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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;88(1): e2023, 2025. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568850


ABSTRACT A patient presented with corneoscleral thinning five months after the treatment of suspected ocular squamous surface neoplasia with mitomycin-C and interferon. For tectonic and aesthetic purposes, we decided to perform lamellar corneoscleral transplantation. The approach used established new tectonic support and corneal homeostasis. This technique might be an option in similar cases.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;88(2): e2023, 2025. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574013


ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the outcomes of intravitreal dexamethasone implant used as either an adjuvant or a switching therapy for diabetic macular edema in patients with poor anatomic response after three consecutive monthly injections of ranibizumab. Methods: This retrospective study included patients with diabetic macular edema who received three consecutive doses of ranibizumab as initial therapy and demonstrated poor response. A single dose of intravitreal de xamethasone implant was administered to these patients. The patients were divided into two groups according to the treatment modalities: the adjuvant therapy group, consisting of patients who continued treatment with ranibizumab injection after receiving intravitreal dexamethasone implant, and the switch therapy group, consisting of patients who were switched from ranibizumab treatment to intravitreal dexamethasone implant as needed. The main outcome measurements were best corrected visual acuity and central retinal thickness at baseline and at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months of follow-up. Results: In this study that included 64 eyes of 64 patients, the best corrected visual acuity and central retinal thickness values did not significantly differ between the groups at baseline and at 6 months of follow-up (p>0.05). However, at 12 months, the best corrected visual acuity values in the adjuvant and switch therapy groups were 0.46 and 0.35 LogMAR, respectively (p=0.012), and the central retinal thickness values were 344.8 and 270.9, respectively (p=0.007). Conclusions: In a real-world setting, it seems more reasonable to use intravitreal dexamethasone implant as a switch therapy rather than an adjuvant therapy for diabetic macula edema refractory to ranibizumab despite three consecutive monthly injections of ranibizumab. Patients switched to intravitreal dexamethasone implant were found to have better anatomic and visual outcomes at 12 months than those who continued ranibizumab therapy despite their less-than-optimal responses.

Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e80171, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566275


Objetivo: analisar o empoderamento estrutural de enfermeiros em um hospital de alta complexidade. Métodos: estudo quantitativo, analítico e transversal, realizado com 93 enfermeiros, utilizando um questionário sociodemográfico e ocupacional e o Questionário de Condições de Eficácia no Trabalho II. Os dados foram coletados entre fevereiro e março de 2023. A análise dos dados deu-se por meio de estatística descritiva, teste de Kolgomorov-Smirnov, teste do qui-quadrado e regressão de Poisson. Resultados: os enfermeiros apresentaram nível moderado de empoderamento estrutural, com média de 20,67 (p<0,000). O componente mais pontuado foi a oportunidade (4,22 dp±0,80). Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nos níveis de empoderamento estrutural relacionadas às unidades de trabalho (p-Valor 0,381), vínculo empregatício (p-Valor 0,352) e grau de instrução (p-Valor 0,839). O modelo de regressão de Poisson indica que tanto pode haver altos ou baixos níveis de empoderamento a depender do setor. Conclusão: os enfermeiros demonstraram possuir níveis moderados de empoderamento estrutural.

Objective: to analyze the structural empowerment of nurses in a high-complexity hospital. Methods: a quantitative, analytical, cross-sectional study was carried out with 93 nurses, using a sociodemographic and occupational questionnaire and the Questionnaire of Conditions of Effectiveness at Work II. The data was collected between February and March 2023. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, the Kolgomorov-Smirnov test, the chi-square test, and Poisson regression. Results: the nurses had a moderate structural empowerment level, with a mean of 20.67 (p<0.000). The highest scoring component was opportunity (4.22 sd±0.80). No significant differences were found in the structural empowerment levels related to work units (p-Value 0.381), employment relationship (p-Value 0.352) and education level (p-Value 0.839). The Poisson regression model indicates that there can be either high or low empowerment levels depending on the sector. Conclusion: nurses showed moderate structural empowerment levels.

