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Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 13(3): e408, dic.2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1584753


La investigación trata de una serie de casos realizados de manera prospectiva y observacional, para establecer la eficacia del uso de fluorescencia con verde de indocianina intravesicular en 15 pacientes sometidos a colecistectomía laparoscópica en la Catedra de Clínica y Terapéutica Quirúrgica A, servicio de cirugía I del hospital universitario de Caracas entre junio y agosto de 2024. A todos los pacientes se les administró 2,5 mg de verde de indocianina, la ampolla de verde de indocianina Aldagor® de 25mg fue diluida en 10 ml de solución salina fisiológica, por vía intravesicular con una aguja espinal 25G utilizando torre laparoscópica OptoMedic® FloNavi 214k. La técnica se aplicó de forma estandarizada en todos los casos, antes de la disección del triángulo de Calot. Resultados: La Fluorescencia se logró en la totalidadde los casos, en el fondo y cuerpo vesicular posterior a la infiltración del verde de indocianina intravesicular la fluorescencia fue a los 2.4 minutos, el tiempo de fluorescencia en el conducto cístico fue una media de 3.8 minutos y el tiempo de fluorescencia del colédoco fue una media 5.67 minutos. Conclusión: Esta técnica proporciona una visibilidad superior de la anatomía biliar en tiempo real, lo que reduce significativamente el riesgo de lesiones iatrogénicas y mejora la precisión quirúrgica, especialmente en aquellos casos más complejos donde la identificación exacta de las estructuras anatómicas es crucial para evitar complicaciones graves.

This research deals with a series of cases performed prospectively and observationally, to establish the efficacy of the use of intra gallbladder indocyanine green fluorescence in 15 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy at the Chair of Clinical and Surgical Therapeutics A, Surgery Service I of the University Hospital of Caracas between June and August 2024. All patients were administered 2.5 mg of indocyanine green, the 25mg ampoule of indocyanine green Aldagor® was diluted in 10 mlof physiological saline solution, intravesicularly with a 25G spinal needle using an OptoMedic® FloNavi 214k laparoscopic tower. The technique was applied in a standardized way in all cases, before dissection of Calot's triangle.Results: Fluorescence was achieved in all cases, in the fundus and body of the gallbladder after intravesicular indocyanine green infiltration, fluorescence occurred at 2.4 minutes, the fluorescence time in the cystic duct was a mean of 3.8 minutes, and the fluorescence time in thecommon bile duct was a mean of 5.67 minutes. Conclusion: This technique provides superior visibility of the biliary anatomy in real time, which significantly reduces the risk of iatrogenic injury and improves surgical precision, especially in more complexcases where accurate identification of anatomical structures is crucial to avoid serious complications.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/methods , Indocyanine Green/pharmacology , General Surgery , Cholecystitis/surgery , Prospective Studies , Blister/surgery , Common Bile Duct , Fluorescence
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 39(3): 267-273, July-Sept. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583554


Abstract Introduction: Acute cholecystitis is one of the most common complications of cholelithiasis. In Colombia, there are no studies on its prevalence or the sociodemographic characteristics of the affected population. Objectives: To establish the prevalence of acute cholecystitis in Colombia and describe the associated sociodemographic characteristics. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using data from the individual service provision records (RIPS) from 2018 to 2022. Results: A total of 343,254 cases of acute cholecystitis were identified in Colombia, with a prevalence of 681 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and a female-to-male ratio of 2.3:1. The highest number of reported cases was in the 34 to 39-year age group. The departments with the most cases are located in the southeast of the country, including Nariño, Valle del Cauca, Caquetá, and Tolima. Conclusion: This study presents epidemiological and sociodemographic information on acute cholecystitis in Colombia. There are few epidemiological studies on this disease in Latin America, however, the prevalence found is similar to that reported in countries like the United States.

Resumen Introducción: La colecistitis aguda es una de las complicaciones más frecuentes de la colelitiasis. En Colombia no existen estudios sobre su prevalencia, ni sobre las características sociodemográficas de la población afectada. Objetivos: Establecer la prevalencia de la colecistitis aguda en Colombia y describir las características sociodemográficas asociadas. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en el que se tomaron datos de los registros individuales de prestación de servicios (RIPS) del periodo 2018 a 2022. Resultados: Se identificaron 343.254 casos de colecistitis aguda en Colombia para una prevalencia de 681 casos por cada 100.000 habitantes con una relación mujer:hombre de 2,3:1. La mayor cantidad de casos reportados fue en el quinquenio de 34 a 39 años. Los departamentos con mayor cantidad de casos se ubican en el sureste del país y son Nariño, Valle del Cauca, Caquetá y Tolima. Conclusión: Se presenta información epidemiológica y sociodemográfica de la colecistitis aguda en Colombia. Existen pocos estudios epidemiológicos de esta enfermedad en Latinoamérica; sin embargo, se encontró una prevalencia similar a la reportada en países como Estados Unidos.

Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 39(3): 274-280, July-Sept. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583555


Abstract Introduction: Acute cholecystitis is one of the most common complications of cholelithiasis. In Colombia, there are no studies on its prevalence or the sociodemographic characteristics of the affected population. Objectives: To establish the prevalence of acute cholecystitis in Colombia and describe the associated sociodemographic characteristics. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using data from the individual service provision records (RIPS) from 2018 to 2022. Results: A total of 343,254 cases of acute cholecystitis were identified in Colombia, with a prevalence of 681 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and a female-to-male ratio of 2.3:1. The highest number of reported cases was in the 34 to 39-year age group. The departments with the most cases are located in the southeast of the country, including Nariño, Valle del Cauca, Caquetá, and Tolima. Conclusion: This study presents epidemiological and sociodemographic information on acute cholecystitis in Colombia. There are few epidemiological studies on this disease in Latin America, however, the prevalence found is similar to that reported in countries like the United States.

