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Odovtos (En línea) ; 26(2): 101-112, May.-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575329


Abstract The aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of 4 different surface treatments, on the crystallographic characteristics of Ultra-Translucent Zirconia. Fully sintered zirconia specimens of highly translucent yttria partially stabilized zirconia (Y-PSZ) (KATANA UTML) were divided into four experimental groups and a control group (n=10). Each group received one of the following surface treatments: sandblasting with 50µm alumina particles sandblasting with 110µm alumina particles, and grinding with a rotary high-speed turbine with and without water irrigation. For each sample, x-ray diffraction was carried out to analyze peak intensity, calculate the crystallite size, and detect the presence of compressive and tensile stress. Surface roughness was measured on all specimens using a standard scanning profilometer. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to qualitatively analyze the surfaces of the specimens. Statistical analysis included repeated measures analysis of variance and post hoc Tukey test (p≤0.05). The control group exhibited the highest crystallite size (323nm). All surface treatments led to a reduction in the crystallite size, with the most significant reduction observed in the groups subjected to sandblasting with 110µm alumina particles and high- speed grinding with irrigation. Sandblasting with 50µm alumina particles resulted in less transformation of the crystallite size. A general tendency of the diffraction peaks to shift to a lower angle can be observed in the experimental groups, indicating the presence of compressive stress on the samples. Profilometry revealed higher roughness in the ground samples (6,14µm and 6,57µm) compared to the sandblasted groups (2,93µm and 2,02µm). The crystal domain size showed a tendency to decrease after the surface treatments. Sandblasted samples, as well as ground samples without irrigation, exhibited compressive stress. Sandblasted samples had lower surface roughness compared to the ground samples. Sandblasting with 50µm alumina particles caused the least decrease in crystallite size.

Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los efectos de 4 tratamientos de superficie en las características cristalográficas de la zirconia ultratranslúcida. Especímenes de zirconia totalmente sinterizados, altamente translúcidos de zirconia parcialmente estabilizada con itrio (Y-PSZ) (KATANA UTML) se dividieron en cuatro grupos experimentales y un grupo de control (n=10). Cada grupo recibió uno de los siguientes tratamientos de superficie: arenado con partículas de alúmina de 50µm (Al2O3), arenado con partículas de alúmina de 110µm y desgaste con una turbina rotativa de alta velocidad con y sin irrigación. Para cada muestra, se llevó a cabo una difracción de rayos X para analizar la intensidad del pico, calcular el tamaño del cristalito y detectar la presencia de tensiones compresivas y tensiles. La rugosidad superficial se midió en todos los especímenes utilizando un perfilómetro estándar. Además, se realizó microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) para analizar cualitativamente las superficies de los especímenes. El análisis estadístico incluyó un análisis de varianza de medidas repetidas y una prueba de Tukey post hoc (p≤0,05). El grupo de control mostró el tamaño de cristalito más alto (323nm). Todos los tratamientos de superficie llevaron a una reducción en el tamaño del cristalito, con la reducción más significativa observada en los grupos sometidos a arenado con partículas de alúmina de 110µm y desgaste de alta velocidad con irrigación. El arenado con partículas de alúmina de 50µm resultó en una menor transformación del tamaño del cristalito. Se puede observar una tendencia general de los picos de difracción a desplazarse a un ángulo más bajo en los grupos experimentales, lo que indica la presencia de estrés compresivo en las muestras. La perfilometría reveló una mayor rugosidad en las muestras con desgaste con instrumento rotatorio (en comparación con los grupos arenados. El tamaño del cristalito mostró una tendencia a disminuir después de los tratamientos de superficie. Las muestras arenadas, así como las muestras desgastadas sin irrigación, mostraron estrés compresivo. Las muestras arenadas tuvieron una menor rugosidad superficial en comparación con las muestras desgastadas con rotatorio. El arenado con partículas de alúmina de 50µm provocó la menor disminución en el tamaño del cristalito.

J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 26(1): 09-16, 20240329.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563052


Endocrowns have emerged as a promising option for restoring endodontically treated teeth, offeringa restorable fracture scenario. However, regarding the choice of material and its fracture resistance, there are gaps in the literature regarding the best indication. The objective of this research was to evaluate and compare the effect of restorative materials for CAD-CAM in the manufacture of endocrown restorations, through an in Vitro study on hardness and fracture resistance. For the study, CAD-CAM blocks were transformed into discs 12 mm in diameter and 1.2 mm thick (specimens). Three restorative materials were evaluated and distributed into experimental groups (N=12 specimens): Leucita- Reinforced Ceramic/ IPS Empress CAD (MRleu), Lithium Disilicate/ IPS Emax CAD (MRdis) and Nanoceramic Resin /Lava Ultimate (MRres). These restorative materials were evaluated for morphology (N=1) by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and surface chemistry (N=1) by dispersive energy spectroscopy (EDS). The specimens were evaluated when the Vikers micro hardness (N=1) with a load of 1kg and 10 indentations, as well as the resistance to biaxial flexion (N=10) at a test speed of 0.5 mm/min. After the fracture occurred, the fragments were examined under a stereomicroscope. The results were tabulated and analyzed using the Minitab statistical program. The results showed that the MRdis material demonstrated superior results in relation to hardness (P=0.000) and biaxial bending resistance (P=0.000), followed by MRleu and finally the MRres. The presence of inorganic particles on an organic matrix and the presence of Zirconium (Zr) stands out in Lava Ultimate. It was concluded that restorative materials for CAD-CAM in the manufacture of Endocrowns restorations have a significant effect on hardness and mechanical strength.Endocrowns have emerged as a promising option for restoring endodontically treated teeth, offeringa restorable fracture scenario. However, regarding the choice of material and its fracture resistance, there are gaps in the literature regarding the best indication. The objective of this research was to evaluate and compare the effect of restorative materials for CAD-CAM in the manufacture of endocrown restorations, through an in Vitro study on hardness and fracture resistance. For the study, CAD-CAM blocks were transformed into discs 12 mm in diameter and 1.2 mm thick (specimens). Three restorative materials were evaluated and distributed into experimental groups (N=12 specimens): Leucita- Reinforced Ceramic/ IPS Empress CAD (MRleu), Lithium Disilicate/ IPS Emax CAD (MRdis) and Nanoceramic Resin /Lava Ultimate (MRres). These restorative materials were evaluated for morphology (N=1) by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and surface chemistry (N=1) by dispersive energy spectroscopy (EDS). The specimens were evaluated when the Vikers micro hardness (N=1) with a load of 1kg and 10 indentations, as well as the resistance to biaxial flexion (N=10) at a test speed of 0.5 mm/min. After the fracture occurred, the fragments were examined under a stereomicroscope. The results were tabulated and analyzed using the Minitab statistical program. The results showed that the MRdis material demonstrated superior results in relation to hardness (P=0.000) and biaxial bending resistance (P=0.000), followed by MRleu and finally the MRres. The presence of inorganic particles on an organic matrix and the presence of Zirconium (Zr) stands out in Lava Ultimate. It was concluded that restorative materials for CAD-CAM in the manufacture of Endocrowns restorations have a significant effect on hardness and mechanical strength. (AU)

