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J Vector Borne Dis ; 2024 Jul; 61(3): 472-476
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239646


Background & objectives: Mosquito-borne diseases are increasing problems in various parts of the world, causing high mortality and morbidity for humans. This study was done to assess the vector protection measures taken by rural below poverty line (BPL) families, and to assess the awareness about vector-borne diseases along with Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) in rural BPL families. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a rural area which won “Nirmal Gram Puraskar” Award i.e., “clean village” among 96 below BPL families for a period of three months. These families (every 5 th ) were selected by systematic random sampling until we reached a sample size. Basic socio-demographic details, status of vector protection measures, solid waste management, vector-borne diseases and total sanitation campaign details were col- lected from the study participants. Pretested, semi-structured questionnaire was applied to the head of the families which included sanitation status at home by house-to-house visit. Data collected was analysed using SPSS version 20 and presented as frequency, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Results: Among 96 families studied (454 adults and children), 84 (87.5%) were males and 12 (12.5%) were females. Among these, 291 (64.1%) were using one or the other mosquito protection measures, 52 (54.2%) were using bednets and 23 (23.9%) used coils. 12 families (12.5%) were not using any mosquito protection measures. In our study, 66 (68.8%) families had individual household latrine (IHHL) and 50 (52.1%) had open drainage. Even though 314 participants had an access to individual household latrine, 20 (6.36%) had practice of open air defecation compared to 127 (90.7%) who practiced open air defecation without an access to individual household latrine. When asked about the awareness regarding vector-borne diseases, 56 (58.3%) were aware about chikungunya, 47 (48.9%) about dengue, 46 (47.9%) about malaria, 14 (14.6%) and only 5 (5.2%) families were aware about Japanese encephalitis. In this study, 37 (38.5%) were aware about the total sanitation campaign and 40 (41.6%) about the government support for sanitation. Interpretation & conclusion: While there is a general awareness of vector-borne diseases, the implementation of vector protection measures is not uniform across the village. There is a need for targeted interventions to improve the effectiveness of vector protection measures and increase awareness among the community.

J Vector Borne Dis ; 2024 Jul; 61(3): 444-451
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239643


Background & objectives: Dengue poses a considerable public health threat in Saudi Arabia, with escalating out- breaks in Jazan, where seasonal rains create ideal mosquito breeding conditions. Elucidating local epidemiological dynamics is imperative to strengthen evidence-based prevention policies. This study analyzed the spatiotemporal, demographic, and meteorological patterns of dengue in Jazan from 2015–2020. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study utilized surveillance records for 3427 confirmed dengue cases. Descriptive analyses characterized geographic, seasonal, age, gender, and nationality distributions. Forecasting models project expected epidemics through 2025. Regression analysis identified climate factors associated with monthly case counts. Results: Dengue exhibited shifting seasonal peaks, transitioning into year-round transmission by 2019, indicating endemic establishment. Cases clustered in different high-burden sectors annually, requiring localized vector control. The majority of affected individuals were young male adults, with gender gaps narrowing over time. Saudi nationals had an escalating incidence, but non-citizens showed a higher risk, signaling importation threats. Seasonal outbreaks were associated with temperature, wind speed, and direction. Interpretation & conclusion: Enhanced surveillance, outbreak forecasting, targeted control activities, and integrated prevention policies grounded in continuous evidence assessment can effectively address endemic dengue transmission in Jazan. This study provides key insights to optimize data-driven decision-making for dengue control in Saudi Arabia.

J Vector Borne Dis ; 2024 Apr; 61(2): 220-226
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239612


Background & objectives: In Port Blair, the capital of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, in the Bay of Bengal, India, there was a sudden increase in fever cases resembling the symptoms of dengue in the monsoon period of 2022. Hence, an investigation was carried out to find out epidemiological and entomological reasons behind the outbreak. Methods: An entomological survey was carried out in 24 wards of Port Blair Municipal Council (PBMC) area, epidemiological data of last six years (January–December 2017–2021 and January–October 2022) and patient de- tails of the year 2022 were collected. Both the epidemiological and entomological data were analyzed concerning time and place. Results: During this outbreak period tyres (22.4%) came out as a major breeding habitat followed by small discarded materials (17.5%), metal drums (15.3%), and plastic drums (11.7%). In rainy season, peri-domestic breeding (55%) was more than the domestic breeding (45%) habitat. Ae. aegypti had a high preference for indoor large containers (100–1000 L) like plastic tank, metal drum and cement tank whereas Ae. albopictus prefers to breed in medium sized plastic container (20–100 L) and outdoor water receptacles like tyres, flower pots, and domestic discarded materials. Interpretation & conclusion: By source reduction, indoor space spray and outdoor fogging, vector density was controlled which curtailed the transmission and within eight weeks a decreasing trend of dengue cases was noticed. A regular entomological survey is crucial to know the seasonality and key breeding habitats of the vector for proper planning of vector control.

Medisan ; 28(2)abr. 2024. ilus,4
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1558526


Se realizó una investigación relacionada con la innovación tecnológica, en la Facultad de Enfermería-Tecnología de la Salud de Santiago de Cuba, durante el curso escolar 2019-2020, con el objetivo de diseñar un software educativo para la asignatura Estratificación de Riesgos Medioambientales, dirigido a los estudiantes de técnico medio en Vigilancia y Lucha Antivectorial. Se utilizaron los métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis, histórico-lógico, modelación, sistémico-estructural e inductivo-deductivo; y empíricos: observación y análisis documental. La muestra fue de 44 estudiantes y 6 profesores escogidos al azar. Se concluye que el software propuesto es factible, pertinente y necesario como medio de enseñanza; proporciona información actualizada, su navegación es fácil y amena, y permite la autoevaluación de los estudiantes al interactuar con él mismo, lo que contribuye a mejorar el trabajo independiente.