Objetivo: analizar el empoderamiento estructural del enfermero en un hospital de alta complejidad. Métodos: estudio cuantitativo, analítico y transversal, realizado con 93 enfermeros, utilizando un cuestionario sociodemográfico y ocupacional y el Cuestionario de Condiciones de Efectividad en el Trabajo II. Los datos se recolectaron entre febrero y marzo de 2023. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva, prueba de Kolgomorov-Smirnov, prueba de chi-cuadrado y regresión de Poisson. Resultados: los enfermeros presentaron un nivel moderado de empoderamiento estructural, la media fue de 20,67 (p<0,000). El componente con mayor puntaje fue oportunidad (4,22 DE±0,80). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los niveles de empoderamiento estructural relacionados con las unidades de trabajo (valor p 0,381), la relación laboral (valor p 0,352) y el nivel de formación (valor p 0,839). El modelo de regresión de Poisson indica que pueden existir niveles altos o bajos de empoderamiento dependiendo del sector. Conclusión: los enfermeros demostraron niveles moderados de empoderamiento estructural.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(8): e05052024, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569056


Resumo Objetivou-se analisar a atuação dos enfermeiros na gestão hospitalar frente à COVID-19. O estudo teve uma abordagem qualitativa, do tipo descritivo e exploratório. O cenário foi um hospital que se transformou totalmente para atendimento de pacientes com COVID-19. No momento da coleta de dados, dez enfermeiros estavam à frente da gestão dos serviços, e todos participaram da entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados, após análise temática, foram apresentados em três categorias representativas dos elementos da tríade de Donabedian, ou seja, estrutura, processo e resultado. A categoria 1 realçou a reconfiguração da estrutura hospitalar a partir da gestão de materiais e das pessoas; a categoria 2 abordou a reestruturação do processo de trabalho para alcance das metas com segurança e qualidade; e a categoria 3 focou nas experiências dos enfermeiros na descrição dos resultados alcançados e esperados. A análise evidenciou a importância do trabalho em equipe, do envolvimento e da adaptação do gestor diante dos desafios da doença nova e ameaçadora da vida, dos recursos escassos e da complexidade das relações humanas na crise. Na liderança transformacional esses enfermeiros incentivaram a mudança de comportamento, o crescimento profissional, e resiliência.

Abstract This study aimed to analyze the role of nurses in hospital management in the face of COVID-19. The study had a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory approach. The setting was a hospital that was completely transformed to care for patients with COVID-19. At the time of data collection, ten nurses managed the services, and all participated in the semi-structured interview. After thematic analysis, the data were presented in three categories, representing the elements of Donabedian's triad: structure, process, and result. Category 1 highlighted the hospital structure reconfiguration based on material and people management; category 2 addressed the work process restructuring to achieve goals with safety and quality; and category 3 focused on nurses' experiences in describing the results achieved and expected. The analysis highlighted the importance of teamwork, involvement, and adaptation of managers in the face of the challenges of a new and life-threatening disease, scarce resources, and the complexity of human relationships in the crisis. In transformational leadership, these nurses encouraged behavior change, professional growth, and resilience.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 122-135, mayo 29, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563395


Objective: To determine the difference between patients and dentists regarding the assessment of attributes for choosing a dental center in Trujillo, Peru. Materials and Methods: A comparative cross-sectional observational study was conducted involving a sample of 162 dentists and 162 patients from the Trujillo province in Peru. The data was collected through a virtual questionnaire, validated by experts, and assessed for reliability. Statistical analysis was performed using the U-Mann Whitney and Spearman correlation tests, with a significance level set at 5%. Results: Patients, in comparison to dentists, demonstrated a greater preference for selecting a dental center where the practitioner is a recognized specialist (p<0.001). Similarly, patients showed a preference for centers offering expedited appointments, advanced technology, and equipment, providing affordable and flexible payment options, free consultations, and having convenient parking and comfortable facilities (p<0.05). Conversely, dentists perceived that the most valued attribute by patients is the recommendation of the dentist (p=0.031). Conclusions: When choosing a dental center, patients primarily value attributes related to both the professional responsible for care and administrative management. Conversely, dentists consider the main factor influencing a patient's choice of dental center to be recommendations of the dentist. Valoración de los atributos para la elección de un centro odontológico en Trujillo, Perú: pacientes versus odontólogos

