ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the implications of social contingency measures and interruption of outpatient follow-up on weight gain in children and adolescents with a previous diagnosis of obesity. Methods: This is an observational study with data from electronic medical records of children and adolescents followed up at a specialized outpatient clinic from 2019 to 2023. Weight gain, height, BMI variation, BMI z-score, laboratory tests, and associated comorbidities were analyzed. The data were computed and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), and the results were considered statistically significant when p<0.05. Results: There was a weight gain of approximately 17.66% in the total set of participants, corresponding to a median increase of 14 kg. When analyzing between genders, we observed an approximate increase of 21.38% in body weight for men, while for women, it was 21.45%. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant weight gain among previously obese children and adolescents in follow-up at a specialized outpatient clinic.
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as implicações das medidas de contingenciamento social e interrupção do acompanhamento ambulatorial sobre o ganho de peso de crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico prévio de obesidade. Métodos: Estudo observacional com dados proveniente de prontuários eletrônicos de crianças e adolescentes acompanhadas no Ambulatório de Obesidade na Criança e no Adolescente do Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, no período de 2019 a 2023. Analisaram-se ganho ponderal, altura, variação do índice de massa corporal (IMC), escore Z de IMC, exames laboratoriais e comorbidade associadas. Os dados foram computados e analisados pelo programa StatisticalPackage for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Os resultados foram considerados estatisticamente significativos quando p<0,05. Resultados: Constatou-se aumento ponderal de aproximadamente 17,6% no conjunto total de participantes, correspondendo ao acréscimo mediano de 14 kg. Ao analisarmos os gêneros, observamos elevação aproximada de 21,38% no peso corporal do sexo masculino, enquanto a do sexo feminino foi de 21,4%. Conclusões: A pandemia de COVID-19 levou a ganho peso significante entre crianças e adolescentes previamente obesos, que estavam em seguimento em ambulatório especializado.
Introducción: Diversas investigaciones han establecido la relación entre temperatura y duración del embarazo, la exposición a temperaturas altas durante el embarazo plantea interrogantes en especial el papel que esta juega frente a los partos prematuros y partos de bajo peso, es indispensable determinar si las temperaturas altas o bajas tienen un comportamiento protector o de riesgo sobre el feto durante la gestación en regiones tropicales. Objetivo: describir la relación entre la exposición a temperaturas altas y bajas durante el embarazo y su efecto en la edad gestacional y peso al momento del parto en los recién nacidos del departamento del Guaviare-Colombia. Metodología: Estudio tipo observacional, analítico, retrospectivo de corte transversal que busco determinar la relación entre exposición a temperaturas altas y bajas durante el embarazo y su efecto en la edad gestacional y peso al momento del parto en los recién nacidos, el universo estuvo conformado por 10.137 nacidos vivos, de los cuales 9.932 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se determinó Odds Ratio para estimar la asociación entre las variables. Resultados: Dentro de la semana de retraso 3 el estar expuesto a temperaturas máximas percentil 90 es un factor protector para la ganancia ponderal de peso OR < 1, la exposición a temperaturas mínimas percentil 10 se asoció como factor protector para el parto prematuro en la semana de retraso 1 y 2 OR < 1.Conclusión: A pesar del beneficio de las altas y bajas temperaturas durante el embarazo en la ganancia ponderal de peso y disminución del parto prematuro, es recomendable prevenir la exposición a temperaturas extremas durante el periodo de gestación[AU]
Introduction: Various investigations have established the relationship between temperature and duration of pregnancy. Exposure to high temperatures during pregnancy raises questions, especially the role it plays in premature births and low-weight births. It is essential to determine whether high temperatures or low have a protective or risky behavior on the fetus during pregnancy in tropical regions.Objective: to describe the relationship between exposure to high and low temperatures during pregnancy and its effect on gestational age and weight at the time of delivery in newborns in the department of Guaviare-Colombia.Methodology:Observational, analytical, retrospective cross-sectional study that sought to determine the relationship between exposure to high and low temperatures during pregnancy and its effect on gestational age and weight at the time of delivery in newborns. The universe was made up of 10,137 births. alive, of which 9,932 met the inclusion criteria. Odds Ratio was determined to estimate the association between the variables.Results:Within the 3rd week of delay, being exposed to maximum temperatures at the 90th percentile is a protective factor for weight gain OR < 1, exposure to minimum temperatures at the 10th percentile was associated as a protective factor for premature birth in the week. of delay 1 and 2 OR < 1. Conclusion: Despite the benefit of high and low temperatures during pregnancy in weight gain and reduction in premature birth, it is advisable to prevent exposure to extreme temperatures during the gestation period[AU]
