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Vitae (Medellín) ; 31(1): 1-8, 2024-05-03. Ilustraciones
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1538067


Background: Potato peel extract has demonstrated the ability to reduce platelet aggregation in vitro, suggesting its potential as a dietary intervention for preventing atherothrombotic disorders. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the impact of a potato peel-rich diet on platelet aggregation. Methods: A randomized, crossover-controlled, open two-period study was carried out with the participation of 12 healthy volunteers. Platelet aggregation was assessed before and after a seven-day dietary intervention. Participants consumed either a diet rich in potato peel (2 g/kg/d) or acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) as a reference (100 mg/d). Platelet aggregation percentages were measured following stimulation with arachidonic acid (AA, 150 µg/mL), adenosine diphosphate (ADP, 10 µM), and collagen (COL, 10 µg/mL). Results: The potato peel-rich diet resulted in a slight but significant reduction in platelet aggregation when stimulated with arachidonic acid compared to baseline values (85.0±2.0% vs. 91.3±1.7%, p<0.05). This effect was less pronounced than the reduction achieved with ASA (16±1.9%, p<0.001). Conclusion: The administration of a diet rich in potato peel reduces platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid, suggesting its potential role in the prevention of atherothrombotic disorders.

Introducción: El extracto de cáscara de patata ha demostrado su capacidad para reducir la agregación plaquetaria in vitro, lo que sugiere su potencial como intervención dietética para prevenir trastornos aterotrombóticos. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de una dieta rica en cáscara de patata en la agregación plaquetaria. Materiales y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio aleatorizado, controlado, cruzado y abierto con la participación de 12 voluntarios sanos. Se evaluó la agregación plaquetaria antes y después de una intervención dietética de siete días. Los participantes consumieron una dieta rica en cáscara de patata (2 g/kg/d) o ácido acetilsalicílico (ASA) como referente (100 mg/d). Se midieron los porcentajes de agregación plaquetaria después de la estimulación con ácido araquidónico (AA, 150 µg/mL), difosfato de adenosina (ADP, 10 µM) y colágeno (COL, 10 µg/mL). Resultados: La dieta rica en cáscara de patata resultó en una ligera pero significativa reducción en la agregación plaquetaria cuando se estimuló con ácido araquidónico en comparación con los valores iniciales (85,0 ± 2,0% vs. 91,3 ± 1,7%, p <0,05). Este efecto fue menos pronunciado que la reducción lograda con ASA (16 ± 1,9%, p <0,001). Conclusión: La administración de una dieta rica en cáscara de patata reduce la agregación plaquetaria inducida por ácido araquidónico, lo que sugiere su papel potencial en la prevención de trastornos aterotrombóticos.

Humans , Platelet Aggregation , Solanum tuberosum , Chlorogenic Acid , Arachidonic Acid , Diet
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030488


Objective An HPLC-MS/MS method was established for the simultaneous determination of 7 components in Qingkailing Oral Liquid.Methods The assay was performed on a Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 column(2.1 mm×10 mm,1.7 μm)and the sample was eluted with a gradient mobile phase containing 10 mmol·L-1 of ammonium acetate and 0.1%of formic acid in water(A)-methanol(B).The mass spectrometry was carried out by electrospray ionization(ESI)with positive/negative ions in multiple reaction monitoring(MRM)mode for quantitative analysis.Results The linear ranges of adenine,chlorogenic acid,caffeic acid,geniposide,baicalin,hyodeoxycholic acid and cholic acid were 0.100 4-3.213,0.784 5-8.982,0.998-3.194,0.622 5-19.92,25.05-300.6,2.513-30.15 and 7.775-93.30 μg·mL-1(r≥0.999 0).The average recoveries(n=6)were 100.9%,98.74%,101.2%,100.2%,100.8%,99.97%and 98.94%with RSD of 1.58%,0.59%,1.78%,1.25%,0.65%,1.69%and 1.07%.The contents of the above mentioned 7 components in 15 tested samples were in the ranges of 0.12-0.18,0.19-0.24,0.06-0.09,0.34-0.37,4.54-4.85,0.49-0.67 and 1.82-2.19 mg·mL-1.The contents of 7 components in tested sample from different manufacturers were closed.Conclusion The method has shown good sensitivity,accuracy,and repeatability.The study can provide reference and data support for the quality control and subsequent research of Qingkailing Oral Liquid.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008076


