Resumen Introducción : La enfermedad por arañazo de gato (EAG) es producida por Bartonella henselae y debido a que afecta principalmente niños, es poco reconocida en adultos. El cua dro evolutivo es generalmente benigno y autolimitado, aun que ocasionalmente puede haber compromiso sistémico. Métodos : Estudio observacional, descriptivo y re trospectivo realizado en un hospital de tercer nivel del conurbano bonaerense. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 15 años con diagnóstico de EAG en un período de 5 años (2016-2021). Resultados : Se analizaron 30 pacientes adultos, con una mediana de edad de 20.5 años (17-29), el 73% (n = 22) fueron varones. El 96% (n = 27) presentó contacto estre cho con gatos. La presentación clínica más frecuente fue adenopatías periféricas (90%); el porcentaje de compli caciones fue de 33% (n = 10). La indicación de antibio ticoterapia fue de 86.7% (n = 26), con una mediana de duración de 5 días (5-10). La evolución fue favorable en el 83% (n = 25), en el 16% (n = 5) se perdió seguimiento. Discusión : La EAG es poco reconocida en adultos; las características clínicas de este grupo etario se en cuentran poco descriptas en la literatura. Es un desafío diagnóstico debido a que su forma de presentación más frecuente es la adenopatía localizada.
Abstract Introduction : Cat-scratch disease (CSD) is caused by Bartonella henselae and it is under-recognized in adults because it mainly affects children. Clinical course is commonly benign and self-limited; occasionally, there may be systemic involvement. Methods : Case-series study carried out in a tertiary care hospital in Buenos Aires suburbs. Patients older than 15 years diagnosed with CSD over a 5-year period were included (2016-2021). Results : 30 adult patients were analyzed, with a median age of 20.5 years (IQR 17-29), 73% (n = 22) were male; 96% (n = 27) had history of exposure to cats. The most common clinical presentation of CSD was periph eral lymphadenopathy (90%), the average complication rate was 33% (n = 10), 86.7% (n = 26) received antimi crobial therapy, with a median duration of 5 days (IQR 5-10). Outcome was favorable in 83% (n = 25), 16% (n = 5) were lost to follow-up. Discussion : Clinical features of CSD in adults are poorly described in the worldwide literature. Diagnosis can be challenging because the clinical hallmark is re gional lymphadenopathy.
RESUMEN Introducción: La miositis aguda benigna de la infancia (MABI) es una patología inflamatoria del sistema músculo esquelético, suele manifestarse con dolor en miembros inferiores asociado a elevación de creatina fosfoquinasa (CPK). Es una afección poco frecuente, pero de presentarse, aparece posterior a un cuadro gripal, asociado frecuentemente al virus influenza A y B. Caso Clínico: Se presenta el caso de una niña en edad escolar con mialgia en miembros inferiores, fiebre y elevación de CPK, diagnosticada con MABI, con IgG positiva para Bartonella henselae. Conclusiones: Se considera importante reportar el caso debido a la poca información que se tiene acerca de esta enfermedad tanto en el país como en Latinoamérica, además, revisar el tema ya que no hay reportes previos en Perú acerca de la Bartonella henselae como agente etiológico de MABI; asimismo, discutir acerca del manejo y cómo disminuir las hospitalizaciones innecesarias.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Acute benign myositis of childhood (ABIM) is an inflammatory pathology of the musculoskeletal system, it usually manifests with pain in the lower limbs associated with elevation of creatine phosphokinase (CPK). It is a rare condition, but if it occurs, it appears after a flu case, frequently associated with influenza A and B viruses. Clinical Case: The case of a school-age girl with myalgia in lower limbs, fever and elevated CPK, diagnosed with MABI, with positive IgG to Bartonella henselae. Conclusions: It is considered important to report the case due to the little information available about this disease both in the country and in Latin America, in addition, to review the issue since there are no previous reports in Peru about Bartonella henselae as the etiological agent of MABI; Likewise, discuss management and how to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations.
Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a respiratory disease characterized by restriction in expiratory airflow. It is among one of the major causes of illness and death globally. COPD causes severe negative effects on physical and mental health. It has a drastic effect upon the health-related quality of life of patients. Numerous factors contribute towards morbidity of COPD that include smoking, obesity, air pollutants and comorbid conditions (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, infections). Aims and Objectives: The current systematic review was conducted with the aim to determine the health-related quality of life of COPD patients as well as the confounders of quality of life. Methodology: A systematic review was conducted of 22 studies. The electronic databases used to search the articles were Pubmed, Scopus, Science Direct, ProQuest, Web of Science. Total 1880 studies were found, out of which only 22 studies met the inclusion criteria. All the studies included are within 2017-2022. Patients met inclusion criteria have less than 70% FEV1/FVC ratio and diagnosis of patients was according to the GOLD staging system. Majority study design were observational, some were cross sectional, experimental and randomized clinical trials. Mean age of patients observed was 40-85 years. To assess the quality of life of COPD patient specific questionnaires has been used like SGRQ, CAT, CCQ, EQ-5D-5L. Results: Included studies shows that the quality of life of COPD is compromised physically as well as mentally. It is due to less physical activities, smoking habits, psychological issues, comorbidities like diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension. Conclusion: All the studies concluded that COPD patients diagnosed on basis of GOLD criteria and their quality of life is assessed via disease specific questionnaires that majorly includes SGRQ, CAT, CCQ, EQ-5D-5L. And it shows that quality of life of COPD decreases overall. However, the major confounders of reduced quality of life in COPD patients were: Smoking, raised BMI, high cholesterol, Depression/ anxiety, traffic related air pollutants, malnutrition and co-morbid conditions such as hypertension, asthma, anemia and diabetes mellitus.
