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Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575865


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe cases of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children diagnosed with COVID-19, associated risk factors, clinical aspects and outcome of cases. Methods: Retrospective study, carried out in a pediatric hospital between March 2020 and September 2021, with patients with COVID-19 who were diagnosed with AKI, studying information present in medical records such as comorbidities, age, gender and use of nephrotoxic medications. Results: We studied 40 cases, and male individuals were significantly more affected (62.5%; p=0.025). AKI was a severe complication of COVID-19 infection, with 100% of the sample requiring admission to the Intensive Care Unit and 22.5% dying. The most prevalent comorbidities analyzed in this study were epilepsy, cerebral palsy and heart disease. Most patients were classified according to Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria as KDIGO 1 (42.5%), and required orotracheal intubation (67.5%). The frequency of use of nephrotoxic medications and need for dialysis was low, with percentages of 35 and 17.5%, respectively. Among the children who died, 70.4% had some comorbidity and 88.8% received invasive ventilation. Conclusions: AKI in children with COVID-19 infection is associated with severe conditions. Despite the severity, most patients were discharged alive from the hospital.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever casos de lesão renal aguda (LRA) em crianças diagnosticadas com COVID-19, associando fatores de risco, aspectos clínicos e evolução dos casos. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, realizado em hospital pediátrico entre março de 2020 e setembro de 2021, com pacientes com COVID-19 diagnosticados com LRA, que examinou informações presentes em prontuários como comorbidades, idade, sexo e uso de medicações nefrotóxicas. Resultados: Foram estudados 40 casos, sendo o sexo masculino significativamente mais acometido (62,5%; p=0,025). A LRA foi uma complicação grave da infecção por COVID-19, com 100% da amostra necessitando de internação na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e 22,5% indo a óbito. As comorbidades mais prevalentes analisadas neste estudo foram epilepsia, paralisia cerebral e cardiopatia. A maioria dos pacientes foi classificada pelos critérios Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) como KDIGO 1 (42,5%) e necessitou de intubação orotraqueal (67,5%). A frequência de uso de medicamentos nefrotóxicos e necessidade de diálise foi baixa, com percentuais de 35 e 17,5%, respectivamente. Entre as crianças que faleceram, 70,4% apresentavam alguma comorbidade e 88,8% receberam ventilação invasiva. Conclusões: A LRA em crianças com infecção por COVID-19 está associada a quadros graves, apesar de a maior parte dos pacientes ter recebido alta hospitalar.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(3): e20240012, July-Sept. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558249


ABSTRACT Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an abrupt deterioration of kidney function. The incidence of pediatric AKI is increasing worldwide, both in critically and non-critically ill settings. We aimed to characterize the presentation, etiology, evolution, and outcome of AKI in pediatric patients admitted to a tertiary care center. Methods: We performed a retrospective observational single-center study of patients aged 29 days to 17 years and 365 days admitted to our Pediatric Nephrology Unit from January 2012 to December 2021, with the diagnosis of AKI. AKI severity was categorized according to Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. The outcomes considered were death or sequelae (proteinuria, hypertension, or changes in renal function at 3 to 6 months follow-up assessments). Results: Forty-six patients with a median age of 13.0 (3.5-15.5) years were included. About half of the patients (n = 24, 52.2%) had an identifiable risk factor for the development of AKI. Thirteen patients (28.3%) were anuric, and all of those were categorized as AKI KDIGO stage 3 (p < 0.001). Almost one quarter (n = 10, 21.7%) of patients required renal replacement therapy. Approximately 60% of patients (n = 26) had at least one sequelae, with proteinuria being the most common (n = 15, 38.5%; median (P25-75) urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio 0.30 (0.27-0.44) mg/mg), followed by reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (n = 11, 27.5%; median (P25-75) GFR 75 (62-83) mL/min/1.73 m2). Conclusions: Pediatric AKI is associated with substantial morbidity, with potential for proteinuria development and renal function impairment and a relevant impact on long-term prognosis.

RESUMO Introdução: Insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) é uma deterioração abrupta da função renal. A incidência de IRA pediátrica está aumentando em todo o mundo, em ambientes críticos e não críticos. Nosso objetivo foi caracterizar apresentação, etiologia, evolução e desfechos da IRA em pacientes pediátricos internados em um centro de atendimento terciário. Métodos: Realizamos estudo retrospectivo observacional de centro único de pacientes com idade entre 29 dias a 17 anos e 365 dias internados em nossa Unidade de Nefrologia Pediátrica, de janeiro de 2012 a dezembro de 2021, com diagnóstico de IRA. A gravidade da IRA foi categorizada de acordo com os critérios do Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Os desfechos considerados foram óbito ou sequelas (proteinúria, hipertensão ou alterações na função renal em avaliações de acompanhamento de 3 a 6 meses). Resultados: Incluímos 46 pacientes com idade mediana de 13,0 (3,5-15,5) anos. Cerca de metade (n = 24; 52,2%) apresentou um fator de risco identificável para o desenvolvimento de IRA. Treze pacientes (28,3%) eram anúricos; todos foram classificados como IRA KDIGO 3 (p < 0,001). Quase um quarto (n = 10; 21,7%) dos pacientes necessitaram de terapia renal substitutiva. Aproximadamente 60% (n = 26) apresentou pelo menos uma sequela, sendo proteinúria a mais comum (n = 15; 38,5%; mediana (P25-75) da relação proteína/creatinina urinária 0,30 (0,27-0,44) mg/mg), seguida de taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG) reduzida (n = 11; 27,5%; mediana (P25-75) da TFG 75 (62-83) mL/min/1,73 m2). Conclusões: A IRA pediátrica está associada à morbidade substancial, com potencial para desenvolvimento de proteinúria e comprometimento da função renal e impacto relevante no prognóstico de longo prazo.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(3): e20230088, July-Sept. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558251


