Introducción: En República Dominicana la educación especial representa una transformación educativa necesaria. El nuevo enfoque de inclusión social y la atención a la diversidad ofrecen oportunidades a todos los educandos. En este sentido, los educadores deben dirigir el proceso de superación profesional. Por ello, el objetivo del presente texto es valorar los resultados del diagnóstico inicial en una investigación sobre la superación profesional del orientador educativo en la prevención de las alteraciones de comportamiento agresivo. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en orientadores educativos de primer ciclo del nivel secundario perteneciente al Distrito Educativo 18-02 del municipio de Tamayo de la provincia Bahoruco, en la República Dominicana. La investigación se llevó a efecto durante los meses de enero a junio de 2023. De un universo de 42 orientadores educativos, se seleccionó de manera intencional una muestra de 13, que cumplieron los criterios de elegibilidad. Para tal efecto, se aplicó un instrumento evaluativo conformado por las dimensiones cognitiva, instrumental y actitudinal, con sus respectivos indicadores y dimensiones. Resultados: En sentido general, la dimensión cognitiva fue evaluada de mal, pues de los cuatro indicadores que la componen, tres recibieron la misma denominación. La dimensión instrumental obtuvo una calificación de mal, dado que los dos indicadores que la conforman alcanzaron iguales resultados. La dimensión actitudinal recibió regular y si bien se demostró que no poseían dominio de la estrategia, reflejaron interés en aprovechar las diferentes materias para tales fines. Discusión: Los resultados de este diagnóstico inicial de los orientadores educativos en el tema que ocupa, demostró las serias dificultades que poseen, además del escaso dominio y conocimiento para enfrentar esta problemática y se corroboró su correspondencia con los constatados por investigadores del tema.
Introduction: In the Dominican Republic, special education represents a necessary educational transformation. The new approach to social inclusion and attention to diversity offer opportunities to all learners. In this sense, educators must direct the process of professional development. Therefore, the objective of this text is to evaluate the results of the initial diagnosis in a research on the professional improvement of the educational counselor in the prevention of aggressive behavior alterations. Methods: A descriptive observational study was carried out on educational counselors in the first cycle of the secondary level belonging to the Educational District 18-02 of the municipality of Tamayo, Bahoruco province, Dominican Republic. The research was carried out during the months of January to June 2023. From a universe of 42 educational counselors, a sample of 13 was intentionally selected, who met the eligibility criteria. For this purpose, an evaluative instrument was applied consisting of a cognitive dimension, and instrumental dimension and an attitudinal dimension, with their respective indicators and dimensions. Results: In general sense, the cognitive dimension was evaluated poorly, since of the four indicators that comprise it, three received the same name. The instrumental dimension obtained a rating of poor, given that the two indicators that make it up achieved equal results. The attitudinal dimension was fair, and although it was demonstrated that they did not have mastery of strategy, they reflected interest in taking advantage of different subjects for such purposes. Discussion: The results of this initial diagnosis of the educational counselors on the subject at hand, demonstrated the serious difficulties they have, in addition to the poor mastery and knowledge to face this problem, and their correspondence with those found by researchers on the subject was corroborated.
Objective To investigate the incidence and influencing factors of aggressive behavior in adolescent inpatients with mental disorders.Methods A total of 372 patients with mental disorders admitted to the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University from January to December 2022 were selected as research subjects.The occurrence of aggressive behavior and its influencing factors were analyzed.Results Among the 372 patients,38(10.2%)cases had aggressive behavior during hospitalization.Univariate and multivariate logistic regression results showed that the history of aggressive behavior,only child,and high irritation factor scores were the risk factors of aggressive behavior in hospitalized adolescents with mental disorders(P<0.05).Mild,outgoing,insecure and isolated personalities before the onset were protective factors of aggressive behavior in hospitalized adolescents with mental disorders(P<0.05).Conclusion Adolescent inpatients with mental disorders are likely to have aggressive behavior.Those who have aggressive behavior before,are the only child in their family and get a high score of irritant factors need more attention.Corresponding nursing interventions should be taken in time through nursing assessment to reduce the occurrence of aggressive behavior.