As endocrowns surgiram como uma alternativa favorável para a restauração de dentes tratados endodonticamente, e se apresentam em um cenário de fratura restaurável. No entanto, em relação ao material de escolha e sua resistência à fratura existem lacunas na literature sobre a melhor indicação. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar e comparar o efeito de materiais restauradores para CAD-CAM na confecção de restaurações endocrowns, através de um estudo in vitro sobre dureza e resistência à fratura. Para realização do estudo, blocos para CAD-CAM foram transformados em discos com 12 mm de diâmetro e 1,2 mm de espessura (espécimes). Três materiais restauradores foram avaliados e distribuídos em grupos experimentais (N=12 espécimes): Cerâmica Reforçada por Leucita/ IPS Empress CAD (MRleu), Dissilicato de Lítio/ IPS Emax CAD (MRdis) e Resina Nanocerâmica /Lava Ultimate (MRres). Estes materiais restauradores foram avaliados quanto à morfologia (N=1) através de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e química superficial (N=1) pela Espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS). Os espécimes foram avaliados quanto à microdureza Vikers (N=1) com uma carga de 1kg e 10 indentações, como também em relação a resistência à flexão biaxial (N=10) em uma velocidade de ensaio de 0,5 mm/min. Os fragmentos após a fratura foram observados em estereomicroscópio. Os dados obtidos foram tabulados e analisados no programa estatístico Minitab. Os resultados observados mostraram que o material MRdis obteve resultados superiores em relação a dureza (P=0,000) e a resistência à flexão biaxial (P=0,000), seguido pelo MRleu e por fim o MRres. Destaca-se na Lava Ultimate a presença de partículas inorgânicas sobre uma matriz orgânica, além da presença de Zircônio (Zr). Conclui-se que materiais restauradores para CAD-CAM na confecção de restaurações Endocrowns apresentam efeito significativo quanto a dureza e resistência mecânica. (AU)

São José dos Campos; s.n; 2024. 81 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1552084


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o comportamento biomecânico através da resistência à fadiga e análise por elementos finitos de coroas bioinspiradas bilaminadas com infraestruturas modificadas na superfície vestibular (Estudo A) e utilizando diferentes materiais cerâmicos com módulos elásticos distintos (Estudo B). Para isso, foram confeccionados 90 preparos para coroa total em resina epóxi G10, sobre os quais foram preparadas coroas bioinspiradas de acordo com os seguintes grupos: Estudo A - IC (infraestrutura convencional), IME (infraestrutura modificada estratificada) e IMC (infraestrutura modificada cimentada), todas confeccionadas em dissilicato de lítio (infraestrutura) + porcelana (recobrimento); Estudo B ­ DL+LEU (dissilicato de lítio + leucita), LEU+DL (leucita + dissilicato de lítio), CH+DL (cerâmica híbrida + dissilicato de lítio) e CH+LEU (cerâmica híbrida + leucita). Para o Estudo A, todas as infraestruturas foram usinadas; os recobrimentos dos grupos IC e IME foram confeccionados através da estratificação, e os recobrimentos do grupo IMC foram usinados. Já para o Estudo B, todas as peças foram usinadas, de acordo com o material cerâmico de cada grupo. Em seguida, foi realizada a cimentação adesiva dos recobrimentos sobre as infraestruturas (a depender do grupo) e das coroas sobre os preparos utilizando cimento resinoso fotopolimerizável (Variolink Esthetic LC). Após a cimentação, os espécimes foram submetidos ao teste de fadiga cíclica (10.000 ciclos, 20Hz), e como desfecho foram considerados dois eventos, em que o primeiro foi a ocorrência de trinca e/ou lascamento (evento 1) e o segundo foi a falha catastrófica do conjunto (evento 2). Os valores de carga e número de ciclos para falha em que foram observados os eventos 1 e 2 foram utilizados para realizar a análise de sobrevivência de acordo com Kaplan-Meier e Log-Rank (Mantel-Cox; 95%). As marcas de fratura e o modo de falha das coroas foram avaliados e classificados por estereomicroscópio óptico e microscópio eletrônico de varredura. Por fim, foi realizada análise por elementos finitos (FEA) para ambos os estudos, a fim de avaliar a distribuição de tensões sobre as coroas e interface adesiva. Para o Estudo A, os resultados do teste de fadiga mostraram que, considerando o evento 1 (trinca/lascamento), os grupos IC e IMC apresentaram médias de carga fadiga estatisticamente significantes entre si (733,33 N e 913,33 N, respectivamente), enquanto o grupo IME apresentou média superior (1.020 N). O mesmo foi observado para o número de ciclos em fadiga para todos os grupos. Ao considerar o evento 2 (falha catastrófica), os três grupos apresentaram médias estatisticamente semelhantes entre si (~1.028 N). Os resultados de FEA mostraram que o grupo IC concentrou maior tensão de tração do que os grupos IME e IMC. Para o Estudo B, no teste de fadiga, o grupo DL+LEU apresentou a maior média de resistência à fadiga (evento 1: 913,33 N e evento 2: 1033,33 N), enquanto todas as outras combinações de materiais cerâmicos analisadas foram estatisticamente semelhantes entre si, considerando carga e número de ciclos. Com relação ao FEA, os grupos com cerâmica híbrida (CH+DL e CH+LEU) apresentaram menores picos de concentração de tensão na infraestrutura do que os grupos com cerâmicas vítreas (DL+LEU e LEU+DL), porém, em contrapartida, concentraram maior tensão na interface adesiva. Com isso, conclui-se que a utilização da infraestrutura modificada é uma alternativa viável e promissora para tratamentos reabilitadores, apresentando sobrevivência em fadiga e distribuição de tensões satisfatórias. Além disso, a combinação entre uma infraestrutura de dissilicato de lítio e recobrimento de cerâmica a base de leucita corresponde a melhor abordagem considerando a infraestrutura modificada.(AU)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical behavior through fatigue resistance and finite element analysis of bilaminar bioinspired crowns with modified infrastructures on the buccal surface (Study A) and using different ceramic materials with different elastic moduli (Study B). For this, 90 preparations were made for a full crown in G10 epoxy resin, on which bioinspired crowns were prepared according to the following groups: Study A - CI (conventional infrastructure), SMI (stratified modified infrastructure) and CMI (cemented modified infrastructure ), all made of lithium disilicate (infrastructure) + porcelain (veneer); Study B ­ LD+LEU (lithium disilicate + leucite), LEU+LD (leucite + lithium disilicate), HC+LD (hybrid ceramic + lithium disilicate) and HC+LEU (hybrid ceramic + leucite). For Study A, all infrastructures were machined; the coverings of the CI and SMI groups were made through stratification technique, and the veneers of the SMI group were machined. For Study B, all pieces were machined, according to the ceramic material of each group. Then, the veneers were cemented into their infrastructures (depending on the group) and crowns were cemented into preparations using light-cured resin cement (Variolink Esthetic LC). After cementing, the specimens were subjected to the cyclic fatigue test (10,000 cycles, 20Hz), and as an outcome two events were considered: the occurrence of cracking and/or chipping (event 1) and catastrophic failure (event 2). The load (N) and number of cycles to failure in which events 1 and 2 were observed were used to perform the survival analysis according to Kaplan-Meier and Log-Rank (Mantel- Cox; 95%). The fracture marks and failure mode of the crowns were evaluated and classified by optical stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscope. Finally, finite element analysis (FEA) was performed for both studies in order to evaluate the stress distribution over the crowns and adhesive interface. For Study A, the results of the fatigue test showed that, considering event 1 (cracking/chipping), the CI and CMI groups presented average to failure that were statistically significant compared to each other (733.33 N and 913.33 N, respectively), while the SMI group showed higher averages (1,020 N). Same pattern was observed for the number of cycles under fatigue for both groups. When considering event 2 (catastrophic failure), the three groups presented statistically similar means (~1,028 N). The FEA results showed that the CI group concentrated greater tensile stress than the CMI and SMI groups. For Study B, in the fatigue test, the LC+LEU group presented the highest average fatigue resistance (event 1: 913.33 N and event 2: 1033.33 N), while all other combinations of ceramic materials analyzed were statistically similar to each other, considering load and number of cycles. Regarding FEA, the groups with hybrid ceramics (HC+LC and HC+LEU) showed lower stress concentration peaks in the infrastructure than the groups with glass ceramics (LC+LEU and LEU+LC), however, on the other hand, concentrated greater tension at the adhesive interface. With this, it is concluded that the use of modified infrastructure is a viable and promising alternative for oral rehabilitation treatments, presenting satisfactory fatigue survival and adequate stress distribution. Furthermore, the combination of a lithium disilicate infrastructure and a leucite-based ceramic coating corresponds to the best approach considering the modified infrastructure.(AU)

