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Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(3): 1-9, jul.set.2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572488


Introdução: As queimaduras são um desafio da saúde pública devido à alta morbimortalidade e prejuízo na qualidade de vida da vítima. Elas afetam desproporcionalmente as populações de menor nível socioeconômico, resultando em elevados custos para saúde. Método: Estudo ecológico, retrospectivo, observacional, com abordagem quantitativa e análise de tendência temporal da morbimortalidade por queimadura em Santa Catarina, com dados obtidos dos Sistemas de Informações Hospitalar e de mortalidade disponibilizados pelo Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde. Análise temporal pelo Teste de Correlação de Spearman. Resultados: Verificada tendência de crescimento na taxa geral de internação (Spearman=0,806; p<0,005) por queimaduras no estado no período analisado. Maior prevalência no sexo masculino (RP 1,68), na população de 0 a 4 anos (RP 3,08) e na região da Grande Florianópolis (taxa média 23,22%). Predominou o grupo classificado como médio queimado (taxa média 25,67%) e as internações de 0 a 3 dias (taxa média 50,25%). Queimaduras em cabeça, pescoço e tronco (taxa média 32,25%) foram as mais prevalentes. Conclusão: Identificada tendência de crescimento na taxa de internação por queimaduras em crianças no estado. Maior prevalência de internação no sexo masculino, em crianças de 0 a 4 anos e na região da Grande Florianópolis. Predomínio de médio queimados e de queimaduras em cabeça, pescoço e tronco, com maior taxa de internações de curta duração.

Introduction: Burns is a public health challenge due to high morbidity and mortality and impairment of the victim's quality of life. They disproportionately affect populations of lower socioeconomic status, resulting in high health costs. Method: Ecological, retrospective, observational study, with a quantitative approach and temporal trend analysis of morbidity and mortality due to burns in Santa Catarina, with data obtained from the Hospital and Mortality Information Systems made available by the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System. Temporal analysis by Spearman Correlation Test. Results: There was a growing trend in the general hospitalization rate (Spearman=0.806; p<0.005) for burns in the state in the period analyzed. Higher prevalence in males (RP 1.68), in the population aged 0 to 4 years (RP 3.08), and in the Greater Florianópolis region (mean rate 23.22%). The group classified as medium burn predominated (mean rate 25.67%) and hospitalizations of 0 to 3 days (mean rate 50.25%). Burns to the head, neck, and trunk (mean rate 32.25%) were the most prevalent. Conclusion: A growth trend was identified in the hospitalization rate for burns in children in the state. Higher prevalence of hospitalization in males, in children aged 0 to 4 years, and in the Greater Florianópolis region. Predominance of moderate burns and burns to the head, neck, and trunk, with a higher rate of short-term hospitalizations.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234284


Background: Reproductive health (RH) communication between mothers and adolescent girls is critical for fostering knowledge and healthy behaviors. This communication varies significantly between urban and rural settings due to different socio-cultural contexts and access to information. The aim of this study was to compare RH communication with mothers between urban and rural adolescent girls. Methods: This cross-sectional comparative study was conducted from January to December 2020 in Mithapukur upazila (rural) and Rangpur city (urban) in Bangladesh. A total of 112 adolescent girls aged 14 to 17 from class 9 and 10 were interviewed, with 56 girls from each area. Results: Socio-demographic characteristics were similar in both groups. In both urban and rural areas, 67.9% of respondents communicated with their mothers about RH, while 32.1% did not. In the past six months, 58.9% of urban and 57.1% of rural girls had no RH discussions. Menstruation and pubertal changes were the most common topics in both areas, while other RH topics were less frequently discussed. Discussions often began at the onset of menstruation or between ages 9-12, with some starting during high school entry or initiated by the girls themselves, though 32.1% in both areas had not started discussions. The majority were only informed about necessary RH parts. Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate that RH communication among urban adolescent girls was higher as compared to the rural adolescent girls.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(3): 12-18, jul.-set. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583208


RESUMEN Introducción: La obesidad y el sobrepeso son problemas de salud pública con importantes consecuencias psicológicas y sociales, como el estigma de peso. Según la OMS, el 69% de los adultos con obesidad experimentan estigma por parte de profesionales de la salud. Sin embargo, hay pocos estudios sobre este estigma en Chile. Las personas con un IMC normal suelen ver a quienes tienen obesidad de manera negativa, mientras que aquellos con obesidad tienden a ser más compasivos hacia otros en la misma situación, lo que reduce el estigma. Objetivo: Asociar IMC y el nivel de estigma de peso en estudiantes universitarios de carreras de la salud en la región de Ñuble, Chile. Métodos: Diseño observacional de corte transversal. Se aplicó la escala GAMS-27 para evaluar el estigma de peso e IMC para evaluar el estado nutricional de 156 estudiantes de carreras de la salud. Se aplicaron las pruebas de independencia de Ji2 y regresión logística binaria para evaluar la asociación entre las variables, con el paquete estadístico R versión 4.3.0. Resultados: Se encontró una asociación significativa entre estigma de peso y estado nutricional (p=0.0145). Presentar IMC normal (p=0.0163) y ser mujer (p=0.0156) se asoció con una mayor probabilidad de presentar sesgo de peso. Conclusiones: El presente estudio identificó una asociación significativa entre estigma de peso e IMC en estudiantes universitarios. Es vital promover la educación respecto al estigma de peso en los estudiantes universitarios con el fin de evitar prejuicios y mejorar el respeto hacia los futuros usuarios.