Objective To explore the influencing factors of aggressive behavior in patients with bipolar disorder and to construct a nomogram prediction model.Method Eighty patients with bipolar disorder who were admitted to our hospital from March 2021 to April 2023 were selected as the research subjects.They were divided into non-aggressive and aggressive groups.Univariate analysis was performed on the data of the two groups,and factors with statistical significance were subjected to logistic regression analysis.A nomogram was drawn to determine the influencing factors of aggressive behavior in patients with bipolar disorder.Result A total of 80 patients were included,of which 28 were in the aggressive group(35.0%)and 52 were in the non-aggressive group(65.0%).The proportion of patients who lived alone for a long time,the total hospitalization time,and the proportion of patients with a history of suicidal tendencies were higher in the aggressive group than in the non-aggressive group.Moreover,the scores of ITAQ and SSRS were lower in the aggressive group(P<0.05).Multivariate logistic regres-sion analysis showed that living alone for a long time and having a history of suicidal tendencies were risk factors for aggressive behavior in patients with bipolar disorder,while high scores on ITAQ and SSRS were protective factors(P<0.05).A nomogram was constructed,which has good predictive value.Conclusion Long-term solitary living and a history of suicidal tendencies may increase the risk of aggressive behavior in patients with bipolar disorder.
Introducción: La formación en el campo de la logofonoaudiología se realiza a partir de los modelos educativo y asistencial que convergen en la atención integrada mediante la prevención, el diagnóstico y el tratamiento. Objetivo: Analizar lo referente al proceso de superación profesional de los profesores de logofonoaudiología en el tratamiento de alteraciones del comportamiento agresivo. Métodos: Se efectuó una revisión de literatura científica en la Facultad de Tecnología de la Salud adscripta a la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey durante el período de enero a mayo de 2023. Fueron consultados artículos en las bases de datos Scopus, SciELO y DOAJ. En consecuencia, se utilizaron los descriptores: formación profesional, logopedia, fonoaudiología y comportamiento agresivo. Se consideraron artículos originales y revisiones publicadas en los últimos 5 años, de estos 30 cumplieron con los criterios de selección. Resultados: La superación profesional del personal docente es un elemento vital para el proceso pedagógico en general. El profesor de logofonoaudiología debe poseer conocimientos sólidos en lo que respecta a las alteraciones que asiste, incluidas las del comportamiento agresivo debido a la creciente incidencia. En este aspecto, disímiles profesionales trabajan por implementar medidas y programas encaminados a atenuar sus manifestaciones. Conclusiones: Para el logro de una superación profesional fidedigna en los profesores de la carrera de logofoaudiología es imprescindible reflexionar sobre qué modelos actuales tomar en relación con las necesidades e intereses de los involucrados y modificar los modelos tradicionales en favor de asegurar el desempeño que se corresponda con la labor que realizan.
Introduction: Training in the field of speech therapy is carried out based on educational and care models that converge in comprehensive care through prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Objective: To analyze the professional development process of speech therapy teachers in the treatment of aggressive behavior disorders. Methods: A review of scientific literature was carried out at the Faculty of Health Technology attached to the University of Medical Sciences in Camagüey, from January to May 2023. Articles were consulted in Scopus, SciELO and DOAJ databases. Consequently, the descriptors vocational training, speech therapy, speech therapy and aggressive behavior were used. Original articles and reviews published in the last 5 years were considered, and thirty 30 of them met the selection. Results: The professional development of teaching staff is a vital element for the pedagogical process in general. The speech therapy teachers must have solid knowledge regarding the alterations they treat, including aggressive behavior due to the increasing incidence. In this regard, different professionals are working to implement measures and programs aimed at mitigating its manifestations. Conclusions: Attaining reliable professional improvement in speech therapy career teachers, it is essential to reflect on what current models to adopt in relation to the needs and interests of those involved and to modify traditional models in favor of ensuring corresponding performance with the work they do.
