de ampliar el conocimiento pedagógico. Observamos que, en los escenarios donde se operó TGfU, hubo un cambio significativo y positivo en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Finalmente, las estrategias para el mini voleibol y esta operacionalización deben ser reconsideradas en todos los contextos incluidos, porque es evidencia del desarrollo táctico y cognitivo.

Investig. psicol. (La Paz, En línea) ; (29): 51-64, jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437577


El artículo tiene como finalidad dar a conocer la relación que hay entre la autoestima y la comprensión lectora del alumnado del VI ciclo de la Educación Básica Regular (EBR). La metodología desarrollada fue cuantitativa, no experimental, explicativa, contando con 60 educandos que oscilan entre los 12 y 14 años de edad, siendo 50% mujeres y 50% varones; a quienes se les aplicó dos instrumentos que presentaron validez y confiabilidad. Asimismo, los resultados mostraron que la autoestima equilibrada sobresalió en un 52%, la sobreelevada obtuvo un 32% y la de menor cantidad fue la autoestima media con16%; mientras que en la comprensión lectora el puntaje más alto estuvo enfocado en la dimensión literal con un 78% nivel medio, 15% en el nivel bajo y el menor reconocido fue la dimensión critica con 63% considerando las interrogantes planteadas y solo 7% en un nivel alto. Se concluye que el factor autoestima influyó más en la dimensión inferencial y crítica, mas no en el nivel literal corroborando los estudios realizados; por ello se propone incentivar el fomento del desarrollo del auto concepto con fines de mejorar los resultados del rendimiento escolar en los niveles literal y crítico de la compresión lectora en los estudiantes del VI ciclo de la EBR y aplicar diversas estrategias practicando este hábito.

The purpose of the article is to make known the relationship between self-esteem and reading comprehension of the students of the VI cycle of Regular Basic Education (EBR). The methodology developed was quantitative, not experimental, explanatory, with 60 students ranging between 12 and 14 years of age, 50% being female and 50% male; to whom two instruments that presented validity and reliability were applied. Likewise, the results showed that balanced self-esteem stood out by 52% and the one that obtained the lowest amount was mean self-esteem with 16%; while in reading comprehension the highest score was in the literal dimension with 78% medium level and the lowest was the critical dimension with 63% according to the questions raised. It is concluded that the self-esteem factor influenced more in the inferential dimension and has not influenced in the literal level according to the inferential analysis; For this reason, it is proposed to encourage the promotion of the development of self-concept in order to improve the results of school performance in the literal and critical levels of reading comprehension in students of the VI cycle of the EBR and apply various strategies practicing this habit.

O objetivo do artigo é dar a conhecer a relação entre autoestima e compreensão leitora dos alunos do VI ciclo do Ensino Básico Regular (EBR). A metodologia desenvolvida foi quantitativa, não experimental, explicativa, com 60 alunos na faixa etária de 12 a 14 anos, 50% mulheres e 50% homens; aos quais foram aplicados dois instrumentos que apresentaram validade e confiabilidade. Da mesma forma, os resultados mostraram que a autoestima equilibrada se destacou em 52%, a superalta obteve 32% e o menor valor foi a autoestima média com 16%; alto nível. Conclui-se que o fator autoestima teve maior influência na dimensão inferencial e crítica, mas não no nível literal, corroborando os estudos realizados; Por isso, propõe-se estimular o desenvolvimento do autoconceito para melhorar os resultados do desempenho escolar nos níveis literal e crítico de compreensão leitora nos alunos do VI ciclo da EBR e aplicar diversas estratégias praticando esse hábito.

Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Comprehension
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513953


La inteligencia emocional se define como habilidades para conocer y dominar emociones propias y de otros/as. Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron validar un instrumento de inteligencia emocional en una muestra de estudiantes de Educación Física de Chile y describir las habilidades emocionales de la muestra. Se evaluaron 226 estudiantes de Educación Física de dos universidades de Santiago de Chile. Se aplicó la Escala rasgo de metaconocimiento emocional (TMMS-24). Los resultados revelan que el instrumento, reducido a 19 ítems, presenta tres factores que explican el 56,8% de la varianza total, con un alfa de Cronbach de 0,916. En relación con los niveles de inteligencia emocional, la muestra presenta valores altos, sin que existan diferencias significativas en las dimensiones claridad, atención y reparación del TMMS-24 entre damas y varones. Al comparar por años de carrera, sólo hay diferencias en la dimensión claridad, donde los/as estudiantes de 5º año poseen mayores puntajes que los/as de 2º. Se concluye que los/as estudiantes de Educación Física poseen altos índices de inteligencia emocional, sin diferencias entre damas y varones.

Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to know and master one's and/or others' emotions. The objectives of this study were to validate an emotional intelligence instrument in a sample of physical education students from Chile, and to describe the emotional skills of the sample. 226 physical education students from two universities in Santiago de Chile were evaluated. The Emotional Metacognition Trait Scale (TMMS-24) was applied. The results reveal that the instrument, reduced to 19 items, presents three factors that explain 56,8% of the total variance, with a Cronbach alpha of 0,916. In relation to the levels of emotional intelligence, the sample presents high values, without there being significant differences in the dimension's clarity, attention, and repair of the TMMS-24 between women and men. When comparing years of career, there are only differences in the clarity dimension, where 5th year students had higher scores than/as 2nd years. It is concluded that physical education students have high rates of emotional intelligence, with no differences between women and men.

A inteligência emocional é definida como habilidades para conhecer e dominar emoções próprias e de outros/as. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram validar um instrumento de inteligência emocional em uma mostra de estudantes de Educação Física do Chile e descrever as habilidades emocionais da mostra. Foram avaliados 226 estudantes de Educação Física de duas universidades de Santiago do Chile. Foi aplicada a Escala característica de meta-conhecimento emocional (TMMS-24). Os resultados revelam que o instrumento, reduzido a 19 itens, apresenta três fatores que explicam 56,8% da variância total, com um alfa de Cronbach de 0,916. Em relação aos níveis de inteligência emocional, a amostra apresenta valores altos, sem que existam diferenças significativas nas dimensões clareza, atenção e reparação do TMMS-24 entre mulheres e homens. Ao comparar por anos de carreira, só há diferenças na dimensão clareza, onde os/as estudantes de 5º ano possuem maiores pontuações que os/as de 2º. Conclui-se que os/as estudantes de Educação Física possuem altos índices de inteligência emocional, sem diferenças entre mulheres e homens.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Physical Education and Training , Students/psychology , Psychometrics , Universities , Sex Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sociodemographic Factors
Medical Education ; : 171-176, 2023.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006948


In the new Model Core Curriculum, the objective stated is to "understand the importance of medical research for the advancement of medicine and medical care, and support innovation in medicine through involvement in academic and research activities, developing one's scientific thinking skills." Importantly, scientific background and researcher training education, such as laboratory assignments, are clearly positioned in the Model Core Curriculum and are available to all students. The curriculum consists of five components : Developing a research mindset, Understanding established theories, Conducting Research, Publishing Research, and Research Ethics. In addition, laboratory experience and practical training in basic medicine were also added to the description. Further policy and financial support for researchers will be necessary to increase the number of basic medical researchers in the future.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970497


Owing to the advancement in pharmaceutical technology, traditional Chinese medicine industry has seen rapid development. Preferring conventional manufacturing mode, pharmaceutical enterprises of traditional Chinese medicine have no effective process detection tools and process control methods. As a result, the quality of the final products mainly depends on testing and the quality is inconsistent in the same batch. Process analytical technology(PAT) for traditional Chinese medicine manufacturing, as one of the key advanced manufacturing techniques, can break through the bottleneck in quality control of medicine manufacturing, thus improving the production efficiency and product quality and reducing the material and energy consumption. It is applicable to the process control and real-time release of advanced manufacturing modes such as intelligent manufacturing and continuous manufacturing. This paper summarized the general idea of PAT for traditional Chinese medicine manufacturing. Through the analysis of the characteristics and status quo of the technology, we summed up the methodology for the continuous application and improvement of PAT during the whole life-cycle of traditional Chinese medicine. The five key procedures(process understanding, process detection, process modeling, process control, and continuous improvement) were summarized, and the application was reviewed. Finally, we proposed suggestions for the technical and regulatory challenges in implementing PAT in traditional Chinese medicine industry. This paper aims to provide a reference for development and application of PAT in advanced manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, and continuous manufacturing of traditional Chinese medicine industry.

Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Technology, Pharmaceutical , Drug Industry , Quality Control
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990397


Objective:To explore the responsibilities of respiratory nurses in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patient and the difficulties in disease management, so as to provide reference basis for formulating COPD management training strategies for respiratory nurses.Methods:Using phenomenological methodology, 14 nurses from the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine in the General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University and the First People′s Hospital of Yinchuan were interviewed in a personal semi-structured way from May to August 2021, and the data were sorted and analyzed according to Colaizzi 7-step analysis method.Results:Nurses′understanding of the responsibilities of COPD patient management could be summarized into five themes: dynamic monitoring and management of patients′ health, nursing decision-making of sudden changes in patients′ condition, implementation of patients′ out of hospital follow-up, promotion of improvement of patients′ self-management behavior, and cooperation among multidisciplinary team members. The difficult experience of nurses in the management of COPD patients abstracted five themes: lack of professional knowledge of COPD management, lack of clinical nursing decision-making authority, lack of human and financial support for follow-up, lack of communication skills with patients, and lack of multidisciplinary team formation in the hospital.Conclusions:Respiratory nurses have a clear understanding of the responsibilities of COPD patient management, but there are multiple difficulties in performing their responsibilities. We should pay attention to the responsibility positioning and difficulty support of nurses′ COPD management, and formulate targeted training strategies to promote the improvement of COPD nursing quality.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991420


Objective:To explore the source of students and the way to understand the policy of public and non-public undergraduate students majoring in preventive medicine.Methods:Using cluster random sampling, a total of 205 students from the first batch of public funded undergraduates and the same batch of non-public funded undergraduates of preventive medicine from Batch 2020 of two medical colleges in Shandong Province were selected as research objects. Questionnaires were issued on the platform of Sojump to investigate the source of students and the way to understand the policy. SPSS 22.0 statistical software was used to analyze the data, and the relative number and composition ratio were used to describe the counting data. Chi-square test was used to compare the characteristics of students and the understanding degree of the policy between government-funded undergraduates and non-government-funded undergraduates. Multiple responses were used to analyze students' understanding of the policy.Results:There were significant differences in the gender ( χ2=10.29, P<0.001), place of household registration ( χ2=5.61, P=0.018), father's educational level ( χ2=9.78, P=0.044) and the way to understand the policy ( χ2=17.19, P<0.001) of the public and non-public funded undergraduates majoring in preventive medicine. And 88.4% of the students knew about the policy of public medical students through their teachers, classmates and family members. Conclusion:There are more female government-funded undergraduates in preventive medicine than male students, and more rural students than urban students, with the spreading way of from mouth to mouth as the main approach to know this policy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991478


Objective:To explore the application of understanding teaching mode combined with hierarchical training in the standardized training of nurses in gastrointestinal surgery department.Methods:Sixty-three nurses who had standardized training in gastrointestinal surgery department in West China Hospital, Sichuan University from January 2018 to January 2022 were selected as the study objects, among which, 32 nurses from January 2018 to July 2020 were set as the control group, taking regular training method, and 31 nurses from August 2020 to January 2022 were set as the observation group, taking the understanding teaching mode combined with hierarchical training method. The core competence scores of the two groups after training were compared, the scores of basic theory and practical skills of the two groups were compared, and the satisfaction degree of nurses during training was compared between the two groups. SPSS 22.0 was used to perform t-test. Results:After the training, the scores of core competence in the observation group were higher than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant ( P < 0.05). The scores of theoretical assessment (96.59±3.22) and practical skills (97.09±2.88) in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group (91.52±2.45)(91.14±2.85) ( P < 0.05). The total satisfaction scores of the observation group (93.48 ± 2.52) was higher than that of the control group (86.80 ± 2.22), and the difference was statistically significant ( P < 0.05). Conclusion:It is suggested that understanding teaching mode and joint hierarchical training can improve the core ability and assessment score of nurses in gastrointestinal surgery department, and improve the satisfaction of nurses.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 35(66): 1-17, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524087


Este texto apresenta reflexões e duas sugestões de aulas sobre o minivoleibol com a utilização do Teaching Games for Understanding, juntamente com as lentes da Pedagogia do Esporte. Consideramos que, por via das mudanças curriculares e que vão em direção ao ensino técnico dos esportes, este trabalho traz ideias de utilização do TGfU para os professores de Educação Física no âmbito escolar, na direção de ampliar os conhecimentos pedagógicos. Observamos que, em cenários que o TGfU foi operado, houve mudança significativa e positiva à aprendizagem dos estudantes. Por fim, as estratégias quanto ao uso do minivoleibol e sua operacionalização devem ser repensados em todos os contextos que estão inclusos pois é evidenciado a melhora no desempenho tático e cognitivo dos participantes.