Resumen Introducción: La calidad de la colonoscopia es un factor determinante en los desenlaces clínicos y depende en gran medida de la limpieza intestinal lograda con una adecuada preparación. El tipo de agente, la adherencia y tolerabilidad son factores que pueden influenciar la calidad de la limpieza y, por ende, los resultados del procedimiento. Con este estudio se busca evaluar cuáles son los motivos que determinan la escogencia del agente para la preparación y su impacto en la calidad de la colonoscopia. Metodología: Estudio observacional de corte transversal con una muestra de 530 pacientes. Agentes evaluados: polietilenglicol (PEG), picosulfato de sodio y sulfato de sodio-potasio-magnesio (sulfato de Na-K-Mg), con sus esquemas de dosis continua y dividida, según el caso. Los motivos para la selección y la tolerabilidad se evaluaron por medio de una encuesta. La limpieza intestinal fue determinada por el endoscopista mediante la escala de Boston. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 52,7 años (± 13,4), 60% fueron mujeres. El agente más elegido fue PEG (81,9 %) en el esquema de dosis completa (74,5%). El principal factor determinante fue la disponibilidad del fármaco, con un 42,6%. Se presentaron síntomas indeseables en el 62,6% de los pacientes; sin embargo, el 99,4% lograron una preparación adecuada (Boston ≥6). Conclusión: El principal factor relacionado con la selección del agente para la preparación intestinal es la disponibilidad. La tolerabilidad objetiva no condiciona diferencias relevantes en la calidad de la limpieza ni el éxito del procedimiento.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(2)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583717


Introducción: En pacientes con hepatitis viral aguda tipo A, la colestasis es intrahepática y las manifestaciones extrahepáticas son infrecuentes. Objetivo: Presentar un paciente con hepatitis viral aguda tipo A colestásica, con manifestaciones extrahepáticas y complicaciones neurológicas, poco frecuentes. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 21 años de edad, sin antecedentes epidemiológicos de interés, que ingresó por un cuadro de dolor abdominal agudo en hipocondrio derecho, vómitos e ictericia obstructiva. Los resultados iniciales de exámenes hemoquímicos e imagenológicos sugerían una colecistitis aguda. En la evolución clínica se sospechó litiasis coledociana. Presentó un cuadro neurológico no encefalopático, que resultó mielinolisis central pontina, confirmada por resonancia magnética nuclear. Se realizó colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica, que descartó causa obstructiva en las vías biliares. Con los resultados de los marcadores virales para virus de hepatitis A, B y C, se diagnosticó hepatitis viral aguda tipo A (con presentación colestásica). Se trató con ácido ursodesoxicólico, hubo respuesta favorable al tratamiento y evolución clínica hacia la convalecencia. Conclusiones: La hepatitis viral aguda tipo A colestásica, es infrecuente que se presente con manifestaciones extrahepáticas, como la colecistitis aguda y complicaciones neurológicas no relacionadas con las alteraciones hepáticas.

Introduction: In patients with acute viral hepatitis A, cholestasis is intrahepatic and extrahepatic manifestations are infrequent. Objective: To present a patient with acute viral hepatitis A with extrahepatic manifestations, and rare neurological complications. Clinical case: A 21-year-old male patient with no epidemiological history of interest was admitted with acute abdominal pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting and obstructive icterus. Initial results of hemochemical and imaging examinations suggested acute cholecystitis. Choledochal lithiasis was suspected in his clinical evolution. The patient presented with non-encephalopathic neurological symptoms, which resulted in pontine central myelinolysis, confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography was performed, which excluded an obstructive cause in the bile ducts. With the results of the viral markers for hepatitis A, B and C viruses, acute viral hepatitis type A (with cholestatic presentation) was diagnosed. The patient was treated with ursodeoxycholic acid with a favorable response to treatment and clinical evolution towards convalescence. Conclusions: Cholestatic acute viral hepatitis A may present with infrequent extrahepatic manifestations, such as acute alithiasic cholecystitis and neurological complications unrelated to liver disorders.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-242207


Background: The development of new diagnostic imaging techniques has not eliminated the challenge of diagnosing right upper quadrant pain in some patients. This challenge persists for both clinicians and radiologists. To study the role of ultrasonography in diagnosing biliary tract diseases. Methods: This study included patients suspected of having biliary tract diseases who were admitted to the surgical wards of Shri Jagannath Medical College and Hospital, Puri, between August 2021 and July 2023. Results: Among the 104 patients in this study, 36 (34.6%) were diagnosed with acute cholecystitis through surgery and pathological examination. Ultrasonography identified acute cholecystitis in 44 patients. Of these, there were 34 true-positive diagnoses, 10 false-positive diagnoses (8 interpreted as chronic cholecystitis and 2 others), and 2 false-negative diagnoses. Maximal focal tenderness was located over the gallbladder fossa in 34 of the 36 patients with surgically and pathologically confirmed acute cholecystitis. Conclusion: Due to its advantages of being inexpensive, non-invasive, and time-saving (particularly for critically ill patients), along with its high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, ultrasound has become the primary modality for investigating and managing biliary tract diseases.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236219