Abstract We describe here the first case of feline sporotrichosis caused by Sporothrix globosa, occurring outside the epizootic area of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Unlike cases reported with Sporothrix brasiliensis, on this occasion there was no clinical or serological evidence of zoonotic transmission through scratches or bites from the sick cat to the attending veterinarian or the person responsible for its care. This report aimed to improve the knowledge about the pathogenic profile of S. globosa.
Resumen En este trabajo se describe el primer caso de esporotricosis felina causada por Sporothrix globosa fuera del área epizoótica de Buenos Aires. A diferencia de los casos documentados de Sporothrix brasiliensis, en este no hubo evidencia clínica ni serológica de transmisión zoonótica por arañazos o mordeduras del gato enfermo a su dueño ni al veterinario que lo atendió. Con este reporte se espera contribuir a un mejor conocimiento sobre el perfil patogénico de S. globosa.
Abstract This study aimed to determine the antiulcerogenic and antioxidant activities of Psyllium (Plantago ovata Forssk) seed ethanolic extract in rats. We assessed the antioxidant potential using free radical scavenging on DPPH, -carotene bleaching activity, ferric reducing power, and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. In the antiulcerogenic study, pre-treatment with Plantago ovata seeds ethanolic extract (POE) (400 mg/kg b.wt) significantly protected against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats by decreasing the ulcer index value and preserving the integrity of the gastric mucosa. The oxidative stress status in the stomach tissues showed a significant increase in the antioxidant enzyme levels of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase with a significant decrease in lipid peroxidation during pre-treatment with POE. In conclusion, the POE protects against gastric ulcer due to its antioxidant potential and presence of bioactive molecules.
Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar as atividades antiulcerogênica e antioxidante das sementes de Psyllium (Plantago ovata Forssk) em ratos. O potencial antioxidante foi avaliado utilizando o método do sequestro do radical livre DPPH, autooxidação do -caroteno, poder redutor de ferro e atividade de sequestro do radical hidroxila. No estudo antiulcerogênico, o pré-tratamento com o extrato etanólico das sementes de Plantago ovata (POE) (400 mg/Kg b.wt) reduziu a úlcera gástrica induzida pelo etanol em ratos, diminuindo o valor do índice de úlcera e preservando a integridade da mucosa gástrica. O estudo do estresse oxidativo nos tecidos estomacais mostrou um aumento significativo dos níveis das enzimas antioxidantes superóxido dismutase, catalase e glutationa peroxidase, com uma diminuição significativa da peroxidação lipídica enquanto pré-tratamento com POE. Em conclusão, o POE protege contra úlcera gástrica devido aos seus potenciais antioxidantes e à presença de moléculas bioativas.
This study aimed to determine the antiulcerogenic and antioxidant activities of Psyllium (Plantago ovata Forssk) seed ethanolic extract in rats. We assessed the antioxidant potential using free radical scavenging on DPPH, ß-carotene bleaching activity, ferric reducing power, and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. In the antiulcerogenic study, pre-treatment with Plantago ovata seeds ethanolic extract (POE) (400 mg/kg b.wt) significantly protected against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats by decreasing the ulcer index value and preserving the integrity of the gastric mucosa. The oxidative stress status in the stomach tissues showed a significant increase in the antioxidant enzyme levels of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase with a significant decrease in lipid peroxidation during pre-treatment with POE. In conclusion, the POE protects against gastric ulcer due to its antioxidant potential and presence of bioactive molecules.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar as atividades antiulcerogênica e antioxidante das sementes de Psyllium (Plantago ovata Forssk) em ratos. O potencial antioxidante foi avaliado utilizando o método do sequestro do radical livre DPPH, autooxidação do ß-caroteno, poder redutor de ferro e atividade de sequestro do radical hidroxila. No estudo antiulcerogênico, o pré-tratamento com o extrato etanólico das sementes de Plantago ovata (POE) (400 mg/Kg b.wt) reduziu a úlcera gástrica induzida pelo etanol em ratos, diminuindo o valor do índice de úlcera e preservando a integridade da mucosa gástrica. O estudo do estresse oxidativo nos tecidos estomacais mostrou um aumento significativo dos níveis das enzimas antioxidantes superóxido dismutase, catalase e glutationa peroxidase, com uma diminuição significativa da peroxidação lipídica enquanto pré-tratamento com POE. Em conclusão, o POE protege contra úlcera gástrica devido aos seus potenciais antioxidantes e à presença de moléculas bioativas.