Ceramics , Finite Element Analysis , Biomimetics , Denture, Partial, Fixed , Fatigue
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(1): 1-8, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1554218


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the marginal gap of frameworks produced using the CAD-CAM system, from zirconia and lithium disilicate blocks, adapted to a tooth preparation and a gypsum die. Material and Methods: For this study, a human first molar tooth was used as a master model with a full crown preparation. It was molded 20 times to obtain the gypsum die and randomly divided into 2 groups (n=10) for the fabrication of zirconia and lithium disilicate frameworks. The frameworks were made using pre-sintered zirconia blocks and lithium disilicate blocks, both CAD-CAM systems. The marginal gap was measured in µm at four points (buccal, palatal, mesial, and distal) using a comparator microscope with 30x magnification, with the framework seated on the master model (tooth), and on the gypsum die. Marginal gap data (µm) were evaluated using two-way analysis of variance and Tukey's test with a significance level of 5%. Results: The results showed that there was no statistically significant interaction between the factors studied (p=0.223) or isolated factors (ceramic factor p=0.886 and die factor p=0.786). Conclusion: Both ceramics produced using the CAD-CAM technique did not exhibit statistical differences in marginal adaptation on the two types of substrates, both on tooth preparation and on the gypsum die (AU)

Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o espaço marginal de estruturas produzidas usando o sistema CAD-CAM, a partir de blocos de zircônia e dissilicato de lítio, adaptadas a um preparo sobre dente e a um troquel de gesso. Material e Métodos: Para este estudo, um dente molar humano foi utilizado como modelo mestre com preparo para coroa total. Este foi moldado 20 vezes para obter o troquel de gesso e dividido aleatoriamente em 2 grupos (n=10) para a fabricação de estruturas de zircônia e dissilicato de lítio. As estruturas foram feitas usando blocos de zircônia pré-sinterizados e blocos de dissilicato de lítio, ambos sistemas para CAD-CAM. O espaço marginal foi medido em µm, em quatro pontos (bucal, palatal, mesial e distal), utilizando um microscópio comparador com ×30 de ampliação e com a estrutura assentada no modelo mestre (dente) e no troquel de gesso. Os dados de espaço marginal (µm) foram avaliados usando análise de variância bidirecional e teste de Tukey com um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que não houve interação estatisticamente significativa entre os fatores estudados (p=0,223) ou isoladamente (fator cerâmica p=0,886 e fator troquel p=0,786). Conclusão: Ambas as cerâmicas produzidas usando a técnica CAD-CAM não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas em relação à adaptação marginal nos dois tipos de substratos, tanto na preparação dentária quanto no troquel de gesso(AU)

Dental Prosthesis , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Marginal Adaptation , Dental Porcelain
Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550087


Abstract The objective is to evaluate the effect of different surface treatments and storage on the shear strength of ultratranslucent zirconia. 36 blocks of ultra-translucent zirconia were fabricated (7x7x2mm) and sintered. Then, divided into 12 groups according to the "surface treatment" (C -Primer; Al -Sandblasting with Al2O3 + Primer; Si -Silicate + Primer; Gl -Glaze + HF + Primer; Z -Zirlink; Zp -Zirlink + Primer) and "storage" factors (ST-with 150 days/37º and without). After surface treatment, five cylinders (Ø=2mm; h=2.0mm) of resin cement (n=15) were constructed in each ceramic block; at the end, the shear strength test was performed (1mm/min, 50Kgf), and analysis of surface failures. 60 additional samples (2x2x2mm) were made for extras analysis (surface roughness, MEV, and EDS). Bond strength and surface roughness data were statistically evaluated by ANOVA (2 factors/1 factor), Tukey test (5%), and Weibull analysis, respectively. ANOVA (2-way) revealed that all factors were statistically significant for bond strength. The silicatization groups (SiST: 30.47AMPa; Si: 29.21AMPa) showed the highest bond strength values, regardless of storage (Tukey's test). While the groups treated with Zirlink (ZST: 2.76FMPa; Z: 5.27EFMPa) showed the lowest values, just similar to the GlST group (5.14EFMPa). The Weibull modulus (m) showed a statistical difference between groups (p=0.000). ANOVA (1 factor) revealed that the "surface treatment" factor (p=0.0000) was statistically significant for surface roughness. Therefore, the application of Zirlink and Glaze on pre-sintered zirconia did not promote efficient adhesion of the ultratranslucent zirconia to the resin cement, even when associated with a primer containing MDP.

Resumo O objetivo é avaliar o efeito de diferentes tratamentos superficiais e do envelhecimento na resistência ao cisalhamento da zircônia ultratranslúcida. Foram confeccionados 36 blocos de zircônia ultratranslúcida (7x7x2mm) e sinterizados. Em seguida, divididos em 12 grupos de acordo com o "tratamento de superfície" (C-Primer; Al-Jateamento com Al2O3+Primer; Si-Silicato+Primer; Gl -Glaze+HF+Primer; Z-Zirlink; Zp-Zirlink+Primer) e fatores de "armazenamento" (ST-com, 150 dias/37º e sem). Após o tratamento superficial, foram construídos cinco cilindros (Ø=2mm; h=2,0mm) de cimento resinoso (n=15) em cada bloco cerâmico; ao final foi realizado o ensaio de resistência ao cisalhamento (1mm/min, 50Kgf) e análise de falhas superficiais. Foram confeccionadas 60 amostras adicionais (2x2x2mm) para análises extras (rugosidade superficial, MEV e EDS). Os dados de resistência de união e rugosidade superficial foram avaliados estatisticamente por ANOVA (2 fatores/1fator), teste de Tukey (5%) e análise de Weibull, respectivamente. ANOVA (2 fatores) revelou que todos os fatores foram estatisticamente significativos para a resistência de união. Os grupos de silicatização (SiST: 30,47AMPa; Si: 29,21AMPa) apresentaram os maiores valores de resistência de união, independente do armazenamento (Tukey). Enquanto os grupos tratados com Zirlink (ZST: 2,76FMPa; Z: 5,27EFMPa) apresentaram os valores mais baixos, apenas semelhantes ao grupo GlST (5,14EFMPa). O módulo de Weibull (m) apresentou diferença estatística entre os grupos (p=0,000). A ANOVA (1 fator) revelou que o fator "tratamento superficial" (p=0,0000) foi estatisticamente significativo para rugosidade superficial. Portanto, a aplicação de Zirlink e do Glaze na zircônia pré-sinterizada não promoveu adesão eficiente da zircônia ultratranslúcida ao cimento resinoso, mesmo quando associada a primer contendo MDP.