This text presents reflections and two lesson suggestions about mini volleyball using Teaching Games for Understanding, through the lens of Sport Pedagogy. We consider through curricular changes that move towards technical sports education, this work brings ideas and the use of TGfU to Physical Education teachers in school, in the direction of expanding pedagogical knowledge. We observed that, in scenarios where TGfU was operated, there was a significant and positive change in student learning. Finally, the strategies for the mini volleyball and this operationalization should be reconsidered in all the contexts included, because it is evidence of the tactical and cognitive development.

Este texto presenta reflexiones y dos sugerencias de lecciones sobre mini voleibol utilizando Juegos de Enseñanza para la Comprensión, a través del lente de la Pedagogía Deportiva. Consideramos que, mediante cambios curriculares que avancen hacia la educación técnico deportiva, este trabajo aporta ideas y el uso de TGfU a los profesores de Educación Física en la escuela, en la dirección de ampliar el conocimiento pedagógico. Observamos que, en los escenarios donde se operó TGfU, hubo un cambio significativo y positivo en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Finalmente, las estrategias para el mini voleibol y esta operacionalización deben ser reconsideradas en todos los contextos incluidos, porque es evidencia del desarrollo táctico y cognitivo.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448544


El artículo tiene como finalidad dar a conocer la relación que hay entre la autoestima y la comprensión lectora del alumnado del VI ciclo de la Educación Básica Regular (EBR). La metodología desarrollada fue cuantitativa, no experimental, explicativa, contando con 60 educandos que oscilan entre los 12 y 14 años de edad, siendo 50% mujeres y 50% varones; a quienes se les aplicó dos instrumentos que presentaron validez y confiabilidad. Asimismo, los resultados mostraron que la autoestima equilibrada sobresalió en un 52%, la sobreelevada obtuvo un 32% y la de menor cantidad fue la autoestima media con16%; mientras que en la comprensión lectora el puntaje más alto estuvo enfocado en la dimensión literal con un 78% nivel medio, 15% en el nivel bajo y el menor reconocido fue la dimensión critica con 63% considerando las interrogantes planteadas y solo 7% en un nivel alto. Se concluye que el factor autoestima influyó más en la dimensión inferencial y crítica, mas no en el nivel literal corroborando los estudios realizados; por ello se propone incentivar el fomento del desarrollo del auto concepto con fines de mejorar los resultados del rendimiento escolar en los niveles literal y crítico de la compresión lectora en los estudiantes del VI ciclo de la EBR y aplicar diversas estrategias practicando este hábito.

The purpose of the article is to make known the relationship between self-esteem and reading comprehension of the students of the VI cycle of Regular Basic Education (EBR). The methodology developed was quantitative, not experimental, explanatory, with 60 students ranging between 12 and 14 years of age, 50% being female and 50% male; to whom two instruments that presented validity and reliability were applied. Likewise, the results showed that balanced self-esteem stood out by 52% and the one that obtained the lowest amount was mean self-esteem with 16%; while in reading comprehension the highest score was in the literal dimension with 78% medium level and the lowest was the critical dimension with 63% according to the questions raised. It is concluded that the self-esteem factor influenced more in the inferential dimension and has not influenced in the literal level according to the inferential analysis; For this reason, it is proposed to encourage the promotion of the development of self-concept in order to improve the results of school performance in the literal and critical levels of reading comprehension in students of the VI cycle of the EBR and apply various strategies practicing this habit.

