Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a refractory, chronic non-articular rheumatic disease characterized by widespread pain throughout the body, for which there are no satisfactory therapeutic drugs or options. There are rich Chinese medical therapies, and some non-drug therapies, such as acupuncture, Tai Chi, and Ba-Duan-Jin, have shown satisfactory efficacy and safety and definite advantages of simultaneously adjusting mind and body. FMS is taken as a disease responding specifically to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2018. In order to clarify the research progress in FMS and the clinical advantages of TCM/integrated Chinese and Western medicine, the China Academy of Chinese Medicine organized a seminar for nearly 20 experts in Chinese and Western medicine, including rheumatology, psychology, acupuncture and moxibustion, and encephalopathy, with the topic of difficulties in clinical diagnosis and treatment of FMS and advantages of TCM and Western medicine. The recommendations were reached on the difficulties in early diagnosis and solutions of FMS, mitigation of common non-specific symptoms, preferential analgesic therapy, TCM pathogenesis and treatment advantages, and direction of treatment with integrated Chinese and Western medicine. FMS is currently facing the triple dilemma of low early correct diagnosis, poor patient participation, and unsatisfactory benefit from pure Western medicine treatment. To solve the above problems, this paper suggests that rheumatologists should serve as the main diagnostic force of this disease, and they should improve patient participation in treatment decision-making, implement exercise therapy, and fully utilize the holistic and multidimensional features of TCM, which is effective in alleviating pain, improving mood, and decreasing adverse events. In addition, it is suggested that FMS treatment should rely on both TCM and Western medicine and adopt multidisciplinary joint treatment, which is expected to improve the standard of diagnosis and treatment of FMS in China.
Threatened abortion is a common disease of obstetrics and gynecology and one of the diseases responding specifically to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The China Association of Chinese Medicine organized experts in TCM obstetrics and gynecology, Western medicine obstetrics and gynecology, and pharmacology to deeply discuss the advantages of TCM and integrated Chinese and Western medicine treatment as well as the medication plans for threatened abortion. After discussion, the experts concluded that chromosome, endocrine, and immune abnormalities were the key factors for the occurrence of threatened abortion, and the Qi and blood disorders in thoroughfare and conception vessels were the core pathogenesis. In the treatment of threatened abortion, TCM has advantages in preventing miscarriages, alleviating clinical symptoms and TCM syndromes, relieving anxiety, regulating reproductive endocrine and immune abnormalities, personalized and diversified treatment, enhancing efficiency and reducing toxicity, and preventing the disease before occurrence. The difficulty in diagnosis and treatment of threatened abortion with traditional Chinese and Western medicine lies in identifying the predictors of abortion caused by maternal factors and the treatment of thrombophilia. Recurrent abortion is the breakthrough point of treatment with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. It is urgent to carry out high-quality evidence-based medicine research in the future to improve the modern diagnosis and treatment of threatened abortion with TCM.
Purpose/Significance User portraits of doctors offering free medical advice in online live streaming are constructed and further used to analyze the behavioral characteristics of various types of doctors,so as to provide references for improving the effect of live streaming and their influence.Method/Process A sample of 1 816 doctors who offer free medical advice on the Haodf.com platform is used for clustering analysis to generate different doctor group portraits by using the two-step clustering algorithm.Then an evaluation system for live streaming influence is constructed to explore the differences in online influence among doctors with different styles of live streaming.Result/Conclusion Three types of doctor group portraits are identified,including knowledge-sharing,self-promotional and sociable.There are significant differences in their online influence and three dimensions of live streaming effects including activeness,reputation,and hotness among different doctor groups.Comparative analysis is further performed to find potential solutions for enhancing their live streaming influence.