Amyloidosis is a rare disease involving the deposition of organised insoluble proteins in various body viscera, with the disease further classified into different subtypes. In exceedingly rare cases the literature has reported the presence of amyloid deposition in the gallbladder. We described the first documented case of wild-type transthyretin systemic amyloidosis involving the gallbladder, occurring in a 91-year-old female who presented with acute cholecystitis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236082


Background: Acute cholecystitis patients undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) within 72 hours or 6 weeks to 12 weeks after onset is widely considered the optimal timings for LC. However, there has been no clear consensus about it. We aimed to determine safe technique of LC for acute cholecystitis within 72 hours or any time of presentation with no delay in surgery. Methods: Medical records of 100 patients who underwent standard LC were reviewed retrospectively. Patients were divided into group 1, patients undergoing LC within 72 hours of onset; group 2, between 4 days to 14 days; group3, between 3 weeks to 6 weeks; group 4, more than 6 weeks. Results: No significant differences existed between groups in conversion rate to open surgery, operation time, blood loss, or postoperative morbidity, and hospital stay. However, total hospital stays in groups 1 and 2 was significantly shorter than that in groups 3 and 4 (p<0.01). In addition, the total hospital stay in group 3 was also significantly shorter than that in group 4 (p<0.01). Conclusions: Best timing of LC for acute cholecystitis may be within 72 hours, and there is no need to delay LC in patients presenting after 72 hours and with safe technique of dissecting at infundibulum retrieval of stones and cystic duct stump closure with catgut loop there is no significant difference observed retrospectively.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 289-292, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020204


Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of CT-guided percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage(PTGBD)in treatment of high-risk acute cholecystitis(AC)patients.Methods CT-guided PTGBD was performed in 29 patients with high-risk AC.The therapeutic results were evaluated by comparing the preoperation and postoperation clinical manifestations and laboratory results.Results The implantation of PTGBD catheter was successfully accomplished with single procedure in all patients.Complica-tions occurred in 2 cases,including abdominal pain in 1 case and a small amount of gallbladder bleeding in 1 case,and the incidence of complications was 6.9%.Compared with preoperation,the pain number rating scale(NRS)score,temperature(T),white blood cell count(WBC),C-reactive protein(CRP),total bilirubin(TBIL),alanine aminotransferase(ALT)and aspartate aminotransferase(AST)were significantly decreased 3 days after PTGBD(P<0.001).Except for 1 case of choledocholithiasis with continuous abdominal pain after PTGBD,the postoperation symptoms of the other patients were significantly relieved.Followed up for 3 months,2 cases of calculous AC recurred after PTGBD,and the recurrence rate of cholecystitis was 25.0%.Conclusion For high-risk AC,the CT-guided PTGBD is a safe and effective treatment method,and it can remarkably relieve the clinical symptoms.Patients with calculous AC have higher risk of recurrence and might benefit from definitive cholecystectomy.

Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 64(2): 36-43, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537887


OBJETIVO: determinar la microbiología y la prevalencia de cultivos de bilis positivos en la Colecistitis Aguda (CA). METODOLOGÍA DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN: serie de casos consecutivos anidados en una cohorte RESULTADOS: se han incluido 196 pacientes con un promedio de edad de 46,5 años (DE± 14,735 años) distribuidos por género en 88 pacientes del género femenino (44,9%) y 108 del género masculino (55,1%). El promedio de leucocitosis fue de 10.000 x mm3 con desvío izquierdo (80% de segmentados promedio). La prevalencia de cultivos positivos durante la CA fue de 64 pacientes (32,65%). El germen más cultivado fue la E. Coli en 28 pacientes con (43,75 %). En la sensibilidad del antibiograma, amoxicilina y Acido clavulánico presenta 53,12% de resistencia cuando están asociadas y 25,56% cuando se usa amoxicilina sola. La amikacina, ceftriaxona, cefepime, imipemen, cloranfenicol, ciprofloxacina, cotrimoxazol y gentamicina tienen sensibilidad superior al 50%. En las formas edematosas el cultivo fue de 19,7%, hidrops vesicular 31,25%, en piocolecisto el porcentaje de cultivos positivos fue de 50% y en abscesos retrovesiculares fue de 79,16%. CONCLUSIONES: la prevalencia de cultivo positivo en CA es de 32,65% con la E. Coli como germen más frecuente. La elección del antibiótico debe estar basada en el conocimiento de la microbiología del Hospital y de la sensibilidad determinada por los cultivos y antibiograma

AIM: to determine the microbiology and prevalence of positive bile culture un acute Cholecystitis. RESEARCH METODOLOGY: Consecutive case series nested in a cohort RESULTS: 196 patients with a mean age of 46,5 años (DE± 14,735 años) were included, distributed by gender 88 female patients (44,9%) and 108 male patients (55,1%). The mean leukocytosis was 10.000 x mm3 with 80% of neutrophils. The prevalence of positive bile culture in AC was in 64 patients (32,65%). The most cultivated germ was E. Coli in 28 patients (43,75 %). In the sensitivity of the antibiogram amoxilin with clavulanic acid shows 53,12% of resistence and when is used amoxicillin alone is 25,56%. Amikacin, ceftriaxon, cefepim, imipemen, chloranphenicol, ciprofloxacin, cotrimoxazole and gentamicin have sensitivity greater to 50%. In edematous AC the positive culture was 19,7%, hydrops gallblader 31,25%, in piocolecyst 50% and in retro gallbalder abscess was 79,16%. CONCLUSIONS: the prevalence positive bile culture was 32,65% with E. Coli as the most frequent germ. The choice of antibiotic should be based on the knowledge of the hospital´s microbiology and the sensitivity determinated by cultures and antibiogram