O objetivo do artigo é dar a conhecer a relação entre autoestima e compreensão leitora dos alunos do VI ciclo do Ensino Básico Regular (EBR). A metodologia desenvolvida foi quantitativa, não experimental, explicativa, com 60 alunos na faixa etária de 12 a 14 anos, 50% mulheres e 50% homens; aos quais foram aplicados dois instrumentos que apresentaram validade e confiabilidade. Da mesma forma, os resultados mostraram que a autoestima equilibrada se destacou em 52%, a superalta obteve 32% e o menor valor foi a autoestima média com 16%; alto nível. Conclui-se que o fator autoestima teve maior influência na dimensão inferencial e crítica, mas não no nível literal, corroborando os estudos realizados; Por isso, propõe-se estimular o desenvolvimento do autoconceito para melhorar os resultados do desempenho escolar nos níveis literal e crítico de compreensão leitora nos alunos do VI ciclo da EBR e aplicar diversas estratégias praticando esse hábito.

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 47(2): 9-16, jun. 03, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399525


Introducción: la exodoncia presenta diversos factores que influyen en el éxito del período postoperatorio. El aprendizaje de las indicaciones postoperatorias ha evidenciado influir en la morbilidad, complicaciones y calidad de vida del paciente durante sus cuidados postoperatorios. Sin embargo, la estrategia de aprendizaje convencional para entregar las instrucciones postoperatorias verbal-escrita (VE) no toma en cuenta el posible compromiso cognitivo, psicológico y emocional del individuo, realizando una entrega de instrucciones indiferente al estado del paciente. Materiales y métodos: los pacientes serán asignados aleatoriamente a grupos divididos según estrategia de aprendizaje utilizada: convencional VE y psicopedagógica visual, auditiva y kinésica (VAK). Inmediatamente posterior al procedimiento se realizará la explicación de los cuidados postoperatorios según grupo. Se realizará una encuesta inmediatamente posterior a la entrega de instrucciones, luego a las 24 horas y a los 7 días luego de la cirugía, con el objetivo de evaluar el grado de retención. Finalmente, para comparar, se contrastaron las medias de cada grupo en los tres tiempos de aplicación. Resultados: se observa una media mayor en el grupo VAK, visible en todos los tiempos de aplicación, donde observamos una tendencia a presentar mejores niveles de retención. Diferencias aun no estadísticamente significativas, ya que la muestra aún no representa el total del muestreo calculado. Discusión: los resultados preliminares nos muestran que la estrategia visual-kinésica-auditiva es superior a la convencional en cuanto a nivel de retención, lo cual podría convertirla en un método de elección al momento de entregar indicaciones post exodoncia, para tener un resultado postoperatorio óptimo.

Introduction: Tooth extractions present several factors that affect the success of the postoperative period. The correct learning of the postoperative instructions has shown to affect the morbidity, complications, and quality of life of the patient after the surgery. Neverthe-less, the conventional verbal-written (VW) learning strategy to give the postoperative indications doesn't consider the possible cognitive, psychological and emotional compromise of the patient. Methods: The patients were assigned randomly into two groups, according to the learning strategy used: conventional (VW) and a psycho-pedagogical visual, auditive, and kinesic learning strategy (VAK). After extraction, the patients were explained about the postoperative care, according to the group they belonged to. A survey was conducted immediately, one day, and seven days after the procedure to record the grade of retention of the information. The means of each group were compared. Results: A higher mean was observed in the VAK group, which is visible in all the application times, determining a tendency to present better levels of retention of the information. The differences are not yet statistically significant, as the sample does not represent the total of patients previously considered. Discussion: The preliminary results show that the VAK strategy is superior to the conventional one regarding the level of retention of the information, becoming the method of choice when giving postoperative indications after dental extractions to develop a more optimal postoperative result

Rev. bras. enferm ; Rev. bras. enferm;75(2): e20200465, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1347191


ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the nursing systems of understanding and social inequalities from the perspective of student leaders and representatives of nursing professional organizations. Methods: qualitative research supported by the theoretical framework of Marxist dialectics. Threerepresentatives of professional organizations and five student leaders participated in the study. Datawere obtained from individual interviews and submitted to Critical Discourse Analysis. Results: thediscourses are marked by commitment, relational identification and characterize the position of obligation and necessity of nursing in acting with the individuals in situations of inequality, indicating accountability as a social practice. Among the competencies necessary for nursing in confronting social inequalities, political competence is central and is associated with health advocacy. Final Considerations: we conclude that acting on social inequalities is part of the historical construction of nursing. Here, we emphasized the historical importance of Florence Nightingale and her legacy for political action and leadership in nursing.

