The fruit of plant Synsepalum dulcificum (Schumach. & Thonn.) Daniell, is found native to tropical regions of West Africa, and vernacularly recognized as the "Miracle Fruit" by Africans. The property of the plant has traditionally been employed in many food industries, besides its ethnopharmacological significance. The phytochemical analysis from literature reveals that various parts of plant contains many bioactive components including alkaloids, lignans, phenolic acids, glycoproteins and flavonoids. Recent studies exhibit its pharmacological potential such as antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic, anti-cancer, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-hyperuricemia and anti-convulsant properties. Therefore, this review aims to systematically summarizes scientific evidences with the therapeutic, ethnopharmacological and traditional claims found in literature. However, the data acquired is still very imperfect, thus future research is hopeful to discover the precise mechanism of action of its bioactive components to explore chemical constituents, and their nutraceutical and clinical uses of this multipurpose plant to employ its valuable effects on human beings.
El fruto de la planta Synsepalum dulcificum (Schumach. & Thonn.) Daniell, se encuentra de forma nativa en las regiones tropicales del África Occidental, y es reconocida vernáculamente como la "Fruta Milagrosa" por los africanos. La propiedad de la planta ha sido empleada tradicionalmente en muchas industrias alimentarias, además de su significancia etnofarmacológica. El análisis fitoquímico de la literatura revela que varias partes de la planta contienen muchos componentes bioactivos incluyendo alcaloides, lignanos, ácidos fenólicos, glicoproteínas y flavonoides. Estudios recientes exhiben su potencial farmacológico como propiedades antidiabéticas, antihiperlipidémicas, anticancerígenas, antimicrobianas, antioxidantes, anti-hiperuricémicas y anticonvulsivas. Por lo tanto, esta revisión tiene como objetivo resumir sistemáticamente las evidencias científicas con las afirmaciones terapéuticas, etnofarmacológicas y tradicionales encontradas en la literatura. Sin embargo, los datos adquiridos aún son muy imperfectos, por lo que se espera que futuras investigaciones descubran el mecanismo de acción preciso de sus componentes bioactivos para explorar los constituyentes químicos y sus usos nutracéuticos y clínicos de esta planta multiusos para emplear sus valiosos efectos en los seres humanos.
Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Synsepalum/chemistry , Fruit/chemistry , Gout Suppressants/pharmacology , Hypoglycemic Agents/pharmacology , Anti-Infective Agents/pharmacology , Anticonvulsants/pharmacology , Hypolipidemic Agents/pharmacology , Antineoplastic Agents/pharmacology , Antioxidants/pharmacologyABSTRACT
A motivação é um fenômeno complexo que impulsiona as ações humanas. O diagnóstico de tais interesses oferece elementos de reflexão para a promoção de atividades e a implementação de políticas públicas. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar as motivações dos praticantes de ciclismo recreacional de Blumenau/SC, município com uma população de 363 mil habitantes e uma malha cicloviária de 137 quilômetros. A coleta dos dados empíricos da pesquisa ocorreu por meio da aplicação de um questionário. Ao final, obteve-se uma amostra de 304 respondentes. Os resultados do estudo indicam a motivação para as atividades físicas ocupa papel central na relação com outros fatores de interesse, contribuindo para a superação de aspectos eventualmente desencorajadores. Em contrapartida, praticantes que têm outras motivações, como a interação social e o desenvolvimento pessoal, dependem mais de estímulos encorajadores, o que sugere que em tais casos existe a necessidade de maior incentivo para a prática do ciclismo recreacional. As conclusões deste estudo são relevantes para planejadores urbanos e gestores de comunicação. Ao mensurar a pertinência de causas motivadoras e desmotivadoras do ciclismo, os resultados da pesquisa indicam a importância de investir em infraestrutura adequada como a expansão da rede cicloviária e a criação de campanhas de divulgação, a fim de promover a bicicleta como meio de transporte e/ou recreação.
Motivation is a complex phenomenon that drives human actions. Diagnosing these interests provides elements for reflection in promoting activities and implementing public policies. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the motivations of recreational cyclists in Blumenau, SC (Brazil), a city with a population of 363,000 inhabitants and a cycling network of 137 kilometers. Empirical data for the research were collected through a questionnaire. Ultimately, a sample of 304 respondents was obtained. The study's results indicate that motivation for physical activities plays a central role in the relationship with other factors of interest, contributing to overcoming potentially discouraging aspects. Conversely, individuals motivated by other factors, such as social interaction and personal development, rely more on encouraging stimuli, suggesting that in such cases there's a need for greater incentives for recreational cycling. The conclusions of this study are relevant for urban planners and communication managers. By assessing the relevance of motivating and demotivating factors in cycling, the research results underscore the importance of investing in appropriate infrastructure, such as expanding the cycling network and launching promotional campaigns, to promote cycling as a means of transportation and/or recreation.