An investigation related to the technological innovation was carried out in the Health Nursing-Technology Faculty from Santiago de Cuba, during the school course 2019-2020, aimed at designing an educational software for the subject Stratification of Environmental Risks, directed to medium technician students in Surveillance and Vector Control. The theoretical methods used were: analysis-synthesis, historical-logical, modelation, systemic-structural and inductive-deductive; and the empiric methods were: observation and documental analysis. The sample had 44 students and 6 professors chosen at random. It was concluded that the proposed software is feasible, pertinent and necessary as teaching aid; provides up-to-date information, it is easy and interesting to surf internet, and allows the self-appraisal of students in the interaction with themselves, what contributes to improve the independent work.

Software , Surveillance in Disasters , Information Technology , Universities , Vector Control of Diseases
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036315


Driven by international exchanges and climate changes, the invasion and spread of vector Anopheles mosquitoes posed a new challenge to achieving global malaria elimination. Taking the invasion of An. stephensi to exacerbate the malaria epidemic in Africa as an example, this article summarizes the current situation of global Anopheles invasion, and estimates the potential risk of vector Anopheles mosquitoes to unravel the difficulties and challenges in the global malaria elimination program, so as to provide insights into improved early earning and precision control of vector Anopheles mosquito invasion across the world.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 41(1): 46-53, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560411


RESUMEN Objetivo. Estimar los costos incurridos en el control del Aedes aegypti en la región Loreto, en los años 2017 y 2018. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó una evaluación económica retrospectiva parcial de los costos del control del Aedes aegypti de la Dirección Regional de Salud Loreto, durante la ejecución del Plan Regional de Vigilancia y Control de Aedes aegypti. Se revisó documentación como planes, informes de intervenciones y planillas de pago y se realizaron entrevistas al personal profesional implicado en el control vectorial, sobre los costos de las intervenciones de control. Resultados. Se halló, que los costos incurridos en el control del vector del dengue en la Región Loreto en los dos años estudiados ascienden a: 3,807,858 PEN y 4,066,380 PEN durante el 2017 y 2018, respectivamente (1´175,264 USD y 1´1210,232 USD al tipo de cambio del 2017 y 2018). Sin embargo, el efecto de las actividades de control es de corta duración. Conclusiones. El alto costo que implica el control vectorial con los métodos usados actualmente y la corta duración de su efecto lo hace insostenible. Se deben realizar estudios para hallar otros métodos más eficientes para el control del dengue.

ABSTRACT Objective. To estimate the costs incurred in the control of Aedes aegypti in the Loreto region, during the years 2017 and 2018. Materials and methods. We conducted a partial retrospective economic evaluation of the costs of Aedes aegypti control of the Regional Health Directorate Loreto, during the implementation of the Regional Plan for Surveillance and Control of Aedes aegypti. Documentation such as plans, intervention reports and payment slips were reviewed, and interviews were conducted with professional personnel involved in vector control, on the costs of control interventions. Results. We found that the costs incurred in dengue vector control in the Loreto Region in the two years were: PEN 3,807,858 and PEN 4,066,380 during 2017 and 2018, respectively (USD 1,175,264 and USD 1,1210,232 at the 2017 and 2018 exchange rate). However, the effect of control activities is short-lived. Conclusions. The high cost involved in vector control with the methods currently used and the short duration of its effect make it unsustainable. Studies should be conducted in order to find other more efficient methods for dengue control.

Costs and Cost Analysis , Vector Control of Diseases
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. (Online);57: e00422, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583311


ABSTRACT Background: Chagas disease, a significant global health concern rooted in social inequalities and political oversights, remains a challenging public health issue impacting millions worldwide. The increasing detection of triatomines, the vectors of Chagas disease, in urban areas complicates the situation. Methods: This study investigated the incidence of Rhodnius neglectus in the urban areas of Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil, following several reports and previous collections of triatomines in the city. An educational approach was adopted, distributing informational materials and engaging the community through social networks to generate notifications that would enable the identification of triatomines. Specimens were collected using various methods, including passive surveillance actions, light traps, and active searches in palm trees. Results: Rhodnius neglectus was found in urban areas, invading homes in Jaboticabal, and was identified in palm trees. The educational approach led to the collection of 93 triatomines. Colonization was observed in a residence, with eggs, nymphs, and a concerning record of blood-feeding on a resident child. The houses where specimens were captured often had nearby palm trees with birds and nests, facilitating the passive transport of these insects and increasing the risk of invasion due to light attraction. No triatomines infected with Trypanosoma cruzi were identified. Conclusions: These findings emphasize the need for preventive measures to reduce the prevalence of R. neglectus in urban environments. The data elucidate the occurrence of R. neglectus in the city of Jaboticabal, associated with its potential behavioral adaptation in urban environments, underscoring the need for innovative control strategies.

