Objective:To evaluate the effects of cognitive behavior therapy(CBT)combined with attention training technique(ATT)on auditory hallucinations of schizophrenia.Methods:Sixty schizophrenia patients with au-ditory hallucinations were recruited according to the criteria of International Classification of Diseases,tenth Edition(ICD-10).They were randomly divided into the CBT group(30 cases,26 cases completed)and the CBT+ATT group(30 cases,25 cases completed).The CBT group received only 4 weeks of cognitive behavioral intervention for auditory hallucinations,and the CBT+ATT group received 6 weeks of attention training technology intervention based on cognitive behavioral intervention.At baseline and after 12 weeks,the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scales-Auditory Hallucinations(PSYRATS-AH)and Scale of Social function in Psychosis Inpatients(SSPI)were used to evaluate the auditory hallucinations symptoms and social functioning of the two groups,and the Attentional Control Scale(ACS)was used to evaluate patients'attentional control ability of the CBT+ATT group.Results:After 12 weeks,the differences(post intervention score-baseline score)of PSYRATS-AH total scores[(-6.8±2.2)vs.(-4.2±1.5)],auditory hallucinations'frequency,duration,number of distresses,control of voices were lower in the CBT+ATT group than in the CBT group(Ps<0.05),and the differences of the SSPI total scores[(13.9± 2.9)vs.(11.6±4.2)]and scores of Factor I and Factor Ⅲ were higher in the CBT+ATT group than in the CBT group(Ps<0.05).Conclusion:This study shows cognitive behavioral therapy combined with attention training technique could improve auditory hallucinations and social function more effectively in patients with schizophrenia.
O objetivo deste artigo é investigar as vivências e possíveis efeitos da participação em grupos de Ouvidores de Vozes. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo com participantes acima de 18 anos, que concordaram em fazer parte do estudo e frequentaram os grupos por um período mínimo de três meses. Foram realizadas 14 entrevistas até obtenção de saturação em grupos de Centros de Atenção Psicossocial, em seguida transcritas e analisadas usando a hermenêutica Gadameriana. A análise evidenciou cinco núcleos argumentais: a chegada no grupo; modo de funcionamento; uso de medicamentos; sentidos e efeitos. Demonstrou-se que os grupos podem ser uma das estratégias de cuidado e recuperação dos indivíduos, permitindo com que as suas experiências sejam reconhecidas e ressignificadas, promovendo, além da melhora clínica, acolhimento, compartilhamento entre pares e socialização.
This qualitative study investigates the experiences and possible effects of taking part in Voice-hearing Groups. Participants over the age of 18 who agreed to participate and attended the groups for at least 3 months were included in the research. Fourteen interviews were carried out in groups at Psychosocial Support Centers until saturation, and then transcribed and analyzed using Gadamerian hermeneutics. The analysis highlighted five argument cores: arrival in the group; mode of operation; use of medication; and meanings and effects. Results shown that these groups can be a strategy for the care and recovery of individuals, allowing their experiences to be recognized and reframed, promoting clinical improvement, user embracement, sharing among peers, and socialization.
Cette étude qualitative examine les expériences vécues et les effets possibles de la participation à des groupes d'entendeurs de voix. Les participants âgés de plus de 18 ans qui ont accepté de participer et ont participé aux groupes pendant au moins trois mois. Quatorze entretiens ont été réalisés dans des centres de soutien psychosocial jusqu'à saturation, puis transcrits et analysés selon l'herméneutique gadamérienne. L'analyse a mise en évidence cinq noyaux thématiques: l'arrivée dans le groupe; le mode de fonctionnement; l'utilisation de médicaments; les significations et les effets. Les résults montrent que ces groupes peuvent constituer une stratégie de soins et de rétablissement pour les individus, permettant de reconnaître et de recadrer leurs expériences, favorisant l'amélioration clinique, l'adhésion des utilisateurs, le partage entre pairs et la socialisation.