Objetivo: Determinar la diferencia entre pacientes y odontólogos con respecto a la valoración de atributos para la elección de un centro odontológico en Trujillo. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal comparativo con una muestra de 162 odontólogos y 162 pacientes de la provincia Trujillo (Perú). La data fue recogida a través de un cuestionario virtual, sometido a validación por expertos y prueba de confiabilidad. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante las pruebas U-Mann Whitney y correlación de Spearman, considerando un nivel de significancia del 5%. Resultado: Los pacientes, con respecto a los odontólogos, mostraron mayor valoración para la elección del centro odontológico cuando el profesional es especialista y reconocido (p<0.001); así mismo, cuando se le brindan citas rápidas, se usa tecnología y equipamiento adecuados, se brindan facilidades de pago con precios bajos y consultas gratuitas, y el centro cuenta con estacionamiento y espacios cómodos (p<0.05). Por su parte, los odontólogos consideran que el atributo más valorado por los pacientes es que el profesional sea recomendado (p=0.031). Conclusión: Para la elección del centro odontológico, los pacientes valoraron en mayor medida los atributos relacionados al profesional responsable de la atención y la gestión administrativa. Por otro lado, los odontólogos consideraron preferentemente que el atributo principal para la elección del centro odontológico por parte del paciente es que el odontólogo haya sido recomendado.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Dental Offices/ethics , Dentist-Patient Relations/ethics , Peru/epidemiology , Practice Management, Dental , Surveys and Questionnaires
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-7, maio. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1578990


Objetivo: Classificar atividades de educação permanente realizadas por estudantes de Graduação em Enfermagem segundo o Projeto Pedagógico do Curso. Métodos: Estudo documental, de abordagem quantitativa, com um recorte temporal circunscrito entre os anos de 1999 e 2010. Foram incluídos trabalhos produzidos por estudantes da quarta série do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Federal localizada na zona sul do município de São Paulo, Brasil. Os arquivos estavam armazenados fisicamente numa das salas do departamento de Administração desta mesma instituição. Os documentos foram lidos e catalogados de acordo com as seguintes variáveis: ano, realização ou não do treinamento, grande área e unidades curriculares do Projeto Pedagógico do Curso e estratégia de ensino utilizada. Os dados foram organizados e armazenados eletronicamente, e submetidos à análise estatística descritiva. Resultados: Foram analisados 425 trabalhos, e 416 treinamentos foram realizados, correspondendo a 97,9%. Em relação às unidades curriculares 52,2% (n=217) pertenceu a "Fundamentos do cuidado em Enfermagem II". A estratégia mais utilizada foi aula expositiva com 36,1% (n=150). Conclusão: Conclui-se que é importante investir em metodologias ativas de ensino para a educação permanente desde a formação do estudante. (AU)

Objective: To classify continuing education activities carried out by Nursing Undergraduate students according to the Course's Pedagogical Project. Methods: Documentary, with a quantitative approach, with a time frame of one year from 1999 to 2010. from São Paulo, Brazil. Administration packages physically stored in one of the department rooms of this same institution. The documents were read and cataloged according to the following variables: year, training or not, large area and curricular units of the Pedagogical Project of the Course and use strategy. Data organized and stored electronically, and selected for descriptive statistical analysis. Results: 425 works were analyzed, and 416 training sessions were carried out, corresponding to 97.9%. Regarding the curricular units, 52.2% (n=217) belong to "Fundamentals of Nursing Care II". The most used strategy was lecture with 36.1% (n=150). Conclusion: It is concluded that it is important to invest in active teaching methodologies for permanent education since the student's formation. (AU)

