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Suma psicol ; 31(2): 52-62, jul.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576933


Resumen Introducción: una de las barreras al acceso a la vacunación contra las enfermedades infecciosas es la reticencia a la vacunación, la cual suele medirse o asociarse a una poca disposición para vacunarse, actitudes antivacunas o la probabilidad reportada de obtener una vacuna. Sin embargo, no existe un consenso en la forma en la cual este constructo es medido. Objetivo: el propósito de este artículo es identificar las propiedades psicométricas y la estructura factorial de la nueva Escala Dispvac en una muestra colombiana. Método: se realizó un diseño psicométrico para identificar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala con una muestra de 1131 participantes (masculino: 37.30%, femenino 61.90%, otro: 0.79%; media edad: 25.84, SD edad: 10.19), a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio, un análisis factorial confirmatorio, un análisis de fiabilidad y la validez convergente. Resultados: se sugieren dos factores: actitudes cognitivas hacia la vacunación y legitimidad percibida de las autoridades al requerir la vacunación que comprende la prueba. La prueba Dispvac se correlaciona de manera negativa con la Escala VAX. Conclusiones: los dos factores que comprenden la Escala Dispvac sugieren que la intención a vacunarse implica también creencias sobre la autoridad/instituciones en vacunación.

Abstract Introduction: One of the main barriers to access to vaccination against infectious diseases is vaccine hesitancy, which is usually measured or associated to a low disposition to receive vaccination, anti-vaccine attitudes or the reported probability to receive a vaccine. However, there is no consensus in the way this construct is measured. Objective: The objective of this study it to identify the psychometric properties and the factorial structure of the Scale Dispvac in a Colombian sample. Method: To this goal, a psychometric design was made to identify the psychometric properties of the new scale making use of 1131 participants (male: 37.30%, female: 61.90%, other: 0.79%; age mean: 25.84, age SD: 10.19), through a convenience sampling. We conducted an exploratory factorial analysis, a confirmatory factorial analysis, a reliability analysis, and the convergent validity. Results: Two factors are suggested: Cognitive attitudes towards vaccination and perceived legitimacy of authorities to require vaccination. The Dispvac Scale is negatively correlated with the VAX Scale. Conclusions: The mentioned factors suggest that intention to vaccinate also implies beliefs on the authority in vaccination.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(3)jul.-set. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1578085


Esta pesquisa pretendeu analisar a forma com a qual a Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro utilizou o Instagram para comunicação em saúde nos cinco primeiros meses da vacinação contra a covid-19. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo de 148 publicações selecionadas do Instagram da Prefeitura e, dessa análise, emergiram duas categorias. Verificou-se que a Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro diversificou recursos para divulgar a campanha de vacinação, procurando estimular a confiança vacinal por meio da interatividade com os usuários e enfatizando personalidades e locais históricos da cidade. Constatou-se que a Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro adotou estratégias tradicionais e informacionais para a referida campanha de vacinação e buscou utilizar as ferramentas da plataforma digital para amplificá-la. Ao final, discutem-se as limitações da utilização das redes sociais por entes e órgãos estatais e como estabelecer diálogos com os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde.

This research aimed to analyze how the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (RJ) utilized Instagram for health communication during the first five months of the covid-19 vaccination campaign. Content analysis was employed on 148 selected posts from the Municipality's Instagram, resulting in the emergence of two categories. It was observed that the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro diversified resources to promote the vaccination campaign, seeking to boost vaccine confidence through user interactivity, and emphasizing personalities and historical locations within the city. The Municipality of RJ employed both traditional and informational strategies for the vaccination campaign while leveraging digital platform tools to amplify its reach. In conclusion, the study discusses the limitations of social media usage by governmental entities and how to establish dialogues aligned with the principles of the Unified Health System.

Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la forma en que el Ayutamiento de Río de Janeiro (RJ) utilizó Instagram para la comunicación en salud durante los primeros cinco meses de la vacunación contra la covid-19. Se realizó un análisis de contenido sobre 148 publicaciones seleccionadas del Instagram de el Ayutamiento, lo que resultó en la identificación de dos categorías. Se observó que el Ayuntamiento de Río de Janeiro diversificó los recursos para difundir la campaña de vacunación, buscando estimular la confianza en la vacunación a través de la interactividad con los usuarios, enfocándose en personalidades y lugares históricos de la ciudad. Se constató que el Ayutamiento de RJ empleó estrategias tanto tradicionales como informativas para la campaña de vacunación, al tiempo que aprovechaba las herramientas de la plataforma digital para amplificar su alcance. En conclusión, se discuten las limitaciones del uso de las redes sociales por parte de entidades y organismos estatales, así como la manera de establecer diálogos alineados con los principios del Sistema Único de Salud.