The fungal bioluminescence pathway (FBP) is a metabolic pathway responsible for the generation of bioluminescence derived from fungi. This pathway utilizes caffeic acid as the substrate, generating a high-energy intermediate, and the decomposition of which yields green fluorescence with a wavelength of approximately 520 nm. The FBP is evolutionally conserved in luminescent fungal groups. Unlike other bioluminescent systems, the FBP is particularly suitable for engineering applications in eukaryotic organisms, especially in plants. Currently, metabolically engineered luminescent plants are able to emit visible light to illuminate its surroundings, which can be visualized clearly in the dark. The fungal bioluminescent system could be explored in various applications in molecular biology, biosensors and glowing ornamental plants, and even green lighting along city streets.

Luminescence , Light , Fluorescence , Eukaryota , Green Light
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e244006, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553400


Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of pretreatment with ethanolic solutions of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) at varying concentrations on the dentin collagen matrix, specifically focusing on its biomodification potential. This was assessed through evaluations of the modulus of elasticity and changes in mass. Methods: Seventy dentin collagen matrices (demineralized sticks) were prepared to receive treatments with ethanolic solutions of CAPE at concentrations of 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.5%, or 2.5%, or with control treatment solutions (distilled water or ethanol) for one hour. The dentin matrices were evaluated for modulus of elasticity and mass before (baseline), immediately after treatment (immediately), and after storage in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) for time intervals of 1 and 3 months. Results: Generalized linear models for repeated measures over time indicated no significant differences between groups (p=0.7530) or between different time points (p=0.4780) in terms of the modulus of elasticity. Regarding mass variation, no differences were observed in the time interval between 1 month and the immediate time (p=0.0935). However, at the 3-month mark compared to the immediate time, the 0.1% CAPE group exhibited less mass loss compared to the water group (p=0.0134). Conclusion: This study concludes that various concentrations of CAPE in an ethanolic solution did not affect the modulus of elasticity of dentin, suggesting that CAPE lacks biomodifying potential in this context. However, it was observed that 0.1% CAPE positively influenced the variation in mass over different evaluation time intervals

Caffeic Acids , Collagen , Dentin , Ethanol , Linear Models
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931252


The compounds in leaf and stem extracts of Astragalus emarginatus Labill.(AEL),a plant species used in traditional Lebanese medicine,were investigated for antioxidant properties.First,the activity of various extracts was assessed using the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity,oxygen radical absorption ca-pacity,and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazy l-hydrate assays.The extract obtained using 30%ethanol showed the greatest activity.The antioxidant compounds in this extract were screened using a hy-phenated high-performance liquid chromatography-2,2-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate)radical(ABTS+)system before being separated by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography and identified using high-resolution mass spectrometry and ultra-violet-visible diode array detection.Approximately 40 compounds were identified.Hydroxycinnamates(caffeic,ferulic,and p-coumaric acid derivatives)and flavonoids(quercetin,luteolin,apigenin,and isorhamnetin derivatives)were the two main categories of the identified compounds.The active compounds were identified as caffeic acid de-rivatives and quercetin glycosides.In addition,the catechol moiety was shown to be key to antioxidant activity.This study showed that AEL is a source of natural antioxidants,which may explain its medicinal use.

Chinese Herbal Medicines ; (4): 317-323, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-953600


Objective: To establish HPLC fingerprints of different parts of chicory stems, leaves, roots, flowers and seeds, and compare the similarities and differences of chemical components in different parts, so as to provide a scientific basis for the comprehensive utilization of chicory. Methods: To establish the HPLC fingerprint of chicory, the chromatographic column was chosen with Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C

São José dos Campos; s.n; 2022. 110 p. tab, ilus, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1393105


