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Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 1033-1039, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-230040


According to different toxicities of various aqueous extracts of Polygonum multiflorum on hepatocyte, the impacts of chemical composition on the safety of P. multiforum was studied. In this study, 8 main chemical compositions in aqueous extracts of P. multiflorum were determined by the established HPLC method; at the same time, the inhibition ratios of different aqueous extracts of P. multiflorum on L02 cell were determined. Afterwards, the potential compounds related to the toxicity of P. multiforum were tentatively found through a multiple correlation analysis. The results showed that P. multiforum with different chemical compositions exhibited great differences in dissolution. The hepatocyte toxicity of P. multiflorum powder was much greater than P. multiflorum lumps. In addition, three constituents closely related to toxicity of P. multiflorum were found by multiple correlation analysis. The study revealed that chemical composition of P. multiflorum is closely related to the hepatotoxicity, and the hepatotoxicity of P. multiflorum powder is greater than that of other dosage forms. This study indicates that P. multiflorum with different chemical compositions show varying toxicity, which therefore shall be given high attention.