Introdução: Várias investigações estabeleceram a relação entre temperatura e duração da gravidez. A exposição a altas temperaturas durante a gravidez levanta questões, especialmente o papel que desempenha nos partos prematuros e nos nascimentos de baixo peso. É essencial determinar se as temperaturas altas ou baixas têm um comportamento protetor ou de risco para o feto durante a gravidez em regiões tropicais. Objetivo:descrever a relação entre a exposição a altas e baixas temperaturas durante a gravidez e seu efeito na idade gestacional e no peso no momento do parto em recém-nascidos no departamento de Guaviare-Colômbia. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, analítico, retrospectivo e transversal que buscou determinar a relação entre a exposição a altas e baixas temperaturas durante a gravidez e seu efeito na idade gestacional e no peso no momento do parto em recém-nascidos. O universo foi composto por 10.137 nascimentos. vivos, dos quais 9.932 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. O Odds Ratio foi determinado para estimar a associação entre as variáveis. Resultados:Na 3ª semana de atraso, a exposição a temperaturas máximas no percentil 90 é fator de proteção para ganho de peso OR < 1, a exposição a temperaturas mínimas no percentil 10 foi associada como fator de proteção para parto prematuro na semana. de atraso 1 e 2 OR < 1.Conclusão:Apesar do benefício das altas e baixas temperaturas durante a gravidez no ganho de peso e redução do parto prematuro, é aconselhável evitar a exposição a temperaturas extremas durante o período de gestação[AU]
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight , Parturition , ColombiaABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives To examine trends over time in diet and size of very preterm infants, and associations of diet with size at hospital discharge/transfer. Methods The authors studied 4062 surviving very preterm infants born < 32 weeks' gestational age and < 1500 g between January 2012 and December 2020 from 12 Brazilian Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Diet type at discharge/transfer was classified as exclusive human milk, exclusive formula, or mixed. Outcomes were weight and head circumference at hospital discharge and the change in each from birth to discharge. The authors used linear regression to estimate adjusted associations of diet type with infant size, overall, and stratified by fetal growth category (small vs. appropriate for gestational age). The authors also examined trends in diet and infant size at discharge over the years. Results Infants' mean gestational age at birth was 29.3 weeks, and the mean birth weight was 1136 g. Diet at discharge/transfer was exclusive human milk for 22 %, mixed for 62 %, and exclusive formula for 16 %. Infant size in weight and head circumference were substantially below the growth chart reference for all diets. Infants fed human milk and mixed diets were lighter and had smaller heads at discharge/transfer than infants fed formula only (weight z: −2.0, −1.8, and −1.5; head z: −1.3, −1.2 and −1.1 for exclusive human milk, mixed and exclusive formula respectively). Conclusion Results suggest high human milk use but gaps in nutrient delivery among hospitalized Brazilian very preterm infants, with little evidence of improvement over time.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the maternal characteristics associated with the diagnosis of fetal macrosomia at the Regional Hospital of Talca in the period between January 2017 and December 2023. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational, descriptive and analytical, retrospective study was carried out among the years 2017 and 2023. The population studied were pregnant women with a diagnosis of fetal macrosomia treated in the Prepartum service of the Regional Hospital of Talca, clinical variables of mothers and newborns were collected from the digital database of the Prepartum Unit of the Maule Hospital and Health System. The data were processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics v27 program. RESULTS: A total of 24,409 births were analyzed, among which 61 cases were excluded due to lack of maternal information and 48 cases due to lack of newborn data, leaving a total of 24,300 newborns for the analysis. Maternal age varies between 12 years and 58 years, average age 28.4 years. An association was found between fetal macrosomia and the factors: pregnancy in the process of prolongation and post-term, sex of the newborn and age of the mother at the time of delivery. CONCLUSIONS: The maternal characteristics associated with the diagnosis of fetal macrosomia are post-term delivery, gestational diabetes, excessive weight gain during pregnancy and sex of the newborn.