Os biofilmes orais possuem grande relevância clínica por estarem associados com o desenvolvimento de cárie dentária e candidose bucal, que são doenças infecciosas frequentemente encontradas na população. O presente trabalho foi dividido em dois estudos: Estudo 1 que teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos da terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (TFDa), mediada por Fotoenticine (FTC) e Azul de Metileno (AM), sobre biofilmes microcosmos de cárie dentária; e Estudo 2 cujo objetivo foi avaliar o gellan gum como biomaterial para carreador do antifúngico Ester fenetil do ácido caféico (CAPE) contra Candida albicans. No estudo 1, amostras de dentina cariada foram coletadas de diferentes pacientes para formar biofilmes microcosmos in vitro. Os biofilmes foram tratados com FTC ou AM associado à irradiação LED a 660 nm (28,5 J/cm²). Os dados foram analisados pela contagem de Unidades Formadoras de Colônias (UFC/mL). Além disso, a biomassa, estrutura do biofilme e produção de ácidos pelos microrganismos foram determinadas por análises microscópicas ou espectrofotométricas. Os biofilmes de diferentes pacientes apresentaram variações na composição microbiana, sendo formados por estreptococos, lactobacilos e leveduras. No geral, a TFDa diminuiu 3,7 Log10 do total de microrganismos, 2,8 Log10 de estreptococos, 3,2 Log10 de lactobacilos e 3,2 Log10 de leveduras, e atingiu a erradicação de estreptococos do grupo mutans. A TFDa também foi capaz de reduzir a biomassa, desagregar os biofilmes e diminuir a concentração de ácidos em 1,1 a 1,9 mmol de lactato/L. Em relação ao estudo 2, inicialmente, foram preparadas formulações do CAPE em diferentes concentrações de gellan gum (0,6 a 1%). As formulações foram avaliadas em relação ao sistema de liberação e ação antifúngica contra C. albicans. Verificou-se que concentrações mais altas de gellan (0,9 e 1%) levaram a uma liberação mais prolongada do CAPE em relação as concentrações mais baixas. Os valores de concentração inibitória mínima do CAPE sobre C. albicans foram aumentados quando esse composto foi incorporado no gellan. As formulações de CAPE em gellan apresentaram atividade antifúngica tanto em culturas planctônicas como em biofilmes de C. albicans, sendo esses efeitos dependentes do tempo de tratamento. O CAPE e suas formulações em gellan também levaram a uma diminuição da atividade proteolítica de C. albicans. Concluiu-se que a TFDa mediada por Fotoenticine e o sistema carreador de gellan gum podem ser estratégias terapêuticas promissoras para o controle dos biofilmes na cavidade bucal, podendo ser usadas respectivamente no tratamento da cárie e candidose. (AU)

Dental caries and oral candidiasis are infectious diseases frequently found in the population. The present work is divided into two studies, study 1 time as objective: To analyze the effects of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT), mediated by Fotoenticine (FTC) and Methylene Blue (MB), on dental caries microcosm biofilms. In study 2, the objective was to evaluate gellan gum as a biomaterial to carry the antifungal caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) on Candida albicans. To conduct study 1, carious dentin samples were collected from different patients to form in vitro microcosm biofilms. The biofilms were treated with FTC or MB associated with 660 nm red LED irradiation, with energy dose of 28.5 J/cm² and power dose of 40 mW/cm². The data were analyzed by the count of Colony Forming Units (CFU/mL). In addition, the biomass, biofilm structure and acid production of the microorganisms were determined by microscopic or spectrophotometric analysis. The biofilms from different patients showed variations in microbial composition, being formed by streptococci, lactobacilli, and yeasts. Overall, aPDT decreased 3.7 Log10 of total microorganisms, 2.8 Log10 of streptococci, 3.2 Log10 of lactobacilli and 3.2 Log10 of yeasts, and achieved eradication of mutans group streptococci. PDTa was also able to reduce biomass, disaggregate biofilms, and decrease acid concentration by 1.1 to 1.9 mmol lactate/L. For study 2 of this, first the standards of CAPE were determined, such as minimum inhibitory concentration, and absorption peak, then CAPE was incorporated into gellan gum, and then the standard curve test and analysis of CAPE release was performed, finally the formulations were tested on planktonic culture and biofilm of different strains of C. albicans, it was also analyzed the action of this drug on the production of Sap. The MIC found varied from 32 to 64 µg/mL, the release tests showed a gradual release in the higher formulations, finally in the CFU/mL count both in planktonic culture and biofilm the formulations were able to inhibit the fungus. With this it is concluded that both aPDT for oral microcosm and gellan gum as caregiver of CAPE for Candida albicans inhibition are promising. (AU)

Humans , Photochemotherapy , Candida albicans , Dental Caries , Dental Plaque , Methylene Blue
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20023, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403706