History, 21st Century , Immunization Programs , Information Dissemination , Health Communication , Social Media , Unified Health System , Medical Informatics Applications , Immunization , Information Technology , Social Networking , COVID-19 Vaccines , Disinformation , Infodemic
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234156


Background: This study aimed to elucidate the awareness, knowledge, and adoption of COVID-19 prevention measures, including the utilization of masks, hand sanitizers, social distancing, proper sanitation, and adherence to lockdown protocols, among residents of Hamirpur, Bilaspur, and Mandi in Himachal Pradesh, India. With a particular focus on vaccination strategies, this research investigates the pivotal role of vaccination in curbing the spread of the pandemic and reducing the associated morbidity and mortality rates. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from April to May 2022, involving a structured questionnaire designed to assess environmental impacts, testing knowledge, public health behaviors, and vaccine perceptions. The survey sample included participants from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential analysis to identify correlations between socio-educational factors and adherence to COVID-19 prevention measures. Results: The findings indicate a moderate level of awareness and knowledge around 93.76% about COVID-19 prevention measures among the residents. However, significant gaps were identified, particularly in understanding the importance of vaccination and proper sanitation practices. The analysis revealed that socio-educational factors significantly influenced public attitudes and behaviors towards COVID-19 prevention. Notably, lower socio-economic groups exhibited lower adherence to recommended health behaviors. Conclusions: The study underscores the critical need for targeted awareness campaigns to enhance public understanding of COVID-19 transmission, severity, and preventive measures. Educational initiatives should prioritize clear and accessible communication, especially for lower socio-economic groups, to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. Empowering communities with comprehensive knowledge is essential for effective public health management and reducing COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20): 429-437, ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568379


Muchos países toman como estrategia la educación de salud, para incrementar los conocimientos de la población en la prevención de enfermedades, en caso de los niños menores de 5 años quienes son vulnerables a las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA), son sus padres a quienes se evalúa el conocimiento en medidas preventivas de las IRA. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de conocimiento de los padres de familia sobre prevención de IRA de un distrito del Perú. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de tipo básico, nivel descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo. Con una muestra de 210 padres de familia, los cuales fueron escogidos por conveniencia. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta y el instrumento un cuestionario con sus dos dimensiones, la primera dimensión el de medidas preventivas de CRED (Crecimiento y desarrollo) e inmunizaciones, la segunda dimensión sobre medidas preventivas de las condiciones ambientales, mencionado instrumento paso por el proceso de validez y confiabilidad, luego se entregó el consentimiento informado antes de aplicar el instrumento a la muestra en estudio. Resultados: Las edades de los padres de familia en un 71,43% lo conforman de 18 a 33 años, el nivel de conocimiento de los padres de familia sobre prevención de IRA fue considerado alto con 45,24%, en nivel regular con 31,90% y en nivel deficiente con 22,86%. Conclusión: El nivel de conocimiento de los padres de familia de niños menores de 5 años sobre prevención de IRA fue alto en menos del 50%, siendo mayor en la sumatoria de deficiente y regular

Many countries take health education as a strategy to increase the population's knowledge of disease prevention. In the case of children under 5 years of age who are vulnerable to acute respiratory infections (ARI), it is their parents who are evaluates knowledge of preventive measures for ARI. Objective: determine the level of knowledge of parents about ARI prevention in a district of Peru. Materials and methods: Basic type study, descriptive, transversal and prospective level. With a sample of 210 parents, who were chosen by convenience. The data collection technique was the survey and the instrument was a questionnaire with its two dimensions, the first dimension on preventive measures of CRED (Growth and Development) and immunizations, the second dimension on preventive measures of environmental conditions, mentioned instrument step through the validity and reliability process, then informed consent was given before applying the instrument to the study sample. Results: The ages of the parents in 71.43% are between 18 and 33 years old, the level of knowledge of the parents about ARI prevention was considered high with 45.24%, at a regular level with 31.90% and at a deficient level with 22.86%. Conclusion: The level of knowledge of parents of children under 5 years of age about ARI prevention was high at less than 50%, being higher in the sum of deficient and regular.

Child, Preschool , Respiratory Tract Infections , Public Health
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(8): e03952023, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569052


Abstract This study examined the spatial distribution and social inequalities in COVID-19 vaccine coverage among children aged 5-11 in Brazil. First and second dose vaccine coverage was calculated for all Brazilian municipalities and analyzed by geographic region and deciles based on human development index (HDI-M) and expected years of schooling at 18 years of age. Multilevel models were used to determine the variance partition coefficient, and bivariate local Moran's I statistic was used to assess spatial association. Results showed significant differences in vaccine coverage rates among Brazilian municipalities, with lower coverage in the North and Midwest regions. Municipalities with lower HDI and expected years of schooling had consistently lower vaccine coverage rates. Bivariate clustering analysis identified extensive concentrations of municipalities in the Northern and Northeastern regions with low vaccine coverage and low human development, while some clusters of municipalities in the Southeast and South regions with low coverage were located in areas with high HDI-M. These findings highlight the persistent municipal-level inequalities in vaccine coverage among children in Brazil and the need for targeted interventions to improve vaccine access and coverage in underserved areas.

Resumo O estudo analisou a distribuição espacial e as desigualdades sociais na cobertura vacinal para COVID-19 entre crianças de 5 a 11 anos no Brasil. As coberturas vacinais foram calculadas para os municípios brasileiros e analisadas por região geográfica e decis com base no Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH-M) e expectativa de escolaridade aos 18 anos. Modelos multiníveis foram usados ​​para determinar o coeficiente de partição da variância, e a estatística local bivariada de Moran I foi usada para avaliar a associação espacial. Os resultados mostraram diferenças significativas nas taxas de cobertura vacinal entre os municípios, com menor cobertura nas regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste. Municípios com menor IDH e anos de escolaridade esperados apresentaram menores taxas de cobertura vacinal. A análise de agrupamento bivariado identificou extensas concentrações de municípios nas regiões Norte e Nordeste com baixa cobertura vacinal e baixo desenvolvimento humano, enquanto alguns aglomerados de municípios nas regiões Sudeste e Sul com baixa cobertura localizavam-se em áreas com alto IDH-M. Essas descobertas destacam as desigualdades persistentes em nível municipal na cobertura vacinal entre crianças e a necessidade de intervenções para melhorar o acesso e a cobertura vacinal em áreas mais vulneráveis.

