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Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 919-927, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018859


Objective To identify the eye movement characteristics that can distinguish reading interest and comprehensibilityin order to provide reference for prediction of reading interest and comprehensibility based on eye movement.Methods Tobii Glasses 3 was used to collect eye tracking data from 11 participants who read 12 texts on different topics.After reading all the texts,the participants marked each sentence with theirlevels of interest and comprehensibility.Then,Python R and excel software were used to preprocess and analyze the data,and the differences in eye movementamid the four combinations of reading interest(interested or not)and comprehensibility(levels of difficulty)were studiedat overall and individual levels.Results At the overall level,there were statistically significant differences in eye movement between the easy comprehension group and the difficult comprehensiongroup where interest was concerned,but there was little difference between the interested group and the disinterested groupwhen it came to comprehensibility.There were differences in eye movement behavior between individuals,and some of the statistically significant differences in eye movement were consistent across most of the participants.In addition,some of the eye movement characteristicswere oppositeacross different individuals or could not distinguish between the interested and disinterested at the overall level,but could be distinguished within individuals.Conclusion At the overall level,it is relatively easy to determine comprehensibility through eye movement,but it is more difficult to distinguish whether the participant is interested in the sentence or not,especially when the text is easily comprehensible.At the individual level,eye movement behavior varies widely between individuals,and individuals manifest different characteristics in distinguishing reading interest and comprehensibility.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-905089


Dysarthria is a group of nerological speech disorder, which occurred in about 20%-30% after stroke, or 10%-60% after traumatic brain injury. The assessment of speech intelligibility is a necessary part of the evaluation of dysarthria, which can be used to communicate the patients' condition with their relations, and also in treatment planning, evaluating the communication performance and the treatment effects. The methods used to assess intelligibility can be divided into two groups: scaling methods and item identification methods. They are also divided into non-standard and standard methods based on whether a standard assessment or not. Scaling methods include interval scales, Direct Magnitude Estimation (DME), Speech Sample Pairs Scaling, Percentage Estimates, and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), etc. The item identification methods mainly include: Word Intelligibility Test, Chinese Speech Intelligibility Test, Chinese Speech Intelligibility Test Character List, Chinese Articulation Ability Test Word List, Sentence Intelligibility Test, Assessment of Intelligibility in Dysarthric Speakers (AIDS) and Speech Intelligibility Test (SIT) software. Among them, AIDS and SIT softwares are comprehensively standardized assessments. There are few methods can be used in China. The literatures on intelligibility assessment in the past ten years were reviewed.