Abstract Caffeic acid is a phenolic compound widely distributed in plants and beverages such as coffee. Although its mechanism of action is poorly understood, caffeic acid reportedly induces antidepressant-like and neuroprotective effects. This study aimed to investigate the involvement of cellular signaling pathways in acute antidepressant-like effect induced by caffeic acid in mice. All procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee of the UNIVALI n. 021/2013. Female Swiss mice were administered with vehicle, caffeic acid (5 mg/ kg, p.o.), inhibitor (H-89, U0126, chelerythrine, or PD9859, i.c.v.) or caffeic acid plus inhibitor. The behavioral effects were evaluated 1h after the administration of compounds to mice using tail suspension test (TST) and open field test (OFT). The results showed that the antidepressant- like effect of caffeic acid in mice was possibly mediated by the activation of PKA, MEK 1/2, PKC and MAPK (as assessed using TST), without compromising their locomotor activity (as assessed using OFT). Our results demonstrated, at least in part, the pathways involved in the neuroprotective and behavioral effects of caffeic acid.

Animals , Female , Mice , Caffeic Acids/analysis , Coffee/adverse effects , Neuroprotective Agents/administration & dosage , Antidepressive Agents/adverse effects , Plants , Signal Transduction , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases , Animal Care Committees/classification , Open Field Test
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e19233, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374569


Abstract In the present study, the metabolite profiling of methanolic extract from aerial parts of Satureja khuzistanica Jamzad, as an endemic medicinal plant from Iran, was evaluated using HPLC-PDA-ESI. Then, the main compound from the extract was isolated and purified by using extensive chromatographic techniques. In addition, the structure of the isolated compounds was elucidated using 1D, 2D NMR, and MS spectrometry, upon which 22 compounds were identified. The antibacterial activity of diosmetin 7-rutinoside (6) and linarin (13) in combination with carvacrol as a major compound of the essential oil was tested against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus through disc diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration methods. The results indicated that the linarin, when mixed with carvacrol as the main compounds in the essential oil of the plant, has a satisfactory activity against both Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus with MIC values of 0.16 and 0.18 µg/mL, respectively. Further, the fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) index indicated that this compound had synergism with carvacrol.

Plants, Medicinal/anatomy & histology , Oils, Volatile/analysis , Lamiaceae/chemistry , Satureja/classification , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/isolation & purification , Spectrum Analysis/instrumentation , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/instrumentation , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/methods
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20822, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420404


Abstract In order to overcome the challenges of discovering new antiprotozoal drugs, we synthesized a new class of hybrids based on S-allylCysteine Ester/Caffeic Acid Amide and evaluated four of them against Trypanosoma cruzi and Plasmodium falciparum. Hybrid 6 exhibited good activity on T. cruzi with an EC50 value of 5.45 µM, whereas hybrid 3 was active over P. falciparum with an EC50 of 18.08 µM. All hybrids displayed a good selectivity index on P. falciparum. Molecular docking computations indicated that several hybrids have good binding affinities towards the protozoa related enzymes (Cruzipain or Falcipain-2) when compared against current inhibitors. In silico studies showed that conjugates 1-3 and 6 fulfilled optimal ADME characteristics, suggesting them as safe alternatives for oral treatment of protozoal infections.

Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;51: 17-27, May. 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1343317


BACKGROUND: In order to produce an effective callus in Echinacea purpurea L.; determination of the explant type and growth regulators that best respond to callus induction and the optimization of the culture conditions to increase the amount of caffeic acid derivatives (CADs) in the obtained callus. CADs contents of callus cultures of E. purpurea were evaluated by establishing an effective callus induction system in vitro. RESULTS: Various medium containing different growth regulators were tested using leaf, petiole, cotyledon and root as the explants. The best callus development was achieved in MS medium with 1.0 mg l 1 2,4- D + 2.0 mg l 1 BAP in leaf, 1.0 mg l 1 NAA + 0.5 mg l 1 TDZ in petiole, 2.0 mg l 1 NAA + 1.0 mg l 1 TDZ in cotyledon and 0.5 mg l 1 NAA + 0.5 mg l 1 BAP in roots. Upon optimisation of callus growth, each type of explant was cultured for 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks in medium for the analyses of caftaric acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and chicoric acid contents. The highest amounts of caftaric acid (4.11 mg/g) and chicoric acid (57.89 mg/g) were found from petiole explants and chlorogenic acid (8.83 mg/g) from root explants at the end of the 10-week culture time. CONCLUSIONS: As a result of the present study, the production of caffeic acid derivatives was performed by providing the optimization of E. purpurea L. callus cultures. Effective and repeatable protocols established in this study may offer help for further studies investigating the production of caffeic acid derivatives in vitro.