Objetivo: Clasificar las actividades de formación continua realizadas por estudiantes de Graduación en Enfermería de acuerdo con el Proyecto Pedagógico del Curso. Métodos: Documental, con abordaje cuantitativo, con marco temporal de un año de 1999 a 2010. de São Paulo, Brasil. Paquetes de administración almacenados físicamente en una de las salas departamentales de esta misma institución. Los documentos fueron leídos y catalogados según las siguientes variables: año, formación o no, gran área y unidades curriculares del Proyecto Pedagógico del Curso y estrategia de uso. Datos organizados y almacenados electrónicamente, y seleccionados para análisis estadístico descriptivo. Resultados: Se analizaron 425 trabajos y se realizaron 416 capacitaciones, correspondiente al 97,9%. En cuanto a las unidades curriculares, el 52,2% (n=217) pertenecen a "Fundamentos del Cuidado de Enfermería II". La estrategia más utilizada fue la conferencia con 36,1% (n=150). Conclusión: Se concluye que es importante invertir en metodologías de enseñanza activa para la formación permanente desde la formación del estudiante. (AU)

Education, Nursing , Students, Nursing , Nursing Administration Research , Health Management , Education, Continuing
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 102-120, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560612


El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar el impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la administración de los servicios de salud y en la atención al paciente, caso de la región Puno, reflejados en los indicadores del sistema de gestión de calidad en cuanto al manejo de recursos desde los distintos puntos o pilares elementales dentro de la administración de salud. Materiales y métodos. se amparó bajo una investigación documental observacional con diseño de análisis descriptivo. La muestra proviene de un análisis que se llevó a cabo en 31 indicadores de actividad (IA) pertenecientes a 7 áreas del Servicio. En su mayoría, estos indicadores experimentaron un aumento tanto en marzo (20%) como en abril (25%). Conclusiones: indican que se observó un incremento en los ensayos clínicos relacionados con el tratamiento del SAR-Cov-2, los cuales abarcaron las unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) y las salas de urgencias (SU). Esto incluyó la dispensación de dosis individuales y el inicio y preparación de las salas de urgencias.

The objective of the research was to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the administration of health services and patient care, in the case of the Puno region, as reflected in the indicators of the quality management system in terms of resource management from the different points or elemental pillars within the health administration. Materials and methods. was based on an observational documentary research with a descriptive analysis design. The sample comes from an analysis carried out on 31 activity indicators (AI) belonging to 7 areas of the Service. Most of these indicators experienced an increase in both March (20%) and April (25%). Conclusions indicate that an increase was observed in clinical trials related to SAR-Cov-2 treatment, which spanned intensive care units (ICU) and emergency rooms (ED). This included single-dose dispensing and ED initiation and preparation.

O objetivo da investigação foi analisar o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 na administração dos serviços de saúde e na assistência aos doentes na região de Puno, tal como se reflecte nos indicadores do sistema de gestão da qualidade em termos de gestão de recursos a partir dos diferentes pontos ou pilares básicos da administração da saúde. Materiais e métodos. baseou-se numa investigação documental observacional com um desenho de análise descritiva. A amostra provém de uma análise efectuada sobre 31 indicadores de atividade (IA) pertencentes a 7 áreas do Serviço. A maioria destes indicadores registou um aumento tanto em março (20%) como em abril (25%). Conclusões. indicam que houve um aumento dos ensaios clínicos relacionados com o tratamento do SAR-Cov-2, que abrangeu as unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) e os serviços de urgência (SU). Isto incluiu a distribuição de doses únicas e a iniciação e preparação de EDs.

Total Quality Management
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 29: 1-6, abr. 2024. fig
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561364


O objetivo do estudo foi desenvolver o modelo lógico do projeto Ruas de Lazer na cidade de Pelotas em 2022, assim como descrever os processos de planejamento, pactuação e execução. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, que utilizou a técnica de observação participante e o emprego de modelo lógico. O projeto possui características de gestão compartilhada que demarcam potencial relevante na criação de vínculo entre universidade, gestão pública e população local. Em 2022, sete eventos foram realizados com proposição de atividades culturais com música e dança, atividades físicas e esportivas e de educação em saúde. O projeto está em permanente construção e evolução, apostando na ampliação de investimentos para atingir os objetivos imediatos de oferta de atividades de lazer e de ampliação da democratização de acesso aos espaços públicos para o uso da população.