OBJETIVO: Identificar cuáles son las características maternas asociadas al diagnóstico de macrosomía fetal en el Hospital Regional de Talca en el período transcurrido entre enero de 2017 y diciembre de 2023. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y analítico, retrospectivo entre los años 2017 y 2023. La población estudiada fueron las gestantes con el diagnóstico de macrosomía fetal atendidas en el servicio de Prepartos del Hospital Regional de Talca, se recogieron variables clínicas de las madres y los recién nacidos de la base de datos digital de la Unidad de Preparto del Hospital y el Sistema de Salud del Maule. Los datos fueron procesados con la utilización del programa IBM SPSS Statistics v27. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron un total de 24.409 partos, dentro de los cuales se excluyeron 61 casos por falta de información materna y 48 casos por falta de datos del recién nacido dejando un total de 24.300 recién nacidos para el análisis. La edad materna varía entre los 12 años y 58 años, edad media 28.4 años. Se encontró asociación entre la macrosomía fetal y los factores: embarazo en vías de prolongación y postérmino, sexo del recién nacido y edad de la madre al momento del parto. CONCLUSIONES: Las características maternas asociadas al diagnóstico de macrosomía fetal son parto postérmino, diabetes gestacional, ganancia de peso excesiva durante el embarazo y sexo del recién nacido.
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Fetal Macrosomia/complications , Fetal Macrosomia/diagnosis , Parity , Birth Weight , Fetal Macrosomia/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Maternal Age , Statistical Databases , Hospitals, Public/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos de um programa de condicionamento físico (CF) intensivo sobre a força muscular (FM), capacidade funcional, peso corporal (PC) e índice de massa corporal (IMC) de uma pessoa amputada e com obesidade em processo de reabilitação física multiprofissional para protetização. Métodos: Essa pesquisa é um estudo de caso, de um homem jovem com obesidade que foi submetido a um programa de CF intensivo, 5-6 vezes por semana, durante 10 semanas. A FM, capacidade funcional, PC e IMC foram quantificadas por meio do teste de 7-10 repetições máximas, teste de levantar e sentar da cadeira por 30 segundos e balança antropométrica com estadiômetro acoplado, respectivamente. Resultados: Após a intervenção houve aumento da FM e melhora da capacidade funcional. Além disso, houve redução do PC e IMC após a intervenção. Conclusão: Nossos achados sugerem que um programa de CF intensivo foi eficaz para aumentar a FM, melhorar a capacidade funcional e reduzir o PC e IMC de uma pessoa com amputação de MMII e obesidade durante o processo de reabilitação física multiprofissional para protetização. Além disso, nosso estudo sugere que a realização de um programa de CF intensivo durante o processo de reabilitação física multiprofissional parece ser uma estratégia indispensável para auxiliar na adequação do PC e possibilitar a protetização em pessoas com obesidade.
Objective: To assess the effects of a physical conditioning program (PCP) on muscular strength (MS), functional capacity, body weight (BW), and body mass index (BMI) in na obese individual with a lower limb amputation undergoing a multidisciplinary physical rehabilitation process for prosthetic fitting. Methods: This study is a case study of a Young obese male who underwent an intensive PCP program, 5-6 times per week, for 10 weeks. The MS, functional capacity, BW, and BMI were quantified using the 7-10 repetition maximum test, the 30-second sit-to-stand test, and an anthropometric scale with na attached stadiometer, respectively. Results: Following the intervention, there was na increase in MS and an improvement in functional capacity. Furthermore, there was a reduction in BW and BMI after the intervention. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that na intensive PCP program was effective in increasing MS, improving functional capacity, and reducing BW and BMI in an individual with a lower limb amputation and obesity during the multidisciplinary physical rehabilitation process for prosthetic fitting. Additionally, our study suggests that the implementation of an intensive PCP program during the multidisciplinary physical rehabilitation process appears to be an essential strategy to assist in BW management and enable prosthetic fitting in individuals with obesity.