Sjögren's syndrome (SS), a disorder of immune system, is one of the dominant diseases treated by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). China Association of Chinese Medicine organized experts in the field of TCM and western medicine rheumatology and pharmacology to discuss the advantages and optimal regimens of TCM for the treatment of SS. The experts generally agreed on the low early diagnosis rate of SS and the lack of targeted therapeutic drugs. In addition, autoimmune abnormality is the key factor in the occurrence of SS and deficiency of both Qi and Yin is the core pathogenesis. SS has unique tongue manifestations, which is expected to allow for the early diagnosis and treatment with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine. TCM has advantages in treating SS in terms of alleviating clinical symptoms and systemic involvement, individualized treatment, relieving sleep and mood disorders, preventing the occurrence in the early stage, and enhancing the effectiveness and reducing toxicity in the treatment by integrated TCM and western medicine. In general, TCM has advantages in different stages of SS. Internal and external use of TCM, acupuncture, and acupotome are all available options. The optimal regimens should be determined on the basis of pattern identification, stage of disease, and the advantages of TCM. Clinical characteristics and biomarkers of SS should be studied to classify patients, so as to design precision evidence-based TCM regimens for SS. On the basis of unique tongue manifestations of SS, models for early diagnosis and poor prognosis identification of SS should also be established to achieve early prevention and treatment and to improve the prognosis. In the future, we should vigorously carry out high-quality evidence-based medical research on the treatment of SS by TCM and integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine and develop relevant guidelines to optimize and standardize current diagnosis and treatment, thereby laying a basis for clarifying and explaining the advantages of TCM in treating SS.
COVID-19 has been prevalent for three years. The virulence of SARS-CoV-2 is weaken as it mutates continuously. However, elderly patients, especially those with underlying diseases, are still at high risk of developing severe infections. With the continuous study of the molecular structure and pathogenic mechanism of SARS-CoV-2, antiviral drugs for COVID-19 have been successively marketed, and these anti-SARS-CoV-2 drugs can effectively reduce the severe rate and mortality of elderly patients. This article reviews the mechanism, clinical medication regimens, drug interactions and adverse reactions of five small molecule antiviral drugs currently approved for marketing in China, so as to provide advice for the clinical rational use of anti-SARS-CoV-2 in the elderly.
Abstract: The study aimed to analyze the actions of the Professional Councils in relation to 966 professional-ethical complaints addressed to the Regional Council of Medicine of Minas Gerais between 2012 and 2017. The number of cases, gender, articles violated of the Code of Medical Ethics and decisions made in the lawsuits were considered. An expressive result was observed in terms of acquittal (535 cases) by the Regional Council of Medicine of Minas Gerais. There was a divergence when the same cases were evaluated by the Federal Council of Medicine, which upheld the acquittal in only 29% of the cases. Due to the methodology applied, it was not possible to go beyond speculation on the subject, being necessary a better analysis of the scientific community on this issue.
Resumen: El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las acciones de los Consejos Profesionales en relación con 966 quejas ético-profesionales dirigidas al Consejo Regional de Medicina de Minas Gerais entre 2012 y 2017. Se consideró el número de casos, el género, los artículos violados del Código de Ética Médica y las decisiones tomadas en los juicios. Se observó un resultado expresivo en cuanto a la absolución (535 casos) por parte del Consejo Regional de Medicina de Minas Gerais. Hubo una divergencia cuando los mismos casos fueron evaluados por el Consejo Federal de Medicina, que mantuvo la absolución sólo en el 29% de los casos. Debido a la metodología aplicada, no fue posible ir más allá de la especulación sobre el tema, siendo necesario un mejor análisis de la comunidad científica sobre esta cuestión.
Resumo: O estudo visava analisar as acções dos Conselhos Profissionais em relação a 966 queixas de ética profissional dirigidas ao Conselho Regional de Medicina de Minas Gerais entre 2012 e 2017. Considerou o número de casos, género, artigos violados do Código de Ética Médica e as decisões tomadas nos julgamentos. Um resultado expressivo foi observado em termos de absolvição (535 casos) pelo Conselho Regional de Medicina de Minas Gerais. Houve uma divergência quando os mesmos casos foram avaliados pelo Conselho Federal de Medicina, que manteve a absolvição em apenas 29% dos casos. Devido à metodologia aplicada, não foi possível ir além da especulação sobre o assunto, sendo necessária uma melhor análise da comunidade científica sobre esta questão.