Caffeic Acids , Echinacea , Plant Growth Regulators , Time Factors , In Vitro Techniques , Cells, Cultured , Plant Roots/growth & development , Plant Leaves/growth & development , Cotyledon/growth & development , Culture Techniques
Int. j. morphol ; 39(2): 612-618, abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385340


SUMMARY: The aim of this study is to determine the potential therapeutic effects of CAPE in CP-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Cisplatin (CP) is an antineoplastic chemotherapeutic used for treatment of many cancer types but its applications may induce nephrotoxicity. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is an active component of propolis and it has several important physiological activities. Rats were divided into four groups: Control, CAPE (10 µmol/kg/i.p), CP (7 mg/kg/i.p), and CP+CAPE (7 mg/kg/i.p, CP and 10 µmol/kg/i.p, CAPE). After administrations, animals were sacrificed, and kidney tissues were extracted. Histopathological changes were evaluated and TNF-α and IL-6 immunostaining were performed. Moreover, tissue SOD, CAT and MDA levels were measured by ELISA assay to assessment of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. CP group showed histopathological deterioration compared to the Control group and CAPE treatment attenuated this damage. When compared with Control and CAPE group, an increase in TNF-α and IL-6 immunoreactivities and tissue MDA levels were observed in the CP group while a decrease in tissue SOD and CAT levels were detected. Furthermore, an improvement was observed in the CP+CAPE compared to the CP group. We suggest that CAPE can be used as a therapeutic agent to attenuate the toxic effects of cisplatin, thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los posibles efectos terapéuticos de éster fenetílico del ácido cafeico (EFAC) en la nefrotoxicidad inducida por cisplatino (CP) en ratas. El CP es un quimioterapéutico antineoplásico utilizado para el tratamiento de muchos tipos de cáncer, sin embargo sus aplicaciones pueden inducir nefrotoxicidad. El EFAC es un componente activo del propóleo y tiene varias actividades fisiológicas importantes. Para el estudio las ratas se dividieron en cuatro grupos: Control, EFAC (10 µmol / kg / ip), CP (7 mg / kg / ip) y CP + EFAC (7 mg / kg / ip, CP y 10 µmol / kg / ip, EFAC). Después de las administraciones, se sacrificaron los animales y se extrajeron los tejidos renales. Se evaluaron los cambios histopatológicos y se realizó inmunotinción de TNF-α e IL-6. Además, los niveles tisulares de SOD, CAT y MDA se midieron mediante un ensayo ELISA para evaluar el estrés oxidativo y la peroxidación lipídica. El grupo CP mostró deterioro histopatológico en comparación con el grupo Control y el tratamiento con EFAC atenuó este daño. En comparación con el grupo de control y EFAC, se observó un aumento en las inmunorreactividades de TNF-α e IL-6 y los niveles de MDA en el tejido en el grupo de CP, mientras que se detectó una disminución en los niveles de SOD y CAT en los tejidos. Además, se observó una mejora en el CP + EFAC en comparación con el grupo CP. Sugerimos que EFAC puede utilizarse como agente terapéutico para atenuar los efectos tóxicos del cisplatino, gracias a sus propiedades antioxidantes y antiinflamatorias.

Animals , Male , Rats , Phenylethyl Alcohol/analogs & derivatives , Caffeic Acids/pharmacology , Cisplatin/toxicity , Kidney/drug effects , Phenylethyl Alcohol/pharmacology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Immunohistochemistry , Rats, Wistar , Oxidative Stress/drug effects , Inflammation , Antineoplastic Agents/toxicity
China Pharmacy ; (12): 2720-2723, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-904773


OBJECTIVE:To establish a method for the determination of plasma protein binding rate of rosmarinic acid ,caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid from Glechoma longituba . METHODS :UHPLC method combined with ultrafiltration method was adopted to determine the plasma protein binding rate of rosmarinic acid ,caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid from G. longituba in the plasma of New Zealand rabbits. The determination was performed on a Phenomenex Luna ® C18 column with mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile (A)-0.1% formic acid solution (B)(gradient elution )at the flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. The column temperature was set at 45 ℃,and the detection wavelength was 327 nm. The sample size was 3 μL. RESULTS:At low ,medium and high concentrations,the plasma binding rates of rosmarinic acid were (97.78 ± 1.67)% ,(94.32 ± 1.42)% ,(95.12 ± 1.51)% , respectively(n=3);those of caffeic acid were (90.12±2.33)%,(89.53±1.98)%,(90.23±1.56)%,respectively(n=3);those of chlorogenic acid were (63.23 ± 2.12)% ,(67.87 ± 1.06)% ,(62.34 ± 1.34)% ,respectively (n=3). CONCLUSIONS : Established method is easy to operate and shorter time for analysis. It can be used to determine the plasma protein binding rate of rosmarinic acid ,caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid in G. longituba .