Drive , Transit-Oriented Development , Motivation , Transportation , BicyclingABSTRACT
Medicinal plants are used to cure diseases, and their replacement is frequent and affects public health. The genus Baccharis has representatives within the medicinal flora of Argentina, although the replacement of the species of this genus known under the vulgar name of "carqueja" by Baccharis spicata has been detected i n herbalists or markets of herbal products. The genotoxic safety of this species has been established in previous work of our group. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiviral activity of an infusion made from B. spicata leaves against hepatitis B virus with the HepG2.2.15 cellular system and to determine cytotoxicity in HepG2.2,15, A549 and Vero cell lines. Infusion of B. spicata was active to inhibit HBV replication with an EC 50 of 22.54 µg/mL and a CC 50 of 190 µg/mL.
Las plantas medicinales son empleadas para la cura de enfermedades, y su sustituc ión es frecuente y afecta a la salud pública. El género Baccharis posee representantes dentro de la flora medicinal de Argentina, aunque se ha detectado la sustitución de las especies de dicho género conocidas bajo el nombre vulgar de "carqueja" por Baccha ris spicata en herboristerías o mercados de productos herb arios . Se ha establecido la seguridad genotóxica de esta especie en trabajos previos de nuestro grupo. Este estudio buscó evaluar la actividad antiviral de una infusión elaborada a partir de hojas de B. spicata frente al virus de la hepatitis B con el sistema celular HepG2.2.15 y determinar la citotoxicidad en las líneas celulares HepG2.2.15, A549 y Vero. La infusión de B. spicata fue activa para inhibir la replicación del virus con un EC 50 de 22.54 µg/mL y un CC 50 de 190 µg/mL.
Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Baccharis/chemistry , Hepatitis B/drug therapy , Antiviral Agents/pharmacology , Virus Replication/drug effects , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Cell Line/drug effects , Hepatitis B virus/drug effects , Plant Leaves , Asteraceae , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective. The rational use of medicines offers a cost-saving strategy to maximize therapeutic outcomes for developing and developed countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the rational use of medicines for selected noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) at three pharmacies at public hospitals in Jamaica using the World Health Organization's (WHO's) prescribing indicators. Methods. In this retrospective cross-sectional study, prescriptions for adult outpatients containing at least one medicine for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma that were filled between January and July 2019 were reviewed using WHO's prescribing indicators for the rational use of medicines. Data were analyzed and expressed as descriptive and inferential statistics. For all analyses conducted, significance was determined at P < 0.05. Results. A total of 1 500 prescriptions covering 5 979 medicines were reviewed; prescriptions were mostly written for female patients aged 42-60 years. Polypharmacy was observed in 35.6% (534) of prescriptions, and there was an average of 4 medicines per prescription, with a maximum of 17. Most of the prescriptions at each site were filled, with the main reason for not dispensing a medicine being that it was out of stock. Generic prescribing was high for all sites, accounting for more than 95% (5 722) of prescribed medicines. There was full compliance with prescribing according to the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines at two of the sites, but it was just off the target at Site 1, by 1.4%. Conclusions. The WHO guidelines for the rational use of medicines were followed with respect to the proportion of medicines prescribed from the WHO Model List and the proportion of antibiotics prescribed. The number of medicines per prescription and the proportion of medicines prescribed by generic name did not meet the WHO criteria. However, prescribing was aligned with treatment guidelines for the selected NCDs.
RESUMEN Objetivo. El uso racional de los medicamentos proporciona una estrategia de ahorro de costos para maximizar los resultados terapéuticos tanto en los países en desarrollo como en los países desarrollados. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el uso racional de medicamentos para algunas enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT) seleccionadas en tres farmacias de hospitales públicos de Jamaica, usando los indicadores de prescripción de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Métodos. En este estudio transversal retrospectivo se examinaron las prescripciones realizadas a pacientes ambulatorios adultos que incluían al menos un medicamento para enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes, cáncer, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica o asma, dispensadas entre enero y julio del 2019, utilizando los indicadores de prescripción para el uso racional de medicamentos de la OMS. Los datos se analizaron y expresaron mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Para todos los análisis realizados se estableció un nivel de significación de p <0,05. Resultados. Se examinó un total de 1 500 prescripciones que incluían 5 979 medicamentos; la mayor parte de ellas correspondían a pacientes de sexo femenino de 42 a 60 años. Se observó que había polimedicación en el 35,6% (534) de las prescripciones, con un promedio de 4 y un máximo de 17 medicamentos por receta. En todos los centros se dispensó la mayor parte de los medicamentos prescritos, y el motivo principal para no hacerlo fue la falta de existencias del medicamento en cuestión. La prescripción de genéricos fue elevada en todos los centros y supuso más del 95% (5 722) de los medicamentos prescritos. En dos centros la prescripción se realizó en su totalidad de acuerdo con la Lista Modelo de Medicamentos Esenciales de la OMS, pero en el centro 1 no se alcanzó el objetivo por un 1,4%. Conclusiones. Se siguieron las directrices de la OMS para el uso racional de medicamentos en cuanto a la proporción de medicamentos prescritos de la Lista Modelo de la OMS y la proporción de antibióticos prescritos. El número de medicamentos por receta y la proporción de medicamentos prescritos mediante su nombre genérico no cumplieron con los criterios de la OMS. Sin embargo, las prescripciones estaban en consonancia con las directrices de tratamiento de las enfermedades no transmisibles seleccionadas.