Braz. dent. sci ; 27(3): 1-12, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1578747


Objective: This in vitro study evaluated the translucency and polymerization light transmission of zirconia discs, produced from different generations of dental zirconia materials and with a consideration of varying thicknesses. Material and Methods: Disc-shaped specimens (0.5mm, 1.0mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, and 3.0mm) were produced from three A1 pre-shaded monochrome zirconia generations: conventional (3Y-TZP (inCoris TZI C); high translucency 4Y-PSZ (Cercon HT) and super translucent 5Y- PSZ (Cercon XT). A total of 90 discs were prepared. Translucency measurements were conducted using an intraoral spectrophotometer on each specimen against white and black backgrounds. Polymerization light transmission was assessed by measuring the transmitted light through each specimen emitted from confirmed emission spectra light-polymerizing units using a digital optical power meter. Two-way ANOVA tests (α=0.05) were utilized to evaluate the differences between the influences of the zirconia generation and thickness parameters. Results: Different zirconia generations and thicknesses displayed distinct TP and transmittance values, with 5Y-PSZ exhibiting the highest values, which decreased as thickness increased. A significant interaction was found between zirconia generation and thickness on TP and transmittance (p≤0.001), with more pronounced differences at lower thicknesses and non-significant differences at 3mm thickness. Conclusion: The study demonstrates that the generations and thickness of zirconia, and their interactions, significantly impact light transmission and TP values. Extra translucent cubic zirconia (5Y-PSZ) exhibits the highest TP, making it a more preferable choice for achieving predictable aesthetic outcomes that mimic teeth translucency and high polymerization light transmittance, ensuring adequate photopolymerization of the underlying resin luting cement (AU)

Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou in vitro a translucidez e a transmissão da luz de polimerização através de discos de zircônia, produzidos a partir de diferentes gerações de materiais de zircônia odontológica com variadas espessuras. Material e Métodos: Espécimes em forma de disco (0,5 mm, 1,0 mm, 1,5 mm, 2,0 mm e 3,0 mm) foram produzidos a partir de três gerações de zircônia monocromática pré-sombreada A1: convencional (3Y-TZP (inCoris TZI C); alta translucidez 4Y-PSZ (Cercon HT) e super translúcida 5Y-PSZ (Cercon XT). Um total de 90 discos foram preparados. As medições de translucidez foram conduzidas usando um espectrofotômetro intraoral em cada espécime contra fundos branco e preto. A transmissão de luz de polimerização foi avaliada medindo a luz transmitida através de cada espécime, emitida a partir de unidades de polimerização de luz de espectros de emissão confirmados usando um medidor de potência óptica digital. Testes ANOVA dois fatores (α = 0,05) foram utilizados para avaliar as diferenças entre as gerações de zircônia e diferentes parâmetros de espessura. Resultados: Diferentes gerações e espessuras de zircônia exibiram distintos valores de TP e transmitância, com a 5Y-PSZ exibindo os valores mais altos, que diminuíram conforme a o aumento da espessura. Uma interação significativa foi encontrada entre a geração de zircônia e a espessura em TP e transmitância (p ≤ 0,001), com diferenças mais proeminentes em espessuras menores e diferenças não significativas em espessuras de 3 mm. Conclusão: O estudo demonstra que as gerações e a espessura da zircônia, e suas interações, impactam significativamente a transmissão de luz e os valores de TP. A zircônia cúbica extra translúcida (5Y-PSZ) exibe o TP mais alto, tornando-a uma escolha mais preferida para atingir resultados estéticos previsíveis que se assemelham a translucidez dos dentes e a alta transmitância de luz de polimerização, garantindo a fotopolimerização adequada do cimento resinoso (AU)

Analysis of Variance , Dental Porcelain , Polymerization
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032012


Objective@#To compare the effects of 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (10-MDP)- and silane-based primers with those of MDP-based primers on zirconia-resin bonding via multiple levels of aging.@*Methods@#Zirconia blocks were divided into 4 groups (n = 21) according to the primer used: MDP-based Z-Prime Plus (ZP), silane-based Monobond-S (MS), MDP- and silane-based Clearfil Ceramic Primer (CCP) and no primer (Blank). After pretreatment with or without the primers followed by bonding with cement Duo-Link, each group was subdivided into 3 subgroups (n = 7) according to aging level: 24 hours of water storage at 37 ℃ (24 h), 30 days of water storage at 37 ℃(30 d), and 30 d plus 3 000 thermal cycles (30 d/TC). After aging, shear bond strength (SBS) tests and failure mode analyses were conducted@*Results@#ZP, MS and CCP groups had greater SBSs than did the BLANK group (P<0.01). From 24 h to 30 d, the shear bond strength significantly increased (P<0.05); however, the shear bond strength decreased significantly from 30 d to 30 d/TC (P<0.01) and fell below baseline (30 d/TC vs. 24 h, P<0.01). Within the primer groups, CCP exhibited a higher SBS than ZP and MS at each aging level (P<0.001). The bonding strength of ZP was greater than that of MS at 30 d (P = 0.029) but lower than that of MS at 30 d/TC (P = 0.037). From 30 d to 30 d/TC, the percent decrease in the bonding strength of ZP was significantly greater than that of MS (82.43% vs. 64.90%).@*Conclusion@#MDP-based primers function better for zirconia-resin bonding when they contain silane coupling agents.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003441


Objective@#To investigate the clinical effect of lithium disilicate glass ceramic cantilever resin-bonded fixed partial dentures (CRBFPDs) on single anterior tooth loss to provide a reference for the selection of restoration methods for single anterior tooth loss.@*Methods@#This study was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee, and informed consent was obtained from the patients. Forty-two patients with less than two anterior teeth with monomaxillary loss were included in this study. After 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years, the aesthetic and functional effects of the restorations and the periodontal health status were evaluated, and the visual analog scale (VAS) was used to assess patient satisfaction.@*Results@#During the observation period, the connector fractured in one case within 3 months. One case had debonded within 2 years. The aesthetic restoration effect of all lithium disilicate glass ceramic CRBFPDs was categorized as Class A. The periodontal health was good, there was no clinical absorption in the soft and hard tissues of the abutment or subbridge, periodontal status according to the evaluation indices was classified as class A, and the total satisfaction rate of the patient was 100%.@*Conclusion@#For single anterior tooth loss patients, lithium disilicate glass ceramic cantilever resin-bonded fixed partial denture can achieve the restoration effect of less invasion, better adhesion, aesthetics, comfort and good biocompatibility. With high patient satisfaction, it can be considered an ideal restoration method for replacing a single anterior tooth.

Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 179-184, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017282


Objective:To analyze the clinical and radiographic effectiveness of a calcium silicate-based bioactive ceramic iRoot BP Plus? pulpotomy of immature permanent teeth with complicated crown fracture and to evaluate the factors influencing its long-term success rate.Methods:The digital medical records of patients under 13 years old who had undergone iRoot BP Plus? pulpotomy in the Department of Oral Emergency or the First Clinical Division,Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology from March 2017 to September 2022 due to complicated crown fracture of anterior teeth,and had taken at least one post-operation apical radiograph were reviewed.The clinical and radiographic information at the initial examination and follow-up period were obtained,including crown color,mobility,percussion,cold test(partial pulpotomy teeth),dental restoration,fistula,swelling or inflammation of the gingival tissue,the formation of apical foramen,pathologic radiolucency and calcification of pulp chamber or root canal obliteration.Data were tested by Fisher exact test and a multiple comparison.Results:In the study,64 patients including 37 males(57.8%)and 27 females(42.2%)with a mean age of 9.1 years were finally enrolled.The total number of permanent teeth that received pulpotomy was 75,and the average follow-up time was 19.3 months.The success rate was 93.1%with the time interval between dental injury and treatment in 24 h,while the success rate dropped to 88.2%with the time intervals beyond 24 h.The time intervals did not significantly affect the pulp survival rate(P=0.61)after pulpotomy(partial or co-ronal).The success rate 6 months after pulpotomy was 96.0%,and one-year success rate was 94.7%.A total of 23 cases were reviewed for more than 2 years after pulpotomy,and 6 cases failed.The mobility had no significant effect on the success rate(P=0.28).Pulp chamber calcification and pulp canal obli-teration were not observed in all the post-operative radiographs.Conclusion:The one year clinical and radiographic success rates obtained in this study indicate that iRoot BP Plus? is an appropriate pulp cap-ping material option for pulpotomy treatment of complicated crown fracture in immature permanent teeth without displacement injuries.This technique has broad promotional value.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e077, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1574254


Abstract Borosilicate glass was developed to enhance the mechanical behavior and smoothness of dental zirconia as an alternative to conventional glaze. This study assessed the mechanical and optical properties of 3 mol% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (3Y-TZP) coated with borosilicate glass or a commercial glaze fired for an extended period of time. Disc-shaped 3Y-TZP zirconia specimens (Zpex, Tosoh) were sintered at 1550°C for 2 hours. The specimens were divided into three groups: as-sintered (control, C); commercial glaze (G); and borosilicate glass (SL). The glaze and borosilicate glass were applied over the zirconia and fired for 20 minutes at 950°C and 1200°C, respectively. Biaxial flexural strength, fractography, X-ray diffraction (XRD), roughness (Ra and Rz), fracture toughness (Vickers indentation method), color difference (∆E00), and translucency (TP00) analyses were conducted. The t-test or the one-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests were used to analyze the data (α = 0.05). Flexural strength data were subjected to the Weibull analysis. The SL group exhibited the highest flexural strength (1025.8 MPa), whereas the C (859.41 MPa) and G (816.0 MPa) groups exhibited similar values. The SL group also had the highest characteristic strength. The fracture origin in all groups was on the zirconia surface. XRD analysis revealed that the specimens from the SL group contained tetragonal, cubic, and monoclinic phases. The SL group presented the lowest surface roughness. Fracture toughness in the SL group was lower than in the C group, but similar to that observed in the G group. The translucency and color differences observed in the G and SL groups were similar. Borosilicate glass enhanced the flexural strength of 3Y-TZP, promoted the smoothest surface, and exhibited optical properties similar to those of the glaze.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 40: e40024, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572199


We aimed to assess the effects of standard resin preparation models with five different thicknesses of occlusal surface on the fracture strengths of zirconia (ZrO2) and lithium disilicate glass ceramics. The specimens of 10 first maxillary molars collected between January 2019 and January 2020 were selected. Standard mathematical models were formed after scanning the resin matrices using software. The full crowns with five different thicknesses of occlusal surface were established, among which the molar specimens prepared by ZrO2 glass ceramic composites alone were assigned into ZrO2 group (n=5, 40 specimens) while those prepared using ZrO2-lithium disilicate glass ceramic composites were allocated into ZTCLDC group (n=5, 40 specimens). When the thickness of glass-ceramic full crowns was 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5 mm, the fracture load of the specimens in ZTCLDC group was not significantly different from that in ZrO2 group, and there was no significant difference in the three-point flexural strength between ZTCLDC group and ZrO2 group (P>0.05). The fracture toughness was not significantly different between the two groups in the case of the thickness of glass-ceramic full crown at 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5 mm (P>0.05). The thickness was positively correlated with fracture load, three-point flexural strength and fracture toughness (P<0.05). The fracture strength of lithium disilicate and ZrO2 ceramics is directly proportional to the thickness of ZrO2 and ZTCLDC crowns.

Braz. dent. sci ; 27(2): 1-17, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570973


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the optical behavior of pressable lithia-silicate and lithia-zirconia-silicate glass ceramics toward additional heat treatment protocols. Material and Methods: 40 lithia-silicate discs (15mm x 1mm) were heat pressed following the manufacturers' instructions. Discs were divided into four groups (n=10) according to type as follows: two groups of lithia-silicate-glass ceramics; Gp(E) (IPS e.max Press; Ivoclar Vivadent AG), Gp(L) (GC Initial LiSi Press, GC), two lithia-zirconia-silicate pressable glass ceramics; Gp(C) (Celtra Press, Dentsply Sirona) and Gp(A) (VITA Ambria, VITA Zahnfabrik). Each group was subdivided into (n=5): Subgroup(T1): the thermal tempering temperature was set 9% below the pressing temperature, Subgroup(T2): the temperature was set 5% below the pressing temperature. Optical properties: color, translucency parameter (TP), and contrast ratio (CR) were evaluated by spectrophotometer (Aglient Cary 5000 UV-Vis­NIR) after pressing and after thermal tempering. Results: Thermal tempering regardless of temperature resulted in a color shift within the acceptability level as ΔE for Gp(E) (3.18±2) followed by ΔE for Gp(L) (2.47±0.19) by ΔE for Gp(C) (2.26±0.14) and the last ΔE for Gp(A) (1.62±0.13). Subgroup(T2) showed a significantly higher color shift with mean ΔE(2.55±0.63) compared to Subgroup(T1) ΔE(2.35±0.59). There was a statistically significant increase in TP after tempering for all tested groups parallelled with a decrease in CR values. Conclusion: Heat tempering of the tested lithia-silicate pressable ceramics had a significant effect on the optical outcome of these materials, being lithia-zirconia-silicate ceramics more stable and less affected optically than other lithia-silicate-glass ceramics.(AU)

Objetivo: Avaliar o comportamento óptico de cerâmicas pressionáveis de vidro de litia-silicato e litia-zircônia-silicato sob protocolos adicionais de tratamento térmico. Materiais e métodos: 40 discos de litia-silicato (15mm x 1mm) foram prensados a quente conforme instruções dos fabricantes. Material e Métodos: 40 discos de litia-silicato (15mm x 1mm) foram prensados e divididos em quatro grupos (n=10): dois de lithia-silicato-vidro, Gp(E) (IPS e.max Imprensa) e Gp(L) (GC inicial LiSi Press), e dois de vidro prensado de litia-zircônia-silicato, Gp(C) (Celtra Press) e Gp(A) (VITA Ambria). Cada grupo foi subdividido em (n=5): Subgrupo(T1): amostras temperadas a 9% abaixo da temperatura de prensagem, e Subgrupo(T2): a temperatura foi ajustada 5% abaixo da temperatura de prensagem. As propriedades ópticas, incluindo cor, translucidez (TP) e contraste (CR), foram avaliadas com um espectrofotômetro (Aglient Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR) após prensagem e temperagem térmica. Resultados: O tratamento térmico resultou em mudança de cor dentro do nível aceitável, com ΔE mais alto para Gp(E) (3,18±2), seguido por Gp(L) (2,47±0,19), Gp(C) (2,26±0,14), e Gp(A) (1,62±0,13). No subgrupo (T2), houve uma mudança de cor mais significativa, com ΔE médio de (2,55±0,63), comparado ao subgrupo (T1) com ΔE médio de (2,35±0,59). Houve aumento significativo na TP e redução nos valores de RC após o tratamento térmico em todos os grupos testados. Conclusão: O tratamento térmico das cerâmicas prensadas de litia-silicato teve um efeito significativo na sua qualidade ótica, com as cerâmicas de litia-zircônia-silicato mostrando-se mais estáveis e menos afetadas visualmente em comparação com outras cerâmicas de litia-silicato-vidro(AU)