Med. clín. soc ; 8(2)ago. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575215


Introduction: The presence of fear of an infectious disease triggers psychological factors associated with perceived behavioral control over vaccination acceptance, subjective norms of vaccination acceptance, attitudes toward vaccination acceptance, and perceived infectiousness from disease. Objective: The study evaluated how symptoms of fear of Monkeypox specifically relate to intention to be vaccinated against Monkeypox in a sample of 506 Peruvian individuals with a mean age of 27.11 years (SD = 9.77). Methods: Participants responded to the Monkeypox Fear Scale (MFS) and a single item of Intention to be vaccinated against Monkeypox. Using network analysis, central fear symptoms and associations between symptoms and intention to vaccinate were identified. Results: The results suggest that the node with the highest centrality was item 5 of the MFS. Regarding the connection between the intention to be vaccinated and the MFS items, a direct relationship was observed with item 1 and an inverse relationship with item 6. In addition, the relationship between these MFS items and intention to vaccinate is higher in men compared to women. While it would be expected that a greater presence of symptoms of fear of Monkeypox could lead people to have a greater intention to be vaccinated against the disease, the results could lead other researchers to generate evidence to explain this relationship in other Latin American countries. Discussion: The evidence is useful for developing policies that favor vaccination against Monkeypox in Peru and other Latin American countries.

Introducción: La presencia del miedo a una enfermedad infecciosa desencadena factores psicológicos asociados con el control conductual percibido sobre la aceptación de la vacunación, normas subjetivas de aceptación de la vacunación, actitudes hacia la aceptación de la vacunación y la percepción de la infectividad de la enfermedad. Objetivo: El estudio evaluó cómo los síntomas del miedo a la viruela del mono se relacionan específicamente con la intención de ser vacunado contra la viruela del mono en una muestra de 506 individuos peruanos con una edad promedio de 27,11 años (DE = 9,77). Métodos: Los participantes respondieron a la Escala de Miedo a la Viruela del Mono (MFS) y a un solo ítem de Intención de ser vacunado contra la viruela del mono. Utilizando análisis de redes, se identificaron los síntomas centrales del miedo y las asociaciones entre los síntomas y la intención de vacunarse. Resultados: Los resultados sugieren que el nodo con mayor centralidad fue el ítem 5 de la MFS. En cuanto a la conexión entre la intención de ser vacunado y los ítems de la MFS, se observó una relación directa con el ítem 1 y una relación inversa con el ítem 6. Además, la relación entre estos ítems de la MFS y la intención de vacunarse es mayor en hombres en comparación con mujeres. Si bien se esperaría que una mayor presencia de síntomas de miedo a la viruela del mono llevara a las personas a tener una mayor intención de ser vacunadas contra la enfermedad, los resultados podrían llevar a otros investigadores a generar evidencia para explicar esta relación en otros países de América Latina. Discusión: La evidencia es útil para desarrollar políticas que favorezcan la vacunación contra la viruela del mono en Perú y otros países de América Latina.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228600


Background: In order to know the causes for non-immunisation, search for societal reasons for primary immunisation along with evaluating coverage. Aim of this current study is to determine the immunisation status of children between 2-5 years of age who are attending teaching health care centre with concern to both National Immunisation Schedule and Optional vaccines.Methods: Study analysed the children's immunisation status, factors affecting their immunisation coverage, and reasons for partial or incomplete immunisation. The information was obtained from the parents using a questionnaire. Information such as socio-demographic variables, immunisation status, causes of their partial immunisation and lack of immunisation. The "vaccination card and the recall" approach was used to determine the recipient's immunisation status.Results: Study found that 70.4% of children had received all recommended vaccinations. Lack of information and ignorance are significant contributors to under-immunization. Other statistically significant contributing factors for the low immunisation coverage include female gender, rural background, low socioeconomic status, born at home, lower mother age, and being from a joint household. BCG vaccination coverage was higher than pentavalent vaccine coverage, probably because of multiple doses needed. Only 77% of kids received vitamin A solution.Conclusions: Paediatrician should mention the next vaccination date and dose at each appointment in order to lower the vaccination dropouts. Parents should be informed regarding the date of vaccination of their child through SMS message, calls, and social media groups.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227961


Background: The COVID-19, a global pandemic, first identified in the Hubei province (Wuhan), China in December, 2019 is caused by SARS-CoV-2. Attempts of containing it there failed, causing it to spread to other regions of Asia and eventually around the whole world in 2020. To control the risk of transmission, non-pharmaceutical interventions were taken up by the governments all over the world. Subsequently, vaccines were developed which were administered. Vaccine hesitancy has become a significant barrier in various countries due to expeditious pace of vaccine development. Hence, this study was conducted to estimate the COVID-19 vaccination coverage in rural slums of field practice area of a medical college in Hyderabad. Methods: A community based cross sectional study was conducted between January 2023 to March 2023 in field practice area of RHTC of a medical college in Hyderabad. Data was collected from 400 eligible participants, who were selected by simple random sampling, using a predesigned, pretested structured questionnaire. Data was entered in Microsoft Excel and analysed using SPSS Version 20. Chi square test was applied. Results: In the present study, 60% of the study participants had taken COVID vaccine. Vaccination coverage was high i.e., 65.35% among 18-28 years of age group, 82.2% in females, 62.66% in Muslims, 85.71% in graduates, 80.90% in semi-skilled workers and 77.77% in upper middle socioeconomic class. Conclusions: The COVID-19 vaccination coverage was low in rural slums. Age, gender, religion, education, occupation and socioeconomic status are important determinants of COVID-19 vaccination.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232600