RESUMEN Objetivos: analizar sistemas de comprensión de desigualdades sociales por la enfermería, por perspectiva de liderazgos estudiantiles y representantes de organizaciones profesionales de enfermería. Métodos: investigación cualitativa sustentada en la dialéctica marxista. Participaron del estudio tres representantes de organizaciones profesionales y cinco líderes estudiantiles. Datos fueron obtenidos de entrevistas individuales y sometidos al Análisis de Discurso Crítico. Resultados: discursos son marcados por el comprometimiento, identificación relacional y caracterizan la posición de obligación y necesidad de la enfermería en actuar con los individuos en situaciones de desigualdades, indicando la responsabilización como práctica social. Entre las competencias necesarias la enfermería en el enfrentamiento de desigualdades sociales, competencia política y central y se relaciona la abogacía en salud. Consideraciones Finales: concluye que la actuación sobre las desigualdades sociales y parte de la construcción histórica de la enfermería. Resalta la importancia histórica de Florence Nightingale y su legado para actuación política y liderazgo de enfermería.

RESUMO Objetivos: analisar os sistemas de compreensão das desigualdades sociais pela enfermagem, naperspectiva de lideranças estudantis e representantes de organizações profissionais da enfermagem. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa sustentada no referencial teórico da dialética marxista. Participaram do estudo três representantes de organizações profissionais e cinco líderes estudantis. Os dados foram obtidos de entrevistas individuais e submetidos à Análise de Discurso Crítica. Resultados: osdiscursos são marcados pelo comprometimento, identificação relacional e caracterizam a posição de obrigação e necessidade da enfermagem em atuar com os indivíduos em situações de desigualdades, indicando a responsabilização como prática social. Dentre as competências necessárias à enfermagem no enfrentamento das desigualdades sociais, a competência política é central e se associa à advocacia em saúde. Considerações Finais: conclui-se que a atuação sobre as desigualdades sociais é parte da construção histórica da enfermagem. Ressalta-se a importância histórica de Florence Nightingale e seu legado para atuação política e liderança daenfermagem.

S. Afr. j. clin. nutr. (Online) ; 35(3): 108-114, 2022. tables, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1398069


Objective: This study aimed to assess the objective understanding of five front-of-pack label formats, namely the Reference Intake, Multiple Traffic Light label, Nutri-Score, health endorsement logo and warning label, among consumers in Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa. Design: This was a cross-sectional, exploratory study. Setting: Interviewer-administered surveys were conducted at 12 randomly selected food retail outlets in an urban setting.Subjects: A total of 359 adult participants were included in this study. Outcome measures: Objective understanding was measured by asking participants to rank food products according to their nutritional quality, using the displayed front-of-pack label. Results: The type of front-of-pack label significantly influenced ranking ability (p < 0.00001). All the evaluative front-of-pack labels significantly improved the participants' ability to identify healthier food products compared with the no-label control. The reductive Reference Intake, however, showed no significant impact on consumer understanding. Conclusion: Evaluative front-of-pack labels significantly improved the participants' ability to identify healthier food products, when compared with the Reference Intake and no-label control. Future research should test the objective understanding of culturally diverse groups in South Africa, particularly among rural populations.

Humans , Organizational Objectives , Traffic , Disaster Warning , Comprehension , Recommended Dietary Allowances
Rev. Assoc. Méd. Rio Gd. do Sul ; 65(4): 01022105, OUT-DEZ 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391932