Abstract Introduction: Nonagenarians constitute a rising percentage of inpatients, with acute kidney injury (AKI) being frequent in this population. Thus, it is important to analyze the clinical characteristics of this demographic and their impact on mortality. Methods: Retrospective study of nonagenarian patients with AKI at a tertiary hospital between 2013 and 2022. Only the latest hospital admission was considered, and patients with incomplete data were excluded. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to define risk factors for mortality. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 150 patients were included, with a median age of 93.0 years (91.2-95.0), and males accounting for 42.7% of the sample. Sepsis was the most common cause of AKI (53.3%), followed by dehydration/hypovolemia (17.7%), and heart failure (17.7%). ICU admission occurred in 39.3% of patients, mechanical ventilation in 14.7%, vasopressors use in 22.7% and renal replacement therapy (RRT) in 6.7%. Death occurred in 56.7% of patients. Dehydration/hypovolemia as an etiology of AKI was associated with a lower risk of mortality (OR 0.18; 95% CI 0.04-0.77, p = 0.020). KDIGO stage 3 (OR 3.15; 95% CI 1.17-8.47, p = 0.023), ICU admission (OR 12.27; 95% CI 3.03-49.74, p < 0.001), and oliguria (OR 5.77; 95% CI 1.98-16.85, p = 0.001) were associated with mortality. Conclusion: AKI nonagenarians had a high mortality rate, with AKI KDIGO stage 3, oliguria, and ICU admission being associated with death.

Resumo Introdução: Nonagenários constituem um percentual de pacientes internados em ascensão, sendo a injúria renal aguda (IRA) frequente nesses pacientes. Sendo assim, é importante analisar as características clínicas dessa população e seu impacto na mortalidade. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de pacientes nonagenários com IRA entre 2013 e 2022 em um hospital terciário. Apenas o último internamento foi considerado e pacientes com dados incompletos foram excluídos. Uma análise por regressão logística foi realizada para definir fatores de risco para mortalidade. Um valor de p < 0,05 foi considerado significativo. Resultados: Foram incluídos 150 pacientes com mediana de idade 93,0 anos (91,2-95,0) e sexo masculino em 42,7%. Sepse foi a causa mais comum de IRA (53,3%), seguida de desidratação/hipovolemia (17,7%) e insuficiência cardíaca (17,7%). Admissão na UTI ocorreu em 39,3% dos pacientes, ventilação mecânica em 14,7%, uso de vasopressores em 22,7% e realização de terapia renal substitutiva (TRS) em 6,7%. Óbito ocorreu em 56,7% dos pacientes. Desidratação/hipovolemia como etiologia da IRA foi associado a menor risco de mortalidade (OR 0,18; IC 95% 0,04-0,77, p = 0,020). Estágio KDIGO 3 (OR 3,15; IC 95% 1,17-8,47, p = 0,023), admissão na UTI (OR 12,27; IC 95% 3,03-49,74, p < 0,001) e oligúria (OR 5,77; IC 95% 1,98-16,85, p = 0,001) foram associados à mortalidade. Conclusão: Nonagenários com IRA apresentaram alta mortalidade e IRA KDIGO 3, oligúria e admissão na UTI foram associadas ao óbito.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(4): 774-779, ago. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575276


Abstract We present a patient with a rare systemic autoinflam matory disease (mevalonate kinase deficiency -MKD-) with the identification of two heterozygous variants (c.1129G>A and c.32C>T) in the Mevalonate Kinase gene, detected by next generation sequencing and a highly prevalent glomerulonephritis (IgA nephropathy). The patient presents clinically with a monthly recurrent periodic fever from 12 days of age, accompanied by mucocutaneous lesions (maculopapular rash in ex tremities, aphthous stomatitis), joint (arthralgias in ankles, wrists and knees), lymphoid (cervical lymph adenopathy, splenomegaly), gastrointestinal (diarrhea, abdominal pain) and kidney (hematuria and protei-nuria) with repeated biopsies showing IgA nephropathy alternating activity with chronicity. During follow-up. The patients presented a poor therapeutic response to multiple immunosuppressive regimens used for 7 years (corticosteroids, azathioprine, mycophenolate, cyclo phosphamide, rituximab and tocilizumab), and finally a good response to canakinumab. Four years after starting canakinumab, during the course of an infection due to a muscle abscess, the clinical presentation is complicated by a severe renal microvascular event (renal cortical necrosis -RCN-) with acute kidney injury and dialysis requirement. Therecurrent episodes of inflammation due to MKD could act as triggers for the reactivation of glomerulonephritis (which would explain the poor response to immunosuppressants and the rapid pro gression to histological chronicity) and to generate a microenvironment that predisposes the development of RCN in the face of a non-serious infection. A defect in IgA molecules has been described in MKD, a phenom enon also observed in IgA nephropathy. This raises the challenging hypothesis of a common pathogenetic link between all the patient's clinical manifestations.

