Gut microbiota dysbiosis is closely related to a variety of host diseases. Recently, targeting the metabolic pathways of gut microbiota for the prevention and treatment of host diseases has become a frontier strategy and research hotspot. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of chronic progressive intestinal inflammatory diseases of unknown etiology. The relationship between IBD and gut microbiota disorders and bacterial respiratory/energy metabolism has been confirmed in recent research. This article will introduce the relationship among them, and propose a new treatment strategy to alleviate host gut inflammation by regulating gut microbiota respiration and energy metabolism based on the latest research progress. In the progression of IBD, the gut microbiota homeostasis is disturbed. The main reasons include two aspects: on the one hand, when the intestinal inflammation of the host occurs, with increasing of oxygen concentration in the intestinal cavity, facultative anaerobic bacteria, especially Enterobacteriaceae bacteria would proliferate abnormally; while the growth of absolute anaerobic bacteria such as Firmicutes is inhibited. On the other hand, intestinal inflammation by-products also support the expansion of facultative anaerobic bacteria, which ultimately exacerbates the imbalance of gut microbiota. Dysregulated intestinal flora will further disturb intestinal immune homeostasis and exacerbate intestinal inflammation. The latest research proposed the possibility that IBD can be alleviated by interfering with the respiration of bacteria, inhibiting the abnormal proliferation of bacteria, or increasing the level of "beneficial" metabolites of gut microbiota. The above studies suggest that alleviating host intestinal inflammation can be explored by focusing on the metabolic pathways of gut microbiota and regulating the intestinal bacterial respiration and energy metabolism, which is of great significance for the clinical treatment of IBD and the research of innovative drugs.
Abstract Resource identity and composition structure bacterial community, which in turn determines the magnitude of bacterial processes and ecological services. However, the complex interaction between resource identity and bacterial community composition (BCC) has been poorly understood so far. Using aquatic microcosms, we tested whether and how resource identity interacts with BCC in regulating bacterial respiration and bacterial functional diversity. Different aquatic macrophyte leachates were used as different carbon resources while BCC was manipulated through successional changes of bacterial populations in batch cultures. We observed that the same BCC treatment respired differently on each carbon resource; these resources also supported different amounts of bacterial functional diversity. There was no clear linear pattern of bacterial respiration in relation to time succession of bacterial communities in all leachates, i.e. differences on bacterial respiration between different BCC were rather idiosyncratic. Resource identity regulated the magnitude of respiration of each BCC, e.g. Ultricularia foliosa leachate sustained the greatest bacterial functional diversity and lowest rates of bacterial respiration in all BCC. We conclude that both resource identity and the BCC interact affecting the pattern and the magnitude of bacterial respiration in aquatic ecosystems.
Resumo A identidade e a composição do recurso estruturam a comunidade bacteriana, que, por sua vez, determina a magnitude dos processos bacterianos e seus serviços ecológicos. Porém, a complexa interação entre a identidade do recursos e a composição da comunidade bacteriana (CCB) tem sido pouco avaliada até o momento. Utilizando microcosmos aquáticos, nós testamos quando e como a identidade do recurso interage com a CCB na regulação da respiração bacteriana e da diversidade funcional bacteriana. Diferentes lixiviados de macrófitas aquáticas foram utilizados como diferentes fontes de carbono, enquanto que a CCB foi manipulada através de mudanças sucessionais das populações bacterianas em culturas de recrescimento. Nós observamos que tratamentos com a mesma CCB respiraram diferentemente em cada fonte de carbono; diferentes fontes também suportaram diferentes valores de diversidade funcional bacteriana. Não houve padrão linear claro de mudança na respiração bacteriana em relação ao tempo de sucessão das comunidades bacterianas nos lixiviados, i.e. diferenças na respiração bacteriana entre diferentes CCB foram idiossincráticas. A identidade do recurso regulou a magnitude da respiração, em cada CCB, e.g. o lixiviado de Ultricularia foliosa sustentou os maiores valores de diversidade funcional bacteriana e as menores taxas de respiração bacteriana em todas as CCB. Nós concluímos que a identidade do recurso e a CCB interagem afetando o padrão e a magnitude da respiração bacteriana em ecossistemas aquáticos.
Abstract Resource identity and composition structure bacterial community, which in turn determines the magnitude of bacterial processes and ecological services. However, the complex interaction between resource identity and bacterial community composition (BCC) has been poorly understood so far. Using aquatic microcosms, we tested whether and how resource identity interacts with BCC in regulating bacterial respiration and bacterial functional diversity. Different aquatic macrophyte leachates were used as different carbon resources while BCC was manipulated through successional changes of bacterial populations in batch cultures. We observed that the same BCC treatment respired differently on each carbon resource; these resources also supported different amounts of bacterial functional diversity. There was no clear linear pattern of bacterial respiration in relation to time succession of bacterial communities in all leachates, i.e. differences on bacterial respiration between different BCC were rather idiosyncratic. Resource identity regulated the magnitude of respiration of each BCC, e.g. Ultricularia foliosa leachate sustained the greatest bacterial functional diversity and lowest rates of bacterial respiration in all BCC. We conclude that both resource identity and the BCC interact affecting the pattern and the magnitude of bacterial respiration in aquatic ecosystems.
Resumo A identidade e a composição do recurso estruturam a comunidade bacteriana, que, por sua vez, determina a magnitude dos processos bacterianos e seus serviços ecológicos. Porém, a complexa interação entre a identidade do recursos e a composição da comunidade bacteriana (CCB) tem sido pouco avaliada até o momento. Utilizando microcosmos aquáticos, nós testamos quando e como a identidade do recurso interage com a CCB na regulação da respiração bacteriana e da diversidade funcional bacteriana. Diferentes lixiviados de macrófitas aquáticas foram utilizados como diferentes fontes de carbono, enquanto que a CCB foi manipulada através de mudanças sucessionais das populações bacterianas em culturas de recrescimento. Nós observamos que tratamentos com a mesma CCB respiraram diferentemente em cada fonte de carbono; diferentes fontes também suportaram diferentes valores de diversidade funcional bacteriana. Não houve padrão linear claro de mudança na respiração bacteriana em relação ao tempo de sucessão das comunidades bacterianas nos lixiviados, i.e. diferenças na respiração bacteriana entre diferentes CCB foram idiossincráticas. A identidade do recurso regulou a magnitude da respiração, em cada CCB, e.g. o lixiviado de Ultricularia foliosa sustentou os maiores valores de diversidade funcional bacteriana e as menores taxas de respiração bacteriana em todas as CCB. Nós concluímos que a identidade do recurso e a CCB interagem afetando o padrão e a magnitude da respiração bacteriana em ecossistemas aquáticos.