Rev. bras. entomol ; Rev. Bras. Entomol. (Online);68(4): e20240010, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583467


ABSTRACT The new molecules piperidyl dillapiole and propyl ether dillapiole were evaluated in Aedes aegypti as an alternative for the control of populations of this mosquito. A total of 1,690 samples, comprising 780 eggs, 780 larvae and 130 adults, were treated with both substances for 4 h, 24 h and 90 min, respectively. The dillapiole (80 µg/mL), temephos (0.012 µg/mL) as positive control, and the negative control (water + DMSO 0.05%). The 50% lethal concentrations (LC50) of propyl ether dillapiole and piperidyl dillapiole in eggs were 18.07 and 49.97 µg/mL and, in larvae, the LC50 of these substances were 29.15 and 72.93 µg/mL, which caused darkening of the cuticle and displacement of the head. In the adults, the LC50 of the two substances after 90 min was 148.25 and 263.26 µg/mL, respectively. The insertion of the propyl and piperidine radicals into the dillapiole molecule resulted in the substances propyl ether dillapiole and piperidyl dillapiole, both of which had a toxic effect on Ae. aegypti. However, propyl ether dillapiole, which has propylene in its side chain, showed greater ovicidal, larvicidal and adulticidal activity when compared to piperidyl dillapiole. These results are promising as an alternative form of control of Ae. aegypti, which is the primary vector of human arboviruses.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);43(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533952


Introducción. Aedes albopictus es un vector de arbovirus como dengue, Zika, chikungunya y fiebre amarilla. Los primeros reportes en el continente americano datan de 1985 y dada su capacidad de adaptación ecológica y fisiológica, se ha distribuido rápidamente en el territorio colombiano desde su primer reporte en 1998. Objetivo. Determinar la distribución de A. albopictus en las comunas de Ibagué, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Los muestreos se realizaron entre mayo y noviembre de 2022 en zonas con abundante vegetación de las 13 comunas de Ibagué. Se emplearon aspiradores y redes entomológicas. Los mosquitos fueron transportados al Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Parasitología Tropical de la Universidad del Tolima para su determinación taxonómica. Resultados. Se identificaron 708 ejemplares de A. albopictus, distribuidos en las comunas de Ibagué. La mayor abundancia del vector se presentó en las comunas 10, 11, 7, 8, 2 y 9. Las comunas 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 y 13 presentaron abundancias relativas cercanas al 3 %, y la comuna 1 tuvo una abundancia del 2 %. Conclusiones. Aedes albopictus está distribuido en todas las comunas de Ibagué, probablemente su dispersión se ha visto favorecida por las condiciones ambientales y sociales de esta región. Se recomienda hacer seguimiento anual a las poblaciones de este vector y realizar una caracterización molecular de los arbovirus encontrados. Además, el conocer la distribución de este mosquito en la ciudad permitirá focalizar las estrategias de control entomológico y prevenir futuros brotes de arbovirosis.

Introduction. Aedes albopictus is a vector for arboviruses, such as dengue, Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever. The first A. albopictus reports on the American continent date back to 1985. It has spread rapidly throughout Colombia since its first report in 1998 due to its ecological and physiological adaptation capability. Objective. To determine A. albopictus distribution in the 13 communes of Ibagué, Colombia. Materials and methods. Samples were collected between May and November 2022 in the 13 communes of Ibagué. Vacuum sampling and sweep-netting entomological nets were used in areas with abundant vegetation. The mosquitoes were transported to the Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Parasitología Tropical at the Universidad del Tolima for taxonomic determination. Results. We identified 708 A. albopictus specimens distributed throughout Ibague's 13 communes. The highest vector abundance occurred in communes 10, 11, 7, 8, 2, and 9; communes 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, and 13 had a relative abundance of around 3%, while commune 1 had 2% of relative abundance. Conclusions. Aedes albopictus is distributed throughout all the communes of Ibague. Its dispersion has probably been favored by this region's environmental and social conditions. We recommend annual monitoring of these vectors populations and molecular characterization of the found arboviruses. Ascertaining this mosquito's distribution throughout the city will enable focusing entomological control strategies and preventing future arbovirus outbreaks.

Saúde debate ; 47(138): 630-640, jul.-set. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515585


RESUMO Este ensaio parte da premissa de que a melhor estratégia para controlar os mosquitos vetores das arboviroses, e alcançar efetivos resultados profiláticos no complexo ambiente urbano das favelas brasileiras, é promover rotineiras ações de manejo ambiental inseridas em uma orientação integrada e interdisciplinar. Essa premissa se sustenta na complexa realidade social e urbana das favelas, no histórico de insucessos das ações de controle dos vetores em obter eficazes resultados profiláticos e nos exemplos bem-sucedidos de manejo ambiental no País. O método profilático alternativo utilizado no Brasil com base na liberação de mosquitos, em particular infectados com Wolbachia é comentado, mas ainda não possui resultado profilático nas favelas brasileiras. A partir dessa premissa, argumentamos que existe um grande potencial de utilizar habilidades na mediação de conflitos para buscar efetivas e factíveis ações de manejo ambiental na eliminação dos criadouros urbanos dos vetores das arboviroses nas favelas onde residem muitas comunidades socialmente vulneráveis.

ABSTRACT This essay starts from the premise that the best strategy to control mosquito vectors of arboviruses and achieve effective prophylactic results in the complex urban environment of Brazilian slums is to promote routine environmental management actions within an integrated and interdisciplinary approach. This premise is based on the complex social and urban reality of the slums, on the history of failures of vector control actions to obtain effective prophylactic results, and on the successful examples of environmental management in the country. The alternative prophylactic method used in Brazil based on the release of mosquitoes, in particular, infected with Wolbachia, is commented on, but still lacks prophylactic results in Brazilian slums. From this premise, we argue that there is great potential for using conflict mediation skills to pursue effective and feasible environmental management actions to eliminate urban breeding sites for arboviruses vectors in the slums where many socially vulnerable communities reside.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);43(2): 222-243, jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533927