Resumen Presentamos un paciente con una rara enfermedad autoinflamatoria sistémica (deficiencia de mevalonato quinasa -DMQ-) con la identificación de dos variantes heterocigotas (c.1129G>A y c.32C>T) en el gen Meval onato Quinasa, detectadas por secuenciación masiva en paralelo y una glomerulonefritis de alta prevalencia (nefropatía por IgA). El paciente presentó un cuadro de fiebre periódica recurrente mensual desde los 12 días de vida, acompañada de lesiones mucocutáneas (rash maculopapular en extremidades, estomatitis aftosa), compromiso articular (artralgias en tobillos, muñecas y rodillas), linfoideo (linfoadenopatía cervical, esplenome galia), gastrointestinal (diarrea, dolor abdominal) y renal (hematuria y proteinuria) con repetidas biospias most rando nefropatía por IgA alternando actividad y cronic idad. Durante el seguimiento, tuvo una pobre respuesta terapéutica a múltiples esquemas inmunosupresores utilizados durante 7 años (corticoides, azatrioprina, micofenolato, ciclofosfamida, rituximab y tocilizumab), y buena respuesta finalmente a canakinumab. Cuatro años posteriores al inicio de canakinumab, durante el curso de una infección por un absceso muscular, el cuadro clínico se complica con un evento microvascular renal grave (necrosis cortical renal -NCR-) con fallo renal agudo y necesidad de diálisis. Los episodios recurrentes de inflamación por la DMQ podrían actuar como gatil los para la reactivación de su glomerulonefritis (lo que explicaría la escasa respuesta a inmunosupresores y la progresión rápida a cronicidad histológica) y para gen erar un microambiente que predisponga el desarrollo de una NCR ante una infección no grave. En la DMQ se ha descripto un defecto en las moléculas de IgA, fenómeno también observado en la nefropatía por IgA. Esto plantea la desafiante hipótesis de un vínculo patogénico común entre todas las manifestaciones clínicas del paciente.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(2): e20230019, Apr.-June 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550495


ABSTRACT Introduction: Contrast-associated acute kidney injury (CA-AKI) is a deterioration of kidney function that occurs after the administration of a iodinated contrast medium (ICM). Most studies that defined this phenomenon used older ICMs that were more prone of causing CA-AKI. In the past decade, several articles questioned the true incidence of CA-AKI. However, there is still a paucity of a data about the safety of newer ICM. Objective: To assess the incidence of CA-AKI in hospitalized patients that were exposed to computed tomography (CT) with and without ICM. Methods: Prospective cohort study with 1003 patients who underwent CT in a tertiary hospital from December 2020 through March 2021. All inpatients aged > 18 years who had a CT scan during this period were screened for the study. CA-AKI was defined as a relative increase of serum creatinine of ≥ 50% from baseline or an absolute increase of ≥ 0.3 mg/dL within 18 to 48 hours after the CT. Chi-squared test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and linear regression model with restricted cubic splines were used for statistical analyses. Results: The incidence of CA-AKI was 10.1% in the ICM-exposed group and 12.4% in the control group when using the absolute increase criterion. The creatinine variation from baseline was not significantly different between groups. After adjusting for baseline factors, contrast use did not correlate with worse renal function. Conclusion: The rate of CA-AKI is very low, if present at all, with newer ICMs, and excessive caution regarding contrast use is probably unwarranted.

RESUMO Introdução: Lesão renal aguda associada ao contraste (LRA-AC) é uma deterioração da função renal que ocorre após a administração de meio de contraste iodado (MCI). A maioria dos estudos que definiram esse fenômeno utilizaram MCI mais antigos, mais propensos a causar LRA-AC. Na última década, diversos artigos questionaram a verdadeira incidência de LRA-AC. Entretanto, ainda há escassez de dados sobre a segurança dos MCI mais novos. Objetivo: Avaliar a incidência de LRA-AC em pacientes hospitalizados expostos à tomografia computadorizada (TC) com e sem MCI. Métodos: Estudo de coorte prospectivo com 1.003 pacientes submetidos a TC em hospital terciário, de dezembro/2020 a março/2021. Todos os pacientes internados com idade ≥ 18 anos que realizaram TC nesse período foram selecionados. A LRA-AC foi definida como aumento relativo de creatinina sérica de ≥ 50% em relação ao valor basal ou aumento absoluto de ≥ 0,3 mg/dL dentro de 18 a 48 horas após a TC. Utilizamos o teste qui-quadrado, teste de Kruskal-Wallis e modelo de regressão linear com splines cúbicos restritos para análises estatísticas. Resultados: A incidência de LRA-AC foi 10,1% no grupo exposto ao MCI e 12,4% no grupo controle ao usar o critério de aumento absoluto. A variação da creatinina em relação ao valor basal não foi significativamente diferente entre os grupos. Após ajuste para fatores basais, o uso de contraste não se correlacionou com pior função renal. Conclusão: A taxa de LRA-AC é muito baixa, caso exista, com MCIs mais novos, e a cautela excessiva quanto ao uso de contraste provavelmente não se justifica.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(2): e20230056, Apr.-June 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550498


Abstract Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) occurs frequently in COVID-19 patients and is associated with greater morbidity and mortality. Knowing the risks of AKI allows for identification, prevention, and timely treatment. This study aimed to identify the risk factors associated with AKI in hospitalized patients. Methods: A descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional, and analytical component study of adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19 from March 1 to December 31, 2020 was carried out. AKI was defined by the creatinine criteria of the KDIGO-AKI guidelines. Information, regarding risk factors, was obtained from electronic medical records. Results: Out of the 934 patients, 42.93% developed AKI, 60.59% KDIGO-1, and 9.9% required renal replacement therapy. Patients with AKI had longer hospital stay, higher mortality, and required more intensive care unit (ICU) admission, mechanical ventilation, and vasopressor support. Multivariate analysis showed that age (OR 1.03; 95% CI 1.02-1.04), male sex (OR 2.13; 95% CI 1.49-3.04), diabetes mellitus (DM) (OR 1.55; 95% CI 1.04-2.32), chronic kidney disease (CKD) (OR 2.07; 95% CI 1.06-4.04), C-reactive protein (CRP) (OR 1.02; 95% CI 1.00-1.03), ICU admission (OR 1.81; 95% CI 1.04-3.16), and vasopressor support (OR 7.46; 95% CI 3.34-16.64) were risk factors for AKI, and that bicarbonate (OR 0.89; 95% CI 0.84-0.94) and partial pressure arterial oxygen/inspired oxygen fraction index (OR 0.99; 95% CI 0.98-0.99) could be protective factors. Conclusions: A high frequency of AKI was documented in COVID-19 patients, with several predictors: age, male sex, DM, CKD, CRP, ICU admission, and vasopressor support. AKI occurred more frequently in patients with higher disease severity and was associated with higher mortality and worse outcomes.