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 4051-4060, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888062


This research established the HPLC methods for the determination of perillaketone, perillaldehyde, caffeic acid, scutellarin, and rosmarinic acid in 33 batches of Perillae Folium. Kromasil C_(18)(4.6 × 250 mm, 5 μm) chromatographic column was used, and the mobile phase for determination of the perillaketone and perillaldehyde was methanol-water(55∶45) solution, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL·min~(-1), with the column temperature at 30 ℃. The mobile phase for the determination of caffeic acid, scutellarin and rosmarinic acid was methanol(A)-0.2% phosphoric acid aqueous solution(B) with gradient elution(0-20 min, 25%-30% A; 20-60 min, 30%-43% A). The flow rate was 1.0 mL·min~(-1) and the column temperature was set at 30 ℃. The results showed that the established method can achieve good separation of the five components in samples, with a good linear relationship and high accuracy, indicating that the methods can be used for the determination of Perillae Folium. The results showed that all samples contained five components. And the content of rosmarinic acid(0.04%-1.57%) > scutellarin(0.03%-0.77%) > perillaldehyde(0.02%-0.66%) > perillaketone(0.03%-0.30%) > caffeic acid(0.006%-0.07%). Thirty-three Batches of Perillae Folium can be grouped into 5 categories. There are certain content rules and region specificities under different clusters. Perillaketone, perillaldehyde, and rosmarinic acid can be used as the main markers to evaluate the quality of Perillae Folium.

Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Plant Extracts , Plant Leaves
China Pharmacy ; (12): 1093-1099, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876583


OBJECTIVE:To esta blish a UPLC fingerprint of Pyrrosia petiolosa from southwest China ,and to determine the contents of 4 kinds of phenolic acids (neochlorogenic acid ,caffeic acid ,chlorogenic acid and cryptochlorogenic acid ). METHODS:The determination was performed on Waters Cortecs T 3 C18 column(100 mm×2.1 mm,1.6 μm)with mobile phase consisted of methanol- 0.1% phosphoric acid (gradient elution )at the flow rate of 0.35 mL/min. The detection wavelength was set at 326 nm. The column temperature was 30 ℃,and injection volume was 1 μL. UPLC method was used to establish the UPLC fingerprint of P. petiolosa in combination with the Similarity Evaluation System of TCM Chromatographic Fingerprints (2012 edition). Cluster analysis and principle component analysis (PCA)were performed by using SPSS 20.0 software. The contents of 4 kinds of phenolic acids in 20 batches of P. petiolosa were determined by external standard method. RESULTS :There were 9 common peaks for the UPLC fingerprint of P. petiolosa . Peaks 1,3,4,5 and 9 were identified as neochlorogenic acid ,caffeic acid,chlorogenic acid ,cryptochlorogenic acid and isochlorogenic acid C ,respectively. RSDs of the relative retention time of each peak in different batches of P. petiolosa were 0-0.68%,and the RSDs of the relative peak area were 0-62.35%. The similarities between the fingerprint of 20 batches of medicinal materials and the control chromatogram were not less than 0.990. The result of cluster analysis showed that P. petiolosa from different regions could be sorted into three species. Results of PCA showed the differences among P. petiolosa from different regions. The linear range of neochlorogenic acid ,caffeic acid ,chlorogenic acid and cryptochlorogenic acid were 0.61-61.41,0.18-17.60,2.00-200.11,0.62-61.51 μ g/mL (R2>0.999 9). RSDs of precision , reproducibility and stability tests were all lower than 2.00%. The recoveries were 96.23%-98.17%(RSD=0.96%-2.28%, n=6). Among 20 batches of samples ,the contents of above 4 kinds of phenolic acids were 0.385 3-1.891 9,0.018 0-0.129 5,2.569 5-10.676 0,0.563.5-1.860 5 mg/g. CONCLUSIONS : The established UPL C fingerprint could reflect the main chemical constituents of P. pedunculata . Phenolic acids could be used as the main evaluation indexes for the quality of P. petiolosa . The quality order of P. petiolosa from southwest China was Chongqing product>Sichuan product >Guizhou product.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950242