Introducción. Adolescentes con exceso de peso confrontan a diario con estereotipos que condicionan su imagen corporal, autoestima y ánimo. Objetivos. Describir, en adolescentes con exceso de peso, las vivencias subjetivas relativas al cuerpo en la vida diaria y sus percepciones respecto a las intervenciones y empatía del equipo de salud. Población y métodos. Estudio descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a adolescentes entre 11 y 18 años con índice de masa corporal (IMC) ≥ 26 autorreferenciado y/o que refirieran seguimiento médico o nutricional por exceso de peso, asistidos en el Servicio de Adolescencia de un hospital de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, entre el 1 de octubre de 2021 y el 31 de mayo de 2022. Resultados. Se evaluaron 20 adolescentes, con mediana de edad de 13,5 años, mayoritariamente de sexo femenino (16/20). La totalidad refirió insatisfacción corporal desde edades tempranas (edad mediana: 10 años). Mencionan dificultad para vestirse por falta de talles; limitan incluso la práctica deportiva. Padecieron humillación corporal relacionada con el peso en la escuela, la familia o la vía pública (15/20). Percibieron el control de peso de manera dual: su descenso fue el principal estímulo del tratamiento, pero su centralidad en las consultas generó malestar. Las principales causas de abandono terapéutico fueron la imposibilidad de sostener temporalmente las recomendaciones y la falta de descenso de peso. Se percibió del equipo tratante buena predisposición y escucha, pero cierta incomprensión sobre las vivencias cotidianas, condicionamientos físicos, materiales, estéticos, sociales, de sus creencias y percepciones.
Introduction. Overweight adolescents are confronted daily with stereotypes that condition their body image, self-esteem, and mood. Objectives. To describe, in adolescents with overweight, the subjective experiences related to the body in daily life and their perceptions regarding the interventions and empathy of the health team. Population and methods. Descriptive study with qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with adolescents aged 11 to 18 years with selfreported mass index (BMI) ≥ 26 and referring to medical or nutritional follow-up for overweight, attended at the Adolescence Service of a hospital in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, between October 1, 2021, and May 31, 2022. Results. Twenty adolescents were evaluated, with a median age of 13.5 years, most of them from female sex (16/20). All reported body dissatisfaction from an early age (median age: 10 years old). They mention difficulty dressing due to the lack of different sizes; they even limit sports practice. They suffered weightrelated body humiliation at school, in the family, or public (15/20). They perceived weight control in a dual way: weight loss was the primary stimulus for treatment, but its centrality in the consultations generated discomfort. The leading causes of therapeutic abandonment were the impossibility of temporarily sustaining the recommendations and the lack of weight loss. The treating team was willing to listen to the patients but needed to understand their daily experiences, physical, material, esthetic, social conditioning, beliefs,and perceptions. Conclusion. The adolescents included in this study perceived specific interventions of the healthcare team as beneficial, with empathic deficiencies
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Body Image/psychology , Empathy , Overweight/psychology , Overweight/therapy , Patient Care Team/organization & administration , Self Concept , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Pediatric Obesity/psychology , Pediatric Obesity/therapyABSTRACT
Background of the Study: Rapid changes mark the rst days and weeks after a baby enters the world, both for mother and newborn as well as for their family and support people. The maternal body beings its gradual return to the non-pregnant state with variations in duration, inuenced by, the choice of newborn feeding method, the woman's own unique physiology, the condition under which she is making the transition to motherhood and other factors. Stress is one of the body's responses to ever changing environment. To assess the level of stress among the mothers of lowObjective: birth weight baby in selected hospitals. Descriptive Survey design will be used. The duration of the study is oneMethodology: month. 100 mothers selected from hospitals by non probability purposive sampling technique. The checklist will be used to assess the level of stress among mothers. Validity and reliability of the tool will be determined with appropriate standardized methods. The ndings suggest that the level of stress among mothers of low birth weight babies admitted inExpected Result: hospitals may vary. Limitation The study is limited to level of stress mothers of low birth weight babies in selected hospitals . Conclusion: The study identies effective strategies and examines the variables like level of stress.