RESUMO Introdução: Lesão renal aguda (LRA) ocorre frequentemente em pacientes com COVID-19 e associa-se a maior morbidade e mortalidade. Conhecer riscos da LRA permite a identificação, prevenção e tratamento oportuno. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar fatores de risco associados à LRA em pacientes hospitalizados. Métodos: Realizou-se estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, transversal e de componente analítico de pacientes adultos hospitalizados com COVID-19 de 1º de março a 31 de dezembro, 2020. Definiu-se a LRA pelos critérios de creatinina das diretrizes KDIGO-LRA. Informações sobre fatores de risco foram obtidas de prontuários eletrônicos. Resultados: Dos 934 pacientes, 42,93% desenvolveram LRA, 60,59% KDIGO-1 e 9,9% necessitaram de terapia renal substitutiva. Pacientes com LRA apresentaram maior tempo de internação, maior mortalidade e necessitaram de mais internações em UTIs, ventilação mecânica e suporte vasopressor. A análise multivariada mostrou que idade (OR 1,03; IC 95% 1,02-1,04), sexo masculino (OR 2,13; IC 95% 1,49-3,04), diabetes mellitus (DM) (OR 1,55; IC 95% 1,04-2,32), doença renal crônica (DRC) (OR 2,07; IC 95% 1,06-4,04), proteína C reativa (PCR) (OR 1,02; IC 95% 1,00-1,03), admissão em UTI (OR 1,81; IC 95% 1,04-3,16) e suporte vasopressor (OR 7,46; IC 95% 3,34-16,64) foram fatores de risco para LRA, e que bicarbonato (OR 0,89; IC 95% 0,84-0,94) e índice de pressão parcial de oxigênio arterial/fração inspirada de oxigênio (OR 0,99; IC 95% 0,98-0,99) poderiam ser fatores de proteção. Conclusões: Documentou-se alta frequência de LRA em pacientes com COVID-19, com diversos preditores: idade, sexo masculino, DM, DRC, PCR, admissão em UTI e suporte vasopressor. LRA ocorreu mais frequentemente em pacientes com maior gravidade da doença e associou-se a maior mortalidade e piores desfechos.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 52(2): 7, Apr.-June 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576172


Abstract Postoperative acute kidney injury is an underdiagnosed condition. Its incidence is variable and depends on demographic, clinical, and surgical stress-associated factors; hence the pathophysiology is multifactorial. It is extremely important to acknowledge those risk factors early and use tools to estimate the risk of developing the condition, in order to adopt perioperative measures to mitigate its occurrence and impact. Some of the complications resulting from this condition include prolonged ICU stay, higher susceptibility for infections, hospitalization-related complications, progression to acute and chronic kidney failure, and even the need for transient or permanent renal replacement therapies (RRT) in addition to diseases that increase the cardiovascular risk, such as systemic high blood pressure and/or coronary heart disease that result in increased comorbidities and mortality, with subsequent increases in healthcare costs, lower quality of life and increased burden of the disease in the short and long term. A systematic search of the literature was conducted in PubMed, Google Schoolar, and Lilacs, under the terms MeSh and DeCs using Boolean operators; a review was conducted of the summary of the articles identified and 57 of them were selected for their comprehensive reading. This narrative review summarizes the relevant information on this pathology for prevention and identification purposes, for the adequate management of patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery.

Resumen La lesión renal aguda posoperatoria es una entidad subdiagnosticada. Su incidencia es variable y depende de factores demográficos, clínicos y los inherentes al estrés quirúrgico; por ende, la fisiopatología es multifactorial. Es de vital importancia reconocer precozmente dichos factores de riesgo durante la valoración preanestésica y hacer uso de herramientas para calcular el riesgo de desarrollarla para, de esta forma, adoptar medidas perioperatorias para mitigar su aparición e impacto. Entre las complicaciones derivadas de esta entidad se encuentran la estancia en unidades de cuidado intensivo prolongadas, mayor susceptibilidad de infecciones, complicaciones derivadas de la hospitalización, progresión a enfermedad renal aguda y crónica e incluso necesidad de terapias de reemplazo renal (TRR) transitorias o permanentes, además de enfermedades que aumentan el riesgo cardiovascular como hipertensión arterial sistémica y/o enfermedad coronaria, lo que genera aumento en morbimortalidad, con aumento en costos asociado a la atención en salud, menor calidad de vida y mayor carga de la enfermedad a corto y largo plazo. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura en bases de datos PubMed, Google Schoolar, Lilacs, bajo los términos MeSh y DeCs, usando los operadores booleanos, se revisó el resumen de los artículos encontrados y se seleccionaron 57 artículos para su lectura completa. Esta revisión narrativa sintetiza la información relevante sobre esta patología que permita prevenirla y reconocerla para el manejo adecuado de los pacientes que van a cirugía mayor no cardiaca.

Rev. méd. Maule ; 39(1): 40-43, mayo. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562977


Metformin is a hypoglycemic agent used as the first line for the treatment of non-insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus. While it is a generally safe drug, it has an infrequent adverse reaction called lactic acidosis. We report a 49 year-old patient with non-insulin-requiring type 2diabetes who developed an acute kidney failure injury along with severe metabolic acidosis secondary to pneumonia during treatment.