O Cartoon Test é um instrumento que analisa a percepção de crianças e adolescentes acerca do significado de bullying por meio de cenas de interação entre pares no ambiente escolar. Este estudo qualitativo exploratório constitui a segunda etapa de validação do instrumento no Brasil, com os objetivos de verificar se os participantes compreendem as imagens e legendas dos cartoons e que palavras são utilizadas para descrever os comportamentos inadequados. Foram realizados oito grupos focais, com 52 alunos, com idades de oito e 14 anos, de duas cidades do Rio Grande do Sul. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Questionário sociodemográfico, Folha de registro do pesquisador e Cartoon Test. Realizou-se análise de conteúdo para tratamento dos dados. Os resultados indicaram que o instrumento foi compreendido pelos participantes e o termo bullying foi o mais utilizado para descrever situações agressivas. Para as crianças, sugere-se a redução no número de cartoons, visando evitar a exaustão.(AU)
The Cartoon Test is an instrument that analyzes the perception of children and adolescents about the meaning of bullying through scenes of interaction between peers in the school environment. This qualitative exploratory study is the second phase of validation of the instrument in Brazil. The aim is to verify whether the participants understand both the images and captions of the cartoons and to record the words used to describe the inappropriate behaviors. Eight focus groups were carried out, with 52 students, aged between eight and 14 years, from two cities in Rio Grande do Sul. The instruments used were: sociodemographic questionnaire, record sheet and Cartoon Test. Content analysis was performed. The results showed that the instrument was understood by all the participants and bullying was the word most used to describe the aggressive situations. A reduction in the number of cartoons administered to children is suggested, in order to avoid exhaustion.(AU)
El Cartoon Test es un instrumento que analiza la percepción de niños y adolescentes a respeto del significado de bullying por medio de una escena de interacción entre pares en el ambiente escolar. Este estudio cualitativo exploratorio constituye la segunda etapa de validación del instrumento en Brasil, con el objetivo de verificar que los participantes comprenden las imágenes y leyendas de los cartoons y qué palabras son utilizadas para describir comportamientos inapropiados. Fueron realizados ocho grupos focales, con 52 alumnos, con edades entre ocho y 14 años, de dos ciudades de Rio Grande do Sul. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: Cuestionario Sociodemográfico, Ficha de Registro del Investigador y Cartoon Test. Se llevo a cabo un análisis de contenido para procesar los datos. Los resultados indicaron que el instrumento fue comprendido por los participantes y el termo bullying fue lo más empleado para describir situaciones agresivas. Para los niños, se sugiere la reducción en el número de cartoons, para evitar el agotamiento.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Perception , Aggression/psychology , Bullying/psychology , Social Behavior , Pilot Projects , Reproducibility of Results , Qualitative Research , Age and Sex Distribution , Racism/psychology , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
The revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (rBVQ) is an internationally used instrument to identify bullying, but due to Brazilian students' low proficiency in reading and writing, it had to be adapted for audio-guided use through smartphones. We investigated construct validity, using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), under a two-correlated factor solution. Participated 1,742 fifth graders and 2,316 seventh graders from 30 public schools in the city of São Paulo. We found excellent fit indices models for both grades (fifth grade: CFI=0.985, RMSEA=0.020; seventh grade: CFI=0.990, RMSEA=0.015), as well as factor loading higher than 0.4 for all items, indicating their relevance to the construct. The rBVQ demonstrated excellent psychometric properties and may help future studies that aim to investigate bullying in populations with similar profiles. In addition, this study innovates by evaluating an audio-guided instrument and using mobile technology. (AU)
O Questionário revisado de bullying de Olweus (rBVQ) é um instrumento internacionalmente utilizado para identificar bullying, mas devido às dificuldades de estudantes brasileiros na leitura e escrita, foi adaptado para uso áudio-guiado em smartphones. Investigou-se a validade do construto por meio de análise confirmatória fatorial em uma solução de dois fatores. Participaram 1742 e 2316 alunos de quintos e sétimos anos de trinta escolas públicas de São Paulo. Encontrou-se excelentes índices de adequação para ambos os anos escolares (quintos: CFI = 0,985; RMSEA = 0,020; sétimos: CFI = 0,990; RMSEA = 0,015) e cargas fatoriais maiores que 0,4 para todos os itens, indicando sua relevância para o construto. O rBVQ demonstrou excelentes propriedades psicométricas e pode ajudar estudos futuros que objetivam investigar bullying em populações com perfis semelhantes. Além disso, este estudo inova por avaliar um instrumento áudio-guiado e utilizando tecnologia móvel. (AU)
El Cuestionario Revisado de Bullying de Olweus (rBVQ) es un instrumento utilizado internacionalmente para identificar bullying, pero debido a las dificultades de estudiantes brasileños en la lectura y la escritura, se ha adaptado su uso por medio de audioguías en smartphones. Se investigó la validez del constructo mediante el Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio, bajo un modelo de dos factores. Participaron 1742 y 2316 estudiantes de quinto y séptimo curso de 30 escuelas públicas de São Paulo. Excelentes tasas de adecuación fueron encontradas para ambos casos (quinto año: CFI=0,985, RMSEA=0,020; séptimo año: CFI=0,990, RMSEA=0,015), además de cargas factoriales superiores a 0,4 para todos los ítems, lo que indica su relevancia para el constructo. El instrumento rBVQ ha presentado excelentes propiedades psicométricas y puede ayudar a futuros estudios pretendan investigar el bullying en poblaciones con perfiles similares. Además, este estudio innova al evaluar un instrumento guiado por audio, empleando la tecnología móvil. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Crime Victims/psychology , Bullying/psychology , Psychometrics , Students/psychology , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Education, Primary and Secondary , Mobile ApplicationsABSTRACT
Objective:To explore the mediating role of alexithymia in the relationship between trait anger and aggressive behavior among male violent prisoners.Methods:A sample of 268 male violent prisoners completed self-report measures of the trait anger scale (TAS), Toronto alexithymia scale-20 (TAS-20) and the Chinese college students' version of Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire. SPSS 23.0 software and Mplus 8.0 software were used to test the mediating effect.Results:The total scores of trait anger, aggressive behavior and alexithymia were (17.75±4.93), (52.15±10.61)and (70.90±19.40), respectively. Pearson correlation analysis showed that trait anger was both significantly positively correlated with aggressive behavior ( r=0.67, P<0.01) and alexithymia ( r=0.40, P<0.01), and there was also a significantly positive correlation between alexithymia and aggressive behavior ( r=0.55, P<0.01). Multivariate hierarchical regression analysis showed that trait anger directly predicted aggressive behavior ( β=0.67, P<0.01) after controlling the influence of alcohol addiction. Emotional recognition disorder played a partially mediating role in the relationship between trait anger and aggressive behavior ( β=0.18, 95% CI=0.11-0.27). Conclusion:Trait anger not only directly affects male violent prisoners aggressive behavior, but also indirectly affects male violent prisoners aggressive behavior through emotional recognition disorder.