Introdução: O presente artigo relata uma pesquisa conduzida na cidade de Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, a respeito do processo de doação de órgãos, levando como base a percepção da população local a respeito do assunto. Métodos: Aplicaram-se questionários objetivos estruturados à população leiga de Passo Fundo, abordando seu conhecimento sobre Morte Encefálica (ME), o processo de doação de órgãos e experiências pessoais. Resultados: Com base nos questionários estruturados aplicados (n=120), relacionaram-se as variáveis e analisaram-se estatisticamente aquelas em que P < 0,05. A maior significância demonstrou-se na variável escolaridade. Assim, pôde-se avaliar que a população em geral, 51,6% dos entrevistados, não possui entendimento sobre o processo de doação de órgãos, evidenciando-se importante correlação com a baixa escolaridade (45,2%). Ademais, obteve-se como resultado o desconhecimento acerca do conceito de ME, principalmente na categoria de Ensino Fundamental completo ou incompleto (58,6%). Quanto a ser doador ou ter intenção de ser, 75,8 % dos entrevistados respondeu positivamente a essa questão, entre estes 37,4% não havia comunicado seus familiares. Conclusão: Tais resultado reforçam a hipótese da correlação do panorama apresentado com a baixa escolaridade aliada ao desconhecimento acerca do tema e uma possível comunicação inefetiva no meio familiar, evidenciando, pois, a necessidade de constantes medidas de incentivo e instrução, a fim de promover a aceitação da doação de órgãos no meio social.

Introduction: This article reports a survey conducted in the city of Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, about the organ donation process, based on the local population's perception about the subject. Methodology: Objective structured questionnaires were applied to the lay population of Passo Fundo, addressing their knowledge about Brain Death (BD), the organ donation process, and personal experiences. Results: Based on the structured questionnaires applied (n=120), the variables were related and those in which P < 0.05 were statistically analyzed. The greatest significance was shown in the education variable. Thus, it was found that the general population, 51.6% of the respondents, does not have any understanding of the organ donation process, showing an important correlation with low education (45.2%). Furthermore, the lack of knowledge about the concept of BD was obtained as a result, especially in the category of complete or incomplete Elementary School (58.6%). As for being or intending to be a donor, 75.8% of the respondents answered yes to this question, and among these, 37.4% had not communicated it to their family members. Conclusion: These results reinforce the hypothesis of the correlation of the panorama presented with low education, combined with lack of knowledge about the topic and a possible ineffective communication in the family environment, thus highlighting the need for constant measures of encouragement and instruction in order to promote the acceptance of organ donation in the social environment.

Saúde Pesqui. (Online) ; 14(4): e9214, out-dez. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357543


A competência legal do cirurgião-dentista para prescrever medicamentos está amparada na Lei nº 5.081/1966, que regulamenta o exercício desse profissional no Brasil. Todavia, apesar das normativas, ainda ocorrem erros na prescrição. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a qualidade das prescrições odontológicas e a compreensão do paciente em relação ao tratamento farmacológico proposto. Foram utilizados questionários validados para análise das prescrições e verificação da compreensão dos pacientes sobre elas. O percentual de prescrições com grafia legível variou de 94 a 100%. A maior dificuldade dos pacientes foi relatar a indicação das precauções e reações adversas dos medicamentos. Concluiu-se que as prescrições emitidas pelos cirurgiões-dentistas, de maneira geral, apresentaram boa legibilidade, entretanto mostraram inconformidades com a legislação. Grande parcela de pacientes não soube informar com segurança os dados que garantam o uso seguro e eficaz do fármaco.

The dentist's legal competence to prescribe medication is supported by Law No. 5081/1966 that regulates the exercise of this professional in Brazil. However, despite the regulations regarding prescriptions and the existence of competent professionals to carry out prescriptions, errors still occur in the prescription of medication. This study aimed to analyze the quality of dental prescriptions and the patients' understanding of the proposed pharmacological treatment. The prescriptions were analyzed for legibility and content. The percentage of prescriptions with legible writing ranged from 94 to 100%. The greatest difficulty for patients was to report the indication of precautions and adverse reactions to medications. It was concluded that the prescriptions issued by dentists, in general, have good legibility, however, they are not in conformity with the legislation. A large portion of patients did not know how to safely inform the data that guarantee the safe and effective use of the medication.

J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 41(2): 193-197, June 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286994


Abstract The postoperative outcome of rectal cancer has been improved after the introduction of the principles of total mesorectal excision (TME). Total mesorectal excision includes resection of the diseased rectum and mesorectum with non-violated mesorectal fascia (en bloc resection). Dissection along themesorectal fascia through the principle of the "holy plane" minimizes injury of the autonomic nerves and increases the chance of preserving them. It is important to stick to the TME principle to avoid perforating the tumor; violating the mesorectal fascia, thus resulting in positive circumferential resection margin (CRM); or causing injury to the autonomic nerves, especially if the tumor is located anteriorly. Therefore, identifying the anterior plane of dissection during TME is important because it is related with the autonomic nerves (Denonvilliers fascia). Although there are many articles about the Denonvilliers fascia (DVF) or the anterior dissection plane, unfortunately, there is no consensus on its embryological origin, histology, and gross anatomy. In the present review article, I aim to delineate and describe the anatomy of the DVF inmore details based on a review of the literature, in order to provide insight for colorectal surgeons to better understand this anatomical feature and to provide the best care to their patients.