Humans , Male , Female , Health Councils , Whistleblowing , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Ethics, ProfessionalABSTRACT
The problem of medication non-adherence has persisted over decades. The rate of adherence decreases with time and improvement in health condition. When patients cannot follow their prescribed medication regime, it leads to deterioration of their health condition and increases their financial costs. This research aims to find the effect of reminder on medication adherence behaviour of patients when "Acceptance of Side Effect", "Quality of Life" and "Medication Beliefs" act as mediators. The sample size of the research was 505. Sampling units comprised patients suffering from different diseases in Central Referral Hospital, Sikkim, India. By developing a Structural Equation Model, the effect of reminder on the mediators and adherence was analysed. The results show a significant positive association between reminder and the three mediators. Reminder has a significant positive effect on adherence (ß=0.637, e=0.055, p=0.001). The effect is higher in the presence of mediators (ß=0.7, e=0.037, p=0.001).
Reminder Systems , Medication AdherenceABSTRACT
In the clinical practice of rheumatic immune diseases in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM),it`s still unclear about the dominant diseases and breakthrough points. It`s urgent missions to formulate TCM diagnosis and treatment guidelines widely recognized and integrated by traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. In order to clarify the dominant diseases and breakthrough points in rheumatism,China association of Chinese medicine initiated a research group covering experts in the field of rheumatism of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Based on questionnaire survey and on-site discussion,experts had reached the following consensus. Evidence-based medicine research using modern medical methods and scientific methods should be carried out to provide objective clinical evidences. "Four mutuality" were put forward as the basis for the work of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine,that is the mutual communication using the exchangeable context,the mutual explanation using common theories,the mutual certification using common standards,and the mutual integration using common means. Key works should focus on solving refractory rheumatism in the future. In terms of dominant diseases and breakthrough points,this paper introduces 21 breakthrough points in 6 dominant diseases,including rheumatoid arthritis,ankylosing spondylitis,Sjogren's syndrome,hyperuricemia and gout,systemic lupus erythematosus and fibromyalgia syndrome. Advice on this discussion can provide valuable references for developing the treatment scheme of rheumatism with TCM and integrated Chinese and Western medicine and clinical practice and scientific research.
Background: Discharge against medical advice (DAMA) is of serious concern among the pediatrics population. Parent(s)/guardians understanding about the disease and various other factors play role in their decision of DAMA. The aim of this study is to know the prevalence of DAMA in a tertiary care center and to observe the gender stratification in DAMA.Methods: A retrospective survey of medical records of children discharge against medical advice during the period January 2017 to January 2019. Demographic data, length of hospital stay, clinical diagnosis and procedure refused was collected.Results: Total 12977 were discharged during the study period of which, 387 children were DAMA, prevalence of DAMA was 2.9%, male to female ratio among DAMA patients is 1.2:1. The mean length of stay was 4.8 days. Among the DAMA patients' newborns were predominant (61.6 %), p value = 0.0001, highly significant. No significant difference with respect to age and gender (p value = 0.535). Out of 370 DAMA patients, 211 patients who required further investigations and procedure was refused by parents/guardians (p value = 0.0001) highly significant. Phototherapy refusal was most common among newborn (59.7%), followed by neuroimaging and lumbar puncture in children (10.9%).Conclusions: DAMA was observed more among the newborns compared to infants, toddlers and children. Among newborns, phototherapy refusal was most common. In infants and children neuroimaging and lumbar puncture was the most commonly refused procedure. There was no gender bias.
La anomalía de Ebstein es una rara enfermedad que consiste en un espectro variable de anomalías, resultado de una implantación anormal de la válvula tricúspide en el ventrículo derecho; por tal razón, es considerada una afección grave e incurable que origina una tendencia a la terminación voluntaria del embarazo como opción reproductiva en el marco del asesoramiento genético prenatal. Los adelantos en el diagnóstico y control clinicoquirúrgico de esta enfermedad han garantizado el incremento de la supervivencia y una mejor calidad de vida en estos pacientes. Además, han permitido ajustar factores clínicos que implican su evolución y pronóstico. Se realizan algunas valoraciones, a fin de proveer los argumentos necesarios que permitan a la pareja elegir un curso de acción apropiado con vistas a los riesgos y objetivos familiares basados en los principios éticos del asesoramiento genético.
