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Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 4633-4635,4638, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-668540


Objective To analyze the current status of bacterial spectrum and drug resistance in community-acquired biliary tract infection to provide a basis for clinical medication .Methods The patients with community-acquired biliary tract infection (ex-periment group) and the patients with biliary tract diseases without biliary tract infection (control group) derived from the native ar-ea treated in this hospital from September 2014 to January 2016 were selected .The bile juice was intraoperatively extracted for con-ducting the bacterial culture and drug susceptibility test .Results Thirteen specieses (60 strains) of bacteria were isolated in the ex-periment group .The top 3 specieses were Escherichia coli (35 .0% ) ,Klebsiella pneumonia (21 .7% ) and Enterobacter cloacae (10 .0% ) .Eight specieses (13 strains) of bacteria were isolated in the control group .The top 3 specieses were Escherichia coli (30 .8% ) ,Klebsiella pneumonia(15 .4% ) and Lactococcus garvieae (15 .4% ) .The proportions of drug resistant strains in the two groups were 95 .0% and 84 .6% respectively (P>0 .05) .The proportions of multiple drug resistant strains in the two groups were 30 .0% and 7 .7% respectively(P>0 .05) .The occurrence rates of multiple drug resistance in the top 3 specieses of bacteria in the experiment group were 61 .9% ,7 .7% and 16 .7% respectively .Conclusion The bacterial spectra of community-acquired acute bili-ary tract infection in the native area are dominated by Gram negative bacteria .The total bacterial drug resistance is serious ,but the drug resistance situation in different bacteria pathogens is different .