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Cholecystitis, Acute/microbiology , Abscess
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236058


Acute cholecystitis occurs in 1 to 2% of patients with gallstones, with 2 to 20% progressing to gangrenous cholecystitis (GC). Within the realm of acute cholecystitis, GC presents itself as a formidable challenge, with a higher mortality rate (15 to 50%) compared to uncomplicated cholecystitis (3%) and elusive preoperative diagnosis. Traditionally observed among the elderly population burdened by comorbidities, GC's emergence in younger patients with no apparent risk factors sets the stage for intriguing exploration. Our case report involves a healthy young adult male on fluoxetine and amphetamines, introducing the potential of medication-induced ischemia leading to the development of GC.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(4): 666-676, 20230906. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509790


Introducción. La colecistectomía laparoscópica es el estándar de oro para el manejo de la patología de la vesícula biliar con indicación quirúrgica. Durante su ejecución existe un grupo de pacientes que podrían requerir conversión a técnica abierta. Este estudio evaluó factores perioperatorios asociados a la conversión en la Clínica Central OHL en Montería, Colombia. Métodos. Estudio observacional analítico de casos y controles anidado a una cohorte retrospectiva entre 2018 y 2021, en una relación de 1:3 casos/controles, nivel de confianza 95 % y una potencia del 90 %. Se caracterizó la población de estudio y se evaluaron las asociaciones según la naturaleza de las variables, luego por análisis bivariado y multivariado se estimaron los OR, con sus IC95%, considerando significativo un valor de p<0,05, controlando variables de confusión. Resultados. El estudio incluyó 332 pacientes, 83 casos y 249 controles, mostrando en el modelo multivariado que las variables más fuertemente asociadas con la conversión fueron: la experiencia del cirujano (p=0,001), la obesidad (p=0,036), engrosamiento de la pared de la vesícula biliar en la ecografía (p=0,011) y un mayor puntaje en la clasificación de Parkland (p<0,001). Conclusión. La identificación temprana y análisis individual de los factores perioperatorios de riesgo a conversión en la planeación de la colecistectomía laparoscópica podría definir qué pacientes se encuentran expuestos y cuáles podrían beneficiarse de un abordaje mínimamente invasivo, en búsqueda de toma de decisiones adecuadas, seguras y costo-efectivas

Introduction. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the gold standard for the management of gallbladder pathology with surgical indication. During its execution, there is a group of patients who may require conversion to the open technique. This study evaluated perioperative factors associated with conversion at the OHL Central Clinic in Montería, Colombia. Methods. Observational analytical case-control study nested in a retrospective cohort between 2018 and 2021, in a 1:3 case/control ratio, 95% confidence level and 90% power. The study population was characterized and the associations were evaluated according to the nature of the variables, then the OR were estimated by bivariate and multivariate analysis, with their 95% CI, considering a value of p<0.05 significant, controlling for confounding variables. Results. The study included 332 patients, 83 cases and 249 controls, showing in the multivariate model that the variables most strongly associated with conversion were: the surgeon's experience (p=0.001), obesity (p=0.036), gallbladder wall thickening on ultrasonography (p=0.011), and a higher score in the Parkland classification (p<0.001). Conclusions. Early identification and individual analysis of the perioperative risk factors for conversion in the planning of laparoscopic cholecystectomy could define which patients are exposed, and which could benefit from a minimally invasive approach, in search of making safe, cost-effective, and appropriate decisions

Humans , Cholelithiasis , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic , Conversion to Open Surgery , Postoperative Complications , Risk Factors , Cholecystitis, Acute
Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 474-482, Mayo 8, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438425


Introducción. En pacientes con diagnóstico de colecistitis aguda tratados con colecistostomía, el tiempo óptimo de duración de la terapia antibiótica es desconocido. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar los resultados clínicos en pacientes con diagnóstico de colecistitis aguda manejados inicialmente con colecistostomía y que recibieron cursos cortos de antibióticos (7 días o menos) versus cursos largos (más de 7 días). Métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de cohorte observacional, retrospectivo, que incluyó pacientes con diagnóstico de colecistitis aguda manejados con colecistostomía, que recibieron tratamiento antibiótico. Se hizo un análisis univariado y de regresión logística para evaluar la asociación de variables clínicas con la duración del tratamiento antibiótico. El desenlace primario por evaluar fue la mortalidad a 30 días. Resultados. Se incluyeron 72 pacientes. El 25 % (n=18) recibieron terapia antibiótica por 7 días o menos y el 75 % (n=54) recibieron más de 7 días. No hubo diferencias significativas en la mortalidad a 30 días entre los dos grupos ni en las demás variables estudiadas. La duración de la antibioticoterapia no influyó en la mortalidad a 30 días (OR 0,956; IC95% 0,797 - 1,146). Conclusión. No hay diferencias significativas en los desenlaces clínicos de los pacientes con colecistitis aguda que son sometidos a colecistostomía y que reciben cursos cortos de antibióticos en comparación con cursos largos