La metformina es un agente hipoglucemiante que se ocupa de primera línea para el tratamiento de la Diabetes Mellitus no insulino dependiente. Si bien es un medicamento bien tolerado, tiene una reacción adversa bastante infrecuente que es la acidosis láctica. Reportamos el caso de una paciente de 49 años insulino no dependiente que desarrolló una injuria renal aguda junto con acidosis metabólica severa secundaria a una neumonía en tratamiento.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Acidosis, Lactic/chemically induced , Acidosis, Lactic/therapy , Acute Kidney Injury/chemically induced , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/drug therapy , Hypoglycemic Agents/adverse effects , Metformin/adverse effects
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000152, Apr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579237


Objective: To analyze the presence of acute kidney injury (AKI) in hospitalized older patients with COVID-19 and its association with hospital mortality. Methods: This was a retrospective observational case-control study of patients over 60 years of age hospitalized from April 01, 2020, to April 30, 2021, at a ward or intensive care unit (ICU) dedicated to COVID-19. The severity of AKI was stratified according to the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. Binary logistic regression was used to determine the association of mortality in models with and without adjustment for previous comorbidities as risk factors. Results: Of 897 patients aged 19­107 years hospitalized with COVID-19, 398 aged ≥60 years were included. AKI was observed in 220 patients (55.27%), with stages 1, 2, and 3 in 25.87%, 5.52%, and 23.86%, respectively. Dialysis was required in 73 patients with AKI (33.18%), most of them were at stage 3 (91.89%). Fifty-four patients on dialysis died (73.97%). Increased AKI severity was associated with mortality even after removing the influence of associated risk factors (odds ratios 1.78, 2.35, and 3.51 at stages 1, 2, and 3, respectively). Conclusion: AKI was highly common in patients aged 60 years or older hospitalized with COVID-19, and its severity showed a progressive association with hospital mortality. (AU)

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Acute Kidney Injury , Hospital Mortality , COVID-19
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228704


Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is characterized by a reversible increase in the blood concentration of creatinine and nitrogenous waste products and by the inability of the kidney to regulate fluid and electrolyte homeostasis appropriately. There is minimal data on the clinical profile of pediatric AKI patients age less than 15 years who required renal replacement therapy (RRT).Methods: A total of 301 patients (3%) were diagnosed with AKI, amongst them 66 patients who required RRT from January 2021 to December 2022 were enrolled. Their clinical, biochemical, and etiological profile were studied to find out their influence in modifying the outcome of AKI patients requiring RRT.Results: AKI was noted in 301 patients (3%), amongst them 66 patients we had analyzed who underwent RRT. Result were analyzed in three age group (0-2 month, 2 month-8 year, 8 year-15 year). Male preponderance was seen amongst all age groups with male: female ratio being 2:1, 5:1 and 1.8:1 respectively and rural area preponderance seen in all age groups. Birth asphyxia, neonatal sepsis and septicemia were leading etiologies in different groups. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) was only RRT modality in the 0-2 month age group, while hemodialysis and PD modalities were used in rest groups. Multi-organ dysfunction syndrome was commonly seen comorbidity associated with all groups along with pyogenic meningitis, and encephalopathy. Mortality rate was observed at 47% (n=31).Conclusions: From our study, we conclude that to expand the facility of point of care, hemodialysis facility in ICUs with a larger study or multicentric study in the pediatric age group is required.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233913


Background: The prevalence of acute kidney injury (AKI) progressively increases with age. A higher rate of dialysis dependency and mortality is observed in elderly with AKI. Here we have studied the comparison of clinical features, outcomes of AKI between elderly (age � years) and non-elderly AKI patients and their risk factors for mortality. Methods: This prospective observational study enrolled 100 patients with AKI, with elderly and non-elderly in a 1:1 ratio for comparison, from September 2021 to January 2023 at AIIMS Rishikesh in India. Detailed history, clinical examination, relevant laboratory and radiological investigations were done to evaluate for the cause of AKI. Etiological causes, complications of AKI, and in-hospital outcomes were observed. They were given standard treatment and dialysis as per standard indications. We analysed the mortality risk of these groups using the Cox proportional hazards model. Results: The in-hospital mortality rates among these two groups were non-significant (p=0.29). A significantly higher number of patients with non-elderly AKI were HD-dependent at discharge (p=0.027). Elderly patients had significantly lesser complications like uremic encephalopathy and fluid overload compared to non-elderly. There was a significant association between mortality and female gender, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, hospital-acquired AKI, pre-renal/renal causes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as comorbidity, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), mechanical ventilation requirement, vasopressor support requirement, need for hemodialysis and prolonged ICU stay. Conclusions: Elderly patients with AKI do not experience worse mortality outcomes than non-elderly patients with AKI. Therefore, elderly patients should not be denied timely treatment, solely based on their age.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(1): 70-78, Mar. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534765


ABSTRACT Introduction: Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) have concepts of diagnosis and management have water balance as their main point of evaluation. In our ICU, from 2004 to 2012, the nephrologist's participation was on demand only; and as of 2013 their participation became continuous in meetings to case discussion. The aim of this study was to establish how an intense nephrologist/intensivist interaction influenced the frequency of dialysis indication, fluid balance and pRIFLE classification during these two observation periods. Methods: Retrospective study, longitudinal evaluation of all children with AKI undergoing dialysis (2004 to 2016). Parameters studied: frequency of indication, duration and volume of infusion in the 24 hours preceding dialysis; diuresis and water balance every 8 hours. Non-parametric statistics, p ≤ 0.05. Results: 53 patients (47 before and 6 after 2013). There were no significant differences in the number of hospitalizations or cardiac surgeries between the periods. After 2013, there was a significant decrease in the number of indications for dialysis/year (5.85 vs. 1.5; p = 0.000); infusion volume (p = 0.02), increase in the duration of dialysis (p = 0.002) and improvement in the discrimination of the pRIFLE diuresis component in the AKI development. Conclusion: Integration between the ICU and pediatric nephrology teams in the routine discussion of cases, critically approaching water balance, was decisive to improve the management of AKI in the ICU.