Background: Cervical cancer, characterized by malignant growth in the cervix uteri, often manifests with vaginal bleeding and can progress silently until reaching an advanced stage. It ranks as the most common cancer among women in numerous developing nations. The study aimed to evaluate the knowledge of the women about the prevention of carcinoma cervix by vaccination.Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted at the outpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology, Dhaka medical college and hospital, Bangladesh from Jan 2020 to Dec 2021. In this study, 100 women attending the mentioned department, were interviewed with a view in mind to find out their knowledge level regarding the vaccination of cervical cancers. Data were analyzed by using MS office tools.Results: The study revealed a direct correlation between education level and awareness of HPV, underscoring a significant lack of knowledge about cervical cancer vaccination. It emphasizes the urgent need to educate individuals about the vaccine's role in preventing cervical cancer. Education campaigns utilizing local media could effectively disseminate information.Conclusions: The unavailability and cost of the vaccine pose barriers to its accessibility. Integrating the vaccine program into existing expanded program on immunization (EPI) initiatives could be transformative for community health.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202310204, jun. 2024. tab, gráf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554934


Introducción. El descenso de las coberturas de vacunación fue muy significativo en la última década. Los pediatras son una pieza fundamental para recuperar coberturas y aumentar la confianza en la vacunación. Objetivos. Describir la percepción de los pediatras acerca del conocimiento y prácticas sobre vacunas, e identificar barreras en el acceso. Métodos. Estudio analítico observacional, mediante encuesta en línea. Se incluyeron variables del perfil del profesional, capacitación y barreras en inmunizaciones. Resultados. Participaron 1696 pediatras (tasa de respuesta: 10,7 %), media de 50,4 años. El 78,7 % fueron mujeres. El 78,2 % contaba con ≥10 años de ejercicio profesional. El 78,4 % realizaba atención ambulatoria y el 56,0 % en el subsector privado. El 72,5 % realizó una capacitación en los últimos 2 años. Se manifestaron "capacitados" para transmitir a sus pacientes los beneficios de las vacunas: 97,2 %; objetivos de campañas: 87,7 %; contraindicaciones: 82,4 %; efectos adversos: 78,9 %; recupero de esquemas: 71,2 %; notificación de ESAVI: 59,5 %. La proporción fue estadísticamente superior, en todos los aspectos, en pediatras con ≥10 años de ejercicio y en aquellos con capacitación reciente (p ≤ 0,01). Barreras identificadas en el acceso a la vacunación: falsas contraindicaciones (62,3 %); falta temporaria de vacunas (46,4 %); motivos culturales (41,4 %); horario restringido del vacunatorio (40,6 %). Conclusiones. La percepción del grado de capacitación fue variable según el aspecto de la vacunación. Aquellos con mayor tiempo de ejercicio profesional y con actualización reciente se manifestaron con mayor grado de capacidad. Se identificaron múltiples barreras frecuentes asociadas al acceso en la vacunación.

Introduction. The decline in vaccination coverage has been very significant in the past decade. Pediatriciansplay a key role in catching-up coverage and increasing confidence in vaccination. Objectives. To describe pediatricians' perceptions of vaccine knowledge and practices and to identify barriers to access. Methods. Observational, analytical study using an online survey. Variables related to professional profile, training and barriers to vaccination were included. Results. A total of 1696 pediatricians participated (response rate: 10.7%). Their mean age was 50.4 years; 78.7% were women; 78.2% had ≥ 10 years of experience; 78.4% provided outpatient care and 56.0%, in the private subsector; and 72.5% received training in the past 2 years. Respondents described themselves as "trained" in convey the following aspects to their patients: benefits of vaccines: 97.2%; campaign objectives: 87.7%; contraindications: 82.4%; adverse effects: 78.9%; catchup vaccination: 71.2%; reporting of events supposedly attributable to vaccination or immunization: 59.5%. The proportion was statistically higher in all aspects, among pediatricians with ≥ 10 years of experience and those who received training recently (p ≤ 0.01). The barriers identified in access to vaccination were false contraindications (62.3%), temporary vaccine shortage (46.4%), cultural reasons (41.4%), and restricted vaccination center hours (40.6%). Conclusions. The perception of the level of training varied depending on the vaccination-related aspect. Pediatricians with more years of professional experience and those who received recent updates perceivedthemselves as more trained. Multiple barriers associated with access to vaccination were identified.

Humans , Middle Aged , Vaccines , Vaccination , Perception , Argentina , Surveys and Questionnaires , Pediatricians
RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1561891


Este artigo se baseia em uma pesquisa que teve como objetivoapreender os sentidos atribuídos por brasileiros à primeira dose da imunização contra a covid-19. Trata-se de uma análise netnográfica. Os dados foram coletados em 2021 por meio da hashtag VACINAPARATODOS no Instagram. Os métodos utilizados para análise de dados foram: análise de similitude, com auxílio do software IRAMUTEQ e da análise do Discourse of the collective subject (discurso do sujeito coletivo), de Lefevre. Os resultados apontaram como ideias centrais: a emoção positiva e o sentimento de gratidão; a emoção negativa e o sentimento atribuído às vidas perdidas e ao negacionismo; o significado da primeira dose e o sentimento de esperança; a imunização e o exercício da cidadania: ato de consciência, responsabilidade e respeito. Os sentidos atrelados à oportunidade de acesso à vacina mostraram a dualidade de sentimentos que vão desde sensações positivas de reconhecimento e valorização até sentimentos negativos, de revolta e indignação, diante da hesitação vacinal e dos discursos antivacina.