Abstract Introduction: Obesity and overweight are public health problems with important psychological and social consequences, such as weight stigma. According to WHO, 69% of adults with obesity experience stigma from health professionals. However, there are few studies on this stigma in Chile. People with a normal BMI tend to view those with obesity negatively, while those with obesity tend to be more compassionate towards others in the same situation, which reduces stigma. Objective: To relate nutritional status (BMI) and the level of weight stigma in university students of health careers in the region of Ñuble, Chile. Methodology: Observational cross-sectional design. The GAMS-27 scale was applied to assess weight stigma and BMI to evaluate the nutritional status of 156 students of health careers. Chi2 tests of independence and binary logistic regression were applied to evaluate the association between the variables, with the R statistical package version 4.3.0. Results: A statistically significant association was found between weight stigma and nutritional status (p=0.0145). Presenting normal BMI (p=0.0163) and being female (p=0.0156) were associated with a higher probability of presenting weight bias. Conclusions: The present study identified a statistically significant association between weight stigma and nutritional status in college students. It is vital to promote education regarding weight stigma in college students to avoid bias and improve respect for future users.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226738


Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) pose a substantial cost to global healthcare systems. The heterogeneous patient demographics and healthcare environments of district residency programmes (DRPs) provide special possibilities for detecting trends of ADRs. In order recognize recurring trends and related variables, this study will examine ADR incidents that occur during DRPs. Methods: A prospective observational research with forty-three patients was carried out. Standardized reporting forms were used to gather data on ADRs, and descriptive statistical techniques were used to analyse the results. We evaluated medication information, patient demographics, and ADR features to seek for patterns and potential causes. Results: Preliminary analysis revealed a diverse range of ADRs observed during DRPs, spanning various severity levels and therapeutic classes. Common ADRs included gastrointestinal disturbances, allergic reactions, and central nervous system effects. Factors such as patient age, polypharmacy, and comorbidities emerged as potential predictors of ADR occurrence. Conclusions: The panorama of ADRs seen during DRPs is clarified by this study, underscoring the significance of careful monitoring, and reporting mechanisms in these initiatives. Gaining insight into ADR trends and related variables can help in improving patient safety, simplifying drug management plans, and directing future educational initiatives for medical professionals.

Rio de Janeiro; s.n; s.n; 20240000. 220 p. ilust, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1579989


Introdução: A pesquisa teve como objeto de estudo o contexto de trabalho e o custo humano no trabalho dos policiais militares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Objetivos: Objetivo Geral: Avaliar o contexto de trabalho e o custo humano no trabalho em policiais militares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.Objetivos Específicos: Descrever as características sociodemográficas, laborais, hábitos de vida e de saúde dos policiais militares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; descrever o contexto de trabalho e o custo humano no trabalho de policiais militares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Analisar a associação do contexto de trabalho e custo humano no trabalho de policiais militares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro com as características sociodemográficas, laborais e de saúde; discutir os principais aspectos do contexto de trabalho e custo humano no trabalho dos policiais militares do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, na perspectiva da saúde do trabalhador. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, realizado com 446 policiais militares, com coleta de dados entre os meses de dezembro de 2021 e junho de 2022, a partir de um questionário para caracterização sociodemográfica, laboral, hábitos de vida e condições de saúde, além da Escala de Avaliação do Contexto de Trabalho (EACT) e da Escala de Custo Humano no Trabalho (ECHT). Para a organização e análise estatística, foi utilizado o software SPSS 13.0. Os resultados foram apresentados em forma de tabela, com suas respectivas frequências absolutas e relativas. As variáveis numéricas estão representadas por medidas de tendência central e dispersão, referentes às características sociodemográficas e laborais, hábitos de vida, condições de saúde e itens das EACT e ECHT. Resultados: O contexto de trabalho foi classificado de crítico a grave em todos os fatores, com destaque para a organização do trabalho. Na avaliação do fator custo humano, o cognitivo foi o mais exigido no contexto de trabalho dos policiais militares pesquisados. O custo afetivo foi o fator que apresentou classificação satisfatória em quatro facetas. Os outros fatores apresentaram classificação crítica à grave. Contribuições: A investigação trouxe importantes contribuições para o entendimento da relação entre as variáveis sociodemográficas, laborais, de hábitos de vida e condições de saúde e sua associação com o custo humano e o contexto de trabalho como fator importante no processo saúde-doença no trabalho do policial militar, no que tange à importância desses fatores para o benefício dos profissionais de segurança pública inscritos na polícia militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Conclusão: Os índices do contexto de trabalho e custo humano indicaram que os policiais apresentavam alto risco de adoecimento, em virtude das condições precárias de trabalho e do contexto violento, no qual a atividade laboral vem a ser desenvolvida, constatando-se, consequentemente, as altas exigências que esses fatores exercem sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores da área de segurança pública.