RESUMO Objetivo. O uso racional de medicamentos é uma estratégia de contenção de custos para maximizar os resultados terapêuticos em países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o uso racional de medicamentos para algumas doenças não transmissíveis selecionadas em três farmácias de hospitais públicos na Jamaica a partir dos indicadores de prescrição preconizados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Métodos. Estudo transversal retrospectivo que avaliou receitas médicas de pacientes ambulatoriais adultos contendo pelo menos um medicamento prescrito para doença cardiovascular, diabetes, câncer, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica ou asma e dispensadas entre janeiro e julho de 2019. A avaliação foi realizada a partir dos indicadores de prescrição preconizados pela OMS para o uso racional de medicamentos. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio de estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais. O nível de significância de p <0,05 foi adotado em todas as análises. Resultados. Ao todo, foram analisadas 1 500 receitas médicas compreendendo 5 979 medicamentos. Em sua maioria, as receitas foram prescritas para pacientes do sexo feminino com idades entre 42 e 60 anos. A polifarmácia foi observada em 35,6% (534) das receitas; em média, foram prescritos 4 medicamentos, até um máximo de 17. As farmácias estudadas dispensaram a maior parte dos medicamentos receitados. O principal motivo para não fornecer algum medicamento foi o desabastecimento. O percentual de medicamentos genéricos foi alto em todos os locais, representando mais de 95% (5 722) do volume receitado. Houve plena observância da Lista Modelo de Medicamentos Essenciais da OMS nas receitas analisadas em dois dos locais estudos, e observância quase completa (diferença de 1,4%) no local 1. Conclusões. As diretrizes da OMS de uso racional de medicamentos foram cumpridas no que se refere ao percentual de medicamentos receitados de acordo com a Lista Modelo da OMS e o percentual de antibióticos receitados. Os critérios da OMS não foram cumpridos quanto ao número de medicamentos por receita e ao percentual receitado usando o nome genérico. Porém, os medicamentos foram receitados de acordo com as diretrizes terapêuticas para as doenças não transmissíveis selecionadas.
Introducción: la traqueostomía es la abertura y el abocamiento de la tráquea al exterior realizada para lograr una vía aérea controlable y permeable. El abordaje puede ser percutáneo y abierto, bajo anestesia general o local, de forma urgente o programada. Objetivo: describir la técnica quirúrgica realizada habitualmente en el sistema de salud de Malvinas Argentinas y evaluar indicaciones y complicaciones. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo que incluyó pacientes con traqueostomía, mayores de 18 años, sin distinción de sexo, realizada entre enero de 2015 y junio de 2018 en Malvinas Argentinas. Resultados: se operaron 72 pacientes, 11 anestesia local y 61 anestesia general; 15 urgencias y 57 programados. La edad promedio fue 34,7. La técnica utilizada fue abierta con incisión horizontal. Las principales indicaciones: intubación orotraqueal prolongada en 34 pacientes, síndrome obstructivo laríngeo agudo (SOLA) en 25 y destete dificultoso en 6. Las complicaciones más frecuentes: lesiones laringotraqueales en 9 pacientes, infección de herida quirúrgica en 5 y enfisema subcutáneo en 3. Discusión: la técnica abierta no es la única existente en la bibliografía, pero buenos resultados en nuestro servicio afirman su seguridad por mejor reconocimiento de estructuras anatómicas y abocamiento de la tráquea. No es posible concluir cuál técnica es superior con respecto a morbimortalidad. Existen diferencias en el lugar donde se realiza, y puede hacerse en quirófano o junto a la cama del paciente con adecuada asepsia. Conclusión: en la actualidad sigue siendo la técnica de elección para la realización de este procedimiento en nuestro servicio.
Introduction: Tracheostomy is the opening and entrance of the trachea to the outside carried out to achieve a controllable and patent airway. The approach can be percuta-neous and open, under general or local anesthesia, urgently or scheduled. Objective:Describe the surgical technique usually performed in Malvinas Argentinas Health System and evaluate indications and complications. Materials and methods: Retros-pective descriptive study, including of patients with tracheostomy, over 18 years of age, without distinction of sex, carried out between January 2015 and June 2018, in Malvinas Argentinas. Results: 72 patients underwent surgery, 11 local anesthesia, 61 general; 15 emergency, and 57 scheduled. Average age 34.7. The technique used was open with a horizontal incision. The main indications were prolonged orotra-cheal intubation in 34 patients, acute laryngeal obstructive syndrome (AOLS) in 25, and difficult weaning in 6. The most frequent complications were laryngotracheal injuries in 9 patients, surgical wound infection in 5, and subcutaneous emphysema in 3. Discussion: Open technique is not the only one existing in the literature, but the good results in our service confirm its safety due to better recognition of anatomical structures and opening of the trachea. It is not possible to conclude which technique is superior, with respect to morbidity and mortality. There are differences in the place where it is performed, and it can be done in the operating room or next to the patient's bed with adequate asepsis. Conclusion: Currently, it continues to be the technique of choice for performing this procedure in our service.