This article bases on a research that aimed to understand the meanings attributed by Brazilians to the first dose of immunization against covid-19. A netnographic analysis was carried out. The data was collected in 2021 using the hashtag VACINAPARATODOS on Instagram. The methods used analyse the data were: similarity analysis, with the aid of the IRAMUTEQ software and of the analysis of Discourse of the collective subject, developed by Lefevre. The results pointed out the following central ideas: positive emotion and a feeling of gratitude; the negative emotion and a feeling attributed to lost lives and to denialism; the meaning of the first dose and the feeling of hope; the immunization and the exercise of citizenship: an act of conscience, responsibility and respect. The meanings linked to the opportunity to access the vaccine showed a duality of feelings ranging from positive feelings of recognition and appreciation to negative feelings of revolt and indignation, in the face of vaccine hesitancy and of the anti-vaccine discourses.

Este artículo se basa en una investigación que tuvo como objetivo comprender los significados atribuidos por los brasileños a la primera dosis de inmunización contra la covid-19. Se realizó un análisis netnográfico. Los datos fueron recogidos en 2021 a través del hashtag VACINAPARATODOS en Instagram. Los métodos utilizados para el análisis de los datos fueron: análisis de similitud, con ayuda del softwareIRAMUTEQ y del análisis del Discourse of collective subject (Discurso del sujeto colectivo), de Lefevre. Los resultados evidenciaron como ideas centrales: la emoción positiva y el sentimiento de gratitud; la emoción negativa y el sentimiento atribuido a las vidas perdidas y al negacionismo; el significado de la primera dosis y el sentimiento de esperanza; la inmunización y el ejercicio de la ciudadanía: un acto de conciencia, responsabilidad y respeto. Los significados vinculados a la oportunidad de acceder a la vacuna mostraron la dualidad de sentimientos que van desde sentimientos positivos de reconocimiento y aprecio hasta sentimientos negativos de revuelta y indignación, frente a las dudas sobre las vacunas y los discursos antivacunas.

Immunization , COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19 , Infodemic , Sentiment Analysis , Social Isolation
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 19(1)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569560


El Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social inició con el plan de vacunación contra el SARS COV 2, priorizando en la primera etapa a los grupos de mayor vulnerabilidad, quienes correspondían entre otros al personal de salud; en ese sentido el Programa Ampliado de Inmunizaciones (PAI) ha iniciado con el proceso de selección y capacitación de los personales de enfermería en los lineamientos técnicos y operativos del plan de vacunación, sistema de información y de vigilancia de eventos supuestamente atribuidos a la vacunación e inmunización. Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia de reacciones adversas de las vacunas contra el COVID 19 (CoronaVac®, Astrazeneca® y Covaxin®) en personal de salud de los sectores públicos y privados de la XIV Región Sanitaria Canindeyú. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo de corte transversal. Resultados: Entre los efectos leves de mayor frecuencia fueron el dolor en el sitio de aplicación, siendo para la vacuna Covaxin® en un 63.6% y para la vacuna Astrazeneca® 62.8%. Con relación a los efectos generales la dispepsia fue la reacción más observada (86.6% para la vacuna Covaxin® y 83.3% para vacuna CoronaVac®), y falta de energía y motivación (vacuna Astrazeneca® con un 34.9%). Discusión: el estudio muestra claramente que existen diferencias en la observación de efectos leves provocados por diferentes vacunas. En esta oportunidad se han observado tres vacunas, resaltando que estos efectos leves son comunes, frecuentes y generalmente temporales en las vacunas.

The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare began the vaccination plan against SARS COV 2, prioritizing in the first stage the most vulnerable groups, which corresponded, among others, to health personnel; In this sense, the Expanded Immunization Program (PAI) has begun the process of selection and training of nursing personnel in the technical and operational guidelines of the vaccination plan, information system and surveillance of events supposedly attributed to vaccination and immunization. Objective: Determine the incidence of adverse reactions to COVID 19 vaccines (CoronaVac®, Astrazeneca® and Covaxin®) in health personnel from the public and private sectors of the XIV Canindeyú Health Region. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional study. Results: Among the most frequent mild effects were pain at the application site, being 63.6% for the Covaxin® vaccine and 62.8% for the Astrazeneca® vaccine. In relation to the general effects, dyspepsia was the most observed reaction (86.6% for the Covaxin® vaccine and 83.3% for the CoronaVac® vaccine), and lack of energy and motivation (Astrazeneca® vaccine with 34.9%). Discussion: The study clearly shows that there are differences in the observation of mild effects caused by different vaccines. On this occasion, three vaccines have been observed, highlighting that these mild effects are common, frequent and generally temporary in vaccines.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234048


Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection poses a significant health challenge in Bangladesh, with the hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc) being a crucial marker due to its lifelong presence in the bloodstream. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of anti-HBc (total) positivity among unvaccinated adults in Northeastern Bangladesh. Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the Sobhanighat area of Sylhet, Bangladesh, in collaboration with the department of gastroenterology, Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, from November 2022 to August 2023. A total of 216 participants were selected using consecutive sampling. HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc (total) were tested for all subjects, and data were collected using a pre-formed questionnaire and analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 24. Results: Among the participants, 16 (7.4%) tested positive for anti-HBc (total), while HBsAg was positive in 6 (2.77%) individuals. Anti-HBs was detectable in 23 (10.6%) participants, with 3 (1.38%) showing isolated anti-HBc positivity. Notably, 20% of HBsAg-positive cases exhibited heterotypic anti-HBs. Moreover, 56.25% of respondents with anti-HBc (total) positivity had detectable anti-HBs (p<0.001). Gender did not show significant associations with HBsAg, anti-HBc (total), anti-HBs, or isolated anti-HBc (p>0.05). Conclusions: The study underscores a notable prevalence of anti-HBc (total) positivity among unvaccinated individuals in Bangladesh, indicative of past HBV exposure. It underscores the necessity for enhanced vaccination coverage and robust infection control measures to mitigate HBV transmission in this demographic.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234047


Background: Childhood diarrhoea mainly caused by Group A Rotavirus, is a major global health issue, especially for children under five. In India, RVA-induced diarrhoea causes numerous deaths, hospitalizations, and outpatient visits annually. Vaccination is crucial in preventing RVA, with WHO-approved oral vaccines significantly reducing global mortality and morbidity. However, challenges persist in implementing vaccines in regions like sub-Saharan Africa due to factors like malnutrition and unsanitary conditions. Despite this, since 2009, low-income countries have seen a decline in RVA-related illness. Methods: Over 18 months, from January 2021 to June 2022, a study at the Post Grad Dept. of Microbiology, Index Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre in Indore, MP, involved 250 children under five with acute gastroenteritis. Ethical clearance and parental consent were obtained. Data included demographic, antenatal, diarrhoea l symptoms, feeding, hygiene, physical exams, and stool analysis. Results: 250 children under five were screened for Rotavirus. 60 tested positive, mostly in 6–12-month-olds during cooler months in urban areas. 80% were from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Exclusive breastfeeding linked to lower incidence. Vomiting and severe dehydration more frequent in positive cases. ELISA and ICG methods equally effective. Conclusions: Childhood diarrhoea, primarily caused by Rotavirus, remains a leading cause of under-five deaths, totalling 600,000 annually. Among 250 children studied, 60 tested positive for Rotavirus, especially among males aged 7-12 months, with infections peaking in cooler months. Both ELISA and ICG were equally effective in detection. Treatment primarily involves oral rehydration with low osmolarity ORS. Predominant strains were G1 P (8) and G2 P (4). Global endorsement of rotavirus vaccines like Rotarix and Rotateq, with Rotavac showing promise in India, signals progress in fighting rotavirus, potentially improving public health via inclusion in state immunization programs.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1571506


Objetivo: Identificar estratégias utilizadas para a gestão de imunobiológicos e as limitações para a adesão às vacinas pelos trabalhadores da área da saúde. Métodos: Revisão integrativa que selecionou publicações em cinco bases de dados, utilizando a estratégia PICo, no período de 2016 a 2020. Utilizou-se os softwares Endnote X5 e Rayyan para identificação de documentos duplicados e cegamento dos avaliadores. Resultados: Totalizaram 15 artigos, dos quais um foi classificado com grau de recomendação alto e 10 artigos com nível de evidência 4, em relação ao delineamento, foram encontrados sete estudos transversais. Constatou-se que 14 (93,3%) abordaram o imunobiológico contra o vírus Influenza. Os estudos foram agrupados em duas categorias para melhor organização das estratégias de gestão e das limitações na adesão às vacinas pelos trabalhadores da saúde. Conclusão: Observou-se como um fator concordante nos diversos estudos para superar as barreiras da hesitação vacinal é importante intensificar as campanhas de comunicação e divulgação, focadas em ações de educação em saúde. Tais estratégias podem ser difundidas e replicadas em diferentes contextos dos serviços de saúde ocupacional. Este estudo contribui para avançar e fortalecer a utilização de estratégias para o gerenciamento de vacinação na saúde do trabalhador. (AU)

Objective: The aim of the study was to identify vaccine management strategies and barriers of adherence to vaccination among healthcare workers. Methods: An Integrative Review was conducted using five databases. The selection of the studies that had been published from the years 2016 to 2020 was based on the PICo strategy. To allow blinded evaluation and exclude duplicate references, the softwares Endnote and Rayyan were used. Results: 15 articles were selected. One was classified as having a high degree of recommendation and 10 other studies received level of evidence 4. Regarding design, seven studies were cross-sectional. 14 of the total (93.3%) addressed Influenza vaccines. The studies were split in two categories: management strategies and barriers of adherence to vaccination among healthcare workers. Conclusion: Several studies agreed that, in order to overcome barriers of adherence to vaccination among healthcare workers, it is important to intensify strategies and campaigns focused on communicating and disseminating health education. Those strategies can be disseminated and replicated in different contexts of occupational health services. This study contributes to advancing and strengthening the use of occupational vaccination management strategies. (AU)