Introducción: El objeto de estudio de la investigación fue el contexto laboral y el costo humano del trabajo de los policías militares en Río de Janeiro. Objetivos: Objetivo General: Evaluar el contexto laboral y el costo humano del trabajo de los policías militares en el Estado de Río de Janeiro. Objetivos específicos: describir las características sociodemográficas , laborales, estilos de vida y hábitos de salud de los agentes de policía militar del Estado de Río de Janeiro; describir el contexto Laboral y el costo humano del Trabajo de los policías militares en el Estado de Río de Janeiro; analizar la asociación del contexto de trabajo y costo humano en el trabajo de los policías militares del Estado de Río de Janeiro con características sociodemográficas , laborales y de salud; discutir los principales aspectos del contexto laboral y el costo humano en el trabajo de los policías militares en el Estado de Río de Janeiro, desde la perspectiva de la salud del trabajador. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal con enfoque cuantitativo con 446 policías militares del Estado de Río de Janeiro, y recolección de datos entre los meses de diciembre de 2021 y junio de 2022, a partir de un cuestionario sobre condiciones sociodemográficas, laborales, de estilo de vida y de salud (corrección: eliminación del espacio extra después de "sociodemográficas"). Además, se utilizaron la Escala de Evaluación del Contexto Laboral (EACT) y la Escala de Costo Humano en el Trabajo (ECHT). Para la organización y análisis estadístico se utilizó el software SPSS 13.0. Los resultados se presentaron en forma de tabla, con sus respectivas frecuencias absolutas y relativas; las variables numéricas están representadas por medidas de tendencia central y medidas de dispersión de características sociodemográficas y laborales, hábitos de vida, condiciones de salud y los ítems de las escalas de condiciones de trabajo y costo humano. Resultados: El contexto laboral se clasificó de crítico a grave en todos los factores, con énfasis en la organización del trabajo. Al evaluar el factor costo humano, el cognitivo fue el más requerido en el contexto laboral de los policías militares encuestados. El costo afectivo fue el factor que presentó una clasificación satisfactoria en cuatro facetas. Los demás factores se clasificaron como críticos a graves. Contribuciones: La investigación realizó importantes aportes a la comprensión de la relación entre variables sociodemográficas , laborales, de estilo de vida y de condiciones de salud y su asociación con el costo humano y el contexto laboral como factor importante en el proceso salud-enfermedad en el trabajo de los policías militares. respecto a la importancia de estos factores en beneficio de los profesionales de seguridad pública registrados en el Policía Militar del Estado de Río de Janeiro. Conclusión: Los índices de contexto laboral y de costo humano indicaron que los agentes policiales presentan alto riesgo de enfermedad, debido a las condiciones precarias de trabajo y al contexto violento en el que se desarrolla la actividad laboral, confirmando consecuentemente las altas exigencias que estos factores imponen a la salud de los trabajadores de la seguridad pública.

Introduction: The research object of study was the work context and the human cost of the work of military police officers in Rio de Janeiro. Objectives: General Objective: Assess the work context and the human cost of working in military police in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Specific Objectives: To describe the sociodemographic, work characteristics, lifestyle and health habits of police officers in the state of Rio de Janeiro; describe the work context and the human cost of the work of military police officers in the State of Rio de Janeiro; Analyze the association of the work context and human cost at work of military police officers in the State of Rio de Janeiro with sociodemographic, work and health characteristics; discuss the main aspects of the work context and human cost in the work of military police officers in the State of Rio de Janeiro, from the perspective of worker health. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study with a quantitative approach was conducted with 446 military police officers from the state of Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected between December 2021 and June 2022 using a questionnaire that covered sociodemographic characteristics, work conditions, lifestyle habits, and health status, along with the Work Context Assessment Scale (EACT) and the Human Cost at Work Scale (ECHT). SPSS 13.0 software was used for data organization and statistical analysis. The results were presented in tables with their respective absolute and relative frequencies. Numerical variables were represented by measures of central tendency and dispersion, covering sociodemographic and work characteristics, lifestyle habits, health conditions, and items from the work conditions and human cost scales. Results: The work context was classified from critical to serious in all factors, with emphasis on the work organization. When evaluating the human cost factor, the cognitive was the most required in the work context of the military police officers surveyed. The affective cost was the factor that presented a satisfactory classification in four facets. The other factors were classified as critical to severe. Contributions: The investigation made important contributions to the understanding of the relationship between sociodemographic, work, lifestyle and health conditions variables and their association with the human cost and the work context as an important factor in the health-disease process at work. military police officer, regarding the importance of these factors for the benefit of public security professionals registered with Military Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Conclusion: The work context and human cost indices indicated that police officers presented a high risk of illness, due to the precarious working conditions and the violent context, in which the work activity is carried out, consequently confirming the high demands that these factors place on the health of public safety workers.

Military Health , Sociodemographic Factors , Occupational Health , Military Psychiatry
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública ; 48(1): 234-250, 20240426.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BVSDIP | ID: biblio-1555827


Em universitários, comprometimentos na qualidade de sono e na saúde mental estão relacionados com maior disfunção diurna e menor desempenho acadêmico. O contexto causado pela covid-19 prejudicou a qualidade de sono e a saúde mental de diversos grupos populacionais. Entretanto, mais estudos são necessários para avaliar essas variáveis em estudantes universitários matriculados em diferentes cursos da área da saúde durante a referida pandemia. Com esta pesquisa, objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade de sono e saúde mental de estudantes universitários da área da saúde durante a pandemia da covid-19, bem como investigar possíveis correlações entre os referidos aspectos nessa população. Trata-se de estudo transversal que empregou um formulário eletrônico contendo tanto perguntas para caracterização da amostra quanto questionários específicos. O índice de qualidade de sono de Pittsburgh (PSQI) foi empregado para avaliar a qualidade de sono. Já o questionário de saúde geral (QSG-12) e a escala hospitalar de ansiedade e depressão (HAD) para avaliar, respectivamente, o bem-estar psicológico e ansiedade e depressão. 324 estudantes da área da saúde participaram deste estudo. Entre eles, 87.3% apresentaram uma qualidade de sono pobre (≥ 5), 74.1% apresentaram prejuízo na saúde mental e 73.7% apresentaram quadro de ansiedade possível ou provável. Além disso, evidenciou-se correlação moderada positiva entre os valores do PSQI, do QSG-12 e da escala HAD. Nesse contexto, estudos são necessários para investigar opções terapêuticas capazes de atenuar esses impactos.