Resumen Introducción: La agresividad es una variable que se ha venido asociando a problemas sociales y clínicos; a su vez, se ha estimado un incremento de la misma denotando un riesgo mayor en población infanto-juvenil. Objetivo: Describir las características de la conducta agresiva y variables psicosociales asociadas (tipo de relaciones familiares y antecedentes personales), en una muestra de 351 adolescentes ente 12 y 17 años de edad de la ciudad de Bucaramanga y su área metropolitana. Método: Es una investigación cuantitativa de alcance descriptivo transversal. Se empleó un Cuestionario "Ad hoc" y el Cuestionario de Agresividad Premeditada e Impulsiva en Adolescentes (Andreu, 2010), los cuales se aplicaron de forma autoadministrada desde un muestreo no probabilístico. Los resultados se obtuvieron a través del programa estadístico SPSS, realizando un análisis estadístico de medidas de tendencia central y Chi cuadrado. Resultados: Se identificó que la agresividad es frecuente en los adolescentes, especialmente de tipo impulsiva (33 %), y predominando en las mujeres (premeditada= 25,4 %; impulsiva= 37,3 %). Los adolescentes con agresividad impulsiva alta se caracterizaban por menor edad (12 años= 7,7 %) y menor nivel académico (séptimo grado o menos= 14,8 %). De forma genérica, quienes tenían agresividad alta, tenían relación distante desde lo afectivo y físico con el padre, y antecedentes de haber tenido problemas con otros por ejercer la agresión. Conclusión: Los hallazgos comprueban la frecuencia de la agresividad en la adolescencia, y llevan a reflexionar sobre posibles cambios en los roles sociales sobre la expresión de las emociones. Es fundamental estudiar la relación de la agresividad con la impulsividad, la edad, la dinámica relacional con los padres, con el fin de brindar mayores aportes en el desarrollo de estrategias de prevención de la conducta disfuncional asociada a la agresividad.
Abstract Introduction: Aggression is a variable that has been associated with social and clinical problems; at the same time, an increase in it has been estimated, denoting a higher risk in the child-adolescent population. Objective: To describe the characteristics of aggressive behavior and associated psychosocial variables (type of family relationships and personal history), in a sample of 351 adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age from the city of Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area. Method: It is a quantitative investigation of transversal descriptive scope. An "Ad hoc" Questionnaire and the Premeditated and Impulsive Aggression Questionnaire in Adolescents (Andreu, 2010) were used, which were self-administered from a non-probabilistic sampling. The results were obtained through the SPSS statistical program, performing a statistical analysis of measures of central tendency and Chi square. Results: It was identified that aggressiveness is frequent in adolescents, especially of the impulsive type (33 %), and predominantly in women (premeditated = 25,4 %; impulsive = 37,3 %). Adolescents with high impulsive aggressiveness were characterized by younger age (12 years = 7,7 %) and lower academic level (seventh grade or less = 14,8 %). In a generic way, those who had high aggressiveness, had a distant emotional and physical relationship with the father, and a history of having had problems with others for exerting aggression. Conclusion: The findings verify the frequency of aggressiveness in adolescence, and lead to reflect on possible changes in social roles on the expression of emotions. It is essential to study the relationship of aggressiveness with impulsivity, age, and relationship dynamics with parents, in order to provide greater contributions in the development of strategies for the prevention of dysfunctional behavior associated with aggressiveness
Objective:To explore the chain mediating effect of emotion dysregulation and trait anger between childhood trauma and aggressive behavior in adolescents.Methods:A sample of 1 333 undergraduates were recruited to complete the questionnaires about childhood trauma, aggressive behavior, emotion dysregulation, trait anger.The SPSS 23. 