Introducción. El desarrollo de la resistencia a insecticidas de Aedes aegypti representa una gran amenaza para la salud pública. La vigilancia y el monitoreo de la eficacia biológica a los insecticidas y la sensibilidad de las poblaciones de Aedes aegypti es de fundamental importancia para prolongar la vida útil de estas moléculas. Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia biológica de los insecticidas deltametrina y ciflutrina y la sensibilidad de poblaciones de Aedes aegypti a estos insecticidas durante el brote epidémico de virus del Zika en Kuna Yala, Panamá. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluó la eficacia biológica de la deltametrina y la ciflutrina, y la sensibilidad a estos insecticidas de poblaciones de la cepa Aedes aegypti Ustupo, mediante bioensayos estandarizados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud durante el brote epidémico de virus del Zika en Kuna Yala, Panamá. Resultados. En los bioensayos con Aedes aegypti Ustupo se observó posible resistencia a deltametrina y a ciflutrina con un porcentaje de mortalidad del 95,3 y 94 %, respectivamente. Se registró baja eficacia biológica con la cepa Aedes aegypti Ustupo para la deltametrina y la ciflutrina, con medias de porcentajes de mortalidad de 75 y 31,1 %, en el intradomicilio, mientras que en el peridomicilio fue de 63,7 y 26,1 %, respectivamente. Conclusión. Los resultados de este estudio representan un desafío que debe enfrentar el Programa Nacional de Control de Aedes para lograr cuidar y mantener el efecto tóxico de los insecticidas aplicados contra las poblaciones de Aedes. Es necesario que el Programa Nacional de Control de Aedes establezca unos lineamientos de manejo de la resistencia para caracterizarla y evaluar la distribución geográfica de las poblaciones afectadas. Lo anterior con el propósito de garantizar la sostenibilidad de las intervenciones antivectoriales contra las poblaciones de Aedes.

Introduction. The development of resistance to insecticides in Aedes aegypti represents a major threat to public health. Surveillance and monitoring of the biological efficacy and sensibility of Aedes aegypti populations to insecticides is fundamental to prolong the useful life of insecticide molecules. Objective. To evaluate the biological efficacy of deltamethrin and cyfluthrin and sensibility to insecticides in Aedes aegypti during the zika epidemic outbreak in Kuna Yala, Panama. Materials and methods. We assessed the biological efficacy of deltamethrin and cyfluthrin, and sensibility in the strain Aedes aegypti Ustupo using bioassays standardized by the World Health Organization during the Zika epidemic outbreak in Kuna Yala, Panama. Results. In the bioassays with Aedes aegypti Ustupo, we observed a possible resistance to deltamethrin and cyfluthrin with a mortality rate of 95,3 and 94%, respectively. The obtained results registered low biological efficacy of deltamethrin and cyfluthrin with average percentages of mortality of 75 and 31.1% in the intradomicile, and 63,7 and 26.1% in the peridomicile. Conclusion. The results of this study represent a challenge for the National Aedes Control Program to care for and maintain the toxic effect of insecticides applied against Aedes populations. There is a need for the National Aedes Control Program to establish some guidelines about resistance assessment and resistant populations' geographic distribution to guarantee the sustainability of anti-vector interventions against Aedes populations.

Insecticide Resistance , Aedes , Zika Virus , Vector Control of Diseases , Dengue
Medisur ; 21(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440655


Fundamento el conocimiento acerca de la focalidad por mosquitos motiva a pobladores y decisores a trabajar sobre las cuestiones que inciden en la proliferación de estos vectores; así como a una participación comunitaria eficaz, y el éxito en la prevención y control de las arbovirosis. Objetivo caracterizar los focos de mosquitos Aedes aegypti. Métodos se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, y de corte transversal, acerca de los focos de Aedes aegypti detectados en el municipio de Abreus, provincia de Cienfuegos, en el período 2016-2022. El universo fue de 390 focos, para los cuales se describieron las variables: semana estadística, mes y año de diagnóstico, consejo popular, tipo de depósito, lugar de la vivienda donde se encontró y fase del mosquito al diagnóstico. Se utilizaron datos de las encuestas entomológicas y los registros del laboratorio de Entomología Médica de la Unidad Municipal de Higiene y Epidemiología. Resultados la mediana del número de focos de Aedes aegypti correspondió a la semana estadística 32 de cada año. La mayor cantidad de focos se detectó en los consejos populares de Abreus (165) y Juraguá (102); hallados sobre todo en patios (85,5 %) y tanques bajos (55,5 %). Predominó la fase larvaria en IV estadio (82,3 %). Conclusiones en el municipio de Abreus la focalidad por mosquitos Aedes aegypti se caracterizó por su mayor incidencia en los meses de junio a septiembre, con predominio en el consejo popular de Abreus, sobre todo en tanques bajos y patios. El mayor número fue diagnosticado en la IV fase.

Background knowledge about the mosquito's breeding grounds motivates residents and decision makers to work on the issues that affect the mosquito proliferation; as well as effective community participation, and success in the prevention and control of arboviral diseases. Objective to characterize the Aedes aegypti mosquito's breeding grounds. Methods an observational, retrospective, and cross-sectional study was carried out on Aedes aegypti's breeding grounds detected in the Abreus municipality, Cienfuegos province, from 2016 to 2022. 390 breeding grounds were the universe, for which the described variables were: statistical week, month and year of diagnosis, neighborhood, type of deposit, place of residence where it was found, and phase of the mosquito at diagnosis. Data from entomological surveys and records from the Municipal Hygiene and Epidemiology Unit's Medical Entomology laboratory were used. Results the median number of Aedes aegypti breeding grounds corresponded to statistical week 32 of each year. The largest number of outbreaks was detected in the Abreus' neighborhood (165) and Juraguá (102); found mainly in yards (85.5 %) and low tanks (55.5 %). The larval phase in IV stage predominated (82.3 %). Conclusions in the municipality of Abreus, the focality of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes was characterized by its highest incidence in the months of June to September, with predominance in the popular council of Abreus, especially in low tanks and yards. The largest number was diagnosed in the IV phase.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235357


