Antecedentes: El aumento de la obesidad ha llevado a una mayor estigmatización, con impactos en la salud psicológica y social de las víctimas. La estigmatización por peso puede expresarse en las creencias respecto al control de la obesidad. Escasos estudios han explorado el rol de la victimización por peso corporal y las creencias hacia otras personas con obesidad. Objetivo: Analizar la asociación entre la victimización por peso corporal y características de estudiantes universitarios, en relación con las creencias hacia personas con obesidad. Métodos: Estudio transversal con 281 estudiantes de Santiago, Chile. Los participantes completaron un cuestionario online con la escala Beliefs about Obese Persons Scale (BAOP), preguntas sobre discriminación por su peso corporal, y características personales. La escala BAOP fue validada mediante entrevistas cognitivas (N=8) y análisis de consistencia interna (α-Cronbach=0,814). Los resultados se analizaron con las pruebas U Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis y Chi-cuadrado. Resultados: La mayoría de los estudiantes creían que la obesidad es controlable por las personas que la padecen, pero aquellos que reportaron victimización por peso en lugares como el hogar y la universidad presentaron menores creencias sobre la controlabilidad de la obesidad (p<0,05). No se reportaron diferencias en las creencias hacia personas con obesidad según características personales, exceptuando entre los hombres de distinta cohorte de estudios. Conclusión: Este estudio indica que las víctimas de estigmatización de peso tienden a presentar menores creencias respecto a la controlabilidad de la obesidad. Futuras intervenciones debiesen incorporar estrategias para reducir los sesgos de peso entre estudiantes universitarios en formación.
Background: The rise in obesity prevalence has led to increased weight stigmatization, impacting the psychological and social health of those affected. Weight stigma can manifest in beliefs regarding individuals' control over their obesity. Few studies have explored the role of weight-based victimization and beliefs towards individuals with obesity. Objective: To analyze the association between weight-based victimization and university students' characteristics, with beliefs toward individuals with obesity. Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 281 students in Santiago, Chile. Participants completed an online questionnaire including the Beliefs about Obese Persons Scale (BAOP), questions about weight-based discrimination, and personal characteristics. The BAOP scale was validated through cognitive interviews (N=8) and internal consistency analysis (α-Cronbach=0,814). Results were analyzed using U Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and Chi-square tests. Results: Most students believed that obesity is controllable by those affected, but those who reported weight-based victimization in places such as home and university exhibited lower beliefs about the controllability of obesity (p<0,05). No differences in beliefs towards individuals with obesity were reported based on personal characteristics, except among male students in different study cohorts. Conclusion: This study identifies that victims of weight bias tend to exhibit lower beliefs regarding the controllability of obesity. Future interventions should incorporate strategies to reduce weight biases among university students in training.
Resumo O ativismo gordo tem como objetivo unir e mobilizar pessoas gordas, a fim de romper com a inviabilização de seus corpos e denunciar a gordofobia. Há algum tempo, o ativismo vem impulsionando a expressão "gordofobia médica" para denunciar a opressão vivenciada dentro dos serviços de saúde. Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender o termo, a partir da percepção de pessoas gordas. É uma pesquisa qualitativa, com dados coletados por meio de um questionário virtual direcionado a pessoas gordas ou ex-gordas, que alcançou 515 respondentes de todas as regiões do Brasil. Os dados foram analisados utilizando a análise temática, com a criação de seis categorias. Entre os principais resultados, pode-se compreender que a gordofobia médica envolve: despreparo, desrespeito e autoritarismo; reprodução de estereótipos, repulsa e preconceito, desumanização da pessoa gorda, diagnóstico superficial e generalizante, desprezo da queixa, foco no peso e negligência, e precarização do acesso e dos cuidados em saúde. Conclui-se que o estudo auxilia na compreensão do termo gordofobia médica, o que facilita o seu reconhecimento e prevenção na área da saúde.