Ebstein anomaly is a strange disease that consists on a variable spectrum of anomalies, due to an abnormal installation of the tricuspid valve in the right ventricle; reason why, it is considered a serious and incurable disorder that originates a tendency to the voluntary termination of pregnancy as reproductive option in the mark of prenatal genetic advice. The advances in the diagnosis and clinical surgical control of this disease have guaranteed the increment of survival and a better life quality in these patients. Also, they have allowed to adjust clinical factors that involve its clinical course and prognosis. Some valuations are carried out, in order to provide the necessary arguments that allow the couple to choose an appropriate action course aimed at the risks and family objectives based on the ethical principles of the genetic advice.
Ebstein Anomaly , Genetic Counseling , Abortion, InducedABSTRACT
Objective @#To analyze the status and influencing factors of the intention of people aged 18 to 25 years to primary medical institutions and their satisfaction for health services in Zhejiang Province, so as to provide basis for the improvement of health services in primary medical institutions.@*Methods@#During November and December in 2019,the 18-25 year-old people in Zhejiang Province were recruited to investigate the general information, intention to seek medical advice and satisfaction for health services in primary medical institutions through WeChat. Logistic regression was performed to analyze the influencing factors of the intention and the satisfaction. Importance matrix was used to analyze the key drivers of the satisfaction. @*Results@#Among the 620 people surveyed, with a response rate of 93.37%, 142 (22.90%) chose primary medical institutions for advice. Actually 516 (83.23%) people went to primary medical institutions last year, and 384 ( 74.42% ) of them were satisfied with the health services. The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the people aged 18-25 years who were under the new rural cooperative medical care system ( OR=3.062, 95%CI: 1.745-5.373 ) and who had records in community health centers ( OR=0.547, 95%CI: 0.308-0.970 ) were more likely to go to primary medical institutions for medical advice; the ability of doctors ( OR=1.478, 95%CI:1.168-1.871 ) ,the drug notification by medical staff ( OR=1.308, 95%CI: 1.065-1.606 ) , routine examination items ( OR=1.523, 95%CI: 1.227-1.889 ) , the ways of payment ( OR=1.168, 95%CI: 1.017-1.340 ) , the comfort of environment ( OR=1.785, 95%CI: 1.437-2.219 ) and the bulletin boards of health knowledge ( OR=1.302, 95%CI: 1.086-1.561 ) were associated with the satisfaction. The results of importance matrix analysis showed that the ability of doctors and routine examination items were the priorities to improve, followed by the drug notification by medical staff; the comfort of environment had competitive advantages; the ways of payment and the bulletin boards of health knowledge needed to be further analyzed. @*Conclusions@#The 18-25-year-old people in Zhejiang Province were less intended to seek medical advice in primary medical institutions, which was associated with the type of medical insurance and records in community health centers. They were satisfied with the health services, the ability of doctors and routine examination items were the key drivers.
The epidemic of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection has presented as a grim and complex situation recently. More than 11,000 cases of 2019-nCoV infection has been confirmed in China until February 1 st 2020, which are causing great impact to economy and society, and seriously interfering with ordinary medical practice of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. This advice guideline discusses the medical protection measures required in the outpatient clinic as well as in operation ward in otolaryngology head and neck department, which aims to protect medical staff from 2019-nCoV infection.
@#The epidemic of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection has presented as a grim and complex situation recently. More than 11,000 cases of 2019-nCoV infection has been confirmed in China until February 1st 2020, which are causing great impact to economy and society, and seriously interfering with ordinary medical practice of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. This advice guideline discusses the medical protection measures required in the outpatient clinic as well as in operation ward in otolaryngology head and neck department, which aims to protect medical staff from 2019-nCoV infection.