Rats , Plantago , Stomach Ulcer , Gastric Mucosa , Phytotherapy , AntioxidantsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT To report a unique case of acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE) in a patient with positive serology for Bartonella, presenting with ocular signs and symptoms not attributable to other diseases. A 27-year-old woman presented with decreased visual acuity in both eyes. Multimodal fundus image analysis was performed. A color fundus photograph of both eyes revealed peripapillary and macular yellow-white placoid lesions. The fundus autofluorescence of both eyes demonstrated hypo- and hyperautofluorescence of the macular lesions. Fluorescein angiography showed early-stage hypofluorescence and late staining of placoid lesions in both eyes. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) of both eyes revealed irregular elevations in the retinal pigment epithelium with the disruption of the ellipsoid zone on the topography of macular lesions. At 3 months after the treatment initiation for Bartonella infection, the placoid lesions became atrophic and hyperpigmented, and SD-OCT revealed loss of both the outer retinal layers and retinal pigment epithelium on the topography of macular lesions in both eyes.
RESUMO Caso de epiteliopatia pigmentada placoide multifocal posterior aguda presumida em paciente com sorologia positiva para Bartonella. Paciente feminina de 27 anos apresentou diminuição da acuidade visual em ambos os olhos. Análise multimodal de imagem foi realizada. A retinografia mostrou revelou lesões placoides amarelo-esbranquiçadas nas áreas peripapilar e macular de ambos os olhos. A autofluorescência demonstrou hipo e hiperautofluorescência em ambos os olhos, na mesma topografia das lesões detectadas na retinografia. A angiofluoresceínografia mostrou hipofluorescência na fase inicial do exame e hiperfluorescência tardia das lesões placoides em ambos os olhos. A tomografia de coerência óptica de domínio espectral de ambos os olhos revelou elevações irregulares do epitélio pigmentado da retina com descontinuação da zona elipsoide na área macular. Três meses após o início do tratamento para infecção por Bartonella, as lesões placoides tornaram-se atróficas e hiperpigmentadas, e a tomografia de coerência óptica revelou perda das camadas externas da retina e do epitélio pigmentado da retina na topografia das lesões maculares em ambos os olhos.
Cats are susceptible to S. aureus, which mainly colonizes the nose and ears of these feline species. Otitis externa in cat ears is one of the illnesses produced by S. aureus in animals. Antibiotic therapy for affected animals is the conventional treatment for infections by S. aureus. Antibiotic use during prolonged treatment and given at the wrong doses can cause germs to become resistant. Given this context, research on S. aureus isolated from cat ears and tests for antibiotic resistance and the mecA gene is required. Samples of cat ears were obtained from the Amies media using a sterile cotton swab. Bacterial isolation was done on MSA media, and then the catalase and coagulase assays were used to identify the bacteria. S. aureus isolates were evaluated for sensitivity using disks of the antibiotics cefoxitin, tetracycline, erythromycin, gentamicin, and chloramphenicol connected to MHA media. All positive isolates of S. aureus underwent MRSA testing, and then the mecA gene was detected. The sample investigation revealed that 91% (91/100) were positive for S. aureus, and 3.30% (3/91) were confirmed to be multidrug-resistant (MDR) because they are resistant to 34 antibiotic classes. Out of the 12 MRSA isolates analyzed, the mecA gene was detected in one isolate. Inappropriate antibiotic use causes bacterial resistance in pets. Additionally, excessive antibiotic use in a population might develop acquired bacterial resistance to an antibiotic. Antibiotic use in animals must be assessed to administer medication and prevent the development of antibiotic resistance appropriately.(AU)
Gatos são suscetíveis a adquirir S.aureus que colonizam principalmente as narinas e os ouvidos de espécies de felinos. A otite externa no ouvido dos gatos é uma das doenças produzidas pelo S.aureus nos animais. A terapia com antibióticos é o tratamento convencional para as infecções produzidas pelo S.aureus. Os antibióticos utilizados durante o prolongado tratamento e o emprego de sub doses podem selecionar microorganismos resistentes. Com base em tais argumentos torna-se necessária a pesquisa de S.aureus isolados do ouvido dos gatos, bem como, a realização de testes para a resistência a antibióticos e do gene mecA. Empregando swabs estéreis de algodão foram obtidas amostras dos ouvidos dos gatos em meio de Amies. O isolamento bacteriano foi efetuado em meio MAS e os testes catalase e coagulase foram realizados para a identificação das bactérias. A sensibilidade dos isolados de S.aureus foi avaliada com o emprego de discos dos antibióticos cefoxitin, tetraxiclina, eritromicina, gentamicina e cloranfenicol, incorporados no meio MHA. Todos os isolados positivos de S.aureus foram submetidos ao test MRSA para a detecção do gene mecA. A amostra investigada revelou 91% (91/100) de positivos para S.aureus, dos quais, 3,30% (3/91) foram resistentes a múltiplas drogas (MDR) pois foram resistentes a 3-4 classes de antibióticos. De 12 MRSA isolados analisados o gene mecA foi detectado em um isolado. O uso inapropriado de antibióticos é a causa da resistência bacteriana em pets. Adicionalmente o emprego excessivo de antibióticos em uma população pode resultar no desenvolvimento de resistência bacteriana adquirida a antibióticos. O uso de antibióticos em animais deve ser ordenado por uma administração de medicamentos apropriada para prevenir o desenvolvimento da resistência.(AU)