In university students, sleep quality and mental health impairments are related to greater daytime dysfunction and lower academic performance. COVID-19 has harmed the quality of sleep and mental health of several population groups. However, more studies are needed to evaluate the quality of sleep and mental health of university students enrolled in health courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. To evaluate the quality of sleep and mental health of university students in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic and to investigate possible correlations between the aforementioned aspects in this population. An electronic form containing questions to characterize its sample and other specific questionnaires were used in this cross-sectional study. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to evaluate sleep quality and the General Health Questionnaire (QSG-12) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) were used to evaluate psychological well-being, anxiety, and depression, respectively. Overall, 324 health students participated in this study. Of these, 87.3% of students had poor sleep quality (≥ 5), 74.1% had impaired mental health, and 73.7% had possible or probable anxiety. Furthermore, the PSQI, QSG-12, and HAD scale values showed a moderately positive correlation. During the COVID-19 pandemic, university students in healthcare experienced significant losses in their sleep quality and mental health. In this context, studies must investigate therapeutic options to mitigate these impacts.

Las alteraciones en la calidad del sueño y la salud mental de estudiantes universitarios se relacionan con una mayor disfunción diurna y menor rendimiento académico. El contexto provocado por el covid-19 ha perjudicado la calidad del sueño y la salud mental de varios grupos de la población. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios para evaluar la calidad del sueño y la salud mental de estudiantes universitarios matriculados en diferentes carreras de salud durante la pandemia del covid-19. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad del sueño y la salud mental de estudiantes universitarios en el campo de la salud durante la pandemia del covid-19, así como investigar posibles correlaciones entre los aspectos antes mencionados en esta población. Se trata de un estudio transversal que utilizó un formulario electrónico que contenía preguntas para caracterizar la muestra y cuestionarios específicos. Se utilizó el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburg (PSQI) para evaluar la calidad del sueño. El Cuestionario de Salud General (CSG-12) y la Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresión (HADS) se utilizaron para evaluar, respectivamente, el bienestar psicológico y la ansiedad y depresión. En este estudio participaron 324 estudiantes del campo de la salud. De estos, el 87,3% de los estudiantes tenía mala calidad del sueño (≥ 5), el 74,1% presentaban problemas de salud mental y el 73,7% tenía posible o probable ansiedad. Además, hubo una correlación positiva moderada entre los valores de las escalas PSQI, CSG-12 y HADS. Durante la pandemia del covid-19, los estudiantes universitarios del campo de la salud experimentaron pérdidas significativas en su calidad de sueño y salud mental. En este contexto, son necesarios estudios que investiguen opciones terapéuticas capaces de mitigar estos impactos.

Students, Health Occupations
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233943


Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is a rare autoimmune condition characterized by antibodies against serum aquaporin-4 (AQP4), primarily affecting the optic nerves and spinal cord. This case report sheds light on the diagnostic challenges of area postrema syndrome (APS) as the initial manifestation of Sjogren's syndrome, often misidentified due to its diverse symptomatology. APS, seen in 10% of NMOSD cases, manifests as persistent nausea, vomiting, and uncontrollable hiccups. Left untreated, APS can progress to optic neuritis and longitudinally extensive myelitis, emphasizing the need for early intervention with corticosteroid therapy and immunomodulators. NMOSD commonly coexists with other autoimmune diseases like Sjogren's syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. Recent evidence also highlights NMOSD's impact on peripheral organs, particularly skeletal muscles, with elevated creatine kinase levels during acute phases. Understanding the relationship between NMOSD and autoimmune diseases is vital for accurate diagnosis and management, especially in cases of seronegative NMOSD and recurrent attacks, emphasizing comprehensive clinical evaluations and a broader diagnostic approach.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227890


Background: Students are the wealth of the nation as they constitute one of the important segments of the population. The foundation of good health and sound mind is laid during the school age period. During this period, they are vulnerable to various oral health problems. These conditions are the hurdles in their physical, mental, emotional, and social development. In view of this, a study was conducted to assess the oral health status of the school students in rural areas. Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted in rural area among school children in the month of March 2023. Standard proforma was used to record the data related to oral morbidity among the subjects. Data entry and statistical analysis was done with the help of Microsoft Excel. ?2 and SE (p1-p2) tests were used to compare difference in categorical variables. The statistical level of significance was fixed at p<0.05. Results: 432 students were examined. 226 (52.31%) subjects were having oral morbidity. 151 (66.81%) subjects in the age group of 5-10 years while 75 (33.19%) in the age group of >10-16 years were having oral health problems (p<0.05). 155 (59.73%) students from primary section and 71 (40.27%) students from secondary section were suffering from oral morbidity (p<0.05). Dental caries was observed among 194 (44.91%) subjects followed by mouth ulcers (09.72%). 143 (53.36%) underweight subjects were suffering from dental caries (p<0.05). Conclusions: Common oral health problems found in school going children can be addressed with the implementation of school health program in effective way. These common infirmities can be prevented by actively involving parents and teachers in school health services.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227885


Background: As per the 2022 World Air Quality Report, India holds the eighth position globally for air pollution, with Karnataka in South India experiencing notably poor air quality, leading to 95 deaths per 100,000 population annually. Indoor air pollution poses substantial health risks, contributing to conditions such as pneumonia, stroke, diabetes, lung cancer, and premature mortality. Methods: This study, conducted from April to July 2023 in the urban area of UHTC, Chandabowdi, aimed to assess indoor air pollution's impact. Using simple and systematic random sampling, 128 household members were surveyed through in-person interviews with ethical clearance. Results: Of 128 participants, 44% reported respiratory symptoms, and 94% practiced unsanitary waste disposal. Ventilation issues affected 32.8%, while 75.8% reported neighborhood pollution. LPG was the primary fuel source for 97.7% of households, indicating significant environmental and health concerns. Conclusions: Urgent action is needed to address indoor air pollution's health impacts. Clean technologies, improved building design, and lifestyle changes are essential to mitigate risks. Continuous monitoring and collective efforts are necessary for a healthier and sustainable future.