Silicates , Dental Materials , Hot Temperature
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(2): 53-59, maio-ago. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1428072


A estética tem um papel importante na aceitação e autoestima das pessoas e, em virtude disso, os pacientes buscam cada dia mais ter um sorriso harmonioso. As reabilitações estéticas devem envolver um planejamento completo, atrelando função e estética, avaliando tamanho dos dentes, perfil e alturas gengivais, altura do sorriso e corredor bucal. Por conta disso, a odontologia nos permite uma série de abordagens terapêuticas diferentes que chegam a resultados satisfatórios para o paciente. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever um relato de caso de uma paciente com queixa estética do seu sorriso devido à diferentes tonalidades, formas e tamanhos dos dentes. Após anamnese, exame clínico e radiográfico, o plano de tratamento proposto foi de harmonizações periodontal com aumento de coroa e enxerto gengival, além de coroas em cerâmicas de dissilicato de lítio. Dentro desse contexto, mostra-se que uma abordagem multidisciplinar para reabilitação estética e funcional do sorriso é fundamental, a qual nos proporciona equilíbrio e naturalidade entre estética branca e vermelha no resultado do tratamento reabilitador(AU)

Aesthetics plays an important role in people's acceptance and self-esteem and, as a result, patients increasingly seek to have a harmonious smile. Aesthetic rehabilitations must involve a complete planning, linking function and aesthetics, evaluating tooth size, gingival profile and heights, smile height and buccal corridor. Because of this, dentistry allows us a series of different therapeutic approaches that reach satisfactory results for the patient. Therefore, the present work aims to describe a case report of a patient with an aesthetic complaint of her smile due to different shades, shapes and sizes of teeth. After anamnesis, clinical and radiographic examination, the proposed treatment plan was periodontal harmonization with crown augmentation and gingival graft, in addition to lithium disilicate ceramic crowns. Within this context, it is shown that a multidisciplinary approach to the aesthetic and functional rehabilitation of the smile is fundamental, which provides us with balance and naturalness between white and red aesthetics in the result of the rehabilitation treatment(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Ceramics , Crowns , Esthetics, Dental , Gingiva/transplantation , Crown Lengthening , Dental Veneers , Gingivoplasty , Lithium
Acta odontol. latinoam ; Acta odontol. latinoam;36(2): 86-95, Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513551


ABSTRACT During the manufacture of ceramic restorations there is an important step of finishing and polishing and the effects of different types of these procedures on the surface characteristics of ceramics are not known for sure. Aim: To evaluate the effects of various surface treatments and immersion in coloring substances on the roughness, microhardness, and color stability of CAD-CAM monolithic ceramics. Materials and Method: The ceramics used were lithium disilicate reinforced with zirconium dioxide (Suprinity), lithium disilicate (E.max) or leucite (Empress). They were subjected to two surface treatments: glazing (group G) (n=20) or mechanical polishing (group P) (n=20). Then they were divided into two subgroups (n=10) to be treated with the staining substance (coffee or water). Roughness, microhardness and color were measured before and after treatment. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and multiple comparisons were performed with Tukey tests at 5% significance level. Results: Roughness was lower in all tested ceramics after polishing than after glazing. Microhardness was the same for polished and glazed E.max, higher in glazed than polished Empress, and higher in polished than glazed Suprinity. Analysis of the effects of glazing and polishing on the individual ceramics showed that the ΔE2000 and ΔWID data of the E.max ceramic subjected to polishing showed greater change. Mechanical polishing is a good option for surface treatment of monolithic ceramics. Conclusion: Glazing was inferior and less satisfactory than polishing. Glazing generates changes that can lead to color instability.

RESUMO Durante a confecção de restaurações cerâmicas existe uma importante etapa dos procedimentos de acabamento e polimento. Os efeitos de diferentes tipos desses procedimentos nas características superficiais das cerâmicas não são conhecidos com certeza. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos de vários tratamentos de superfície e imersão em substâncias corantes na rugosidade, microdureza e estabilidade de cor de cerâmicas monolíticas CAD-CAM. Materiais e Métodos: As cerâmicas utilizadas foram dissilicato de lítio reforçado com dióxido de zircônio (Suprinity), dissilicato de lítio (E.max) ou leucita (Empress). Foram submetidos a dois tratamentos de superfície: glazeamento (grupo G) (n=20) ou polimento mecânico (grupo P) (n=20). Em seguida, foram divididos em dois subgrupos (n=10) para serem tratados com a substância corante (café ou água). Rugosidade, microdureza e cor foram medidas antes e após o tratamento. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as comparações múltiplas foram realizadas com testes de Tukey ao nível de 5% de significância. Resultados: A rugosidade foi menor em todas as cerâmicas testadas após o polimento do que após o glazeamento. A microdureza foi a mesma para o E.max polido e vidrado, maior no Empress vidrado do que no polido, e maior no Suprinity polido do que no vidrado. A análise dos efeitos do esmaltação e polimento nas cerâmicas individuais mostrou que os dados ΔE2000 e ΔWID da cerâmica E.max submetida ao polimento apresentaram maior alteração. O polimento mecânico é uma boa opção para o tratamento superficial de cerâmicas monolíticas. Conclusão: A aplicação do glazing foi inferior e menos satisfatório que o polimento, gerando alterações que podem levar à instabilidade da cor.

Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(1): 39-46, jan.-abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1427882


Introdução: A procura pela estética do sorriso é crescente na Odontologia, pois, muitas vezes um sorriso alinhado e periodonto saudável não são o bastante. A cerâmica odontológica apresenta-se como uma ótima possibilidade restauradora, visto o avanço das técnicas de adesão entre o substrato dentário e as cerâmicas, torna-se mais previsível o resultado com este tipo de reabilitação. Objetivo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo descrever um caso clínico com envolvimento de diversos níveis de desgaste dentário para reabilitação estética com cerâmica de dissilicato de lítio. Relato de caso: Paciente 36 anos, gênero feminino, apresentava insatisfação com seu sorriso devido a forma e a alteração de cor dos seus dentes superiores anteriores e pré-molares. O plano de tratamento consistiu em realizar a troca da coroa metalocerâmica por coroa total cerâmica da unidade 14, coroa total cerâmica nas unidades 11, 21 e 22, facetas cerâmicas nas unidades 15, 13, 12, 23, 24 e 25, osteotomia e gengivoplastia das regiões de 2º prémolar superior esquerdo ao 2º pré-molar superior direito, clareamento dental caseiro da arcada inferior e placa oclusal superior de proteção. O material de escolha para a resolução do caso clínico foi a cerâmica vítrea reforçada à base de dissilicato de lítio, pois, possui um índice de refração de luz semelhante à estrutura dentária, sem interferência significativa da translucidez, além de ser passível de cimentação adesiva por se tratar de uma cerâmica ácido sensível e o tamanho do cristal e a sua disposição favorecem o aumento das propriedades mecânicas da restauração. Conclusão: O plano de tratamento realizado permitiu o restabelecimento da função e estética, com reprodução das características dos dentes naturais e promoção da jovialidade e da harmonia no sorriso(AU)