Introduction.In patients with acute cholecystitis who receive treatment with cholecystostomy, the optimal duration of antibiotic therapy is unknown. The objective of this study is to compare short courses of antibiotics (7 days or less) with long courses (more than 7 days) in this population. Methods. We performed a retrospective observational cohort study which included patients diagnosed with acute cholecystitis, who received antibiotic therapy and were taken to cholecystostomy. Univariate analysis and logistic regression were performed to evaluate the association between clinical variables and the duration. The main outcome evaluated was 30-day mortality. Results. Seventy-two patients were included, 25% (n=18) were given 7 or fewer days of antibiotics while 75% (n=54) were given them for more than 7 days. Demographic data between both groups were similar (age, severity of cholecystitis, comorbidities). There were no significant differences in 30-day mortality between both groups. Antibiotic duration did not influence mortality at 30 days (OR 0.956, 95% CI 0.797 - 1.146). Conclusion. There are no significant differences in the clinical outcomes of patients with acute cholecystitis who undergo cholecystostomy and receive short courses of antibiotics compared to long courses

Humans , Cholecystostomy , Cholecystitis, Acute , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Cholelithiasis , Acalculous Cholecystitis , Gallbladder
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235769


Background: Acute cholecystitis is a common surgical problem and was usually treated with conservative management followed by surgery after an interval of 6/8 weeks. The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of immediate with delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Methods: Randomized controlled trial in RRMCH from January 2019 to June 2019 was conducted on patients diagnosed to have acute cholecystitis. The 25 patients underwent immediate laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 24-72 hours of admission and 25 patients underwent DLC. Results: In the early surgery group intraoperative complications noted were adhesions, bleeding, GB perforation and bile duct injury. Although the percentage of complications was high in delayed group no statistical significance could be derived between the groups Conclusions: Early laparoscopic cholecystectomy (ELC) surgery had similar intra and postoperative complications compared to delayed surgery in acute cholecystitis but was associated with a shorter surgery and lesser stay in hospital.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232914


Background: Acute inflammation of a gall bladder that contains stones is acute calculous cholecystitis, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is now the gold standard treatment for patients with gall stone disease. laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis was initially considered technically challenging and potentially risky for the patient. Aim was to evaluate results of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients presenting with acute cholecystitis at different duration in a tertiary centre in eastern India. Methods: Comparative study of 71 cases of acute cholecystitis who presented at different days and were treated by laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Outcome was compared. Results: The incidence of conversion to open was 12.6%. Day of presentation 5 to 7 had the maximum 21% risk of conversion. Major intraoperative complications included 4 cases of common bile duct injury, 4 cases of vascular injury and 3 cases of bowel injury out of which vascular injury and one case of bowel injury was managed laparoscopically. 9 cases converted to open surgery. patient with DOP 1, 2 and 3 had an average hospital stays of 3 days. It was 5 for those with DOP 4 and 7 days for patients with DOP 5 to 7. Conclusions: The study supports laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute cholecystitis specially in patients presenting within 72 hours of onset of pain. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be attempted in patients who present at DOP 4 and DOP 5 to7 after explaining them the risk and benefit of the procedure to the patient. Conversion to open surgery should not be stigmatized.

ABCD (São Paulo, Online) ; 36: e1749, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513505


ABSTRACT Acute cholecystitis (AC) is an acute inflammatory process of the gallbladder that may be associated with potentially severe complications, such as empyema, gangrene, perforation of the gallbladder, and sepsis. The gold standard treatment for AC is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. However, for a small group of AC patients, the risk of laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be very high, mainly in the elderly with associated severe diseases. In these critically ill patients, percutaneous cholecystostomy or endoscopic ultrasound gallbladder drainage may be a temporary therapeutic option, a bridge to cholecystectomy. The objective of this Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery Position Paper is to present new advances in AC treatment in high-risk surgical patients to help surgeons, endoscopists, and physicians select the best treatment for their patients. The effectiveness, safety, advantages, disadvantages, and outcomes of each procedure are discussed. The main conclusions are: a) AC patients with elevated surgical risk must be preferably treated in tertiary hospitals where surgical, radiological, and endoscopic expertise and resources are available; b) The optimal treatment modality for high-surgical-risk patients should be individualized based on clinical conditions and available expertise; c) Laparoscopic cholecystectomy remains an excellent option of treatment, mainly in hospitals in which percutaneous or endoscopic gallbladder drainage is not available; d) Percutaneous cholecystostomy and endoscopic gallbladder drainage should be performed only in well-equipped hospitals with experienced interventional radiologist and/or endoscopist; e) Cholecystostomy catheter should be removed after resolution of AC. However, in patients who have no clinical condition to undergo cholecystectomy, the catheter may be maintained for a prolonged period or even definitively; f) If the cholecystostomy catheter is maintained for a long period of time several complications may occur, such as bleeding, bile leakage, obstruction, pain at the insertion site, accidental removal of the catheter, and recurrent AC; g) The ideal waiting time between cholecystostomy and cholecystectomy has not yet been established and ranges from immediately after clinical improvement to months. h) Long waiting periods between cholecystostomy and cholecystectomy may be associated with new episodes of acute cholecystitis, multiple hospital readmissions, and increased costs. Finally, when selecting the best treatment option other aspects should also be considered, such as costs, procedures available at the medical center, and the patient's desire. The patient and his family should be fully informed about all treatment options, so they can help making the final decision.