The aim of this study was to develop a logical model of the Ruas de Lazer project in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2022, as well as to describe the processes of planning, agreement, and execution. This is a qualitative study that employed the technique of participant observation and the use of a logical model. The project has characteristics of shared management that mark a relevant potential in creating a bond between the university, public management, and the local population. In 2022, seven events were held, proposing cultural activities with music and dance, physical and sports activities, and health education. The project is in permanent construction and evolution, betting on the expansion of investments to achieve the immediate objectives of offering leisure activities and expanding the democratization of access to public spaces for the use of the population.

Public Policy , Leisure Activities , Organization and Administration , Culture
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227905


The utilization of cannabis in oncology presents a multifaceted approach to addressing the complex challenges associated with cancer treatment. With roots tracing back to ancient medicinal practices, cannabis contains numerous compounds, including cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), that interact with the body's endocannabinoid system. These interactions offer potential therapeutic benefits, ranging from antiemetic and analgesic effects to the inhibition of cancer growth processes. While clinical evidence supports the efficacy of cannabinoids in managing symptoms and enhancing the quality of life for cancer patients, caution is warranted due to potential interactions with conventional medications. Understanding the mechanisms of action, optimal administration routes, and potential side effects is crucial for integrating cannabis into personalized cancer care plans. By navigating these considerations thoughtfully, medical practitioners can harness the therapeutic potential of cannabis to complement traditional cancer treatments and improve patient outcomes in the field of oncology.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569874


Introducción: La modelación de los flujos de pacientes se considera una herramienta clave para el análisis y mejora de las trayectorias intrahospitalarias. Objetivo: Desarrollar y validar, en un servicio de cirugía general, un modelo matemático para la gestión de flujos de pacientes en servicios hospitalarios. Métodos: Se desarrolló una investigación de tipo cuantitativa descriptiva. Se analizaron diferentes modelos de gestión y se identificaron brechas a solventar. Para su concepción se diseñó un procedimiento metodológico que tiene en cuenta la agrupación de pacientes en categorías diagnósticas mayores, en función de características clínicas homogéneas y similar consumo de recursos. Resultados: Se identificó como problema principal la insuficiente gestión de los flujos de pacientes. Se construyó un modelo matemático de simulación discreta que se validó mediante la comparación de datos reales del servicio y las opiniones subjetivas de especialistas. Se identificó que los recursos limitantes del sistema son las enfermeras y las camas con porcentajes de utilización de 93,377 % y 89,265 % respectivamente. Conclusiones: Se desarrolla un modelo para la gestión de los flujos de pacientes en el servicio de cirugía general y se demuestra su influencia en el análisis, el proceso de toma de decisiones y la mejora de la gestión.

Introduction: Patient flow modeling is considered a key tool for the analysis and improvement of in-hospital trajectories. Objective: To develop and validate a mathematical model for the patient flows management in hospital in a General Surgery service. Methods: A descriptive quantitative research was developed. Different management models were analyzed and gaps to be solved were identified. For its conception, a methodological procedure was designed that takes into account the grouping of patients in Major Diagnostic Categories according to homogeneous clinical characteristics and similar resource consumption. Results: Insufficient patient flow management was identified as the main problem. A mathematical model of discrete simulation was built and validated by comparing real data from the service and the subjective opinions of specialists. It was identified that the limiting resources of the system are nurses and beds with utilization percentages of 93.377% and 89.265% respectively. Conclusions: A model for the patient flows management in the General Surgery service is developed and its influence on the analysis, decision-making process and management improvement is demonstrated.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 85(1): 92-96, ene.-mar. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556808


RESUMEN Presentamos la experiencia del Policlínico de la Peruvian American Medical Society (PAMS) en Chincha, en la ejecución de misiones médico-educativas en la región Chincha. El Policlínico PAMS presta atención médica general y especializada a la población de la zona, seis días a la semana. Además, recibe misiones médicas que vienen generalmente de los EE. UU. Desde 2011, se han recibido 43 misiones médicas. La composición y la naturaleza de las misiones han cambiado con el tiempo. Los primeros años se atraía a especialistas con el énfasis de traer equipos e insumos para mejorar la infraestructura del Policlínico. Ahora estamos limitados por la renuencia de voluntarios de venir al Perú en parte debido a que el gobierno americano considera que viajes al Perú son de alto riesgo. Esta limitación nos ha brindado la oportunidad de hacer misiones médicas juntamente con dos excelentes universidades peruanas. La experiencia ha sido positiva.