El objetivo de este artículo es identificar las experiencias y los posibles efectos de la participación en los Grupos de Oyentes de Voces. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo con participantes mayores de 18 años, que aceptaron participar del estudio y asistieron al grupo durante al menos tres meses. Se realizaron 14 entrevistas hasta que se obtuvo la saturación en grupos de Centros de Apoyo Psicosocial, luego se las transcribieron y analizaron utilizando la hermenéutica gadameriana. El análisis mostró cinco focos de discusión: la llegada al grupo; el modo operativo; el uso de medicamentos; y los sentidos y efectos. En cuanto a los resultados, se ha demostrado que los grupos pueden ser una de las estrategias de atención y recuperación de los individuos, permitiendo que sus experiencias sean reconocidas y replanteadas, y promoviendo la acogida del usuario, el intercambio entre pares y la socialización, además de la mejora clínica.
Abstract This article aimed to analyze hearing voices experiences in patients of a Psychosocial Care Center. In this regard, ten people were interviewed. The qualitative method was used, with content analysis. Four categories were chosen: "origin" of voices, phenomenology of voices, coping strategies, and family support. Hallucinatory experiences have emerged in contexts of violence and isolation. Topographic variables of the voices indicate possibilities of understanding the phenomenon. The movement is a basic condition to deal with the experiences. Family support is key to cope with difficulties. It is necessary to qualify the auditory hallucination as a meaningful experience, which must be respected in any intervention that intends care.
Resumo Este artigo teve como objetivo analisar experiências de audição de vozes de pacientes de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial. Para isso, foram entrevistadas dez pessoas. Foi utilizado o método qualitativo, com análise de conteúdo. Foram eleitas quatro categorias: "origem" das vozes, fenomenologia das vozes, estratégias de lida, e suporte familiar. Observou-se que as vivências alucinatórias surgiram em meio a contextos de violência e isolamento. Variáveis topográficas que constituem as vozes indicam possibilidades de compreender o fenômeno. Movimentar-se apresentou-se como condição básica para a lida com as experiências. O suporte familiar mostrou-se essencial para o enfrentamento das dificuldades. Conclui-se que é necessária uma qualificação da alucinação auditiva como experiência plena de sentido, a qual deve ser respeitada em qualquer intervenção que se proponha ao cuidado.
Corollary discharge mechanism refers to the suppression of sensory consequences of self-generated actions; a process that serves to distinguish between self and non-self based on discrimination of origination of action. It explains, say for example, why we cannot tickle ourselves. This review discusses how corollary discharge model is an essential neural integration mechanism central to the motor functioning of animal kingdom. In this article, research conducted in the field of corollary discharge has been reviewed to understand the neuroanatomical and neurophysiological basis of corollary discharge and gain insight into the biochemical basis of its dysfunction. This review article also explores the role of corollary discharge and its dysfunction in the presentation of symptoms of schizophrenia, discussing the findings from corollary discharge studies on schizophrenia population. Lastly, the link between schizophrenia psychopathology and corollary discharge dysfunction has been highlighted, and an attempt has been made to establish a case for correction of corollary discharge deficit in schizophrenia through neuromodulation.
Animals , Discrimination, Psychological , Hallucinations , Motor Activity , Psychopathology , Schizophrenia , Transcranial Direct Current StimulationABSTRACT
Objective To study the effect of olanzapine combined with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation(rTMS) in the treatment of phonism dominated schizophrenia.Methods From August 2015 to November 2016,112 patients with phonism based schizophrenia in Ningbo Kangning Hospital were selected in the research . According to the different treatment ,the patients were divided into observation group and control group ,with 56 cases in each group.The observation group was treated with olanzapine combined with rTMS chemotherapy ,the control group was treated with olanzapine.Before and after treatment,the positive and negative symptom scale ( PANSS) score, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test ( WCST) score of the two groups were observed.The clinical efficacy was compared between the two groups.Results Before treatment,there were no statistically significant differences in PANSS score and WCST score between the two groups ( all P>0.05).After treatment for 1 week,2 weeks,4 weeks,the PANSS scores of the two groups were significantly lower than those before treatment (F=170.710,106.028,28.530,30.328, 25.806,10.832,203.342,372.253,all P<0.05).The PANSS scores decreased more significantly in the observation group.After treatment for 1,2,4 weeks,the scores of positive symptoms in the observation group were (25.95 ±3.50)points, (24.72 ±4.50)points and(16.51 ±2.70)points,respectively,which were significantly lower than those in the control group[(27.27 ±2.03)points,(27.80 ±5.37)points,(19.53 ±3.07)points](t=2.441,3.290,5.528,all P<0.05).After treatment for 1 week,2 weeks,4 weeks,the continuous response scores in the observation group were (45.62 ±5.41)points,(44.69 ±4.91) points,(35.89 ±3.30) points,respectively,which were significantly lower than those in the control group[(50.61 ±5.35)points,(46.80 ±5.14)points,(42.70 ±5.04)points](t=4.908, 2.221,8.459,all P<0.05).The scores of continuous errors in the observation group were (49.47 ±4.59) points, (46.53 ±6.05) points and (36.35 ±5.18) points,respectively,which were lower than those in the control group [(83.1 ±6.58)points,(81.85 ±6.70)points and (76.86 ±76.86)points](t=31.369,29.279,38.464,all P<0.05).After treatment for 1 week,2 weeks,the classification scores in the observation group were (4.21 ±2.03) points and (5.35 ±2.23) points,respectively,which were significantly higher than those in the control group [(3.35 ±1.24)points and (3.95 ±1.24)points] (t=2.705,4.106,all P<0.05).The effective rate was 91.0%in the observation group ,which was 89.2%in the control group,there was no statistically significant difference (χ2=0.022,P>0.05).Conclusion Olanzapine combined with rTMS is effective in the treatment of schizophrenia ,and olanzapine combined with rTMS is more effective in improving the cognitive ability of patients than olanzapine alone .