Abstract Fat activism aims to unite and mobilize fat people to break with the impracticability of these bodies and denounce fatphobia. For some time now, activism has been pushing the expression "medical fatphobia" to denounce the oppression experienced by fat people within health services. This article aims to understand the term, from the perspective of fat people. This is a qualitative research, with data were collected via a virtual questionnaire aimed at fat or formerly fat people, which reached 515 respondents from all regions of Brazil. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, with the creation of six categories. Among the main results, it can be understood that medical fatphobia involves: unpreparedness, disrespect and authoritarianism; reproduction of stereotypes, disgust and prejudice; dehumanization of the fat person; superficial and generalizing diagnosis; dismissal of the complaint, focus on weight and negligence; and precarious access to the health care. In conclusion, the work helps in understanding the term medical fatphobia, which facilitates its recognition and prevention in the health field.
Humans , Male , Female , Stereotyping , Medical Care , Weight Prejudice , ObesityABSTRACT
Tener peso alto es una característica que ha sido devaluada y denigrada socialmente, convirtiendo a las personas de cuerpos grandes en víctimas de estereotipos, prejuicios y discriminación, lo que se ha denominado estigmatización por el peso, fenómeno que ocurre especialmente en mujeres. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las experiencias de estigma de peso de mujeres con obesidad que viven en el sur de Chile. Participaron seis mujeres entre 20 y 57 años a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas de manera remota. Mediante Análisis Fenomenológico Interpretativo se identificaron cuatro supratemas y diversos subtemas, los supratemas son: 1. La obesidad como parte de la persona. 2. Las experiencias de sentirse discriminada. 3. Todo gira en función del peso. 4. Lo que la sociedad piensa de la obesidad, los que en su conjunto permiten caracterizar la experiencia de vivir con obesidad y sufrir el estigma asociado al peso en distintos ámbitos de sus vidas, incluso en contextos sanitarios. Las consecuencias de esta experiencia son diversas y negativas, destacando el impacto que tiene en su autoestima y las constantes emociones negativas que derivan de las situaciones de discriminación. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia de avanzar hacia la diversidad y aceptación corporal, lo que supone un desafío a la sociedad en general y en particular a los proveedores de salud, ya que se requiere de intervenciones libres de prejuicios y orientadas a la salud y el bienestar de las personas.
Carrying a high weight is a characteristic that has been devalued and socially denigrated, turning people with large bodies into victims of stereotypes, prejudice, or discrimination, which has been called weight stigmatisation, a phenomenon that occurs especially in women. The aim of this study was to describe the weight stigma experiences of women with obesity who live in southern Chile. Six women between 20 and 57 years of age participated in semi-structured interviews conducted remotely. Through Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis four supra-themes and several sub-themes were identified, the supra-themes are: 1. Obesity as part of the person. 2. Experiences of feeling discriminated. 3. Everything is about weight. 4. what society thinks of obesity, which together allow characterising the experience of living with obesity and suffering the weight stigma in different areas of their lives, including in health contexts. The consequences of this experience are diverse and negative, highlighting the impact it has on their self-esteem and the constant negative emotions that derive from discrimination situations. These results highlight the importance of moving toward body diversity and acceptance, which is a challenge for society in general and health care providers in particular, as it requires interventions free from prejudice and orientated to the health and well-being of individuals.
ABSTRACT Weight bias is present in different scenarios, one of them is the area of health on the part of its professionals. For this reason, the aim of this descriptive, observational and cross-sectional study was to determine whether weight bias towards people with obesity was observed among students of the Nutrition and Dietetics career of the Catholic University of Temuco and to provide corrective measures to prevent the bias. The participants of this study were 94 nutrition and dietetics undergraduate students from different years of study. Students answered the GAMS 27-Obesity. According to the results obtained in this study, future nutritionists have a predisposition to weight bias towards people with obesity, this can have a negative impact on the care of these patients. Implementing corrective measures, during professional training, can prevent weight bias towards people with obesity by future professionals, thus improving their quality of care and positively impacting the health of these people.