ABSTRACT We present the experience of the Polyclinic of the Peruvian American Medical Society (PAMS) in Chincha, in the execution of medical educational missions in the Chincha region. The PAMS Polyclinic provides general and specialized medical care to the population of the area, six days a week. In addition, the Polyclinic receives medical missions generally coming from the EE.UU. Since 2011, we have received 43 medical missions. The composition and nature of the missions have changed over time. The first years attracted specialists with the emphasis on bringing equipment and supplies to improve the infrastructure of the Polyclinic. We are now limited by the reluctance of volunteers to come to Peru in part because the U.S. government considers travel to Peru to be high-risk. This limitation has given us the opportunity to do medical missions together with two excellent Peruvian universities. This experience has been positive.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 390-394, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011316


OBJECTIVE To investigate the current situation of pharmaceutical management in compact medical consortium of Guangdong province, and to provide decision-making basis for promoting the high-quality construction and sustainable development of the provincial medical consortium. METHODS A self-designed questionnaire was used to select 50 compact medical consortiums in Guangdong province. The survey was answered by the heads of the pharmacy department of the general hospitals. The survey covered the basic scale of the consortium, the appointment of chief pharmacists, the implementation of pharmaceutical management and pharmaceutical care homogenization within the consortium, the difficulties in promoting the homogenization, and the expected provincial support. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on the survey results. RESULTS A total of 50 questionnaires were collected, and the effective recovery rate was 100%. There were 16 chief pharmacists (32.00%) in charge of the pharmacy department of the general hospital in the medical consortium. Thirty-seven medical consortiums (74.00%) had established a drug supply support system within the consortium, 35 medical consortiums (70.00%) had carried out pharmaceutical management and coordination work within the medical consortium, 23 medical consortiums (46.00%) had established a clinical medication guidance system, 25 medical consortiums (50.00%) had established a bidirectional communication mechanism, and only 8 medical consortiums (16.00%) had developed new models of pharmaceutical care. At present, the difficulties in promoting the homogenization of pharmaceutical management and pharmaceutical care within the medical consortium were mainly found in three aspects: the wide gap in management level of each member unit, the lack and uneven level of pharmaceutical personnel, and insufficient policy support and implementation. Most medical consortiums hoped that relevant departments could promote the homogenization of pharmaceutical work by holding special training courses or special supervision. CONCLUSIONS At present, the compact medical consortium in Guangdong province has achieved initial results in the implementation of the chief pharmacist system, the homogenization of pharmaceutical management and pharmaceutical care. However, it is still necessary to improve the coverage of chief pharmacist appointments in the medical consortium, implement the homogenization of pharmaceutical management, and accelerate the homogenization process of pharmaceutical care.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011437