Rev. arch. med. familiar gen. (En línea) ; 21(1): 21-29, mar. 2024. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553979


Introducción: La atracción, captación y retención son determinantes de una distribución equitativa de profesionales de la salud. Objetivo: describir las decisiones de formación de posgrado de egresados/as de medicina de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), y su impacto en el sistema de residencias médicas de Bahía Blanca durante el año 2023. Resultados: el 79,63% de quienes egresaron de esta universidad decidieron realizar una residencia médica, y el 51,12 % adjudicó en especialidades del Primer Nivel de Atención con una adjudicación en pediatría menor a la media nacional. La carrera de medicina local cubrió el 39,24 % de las vacantes de Bahía Blanca, y el 38% de sus graduados/as decidió formarse en otras ciudades. Ocho residencias de la ciudad quedaron sin ingresantes en el 2023. Conclusión: existe una gran proporción de egresados/as de la UNS que eligen especialidades de APS. Hay una baja adjudicación en Pediatría que contrasta con la elección de Medicina Familiar, a diferencia de las elecciones a nivel nacional. En términos generales hay un déficit en la atracción y captación de egresados/as de la UNS por parte del sistema de salud local, lo cual demanda a los sectores docentes y asistenciales nuevas estrategias para captar y atraer profesionales en área prioritarias (AU)

Introduction: Attraction, recruitment and retention are determinants of an equitable distribution of healthcare professionals. Objective: to describe the postgraduate training decisions of medical graduates from the National University of the South (UNS), and their impact on the Bahía Blanca medical residency system during the year 2023. Results: 79.63% of Those who graduated from this university decided to carry out medical residency, and 51.12% were awarded in First Level Care specialties with a pediatric award lower than the national average. The local medical career covered 39.24% of the vacancies in Bahía Blanca, and 38% of its graduates decided to train in other cities. Eight residences in the city were left without entrants in 2023. Conclusion: there is a large proportion of UNS graduates who choose APS specialties. There is a low allocation in Pediatrics that contrasts with the choice of Family Medicine, unlike the elections at the national level. In general terms, there is a deficit in the attraction and recruitment of UNS graduates by the local health system, which demands new strategies from the teaching and healthcare sectors to attract and attract professionals in priority areas (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Physicians/supply & distribution , Education, Medical, Graduate , Physicians Distribution , Internship and Residency , Argentina , Job Market , Medicine
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233863


Background: Hypertension (high blood pressure) is when the pressure in your blood vessels is too high (140/90 mmHg or higher). It is common but can be serious if not treated. Methods: The present study was conducted at medicine department of Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandya from February to July 2023. Total 100 study subjects in the age group of 30� years were included by simple random sampling technique in the present study. Pre-designed, pre-tested proforma was used to collect data regarding demographic characteristics and different risk factors i.e. smoking and alcoholism through house-to-house visits. Results: In the present study the overall prevalence of hypertension was found to be 18%. Similar findings have also been reported in other studies. Comparable prevalence (15%) was found in the study conducted at squatter settlement of Karachi (Pakistan). Similar prevalence of hypertension (16.9%) has also been reported in the study conducted among labour population of Gujarat. Conclusions: Cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyle behaviors are amenable to modification and may therefore be relevant targets in the prevention of hypertension. For some modifiable risk factors, it is unclear whether they are causally related to hypertension. This study found that, BMI, alcohol dependence, insomnia, and educational level are causal risk factors of hypertension. This improved understanding of the pathophysiology of hypertension can be used to identify additional targets for the prevention of hypertension and its association diseases.

Rev. ABENO (Online) ; 24(1): 2178, 20 fev. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1578533


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência do bruxismo do sono e aspectos psicológicos do pós-pandemia nos estudantes da área da saúde. Estudo epidemiológico transversal realizado com 322 estudantes da área da saúde, de ambos os sexos, que responderam a um questionário onlinesobre estresse psicológico, situação da saúde psicológica, medo da COVID-19, ansiedade em relação ao coronavírus e bruxismo do sono.Para a análise dos dados, realizou-se a distribuição de frequência segundo as variáveis do estudo. Os resultados revelaram que 54% dos estudantes avaliados apresentaram bruxismo do sono. Nodecorrer da pandemia, 47% relataram ter contraído a COVID-19 e 98% receberam as duas doses da vacina. Adicionalmente, 30% relataram sentir receio em retomar às atividades normais após o término da pandemia e 70% não manifestaram esse receio. Não foram identificados sintomas de transtorno de ansiedade generalizada em 53% dos participantes, tampouco para depressão em 54%.concluiu-se, portanto, que os estudantes universitários apresentaram uma alta prevalência de bruxismo do sono, não exibindo sintomas de transtorno de ansiedade ou depressão (AU).