Resumo O resultado pós-operatório do câncer retal foi melhorado após a introdução dos princípios da excisão total do mesorreto (TME, na sigla em inglês). A excisão total do mesorreto inclui a ressecção do reto e do mesorreto afetados com fáscia mesorretal não violada (ressecção em bloco). A dissecção ao longo da fáscia mesorretal pelo princípio do "plano sagrado" minimiza a lesão dos nervos autônomos e aumenta a chance de preservá-los. É importante seguir o princípio da TME para evitar: a perfuração do tumor; a violação da fáscia mesorretal, resultando em margem de ressecção circunferencial (CRM) positiva; ou a lesão aos nervos autônomos, especialmente se o tumor estiver localizado anteriormente. Portanto, a identificação do plano anterior de dissecção durante a TME é importante, pois está relacionada comos nervos autonômicos (fáscia de Denonvilliers). Embora existammuitos artigos sobre a fáscia de Denonvilliers (DVF, na sigla em inglês) ou o plano de dissecção anterior, infelizmente não há consenso sobre sua origem embriológica, histologia e anatomia macroscópica. No presente artigo de revisão, retendo delinear e descrever a anatomia da DVF em mais detalhes com base em uma revisão da literatura, a fim de fornecer subsídios para os cirurgiões colorretais entenderemmelhor esta característica anatômica e fornecer o melhor cuidado para seus pacientes.

Rectal Neoplasms , Fascia/anatomy & histology , Rectum/anatomy & histology , Rectum/surgery , Rectum/pathology
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 10(1): 149-164, jan.-mar.2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151022


Objetivo: esta pesquisa busca investigar, por intermédio de uma análise bibliográfica, a importância do ato de informar no cerne da relação médico-paciente, tendo em vista que esse dever é direcionado às duas partes: tanto aos profissionais de saúde, quanto aos pacientes. Metodologia: foi realizada uma pesquisa predominantemente bibliográfica, que visou interpretar as categorias sociais, normativas e morais para se alcançar uma conclusão, evidenciando uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa. Resultados: o dever de informação é pressuposto ao exercício da autonomia. Conclusão: o paciente tem o direito de ter à disposição todo e qualquer dado relevante para que possa, livre e conscientemente, decidir, bem como o médico também tem o direito de ser munido de toda informação relacionada ao histórico da doença vivenciada pelo paciente.

Objective: this research seeks to investigate, through a bibliographic analysis, an importance of the act of informing at the heart of the doctor-patient relationship, considering that this duty is directed to both parties: both health professionals and patients. Methodology: a predominantly bibliographic research was conducted, which aimed to interpret as social, normative and moral categories in order to reach a conclusion, showing a qualitative approach. Results: the duty of information is presupposed to the exercise of autonomy. Conclusion: the patient has the right to have contact with all relevant data available so that he can freely and consciously decide, as well as the doctor also has the right to be provided with all information related to the history of the disease experienced by the patient.

Objetivo: esta investigación busca indagar, a través de un análisis bibliográfico, la importancia del acto de informar en el corazón de la relación médico-paciente, considerando que este deber está dirigido a ambas partes: tanto a los profesionales de la salud como a los pacientes. Metodología: se realizó una investigación predominantemente bibliográfica, la cual tuvo como objetivo interpretar categorías sociales, normativas y morales para llegar a una conclusión, mostrando un enfoque cualitativo. Resultados: se presupone el deber de información para el ejercicio de la autonomía. Conclusión: el paciente tiene derecho a disponer de todos y cada uno de los datos relevantes para que pueda decidir libre y conscientemente, así como el médico también tiene derecho a que se le facilite toda la información relacionada con la historia de la enfermedad vivida por el paciente.