Humans , Male , FemaleABSTRACT
The genus Desmodium includes about 350 species, distributed in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The objective of this review wa s to associate the traditional medicinal uses of the genus Desmodium with its biological activities reported in the scientific literature. Traditional medicinal uses and biological activities were described in 56 species. More than 100 traditional medicina l uses have been reported in 43 countries, highlighting the use in inflammatory, gastrointestinal and infectious processes, muscular pain, rheumatic, renal and hepatic affections. Among the 45 biological activities experimentally evaluated, antioxidant, an timicrobial, anti - inflammatory, hepatoprotective and antinociceptive were the most reported. The species with the highest number of studies were D. gangeticum, D. adscendens and D. styracifolium. In conclusion, several traditional medicinal uses have been experimentally supported, demonstrating the pharmacological potential of this genus.
El género Desmodium incluye alrededor de 350 especie s, distribuidas en regiones tropicales y subtropicales alrededor del mundo. El objetivo de esta revisión fue asociar los usos medicinales tradicionales del género Desmodium con sus actividades biológicas reportadas en la literatura científica. Los usos med icinales tradicionales y las actividades biológicas fueron descritos en 56 especies. Más de 100 usos medicinales tradicionales han sido reportados en 43 países, destacándose el uso en procesos inflamatorios, gastrointestinales e infecciosos, dolores muscul ares, reumáticos, afecciones renales y hepáticas. Dentro de las 45 actividades biológicas evaluadas experimentalmente, las más reportadas fueron la antioxidante, antimicrobiana, antiinflamatoria, hepatoprotectora y antinociceptiva. Las especies con mayor n úmero de estudios fueron D. gangeticum, D. adscendens y D. styracifolium. En conclusión, varios usos medicinales tradicionales han sido experimentalmente respaldados, demostrando el potencial farmacológico de este género.
Plants, Medicinal , Fabaceae , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
É comum o armazenamento de medicamentos pelas famílias brasileiras, seja por uso contínuo, por sobras de um tratamento, pelo abandono ou para a automedicação. Dessa maneira o presente estudo objetiva analisar o estoque domiciliar de medicamentos da população adstrita na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) de Rondonópolis-MT de fevereiro a junho de 2022, visando analisar as condições de armazenamento, realizar o levantamento de todos os fármacos dos domicílios em suas diferentes formas farmacêuticas e identificar o perfil de uso dos medicamentos conforme suas indicações terapêuticas. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de caráter exploratório, e de base descritiva. Foi aplicado um questionário por domicílio durante visita domiciliar. Sobre a amostra estudada, 83,9% (n=281) dos entrevistados era do sexo feminino, faixa etária com predomínio de pessoas acima de 40 anos, com um nível de escolaridade baixo e renda familiar mais baixa. Dos participantes da pesquisa, 97,6% possuíam farmácia caseira. Esses medicamentos eram armazenados principalmente na cozinha, no quarto e na sala. As classes terapêuticas mais numerosas foram: analgésicos (14,2%), AINEs (8,9%) e anti-hipertensivos (7,7%). A quantidade de medicamentos armazenados foi significativamente maior entre praticantes de automedicação e participantes sem conhecimento adequado sobre o uso dos medicamentos, revelando a necessidade do farmacêutico como promotor de ações de educação em saúde sobre uso racional de medicamentos.
It is common for Brazilian families to store medications, whether for continuous use, leftover from treatment, due to abandonment, or for self-medication. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the home drug storage of the population attached to the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Rondonópolis-MT from February to June 2022, to assess storage conditions, conduct a survey of all pharmaceuticals in the households in their different pharmaceutical forms, and identify the medication use profile according to their therapeutic indications. This was a cross-sectional, exploratory, descriptive-based study. A questionnaire was administered to each household during home visits. Regarding the study sample, 83.9% (n=281) of the respondents were female, predominantly over 40 years old, with a low level of education and lower family income. Of the participants, 97.6% had home pharmacies. These medications were primarily stored in kitchens, bedrooms, and living rooms. The most numerous therapeutic classes were analgesics (14.2%), NSAIDs (8.9%), and antihypertensive drugs (7.7%). The quantity of stored medications was significantly higher among those practicing self-medication and participants with inadequate knowledge about medication use, revealing the need for pharmacists as promoters of health education actions on rational drug use.
A study was carried out after harvest of rabi season crop during 2020-2021 to find out the vertical variability in status of physical properties in Vertisol and Inceptisol under different land uses. Samples were collected in triplicate from six different land use practices (forest, uncultivated, soybean-wheat, rice-wheat, soybean - chickpea and maize-wheat) at four depths (0-15, 15-30 30-45 and 45-60 cm) Gwalior and Jabalpur regions. For statistical analysis of data in factorial RBD different soil type were considered as factor A ,land use practices as factor B and three replications. Physical properties significantly affected by soil type. It was observed in different land use practices significantly affected in WHC. Under different soil type content of sand, silt and bulk density were higher in Inceptisol as compared to vertisol, however content of clay, porosity and (water holding capacity) WHC were higher Vertisol as compare to Inceptisol. WHC, bulk density and clay was found increased down the depth except porosity, sand in Vertisol while content of sand and bulk density was found increased down to depth except WHC, porosity and clay in Inceptisol.