El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia del bruxismo del sueño y aspectos psicológicos en el periodo pospandémico en estudiantes de salud. Estudio epidemiológico transversal realizado con 322 estudiantes del área de salud, de ambos sexos, que respondieron un cuestionario online sobre estrés psicológico, situación de salud psicológica, miedo al COVID-19, ansiedad ante el coronavirus y bruxismo del sueño. Para el análisis de los datos se realizó una distribución de frecuencias según lasvariables de estudio. Los resultados revelaron que el 54% de los estudiantes evaluados presentaban bruxismo del sueño. Durante la pandemia, el 47% reportó haber contraído COVID-19 y el 98% recibió ambas dosis de la vacuna. Además, el 30% refirió sentir miedo de retomar sus actividades normales una vez finalizada la pandemia y el 70% no expresó este miedo. No se identificaron síntomas de trastorno de ansiedad generalizada en el 53% de los participantes, ni tampoco se identificó depresión en el 54%. Se concluyó, por tanto, que los estudiantes universitarios presentaron una alta prevalencia de bruxismo del sueño, sin presentar síntomas de trastorno de ansiedad o depresión (AU).

This study aimed to assess the prevalence of sleep bruxism and psychological aspects of post-pandemic sleep among healthcare students. This was a cross-sectional epidemiological study conducted with 322 healthcare students of both sexes who answered an online questionnaire about psychological stress, psychological health status, fear of COVID-19, anxiety about the coronavirus, and sleep bruxism. Data analysis was performed using frequency distribution according to the study variables. The results revealed that 54% of the students evaluated had sleep bruxism. During the pandemic, 47% reported contracting COVID-19, and 98% received both vaccine doses. Additionally, 30% reported feeling afraid to return to normal activities after the end of the pandemic, and 70% did not express this fear. No symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder were identified in 53% of the participants, nor were there any symptoms of depression in 54%. It was therefore concluded that university students had a high prevalence of sleep bruxism without exhibiting symptoms of anxiety disorder or depression (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Anxiety Disorders/psychology , Students, Health Occupations , Sleep Bruxism , COVID-19/psychology , Epidemiologic Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Analysis
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227786


Background: Morbidities among under-five children in rural areas is a major public health problem. This study was conducted to assess the nutritional status, age-appropriate immunization coverage, personal hygiene and morbidity pattern among under-5 children and their socio-demographic determinates in rural slum dwellings. Methods: A community based cross sectional study was conducted in rural area of Maharashtra using purposive sampling technique. The survey was done by using predesigned and pretested proforma along with recording of socio-demographic factors, anthropometric measurements, immunization status and clinical examination of the study subjects. Results: The study included 86 under-5 children from a rural slum dwelling. 16 (18.60%) subjects were underweighted, 35 (40.70%) were stunted and 14 (16.28%) were wasted. 04 (04.65%) and 02 (02.33%) subjects were MAM and SAM respectively. 35 (40.70%) subjects were morbid. 20 (23.26%) subjects were suffering from louse infestation of which 07 (14.58%) were boys and 13 (34.21%) were girls (p<0.05). 17 (19.77%) subjects were suffering from dental caries. 12 (13.95%) subjects were suffering from skin diseases. 23 (26.74%) subjects were suffering from oral health problems. All subjects’ personal hygiene was poor. 72 (83.72%) subjects were age-appropriate fully immunized. The association between monthly family income and presence of stunting among the subjects is statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusions: Underweight, stunting, wasting, MAM, SAM, louse infestation, skin diseases, dental caries, oral health problems and poor immunization coverage are found to be major health problems among the under-five children in rural areas. Poor personal hygiene of under-5 children is also a major issue. Capacity building of parents for early health seeking and strengthening of primary health care services is essential to act timely in managing these morbidities.

Acta méd. peru ; 41(1): 40-46, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568742


RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar la sensibilidad y especificidad del test G8 en el tamizaje de adultos mayores con cáncer para la realización de la valoración geriátrica integral (VGI). Materiales y métodos: el presente estudio observacional y retrospectivo se realizó en el Servicio de Geriatría del Hospital Almenara de Lima, Perú. Se revisaron los informes de VGI en las historias clínicas electrónicos de adultos mayores (> 60 años) con cáncer, ambulatorios y hospitalizados, durante noviembre de 2022 y julio de 2023. Los pacientes se clasificaron según los criterios SIOG-1 (Sociedad Internacional de Oncología Geriátrica), formando dos grupos: pacientes aptos y pacientes no aptos o unfit (vulnerables + frágiles + muy enfermos). Del test G8 se estimó la sensibilidad, especificidad y valor predictivo positivo, área bajo la curva característica operativa del receptor (AUC). Resultados: ingresaron al estudio 201 pacientes, 91 mujeres (45,3%) y 110 (54,7%) varones, la media de la edad fue de 76,2 ± 7,4 años. Las neoplasias más frecuentes fueron colorrectal, estómago, próstata y vías biliares. La prevalencia de pacientes aptos y no aptos (unfit) fue del 23,4 y 76,6%, respectivamente. Cuando el puntaje de la prueba G8 fue ≤11, la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo y AUC fueron 73,4% (intervalo de confianza al 95%: 65,7-80,2%), 91,5% (79,6%-97,6%), 96,6% (91,7-98,6%) y 89% (84-93%), respectivamente. Conclusiones: el test G8 con puntaje ≤11 tendría una alta sensibilidad y especificidad, para identificar adultos con cáncer vulnerables o frágiles, que podrían beneficiarse de la VGI.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate sensitivity and specificity of the G8 test in screening older adults with cancer who may benefit from a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA). Material and methods: This observational retrospective study was carried out in the Geriatrics Service of the Guillermo Almenara Hospital in Lima, Peru. CGA reports were reviewed in the electronic medical records of older adults (> 60 years) with cancer, both outpatients and inpatients, between November 2022 and July 2023. Patients were classified according to the SIOG-1 (International Society of Geriatric Oncology) criteria into two groups: fit and non-fit patients (vulnerable + frail + too sick). Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), were estimated for the G8 test. Results: 201 patients entered the study, 91 women (45.3%) and 110 (54.7%) men; their mean age was 76.2 ± 7.4 years. The most frequent neoplasms were colorectal, stomach, prostate, and bile ducts. The prevalence of eligible and unfit patients was 23.4% and 76.6%, respectively. When the G8 test score was ≤11, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and AUC were 73.4% (95% Confidence Interval: 65.7- 80.2%), 91.5% (79.6%-97.6%), 96.6% (91.7-98.6%), and 89% (84-93%), respectively. Conclusions: The G8 test with a score ≤11 would have high sensitivity and specificity for identifying vulnerable or frail patients with cancer who could benefit from the CGA.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017231