In order to provide a reference basis for the development of relevant compound preparations, this article takes a comprehensive analysis of the usage and dosage of famous classical formulas in Han dynasty from various perspectives, and gives corresponding countermeasures on this basis. Through the comprehensive analysis of the classification and statistics of Zhongjing's medication characteristics, decoction methods, administration and dosage, and combining conversion methods of weights and measures by ancient medical practitioners, along with the dosage and administration of the listed Han dynasty famous classical formulas, it was found that the "Jiangxi method" served as a general guideline for administration according to Zhongjing's original text. This method allowed for flexible dosing based on the conversion of the ancient measurements to modern equivalents[13.8 g per Liang(两)], ensuring the safe and effective medication of these formulas. After combing, it is found that although the dosage of single medicine is large in famous classical formulas from Han dynasty, the administration is flexible. The crude drug amount per administration serves as the foundational dose, with the frequency of administration adjusted flexibly according to the condition. This dosing approach becomes the key for the rational development of compound formulations of famous classical formulas. Based on the conclusions of the study, it is recommended that when developing compound formulations of famous classical formulas in Han dynasty, the original administration method and dosage should be respected. The original crude drug amount per administration should be considered as the daily foundational dose, with the frequency of administration described within a range(1 to N times per day, where N is the maximum number of administrations as per the original text). The specific frequency of administration can be adjusted flexibly by clinical practitioners based on the individual condition. This approach should also be adopted in toxicological studies, where the dosage per administration serves as the basis for toxicity research, and the toxicity profile at the maximum administration frequency should be observed, providing guidance on the clinical safety range. Corresponding drug labels should provide information within a range to indicate toxicological risk intervals.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 783-786, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013537


In July 2023, the National Medical Products Administration issued the Measures for the Administration of Standards for Medicinal Products (hereinafter referred to as the Measures). This article interprets the main content of the Measures, and analyzes its shortcomings as unclear definition of the drug standard code and the goals of drug standard information construction. It is recommended that the national drug regulatory department promptly apply to the standardization authority for the confirmation of the drug standard code “YB” letter, and the drug standard code and numbering rules would be included in the next round of amendments to the Measures. It is necessary to clarify the construction goals of the information system for drug standards at the same time, and build a national drug standard data-sharing platform based on the basic framework of user interface layer, computing processing layer, and data storage layer. Digital drug standards will be free, and access and download services for the public will be provided.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 896-900, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013557


As a glucocorticoid drug with wide clinical application, triamcinolone acetonide can be administered by multiple routes, such as eye, nose, joint cavity, and skin, for the treatment of various local diseases such as arthritis, macular edema, rhinitis, and urticaria. As a drug with extremely low solubility in water, the dose form of triamcinolone acetonide is closely correlated with administration route and site. The dosage form of triamcinolone acetonide administered via injection(including joint cavity injection, vitreous injection, suprachoroidal injection, intramuscular injection) is mainly suspension, and the representative drugs include Kenalog-40®, Zilretta®, Triesence®, Xipere®, etc.; the dosage forms of nasal mucosal administration are mostly sprays, and the representative drug is Nasacort®; the dosage forms of oral mucosal administration are mostly patches, ointments and creams, and the representative drug is Oracort®; the dosage forms for transdermal administration are mostly ointments, creams and lotions, and the representative drugs include Trianex®, Teva-Triacomb®, etc. At present, the research on dosage forms of triamcinolone acetonide by various administration routes mainly focuses on the construction of delivery carriers, the addition of cosolvents or the use of new delivery tools.

Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics ; (12): 322-328, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027724


Intraosseous regional administration (IORA) combines intraosseous infusion with tourniquet technology, using the tourniquet to limit the distribution of drugs in the target limb, achieving higher tissue concentration than systemic administration. In recent years, IORA technology has gained widespread attention and application in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). At present, prophylactic antibiotics are mainly administered in TKA by IORA technology. Studies have shown that drug concentration in local tissues can be significantly increased by IORA before TKA. In addition, there are also studies using IORA technology for preoperative analgesia in TKA, and good early postoperative analgesia effect has been obtained. However, it is unclear whether giving antibiotics through IORA technology is effective in preventing artificial joint infections. At the same time, there is still controversy as to whether IORA will increase complications such as puncture site accidents and fat embolism. This study reviews the current research on the use of IORA in TKA and shows that the application of IORA in TKA will not increase the incidence of complications and can significantly increase the local drug concentration. In primary TKA, IORA technology may have advantages over traditional intravenous systemic administration in terms of postoperative infection prevention and pain control. However, the efficacy of prophylactic antibiotics administered through IORA technology is unclear in people at high risk of infection such as obesity, diabetes, and modified TKA.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 85-92, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027817