Introduction: Discharging with personal satisfaction is one of the main problems in hospitalization, when the patient leaves the hospital sooner than the doctor's advice. This will exacerbate the disease and increase the risk of hospital re-admittance. In this regard, more attention should be given to children because they are not able to understand the above meaning or participate in decision making. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, all children who were discharged due to personal satisfaction from the hospital were included. The 4-page checklist for the various causes of "leaving the hospital despite medical advice" was divided into three sections: Causes related to the patient's own issues, causes related to the hospital medical staff and the causes of the hospital situation, and a page of demographical variables included gender, age and history of hospitalization and ward of hospitalization. Results: A total of 310 cases (7.4%) were discharged with personal satisfaction of their parents. The most important factor linked to discharge with personal satisfaction was the poor economic condition of parents. In terms of factors related to the medical staff, the lack of proper handling of the nurse and then the doctor were the most important factors for discharge. Conclusion: It seems that economic issues are the most important factor in the discharge of children with parental consent of parents. On the other hand, factors such as unacceptable and unpopular behavior of nurses and doctors play crucial role in this phenomenon. Parents who are under intense psychological stress due to economic problems and child illness can be at risk of developing this phenomenon if they are not mentally supported by health staffs
Humans , Child , Patient Discharge , Poverty/economics , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies/statistics & numerical data , Patient Satisfaction , Impacts of Polution on Health/adverse effects , Parental Consent , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , HospitalizationABSTRACT
Background: The elderly population ≥60 years is increasing as the life span is increasing. So is the number of elderly patients who are refusing to get discharge from the hospital is also increasing. Authors are conducting this study in the elderly population who want to stay against medical advice.The aim to find the prevalence of elderly patients who refuse to get discharge from Coronary Care Unit (CCU) in a Tertiary care hospital of North IndiaMethods: A retrospective, observational study conducted in patients of age ≥60 years admitted to the coronary intensive care unit of a tertiary health care centre who refused discharge from the unit, were included in the study. Results: Of the 575 patients 44(7.65%) were willing to stay against medical advice. Of these 24(54.5%) were males and 20(45.5%) females. 6(13.6%) patients were terminally ill suffering from malignancies. Among all the patients who were willing to stay against medical advice, 8(18.2%) were covered by some health insurance scheme of either State or Central Government. 3(6.8%) patients were discharged after 24 hours, 22(50%) patients after 48 hours, 14(31.9%) patients after 72 hours and 5(11.3%) patients after 96 hours of advising discharge from hospital.Conclusions: As the intensive care beds at tertiary healthcare level are limited, the treatment of other salvageable sick patients who need the intensive care is affected by the unnecessary stay in hospital. Apart from the worsened nurse to patient ratio this increases the cost of treatment. This is need of hour to provide safe environment for the elderly outside the hospital settings and increase resources to provide better homecare.
Introdução: Os preenchedores permanentes, apesar de resultados duradouros, são verdadeiros problemas quando causam complicações. No Brasil, o PMMA é um produto aprovado pela Anvisa, mas seu uso extrapola suas indicações, levando a complicações graves. Há mais de uma década, existem recomendações sobre sua restrição, mas casos com consequências graves do seu uso irresponsável são atuais. Objetivo: Relatar complicação grave do uso irregular do PMMA e discutir a realidade brasileira atual baseado em determinações das entidades médicas, assim como dos órgãos reguladores. Métodos: É relatado um caso de necrose extensa da região glútea após a injeção de PMMA por profissional não qualificado e discutida a situação brasileira atual do produto com base nas entidades médicas e revisão da literatura do Brasil. Discussão: Apesar do esforço das entidades médicas, são inúmeros os casos de complicações agudas e crônicas relatados na literatura brasileira. No ano de 2016, foram registradas mais de 17 mil complicações relacionadas ao PMMA, mesmo assim, é difícil estabelecer dados epidemiológicos confiáveis, pois não há controle do número de aplicações, da qualidade do produto utilizado e da capacitação dos profissionais que o utilizam. Conclusão: No Brasil, há um número expressivo de procedimentos reparadores para correção de complicações decorrentes do uso do PMMA. A gravidade do caso relatado traz à tona a necessidade de combate à má prática por profissionais não capacitados, assim como um controle mais rigoroso da comercialização do produto por entidades reguladoras.(AU)