Madia sativa remains important to the traditional culture of many first peoples of Chile and is being studied for its biological abilities by medical researchers. The used of this specie in Chile is researched through a series of retrospective analysis. This research indicated the use this plant populations mapuche a long time ago.
Madia sativa sigue siendo importante para la cultura tradicional de muchos pueblos originarios de Chile y está siendo estudiada por sus capacidades biológicas por investigadores médicas. El uso de esta especie en Chile se investiga a través de una serie de análisis retrospectivos. Esta investigación indica el uso de esta planta en poblaciones mapuche desde hace mucho tiempo.
Plants, Medicinal , Asteraceae , Medicine, Traditional , Indians, South American , Chile , EthnobotanyABSTRACT
Soil quality can be inferred from selected chemical soil indicators and it may be altered under the impact of changes in land uses (LUS). For achieving sustainable management practices the soil quality indicators (SQI) should be measured. The objective of this study was to compare the soil quality index in forest, Broom and cultivated land use systems in some areas of Meghalaya, using a completely randomized design at nine different land uses containing Mixed-Forest, Pine-Forest, Broom-Grass, Rice-Potato, Rice-Cabbage, Upland Rice-Monocrop, Lowland Rice-Monocrop, upland pineapple crop and slash-burn cropping system with three replications and two depths. 54 soil samples were collected from the surface and subsurface soil depth of diverse LUS and 9 soil chemical attributes was selected for SQI. Values of SQI deduced using the average factorial deviation from the values of soil quality indicators of diverse LUS site relative to their value of the mixed forest as a (reference) scaled to 100 per cent. The results showed that the pine forest land use had the premier value of SQI (98.99) and poorest in the rice-potato (70.00) land use system in both the depth compared to mixed forest land. It can be concluded that cultivated land use decreases soil quality index such as rice-potato system.
Introdução: a pneumonia é uma infecção nos pulmões, provocada pela penetração de microrganismos. Outras infeções respiratórias, incluindo a SARS-COV-2, podem agravar a clínica do paciente. Por sua vez, esta é uma doença sistêmica, com foco pulmonar que pode gerar complicações respiratórias, dentre elas a pneumonia. Neste seguimento, estudos evidenciam que 15% dos pacientes com COVID-19 podem apresentar pneumonia leve e 5% evoluir para pneumonia grave. Objetivo: comparar a ocorrência de morbimortalidade por pneumonia no Estado da Bahia, no período pré e durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo ecológico, quantitativo, com dados públicos, disponíveis no Sistema Informações em Saúde da plataforma DataSUS/ TABNet, referentes ao Estado da Bahia, no período de jan./2018 a dez./2021. Foram selecionados os dados: internamentos, média de internamento, óbitos e taxa de mortalidade. Os dados foram analisados através da estatística descritiva, frequência relativa, e estatística analítica com o teste de frequências relativas U de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: o Estado da Bahia, registrou um total de 48 mil internações por pneumonia, com média de taxa de permanência de internamento de 6,4 dias e um total de 8 mil óbitos, com média de taxa de mortalidade de 16,91% ao ano. Observa-se que ocorreu redução nas internações e óbitos, e aumento na taxa de mortalidade por pneumonia, no período estudado (P<0,001). Conclusão: contudo, verificou-se que no Estado da Bahia durante o período da pandemia de COVID-19, ocorreram redução no número de internados e óbitos, e aumento na taxa de mortalidade por pneumonia, comparando-se ao mesmo período pré pandemia.
Introduction: pneumonia is an infection in the lungs, caused by exposure to microorganisms. Other respiratory infections, including SARS-COV-2, may aggravate the patient's health condition. In turn, this is a systemic disease, with a pulmonary focus that can lead to respiratory complications, including pneumonia. In this area, studies show that 15% of patients with COVID-19 may have mild pneumonia and 5% progress to severe pneumonia. Objective: to compare the occurrence of morbidity and mortality from pneumonia in the State of Bahia, in the period before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: this is an ecological, quantitative study, with public data, available in the Health Information System of the DataSUS/TABNet platform, referring to the State of Bahia, from Jan./2018 to Dec./2021. Selected data: hospitalizations, average hospitalization, deaths and mortality rate. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, relative frequency, and analytical statistics with the Mann-Whitney U relative frequency test. Results: the State of Bahia recorded a total of 48,000 hospitalizations for pneumonia, with an average hospitalization stay rate of 6.4 days and a total of 8,000 deaths, with an average mortality rate of 16.91% per year. It is observed that there was a reduction in hospitalizations and deaths, and an increase in the mortality rate due to pneumonia, in the studied period (P<0.001). Conclusion: however, it was found that in the State of Bahia during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a reduction in the number of hospitalizations and deaths, and an increase in the mortality rate due to pneumonia, compared to the same pre-pandemic period.