Objective To explore the effect of cannabinoid receptor 2(CB2)on orthodontic tooth movement(OTM)rate and periodontal tissue reconstruction of pressure area in mice.Methods Thirty CB2-/-male mice and thirty littermate control WT male mice were individually accepted the orthodontic appliance at their age of 6 weeks.The mice were respectively scarified at 3 days,7 days,14 days and 21 days after the operation.Then the tooth movement distance was examined through the stereomicroscope.Hematoxylin-eosin staining was performed to explore the biological responses of periodontium at the distal mesial root pressure area.Anti-tartrate acid phospha-tase staining was performed to calculate the number and distribution of osteoclasts at the distal mesial root pressure area,and MMP-9 was evaluated by immunohistochemistry to examine the number of MMP-9(+)monocytes and multinucleated cells in the same district as the TRAP staining.Results Compared with those WT mice at 3,7,14 and 21 days,OTM distance showed a gradual increased tendency according with experimental time over 21 days.The widths of periodontal ligament on the pressure side were markedly greater in CB2-/-mice than WT mice at 7,14 and 21 days(P<0.000 1).The numbers of TRAP positive osteoclasts were significantly greater in CB2-/-mice than those in WT mice at 14 days of OTM(P<0.001).MMP-9 immunohistochemical staining showed that the number of MMP-9(+)monocytes and multinucleated cells was more in CB2-/-mice than that in WT mice at 14 days of OTM(P<0.05).Conclusion The absence of CB2 accelerates orthodontic tooth movement under or-thodontic force.The absence of CB2 reinforces bone resorption in orthodontic tooth movement compressive area dur-ing orthodontic tooth movement.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018380


Objective To make an epidemiological investigation on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)dampness syndrome manifestations in the population at risk of cerebrovascular diseases in Guangdong area.Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted to analyze the clinical data related to the risk of cerebrovascular diseases in 330 Guangdong permanent residents.The diagnosis of dampness syndrome,quantitative scoring of dampness syndrome and rating of the risk of stroke were performed for the investigation of the distribution pattern of dampness syndrome and its influencing factors.Results(1)A total of 306(92.73%)study subjects were diagnosed as dampness syndrome.The percentage of dampness syndrome in the risk group was 93.82%(258/275),which was slightly higher than that of the healthy group(48/55,87.27%),but the difference was not statistically significant(χ2 = 2.91,P = 0.112).The quantitative score of dampness syndrome in the risk group was higher than that of the healthy group,and the difference was statistically significance(Z =-2.24,P = 0.025).(2)Among the study subjects at risk of cerebrovascular disease,evaluation time(χ2 = 26.11,P = 0.001),stroke risk grading(χ2= 8.85,P = 0.031),and history of stroke or transient ischemic attack(TIA)(χ2 = 9.28,P = 0.015)were the factors influencing the grading of dampness syndrome in the population at risk of cerebrovascular disease.Conclusion Dampness syndrome is the common TCM syndrome in the population of Guangdong area.The manifestations of dampness syndrome are more obvious in the population with risk factors of cerebrovascular disease,especially in the population at high risk of stroke,and in the population with a history of stroke or TIA.The assessment and intervention of dampness syndrome should be taken into account for future project of stroke prevention in Guangdong.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018413


This article summarized Professor GUAN Guo-Hua's clinical experience in treating central serous chorioretinopathy(CSC)in Lingnan area.Based on the theory of"macula due to the spleen dysfunction",and by taking the geographical and climatic characteristics of Lingnan area as well as the body constitutional features of Lingnan residents into account,Professor GUAN Guo-Hua proposed that spleen deficiency leading to damp encumbrance was the fundamental pathogenesis of CSC in Lingnan area,and liver and kidney were gradually affected in the middle and late stages of CSC,which finally resulted into blood stasis and water retention.For the treatment of initial attack of CSC,the focus was on treating the spleen,and Erchen Decoction was adopted as the basic prescription for modified application to strengthen the spleen and drain dampness;for the treatment of CSC in the middle and late stages,the emphasis was on simultaneous treatment of the liver,spleen and kidney as well as blood and water,and Zhujing Pills and Wuling Powder were adopted as the basic prescriptions for nourishing the liver and kidney and for strengthening the spleen,activating blood and promoting urination.The treatment of the spleen is advocated throughout the whole treatment process,and the medication of drugs should be modified based on syndrome differentiation and according to the specific conditions,thus to achieve significant results.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018415