Objective: To assess the nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor-2 (Nrf2) modulatory effect of caffeic acid and protocatechuic acid and determine the anti-tumor activity of these phenolic compounds against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma growth in mice. Methods: Antioxidant activity of protocatechuic acid and caffeic acid was assessed using ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). Nrf2 activation potential of phenolic compounds was tested by quantitative realtime polymerase chain reaction, and luciferase complementation reporter assays. In vivo efficacy was tested using the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma model. Results: FRAP and DPPH radical scavenging assays showed that caffeic acid and protocatechuic acid were more potent compared with cinnamic acid and benzoic acid. Luciferase complementation reporter assays identified caffeic acid and protocatechuic acid as the activators of Nrf2. Both caffeic acid and protocatechuic acid upregulated the expression of Nrf2 target genes heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit (GCLC), and glutamate-cysteine ligase modifier subunit (GCLM) and the activity of NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) when tested on HCT-116 cells using a cell-based assay system at 9 h. In addition, intraperitoneal administration of caffeic acid and protocatechuic acid to Ehrlich ascites carcinoma bearing mice suppressed tumor growth and angiogenesis. Conclusions: Caffeic acid and protocatechuic acid can modulate Nrf2 and inhibit Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells.

Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 86-93, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878915


Caffeic acid and its oligomers are the main water-soluble active constituents of the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) Arnebiae Radix. These compounds possess multiple biological activities such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, cardiovascular protective, liver protective, anti-liver fibrosis, antiviral and anticancer activities. The phenylpropanoid pathway in plants is responsible for the biosynthesis of caffeic acid and its oligomers. Glycosylation can change phenylpropanoid solubility, stability and toxic potential, as well as influencing compartmentalization and biological activity. In view of the important role played by de-glycosylation in the regulation of phenylpropanoid homeostasis, the biosynthesis of caffeic acid and its oligomers are supposed to be under the control of relative UDP-glycosyltransferases(UGTs). Through the data mining of Arnebia euchroma transcriptome, we cloned 15 full-length putative UGT genes. After recombinant expression using the prokaryotic system, the crude enzyme solution of the putative UGTs was examined for the glycosylation activities towards caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid in vitro. AeUGT_01, AeUGT_02, AeUGT_03, AeUGT_04 and AeUGT_10 were able to glycosylate caffeic acid and/or rosmarinic acid resulting in different mono-and/or di-glycosylated products in the UPLC-MS analyses. The characterized UGTs were distantly related to each other and divided into different clades of the phylogenetic tree. Based on the observation that each characterized UGT exhibited substrate or catalytic similarity with the members in their own clade, we supposed the glycosylation abilities towards caffeic acid and/or rosmarinic acid were evolved independently in different clades. The identification of caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid UGTs from A. euchroma could lead to deeper understanding of the caffeic acid oligomers biosynthesis and its regulation. Furthermore, these UGTs might be used for regiospecific glycosylation of caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid to produce bioactive compounds for potential therapeutic applications.

Boraginaceae/genetics , Caffeic Acids , Chromatography, Liquid , Cinnamates , Cloning, Molecular , Depsides , Glycosyltransferases/genetics , Phylogeny , Tandem Mass Spectrometry
West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;69(5): 350-355, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515667


ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the protective effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) against isoniazid (INH)- and rifampicin (RFP)-induced hepatic and pancreatic damage. Methods: Eighty adult rats were randomly divided into eight groups: control, INH, RFP, INH+RFP, INH+CAPE, RFP+CAPE, INH+RFP+CAPE, and CAPE. Both INH and RFP were orally administered for 30 days at a dose of 50 mg/kg/day. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester was intraperitoneally injected for 30 days (10 μmol/kg). Blood samples, hepatic and pancreatic tissues were obtained on day 30. Results: Total oxidant status levels were significantly higher in INH and/or RFP-treated groups than those of control and CAPE groups, while total antioxidant status and paraoxonase levels were significantly reduced in INH-RFP groups compared with the group receiving CAPE. Histopathological deterioration was observed in RFP and INH groups in pancreatic and hepatic tissue. However, significant amelioration was observed in CAPE-treated groups. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that CAPE may be a promising agent to prevent the side effects of INH and RFP treatment on hepatic and pancreatic tissues.