Animals , Staphylococcal Infections/immunology , Cats/microbiology , Drug Resistance, Fungal/genetics , Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Genes, Bacterial , Indonesia , Anti-Bacterial Agents/isolation & purificationABSTRACT
La infección por Bartonella henselae (BH) adopta diversas formas de presentación clínica en pediatría. Según la bibliografía la forma de presentación más frecuente en pacientes inmunocompetentes es la linfadenopatía única asociada a fiebre. En el 85 % de los casos se compromete un solo ganglio siendo los axilares y los epitrocleares los más frecuentemente involucrados. Existen otras formas de presentación menos frecuentes que debemos tener en consideración, para poder realizar un diagnóstico precoz e indicar un tratamiento adecuado si así lo requiere. El diagnóstico requiere de la sospecha clínica del equipo de salud tratante, junto al antecedente epidemiológico, los hallazgos clínicos del examen físico y la realización de serologías que incluyan el dosaje de inmunoglobulina M y G. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron reconocer las manifestaciones clínicas típicas y atípicas de la EAG por Bartonella henselae, describir la epidemiología, características clínicas y evolución de esta enfermedad que se presentaron en nuestro hospital. Se estudiaron un total de 187 pacientes. La media de edad fue de 7.6 años (rango 1-14); siendo 53.5% de género masculino. Las formas de presentación más frecuentes en nuestro trabajo fueron la adenitis y la fiebre. La mayoría recibió diversos esquemas de tratamiento antibiótico, secundario al retraso en el diagnóstico. La tasa de hospitalización fue muy baja, remitió con tratamiento ambulatorio con antibióticos o sin ellos (AU)
Bartonella henselae infection has different clinical presentations in pediatrics. According to the literature, the most common form of presentation in immunocompetent patients is single lymphadenopathy associated with fever. In 85 % of the cases a single lymph node is involved, with the axillary and epitrochlear nodes being the most commonly involved. There are other, less frequent, forms of presentation that should be taken into consideration in order to make an early diagnosis and indicate appropriate treatment if required. Diagnosis relies on clinical suspicion by the treating healthcare team, together with the epidemiological history, clinical findings on physical examination, and serology including immunoglobulin M and G dosage. The objectives of this study were to identify both the typical and atypical clinical manifestations of Bartonella henselae cat scratch disease, to describe the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and outcomes of cases presenting at our hospital. A total of 187 patients were studied. The mean age was 7.6 years (range 1-14); 53.5% were male. The most frequent forms of presentation in our study were adenitis and fever. Most of them received different antibiotic treatment regimens due to delayed diagnosis. The hospitalization rate was very low and the disease typically resolved with outpatient treatment, with or without antibiotics (AU)
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Cats , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Cat-Scratch Disease/drug therapy , Cat-Scratch Disease/epidemiology , Bartonella henselae/isolation & purification , Fever , Lymphadenopathy , Serologic Tests , Retrospective Studies , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Phimosis is the inability to move the penis through the preputial orifice. This condition, in its congenital form, is infrequent in cats and has a low prevalence compared to canines. Diagnosis is based on the physical exam and the treatment of choice is often preputioplasty. The following case describes a six-week-old feline patient with signs of strangury, pollakiuria, excessive licking, and vocalizations when urinating. The physical examination showed significant stenosis of the preputial orifice. Circular preputioplasty is performed as a therapeutic approach, and after three days the patient shows a recurrence of the initial signs due to the presence of excessive granulation tissue because the surgical margins were not wide enough. Consequently, the patient undergoes corrective surgery to enlarge the preputial orifice and reduce the manifestation of clinical signs. This time the patient showed immediate resolution of the signs of distress that after 1 year have not recurred. The objective of this study is to provide information about clinical-surgical decisions and the main complications in cats with phimosis.
RESUMEN La fimosis es la incapacidad para exponer el pene por el orificio prepucial. La fimosis congénita en gatos es poco común y presenta baja prevalencia en comparación con la presentación en perros. El diagnóstico se basa en el examen físico y el tratamiento de elección es la prepucioplastía. Se describe el caso de un paciente felino de seis semanas de edad con signos de estranguria, polaquiuria, lamido excesivo y vocalización al realizar la micción. En el examen físico se aprecia una marcada estenosis del orificio prepucial. Como abordaje terapéutico se realiza prepucioplastía circular y al cabo de tres días el paciente presenta recidiva de los signos iniciales por la presencia de excesivo tejido de granulación, esto debido a que los márgenes quirúrgicos no fueron lo suficientemente amplios. En consecuencia, es sometido a cirugía correctiva con el fin de ampliar el orifico prepucial y reducir la manifestación de los signos clínicos. El paciente muestra resolución de los signos después de la cirugía y posterior al seguimiento durante un año no vuelve a presentar evidencias de recidiva. El objetivo de este reporte es contribuir con información en cuanto a las decisiones clínico-quirúrgicas y las principales complicaciones en gatos con fimosis.