Soliloquy is a significant symptom in schizophrenia and is usually regarded as being related to auditory hallucination. Elucidation of the psychopathology of soliloquy is incomplete. Soliloquy is also a normal human behavior that has multidimensional functions such as guiding internal cognitive processes and managing social interaction. In the young, soliloquy appears as egocentric speech and arises before maturation of the third-person perspective. Soliloquy has been regarded as indicative of an intermediary stage during the transformation of social speech into internalized thinking. Every thought process retains a social dimension because language itself is based on intersubjectively shared meanings, and internal thinking originates from interpersonal communication. Thus, soliloquy can be seen as a kind of thought process that accentuates the social dimension. This approach may help in understanding soliloquy in normal and pathological situations. Soliloquy was actively discussed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in European psychiatry. Since then it has received less attention and has been neglected as an academic concern, except in child developmental theory. Recently however, soliloquy has attracted more attention among neuroscientific researchers. To attain an advanced understanding of soliloquy, it is necessary to integrate the early European perception of soliloquy with current developmental theory. In this paper, we review past literature on the conceptualization of soliloquy and integrate those concepts into an explanatory framework. In addition, a case series and a discussion of the applicability of the explanatory framework are presented. Our results may help provide an insight into the contemporary understanding of soliloquy.
Child , Humans , Child Development , Hallucinations , Interpersonal Relations , Psychopathology , Schizophrenia , ThinkingABSTRACT
El objetivo de este texto es mostrar los avances de una investigación sobre la voz. En este caso se trata de exponer algunos de los aportes y observaciones clínicos de Freud. En la medida que no hizo de la voz un concepto Freud oscila entre la noción de voz como fenómeno y la noción de voz como resto irrepresentable y por tanto separado de la palabra. Agrupamos las observaciones de Freud en ocho apartados. Se subraya la importancia de la voz para que resuene en el cuerpo, generalmente comprometida con los afectos y desligada en un primer tiempo de la palabra. La voz será indispensable para la constitución de la pulsión.
O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar o progresso de uma investigação sobre a voz. Aqui se trata de apresentar algumas das contribuições e observações clínicas de Freud. Como ele não considerou a voz um conceito ele oscila entre a noção de voz como um fenômeno e a noção de voz como um resto irrepresentável e, portanto, separado da palavra. Agrupamos as contribuições de Freud em oito seções. Se enfatiza a importância da voz enquanto ressonante no corpo, geralmente comprometida com os afetos e separada, em um primeiro momento, da palavra. A voz será essencial para a formação da pulsão.
The goal of this text is to highlight the progress of an investigation on voice. This is exposing some of the clinical Freud's observations. As he did not theorize this notion, he oscillated between considering the voice sometimes as a phenomenon and in other occasions as a remainder, and therefore impossible to be represented. The voice will remain separated from the word. Freud's contributions were classified into eight sections. The importance of voice is emphasized because it resonates in the body; it is usually committed with the affections and detached from the word in the first time of the judgment. The voice will be essential for the formation of the drive.