Humans , Male , Female , Pneumonia , Respiratory Tract Infections , Unified Health System , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , COVID-19 , Bronchopneumonia , Ecological Studies , Evaluation Studies as TopicABSTRACT
Introduction: The flaps, whose function is to reduce or redirect tension during a closure, are classified based on their primary movement: transposition, advancement, and rotation, each with its characteristics, indications, and peculiarities. Combining the qualities of the transposition flaps with those of rotation, which make up the S-Apple flap, makes it more versatile and with better aesthetic results than the bilobed flap, which denotes the archetype for the appearance of the S-Apple. Method: Having the rotation and transposition flaps as an archetype, four flaps are made in the S-Apple flap, which are rotated and transposed to close the defect. This is excised in a circular format for the oncological safety of margins. The "S" of the flap is traced at a 30º angle in relation to the defect. The arm dimension must be the same diameter as the defect, with the flaps transposed as in a z-plasty, and the flap rotated to cover the defect, resulting from the exeresis of the lesion. Results: No necrosis, infection, dehiscence, recurrences, trapdoor scars, or rotation point elevation were observed. The scars were classified as satisfactory and extremely satisfactory. Conclusion: The S-Apple flap proved versatile and easy to mark with excellent aesthetic and functional results.
Introdução: Os retalhos, com função de reduzir ou redirecionar a tensão durante um fechamento, são classificados com base em seu movimento primário: transposição, avanço e rotação, cada um com suas características, indicações e peculiaridades. O arregimentar das qualidades dos retalhos de transposição com os de rotação, que compõem o retalho S-Apple, tornam-no mais versátil e com melhores resultados estéticos em relação ao retalho bilobado, que denota o arquétipo para o surgimento do S-Apple. Método: Tendo como arquétipo os retalhos de rotação e transposição, no retalho S-Apple são confeccionados quatro retalhos, que são rotacionados e transpostos para fechamento do defeito. Este é excisado em formato circular para segurança oncológica de margens. O "S" do retalho é traçado em um ângulo de 30º em relação ao defeito. A dimensão do braço deve ser do mesmo diâmetro do defeito, sendo os retalhos transpostos como em uma zetaplastia e o retalho rotacionado para cobrir o defeito, resultante da exérese da lesão. Resultados: Não foram observadas necroses, infecção, deiscências, recidivas, cicatrizes em alçapão e elevação em ponto de rotação. As cicatrizes foram classificadas como satisfatórias e extremamente satisfatórias. Conclusão: O retalho S-Apple se mostrou um retalho versátil de fácil marcação com excelentes resultados estéticos e funcionais.
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by the presence of chronic hyper-glycemia that is accompanied, to a greater or lesser extent, by alterations in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. It is the leading cause of death in developed countries. Current antidiabetic drug treatments present several adverse effects for which it has started searching for new oral hypoglycemic agents from vegetal species. This review presents the medicinal plants from the Peruvian Amazon used in the treatment of diabetes and a systematic review of their hypoglycemic properties reported in the literature in the last twenty years used in different bibliographic databases. Seventy seven medicinal plants are reported as being used for the treatment of diabetes by Amazonian indigenous people, which 46.75% of species report hypoglycemic activity, evidencing that traditional knowledge is a great source for to searching antidiabetic drugs and also an alternative for future research.
La diabetes mellitus es un trastorno metabólico caracterizado por la presencia de hiperglucemia crónica acompañada, en mayor o menor medida, de alteraciones en el metabolismo de carbohidratos, proteínas y lípidos, es la principal causa de muerte en los países desarrollados. Los tratamientos actuales con fármacos anti-diabéticos presentan varios efectos adversos, por lo que se ha iniciado una búsqueda de nuevos hipoglucemiantes orales a partir de especies vegetales. Esta revisión presenta las plantas medicinales de la amazonia peruana utilizadas en el tratamiento de la diabetes y una revisión sistemática de sus propiedades hipoglucémicas reportadas en la literatura en los últimos veinte años utilizando bases de datos bibliográficas. Se reportan 77 plantas medicinales utilizadas para el tratamiento de la diabetes por pobladores amazónicos, de las cuales el 46.75% reporta actividad hipoglucémica, evidenciando que el conocimiento tradicional es una fuente para la búsqueda de fármacos antidiabéticos y una alternativa para futuras investigaciones
Plants, Medicinal , Diabetes Mellitus/drug therapy , Peru , Amazonian Ecosystem , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