RESUMEN A pesar de que la fimosis no se presenta con frecuencia en gatos, una causa probable es el chupeteo entre gatitos huérfanos de la misma camada. Se presenta el caso de un gatito macho con fimosis adquirida a edad temprana, cuyos principales signos clínicos fueron disuria, poliaquiuria y abultamiento del prepucio. A los tres meses de edad, se decidió realizar una postioplastía circunferencial para corregir el defecto, procedimiento tras el cual los signos remitieron sin complicaciones. El objetivo del presente reporte es brindar información para la resolución de casos similares. El procedimiento es seguro y asequible.
ABSTRACT Although phimosis doesn't occur frequently in cats, one likely cause is sucking between orphaned kittens from the same litter. This report presents the case of a male kitten with acquired phimosis at an early age, whose main clinical signs were dysuria, polla-kiuria and bulging of the foreskin. At three months of age, it was decided to perform a circumferential postioplasty to correct the defect, a procedure after which the signs remitted without complications. The aim of this report is to provide information for the resolution of similar cases. The procedure is safe and affordable.
Abstract Anamnesis: A polytraumatized wild oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) was admitted to Unidad de Rehabilitación y Rescate de Animales Silvestres (URRAS) veterinary clinic of Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Despite the medical efforts, the animal died six hours later. Clinical and laboratory findings: Necropsy examination revealed multiple white nodules of about 2 mm in diameter distributed on the visceral surface of lung caudal lobes. Histopathology revealed lymphoplasmacytic interstitial pneumonia with multiple coiled larvae of metastrongyloid nematodes in alveoli and bronchioles. First-stage Aelurostrongylus abstrusus nematode was identified in a fecal sample using the Ritchie copromicroscopic technique. Conclusion: This study reports an incidental severe pulmonary parasitism caused by A. abstrusus in a wild Oncilla (L. tigrinus). This is the first report of A. abstrusus infection associated with pathological lesions in a L. tigrinus from Colombia.
Resumen Anamnesis: Un tigrillo silvestre (Leopardus tigrinus) politraumatizado fue ingresado en la clínica veterinaria Unidad de Rehabilitación y Rescate de Animales Silvestres (URRAS) de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, donde posteriormente falleció. Hallazgos clínicos y de laboratorio: el examen de necropsia reveló múltiples nódulos blancos de aproximadamente 2 mm de diámetro, distribuidos en la superficie visceral de los lóbulos caudales del pulmón. La histopatología reveló neumonía intersticial linfoplasmocítica, con múltiples larvas enrolladas de nematodos metastrongiloides en alvéolos y bronquiolos. En la muestra fecal postmortem se identificó el nematodo Aelurostrongylus abstrusus en primera etapa por la técnica copromicroscópica de Ritchie. Conclusión: Este estudio reporta un parasitismo pulmonar severo incidental causado por A. abstrusus en un tigrillo silvestre (L. tigrinus). Este es el primer reporte de infección por A. abstrusus asociada con lesiones patológicas en un L. tigrinus en Colombia.
Resumo Anamnese: Um Maracajá (Leopardus tigrinus) selvagem de vida livre foi internado na clínica veterinária Unidad de Rehabilitación y Rescate de Animales Silvestres (URRAS) da Universidad Nacional de Colombia devido a politraumatismo e o animal morreu. Achados clínicos e laboratoriais: O exame de necropsia revelou múltiplos nódulos brancos com cerca de 2 mm de diâmetro distribuídos na superfície visceral do pulmão dos lobos caudais. A histopatologia revelou pneumonia intersticial linfoplasmocitária com múltiplas larvas enroladas de nematóides metastrongilóides em alvéolos e bronquíolos. A amostra fecal post mortem para a técnica copromicroscópica de Ritchie permitiu a identificação do nematóide Aelurostrongylus abstrusus de primeiro estágio. Conclusão: Este estudo relata um grave parasitismo pulmonar incidental causado por A. abstrusus em um Maracajá selvagem de vida livre (L. tigrinus) da Colômbia. Este é o primeiro relato de infecção por A. abstrusus associada a lesões patológicas em L. tigrinus da Colômbia.