Objective To construct a management scheme of nursing assistants in unaccompanied hospitals and explore its application effect.Methods The management team of nursing assistants in unaccompanied hospitals was set up.On the basis of investigating the current situation of nursing assistants'team management,the management scheme of nursing assistants was constructed by ORTCC management model for references,including 5 parts:determining management objectives,perfecting rules system,building hierarchical training system,checking and assessing,and shaping cultural system.Convenience sampling method was used to select 92 nursing assistants in an unaccompanied hospital in Xiamen,Fujian Province from June 2021 to June 2022 as application subjects.The post competence of nursing assistants and the satisfaction of patients and nurses to nursing assistants were compared before the application of the management scheme(June-December 2021)and after the application(January 2022-June 2022).Results After the application of ORTCC management model,the total score of post competency of medical nursing assistants increased from[65(64,67)]to[91(90,92)];the excellent rate of post competency level increased from 1.09%to 67.39%;the satisfaction of patients with nursing assistants increased from 61.99%to 88.62%;the scores of nurses'satisfaction with nursing assistants in all dimensions were significantly higher than before(all P<0.05),and the overall evaluation was improved from 92.73%to 99.24%.Conclusion The use of the ORTCC management model for nursing assistants can effectively improve their post competence,improve the satisfaction of patients and nurses,and help to further stabilize and develop the medical nursing assistants staff.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 93-99, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027818


Objective To analyze the current situation and latent profiles of nurses'voice behavior in nurses,and explore the influencing factors of different types.Methods Through convenience sampling,812 nurses who worked in tertiary hospitals from 5 cities in Guangdong Province during April 2022 to June 2022 were recruited.The demographic questionnaire,the Voice Behavior Scale,the Humble Leadership Scale,and the Team Psychological Safety Climate Scale were used for investigation.Latent profile analysis was used to explore the latent profiles of nurses'voice behavior.The influencing factors of latent profiles were identified by multivariate Logistic regression.Results The total score of the voice behavior in 812 nurses is(37.04±5.88).Voice behaviors in nurses is divided into 3 latent classes,namely"conservation group"(27.83%),"balanced-risky group"(61.95%),and"the challenge group"(10.22%).The influencing factors include recruitment type,whether to assist in department management,humble leadership,team psychological safety climate(all P<0.05).Conclusion The level of nurses'voice behavior is upper medium with heterogeneity,which can be divided into 3 latent profiles.Nurses managers should focus on nurses with conservation group and balanced-risky group and conduct early targeted prevention and care according to characteristics and influencing factors of different latent profile.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 124-128,封3, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027822


Objective To clarify and analyze the concept and connotation of the reflective practice in nurses.Methods CNKI,Wanfang,CBM,PubMed,Embase,Scopus,CIHNAL database were searched in relation to reflective practice in nurses.The retrieval period was from the inception to Dec.2022.Walker and Avant's concept analysis method was used to analyze the connotation.Results A total of 43 articles were retrieved.6 attributes of reflective practice in nurses were identified,including active engagement,critical thinking,openness and acceptance,making connections with previous knowledge or experiences,extemal support,dynamic and continuity.Antecedents included internal and extemal drivers.The reflective practice in nurses ultimately had a vital impact on themselves,patients and organizations.In recent years Reflective Practice Questionnaire has been one of the most commonly used data collection tools to measure the reflective practice in nurses.Conclusion The concept attributes of reflective practice in nurses were identified by concept analysis method,which provides references for nursing educators to cultivate reflective practice ability of nurses.In future research,researchers can combine the connotations of reflective practice for nurses to develop specific assessment tools for testing the level of reflective practice of nurses and construct the local reflective practice intervention scheme for nurses,so as to promote the development of reflective practice in nursing field in China.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 371-377, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027857


Compassion is an important part of nurses'professional quality,and it is also the basis of effective nurse-patient communication and humanistic care.Improving nurses'compassion is helpful to provide high-quality nursing services to patients.This study reviews the definition of compassion,the factors affecting compassion and the training methods to improve compassion,analyzes the shortcomings of existing training methods,and puts forward the prospects for future research,so as to provide a theoretical foundation for future compassion training among nurses.