0 and Mplus 8.3 software were used to analysis data and test intermediate effect.Results:The scores of childhood trauma, aggressive behavior, difficulties in emotion regulation and trait anger were (33.624±8.211), (53.995±12.307), (91.781±17.518), (23.352±5.477), respectively. Correlation analysis showed that childhood trauma, aggressive behavior, emotion dysregulation and trait anger were positively correlated with each other( r=0.209-0.614; all P<0.01). Mediation modeling analysis showed that childhood trauma had a significant direct effect on aggressive behavior. The direct effect value was 0.121, accounting for 35.8% of the total effect. The total indirect effect of childhood trauma on aggressive behavior was 0.217, accounting for 64.2% of the total effect. The mediating effect of emotion dysregulation as mediator between childhood trauma and aggressive behavior was 0.035, accounting for 10.4% of the total effect. The mediating effect of trait anger as mediator between childhood trauma and aggressive behavior was 0.108, accounting for 31.9% of the total effect. The chain mediating effect of emotion dysregulation and trait anger was 0.074, accounting for 21.9% of the total effect. Conclusion:Emotion dysregulation and trait anger exert a multiple mediating effect on the relationship between childhood trauma and aggressive behavior.
Objective: To explore the relationship between aggressive behavior, dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) exon III 48 bp variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) and personality characteristics in patients with bipolar disorder. Methods: From January 2015 to December 2018, 173 patients with bipolar disorder were selected from Shanghai Changning Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jing'an Mental Health Center, Shanghai Xuhui Mental Health Center, and Shanghai Jiading Central Hospital. According to the score of Modified Overt Aggression scale (MOAS), 173 patients were divided into aggressive behavior group (research group) and non-aggressive behavior group (control group). General survey and the temperament and personality questionnaire (Temperature and Character Inventory, TCI) were carried out, respectively. The polymorphism of DRD4 gene were genotyped by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. Genetic equilibrium test of genotype Hardy-Weinberg and the difference of genotype frequency between the two groups were analyzed by using SHEsis software. The relationship between aggression behavior and DRD4 gene polymorphism and personality traits in bipolar disorder patients was analyzed by χ2 test and t test. Results: There was no significant difference in the general data between research group and control group (P>0.05). Six alleles and nine genotypes of DRD4 exon III 48 bp VNTR were detected. The most common alleles in the two groups were four repeat alleles. There were statistical differences in the frequency distribution of genotypes and alleles of DRD4 exon III 48 bp VNTR between the two groups (P=0.040, P=0.018). The scores of novelty seeking and harm avoidance in the research group were higher than those in the control group (P=0.026, P=0.000), while the scores of cooperativeness and self-directedness were lower than those in the control group (both P=0.000). Patients with long repeat alleles had significantly higher scores in novelty seeking and harm avoidance, and lower scores in cooperativeness, compared with patients with short repeat alleles (P=0.000, P=0.006, P=0.038). Conclusion: Aggressive behavior in patients with bipolar disorder may be associated with DRD4 exon III 48 bp VNTR. In bipolar disorder, patients with aggressive behavior have unique personality characteristics in impulsiving, novelty-seeking, exploring, being afraid of uncertainty, revengeful, behaving himself and so on. Patients with long repeat alleles have more significant personality abnormalities.
OBJECTIVE: To explore the mediating effect of coping styles on aggressive behavior against bus drivers and their mental health status. METHODS: A total of 447 bus drivers were selected as the research objects using the method of judgment sampling. The aggressive behavior, mental health status and coping style of bus drivers were investigated using the Questionnaire of Aggressive Behaviors Against Bus Drivers, Symptom-Checklist 90 and Questionnaire of Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire. RESULTS: The median scores of aggressive behavior against bus drivers, positive coping style, negative coping style and mental health status were 50.0, 22.0, 10.0 and 125.0, respectively. Aggressive behavior against bus drivers and negative coping style were positively correlated with mental health status [Spearman correlation coefficient(r_S) were 0.27 and 0.42, respectively, P<0.01]. Positive coping style was not correlated with mental health status(r_S=-0.08, P>0.05). The total effect of aggressive behavior against bus drivers on their mental health status was 0.30. The mediating role of negative coping styles on aggressive behavior against bus drivers and their mental health status was 0.10, accounting for 33.1% of the total effect. CONCLUSION: Negative coping styles play a partial mediating role on the impact of aggressive behavior against bus drivers′ mental health status.