Pork-cat syndrome is a rare clinical syndrome that can cause lifethreatening reactions. Occuring in patients allergic to cat dander, it involves cross-reactivity between cat and pig serum albumin. Cat allergy usually precedes food allergies, suggesting primary sensitization to cat serum albumin. Since these proteins are thermolabile, the reaction tends to be more severe in undercooked meat. A 27-year-old woman with persistent moderate-to-severe rhinoconjunctivitis since childhood reported 2 immediate mucocutaneous reactions after eating small amounts of pork. Skin prick tests with commercial extracts showed sensitization to pork, and prick-to-prick tests confirmed sensitization to raw pork and raw beef. Specific IgE was positive for pork, and ISAC microarray also showed sensitization to Fel d 2. SDS-PAGE and IgE immunoblotting assays were performed with raw and cooked pork extract and detected in a 60 kDa band. In the immunoblotting-inhibition assays, cat serum albumin completely inhibited IgE binding to pork extract. The patient underwent 2 oral food challenges with well-cooked pork and beef, both causing an anaphylactic reaction. The patient's history and in-vivo and in-vitro tests led to a diagnosis of pork-cat syndrome with clinical cross-reactivity to another mammalian serum albumin. This case should stimulate oral food challenges with other well-cooked mammalian meats in patients with this syndrome to establish a tolerance threshold and avoid possible unexpected anaphylactic reactions.
A síndrome gato-porco é rara e ocorre em doentes alérgicos ao pêlo de gato, envolvendo reatividade cruzada entre as albuminas séricas (AS) de gato e de porco. Normalmente, a doença respiratória a pêlo de gato precede a alergia alimentar, sugerindo uma sensibilização primária à albumina sérica de gato. Uma vez que estas proteínas são termolábeis, as reações tendem a ser mais graves com carnes menos cozidas. Mulher de 27 anos com rinoconjuntivite persistente moderada a grave desde a infância que refere duas reações imediatas mucocutâneas após ingestão de pequenas quantidades de carne de porco. Os testes cutâneos por picada com extratos comerciais mostraram sensibilização à carne de porco e os testes prick-to-prick confirmaram sensibilização à carne de porco e de vaca cruas. A IgE específica (sIgE) foi positiva para carne de porco, e o ensaio ISAC mostrou sensibilização a Fel d 2. Foram realizados ensaios de immunoblotting SDS-PAGE IgE com extratos de carne de porco crua e cozidas que detectaram uma banda de 60 kDA. Nos ensaios de inibição por immunoblotting a albumina sérica de gato produziu uma inibição total da ligação da IgE ao extrato de carne de porco. A doente realizou duas provas de provocação oral com carne de porco e de vaca cozidas, ambas positivas com desenvolvimento de reação anafilática. A história clínica, os testes in-vivo e in-vitro levaram ao diagnóstico de síndrome gato-porco com reatividade cruzada clínica a outras albuminas séricas de mamíferos. A síndrome gato-porco é rara e pode causar reações fatais. Este caso frisa a importância da realização de provas de provocação oral com outras carnes de mamíferos bem cozidas em doentes com esta síndrome, de forma a estabelecer um limiar de tolerância e evitar possíveis reações anafiláticas inesperadas.
Humans , Female , AdultABSTRACT
Introducción. Bartonella henselae es el agente etiológico de la enfermedad por arañazo de gato. Afecta a niños y a adultos jóvenes. El espectro clínico es amplio; la forma de presentación más frecuente es la linfadenopatía única. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar epidemiología, características clínicas y evolución de esta enfermedad en un hospital de alta complejidad de Argentina. Población y métodos. Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y observacional realizado en un hospital pediátrico de tercer nivel, desde el 01 de enero de 2019 hasta el 30 de junio de 2021. Se incluyeron niños de 0 a 16 años con clínica compatible y serología positiva. Resultados. Se incluyeron 150 niños, con una media de edad de 7,9 años ± 3,68. El 68,7 % refirió tener contacto con gatos. El motivo de consulta más frecuente fueron las adenopatías únicas (84,7 %) localizadas en cabeza y cuello. El síndrome febril sin foco motivó la consulta en el 15,5 % de los casos, con ecografía abdominal patológica en el 85,7 %. Presentó IgM e IgG positivas el 88 %. Con el resultado de la serología positiva, el 44 % recibió tratamiento antibiótico. Las adenopatías prolongadas fueron la principal causa de su instauración; el más utilizado fue la azitromicina (42,4 %). El 14 % (n = 21) requirió internación. Conclusiones. El diagnóstico implica sospecha clínica, nexo epidemiológico y exámenes complementarios. Su forma típica son las adenomegalias únicas localizadas en cabeza y cuello. Debido a la alta frecuencia de compromiso hepatoesplénico, la realización de ecografía abdominal estaría indicada en niños con fiebre.
Introduction. Bartonella henselae is the etiologic agent in cat-scratch disease. It affects children and young adults. The clinical spectrum is wide; the most common clinical presentation is a solitary lymphadenopathy. The objective of this study was to analyze the epidemiology, clinical features, and course of this disease in a tertiary care hospital in Argentina. Population and methods. Retrospective, descriptive, and observational study conducted at a tertiary care pediatric hospital from January 1st, 2019 to June 30 th, 2021. Children aged 0 to 16 years with compatible clinical signs and symptoms and positive serology were included. Results. A total of 150 patients were included; their mean age was 7.9 years ± 3.68. Of them, 68.7% reported having contact with cats. The most common reason for consultation was the presence of solitary lymphadenopathies (84.7%) in the head and neck. Febrile syndrome without source was the reason for consultation in 15.5% of cases, with a pathological abdominal ultrasound scan in 85.7%. IgM and IgG were positive in 88%. With the result of a positive serology test, 44% received antibiotic treatment. Protracted lymphadenopathy was the main reason for antibiotic treatment; the agent most commonly used was azithromycin (42.4%). Fourteen percent (n = 21) required hospitalization. Conclusions. Diagnosis is based on clinical suspicion, epidemiological history, and complementary testing. Its typical presentation is a solitary enlarged lymph node in the head and neck. Due to the high frequency of hepatosplenic involvement, an abdominal ultrasound scan would be indicated in children with fever.