Este artigo tem como objetivo fazer algumas reflexões sobre a utilização da Cartografia de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari e a Arqueogenealogia de Michel Foucault como abordagens metodológicas para a elaboração de estudos em determinados territórios e campos de saber. Para isso, conceitua-se as duas abordagens a partir das pistas conceituais deixadas pelos autores em seus escritos. Em seguida, realiza-se uma análise das abordagens de modo a pensar sobre as condições que estas podem oferecer para conversações com estudos históricos e do campo psi. O artigo analisa os operadores conceituais dos estudos de arquivos, da recepção e dos usos das práticas na História Cultural; do rizoma, multiplicidade, acontecimento e singularidade na Cartografia e das análises de saber-poder na Arqueogenealogia. A História Cultural oferece ferramentas potentes para a realização de trabalhos com documentos por meio da Arqueogenealogia e da Cartografia, na medida em que apresenta modos de trabalhar com as práticas singulares e múltiplas na tensão dos fazeres locais em forças processuais em conversação entre o campo psi e o histórico por meio da Arqueogenealogia, da Cartografia e da História Cultural. (AU)
This article aims to make some reflections on the use of Cartography by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari and the Archeogenealogy of MichelFoucault as methodological approaches for the elaboration of studies in certain territories and fields of knowledge. For this, the two approaches are conceptualized from the conceptual clues left by the authors in their writings. Then, an analysis of the approaches is performed in order to think about the conditions they can offer for conversations with historical studies and the psi field. The article analyzes the conceptual operators of the studies of archives, the reception and the uses of practices in cultural history; rhizome, multiplicity, event and singularity in Cartography and the analyses of knowledge-power in Archeogenealogy. Cultural History offers powerful tools for carrying out works with documents through Archeogenealogy and Cartography, as it presentsways of working with singular and multiple practices in the tension of local activities in procedural forces in conversation between the psi and historical field through Archeogenealogy, Cartography and Cultural History. (AU)
Este artículo pretende hacer algunas reflexiones sobre el uso de la Cartografía por Gilles Deleuzey Félix Guattari y la Arqueogenealogía de Michel Foucault como enfoques metodológicos para la elaboración de estudios endeterminados territorios y campos del conocimiento. Para ello, los dos enfoques se conceptualizan a partir de las pistas conceptuales dejadas por los autores en sus escritos. Luego, se realiza un análisis de los enfoques con el fin de pensar en las condiciones que pueden ofrecer para las conversaciones con estudios históricos y el campo psi. El artículo analiza los operadores conceptuales de los estudios de archivos, la recepción y los usos de las prácticas en la historia cultural; rizoma, multiplicidad, acontecimiento y singularidad en la Cartografía y los análisis del poder-conocimiento en la Arqueogenealogía.La Historia Cultural ofrece poderosas herramientas para realizar trabajos con documentos a través de la Arqueogenealogíay la Cartografía, ya que presenta formas de trabajar con prácticas singulares y múltiples en la tensión de las actividades locales en las fuerzas procedimentales en la conversación entre el psi el campo histórico a través de la Arqueogenealogía, la Cartografía y la Historia Cultural. (AU)
Psychology, Social/methods , Research , Methodology as a Subject , HistoryABSTRACT
RESUMEN La fauna silvestre es de crucial importancia en la construcción social, económica y cultural de las comunidades campesinas; aunque su uso puede generar amenazas para la estabilidad de las poblaciones silvestres más explotadas. Este artículo determinó desde un punto de vista etnozoológico los usos que recibe la fauna silvestre en una localidad rural de Plato Magdalena. Se realizaron 70 entrevistas estructuradas, empleando fichas ilustradas de especies de anfibios, reptiles, aves y mamíferos con distribución para esta región. Se reconocieron 103 especies (11 anfibios, 29 reptiles, 32 aves y 31 mamíferos), donde el 65% soportan diferentes categorías de uso: alimento, comercio, mascota, artesanía y medicina, usos que incluyen a 12 reptiles, 28 aves y 27 mamíferos. Las especies con mayor uso como alimento son Dasypus novemcinctus, Dasiprocta punctata, Hydrochoerus h. isthmius, Mazama sanctaemartae, Pecari tajacu, Sylvilagus floridanus, Trachemys callirostris, Iguana iguana, Ortalisgarrula, Dendrocygna autumnalis. El uso comercial recae sobre Caiman crocodilus fuscus, I. iguana, T. callirostris y Chelonoidis carbonarius; y como mascotas Ara araruana, A. macao, Eupsittula pertinax, Brotogeris jugularis, Amazona ochrocephala, Thraupis episcopus, Sicalis flaveola, Cebus versicolor, Notosciurus granatensis y C. carbonarius. Las pieles de Leopardus pardalis, Puma concolor, Panthera onca, C. crocodilus fuscus, Boa constrictor, y caparazones de C. carbonarius son usados en artesanías. Diferentes especies de aves, mamíferos y reptiles son recursos importantes para la sobrevivencia de la comunidad campesina, cuyo valor utilitario está estrechamente relacionados con aspectos socioculturales y el conocimiento tradicional, lo cual es importante tener en cuenta en el diseño de programas de conservación.