RESUMEN El sesgo de peso está presente en diferentes escenarios, uno de ellos es el área de la salud por parte de sus profesionales. Por tal motivo el objetivo de este estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal fue determinar si existe presencia de sesgo de peso hacia las personas con obesidad, por parte de estudiantes de la carrera de Nutrición y Dietética de la Universidad Católica de Temuco y brindar medidas correctivas para prevenir este sesgo. Los participantes de este estudio fueron 94 estudiantes de pregrado en nutrición y dietética, de diferentes generaciones a quienes se les aplicó el GAMS 27-Obesidad. Según los resultados obtenidos en este estudio, los futuros nutricionistas tienen una predisposición al sesgo de peso hacia las personas con obesidad, esto puede repercutir negativamente en el cuidado de estos pacientes. La implementación de medidas correctivas, durante la formación profesional, puede evitar el sesgo de peso hacia las personas con obesidad por parte de los futuros profesionales, mejorando así su calidad asistencial e impactando positivamente en la salud de estas personas.
resumen está disponible en el texto completo
Abstract: In recent decades, the growing obesity epidemic in Mexico has become one of the most important public health challenges faced by the country. With support from the World Obesity Federation, we formed a working group in 2021 to identify and summarize priority actions that Mexico can take to face this epidemic. More than 1 000 health professionals joined the development and discussion process. Recommendations from previously published, high-level documents and guidelines were taken into account. In commemoration of World Obesity Day 2022, this statement is presented as input for health care professionals to develop actions to address obesity. The statement includes 10 recommendations that include population-level and individual-level actions. It emphasizes the importance of social participation, comprehensive interventions with a person- centered perspective, planetary sustainability, on improving education and communication campaigns, as well as fostering a built environment that promotes active living, and shielding prevention and control efforts from conflicts of interest. The statement calls for obesity to be treated seriously, based on scientific evidence, in a timely and comprehensive manner, employing a life-course and ethical approach that does not perpetuate weight stigma in society.
Resumen Las consecuencias del sobrepeso o de la obesidad no son solo físicas sino también psicosociales; entre estas últimas, la discriminación debida al exceso de peso corporal es de relevancia clínica, y en México más del 70% de la población podría ser víctima de ésta. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente trabajo, de naturaleza documental, fue hacer un recuento de los contextos y/o situaciones que propician la discriminación hacia las personas con exceso de peso. Con base al análisis de las investigaciones consultadas, se encontró que la familia, el ambiente escolar, el hospitalario y el laboral, contextos en los que se esperaría la comprensión y el apoyo social, son escenarios donde se promueve y se acepta de manera cotidiana la discriminación por la condición corporal. Se concluye que es importante establecer como práctica obligatoria intervenciones psicoeducativas respecto al efecto de la discriminación debida al exceso de peso en estos contextos para sensibilizar a la población e iniciar su erradicación, ya que este fenómeno psicosocial puede no solo afectar la salud mental de las personas con exceso de peso, sino también constituir un factor mantenedor de dicha condición corporal.
Abstract The obesity consequences are not only physical but also psychosocial, with respect the psychosocial, body discrimination is clinically relevant, since in Mexico 70% of the population could be sufferer of it. Therefore, the objective of this documentary research was to make a count of the contexts and/or situations of discrimination for over weight. Based on the analysis of the literature consulted, it was found that the family, the school environment, the hospital settings and the workplaces, contexts in which understanding and social support are expected, are contexts where body overweight discrimination is promoted and accepted every day. It is concluded that, is necessary to stablish the mandatory practice of psychoeducational interventions with regard to the effect of discrimination in these contexts to sensitize the population and starting their eradication, since this psychosocial phenomenon can affect the mental health of overweight people; and at the same time, can be a maintainer of the body condition and becoming a vicious cycle.