Introdução: O peso ao nascer e a idade gestacional influenciam a qualidade de vida das crianças e devem ser levados em consideração na avaliação de aspectos do desenvolvimento. Objetivo: verificar o desempenho em avaliação do vocabulário expressivo de crianças nascidas a termo e pequenas para a idade gestacional e compará-lo com crianças nascidas a termo e com peso adequado para a idade gestacional. Método: estudo transversal, do tipo analítico, com amostras por conveniência, não-pareada, aninhada a uma coorte. Avaliaram-se 36 crianças, entre quatro e sete anos, sendo 24 (66,7%) classificadas como pequenas para a idade gestacional e 12 (33%) adequadas para a idade gestacional. O vocabulário expressivo foi avaliado pelo teste de linguagem infantil ABFW. Os resultados foram avaliados por análise descritiva e analítica, utilizando o teste t não pareado, o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson e o teste exato de Fisher, com nível de significância p<0,05. Resultados: a média de designação do vocábulo usual foi inferior em todos os campos semânticos, exceto no campo conceitual vestuário. Identificaram-se, ainda, diferenças para meio de transporte (p=0,002) e formas/cores (p=0,011). A média de não designação foi acima ou igual em todos os campos conceituais, observando-se diferença significativa para alimentos (p= 0,019), móveis/ utensílios (p=0,020) e locais (p= 0,049). As médias do processo de substituição foram mais elevadas, na maioria dos campos semânticos, com diferença apenas para meio de transporte (p= 0,002).Conclusão: crianças pequenas para a idade gestacional nascidas a termo apresentaram desempenho abaixo do esperado nas provas de vocabulário expressivo quando comparadas com as crianças adequadas para a idade gestacional a termo. (AU)
Introduction: Birth weight and gestational age influence children's quality of life and must be taken into account when evaluating aspects of development. Purpose: verify the performance in evaluating the expressive vocabulary in children, born full-term and small for gestational age (SGA) and compare it with children born at term and with appropriate weight for gestational age(AGA). Method: cross-sectional study, typified as analytical, with convenience sampling, unpaired and nested to a cohort. A total of 36 children were evaluated, between four and seven years, 24 (66.7%) of whom were classified as SGA; and 12 (33%) as AGA. Expressive vocabulary was evaluated using the ABFW children's language test. The results were evaluated by means of descriptive and analytical analysis, using unpaired t test, Pearson's chi-square test and Fisher's exact test, with a significance level set at p<0.05. Results: the average of designation of the usual word was lower in all semantic fields, except in the conceptual field of clothing. Differences were also observed for transport facilities (p=0.002) and shapes and colors (p=0.011). The average of non-designation was above or equal in all conceptual fields, with a significant difference for food (p=0.019), furniture and utensils (p=0.020) and places (p=0.049). The averages of the substitution process were higher in most semantic fields, with a difference only for transport facilities (p=0.002). Conclusion: SGA children born full-term performed less than expected in expressive vocabulary tests when compared to AGA children. (AU)
Introducción: El peso al nacer y la edad gestacional influyen en la calidad de vida de los niños y deben tenerse en cuenta a la hora de evaluar aspectos del desarrollo. Objetivo: verificar el desempeño em la evaluación del vocabulario expresivo de niños nacidos a término y pequeños para la edad gestacional y compararlo con niños nacidos a término y con peso adecuado para la edad gestacional. Método: estudio transversal, analítico, por conveniencia, muestras no apareadas, anidadas dentro de una cohorte. Se evaluaron 36 niños, entre cuatro y siete años, 24 (66,7%) clasificados como pequeños para la edad gestacional y 12 (33%) apropiados para la edad gestacional. El vocabulario expresivo se evaluó mediante la prueba de lenguaje infantil ABFW. Los resultados fueron evaluados mediante análisis descriptivo y analítico. Resultados: la designación media de la palabra habitual fue inferior en todos los campos semánticos, excepto en el campo conceptual ropa. También se identificaron diferencias para el medio de transporte (p=0,002) y formas/colores (p=0,011). El promedio de no designaciones fue superior o igual en todos los campos conceptuales, observándose una diferencia significativa para alimentos (p= 0,019), muebles/utensilios (p=0,020) y lugares (p= 0,049). Las medias del proceso de sustitución fueron mayores en la mayoría de los campos semánticos, con diferencia sólo para los medios de transporte (p= 0,002). Conclusión: los niños nacidos a término que eran pequeños para la edad gestacional obtuvieron resultados inferiores a las expectativas en las pruebas de vocabulario expresivo en comparación con los niños aptos para la edad gestacional a término. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Vocabulary , Infant, Small for Gestational Age , Language Tests , Cross-Sectional Studies , Language DevelopmentABSTRACT
Background: Thorough documentation of morbidity and mortality is crucial for understanding health trends in very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates. Morbidity and mortality in VLBW neonates represent significant health issues, making it essential to identify associated risk factors. The perinatal and neonatal periods are critical in highlighting the health conditions of at-risk populations. This study aims to examine intricate patterns of morbidity and mortality among VLBW neonates. Methods: VLBW neonates admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, BKL Walawalkar Hospital, from November 2022 to May 2024 were examined. We collected comprehensive maternal information, such as age, birth locality, gestational age, and various risk factors. The study focused on demographic profiles, clinical variables, and outcomes. Results: Out of 203 VLBW neonates, 31% were appropriate for gestational age, 66% were small, and 6.4% were restricted Intrauterine growth. Common morbidities were respiratory distress syndrome (39.9%) followed by sepsis (25.6%). The majority of VLBW neonates were born of normal vaginal delivery (44.8%) with gestational age between 28-32 weeks (54.7%). A significant statistical association between gestational age and mortality outcomes was found(p-value=0.005) Conclusion: Respiratory distress syndrome is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in VLBW neonates. It is crucial to utilize surfactant therapy effectively and ensure timely transportation for neonates. To address these issues, it is essential to improve prenatal care, guarantee skilled attendance during childbirth, conduct regular screenings, implement infection control measures, and educate parents.