ABSTRACT Wild fauna is of crucial importance in the social, economic and cultural construction of peasant communities, although its use can generate threats to the stability of the most exploited wild populations. This article determined from an ethnozoological point of view the uses received by wildlife in a rural town of Plato Magdalena. 70 structured interviews were carried out, using illustrated files of amphibian, reptile, bird, and mammal species with distribution for this region. 103 species were recognized (11 amphibians, 29 reptiles, 32 birds and 31 mammals), where 65% support different categories of use: food, trade, pet, handicrafts and medicine, uses that include 12 reptiles, 28 birds and 27 mammals. The species with the greatest use as food are Dasypus novemcinctus, Dasiprocta punctata, Hydrochoerus h. isthmius, Mazama sanctaemartae, Pecari tajacu, Sylvilagus floridanus, Trachemys callirostris, Iguana iguana, Ortalis garrula, Dendrocygna autumnalis. Commercial use falls on Caiman crocodilus fuscus, I. iguana, T. callirostris and Chelonoidis carbonarius; and as pets Ara araruana, A. macao, Eupsittula pertinax, Brotogeris jugularis, Amazona ochrocephala, Thraupis episcopus, Sicalis flaveola, Cebus versicolor, Notosciurus granatensis and C. carbonarius. The skins of Leopardus pardalis, Puma concolor, Panthera onca, C. crocodilus fuscus, Boa constrictor, and shells of C. carbonarius are used in crafts. Different species of birds, mammals and reptiles are important resources for the survival of the peasant community, whose utilitarian value is closely related to sociocultural aspects and traditional knowledge, which is important to take into account in the design of conservation programs.
Background: Cancer incidence is increasing annually in all countries. So, it is nowadays a great burden for the different nations of the world. Research for new therapeutics is becoming an urgent need, particularly for intractable and chemoresistant cancer cases. The solutions can still be found by investigating natural products which are recognized as promising sources of bioactive compounds with a potential for the discovery of new preventive and therapeutic anticancer agents. Methodology: The present work used databases such as Pubmed, Science Direct and Google scholar to investigate the ethnobotanical uses of some Combretum species in the literature. It also allowed us to summarize some pharmacological studies on Combretum species. Results: This review gathers all available traditional uses and cytotoxicity studies of Combretum species in the literature. Special focus is given to pharmacological studies highlighting isolated potential anticancer molecules. These molecules present potent cytotoxic effect on various cancer cell lines and may contribute to improving the health of people suffering from various cancer diseases. Conclusion: The Combretum species are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of several pathologies including cancers. This study is of fundamental importance in highlighting Combretum species as a potential source for research of new anticancer compounds.
Kalmegh is a valuable herb belonging to the family Acanthaceae that has been used traditionally in India and Southeast Asia to cure a variety of illnesses like diabetes, viral hepatitis, high blood pressure, ulcers, and malaria. It has many important bioactive compounds, such as diterpenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols. The most common and abundant diterpenoid is andrographolide. It cures and prevents several diseases in humans. Andrographis and its extract have been documented for their various medicinal uses. A full bibliographic inquiry was conducted using extensively used scientific databases like Web of Science, research articles, and online as well as offline sources. A goal of the current review is to analyze the Andrographis paniculata's traditional usage, chemical components, and biological activities to highlight, explore, and lay the groundwork for future research.
A poisonous plant is defined as a plant that when touched or ingested in sufficient quantity can be harmful or fatal. Many plants are harmful to people when consumed or through skin contact with plant chemicals. Poisonous medicinal herbs are used to treat a variety of illnesses, including diabetes, cancer, infection, and fungal growth. According to the review, numerous phytochemical components that have diuretic, purgative, laxative, anti-allergic, and other significant therapeutic effects have been identified from a variety of medicinal plants. If utilized appropriately, poison can be life-giving, calming to the three Doshas, encouraging, and regenerating. The poisonous plants categorized in Visha and Upvisha in Ayurveda texts. Agadtantra is an important branch of Astanga Ayurveda. Importance of this branch has been described in our Vedas, Epics, and Samhita. Proper description, classification, clinical features, and management of any kind of Visha has been described in this branch. Name of some poisonous plants are Dhatura, Vatsanabha, Bhallataka, Bhanga, Kuchala, Vacha and Gunja etc. Shodhana process is the only bridge between Visha and Aushadhi. Shodhana is the process by which physical, chemical and natural impurities are removed. It will intensify the potency, effectiveness of drug, nullify the toxicity. The aim of this review article is to provide a brief overview of the numerous medicinal uses of some poisonous plant.
Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is a specific growth factor with intestinal protective effect. It plays a role in the regeneration and repair of intestinal injury through a variety of downstream signal pathways, which is mainly reflected in ensuring the integrity of intestinal structure, enhancing the function of intestinal barrier, increasing the blood supply of intestinal tract, and promoting the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, it is more and more popular in the clinical application of intestinal injury. This paper will summarize the latest research progress in the characteristics of GLP-2, its relationship with intestinal injury, mechanism of action and clinical application.
Hallux valgus is one of the common diseases in foot and ankle surgery, mainly manifested as hallux toe valgus, first metatarsal adduction and first metatarsophalangeal joint dislocation or subluxation, resulting in a series of pathological changes. There are more than 200 surgical methods, and osteotomy can only be performed empirically, which is a great challenge for most doctors. The physical model generated by 3D printing technology can intuitively see the specific shape of the patient′s heel toes, and can make better preoperative planning through the model, which provides a better choice and method for the surgical method of hallux valgus and the design of intraoperative guide plate. With the rapid development of minimally invasive technology, the treatment of hallux valgus has also been greatly improved. This article mainly reviews the diagnosis and treatment of hallux valgus and the application progress of 3D printing.