Objective To summarize the prescription and medication rules for the treatment of diabetes mellitus by contemporary Lingnan famous Chinese medical practitioners through data mining analysis.Methods The literature on treating diabetes mellitus by contemporary Lingnan famous Chinese medical practitioners were retrieved from the databases of CNKI,Wanfang and VIP,and the collections of clinical experience and medical cases of contemporary Lingnan famous practitioners were also reviewed to screen the relevant medical records of diabetes mellitus treated by Lingnan famous practitioners.The information of Chinese medicine prescriptions for diabetes mellitus in the medical records was input to Excel to establish a database,and then the frequency analysis was performed in terms of the nature,flavors and meridian tropism,therapeutic-action classification of the Chinese herbal medicines and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)syndrome types.Moreover,the association rule analysis and cluster analysis were carried out using IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 and SPSS Statistics 26.0.Results A total of 62 medical records of diabetes mellitus treated by the 24 contemporary Lingnan famous Chinese medical practitioners such as DENG Tie-Tao,LIU Shi-Chang,XIONG Man-Qi,LI Sai-Mei,ZHU Zhang-Zhi,LIU Min,and FAN Guan-Ji were screened out for the analysis.And a total of 101 prescriptions involving 210 Chinese herbal medicines were included.There were 29 commonly-used Chinese medicines with a frequency being or more than 15 times,and they were Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle,Astragali Radix,Bupleuri Radix,Puerariae Lobatae Radix,Poria,Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,Codonopsis Radix,Scutellariae Radix,etc.According to the therapeutic action,the Chinese medicines were mainly classified into the categories of drugs for supplementing the deficiency,drugs for clearing heat,and drugs for dispelling wind-damp.The primary syndrome types were syndrome of deficiency of both spleen and kidney and syndrome of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency,and the syndromes were usually complicated with the syndrome elements of qi deficiency,yin deficiency,yang deficiency,cold-damp,phlegm-damp,and damp-heat.The association rule analysis yielded 28 core drug combinations consisting of 2-4 herbs,and the cluster analysis yielded 5 new candidate prescriptions,which were mainly derived from the modification of classical formulas such as Xiao Chaihu Decoction,Fuzi Lizhong Decoction,Yuquan Pills plus Zengye Decoction,and Zuogui Pills.Conclusion For the treatment of diabetes mellitus,contemporary Lingnan famous Chinese medical practitioners primarily adopt the methods of invigorating spleen and warming kidney,and soothing liver,draining dampness and resolving turbidity,which has more distinctive regional characteristics of Lingnan and can provide a reference for syndrome differentiation and treatment of diabetes mellitus in the Lingnan area.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018690


At the beginning of this century,breakthroughs and innovations in disruptive technologies represented by artificial intelligence have profoundly affected the development of human society and have become a central component in leading the new global military transformation.Saving the lives of the wounded and technological innovation are the driving force behind the development of military medicine.How to fight a battle and how to save people is the question that military medicine must answer.Joint all-area combat is a new military concept,representing the development direction of the future combat style,it has a strong strategic guiding significance for the future war and also puts forward higher requirements for the treatment of war injuries."Platinum ten minutes,gold one hour"is the fundamental law of the battlefield first-line time-saving treatment,the war injury treatment must serve in the joint all-area combat demand and service requirements.This paper discusses the issue of demand or war injury treatment capacity building under the joint all-area combat pasture for criticism and correction.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018955


Objective:To explore the value of ultrasound measuring gastric sinus cross-sectional area (CSA) to guide early individualized enteral nutrition implementation strategies in sepsis patients.Methods:Thirty septic patients admitted to the EICU and comprehensive ICU of The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine between January 2021 and December 2022 each were included. EICU patients used bedside ultrasound for gastric sinus CSA to guide the implementation of early enteral nutrition in septic patients, and a routine nutritional support strategy was adopted in the integrated ICU. The correlation of CSA and feeding intolerance in patients with septic gastrointestinal dysfunction, the ROC curve and other relevant indicators of gastrointestinal dysfunction gastrointestinal dysfunction score, SOFA score, APACHEⅡ score, intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), serum protein (PA), [albumin (Alb)]. By comparing the indicators related to inflammation, nutritional status and days of ICU stay after different strategies of the two groups, the advantages of different strategies were analyzed.Results:The baseline data of the two groups were balanced and comparable; the incidence of feeding intolerance was significantly higher (36.67%) than the conventional group (10.00%), with aggressive and early individualized treatment, the incidence rate on the third day was only 10.00%, significantly lower than that in the conventional treatment group (40.00%). Treatment up to the 5th day, the related function scores (gastrointestinal dysfunction score, APACHEⅡ score, SOFA score, IAP), nutritional status indicators (5 d hot card reaching the standard rate, PA, Alb) and inflammation indicators (WBC, PCT, hs-CRP) were significantly improved compared with admission, and is better than the conventional treatment group. In addition, the ICU hospital days and the incidence of aspiration were lower in the ultrasound treatment group ( P <0.05). CSA showed favorable correlation with gastrointestinal dysfunction score, APACHEⅡ score, SOFA score, IAP, PA and Alb, correlation coefficients were 0.79、0.60、0.66、0.71、-0.6 and -0.64( P <0.05). The ROC curve for predicting feeding intolerance by CSA showed the AUC was 0.828, 95% CI was 0.737-0.919, its optimal cutoff value for predicted feeding intolerance was 7.835 cm 2, the sensitivity and specificity were 88.20% and 71.80%. Conclusions:Ultrasound measuring CSA can early and effectively found the feeding intolerance in the patients with sepsis , via giving individualized enteral nutrition implementation strategy, significantly improve the organ function score, nutritional status and inflammation index, reduce the ICU hospital days and aspiration, and correlate with the conventional evaluation index, and sensitivity and specificity are high, worthy of the clinical further promotion.