West Indian med. j ; West Indian med. j;69(5): 362-367, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515679


ABSTRACT Objective: Eye morbidity is widely observed in patients receiving total body irradiation prior to bone marrow transplantation or radiotherapy for ocular or head and neck cancers. Cataract blindness is the major cause of preventable blindness worldwide, especially in the developing countries. The aim of this study was to investigate whether propolis and caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) prevent radiation-induced cataractogenesis. Methods: Fifty-four Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups. Group 1 (irradiation (IR) + propolis) received total cranium irradiation and propolis was given orally through an orogastric tube daily. Group 2 (IR+CAPE) received total cranium irradiation plus CAPE intraperitoneally every day. Group 3 (IR) received 5 Gy of gamma irradiation as a single dose to total cranium plus 1 ml saline daily. Group 4 received daily plain saline. Group 5 received daily plain dimethyl sulfoxide. Group 6 (normal control group) did not receive anything. Results: At the end of the 10-day time period, cataracts developed in 80% of the rats in group 3 (IR group). After irradiation, cataract rate drop to 30% and 40% in groups treated with propolis and CAPE, respectively. Nitric oxide synthase activity, nitric oxide (NO•) and peroxynitrite (ONOO-) levels were significantly higher in group 3 compared to all other groups. Conclusion: The results suggest that propolis and CAPE have free radical scavenging activities in the irradiation-induced cataractogenesis, and reduced nitrosative stress markers. Prop-olis was found to be more effective in anticataractogenic effect than CAPE.

Int. j. morphol ; 38(1): 135-139, Feb. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056411


La angiogénesis es el proceso por el cual se forman nuevos vasos sanguíneos a partir de otros ya existentes. Para que esto se lleve a cabo de forma correcta debe existir un balance entre los factores proangiogénicos y los factores antiangiogénicos dentro del microambiente tisular. Por otra parte, la existencia de productos químicos naturales como los polifenoles, que son capaces de adquirirse en la dieta, inducen a estos factores a intervenir en el proceso de angiogénesis. Se administraron los polifenoles en filtros de metilcelulosa sobre la membrana alantocoriónica de huevos White Leghorn, manteniendo el posterior desarrollo normal del feto. Se utilizaron 15 fetos de pollo fijados en formalina tamponada, a los cuales se extrajo el corazón. El procesamiento de las muestras de corazón se realizó a través de técnicas histológicas, histoquímicas e inmunohistoquímica. Finalmente se evaluó la presencia del VEGF y la capacidad de formar vasos sanguíneos bajo el tratamiento con los polifenoles. La inmunorreactividad fue cuantificada mediante Image J®. Los resultados indican que Ácido cafeico y Pinocembrina disminuyen la densidad microvascular y la expresión de VEGF en corazones de fetos de pollo tratados con estos polifenoles. Tanto el Ácido Cafeico como la Pinocembrina cumplen un rol inhibitorio en el proceso de angiogénesis fisiológica en corazón de pollo, pudiendo modular las vías de señalización mediadas por los VEGFR o modulando la disponibilidad de VEGF. Estos polifenoles podrían utilizarse para el estudio de otros tejidos asociados a angiogénesis patológica.

Angiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels are formed from other existing ones. A balance between proangiogenic factors and anti-angiogenic factors within the microenvironment must exist for the process to be carried out correctly. Similarly, the existence of natural chemicals such as polyphenols, which are capable of being acquired in the diet, induce these factors in the angiogenic process. Polyphenols were administered in the methylcellulose filters on the of chorioallantoic membrane of White Leghorn eggs, maintaining the normal posterior development of the fetus. 15 chicken fetuses were fixed in buffered formalin, obtaining the hearts to histological processing, performing histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. VEGF levels and the ability of the blood vessels growing under the stimulation of the polyphenols were evaluated. Immunoreactivity was quantified by Image J. The results indicate that caffeic acid and pinocembrin decreased microvascular density and VEGF expression in hearts stimulated with these polyphenols. Both the caffeic and pinocembrin acids play an inhibitory role in the physiological angiogenesis process in the chicken heart, which decrease the microvascular density and could act by modulating the signaling pathways mediated by the VEGFR or by modulating the availability of VEGF. The use of these polyphenols could be useful in studies of other tissues associated with pathological angiogenesis.

Animals , Caffeic Acids/pharmacology , Neovascularization, Physiologic/drug effects , Chick Embryo , Polyphenols/pharmacology