RESUMO A colecistite aguda (CA) é um processo inflamatório agudo da vesícula biliar que pode estar associado a complicações potencialmente graves, como empiema, gangrena, perfuração da vesícula biliar e sepse. O tratamento padrão para a CA é a colecistectomia laparoscópica. No entanto, para um pequeno grupo de pacientes com CA, o risco de colecistectomia laparoscópica pode ser muito alto, principalmente em idosos com doenças graves associadas. Nestes pacientes críticos, a colecistectomia percutânea ou a drenagem endoscópica da vesícula biliar guiada por ultrassom podem ser uma opção terapêutica temporária, como ponte para a colecistectomia. O objetivo deste artigo de posicionamento do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgia Digestiva é apresentar novos avanços no tratamento da CA em pacientes cirúrgicos de alto risco, para auxiliar cirurgiões, endoscopistas e clínicos a selecionar o melhor tratamento para os seus pacientes. A eficácia, segurança, vantagens, desvantagens e resultados de cada procedimento são discutidos. As principais conclusões são: a) Pacientes com CA e risco cirúrgico elevado devem ser tratados preferencialmente em hospitais terciários onde a experiência e os recursos cirúrgicos, radiológicos e endoscópicos estão disponíveis. b) A modalidade de tratamento ideal para pacientes com elevado risco cirúrgico, deve ser individualizada, com base nas condições clínicas e na experiência disponível. c) A colecistectomia laparoscópica continua sendo uma excelente opção de tratamento, principalmente em hospitais em que a drenagem da vesícula biliar percutânea ou endoscópica não está disponível. d) A colecistostomia percutânea e a drenagem endoscópica da vesícula biliar devem ser realizadas apenas em hospitais bem equipados e com radiologista intervencionista e/ou endoscopista experientes. e) O cateter de colecistostomia deve ser removido após a resolução da CA. No entanto, em pacientes que não têm condição clínica para realizar colecistectomia, o cateter pode ser mantido por um período prolongado ou mesmo definitivamente. f) Se o cateter de colecistostomia for mantido por longo período de tempo podem ocorrer várias complicações, como sangramento, fístula biliar, obstrução, dor no local de inserção, remoção acidental do cateter e CA recorrente. g) O tempo de espera ideal entre a colecistostomia e a colecistectomia ainda não foi estabelecido, e vai desde imediatamente após a melhoria clínica, até meses após. h) Longos períodos de espera entre colecistostomia e colecistectomia podem estar associados a novos episódios de CA, múltiplas readmissões hospitalares e aumento dos custos. Finalmente, ao selecionar a melhor opção de tratamento, outros aspectos também devem ser considerados, como custos, disponibilidade dos procedimentos no centro médico e o desejo do paciente. O paciente e sua família devem ser completamente informados sobre todas as opções de tratamento, para que possam ajudar a tomar a decisão final.

Rev. venez. cir ; 76(1): 59-64, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1552964


Introducción: La colecistectomía es una de las intervenciones quirúrgicas más frecuentes en la práctica médica diaria, la misma no está exenta de complicaciones, especialmente en algunos pacientes con mayor predisposición. Objetivo: Diseñar un score de puntuación preoperatoria para la predicción de la colecistectomía difícil en el área de emergencia y consulta del servicio de Cirugía General del Hospital General del Este "Dr. Domingo Luciani" Caracas - Venezzuela. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, de diseño longitudinal. Realizado en el período agosto 2018 - agosto 2019. Contó con una muestra de 99 pacientes a los cuales se les aplicó un score predictivo preoperatorio donde se precisaron datos sobre el examen físico, antecedentes personales y quirúrgicos, enfermedades asociadas, exámenes de laboratorio y hallazgos en ultrasonido abdominal, previa firma del consentimiento informado se procedió a evaluar y hacer revisión de los paraclínicos de cada paciente, para luego ser reportado en el score. Resultados: Se registró una edad promedio muestral de 48,25 años ± 1,58, con una mediana de 47 años, el sexo femenino fue el más frecuente (60,61% = 60 casos), de aquellos pacientes clasificados con colecistectomía difícil según el score predictivo experimental predominaron aquellos con presencia de vesícula palpable y antecedentes de colecistitis, el hallazgo de laboratorio más importante fue la leucocitosis (≥ 15x106). Conclusión: El uso del score predictivo planteado permite predecir el riesgo de complicación en una colecistectomía difícil usando como base, las características clínicas y paraclínicas del paciente al momento de su evaluación preoperatoria(AU)

Introduction: Cholecystectomy is one of the most frequent surgical interventions in daily medical practice, it is not without complications, especially in some patients with greater predisposition.. Objective: Design a preoperative score for the prediction of difficult cholecystectomy in the emergency and medical consultation area of the General Surgery service of the Eastern General Hospital "Dr. Domingo Luciani". Methods: A descriptive study, longitudinal design. Performed in the period August 2018-August 2019. It had a sample of 99 patients who were given a preoperative predictive score requiring data on the physical examination, personal and surgical history, associated diseases, laboratory test and findings in abdominal ultrasound, upon signature of the informed consent was proceeded to evaluate and make revision of the paraclinical of each patient, and then be reported in the score. Results: An average sample age of 48.25 years ± 1.58, with a median age of 47 years, the female sex was the most common (60.61%=60 cases), in those patients classified with difficult cholecystectomy, according to the experimental predictive score, predominated those with the presence of palpable vesicle and history of cholecystitis, the most important laboratory finding was leukocytosis (≥ 15x106). Conclusion: The use of the predicted score allows to precise the risk of complication in a difficult cholecystectomy using the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of the patient at the time of their preoperative evaluation(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic , Altmetrics
Cir. Urug ; 6(1): e202, jul. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1384410