RESUMO Introdução: Os conceitos sobre diagnóstico e conduta da Lesão Renal Aguda (LRA) na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) tem como ponto primordial a avaliação do balanço hídrico. Em nossa UTI, de 2004 a 2012, a participação do nefrologista era sob demanda. A partir de 2013, a participação passou a ser contínua em reunião de discussão de casos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar como a maior interação nefrologista/intensivista influenciou a frequência de indicação de diálise, no balanço hídrico e na classificação pRIFLE durante esses dois períodos de observação. Método: Estudo retrospectivo, avaliação longitudinal de todas as crianças com LRA em diálise (2004 a 2016). Parâmetros estudados: frequência de indicação, tempo de duração e volume de infusão nas 24 horas precedendo a diálise; diurese e balanço hídrico a cada 8 horas. Estatística não paramétrica, p ≤ 0,05. Resultado: 53 pacientes (47 antes e 6 após 2013). Sem diferença significativa no número de internações e nem de cirurgias cardíacas entre os períodos. Após 2013, houve diminuição significativa no número de indicação de diálise/ano (5,85 vs. 1,5; p = 0,000); no volume de infusão (p = 0,02), aumento do tempo de duração da diálise (p = 0,002) e melhora da discriminação do componente diurese do pRIFLE na indicação de LRA. Conclusão: Integração entre equipes de UTI e nefrologia pediátrica na discussão rotineira de casos, abordando criticamente o balanço hídrico, foi determinante para a melhora na conduta da LRA na UTI.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(1): 9-17, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534774


Abstract Introduction: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent complication of severe COVID-19 and is associated with high case fatality rate (CFR). However, there is scarcity of data referring to the CFR of AKI patients that underwent kidney replacement therapy (KRT) in Brazil. The main objective of this study was to describe the CFR of critically ill COVID-19 patients treated with acute kidney replacement therapy (AKRT). Methods: Retrospective descriptive cohort study. We included all patients treated with AKRT at an intensive care unit in a single tertiary hospital over a 15-month period. We excluded patients under the age of 18 years, patients with chronic kidney disease on maintenance dialysis, and cases in which AKI preceded COVID-19 infection. Results: A total of 100 out of 1479 (6.7%) hospitalized COVID-19 patients were enrolled in this study. The median age was 74.5 years (IQR 64 - 82) and 59% were male. Hypertension (76%) and diabetes mellitus (56%) were common. At the first KRT prescription, 85% of the patients were on invasive mechanical ventilation and 71% were using vasoactive drugs. Continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) was the preferred KRT modality (82%). CFR was 93% and 81 out of 93 deaths (87%) occurred within the first 10 days of KRT onset. Conclusion: AKRT in hospitalized COVID-19 patients resulted in a CFR of 93%. Patients treated with AKRT were typically older, critically ill, and most died within 10 days of diagnosis. Better strategies to address this issue are urgently needed.

Resumo Introdução: Injúria renal aguda (IRA) é uma complicação frequente da COVID-19 grave e está associada a alta taxa de letalidade (TL). Entretanto, há escassez de dados referentes à TL de pacientes com IRA submetidos a suporte renal artificial (SRA) no Brasil. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi descrever a TL de pacientes graves com IRA por COVID-19 tratados com SRA. Métodos: Estudo de coorte descritivo retrospectivo. Incluímos todos os pacientes tratados com SRA em unidade de terapia intensiva de um único hospital terciário por 15 meses. Excluímos pacientes menores de 18 anos, pacientes com doença renal crônica em diálise de manutenção e casos nos quais a IRA precedeu a infeção por COVID-19. Resultados: Incluímos neste estudo um total de 100 dos 1479 (6,7%) pacientes hospitalizados com COVID-19. A mediana de idade foi 74,5 anos (IIQ 64 - 82) e 59% eram homens. Hipertensão (76%) e diabetes mellitus (56%) foram comuns. Na primeira prescrição de SRA, 85% dos pacientes estavam em ventilação mecânica invasiva e 71% em uso de drogas vasoativas. A hemodiafiltração contínua foi a modalidade de SRA preferida (82%). A TL foi de 93% e 81 dos 93 óbitos (87%) ocorreram nos primeiros 10 dias do início da SRA. Conclusão: O SRA em pacientes hospi­talizados com IRA por COVID-19 resultou em TL de 93%. Os pacientes tratados com SRA eram geralmente idosos, gravemente enfermos e a maioria foi a óbito em até 10 dias após o diagnóstico. Estratégias melhores para abordar esse problema são urgentemente necessárias.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228676


Background: Acute kidney injury is an important cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. Preterm neonates, in particular are a vulnerable population as they are associated with various risk factors, predisposing them to multi-organ injury. Data on AKI in preterm neonates in India are limited. There are several gaps including the risk factors, demographic profile and associations with other comorbidities which remain unanswered. The objectives of this study were to study the clinical profile, outcomes and various associated risk factors of AKI in preterm neonates.Methods: It is a prospective observational study conducted in neonatal intensive care unit of a government medical college hospital in Rajkot, Gujarat, India. 300 preterm neonates with AKI were selected and demographic details, risk factors associated with AKI and outcomes were studied.Results: It was found that among 300 newborns under study, 82% were males, 92% had sepsis, 65% had respiratory distress syndrome, 32% had birth asphyxia, 29% had shock, 30% had exposure to nephrotoxic drugs, 54% had requirement for mechanical ventilation, 94% patients were discharged and 6% patients expired.Conclusions: The most common risk factor associated with AKI was sepsis. The other important risk factors are birth asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome, and shock. Monitoring of serum creatinine can help in early detection of acute kidney injury.