Introduction:The demand for smile aesthetics is growing in Dentistry, because, often a smile aligned and healthy periodontium are not enough. Dental ceramics, presented as an excellent restorative possibility, since the advancement of adhesion techniques between the dental substrate and the ceramics, becomes more predictable the result with this type of rehabilitation. Objective: This article aims to describe a clinical case involving several levels of dental wear for aesthetic rehabilitation with ceramics. Case Report: A 36-year-old female patient presented dissatisfaction with her smile due to the shape and color alteration of her anterior and premolar upper teeth. The treatment plan consisted of exchanging the metal-ceramic crown for the total ceramic crown of unit 14, total ceramic crown in units 11, 21 and 22, ceramic veneers in units 15, 13, 12, 23, 24 and 25, osteotomy and gingivoplasty of the regions from 2nd left upper premolar to 2nd right upper premolar, home tooth whitening of the lower arch and upper occlusal plate of protection. The material of choice for the resolution of the clinical case was the glass ceramic reinforced on the basis of lithium disilicate because it has a refractive index of light similar to the dental structure, without significant interference of translucency, besides being liable to adhesive cementation because it is a sensitive acid ceramic and the size of the crystal and its disposition favor the increase of the mechanical properties of the restoration. Conclusion: The treatment plan performed allowed the restoration of function and aesthetics, with reproduction of the characteristics of natural teeth and promotion of joviality and harmony in the smile(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Ceramics , Crowns , Dental Veneers , Esthetics, Dental , Lithium , Osteotomy , Tooth Bleaching , Periodontium , Occlusal Splints , Tooth Wear , Gingivoplasty
Acta odontol. latinoam ; Acta odontol. latinoam;36(1): 40-46, Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447074


ABSTRACT During ceramic veneer luting, resin cement polymerization is performed with interposition of the dental ceramic. Aim: To evaluate how and how much the photoactivation time affects the Vickers hardness of resin-based cements with interposed ceramic. Materials and Method: A total 24 specimens H mm in diameter and 1 mm thick were made from Paracore White Coltene (PC), Densell Resin Duo Cement (DC), 3MRelyX Veneer (RX) and Coltene Fill Up! (FU), interposing VitablockMarkII (Vita Zahnfabrik) feldspathic ceramic 0.6 mm thick during photoactivation. The materials were polymerized using 100% and 25% of the times indicated by the manufacturers with a Coltolux LED ((Coltene) light with intensity 1200 mW/cm2. Each polymerization time group consisted of three specimens of each material, which were stored dry in darkness at 37 °C for 7 days. Three Vickers microhardness measurements were made on the top and bottom surfaces of each specimen using a Vickers Future Tech FM300 microhardness tester (300 g, 5 s). The values were averaged, and the bottom/top ratios calculated. Results were analyzed by ANOVA. (p<0.05) complemented with multiple comparisons using Tukey's test (p<0.05). Results: Different photoactivation times were found to have a significant effect on hardness values of the cements evaluated, with significant differences between some of the cements. No statistically significant difference was found for the effect of photoactivation time on bottom/top microhardness ratio in those materials. Conclusions: Under the experimental conditions employed, it can be concluded that photopolymerization for shorter times and the interposition of restorative material significantly affectpolymerization quality as evaluated by microhardness, but the bottom/top ratio was unaffected by differences in polymerization time.

RESUMEN Durante la fijación de una carilla cerámica, la polimerización del cemento a base de resinas se realiza con la interposición de la cerámica dental. Objetivo: evaluar en qué forma y magnitud afecta el tiempo de fotoactivación en la dureza Vickers de los cementos a base de resinas con la cerámica interpuesta. Materiales y Método: se confeccionaron 24 probetas de 11 mm de diámetro y 1 mm de espesor con: Paracore White Coltene (PC), Resin Duo Cement de Densell (DC), RelyX Veneer de 3M (RX) y Fill Up! De Coltene (FU) interponiendo 0,6 mm de espesor de cerámica feldespática Vitablock Mark II (Vita Zahnfabrik) durante la fotoactivación. Se polimerizó utilizando el 100% y el 25% del tiempo indicado por el fabricante con lámpara Coltolux LED ((Coltene) con 1200 mW/cm2 de intensidad. Cada grupo quedó conformado con tres probetas de cada material que se almacenaron a oscuras y en seco a 37 °C durante 7 días. Se registraron tres mediciones de microdureza Vickers de las superficies top y bottom de cada probeta con un microdurómetro Vickers Future Tech FM300 (300 g, 5 s) y se calculó su promedio, así como la relación entre los valores registrados en cada una de sus caras. Los resultados fueron analizados por medio de la prueba de ANOVA. (p<0.05). complementada con comparaciones múltiples por medio de la prueba de Tukey (p<0.05). Resultados: se encontró un efecto significativo de la modificación del tiempo de fotoactivación en los valores de dureza de los cementos evaluados con diferencias significativas entre algunos de ellos. Simultáneamente no se encontró significación estadística en el efecto de ese factor sobre la relación microdureza bottom/top registrada en esos materiales. Conclusiones: en las condiciones experimentales empleadas puede concluirse que la fotopolimerización en menor tiempo e interposición de material restaurador afecta significativamente la calidad de polimerización evaluada mediante los valores de microdureza, pero la proporción bottom/ top no fue afectada en la variación en el tiempo de polimerización.

Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;34(1): 80-88, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1420569