Objetivo: Identificar las estrategias utilizadas para la gestión de inmunobiológicos y las limitaciones para la adherencia a las vacunas por trabajadores de la salud. Métodos: Revisión integradora que seleccionó publicaciones en cinco bases de datos, utilizando la estrategia PICo, en el período de 2016 a 2020. Se utilizó el software Endnote X5 y Rayyan para identificar documentos duplicados y cegar a los evaluadores. Resultados: Un total de 15 artículos, uno de los cuales fue clasificado como de alto grado de recomendación y 10 artículos con nivel de evidencia 4, en relación al diseño, se encontraron siete estudios transversales. Se encontró que 14 (93,3%) abordaron la inmunobiología frente al virus Influenza. Los estudios se agruparon en dos categorías para una mejor organización de las estrategias de gestión y las limitaciones en la adherencia a las vacunas por parte de los trabajadores de la salud. Conclusión: Se observó como factor de concordancia en varios estudios para superar las barreras de la vacilación vacunal, es importante intensificar las campañas de comunicación y difusión, enfocadas en acciones de educación en salud. Estas estrategias pueden difundirse y replicarse en diferentes contextos de los servicios de salud ocupacional. Este estudio contribuye a avanzar y fortalecer el uso de estrategias de gestión de la vacunación en la salud del trabajador. (AU)

Vaccination Coverage , Occupational Health Program , Vaccines , Nursing , Humanization of Assistance
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1570591


Objetivo: Identificar como acontece o planejamento das ações de enfermagem e a estrutura física nos serviços de vacinação. Métodos: Pesquisa de método misto. Foram aplicadas 18 entrevistas e 203 questionários aos enfermeiros responsáveis pelas salas de vacinas, em 14 municípios do estado do Ceará. Os dados foram coletados de julho a setembro de 2018, e organizados em categorias: planejamento das ações de imunização na atenção primária à saúde; e estrutura física, recursos humanos e materiais das salas de vacinas. Resultados: Evidenciou-se a responsabilidade do enfermeiro no planejamento das ações e envolvimento da equipe em todo o processo de vacinação, apesar dos enfermeiros desses municípios não serem exclusivos nos serviços de vacinação; os agentes comunitários de saúde são componentes da equipe atuantes neste serviço; e a estrutura física das salas de vacinas não condizem com as normas preconizadas pelo Programa Nacional de Imunizações. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se a responsabilidade do enfermeiro no planejamento das ações e envolvimento da equipe no processo de vacinação; e a importância de uma boa estrutura organizacional, recursos humanos e materiais para o desenvolvimento das ações. (AU)

Objective: To identify how the planning of nursing actions and the physical structure in vaccination services take place. Methods: Mixed method research. Eighteen interviews and 203 questionnaires were applied to nurses responsible for vaccine rooms in 14 municipalities in the state of Ceará. Data were collected from July to September 2018, and organized into categories: planning of immunization actions in primary health care; and physical structure, human and material resources of vaccine rooms. Results: The responsibility of the nurse in planning the actions and involvement of the team in the entire vaccination process was evidenced, although nurses in these cities are not exclusive in the vaccination services; community health agents are members of the team working in this service; and the physical structure of the vaccine rooms does not comply with the standards recommended by the National Immunization Program. Conclusion: The responsibility of the nurse in planning actions and involvement of the team in the vaccination process was evidenced; and the importance of a good organizational structure, human and material resources for the development of actions. (AU)

Objetivo: Identificar cómo se realiza la planificación de las acciones de enfermería y la estructura física en los servicios de vacunación. Métodos: Investigación de método mixto. Se aplicaron 18 entrevistas y 203 cuestionarios a enfermeras responsables de salas de vacunación en 14 municipios del estado de Ceará. Los datos se recopilaron de julio a septiembre de 2018 y se organizaron en categorías: planificación de acciones de inmunización en la atención primaria de salud; y estructura física, recursos humanos y materiales de las salas de vacunas. Resultados: Se evidenció la responsabilidad de la enfermera en la planificación de las acciones y la participación del equipo en todo el proceso de vacunación, aunque las enfermeras de estas ciudades no son exclusivas en los servicios de vacunación; los agentes comunitarios de salud son miembros del equipo que trabaja en este servicio; y la estructura física de las salas de vacunas no cumple con los estándares recomendados por el Programa Nacional de Inmunizaciones. Conclusión: Se evidenció la responsabilidad de la enfermera en la planificación de acciones y la participación del equipo en el proceso de vacunación; y la importancia de una buena estructura organizativa, recursos humanos y materiales para el desarrollo de las acciones. (AU)

Nursing , Primary Health Care , Work , Immunization , Vaccination
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227941


Background: COVID-19 pandemic had witnessed serious infections and deaths during third wave of the pandemic. This study was designed to analyse the association between severity of disease and patient outcomes with vaccination status of COVID-19 patients. Methods: Retrospective record-based study was conducted among 258 COVID-19 patients from August 2021 to January 2022, during the third wave of the pandemic in a tertiary care hospital. Results: Out of the 258 patients, 42% patients were above 60 years of age 19% were in the age group of 18-30 years. 58% male and 42% female patients. Overall, 50% and 36% patients above 40 years had severe and moderate disease respectively. 52% had mild disease in age group of 18-30 years and this was statistically significant with Chi-square value of 38.85 and p<0.05. 36%, 36% and 28% vaccinated patients had severe, moderate and mild disease respectively. 38%, 40% and 23% unvaccinated patients had severe, moderate and mild disease respectively. The mortality rate was 25%, 32% and 50% among vaccinated, unvaccinated and unknown vaccination status respectively. The mortality rate was 44% in those above 60 years. The survival rates were 90% in patients below 40 years. This difference was statistically significant with Chi-square value of 32.16, p<0.005. The mortality rate was 61%, 16% and 2% with severe, moderate and mild disease respectively. Conclusions: The severity and mortality rate was less in vaccinated patients. This shows that vaccination might be effective in reducing the severity of disease and deaths among COVID-19 patients.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227928