Introducción: Las complicaciones de la litiasis biliar (LB) son una causa importante de morbilidad en nuestro país y en el mundo entero y generan elevados costos en salud. Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar, que pacientes con una complicación de su patología litiásica de la vía biliar (colecistitis, colangitis aguda, pancreatitis aguda), fueron previamente asintomáticos, resultando dicha complicación el debut de la enfermedad. Lugar: Sanatorio Asociación Española de Socorros Mutuos, Montevideo Uruguay. Diseño: Estudio observacional descriptivo, retrospectivo, análisis de historias clínicas. Materiales y Métodos: Se analizaron 234 casos clínicos. Se constató en este grupo de pacientes, características epidemiológicas, metodología diagnóstica, tratamientos recibidos y complicaciones. Resultados: Del total de pacientes (n=234), 109 (46.6%) tenían una litiasis vesicular asintomática (LVA) y la complicación biliar, fue el debut de su enfermedad. La colecistitis aguda fue la complicación más frecuente (68%), en segundo lugar, la colangitis aguda (22%) y en tercer lugar la pancreatitis aguda (10%). La edad promedio de presentación de la enfermedad fue los 59 años. Conclusiones: Casi la mitad de los pacientes (46.6%) que presentaron una complicación de su litiasis biliar eran asintomáticos. Este sería un argumento importante para indicar la colecistectomía laparoscópica con un criterio profiláctico en pacientes con una LVA.

Introduction : Complications of gallstones are an important cause of morbidity in our country and throughout the world and generate high health costs. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine which patients with a complication of their bile duct stone pathology (cholecystitis, acute cholangitis, acute pancreatitis) were previously asymptomatic, and this complication resulted in the onset of the disease. Place: Sanatorium Asociación Española de Socorros Mutuos, Montevideo Uruguay. Design: Descriptive and retrospective observational study with an analysis of medical records. Materials and Methods: 234 clinical cases were analyzed. Epidemiological characteristics, diagnostic methodology, treatments received, and complications were assessed in this group of patients. Results: Of the total number of patients (n=234), 109 (46.6%) had an asymptomatic gallbladder lithiasis and the biliary complication was the debut of their disease. Acute cholecystitis was the most frequent complication (68%), followed by acute cholangitis (22%) and third by acute pancreatitis (10%). The average age of presentation of the disease was 59 years. Conclusions: Almost half of the patients (46.6%) who presented a complication of their gallstones were asymptomatic. This would be an important argument to indicate laparoscopic cholecystectomy with a prophylactic criterion in patients with asymptomatic gallbladder lithiasis.

Introdução: As complicações dos cálculos biliares são uma importante causa de morbidade em nosso país e em todo o mundo e geram altos custos de saúde. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar quais pacientes com uma complicação de sua patologia de cálculo do ducto biliar (colecistite, colangite aguda, pancreatite aguda) eram previamente assintomáticos, e essa complicação resultou no aparecimento da doença. Local: Sanatório Asociación Española de Socorros Mutuos, Montevidéu - Uruguai. Desenho: Estudo observacional descritivo, retrospectivo, análise de histórias clínicas. Materiais e Métodos: Foram analisados ​​234 casos clínicos. Características epidemiológicas, metodologia diagnóstica, tratamentos recebidos e complicações foram avaliadas neste grupo de pacientes. Resultados: Do total de pacientes (n=234), 109 (46,6%) apresentavam litíase vesicular assintomática e a complicação biliar foi o início da doença. A colecistite aguda foi a complicação mais frequente (68%), seguida da colangite aguda (22%) e a terceira da pancreatite aguda (10%). A idade média de apresentação da doença foi de 59 anos. Conclusões: Quase metade dos pacientes (46,6%) que apresentaram complicação de seus cálculos biliares eram assintomáticos. Esse seria um argumento importante para indicar a colecistectomia laparoscópica com critério profilático em pacientes com litíase vesicular assintomática.

Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Pancreatitis/epidemiology , Biliary Tract Diseases/complications , Cholangitis/epidemiology , Cholecystitis, Acute/epidemiology , Uruguay/epidemiology , Incidence , Prospective Studies , Sex Distribution , Asymptomatic Diseases , Octogenarians , Nonagenarians
Rev. argent. cir ; 114(1): 26-35, mar. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1376373