Background: An established strategy that has been demonstrated to be successful in lowering newborn morbidity and mortality among critically acutely malnourished Kangaroo mother care (KMC) refers to low-birth-weight babies. Methods: Fifty infants with severe malnutrition were randomly assigned to the KMC and non-KMC groups, with 25 infants in every category. The socio-demographic data, growth, physiological stability, and promotion of breastfeeding for both groups, vital signs, length of hospital stay, weight gain upon release, and RBS were tracked. Results: The majority (84%) of the infants were 1-3 months of age group, predominantly male babies (56%). The majority of the subject72% in KMC and 60% in non-KMC had breastfed. In non KMC group 96% of subjects had adequate development and 4% had inadequate development. There was no statistically significant change (p>0.05). Hospital stays in KMC and non-KMC groups were 14.60?4.69 and 19.96?4.84, respectively, whereas weight gain in KMC and non-KMC groups were 13.09?1.78 and 11.24?1.37, respectively. A statistically significant difference was observed (p<0.05). In both the KMC and non-KMC groups, heart rate and respiratory rate were not statistically significant. In both the KMC and non-KMC groups, the temperature and SpO2 were statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: Prolonged and early kangaroo mother care has been linked to improved growth in critically malnourished newborns, protection against hypothermia, and enhanced exclusive breastfeeding practice.
Background: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a common disorder in which the birth weight is less than 10th percentile. This ongoing challenging fetal adverse condition leads to postnatal morbidities and fetal mortality. Methods: Forty postnatal women with newborns weighing less than the 10th percentile for gestational age (GA) were recruited as cases in this case-control research, and forty postnatal women whose neonatal weight was within the GA were recruited as controls. A thorough history of medical, obstetric, and maternal Sociodemographic factors was recorded and compared. Results: Most mothers (46.3%) were 21-30 with a mean±SD of 24.83±4.09 years. Most of them (78.8%) belonged to the lower middle class; there was significantly poor weight gain during pregnancy among cases (80%) as compared to among controls (60%). Anemia, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, previous history of abortion, or IUGR were significantly associated with fetal growth retardation (p<0.05). Conclusion: Low socioeconomic level, low gestational weight gain, anemia, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, and previous history of abortion are potent risk factors for IUGR. Therefore, proper screening of these risk factors is essential to improve neonatal health.
Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic condition where obesity plays a key role. Metformin is commonly used to manage T2DM, with benefits in both glycemic control and weight management. This systematic review and meta-analysis update the evidence on metformin’s impact on weight loss and glycemic control in T2DM patients. Objective: To assess metformin’s efficacy in reducing body weight and improving glycemic control in T2DM patients by synthesizing recent studies. Methods: Following PRISMA guidelines, relevant studies were identified in PubMed, EMBASE, and clinicaltrials.gov. Fourteen randomized controlled trials and cohort studies, involving 11,686 T2DM patients, were analyzed using RevMan 5.4 software. Results: Metformin led to a modest but significant reduction in body weight (Mean difference = 0.16; 95% CI: 0.69 to 1.02, p<0.00001) and significantly lowered glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels. Despite some study heterogeneity, the risk of bias was minimal. Conclusions: Metformin is effective in modest weight reduction and significant glycemic control in T2DM patients, supporting its use as first-line therapy, especially for those who are overweight or obese.