Introduction: Use of permanent fillers can lead to significant complications. In Brazil, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) is a product approved by the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), but its use exceeds its indications, leading to serious complications. Recommendations for restricted use have been in place for more than a decade, but cases with serious consequences due to inappropriate use are still seen. Objective: To report a serious complication due to inappropriate use of PMMA and discuss the current status of PMMA use in Brazil based on recommendations of medical societies and regulatory agencies. Methods: This report describes a case of extensive necrosis of the gluteal region after injection of PMMA by a non-qualified practitioner; the report also reviews the literature on the current status of PMMA use in Brazil. Discussion: Despite the efforts of medical societies, acute and chronic complications are still reported in the Brazilian literature. In 2016, more than 17,000 PMMArelated complications were reported; nevertheless, reliable epidemiological data remain unavailable because the number of treatments, the quality of the product, and the training of practitioners remain unregulated. Conclusion: A significant number of repair procedures are performed in Brazil to correct complications resulting from the use of PMMA. The severity of the reported case highlights the need to combat bad practice by untrained professionals, as well as the need for greater control of PMMA marketing by regulatory agencies.(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Polymethyl Methacrylate/analysis , Polymethyl Methacrylate/adverse effects , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects , Necrosis/diagnosisABSTRACT
Deer is valuable all over the body,which is rich in nutritional value and medicinal value. Deer breeding and processing are very advanced in North America and New Zealand where many related standards have been published. The development of Chinese deer industry lack standard and normal management,neither standards' number nor coverage area formed complete frame structure. The international standards like Panax ginseng and P. notoginseng were more lacked. This paper makes a classification statistics on standardization organizations at home and abroad,foreign standards,Chinese national standards,industry standards,local standards and enterprise standards. The classes,contents,ages,implementation and promotion and demonstration area construction of standards were compared and analyzed. We found Chinese deer industry standards were deficient in coverage,uniformity,innovation,repeatability and support. And we give advises for the construction of industry quality standard system,organizational mobility and ideology of consumers,hoping to boost the standard construction and promote international competitiveness of Chinese deer industry.
Animals , China , Deer , Industry , Materia Medica , Reference StandardsABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the application of individualized health education in patients with diabetes and its effect on compliance with doctor's advice.Methods A total of 102 patients with diabetes who were admitted to our hospital were randomly divided into control group and observation group,with 51 patients in each group.The patients in the control group were given conventional hypoglycemic therapy,and those in the observation group were given hypoglycemic therapy combined with individualized health education.Health education investigation was performed to evaluate patients' compliance with doctor's advice.SPSS 13.0 was used for the chi-square test.Results The observation group had a significantly higher rate of compliance with doctor's advice than the control group from the following five aspects:treatment compliance (98.04% vs 80.39%,P<0.05),smoking quitting and alcohol limiting (92.16% vs 72.55%,P<0.05),rational diet (86.27% vs 66.67%,P<0.05),exercise (80.39% vs 58.82%,P<0.05),and blood glucose moritoring (84.31% vs 62.75%,P<0.05).Conclusion The application of individualized health education in patients with diabetes can effectively improve their compliance with doctor's advice,and therefore,it holds promise for clinical application.
Hospitals, especially public hospitals, are an important part of the public health service system. To clarify public health functions of secondary and tertiary public hospitals in China and provide evidences for related health policy decisions, this article introduced the public health services of hospitals in the United States, Britain, Australia and Canada, and then analyzed public health functions of secondary and tertiary public hospitals in China through literature review and case study. The authors summed up eight kinds of public health service functions, and put forward policy advices to promote the performance of public health functions of public hospitals in China.
Hospitals, especially public hospitals, are an important part of the public health service system. To clarify public health functions of secondary and tertiary public hospitals in China and provide evidences for related health policy decisions, this article introduced the public health services of hospitals in the United States, Britain, Australia and Canada, and then analyzed public health functions of secondary and tertiary public hospitals in China through literature review and case study. The authors summed up eight kinds of public health service functions, and put forward policy advices to promote the performance of public health functions of public hospitals in China.