Background: COVID-19 vaccination is essential for public health, aiming to limit virus transmission and severity of illness. The motivation for individuals to get vaccinated can vary and is influenced by a combination of factors. This study aimed to identify the factors that motivated Filipino residents in Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Quezon Province, or the Calabarzon region to get vaccinated with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional design was utilized in this study. Researcher-made survey questionnaires were distributed online through Google forms. Study participants were either fully or partially vaccinated with SARS-CoV-2 vaccines or have received their booster shots. Descriptive statistics were used to examine the extrinsic and intrinsic factors toward uptake of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. The participants’ overall knowledge and attitude were scored using Bloom’s cut-off point. Results: A total of 398 participants were approached from June to July 2022. Participants were 55.3% female, and the majority were 29 years and below (77.1%). Family/friends, lifestyle, government, community, and peers/associates were the extrinsic factors that motivated them to get vaccinated. As for the intrinsic factors, 86.4% showed adequate knowledge and 63.6% had positive attitude towards the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Conclusions: To have a successful vaccination campaign, both extrinsic and intrinsic factors must be considered when exploring the motivation of local residents to get vaccinated for COVID-19. Family/friends were the primary extrinsic factor, followed by lifestyle, government, community, and peers/associates. Most participants showed adequate knowledge and a positive attitude toward the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Focusing on these factors may address vaccine hesitancy.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227916


Background: Healthcare workers (HCWs) face several challenges including treating COVID-19 patients. The immunization of the population through vaccination is recognized as a public health priority. The aim of the study is to assess the impact of vaccination on the risk of hospitalization and mortality in HCWs due to COVID-19 infection. Methods: This study was conducted in Egypt in El Fayoum governorate on the HCWs from April 2021 to the end of the year 2021. A cohort retrospective approach was carried out using (the national electronic disease surveillance system) NEDSS and COVID-19 vaccine registration system. Hospitalization is determined by assessment of the cases according to the protocol of COVID-19 management of MOHP November 2020. Results: There was no association between hospitalization and both sex and residence (p=0.1, and 0.06 respectively). There was no statistical significant association between hospitalization and vaccination (time, status, or type). The p=0.2, 0.6, and 0.07 respectively. Age and the presence of comorbidities were statistically significant predictors with p=0.004 and 0.04, respectively, as increasing age and the presence of comorbidities will increase the likelihood of hospitalization by 1.04 and 1.9 folds, respectively. Conclusions: This study shows no significant association between vaccination and hospitalization of HCWs.

Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550536


Introducción: A nivel mundial, la cobertura de vacunación contra el COVID-19, así como contra la influenza es baja tanto en la población general como en los profesionales de la salud a pesar de que la vacuna es gratuita y obligatoria en el personal sanitario. Objetivo: Describir la cobertura de vacunación contra el COVID -19, y la influenza en personal de salud y administrativo de un hospital de referencia del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social en el periodo 2021-2022. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte trasverso. Se hizo la revisión de los registros del personal sanitario y administrativo del centro vacunatorio del Hospital Nacional de Itauguá de la campaña vacunal contra el COVID-19 y de anti-influenza en el periodo 2021- 2022. Resultados: De los 3.586 funcionarios, 999 (27,9 %) eran médicos, 1494 (41,7 %) personal de enfermería, 366 (10,2 %) otra categoría de personal sanitario, y 727 (20,3 %) personal administrativo. En forma global, el 86,5 % de los funcionarios recibió por lo menos las dos dosis que constituyen el esquema primario y el 73 % la dosis de refuerzo. El 2,1 % del personal no recibió ninguna dosis de vacuna anti covid-19, la cifra fue mayor en el personal administrativo (4,8 %). La cobertura de vacunación contra la influenza fue de 20 % en el 2021 y 25 % en el 2022. Discusión: Si bien cobertura de vacunación anti-COVID-19 fue comparable a otros países, la vacunación contra la influenza fue muy baja. Es urgente implementar estrategias dirigidas a aumentar la percepción de riesgo y aceptabilidad de las vacunas obligatorias para el personal sanitario.

Introduction: Worldwide, vaccination coverage against COVID-19, as well as against influenza, is low both in the general population and in health professionals, despite the fact that the vaccine is free and mandatory for health personnel. Objective: To describe the COVID -19 and influenza vaccination coverage in health and administrative personnel of a reference hospital of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare in the period 2021-2022. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study. Charts of the health and administrative personnel of the vaccination center of the Itauguá National Hospital of the COVID-19 and influenza vaccination campaign in the period 2021-2022 were reviewed. Results: Of the 3,586 personnel, 999 (27.9%) were medical personnel, 1,494 (41.7%) nursing personnel, 366 (10.2%) other category of health personnel, and 727 (20.3%) administrative personnel. Overall, 86.5% of the employees received at least the two doses that constitute the primary schedule and 73% the booster dose; 2.1% of the staff did not receive any dose of the anti COVID-19 vaccine, which was higher in the administrative staff (4.8%). Influenza vaccination coverage was 20% in 2021 and 25% in 2022. Discussion: Even though the vaccination coverage of anti-COVID-19 was comparable to other countries, vaccination anti-influenza was very low. It is urgent to implement strategies aimed at increasing the perception of risk and acceptability of mandatory vaccines for health personnel.