J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-4, jan.-dez. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551179


The compound "ADE" is an injectable oil for veterinary use which contains large amounts of vitamins A, D and E. The parenteral application in humans leads to a granuloma reaction which triggers hypercalcemia. A 42-year-old man was admitted with lower limb pain, nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis. Laboratory tests revealed creatinine 4.59 mg/dl, calcium 13.3 mg/dl and parathormone 13.8 pg/ml. He underwent an ureterolithotripsy, stent placement, intravenous crystalloid fluids, and corticosteroid. He improved symptoms, kidney function and normalized serum calcium. The "ADE"-induced hypercalcemia diagnosis can be challenging. The early diagnosis may avoid negative outcomes.

O composto "ADE'' é um óleo veterinário injetável que contém grandes quantidades de vitaminas A, D e E. A aplicação parenteral causa reação granulomatosa e hipercalcemia. Um homem de 42 anos foi admitido com dor no membro inferior, nódulos musculares endurecidos, nefrolitíase e nefrocalcinose. O laboratório revelou creatinina 4,59 mg/dl, cálcio 13,3 mg/dl e paratormônio 13,8 pg/ml. Foi tratado com ureterolitotripsia, cateter duplo-J, cristaloide intravenoso e corticoterapia. Ele apresentou melhora dos sintomas, função renal e normalizou cálcio. O diagnóstico da hipercalcemia pelo "ADE'' pode ser desafiador. O diagnóstico precoce pode evitar desfechos negativos.

Humans , Male , Adult , Acute Kidney Injury , Hypercalcemia , Nephrolithiasis , Nephrocalcinosis
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228743


Background: Scrub typhus is one of the vector borne tropical infectious disease, caused by O. Tsutsugamushi. Because of nonspecific signs and symptoms and variable prevalence of pathognomic sign (eschar), diagnosis is very difficult in early stage. The purpose of present research was to differentiate that whether case presenting at our institution are different from previously conducted research in various regions.Methods: Hospital record of all reported cases of scrub typhus admitted to department of pediatrics at tertiary health care institute in North India over last two years (2018-2019) was retrieved and reviewed.Results: More cases were reported in male. Maximum number of cases were in 5-10 years i.e. 32 (50.0%) and only one case in less than 12 months. Maximum number cases were reported in August to October 53 (82.8%) as shown. Most common presenting complaint was fever. Most of cases reported with fever of duration of 7-14 days in (51.6%). Rash was present in 7 (10.5%) and eschar in 1 (1.5%). In lab parameters reported abnormalities severe hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, elevated transaminases, anemia, thrombocytopenia leucopenia and leucocytosis. Hepatitis in 48 (75%) was most common complication followed by pneumonia. Other reported complications were myocarditis, acute kidney injury, pneumonia, bleeding, meningitis, enchepalopathy , papilledema, ARDS and hemophagocytosis.Conclusions: Pediatrician should keep high index of suspicion for suspect scrub typhus in a child presents with febrile illness and early treat should be started. Hepatitis is most common complication. As Scrub typhus is associated with multisystem involvement, thorough assessment of patient should be done to look for these complications and appropriate management of complications should be provided to prevent mortality.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 178-182, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025370


Objective:To establish a predictive model for the progression of acute kidney injury (AKI) to stage 3 AKI (renal failure) in the intensive care unit (ICU), so as to assist physicians to make early and timely decisions on whether to intervene in advance.Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted. Thirty-eight patients with AKI admitted to the intensive care medicine of the Third People's Hospital of Henan Province from January 2018 to May 2023 were enrolled. Patient data including acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ (APACHEⅡ) upon admission, serum creatinine (SCr), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), daily urine output during hospitalization, and the timing of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) intervention were recorded. Based on clinically collected pathological data, standardized creatinine value ratio mean polynomial fitting models were established as the first criterion for judging the progression to stage 3 AKI after data cleansing, screening, and normalization. Additionally, standardized creatinine value ratio index fitting models were established as the second criterion for predicting progression to stage 3 AKI.Results:A total of 38 AKI patients were included, including 25 males and 13 females. The average age was (58.45±12.94) years old. The APACHEⅡ score was 24.13±4.17 at admission. The intervention node was (4.42±0.95) days. Using a dual regression model approach, statistical modeling was performed with a relatively small sample size of statistical data samples, yielding a scatter index non-linear regression model for standardized creatinine value ratio data relative to day " n", with y = 1.246?2 x1.164?9 and an R2 of 0.860?1, indicating reasonable statistical fitting. Additionally, a quadratic non-linear regression model was obtained for the mean standardized creatinine value ratio relative to day " n", with y = -0.260?6 x2+3.010?7 x-1.612 and an R2 of 0.998?9, indicating an excellent statistical fit. For example, using a baseline SCr value of 66 μmol/L for a healthy individual, the dual regression model predicted that the patient would progress to stage 3 AKI within 3-5 days. This prediction was consistent when applied to other early intervention renal injury patients. Conclusion:The established model effectively predicts the time interval of the progression of AKI to stage 3 AKI (renal failure), which assist intensive care physicians to intervene AKI as early as possible to prevent disease progression.

Clinical Medicine of China ; (12): 81-87, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026697