Background: Adolescence is a vulnerable period of growth and development. This is the time when habits are inculcated which will carry forward to adult life. Sleeping patterns among adolescents have an impact on their overall health. Early substance use initiation is a serious concern because it is associated with significantly increased risks for developing substance use disorders. In general, aggressive behaviors progress from less to more severe over the course of adolescent development. Objectives: The objectives of this study are to determine the lifestyle behaviors of young adolescents focusing on sleep pattern, aggressive behavior, and substance use. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 739 students of Class VII and VIII in both government and private schools in Imphal West and Kangpokpi districts of Manipur between August 27 and September 25, 2017. A pretested, structured questionnaire was used, which included the modified version of Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS software (IBM SPSS for Windows, Version 21.0. Armonk, NY, USA). Results: Only 56.2% of the students had adequate sleep. The proportion of adolescents using alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, and Ganja was 4.6%, 9.5%, 5.7%, and 1.6%, respectively. Aggressive behavior was shown by 35.3%. Male students were getting more sleep (60.7%), were more aggressive (38.8%), and were using tobacco and cigarettes (82.4%) more than female students. Conclusions: Around two-fifth of the adolescents were not getting enough sleep. The association between aggressive behavior and substance use was found but needs further investigation for its temporal relationship.
Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue construir una escala de agresividad confiable y culturalmente relevante para adultos mexicanos. Se elaboraron 96 reactivos en escala Likert a partir de indicadores obtenidos en un estudio preliminar y de planteamientos teóricos. Participaron voluntarios de la Ciudad de México. Se obtuvieron cinco factores que agrupan 25 reactivos que explican el 61.59 % de la varianza, 0=0.92. En otro estudio, se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio que mostró índices de ajuste adecuados. Posteriormente, se obtuvieron correlaciones entre la personalidad y la agresividad. Los resultados muestran que los factores extroversión, afabilidad, responsabilidad y apertura se asocian negativamente a la agresividad; mientras que el neuroticismo se asocia positivamente. Respecto a las diferencias por sexo, los resultados indican que los hombres muestran niveles más elevados de reactividad y las mujeres de frustración. Se concluye que la escala es un instrumento válido y confiable que permite reconocer diferencias entre los cinco grandes factores de personalidad, así como en hombres y mujeres.
Abstract The objective of this research project was to construct a reliable and culturally relevant scale to measure aggressiveness in Mexican adults. A 96-item Likert scale was designed, on the basis of indicators drawn from a preliminary study and of theoretical formulations. Participants were volunteers from Mexico City. Five factors were obtained that group together 25 items explaining 61.59 % of the variance, 0=0.92. In another study, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed, which showed adequate indexes of adjustment. Subsequently, correlations between personality and aggressiveness were obtained. Results show that the extroversion, affability, responsibility, and openness factors are negatively associated with aggressiveness, while neuroticism is positively associated. With respect to differences by sex, findings indicate that men show higher reactivity levels and women, higher frustration levels. The conclusion is that the scale is a valid and reliable instrument that makes it possible to identify differences among the five big personality traits, as well as between men and women.
Resumo O objetivo desta pesquisa foi construir uma escala de agressividade confiável e culturalmente relevante para adultos mexicanos. A partir de indicadores obtidos em um estudo preliminar e abordagens teóricas, foram elaborados 96 reativos na escala Likert. Voluntários da Cidade do México participaram. Cinco fatores, que agrupam 25 itens, que explicam 61,59% da variância, 0 = 0,92, foram obtidos. Em outro estudo, foi realizada uma análise fatorial confirmatória que mostrou taxas de ajuste adequadas. Posteriormente, correlações entre personalidade e agressividade foram obtidas. Os resultados mostram que os fatores extroversão, afabilidade, responsabilidade e abertura estão associados negativamente à agressividade; enquanto o neuroticismo está positivamente associado. Em relação às diferenças por sexo, os resultados indicam que os homens apresentam níveis mais elevados de reatividade e as mulheres de frustração. Conclui-se que a escala é um instrumento válido e confiável, que permite reconhecer diferenças tanto entre os cinco grandes fatores de personalidade quanto entre homens e mulheres.
Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are the main treatments for epilepsy. Patients with epilepsy will benefit a lot from AEDs. However, AEDs also have a variety of adverse drug effects, including aggressive behavior (AB). It will have important clinical significance of identifying and treating correctly AB since of its dangers, caused by AEDs. This article will review the clinical features, susceptibility factors and mechanisms of AB induced by AEDs.