Several hundred millions of malaria cases were averted these last decades thanks to the large scale implementation of vector control, mainly Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (“LLINs”) and Indoor Residual Spraying (“IRS”). Due to several operational issues IRS were stopped in Angola and the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) is based upon large scale distribution of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLIN) through different channels. On the other hand the recently developped Insecticide Treated Plastic Sheeting (ITPS) could represent an interesting alternative to IRS in term of longer lasting activity, community acceptability and participation, entomological and epidemiological efficacy observed in various experimental and natural conditions. Actually the acceptability of ITPS was studied in Huambo, a town close to Balombo but not yet its epidemiological efficacy in this area. The aim of the present study was to compare the efficacy of the 2 methods of vector control: Indoor Residual Spraying and Insecticide Treated Plastic Sheeting with 2 parasitological indicators of plasmodial infection: parasite index (“PI”) and parasite load (“PL”) in 2 villages close to Balombo: Candiero, which received 2 rounds of ?IRS then ?ITPS; and Chisséquélé , which received ?ITPS only and just once; considering 4 age groups recommended in Essential Malariology: 0-2 years old; 3-5 years old; 6-9 years old and 10-15 years old. During the 5 five consecutive years of the study, 46 cross sectional parasitological surveys were regularly done (23 in each village), 4792 thick blood films (“TBF”) were prepared and their microscopical examination revealed the presence of plasmodial infections in 925 i.e. an overall Plasmodial Index of 19.3%. Plasmodium were noticed in 475 of the 2513 TBF (PI=18.9%) made in Candiero and 450 of the 2279 TBF done in Chisséquélé (PI=19.7%) (?2= 0.55: P= 0.46; OR= 0.95 [0.82-1.09]). Before vector control (VC) Parasite Index (“PI”) of babies (? 2 years old) were significantly lower than PI of the three other older age groups. The impact of VC on plasmodial index was different according to age groups. After VC the overall parasite index significantly dropped by #70% in Candiero (IRS village) and # 60% in Chisséquélé (ITPS village), the decrease was significant in each age group but it was less in babies than in the 3 older groups. This could lead to a “negative” conclusion of the efficacy of VC if targeting only plasmodial prevalence in babies. On the other hand Parasite Load (“PL”) significantly dropped the first year after VC in babies in the 2 villages and not in all older age group leading to a positive conclusion of the efficacy of VC when targeting babies; the drop of PL after VC was noticed in some age groups (but not all) in Candiero but not in Chisséquélé. These analyzes underlined the key issues of the choice of indicator and the targeted age groups because conclusion of the efficacy of one or the other method of vector control could be opposite. Another key point is that, considering the classical age groups (0-5 or 2-9 or ?15 years old) Insecticide treated plastic sheeting appeared as efficient as Indoor Residual Spraying with the double advantage of lasting longer and involving actual community participation. ITPS could therefore be recommended in place of IRS which have well known great operational and social issues.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e246230, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339369


Abstract Dengue fever vectored by the mosquito Aedes aegypti is one of the most rapidly spreading insect-borne diseases. Current reliance of dengue vector control is mostly on chemical insecticides. Growing insecticide resistance in the primary mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, limits the effectiveness of vector control through chemical insecticides. These chemical insecticides also have negative environmental impacts on animals, plants and human health. Myco-biocontrol agents are naturally occurring organisms and are found to be less damaging to the environment as compared to chemical insecticides. In the present study, entomopathogenic potential of local strains of fungi isolated from soil was assessed for the control of dengue vector. Local fungal isolates presents better alternative to introducing a foreign biocontrol strain, as they may be better adapted to environmental conditions of the area to survive and may have more entomopathogenic efficacy against target organism. Larvicidal efficacy of Fusarium equiseti and Fusarium proliferatum was evaluated against Aedes aegypti. Local strains of F. equiseti (MK371718) and F. proliferatum (MK371715) were isolated from the soil of Changa Manga Forest, Pakistan by using insect bait method. Larvicidal activity of two Fusarium spp. was tested against forth instar larvae of A. aegypti in the laboratory, using concentrations 105, 106, 107 and 108 conidia /ml. LC50 values for F. equiseti after 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h of exposure were recorded as 3.8x 108, 2.9x107, 2.0x107, and 7.1x106 conidia /ml respectively while LC50 values for F. proliferatum were recorded as 1.21x108, 9.6x107, 4.2x107, 2.6x107 conidia /ml respectively after 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h of exposure. The results indicate that among two fungal strains F. equiseti was found to be more effective in terms of its larvicidal activity than F. proliferatum against larvae of A. aegypti.