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different loading conditions on the mechanical behavior and stress distribution of a leucite-reinforced glass-ceramic. Plate-shaped ceramic specimens were obtained from leucite-reinforced glass-ceramic (1.5 × 8.4 × 8.3 mm) and adhesively cemented to a dentin analog substrate. Monotonic and cyclic contact fatigue tests were performed to simulate sphere-to-flat contact, using a 6 mm diameter spherical piston; and flat-to-flat contact, using a 3 mm diameter flat piston. For the monotonic test (n=20), a gradual compressive load (0.5 mm/min) was applied to the specimen using a universal testing machine. Failure load data were analyzed with Weibull statistics. The cyclic contact fatigue test was performed using protocols (load and a number of cycles) defined by the boundary technique (n=30). Fatigue data were analyzed using an inverse power law relationship and Weibull-lifetime distribution. The stress distribution was investigated using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The monotonic and the fatigue Weibull modulus were similar among the two contact conditions. In fatigue, the slow crack growth exponent was greater for sphere-to-flat contact, which indicates that the load level had a greater effect on the specimen's probability of failure. In conclusion, FEA showed different stress distribution for the tested loading conditions. The stress distribution and probability of fatigue failure of specimens tested in sphere-to-flat contact showed greater dependency to load level.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito de diferentes condições de carregamento no comportamento mecânico e na distribuição de tensões de uma vitrocerâmica reforçada com leucita. Amostras cerâmicas em forma de lâminas foram obtidas a partir de vitrocerâmica reforçada com leucita (1,5 × 8,4 × 8,3 mm) e cimentadas adesivamente a um substrato análogo de dentina. Ensaios de carga de compressão monotônica e fadiga foram realizados para simular o contato esfera-plano, usando um pistão esférico de 6 mm de diâmetro; e contato plano com plano, usando um pistão plano de 3 mm de diâmetro. Para o ensaio de carga de compressão monotônica (n=20), foi aplicada uma carga compressiva gradual (0,5 mm/min) ao corpo-de-prova usando uma máquina de ensaio universal. Os dados de carga de fratura foram analisados de acordo com a distribuição de Weibull. O teste de fadiga foi realizado com os protocolos (carga e número de ciclos) definidos pela técnica de boundary (n=30). Os dados de fadiga foram analisados usando uma relação de tempo de vida - tensão de lei da potência inversa (IPL- inverse power law). A distribuição de tensões foi investigada usando análise de elementos finitos (AEF). O módulo de Weibull para teste de compressão monotônico e de fadiga foram semelhantes entre as duas condições de contato. Em fadiga, o expoente de crescimento sub-crítico da trinca foi maior para o contato esfera-plano, o que indica que o nível de carga teve um efeito maior na probabilidade de falha do corpo-de-prova. Em conclusão, AEF apresentou distribuição de tensões diferente para as condições de carregamento testadas. A distribuição de tensões e a probabilidade de falha em fadiga dos corpos-de-prova testados utilizando o contato esfera-plano apresentaram maior dependência do nível de carga.

Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;34(1): 71-79, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1420573


Abstract This study aimed to investigate the failure behavior of 3 mol.% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (3Y-TZP) prosthetic crowns air-abraded with aluminum oxide (AO) particles of different sizes. Ninety ceramic premolar crowns were produced with 3Y-TZP frameworks veneered with porcelain. Crowns were randomly divided into three groups, according to the size of the air abrasion AO particles (n = 30): (GC) untreated (control); (G53) 53 µm; (G125) 125 µm. Air abrasion was performed with 0.25 mpa pressure, 10-mm distance, for 10 s. Crowns were adhesively cemented to dentin analog abutments. Specimens were loaded in compression to failure, in 37oC distilled water, using a universal testing machine (n = 30). Fractographic analysis was performed using a stereomicroscope and SEM. The roughness of the crown's inner surface was evaluated using an optical profilometer (n = 10). Fracture load data were statistically analyzed with Weibull analysis and roughness data with Kruskal-Wallis (α = 0.05). GC had the lowest characteristic fracture load (L0), while G53 and G125 had higher and statistically similar L0 values. The Weibull modulus (m) was similar among groups. The failure modes observed were catastrophic failure and porcelain chipping. There were no differences between the roughness parameters for the experimental groups (p > 0.05). The size of the AO particles did not affect the fracture load and failure mode of 3Y-TZP crowns. Air abrasion with 53 µm and 125 µm particles resulted in a higher fracture load of ceramic crowns than the untreated group while maintaining their reliability and surface characteristics.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o efeito do jateamento com óxido de alumínio (AO) com diferentes tamanhos de partículas no comportamento de fratura de coroas protéticas de zircônia tetragonal estabilizada com 3 mol% de ítria (3Y-TZP). Noventa coroas cerâmicas de pré-molares foram produzidas com infraestruturas de 3Y-TZP recobertas com porcelana. As coroas foram divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos, de acordo com o tamanho das partículas de AO do jateamento (n = 30): (GC) não tratada (controle); (G53) 53 µm; (G125) 125 µm. O jateamento foi realizado com pressão de 0,25 MPa, distância de 10 mm, por 10 s. As coroas foram cimentadas adesivamente em pilares análogos à dentina. As coroas foram testadas em compressão até a falha, em água destilada a 37ºC, usando uma máquina universal de ensaios (n = 30). A análise fractográfica foi realizada usando estereomicroscópio e MEV. A rugosidade da superfície interna das coroas foi avaliada usando um perfilômetro óptico (n = 10). Os dados de carga de fratura foram analisados ​​estatisticamente com análise de Weibull e os dados de rugosidade com Kruskal-Wallis (( = 0,05). GC apresentou a menor carga característica de fratura (L0), enquanto G53 e G125 apresentaram valores de L0 maiores e estatisticamente semelhantes. O módulo de Weibull (m) foi semelhante entre os grupos. Os modos de falha observados foram falha catastrófica e lascamento da porcelana. Não houve diferenças entre os parâmetros de rugosidade para os grupos experimentais (p > 0,05). O tamanho das partículas de AO não afetou a carga de fratura e o modo de falha das coroas 3Y-TZP. O jateamento com partículas de 53 µm e 125 µm resultou em maior carga de fratura das coroas cerâmicas do que o grupo não tratado, mantendo sua confiabilidade e características de superfície.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226964


The most widely used glass-ceramic is lithium disilicate (LD) because of its remarkable optical qualities, high strength, and simplicity of manufacture. Greater marginal strength, reduced porosity, and net-shaped manufacturing by pressing are further benefits of LD. The development of yttrium stabilized trigonal zirconia polycrystalline (Y-TZP) ceramics is the result of the pursuit for a material with both mechanical capabilities, like the resistance provided by metallic restoration, and the distinctive optical characteristics of glass-ceramic. The main drawback is the fragile veneering ceramics, which are prone to chipping, debonding, and breakage. There is evidence that extrinsic variables such beverages, mouthwashes, acid solutions, dental brushing, and increased temperatures might cause ceramic surfaces to deteriorate. The composition and surface shape of ceramic materials have an impact on the extrinsic pigment absorption or adsorption from the oral cavity. The main causes for the clinical replacement of anterior restorations, according to prior research, are poor color matching and color instabilities. Monolithic zirconia is more prone to staining from chlorhexidine, green tea, and coffee. In monolithic zirconia, the aging-related color changes are more pronounced. The color of the background substructure influences how zirconia restorations look overall. In terms of color stability and translucency, LD ceramic has also been proven to be more aesthetically pleasing. In comparison to monolithic zirconia, bilayer zirconia with feldspar veneering ceramic displayed reduced discoloration overall. It has been noted that monolithic zirconia is more susceptible to low-temperature degradation than the core Y-TZP. The use of current literature to infer outcomes has several limitations because in most vitro investigations, thermocycling has been carried out in water rather than oral cavity saliva and the influence of sunlight exposure, salivary proteins, food coloring, tobacco, different enzymes, and surface-related factors on the color stability is yet to be examined.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e239056, Jan.-Dec. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1443592


Aim: This review investigated the effect of applying an adhesive after surface treatment of glass-ceramics on the bonding, mechanical or clinical behavior. Methods: Studies comparing the adhesive, mechanical or clinical behavior of glass-ceramics, with or without adhesive application after surface treatment, were included. Searches were performed in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Sciences databases (January 2022), resulting in 15 included studies. Results: Regarding the evaluated outcomes, 13 studies assessed bond strength, 2 studies assessed biaxial flexural strength and 1 study assessed fatigue failure load, while no study evaluating clinical outcomes was included. It was possible to observe that the adhesive application after ceramic surface treatment was unfavorable or did not influence the evaluated outcomes. Conclusion: Most of the evidence available in the literature shows that the adhesive application after surface treatment does not improve the adhesive and mechanical behavior of glass-ceramics

Ceramics , Dental Cements , Flexural Strength