Le but de cet article est de mettre en évidence les progrès d'une recherche sur la voix. Dans ce cas, on expose quelques-unes des observations cliniques de Freud. Comme il n'a pas conceptualisé la notion de la voix, Freud oscille entre la notion de la voix comme un phénomène, objective, et la notion de la voix comme un reste et donc irreprésentable, séparé de la parole dans un première temps. On regroupés les apports de Freud en huit sections. On remarque l'importance de la voix parce qu'elle résonne dans le corps, généralement engagé avec les affections et détaché de la parole dans un premier temps du jugement. La voix est essentielle pour la constitution de la pulsion.
Humans , Male , Female , Voice , HallucinationsABSTRACT
Objective: We report a rare case of musical hallucination in a male who had a history of alcohol consumption for 25 years. Methods: We present a 47-year-male with a history of alcohol consumption since 25 years presented with fearfulness, hearing voices and decreased sleep for 8 days. The last drink was 12 days prior to presentation. Results: The patient was diagnosed to have alcohol withdrawal syndrome and had musical hallucination whereby he heard voices reading a poem in a rhyming manner. These voices threatened him in these musical rhyming ways that they would make him go mad, would not allow him to sleep and would kill him and his family members. Conclusion: Musical hallucination has heterogeneous clinical and pathophysiological etiology, and has been reported in the elderly and in those with hearing impairment, central nervous system disorders and psychiatric disorders. Musical hallucination is very rare in alcohol withdrawal syndrome. The treatment of musical hallucination includes carbamazepine, clomipramine and Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
OBJECTIVES: Auditory hallucinations are a common complaint in patients with schizophrenia. They are also refractory to treatment in a substantial number of patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of listening to music on auditory hallucinations, positive and negative symptoms, depression, and quality of life in subjects with schizophrenia. METHODS: Our study employed a single-blind (assessor blinded) randomized design with a crossover trial. Ten patients with schizophrenia were randomly assigned to two groups. The first group (AB group) experienced an initial 'music listening period', followed by a resting period. This sequence was reversed in the second group (BA group). Each period was two weeks in duration. Measurements of outcome were performed by a blind assessor at baseline and at two and four weeks after randomization. RESULTS: The effect of listening to music on auditory hallucinations, positive and negative symptoms, depression, and quality of life was not statistically significant. On self-report questionnaires, 40% of the subjects reported that 'listening to music was helpful' and 90% responded that they would positively consider listening to music when experiencing an auditory hallucination in the future. CONCLUSION: Listening to music did not result in a statistically significant treatment effect according to objective symptom scales. However, several subjects replied that it was 'helpful', implying that it may be useful as an adjunctive treatment for patients suffering from refractory auditory hallucinations.
Humans , Depression , Hallucinations , Music , Quality of Life , Surveys and Questionnaires , Schizophrenia , Stress, Psychological , Weights and MeasuresABSTRACT
The natural history of primary hyperparathyroidism, due to parathyroid adenoma, is unknown. Furthermore, spontaneous resolution of parathyroid necrosis or hemorrhage is rare and usually asymptomatic. Here, we report a case of parathyroid apoplexy of primary hyperparathyroidism, presenting as auditory hallucinations, accompanied with hypocalcemia. A 39-year-old man who was incidentally diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism, and waiting surgery for parathyroidectomy presented to psychiatric service with auditory hallucinations. He developed tetany, while taking psychiatric drugs. On a follow-up investigation, his serum calcium level fell from 11.8 to 5.8 mg/dL. His intact parathyroid hormone level also decreased from 1,017 pg/mL to 71.1 pg/mL. The parathyroid apoplexy was confirmed after a surgical removal of the infarcted adenoma. The auditory hallucinations disappeared, and serum calcium level was returned to within the normal range.
Adult , Humans , Adenoma , Calcium , Follow-Up Studies , Hallucinations , Hemorrhage , Hyperparathyroidism, Primary , Hypocalcemia , Natural History , Necrosis , Parathyroid Hormone , Parathyroid Neoplasms , Parathyroidectomy , Reference Values , Stroke , TetanyABSTRACT
Thyrotoxicosis results in alteration in functioning of nervous system in some patients. However, these mental disturbances may be severe in rare cases in the form of manic-depressive, schizoid or paranoid reaction. The pathophysiological basis of these nervous system findings is not well understood.