Resumo A dengue transmitida pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti é uma das doenças transmitidas por insetos de propagação mais rápida. A dependência atual do controle do vetor da dengue é principalmente de inseticidas químicos. O aumento da resistência a inseticidas no principal vetor do mosquito, Aedes aegypti, limita a eficácia do controle do vetor por meio de inseticidas químicos. Esses inseticidas químicos também têm impactos ambientais negativos sobre os animais, plantas e saúde humana. Os agentes de micobiocontrole são organismos que ocorrem naturalmente e são menos prejudiciais ao meio ambiente em comparação com os inseticidas químicos. No presente estudo, avaliou-se o potencial entomopatogênico de cepas locais de fungos isolados do solo para o controle do vetor da dengue. Isolados de fungos locais apresentam melhor alternativa para a introdução de uma cepa de biocontrole estrangeira, pois podem ser mais bem adaptados às condições ambientais da área para sobreviver e podem ter maior eficácia entomopatogênica contra o organismo-alvo. A eficácia larvicida de Fusarium equiseti e Fusarium proliferatum foi avaliada contra Aedes aegypti. Cepas locais de F. equiseti (MK371718) e F. proliferatum (MK371715) foram isoladas do solo de Changa Manga Forest, Paquistão, usando o método de isca para insetos. Atividade larvicida de dois Fusarium spp. foi testado contra larvas de quarto ínstar de A. aegypti em laboratório, nas concentrações 105, 106, 107 e 108 conídios / ml. Os valores de LC50 para F. equiseti após 24 h, 48 h, 72 h e 96 h de exposição foram registrados como 3,8x 108, 2,9x107, 2,0x107 e 7,1x106 conídios / ml, respectivamente, enquanto os valores de LC50 para F. proliferatum foram registrados como 1,21x108, 9,6 x107, 4,2x107, 2,6x107 conídios / ml, respectivamente, após 24 h, 48 h, 72 h e 96 h de exposição. Os resultados indicam que entre duas cepas de fungos F. equiseti se mostrou mais eficaz em termos de atividade larvicida do que F. proliferatum contra larvas de A. aegypti.

Humans , Animals , Aedes , Fusarium , Insecticides/pharmacology , Pakistan , Soil , Plant Extracts , Forests , Mosquito Vectors , Larva
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-7, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468917


Dengue fever vectored by the mosquito Aedes aegypti is one of the most rapidly spreading insect-borne diseases. Current reliance of dengue vector control is mostly on chemical insecticides. Growing insecticide resistance in the primary mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, limits the effectiveness of vector control through chemical insecticides. These chemical insecticides also have negative environmental impacts on animals, plants and human health. Myco-biocontrol agents are naturally occurring organisms and are found to be less damaging to the environment as compared to chemical insecticides. In the present study, entomopathogenic potential of local strains of fungi isolated from soil was assessed for the control of dengue vector. Local fungal isolates presents better alternative to introducing a foreign biocontrol strain, as they may be better adapted to environmental conditions of the area to survive and may have more entomopathogenic efficacy against target organism. Larvicidal efficacy of Fusarium equiseti and Fusarium proliferatum was evaluated against Aedes aegypti. Local strains of F. equiseti (MK371718) and F. proliferatum (MK371715) were isolated from the soil of Changa Manga Forest, Pakistan by using insect bait method. Larvicidal activity of two Fusarium spp. was tested against forth instar larvae of A. aegypti in the laboratory, using concentrations 105, 106, 107 and 108 conidia /ml. LC50 values for F. equiseti after 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h of exposure were recorded as 3.8x108, 2.9x107, 2.0x107, and 7.1x106 conidia /ml respectively while LC50 values for F. proliferatum were recorded as 1.21x108, 9.6x107, 4.2x107, 2.6x107 conidia /ml respectively after 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h of exposure. The results indicate that among two fungal strains F. equiseti was found to be more effective in terms of its larvicidal activity than F. proliferatum against larvae of A. aegypti.

A dengue transmitida pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti é uma das doenças transmitidas por insetos de propagação mais rápida. A dependência atual do controle do vetor da dengue é principalmente de inseticidas químicos. O aumento da resistência a inseticidas no principal vetor do mosquito, Aedes aegypti, limita a eficácia do controle do vetor por meio de inseticidas químicos. Esses inseticidas químicos também têm impactos ambientais negativos sobre os animais, plantas e saúde humana. Os agentes de micobiocontrole são organismos que ocorrem naturalmente e são menos prejudiciais ao meio ambiente em comparação com os inseticidas químicos. No presente estudo, avaliou se o potencial entomopatogênico de cepas locais de fungos isolados do solo para o controle do vetor da dengue. Isolados de fungos locais apresentam melhor alternativa para a introdução de uma cepa de biocontrole estrangeira, pois podem ser mais bem adaptados às condições ambientais da área para sobreviver e podem ter maior eficácia entomopatogênica contra o organismo-alvo. A eficácia larvicida de Fusarium equiseti e Fusarium proliferatum foi avaliada contra Aedes aegypti. Cepas locais de F. equiseti (MK371718) e F. proliferatum (MK371715) foram isoladas do solo de Changa Manga Forest, Paquistão, usando o método de isca para insetos. Atividade larvicida de dois Fusarium spp. foi testado contra larvas de quarto ínstar de A. aegypti em laboratório, nas concentrações 105, 106, 107 e 108 conídios / ml. Os valores de LC50 para F. equiseti após 24 h, 48 h, 72 h e 96 h de exposição foram registrados como 3,8x 108, 2,9x107, 2,0x107 e 7,1x106 conídios / ml, respectivamente, enquanto os valores de LC50 para F. proliferatum foram registrados como 1,21x108, 9,6 x107, 4,2x107, 2,6x107 conídios / ml, respectivamente, após 24 h, 48 h, 72 h e 96 h de exposição. Os resultados indicam que entre duas cepas de fungos F. equiseti se mostrou mais eficaz em termos de atividade [...].