Humans , Animals , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Cat-Scratch Disease/epidemiology , Lymphadenopathy/diagnosis , Lymphadenopathy/etiology , Lymphadenopathy/epidemiology , Tertiary Healthcare , Cats , Retrospective Studies , Hospitals , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Aims@#The diagnosis of cat scratch disease (CSD), a disease caused by Bartonella henselae, is challenging and often hampered by the lack of appropriate laboratory assays in developing countries due to limited resources. Currently, the indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) is the mainstay for CSD diagnosis. However, IFA kits are costly as limited samples can be tested on one slide and reading of the immunofluorescence results is subjective. In this study, the sensitivity and specificity of a recombinant B. henselae outer membrane protein (BHp26)-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was assessed for serodiagnosis purposes. @*Methodology and results@#Bartonella henselae outer membrane protein (BHp26) gene was cloned into a pBAD-TOPO expression plasmid and transformed into a TOP10 Escherichia coli host. The recombinant protein BHp26 was purified using an affinity chromatography approach in an AKTA purifier 10 system. The immunogenicity of the purified recombinant protein was evaluated using Western blot (WB). A recombinant outer membrane protein-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for detection against B. henselae antibodies in human sera. The recombinant protein-based ELISA demonstrated 57.7% agreement and 25% sensitivity as compared to IFA. A high specificity (94%) was exhibited when the ELISA was tested against 50 patients’ sera with positive findings to other infectious causes, including dengue, rickettsiae, leptospira, legionella and mycoplasma. Using the ELISA developed in this study, 14% (7/50) of urban blood donors and 9.1% (5/55) of healthy individuals from rural areas had IgG antibodies detected against B. henselae, suggesting previous exposure to the pathogen.@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#In view of the rising incidence of CSD, the recombinant outer membrane protein-based ELISA will be helpful for screening a large sample size of human sera for serosurveillance study.
Aim To investigate the effect of miR-124a on oxidative stress injury and β-cell function of pancreas in type 2 diabetic mice. Methods The wild-type C57BL/6 mice and the C57BIV6 mice with low expression of miR-124a were randomly divided into two groups, namely wild-type control (WT Con), miR-124a
Los tumores de calota en pacientes pediátricos poseen múltiples etiologías. Dentro de las causas pseudotumorales, las infecciones juegan un rol importante, siendo la osteomielitis por Bartonella henselae (Enfermedad por Arañazo de Gato) una posibilidad diagnóstica rara, pero que debe ser estudiada y descartada. Se presenta el caso de una lactante de 1 año, con lesión expansiva de calota, a nivel frontal derecho, hipervascularizada e infiltrativa. Se realizó estudio con ultrasonido, tomografía cerebral y cintigrama óseo. Se realizó resección quirúrgica completa de la lesión, con preservación de la duramadre y zona fontanelar, además de un cuidadoso trato con el seno sagital superior. Evolucionó sin complicaciones perioperatorias. El resultado de la biopsia fue compatible con proceso inflamatorio crónico, osteomielitis supurada. Tinción de Warthin Starry positiva sugerente de Bartonella henselae. Se descartó etiología tuberculosa y fúngica. Serología positiva para Bartonella henselae. La paciente completó antibioticoterapia, azitromicina y cotrimoxazol, con evolución clínica favorable.
Calvarial tumors in pediatric patients have multiple etiologies. Among the pseudotumoral causes, infections play an important role, being Bartonella henselae osteomyelitis (Cat Scratch Disease) a rare diagnostic possibility, but it should be studied and ruled out. We present the case of a 1 year old infant, with an expansive lesion of the calvaria, at right frontal level, hypervascularized and infiltrative. Ultrasound, brain tomography and bone scintigram were performed. Complete surgical resection of the lesion was performed, with preservation of the dura mater and fontanel area, in addition to a careful treatment with the superior sagittal sinus. The patient evolved without perioperative complications. The biopsy result was compatible with a chronic inflammatory process, suppurative osteomyelitis. Positive Warthin Starry stain suggestive of Bartonella henselae. Tuberculous and fungal etiology was ruled out. Positive serology for Bartonella henselae. The patient completed antibiotic therapy, azithromycin and cotrimoxazole, with favorable clinical evolution.
Female , Infant , Skull Neoplasms , Bartonella Infections , Cat-Scratch Disease , Granuloma, Plasma Cell , TomographyABSTRACT
Abstract We report the first record of a melanistic individual of the critically endangered Pampa cat (Leopardus munoai), from July 8th, 2021, at 10:45 am (coordinates 30.096288° S; 54.941139° W) in the area of the Brazilian army, known as Campo de Instrução Barão de São Borja (CIBSB), popularly known as Saicã.