Background: With the rapid advancement of machine learning technology, there is a growing interest in integrating it into IoT systems for enhanced functionality. In this study, we propose a SMART Weight Machine system designed to detect, weigh, and price various objects using machine learning techniques. Methods: Our system utilizes TensorFlow, a machine learning framework, in conjunction with Raspberry Pi for object recognition. Image processing is performed locally on the Raspberry Pi for efficient detection. The system also incorporates MySQL for database management and a WebApp developed using PHP and Laravel for the user interface. Results: Through our implementation, we achieved significant improvements in speed and accuracy. TensorFlow's compatibility with microcontroller devices like Raspberry Pi enabled swift processing, resulting in a 96% accuracy rate for object detection during our evaluation. Conclusions: The SMART Weight Machine system demonstrates promising potential for real-world applications. Moving forward, rigorous testing and quality assurance will be conducted to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the system during the development phase.
Background: Low birth weight is a substantial global health issue with significant consequences to the newborn, family and society. It affects nearly 25 million births worldwide.Methods: This was a prospective study. Total 100 patients included in this study. This study conducted for 6 months. at tertiary health care center.Results: Maternal variables like anemia, hypertension, lack of proper antenatal care and lower socioeconomic status significantly influenced low birth weight in newborns. Clinical intervention such as iron supplementation and proper maternal nutrition, timely management of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and creating public awareness regarding the importance of antenatal care have shown to impact neonatal outcomes positively.Conclusions: Low birth weight is one of the leading causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality and hence it should be managed in a tertiary health care center with trained obstetricians and with facility of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
Abstract Objective: To study the association between placental efficiency with anthropometry and nutritional phenotypes in full-term newborns from a birth cohort. Method: This was a secondary cross-sectional analysis of data obtained in a cohort study (Brazilian RibeirãoPreto and São Luís Birth Cohort Studies - BRISA), whose deliveries were performed between 2010 and 2011. Standardized questionnaires were applied to mothers, and placentas and newborns were evaluated shortly after delivery. Placental efficiency was assessed using the ratio between birth weight and placental weight (BW/PW ratio); values below the lower quartile (25th percentile for gestational age) were considered to have low placental efficiency. Newborn phenotypes were small and large for gestational age, stunted and wasted, evaluated using the INTERGROWTH-21 growth standard. To identify the confounding variables theoretical model was constructed using Directed Acyclic Graphs, and unadjusted and adjusted logistic regression were performed. Placental measurements were obtained blindly from pregnancy and delivery data. Results: 723 mother-placenta-child triads were studied. 3.2 % of newborns were small-for-gestational-age (SGA), 6.5 %large-for-gestational-age (LGA), 5.7 %had stunting, and 0.27 % wasting. A significantly higher risk was found between low placental efficiency and SGA (OR 2.82;95 % CI 1.05-7.57), stunting (OR 2.23; 95 % CI 1.07-4.65), and wasting (OR 8.22; 95 % CI 1.96-34.37). No relationship was found between LGA and placental efficiency. Conclusions: Low placental efficiency was associated with increased risk for small-for-gestational-age, stunting, and wasting. Placental morphometry can provide valuable information on intrauterine conditions and neonatal health, helping to identify newborns at higher risk of future comorbidities.
Background: In this study, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy results for pediatric and adolescent patients with morbid obesity over a 4-year period at Maternal and Children Hospital in Abha, kingdom of Saudi Arabia were reported. Methods: A study reviewed data on 15-year-old or younger Patients who underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy to manage morbid obesity. Demographics, clinical characteristics, complications, BMI, and symptom resolution were collected from medical records from 2017-2020. Data was obtained from patients' medical records. Results: Our study showed Postoperative complications occurred in one patient (2.6%), and gallbladder stones were observed in three patients (7.9%), while gastritis was reported in two patients (5.3%). The BMI changes at 6, 12, and 24 months were -7.49, -14.00, and -20.20 kg/m2, respectively, and the percentage changes in BMI were -16%, -30.69%, and -44.28%. The resolution of symptoms and comorbid diseases was 100% for respiratory symptoms and obstructive sleep apnea, 71.4% for musculoskeletal symptoms, 50% for bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus, and 25% for hypothyroidism. Conclusions: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a safe and effective method for treating morbidly obese children and adolescents. It achieves considerable weight loss and comorbidity resolution with a low risk of consequences.