In spite of the fact that musical hallucination have a significant impact on patients' lives, they have received very little attention of experts. Some researchers agree on a combination of peripheral and central dysfunctions as the mechanism that causes hallucination. The most accepted physiopathology of musical hallucination associated to hearing loss (caused by cochlear lesion, cochlear nerve lesion or by interruption of mesencephalon or pontine auditory information) is the disinhibition of auditory memory circuits due to sensory deprivation. Concerning the cortical area involved in musical hallucination, there is evidence that the excitatory mechanism of the superior temporal gyrus, as in epilepsies, is responsible for musical hallucination. In musical release hallucination there is also activation of the auditory association cortex. Finally, considering the laterality, functional studies with musical perception and imagery in normal individuals showed that songs with words cause bilateral temporal activation and melodies activate only the right lobe. The effect of hearing aids on the improvement of musical hallucination as a result of the hearing loss improvement is well documented. It happens because auditory hallucination may be influenced by the external acoustical environment. Neuroleptics, antidepressants and anticonvulsants have been used in the treatment of musical hallucination. Cases of improvement with the administration of carbamazepine, meclobemide and donepezil were reported, but the results obtained were not consistent.
Apesar das alucinações musicais causarem grandes repercussões na vida dos pacientes, sempre foram pouco valorizadas e estudadas pelos profissionais. Alguns investigadores sugerem uma combinação de disfunções periféricas e centrais como o mecanismo causador das alucinações. A fisiopatologia mais aceita entre os pesquisadores de alucinação musical associada à hipoacusia ou anacusia (causada por lesão coclear, de nervo coclear ou interrupção de informação na ponte ou mesencéfalo) é a desibinição de circuitos de memória auditiva devido à deprivação sensorial. Em relação às áreas corticais envolvidas na alucinação musical, há evidência de que um mecanismo excitatório no córtex temporal superior, como nas epilepsias, seja responsável pela alucinação musical. Finalmente, considerando a lateralidade, estudos funcionais de percepção e imagética em indivíduos normais mostraram que canções com letras levam a ativação temporal bilateral e melodias ativam apenas o lobo temporal direito. É bem documentado o efeito de aparelhos auditivos na alucinação musical através de uma melhora da perda auditiva. Neurolépticos, antidepressivos e anticonvulsivantes têm sido usados no tratamento de alucinação musical na experiência clínica, mas não há eficácia comprovada na maioria dos casos. Há casos descritos na literatura com melhora das alucinações musicais com uso de carbamazepina, meclobemide e donepezil, entretanto sem resultados consistentes.
Humans , Hallucinations/physiopathology , Hearing Loss/physiopathology , Music/psychology , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic use , Antidepressive Agents/therapeutic use , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Hallucinations/drug therapy , Hallucinations/psychologyABSTRACT
Objective: To examine the therapeutic effects of dual dorsolateral prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on auditory hallucinations experienced by schizophrenic patients. Methods: A double-blind randomized controlled study was conducted. Totally 25 schizophrenic patients met DSM-Ⅳ criteria for schizophrenia and had anditory hallucination with stable antipsychotic drugs treatment were recruited. Subjects were grouped into active treatment subgroup and sham subgroup randomly. Measurements including the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS) for clinical symptom and the Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (TESS) for side-effects were evaluated Results: Totally 25 subjects completed the trial. The treatment efficiency of active treatment group was higher than that of sham group (75% vs. 31%) .No overt side effects of rTMS were observed. Conclusion: It is effective for rTMS to treat schizophrenia with auditory hallucination at 1Hz. rTMS may be a new selection of schizophrenia treatment.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of listening to music in inpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia, on their auditory hallucinations, and positive and negative symptoms. METHODS: A quasi-experimental research design with 2x2 cross-over trial and convenience sample was used. Eleven patients (Group AB) listened to music followed by a wash out period and then a usual care period, and 12 patients (Group BA) had a usual care period followed by a wash out period and then listened to music. For one week those who were in the experimental period listened to individualized music using an MP3 player whenever they heard hallucinations. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant decrease in the frequency of auditory hallucinations after listening to the music. There was a decrease in the mean scores for positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and general psychopathology after listening to music, but only negative symptoms showed a statistically significant decrease. The treatment effects on scores for positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and general psychopathology were greater in Group BA than Group AB. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that listening to music may be useful for managing auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia inpatients.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Hallucinations/prevention & control , MP3-Player , Music , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Surveys and Questionnaires , Schizophrenia/therapy , Schizophrenic Psychology , Self Care/methodsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: The recent nonlinear analyses of electroencephalogram (EEG) data have shown that the correlation dimension (D2) reflects the degree of integration of information processing in the brain. There is now considerable evidence that auditory hallucination (AH) reflects dysfunctional gamma and beta frequency oscillations. Gamma oscillations are thought to reflect internally driven representations of objects, and the occurrence of subsequent beta oscillations can reflect the modification of the neuronal circuitry used to encode the sensory perception. The purpose of this study was to test whether AH in schizophrenia patients is reflected in abnormalities in D2 in their EEG, especially in the gamma and beta frequency bands. METHODS: Twenty-five schizophrenia patients with a history of treatment-refractory AH over at least the past 2 years, and 23 schizophrenia patients with no AH (N-AH) within the past 2 years were recruited for the study. Artifact-free 30-s EEG epochs during rest were examined for D2. RESULTS: The AH patients showed significantly increased gamma frequency D2 in Fp2 and decreased beta frequency D2 in the P3 region compared with the N-AH patients. These results imply that gamma frequency D2 in the right prefrontal cortex is more chaotic and that beta frequency D2 in the left parietal cortex is more coherent (less chaotic) in AH patients than in N-AH patients. CONCLUSION: Our study supports the previous evidence indicating that gamma and beta oscillations are pivotal to AH, and also shows the distinctive dimensional complexity between the right prefrontal and left parietal cortexes as the underlying biological correlates of AH in schizophrenia patients.
Humans , Electronic Data Processing , Brain , Electroencephalography , Hallucinations , Neurons , Prefrontal Cortex , Rabeprazole , SchizophreniaABSTRACT
The hallucination are common and have an important role in diagnosing schizophrenia. Objectives: To describe and to follow up the evolution of the hallucination in schizopprenia. 40 patients with schizophrenia met to ICD.10 criteria and have hallucination were treated by anti-psychotic drugs in National Institute of Mental Health from September 1999 to November 2000. Methods: cross - sectional study. Results: The hallucination symptoms in the patients were: 92.5% had auditory hallucination, 12.5% had visual hallucination and 2.5% had olfactory hallucination. Most of auditory hallucination was comments located in head. 91.6% hallucinations were disappeared when the patients were treated by anti-psychotic drugs. Conclusions: Most of hallucinations are auditory, visual and olfactory. Hallucinations are likely sensitive to anti-psychotic drug.
Schizophrenia , HallucinationsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical characteristics and neurocognitive functions in schizophrenia patients with treatment-resistant auditory hallucination. METHODS: The 30 patients with treatment-resistant hallucination (hallucinating patients) were compared with 31 patients without hallucination (non-hallucinating patients) and 30 normal controls. The hallucinating patients included the schizophrenic patients who reported not-remitting hallucinations for 2 years in spite of appropriate treatments. The non-hallucinating patients included schizophrenic patients who had chronic illness course, and not reporting hallucination within 2 years. The hallucination characteristics and neurocognitive were measured by self report questionnaires on hallucination: functions Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST), Continuous performance test (CPT) and Sentence repetition test (SRT) among three groups. Psychopathology, depressive symptomps and extrapyramidal symtomps were measured by Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS), Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS), Beck depression Inventory (BDI) and Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale (ESRS), separately. RESULTS: The auditory hallucinations 1 or 2 times a day (33%), with the contents of criticising and cursing (26%) were most frequent. Hallucinating patients did not feel uncomfortable with their hallucinations. WCST performances were significantly decreased in hallucinating patients than non-hallucinating patients, especially on total error (35.2+/-7.6 vs 25.3+/-10.0), perseverative error (54.8+/-14.9 vs 38.5+/-13.0). In CPT, hallucinating patients showed more error response (11.9+/-8.1 vs 8.9+/-7.5) and more prolonged reaction time to incorrect answers (552.4+/-433.2 ms vs 492.7+/-358.5 ms). CONCLUSION: Integrating these observations, it can be said that schizophrenic patients with treatment-resistant auditory hallucination have more neurocogntive functional deficits implying frontal lobe dysfunction than non-hallucinating schizophrenic patients.