Objective:To study the distribution and related factors of aggressive behavior among school aged children in Nanjing.Methods:Totally 4678 primary school students in Nanjing were sampled by cluster random sampling in this study.The General questionnaire and Achenbach's child Behavior Checklist were used to investi gate the general situation and aggressive behavior.Results:The rate of aggressive behavior of school-age children in Nanjing was 3.6 % (167/4678).Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that democratic parenting style [other parenting styles (OR =1.94,95% CI =1.10-3.42),mixed parenting style(OR =1.96,95% CI =1.35-2.85)],and genetic screening before birth (OR =0.71,95% CI =0.52-0.99) were protective factors for children's aggressive behavior.The factor figures of aggressive behavior were positively correlated with that of oth er behavior problems in Pearson correlation analysis (r =0.52-0.80,Ps <0.01).Conclusion:About 3.6% of the school aged children in Nanjing have aggressive behavior.It is more likely to have aggressive behaviors for children who is in other parenting styles except the democratic style and never have the genetic screening before birth.And children who with aggressive behavior may co-occur with other behavior problems.
Os comportamentos agressivos são comuns na infância, o que exige o uso de instrumentos adequados para mensurá-los. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a invariância de medida da Peer Aggressive Behavior Scale (PAB-S) e investigar evidências de validade baseadas na relação com variáveis externas. Participaram 237 cuidadores (M=38,5; DP=7,02; 70,6% mães) e 1.370 crianças, com idades entre 7 e 13 anos (M=9,87; DP=1,28; 53,1% meninas), estudantes de escolas de ensino fundamental de três estados brasileiros. A Análise Fatorial Confirmatória Multigrupo demonstrou invariância configural escalar e métrica da PAB-S. Já a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais indicou evidências de validade concorrente e convergente. Os resultados apontam para as adequadas propriedades psicométricas da PAB-S, sugerindo sua adequação para uso no contexto brasileiro. Novos estudos deverão ser conduzidos para agregar outras evidências de validade e confiabilidade da PAB-S.
Aggressive behavior is common in childhood, which requires the use of appropriate instruments to measure them. The aim of this study was to test the measurement invariance of the Peer Aggressive Behavior Scale (PAB-S) and to investigate evidence of validity based on the association with other external variables. Participants were 237 caregivers (M=38.5; SD=7.02, 70.6% mothers) and 1,370 children, aged 7 to 13 years (M=9.87, SD=1.28, 53.1% girls), students from elementary schools in three Brazilian states. The Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis demonstrated configural, scalar and metric invariance of the PAB-S. The Structural Equation Modeling indicated adequate evidence of concurrent and convergent validity. The results demonstrate adequate psychometric properties of the PAB-S, suggesting its adequacy for use in the Brazilian context. Further studies should be conducted to further evidence the validity and reliability of the PAB-S.
Los comportamientos agresivos son comunes en la infancia, lo cual exige el uso de instrumentos adecuados para evaluarlos. El objetivo de este estudio fue testar la invariancia de medida de la Peer Aggressive Behavior Scale (PAB-S) e investigar evidencias de validez baseada en la relación con otras variables externas. Participaron 237 cuidadores (M =38,5; DP=7,02; 70,6% mamás) y 1370 niños, con edades entre 7 y 13 años (M=9,87; DP=1,28; 53,1% niñas), estudiantes de colegios de primaria de tres estados brasileños. El Análisis Factorial Confirmatório Multigrupo demonstró la invariancia configural escalar y métrica de la PAB-S. Ya el Modelaje de Ecuaciones Estructurales indicó evidencias adecuadas de validez concurrente y convergente. Los resultados señalas que las propiedades psicométricas de la PAB-S son adecuadas, lo cual sugiere que esta escala es pertinente para el uso en el contexto brasileño. Nuevos estudios deberían ser conduzidos para agregar otras evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la PAB-S.
Psychology, Child , AggressionABSTRACT
El tumor odontogénico queratoquístico, es una patología que se encuentra asociada a la retención de un órgano dentario, en especial al tercer molar, es reconocido por su potencial destructivo y extenso, erosionando placas corticales que envuelven mucosa y tejidos blandos, la etiología del tumor odontogénico queratoquístico está probablemente relacionada con el desarrollo de la lámina dental (o restos de Serres) y con una mayor recidiva dentro de los tumores odontogénicos, siendo motivo de su reclasificación en el 2005 por la OMS. Se presenta casoclínico de un tumor odontogénico queratoquístico en el seno maxilarderecho, se exponen los métodos utilizados para la exploración clínica,radiológica y el tratamiento quirúrgico elegido.