The incidence of Candida utilis septicaemia is on the rise, particularly among immunocompromised neonates in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). This case series presents three neonates admitted to the NICU, each with distinct clinical presentations. Methodologically, blood samples underwent comprehensive analysis, combining conventional microbiological techniques with automated systems for identi?cation and antifungal susceptibility testing. Results revealed Candida utilis as the causative agent, sensitive to multiple antifungal agents. Discussion highlights the signi?cance of accurate species identi?cation for effective treatment, particularly in the face of emerging antifungal resistance. The discussion also underscores the importance of surveillance for uncommon fungal pathogens to enhance management strategies and improve outcomes in NICU settings. This case series underscores the necessity of vigilant monitoring and targeted management to combat non-albicans candidiasis in vulnerable neonatal populations.
The global burden of disease caused by particulate matter exposure has increased significantly. Increasing epidemiological evidence indicates that ambient particulate matter pollution is associated with unfavorable health outcomes, including adverse birth outcomes. In addition to several determinants studies have correlated birth weight with prenatal exposure to particulate matter. This review aims to examine the relationship of pollutants with low birth weight. A systematic literature search was performed using PubMed and Google Scholar electronic databases. A total of 96 studies were reviewed and 18 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. In India exposure to ambient PM2.5 is strongly associated with low birth-weight. In Thailand, the entire pregnancy exposure was associated with reduced birth weight both for PM10 and biomass burning. The multiple GAM model have shown a direct and significant relationship between exposure to PM10 and SO2 on low birth weight. A 10 ?g/m3 increase in gap-filled satellite-based whole-pregnancy PM2.5 exposures was associated with a change in birth weight. The critical window period for exposure varied between the geographical locations. All of this research is subjected to several limitations regarding the assessment of outcome-exposure. We demonstrated that, maternal exposure to particulate matter during the pregnancy could increase the risk of low birth weight, and the critical window period differed for geographical locations. These findings expand our knowledge of the harmful effects of PM2.5 and biomass burning on new-born weight. Therefore, pregnant women should be informed about the negative consequences of air pollution and avoid exposure to polluted air during pregnancy.
Background: Children face the greatest risk of disease and death in their first 28 days. Improvements in basic neonatal care such as thermoregulation and breastfeeding have substantially reduced neonatal mortality and morbidity. There is still a need to strengthen the provision of advanced care for neonates. Identifying factors impacting neonatal mortality and morbidity and addressing them through a package of evidence-based interventions are essential to avoiding preventable deaths. Methods: The current study analyses data from a cross-sectional study in the rural outreach area of a tertiary hospital in Hyderabad, India to assess clinical and socio-demographic factors affecting neonatal morbidity. One hundred and fifty neonates admitted in neonatal intensive care unit and their mothers were included. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain responses through face-to-face interview. Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed using R Statistical Software (version 4.3.2). Results: Among the 150 neonates, 99 (66%) neonates were admitted for respiratory distress. 39 (26%) males were low birth weight and 28 (18.67%) females were low birth weight. There was no significant association between low birth weight, high risk pregnancy and gender of the neonate. A significant association was obtained between low socio-economic status and low birth weight. Conclusions: Neonatal mortality and morbidity can be attributed to several factors including neonatal characteristics, maternal characteristics, health infrastructure and health manpower. However, prevalence of socio-demographic risk factors affecting neonates is disproportionately higher in low- and middle-income countries. A multi-pronged approach is required to address the multimodal causation of low birth weight and morbidity in neonates.
Background: The study assessed the effect of the patient's weight on hemodynamic variables after intrathecal administration of a fixed dose of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study included 200 patients in tertiary health care. All patients were monitored for 1 hour to assess blood pressure and heart rate. Systolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure and heart rate were recorded at the following periods: preoperatively, just after giving a supine position following SAB, after 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, and 1 hour and observations were recorded on a pre-structured proforma. Results: The effect of weight was clinically and statistically significant with p value<0.05 after intrathecal administration of the fixed dose of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine. However, the height impact is clinically essential but statistically non-significant with a p-value>0.05. Conclusion: From the observations, results, and statistical analysis of this study, we concluded that patients with higher weight achieve more blood pressure falls than thin patients after administering a fixed dose of intrathecal bupivacaine 0.5%, 3 ml.