Humans , Chronic Disease , Depression , Frontal Lobe , Hallucinations , Psychopathology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reaction Time , Schizophrenia , Self Report , WisconsinABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: It has been reported that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), which stimulate the focal region of brain may relieve auditory hallucination in patient with schizophrenia. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of rTMS on left and right temporoparietal cortex in schizophrenic patients with treatment-resistant auditory hallucination. METHODS: Twenty-six patients with chronic schizophrenia with treatment -resistant auditory hallucination were randomly allocated to rTMS group on left and right temporoparietal head regions. The rTMS was applied to TP3/4 region by EEG 10-20 international system at 1 Hz for 20 minutes per day for 10 treatment days. A Figure of eight TMS coil with a solid core was used for rTMS at 100% of individual motor threshold. Efficacy was evaluated with Auditory Hallucination Rating Scale (HRS), Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS), Clinical Global Impression (CGI) Scale on 5 and 10 days of treatment. RESULTS: Ten days administration of 1-Hz rTMS to temporoparietal cortex significant improved frequency (p<0.001) and attentional salience (p=0.038) of auditory hallucination, positive (p<0.001) and negative symptom (p=0.02), and CGI-improvement (p<0.001). There were no significant differences between right and left side stimulations. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the low frequency rTMS on temporoparietal cortex may be useful in treating schizophrenic patients with treatment-resistant auditory hallucination and it could be a useful novel treatment option.
Humans , Brain , Electroencephalography , Hallucinations , Head , Schizophrenia , Transcranial Magnetic StimulationABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: It has been reported that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), which stimulate the focal region of brain may relieve auditory hallucination in patient with schizophrenia. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of rTMS on left and right temporoparietal cortex in schizophrenic patients with treatment-resistant auditory hallucination. METHODS: Twenty-six patients with chronic schizophrenia with treatment -resistant auditory hallucination were randomly allocated to rTMS group on left and right temporoparietal head regions. The rTMS was applied to TP3/4 region by EEG 10-20 international system at 1 Hz for 20 minutes per day for 10 treatment days. A Figure of eight TMS coil with a solid core was used for rTMS at 100% of individual motor threshold. Efficacy was evaluated with Auditory Hallucination Rating Scale (HRS), Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS), Clinical Global Impression (CGI) Scale on 5 and 10 days of treatment. RESULTS: Ten days administration of 1-Hz rTMS to temporoparietal cortex significant improved frequency (p<0.001) and attentional salience (p=0.038) of auditory hallucination, positive (p<0.001) and negative symptom (p=0.02), and CGI-improvement (p<0.001). There were no significant differences between right and left side stimulations. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the low frequency rTMS on temporoparietal cortex may be useful in treating schizophrenic patients with treatment-resistant auditory hallucination and it could be a useful novel treatment option.
Humans , Brain , Electroencephalography , Hallucinations , Head , Schizophrenia , Transcranial Magnetic StimulationABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Cognitive psychological models propose that auditory hallucinations arise from a problem with monitoring one's auditory verbal imagery. Most auditory hallucinations are derogatory in content and accompany negative emotions. If auditory verbal imagery plays an critical role in the pathogenesis of auditory hallucination, it must be influenced by negative emotions. This study was aimed at understanding the influence of negative emotions on the development of hallucinations by investigating the way by which negative emotions have influence on cortical activity induced by auditory verbal imagery. METHODS: For both normal subjects and patients with schizophrenia, quantitative electroencephalography(Q-EEG) was applied during the auditory verbal imagery tasks using a two word list. The one word list accompanied negative emotion and the other accompanied neutral emotions. The difference of EEG activity between two tasks was compared by paired t-test. WE also compare the difference of the influence of negative emotions between normal subjects and patients with schizophrenia. RESULTS: In normal subjects, amplitude of beta wave was increased in temporal area such as TCP1, and, the amplitude of theta frequency wave was decreased in right hemisphere such as FP2, F4, C4, CP2, P4, But, in the schizophrenia group, there were no significant differences. CONCLUSION: These results may suggest that auditory verbal imagery with negative emotion requires more activation in left temporal area, but, appropriate activation may not achieved in schizophenia patients. So, the possibility that the resultant disturbance of verbal self monitoring may be related to auditory hallucination is suggested in this study.