Objective:To analyze the correlation between serum calcium levels and the prognosis of survival and renal recovery in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) accompanied by hypercalcemia.Methods:This retrospective study analyzed the clinical data of patients with AKI accompanied by hypercalcemia admitted to Shanghai General Hospital from December 2015 to August 2022. There were 157 patients included in the study. The observation endpoint was set at discharge, focusing on the patients' survival and renal recovery during this period. Based on their status at discharge, patients were divided into a survival group (116 cases) and a death group (41 cases); and among the survivors, into a renal recovery group (63 cases) and a non-recovery group (53 cases). Continuous variables conforming to normal distribution were expressed as xˉ± s, and the mean comparison between the two groups was performed using an independent sample t-test. Continuous variables not conforming to normal distribution were represented by median (interquartile range) and compared between groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. Categorical variables were expressed as frequency (percentage), and comparisons were made using the chi-squared (χ 2) test or Fisher's exact test, as applicable. The correlation between serum calcium levels and patient outcomes was analyzed using univariate and multivariate Logistic regression. Results:The average age of the study subjects was (68.37±16.28) years, with 97 males (61.78%). The ages in the survival and death groups were (65.39±16.13) years and (76.80±13.67) years, respectively, with 66 males in the survival group and 31 in the death group. The history of malignancy (excluding multiple myeloma) was 37 cases and 23 cases, respectively, and serum albumin levels were (35.41±6.84) g/L and (30.82±5.75) g/L, respectively. Significant Statistical differences were observed in age, gender, history of malignancy (excluding multiple myeloma), and serum albumin were found between the survival and death groups (statistical values: t=4.04, χ 2=4.49, χ 2=7.51, t=3.85; all P<0.05). AIK 1 stage were 33.33%(21/63) and 64.15%(34/53), 2 stage were 36.51%(23/63) and 24.53%(13/34), 3 stage were 30.16%(23/63) and 11.32%(6/34) in the renal recovery and non-recovery groupsrespectively. Serum calcium at discharge in the renal recovery and non-recovery groups were (2.50±0.38) mmol/L and (2.70±0.58) mmol/L, respectively, with mean serum calcium levels of (2.60±0.29) mmol/L and (2.78±0.39) mmol/L, and lowest serum calcium levels of (2.28±0.36) mmol/L and (2.50±0.51) mmol/L, respectively. BNP levels were 118 (64, 283) ng/L and 248 (69, 1 383) ng/L, respectively. Significant differences in AKI stage, serum calcium at discharge, mean serum calcium, lowest serum calcium, and BNP were observed between the two groups (statistical values: χ 2=11.84, t=2.26, t=2.75, t=2.73, U=2.62, all P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age ( OR=1.062, 95% CI 1.027-1.098, P<0.001), history of malignancy (excluding multiple myeloma) ( OR=3.811, 95% CI 1.623-8.951, P=0.002), and serum albumin ( OR=0.889, 95% CI 0.829-0.953, P=0.001) were independent risk factors for in-hospital mortality of patients; severity of AKI(AKI2 OR=2.984, 95% CI 1.281-6.954, P=0.011, AKI3 OR=5.280, 95% CI 1.863-14.963, P=0.002) and serum calcium level at discharge ( OR=0.813, 95% CI 0.666-0.992, P=0.041) were independent risk factors affecting early renal recovery of patients. Conclusion:Serum calcium level is not associated with the risk of in-hospital mortality in patients with AKI accompanied by hypercalcemia but is related to the prognosis of early renal recovery. Proactively managing serum calcium, along with treatment of the primary malignancy and correction of hypoalbuminemia can help improve the prognosis of these patients.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 622-629, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038431


Objective To evaluate the clinical outcome of kidney transplantation from donation after brain death (DBD) donors complicated with acute kidney injury (AKI). Methods Clinical data of 216 DBD donors were retrospectively analyzed, and they were divided into the AKI group (n=69) and control group (n=147) according to the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines. Donors in the AKI group were further divided into the KDIGO stage 1 and stage 2-3 subgroups. One hundred and thirty-five recipients were assigned into the AKI group and 288 recipients in the control group. Postoperative recovery of renal function and clinical outcomes of the recipients were recorded. The risk factors of delayed graft function (DGF) were identified. Results The highest serum creatinine (Scr) level, Scr level before procurement, the highest blood sodium level and blood sodium level before procurement in the AKI group were higher than those in the control group. The application duration of vasopressors in the AKI group was longer than that in the control group. In the AKI group, the amount of fluid resuscitation within 48 h was higher, the HCO3− level at admission was lower, and the incidence of diabetes insipidus and hypotension was higher than those in the control group. The highest Scr level and the Scr level before procurement in KDIGO stage 2-3 donors were significantly higher than those in KDIGO stage 1 counterparts (all P<0.05). Compared with the control group, the incidence of DGF and acute rejection was higher, the proportion of continuous renal replacement therapy was higher, the Scr level within postoperative 90 d was higher, and the urine amount within postoperative 3 d was less than those of recipients in the AKI group. Compared with KDIGO stage 1 recipients, KDIGO stage 2-3 recipients had higher Scr levels at postoperative 3, 4, 5 and 15 d, and less urine amount at postoperative 2 d (all P<0.05). Univariate analysis showed that donor age, the highest Scr level, the highest blood sodium level and the amount of fluid resuscitation within 48 h were the risk factors for DGF in recipients after kidney transplantation. Multivariate analysis showed that donor age was the independent risk factor for DGF in recipients after kidney transplantation (all P<0.05). Conclusions For the application of DBD donors complicated with AKI, active organ maintenance should be performed to alleviate AKI. It exerts no effect upon graft function and survival rate at postoperative 6 months, which may achieve equivalent efficacy as non-AKI donors and may be used as a source of extended criteria donor kidneys.

Organ Transplantation ; (6): 643-647, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038434


Dopamine is the precursor of biosynthesis of norepinephrine. Low-dose dopamine mainly excites dopamine receptors, which may dilate renal and mesenteric vessels, increase renal blood flow and improve the microcirculation. In recent years, low-dose dopamine has been widely applied in the field of kidney transplantation due to its vasoactive effect. However, with the development of evidence-based medicine, the role of dopamine in protecting the perfusion function of renal allograft in kidney transplantation has been questioned. Multiple studies have shown that dopamine brings no significant benefit to renal and cardiac function in kidney transplantation, exerts low pressor effect, and may even increase the risk of perioperative complications. Norepinephrine may be used as a safe substitute. In this article, recent progress in the effect of dopamine upon renal and cardiac function and hemodynamics during kidney transplantation was reviewed, aiming to provide reference for clinical application of dopamine in kidney transplantation.