Animals , Aedes , Pest Control, Biological/methods , Fusarium/isolation & purification , Fusarium/pathogenicity
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469133


Abstract Dengue fever vectored by the mosquito Aedes aegypti is one of the most rapidly spreading insect-borne diseases. Current reliance of dengue vector control is mostly on chemical insecticides. Growing insecticide resistance in the primary mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, limits the effectiveness of vector control through chemical insecticides. These chemical insecticides also have negative environmental impacts on animals, plants and human health. Myco-biocontrol agents are naturally occurring organisms and are found to be less damaging to the environment as compared to chemical insecticides. In the present study, entomopathogenic potential of local strains of fungi isolated from soil was assessed for the control of dengue vector. Local fungal isolates presents better alternative to introducing a foreign biocontrol strain, as they may be better adapted to environmental conditions of the area to survive and may have more entomopathogenic efficacy against target organism. Larvicidal efficacy of Fusarium equiseti and Fusarium proliferatum was evaluated against Aedes aegypti. Local strains of F. equiseti (MK371718) and F. proliferatum (MK371715) were isolated from the soil of Changa Manga Forest, Pakistan by using insect bait method. Larvicidal activity of two Fusarium spp. was tested against forth instar larvae of A. aegypti in the laboratory, using concentrations 105, 106, 107 and 108 conidia /ml. LC50 values for F. equiseti after 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h of exposure were recorded as 3.8x 108, 2.9x107, 2.0x107, and 7.1x106 conidia /ml respectively while LC50 values for F. proliferatum were recorded as 1.21x108, 9.6x107, 4.2x107, 2.6x107 conidia /ml respectively after 24h, 48h, 72h and 96h of exposure. The results indicate that among two fungal strains F. equiseti was found to be more effective in terms of its larvicidal activity than F. proliferatum against larvae of A. aegypti.

Resumo A dengue transmitida pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti é uma das doenças transmitidas por insetos de propagação mais rápida. A dependência atual do controle do vetor da dengue é principalmente de inseticidas químicos. O aumento da resistência a inseticidas no principal vetor do mosquito, Aedes aegypti, limita a eficácia do controle do vetor por meio de inseticidas químicos. Esses inseticidas químicos também têm impactos ambientais negativos sobre os animais, plantas e saúde humana. Os agentes de micobiocontrole são organismos que ocorrem naturalmente e são menos prejudiciais ao meio ambiente em comparação com os inseticidas químicos. No presente estudo, avaliou-se o potencial entomopatogênico de cepas locais de fungos isolados do solo para o controle do vetor da dengue. Isolados de fungos locais apresentam melhor alternativa para a introdução de uma cepa de biocontrole estrangeira, pois podem ser mais bem adaptados às condições ambientais da área para sobreviver e podem ter maior eficácia entomopatogênica contra o organismo-alvo. A eficácia larvicida de Fusarium equiseti e Fusarium proliferatum foi avaliada contra Aedes aegypti. Cepas locais de F. equiseti (MK371718) e F. proliferatum (MK371715) foram isoladas do solo de Changa Manga Forest, Paquistão, usando o método de isca para insetos. Atividade larvicida de dois Fusarium spp. foi testado contra larvas de quarto ínstar de A. aegypti em laboratório, nas concentrações 105, 106, 107 e 108 conídios / ml. Os valores de LC50 para F. equiseti após 24 h, 48 h, 72 h e 96 h de exposição foram registrados como 3,8x 108, 2,9x107, 2,0x107 e 7,1x106 conídios / ml, respectivamente, enquanto os valores de LC50 para F. proliferatum foram registrados como 1,21x108, 9,6 x107, 4,2x107, 2,6x107 conídios / ml, respectivamente, após 24 h, 48 h, 72 h e 96 h de exposição. Os resultados indicam que entre duas cepas de fungos F. equiseti se mostrou mais eficaz em termos de atividade larvicida do que F. proliferatum contra larvas de A. aegypti.

Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 31(4): e310400121, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528249


Resumo Introdução: No Brasil, a vigilância entomológica da doença de Chagas (DCh) é respaldada na participação comunitária, que notifica a presença dos vetores nas habitações. Assim, a sustentabilidade desta medida de controle depende do conhecimento da população sobre os vetores. Objetivo: Avaliar o conhecimento de escolares sobre a doença de Chagas nos municípios mineiros de Itatiaiuçu (vigilância ativa) e Sabará (vigilância inativa). Método: Questionário semiestruturado foi aplicado para alunos matriculados no ensino médio em duas escolas de Sabará (rural e urbana) e uma em Itatiaiuçu (urbana). Resultados: Em geral, os alunos residentes em Sabará demonstraram conhecimento limitado acerca dos vetores, patógeno, transmissão e doença (sem diferenças relevantes quanto à localização entre área urbana e rural), quando comparados aos residentes em Itatiaiuçu, que apesar de ter uma vigilância mais atuante, também não apresentaram conhecimento totalmente satisfatório. Conclusões: Os resultados enfatizam a carência de informações sobre a DCh tanto em relação ao conhecimento acadêmico quanto às campanhas de educação firmadas pelo programa. Ações educativas para sensibilizar a comunidade e promover o conhecimento sobre esta doença mostram-se necessárias e fundamentais para a manutenção da vigilância ao longo do tempo e espaço.

Abstract Background: In Brazil, entomological surveillance of Chagas disease (ChD) is based on community participation, which notifies the presence of vectors inside their homes. Thus, the sustainability of this control measure depends on the knowledge of the population about the vectors. Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of schoolchildren about ChD in the municipalities of Itatiaiuçu (active surveillance) and Sabará (inactive surveillance). Method: A semi-structured questionnaire was given to students enrolled in two high schools in Sabará (rural and urban) and one in Itatiaiuçu (urban). Results: In general, students living in Sabará demonstrated only limited knowledge about vectors, pathogens, transmission, and disease (with no significant differences between the schools in urban and rural areas). Similarly, the schoolchildren in Itatiaiuçu, despite living in an area of active surveillance, also did not have a fully satisfactory knowledge of ChD. Conclusions: The results emphasize the lack of information about ChD, both in relation to academic knowledge and the education campaigns established by the program. Improvements in educational interventions to raise community awareness and promote knowledge about ChD are necessary and vital for maintaining vigilance against ChD over space and time.