The keratocystic odontogenic tumor is a condition associated withtooth retention, particularly of the third molar. It is recognized as beingpotentially highly destructive, by eroding cortical plates overlying theoral mucosa and soft tissues. The etiology of keratocystic odontogenictumor is probably related to the development of the dental lamina (orremains of Serres) and the recurrence rate is high compared to that ofother odontogenic tumors, the reason for their reclassifi cation by theWHO in 2005. We present a clinical case of a keratocystic odontogenictumor in the right maxillary sinus, including an explanation of themethods used for clinical and radiological examination, and the chosensurgical treatment.
Humans , Male , Young Adult , Odontogenic Cysts/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/classification , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Maxillary Sinus/pathology , Decompression, Surgical/methods , Mexico , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , RecurrenceABSTRACT
Objective To explore the effect of serotonin 1A (5-HT1A) receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT on pathological aggressive behavior, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in pubertal rats. Methods Forty-two 21-day-old male SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups:model group, normal group, model+8-OH-DPAT group, model+normal saline (NS) group, normal+8-OH-DPAT group and normal+NS group, with 7 rats in each group. The rats in the model, model+8-OH-DPAT and model+NS groups were given a series of early chronic stresses to establish the pathological aggressive animal model, and the other 3 groups were fed normally. Then the rats in the model+8-OH-DPAT and normal+8-OH-DPAT groups were injected intraperitoneally with 8-OH-DPAT (0.5 mg/kg), while the rats in the model+NS and normal groups were administered with 2 mL of NS. We determined the aggressive behaviors of the rats through resident-intruder test and detected the protein expressions of BDNF and GDNF in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus by Western blotting. Results (1) Compared with the normal group, the latency in the first attack in the model group was significantly shorter (P0.05). (2) The protein expressions of BDNF and GDNF in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in the model group were significantly lower than those in the normal group (P<0.01), but they were significantly decreased in the model+NS group compared with the normal+NS group (P<0.05, P<0.01) and were significantly increased in the model+8-OH-DPAT group compared with the model+NS group (P<0.05, P<0.01). Conclusion The expressions of BDNF and GDNF in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus may be related to the pathological aggressive behaviors induced by early chronic stress in puberty rats. 5-HT1A receptor agonist can reduce the pathological aggressive behaviors induced by early chronic stress and increase the expressions of BDNF and GDNF in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in puberty rats.
Objective To explore the distributional differences of the gene frequencies of 22 short tandem repeats loci on Y Chromosome(Y?STRs) between offenders with Initiative?aggressive behavior and impulsive?aggressive behavior,and to probe into the genetic factors of initiative?aggressive behavior and im?pulsive?aggressive behavior. Methods Biological samples of 271 offenders with initiative?aggressive behav?ior and 271 offenders with impulsive?aggressive behavior were collected and PCR compound amplification was carried out with the aid of PowerPlex Y23 System. Then the PCR products were subjected to electrophoresis and gene detection with AB3500xL gene analysis system so as to calculate and compare the alleles and haplo?types of 22 Y?STRs gene frequency in the two groups. Results The distribution of allele frequency were sig?nificantly difference in locus DYS437(P=0.022) between two groups,not in the other 21 Y?STRs loci( all P>0.05) . Univarite analysis showed significant differences at allelle 14 in locus DYS437 between both groups ( initiative?aggressive behavior group:69. 37%;impulsive?aggressive behavior group:58. 67%; P=0. 009 ) . Conclusion Loci DYS437 may be associated with aggressive behavior. In the group of aggressive behavior, allelle 14 on locus DYS437 may be the susceptible factor of initiative?aggressive behavior and the resistant factor of impulsive?aggressive.
Objective To study the correlation between the polymorphisms of NR3C1 gene and aggressive behavior in Yunnan Han population.Methods Five SNPs of the NR3C1 gene (rs6190,rs6191,rs6198,rs41423247 and rs56149945) were genotyped in 194 unrelated prisoners who committed violent-crimes and 301 healthy controls using improved Multiplex-ligase-detection reaction(iMLDR) method,and the data were statistically analyzed with the SPSS19.0soflware and PHASE2.1platform.Results Single locus analysis showed that the allelic distribution of rs6191and rs41423247did not show significant differencesbetween the control groupand the aggressive-behavior group as well as the robbery sub-group and intentional injury sub-group.However,significant difference was foundin the rs41423247 genotype distribution betweencontrol groupand robbery sub-group (p=0.048).In addition,there were no significant differences for the four haplotypes between the control group,the attack group,the robbery subgroup and the intentional injury subgroup.Conclusion These findings indicate that rs41423247 polymorphism of the NR3C1gene might play a role in susceptibility to aggressive behavior and rs6191 polymorphismmay not be correlated withaggressive behavior.