Resumo: Este trabalho reporta o primeiro registro de melanismo do criticamente ameaçado de extinção gato-pampeano (Leopardus munoai), realizado em 8 de julho de 2021, às 10:45 da manhã. O registro foi obtido nas coordenadas 30.096288° S; 54.941139° W na área do exército brasileiro Campo de Instrução Barão de São Borja (CIBSB), popularmente conhecida como Saicã.
Objetivo: explorar os mecanismos envolvidos no desencadeamento e progressão da Doença de Alzheimer (DA) de forma a embasar a sugestão da planta Uncaria Tomentosa (Wild.) como mais uma possiblidade terapêutica coadjuvante para prevenção e tratamento da DA. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura realizada com busca de artigos publicados em bases indexadas e diretamente nas revistas de interesse, utilizando-se como descritores "Uncária Tomentosa", "Doença de Alzheimer", e os respectivos termos em inglês. Resultados: com os avanços para a compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares que desencadeiam os efeitos apresentados no desenvolvimento da DA, os diversos mecanismos dos fitocompostos presentes na planta sugerem sua utilização como neuroprotetor, por mecanismos anti-inflamatórios, imunomoduladores e antioxidantes, cujas evidências em literatura são apresentadas para defesa de sua utilização nesta patologia. Conclusão: foram encontradas evidências para sugerir a inclusão da Uncaria tomentosa (Wild.) como possível terapêutica complementar no tratamento da DA. Sua utilização deve ser melhor explorada para aplicação como tratamento complementar as terapêuticas convencionais para a DA
Objective: to explore the mechanisms involved in the triggering and progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in order to support the suggestion of the Uncaria Tomentosa (Wild.) plant as another adjuvant therapeutic possibility for the prevention and treatment of AD. Method: This is a narrative review of the literature conducted with a search for articles published on indexed bases and directly in the journals of interest, using as descriptors "Uncária Tomentosa", "Alzheimer's disease", and the respective terms in English. Results: with advances to understand the molecular mechanisms that trigger the effects presented in the development of AD, the various mechanisms of phytocompounds present in the plant suggest its use as neuroprotector, by anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidant mechanisms, whose evidence in the literature is presented to defend its use in this pathology. Conclusion: evidence was found to suggest the inclusion of Uncaria tomentosa (Wild.) as a possible complementary therapy in the treatment of AD. Its use should be better explored for application as a complementary treatment to conventional therapies for AD.
Objetivo: explorar los mecanismos implicados en el desencadenamiento y progresión de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) con el fin de apoyar la sugerencia de la planta Uncaria Tomentosa (silvestre) como otra posibilidad terapéutica adyuvante para la prevención y tratamiento de la EA. Método: Se trata de una revisión narrativa de la literatura realizada con una búsqueda de artículos publicados en bases indexadas y directamente en las revistas de interés, utilizando como descriptores "Uncária Tomentosa", "Alzheimer's disease", y los términos respectivos en inglés. Resultados: con los avances para comprender los mecanismos moleculares que desencadenan los efectos presentados en el desarrollo de la EA, los diversos mecanismos de fitocompuestos presentes en la planta sugieren su uso como neuroprotector, por mecanismos antiinflamatorios, inmunomoduladores y antioxidantes, cuya evidencia en la literatura se presenta para defender su uso en esta patología. Conclusión: se encontró evidencia que sugiere la inclusión de Uncaria tomentosa (Silvestre) como una posible terapia complementaria en el tratamiento de la EA. Su uso debe explorarse mejor para su aplicación como tratamiento complementario a las terapias convencionales para la EA.
Uncaria , Cat's Claw , Alzheimer DiseaseABSTRACT
Bartonella henselae es el agente etiológico de la enfermedad por arañazo de gato. Típicamente, se presenta como una linfadenopatía regional autolimitada y, con menor frecuencia, con compromiso sistémico y manifestaciones extraganglionares: hígado, bazo, hueso y ojo, entre otros. Se presenta un caso de enfermedad por arañazo de gato atípica en un paciente pediátrico inmunocompetente, en la que se evidenció compromiso meníngeo y ocular, este último como neurorretinitis. Se destaca la importancia de la búsqueda activa de complicaciones oculares en pacientes con compromiso sistémico por Bartonella henselae, que implica un cambio en el tratamiento y pronóstico de la enfermedad
Bartonella henselae is the etiologic agent of cat scratch disease. It typically presents as a self-limited regional lymphadenopathy and less frequently with systemic involvement and extranodal manifestations: liver, spleen, bone, eye, among others. A case of atypical cat scratch disease is presented in an immunocompetent pediatric patient, in which meningeal and ocular involvement was evidenced, the latter manifested as neuroretinitis. The importance of the active search for ocular complications in patients with systemic involvement by Bartonella henselae is highlighted, implying a change in the treatment and prognosis of the disease