Rev. bras. entomol ; Rev. Bras. Entomol. (Online);67(3): e20230047, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521738


ABSTRACT Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti is an important vector of dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya and Zika virus. It is well known that resistance monitoring and genetic diversity data help designing the vector control programs. This study aimed to evaluate resistance to pyrethroids (PYs) through the frequency of kdr mutations Val1016IIe and F1534C, and the genetic variation of the mitochondrial gene ND4 in six natural populations of A. aegypti from Paraná - Brazil. Adults were obtained from eggs collected from Alvorada do Sul, Marilena, Maringá, Nova Londrina, Paranavaí and São Carlos do Ivaí. From these adults, 345 were used to identify the 1016 and 1534 sites, and 120 were used to perform the ND4 gene analysis. The studied populations from Paraná showed PYs resistance, low gene flow and genetic diversity. Additionally, a relationship was observed among the haplotypes of populations from the Amazon and Southeastern Brazil, Peru, Mexico, and North America.

Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol ; Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol;602023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521917


Introducción: Los programas de vigilancia entomológica de Aedes aegypti en el mundo tienen entre sus objetivos determinar cambios en la distribución geográfica del mosquito y obtener medidas relativas de sus poblaciones a través del tiempo. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto provocado por las medidas de intervención de la COVID-19 en los programas de vigilancia y control de Aedes aegypti. Métodos: Se examinaron artículos originales y de revisión publicados en inglés y en español sobre el tema entre 2010 y 2022. Análisis y síntesis de la información: Los indicadores entomológicos que brinda la vigilancia se afectaron por la pandemia de COVID-19 debido a interrupciones en la ejecución de las actividades antivectoriales en el terreno, como las visitas a las viviendas, la aplicación de tipos de control, la reducción en el número de recursos humanos, la limitación de la participación de la comunidad o la negación, en algunos casos, por parte de población a la entrada del operario en sus viviendas. Se presenta un análisis del impacto de las medidas implementadas contra la COVID-19 que favorecieron el aumento de los casos de dengue. Conclusiones: En el escenario actual la atención debe centrarse en garantizar que la lucha contra el Aedes aegypti y el dengue continúen considerándose servicios esenciales, y que se mantengan las acciones previstas, aunque sea necesario aplicar medidas híbridas entre las actividades vectoriales y las relacionadas con el control de la COVID-19, adaptadas o descentralizadas según corresponda a cada contexto.

Introduction: The entomological surveillance programs of Aedes aegypti in the world have among their objectives to determine changes in the geographical distribution of the mosquito and to obtain relative measurements of their populations over time. Objective: To evaluate the impact of COVID-19 intervention measures on Aedes aegypti surveillance and control programs. Methods: Original and review articles published in English and Spanish on the topic between 2010 and 2022 were examined. Analysis and synthesis of information: The entomological indicators provided by surveillance were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic due to interruptions in the implementation of vector control activities in the field, such as visits to homes, application of control types, reduction in the number of human resources, limitation or denial of community participation, in some cases, by the population at the entrance of the operator in their homes. An analysis of the impact of the measures implemented against COVID-19 that favored the increase in dengue cases is presented. Conclusions: In the current scenario, the focus should be on ensuring that the fight against Aedes aegypti and dengue continues to be considered essential services, and that the planned actions are maintained, although it is necessary to apply hybrid measures between vector activities and those related to the control of COVID-19, adapting or decentralizing them as appropriate to each context.

Parasit. vectors ; 16(178): [10], 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | BVSDIP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1561254


Background: Chagas disease remains a persistent vector-borne neglected tropical disease throughout the Americas and threatens both human and animal health. Diverse control methods have been used to target triatomine vector populations, with household insecticides being the most common. As an alternative to environmental sprays, host-targeted systemic insecticides (or endectocides) allow for application of chemicals to vertebrate hosts, resulting in toxic blood meals for arthropods (xenointoxication). In this study, we evaluated three systemic insecticide products for their ability to kill triatomines. Methods: Chickens were fed the insecticides orally, following which triatomines were allowed to feed on the treated chickens. The insecticide products tested included: Safe-Guard® Aquasol (fenbendazole), Ivomec® Pour-On (ivermectin) and Bravecto® (fluralaner). Triatoma gerstaeckeri nymphs were allowed to feed on insecticide-live birds at 0, 3, 7, 14, 28 and 56 days post-treatment. The survival and feeding status of the T. gerstaeckeri insects were recorded and analyzed using Kaplan-Meier curves and logistic regression. Results: Feeding on fluralaner-treated chickens resulted 50-100% mortality in T. gerstaeckeri over the first 14 days post-treatment but not later; in contrast, all insects that fed on fenbendazole- and ivermectin-treated chickens survived. Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-QQQ) analysis, used to detect the concentration of fluralaner and fenbendazole in chicken plasma, revealed the presence of fluralaner in plasma at 3, 7, and 14 days post-treatment but not later, with the highest concentrations found at 3 and 7 days post-treatment. However, fenbendazole concentration was below the limit of detection at all time points. Conclusions: Xenointoxication using fluralaner in poultry is a potential new tool for integrated vector control to reduce risk of Chagas disease.

Poultry , Triatominae , Chagas Disease , Vector Control of Diseases , Insecticides