RESUMEN Antecedentes: varios estudios observacionales han identificado factores de riesgo (FR) para una colecistectomía laparoscópica difícil (CLD). Objetivo: identificar los FR preoperatorios para CLD en un hospital público de mediana complejidad. Material y métodos: estudio prospectivo de cohorte transversal. Se analizaron 80 pacientes mayores de 18 años sometidos a colecistectomía laparoscópica, entre enero y diciembre de 2019. Se analizaron las variables: edad, sexo, IMC (índice de masa corporal), litiasis vesicular, pancreatitis aguda, colecistitis aguda o crónica, síndrome de Mirizzi, CPRE dentro del mes, numero de cólicos en el último mes, si presentó al menos un cólico en la última semana, leucocitos, enzimas hepáticas mayores, bilirrubina total, hallazgos de ecografía prequirúrgicos, antecedentes de cirugías abdominales previas. Resultados: la incidencia de CLD fue de 47,5%. La tasa de conversión a cirugía convencional fue del 11,25%, el 100% fueron CLD. Los FR para CLD incluyeron sexo masculino (OR: 4,50, IC 95%:1,60-12,62, p: 0,004), cólico en la semana previa a la cirugía (OR:7,17, IC 95%:1,89-27,23, p: 0,004), paredes engrosadas de la vesícula (OR: 4.90, IC 95%:1,90-12,70, p: 0,001), edema perivesicular (OR: 7,14 IC 95%:1,45-35,13 p: 0,016), la vesícula hidrópica (OR: 4,94, IC 95%:1,44-16,88, p: 0,011) y las cirugías previas (OR: 4.38 IC 95%:1,27-15,10 p: 0,001). En el análisis multivariado vemos que los pacientes de sexo masculino y pacientes con cirugías previas presentaban un riesgo elevado para CLD (OR: 6,63 IC 95%:1,75-25,08 p: 0.005; OR: 11.70 IC 95%:1,48-92,37 p: 0,020). Conclusión: se deben centrar los esfuerzos en identificar los pacientes con sospecha de CLD, pudiendo planificar la cirugía y un equipo quirúrgico experimentado.

ABSTRACT Background: The risk factors (RF) for difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy (DLC) have been identified in many observational studies. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the preoperative RF for DLC in a secondary care public hospital. Material and methods: We conducted a prospective cross-sectional cohort study of patients > 18 years undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy between January and December 2019. The following variables were analyzed: age, sex, body mass index (BMI), cholelithiasis, acute pancreatitis, acute or chronic cholecystitis, Mirizzi syndrome, ERCP within the previous month, episodes of biliary colic in the last month, presence of at least one colic within one week before surgery, white blood cell count, liver enzymes, total bilirubin, preoperative ultrasound and history of upper abdomen surgery. Results: The rate of DLC was 47.5%. Conversion rate to conventional surgery was 11.25% and 100% were categorized as DLC. The RF for DLC included male sex (OR, 4.50; 95% CI,1.60-12.62; p = 0.004), colic within 1 week before surgery (OR, 7.17; 95% CI,1.89-27.23; p = 0.004), gallbladder wall thickening (OR, 4.90; 95% CI,1.90-12.70; p = 0.001), edema around the gallbladder (OR, 7.14; 95% CI, 1.45-35.13; p = 0.016), hidrops gallbladder (OR, 4.94; 95% CI,1.44-16.88; p = 0.011) and previous surgeries (OR, 4.38; 95% CI, 1.27-15.10; p = 0.001). On multivariate analysis, male sex and previous surgery were associated with higher risk of DLC (OR, 6.63; 95% CI,1.75-25.08; p = 0.005; and OR, 11.70, 95% CI,1.48-92.37; p = 0.020, respectively). Conclusion: Efforts should focus on identifying patients with suspicion of DLC to plan surgery with an experienced surgical team.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Risk Factors , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic/statistics & numerical data , Pancreatitis , Biliary Tract Diseases , Cholelithiasis , Colic , Multivariate Analysis , Prospective Studies , Morbidity , Cholecystitis, Acute/surgery , Mirizzi Syndrome
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Méd. Bras. (Online);68(1): 77-81, Jan. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360711


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The treatment for patients with acute calculous cholecystitis who have high surgical risk with percutaneous cholecystostomy instead of surgery is an appropriate alternative choice. The aim of this study was to examine the promising percutaneous cholecystostomy intervention to share our experiences about the duration of catheter that has yet to be determined. METHODS: A total of 163 patients diagnosed with acute calculous cholecystitis and treated with percutaneous cholecystostomy between January 2011 and July 2020 were reviewed retrospectively. The Tokyo Guidelines 2018 were used to diagnose and grade patients with acute cholecystitis. RESULTS: The mean age was 71.81±12.81 years. According to the Tokyo grading, 143 patients had grade 2 and 20 patients had grade 3 disease. The mean duration of catheter was 39.12±37 (1-270) days. Minimal bile leakage into the peritoneum was noted in 3 (1.8%) patients during the procedure. The rate of complications during follow-up of the patients who underwent percutaneous cholecystostomy was 6.9% (n=11), and the most common complication was catheter dislocation. Cholecystectomy was performed in 33.1% (n=54) of the patients at follow-up. Post-cholecystectomy complication rate was 12.9%. At the follow-up, the rate of recurrent acute cholecystitis episodes was 5.5%, while the mortality rate was 1.8%. The length of follow-up was five years. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of recurrence was significantly higher among the patients with catheter for <21 days. We recommend that the duration of catheter should be minimum 21 days in patients undergoing percutaneous cholecystostomy.

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Cholecystostomy/adverse effects , Cholecystostomy/methods , Cholecystitis, Acute/surgery , Drainage/methods , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Catheters , Middle Aged
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955206


The fundamental treatment for acute cholecystitis is surgical cholecystectomy, especially laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Some high-risk surgical patients need gallbladder drainage. The traditional drainage method is percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage. However, in recent years, two endoscopic approaches, including endoscopic transpapillary gallbladder drainage and endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage, have developed rapidly and have advantages in long-term outcomes. In this article, the authors discuss the historical development, technical characteristics, comparison between methods , adverse events and long-term outcomes of the two endoscopic drainage methods through literature review.